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Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet

Department of
Computer Science & Engineering

Course Name : Communication Engineering Lab

Course Code : CSE-366
Assignment Name : Real life scenario of Communication Engineering

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Md. Mehedi Hasan Dr. Sadia Sultana

Reg. no.: 2020331075 Associate Professor,

Session: 2020-21 Department of Computer Science &

Engineering, SUST
Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, SUST
Scenario: Streaming a Video

1. Data Preparation and Compression:

• When you stream a video from a platform like YouTube or Netflix, the
video file is compressed using codecs (e.g., H.264, H.265) to reduce its
size for efficient transmission. This compression involves encoding the
video into smaller data units called frames.

2. Segmentation into Packets:

• The compressed video frames are further divided into smaller packets.
Each packet contains a portion of the video data, making it easier to
transmit over the network.

3. Adding Headers and Footers:

• Each packet is encapsulated with headers and footers containing essential
information such as source and destination IP addresses, sequence
numbers, and timestamps. This encapsulation is handled by protocols like
RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) for streaming media.

4. Transmission over the Network:

• The packets are transmitted from the streaming server to your device over
various network nodes, such as routers and switches. Each node reads the
destination address in the packet header and forwards the packet to the next
node closer to the destination.

5. Handling Network Latency and Jitter:

• Streaming involves real-time transmission, so it is crucial to manage
latency (delay) and jitter (variability in packet arrival times). Protocols like
RTP and RTCP (RTP Control Protocol) help in monitoring and managing
these issues to ensure smooth playback.

6. Error Handling:
• During transmission, packets may encounter errors due to network
congestion or interference. Error detection and correction techniques
ensure data integrity.
• Error Detection (e.g., Checksums): Each packet includes error-detecting
codes (checksums) to verify data integrity. If an error is detected, the
corrupted packet may be discarded or corrected based on the protocol used.

7. Reassembly and Buffering:

• Once the packets reach your device, they are reassembled in the correct order
based on sequence numbers in their headers.
• The reassembled data is buffered to compensate for any network delays or
jitter, ensuring smooth playback of the video.

8. Decoding and Playback:

• The buffered data is decoded back into video frames using the appropriate
• The decoded video frames are then played back on your device, providing you
with a seamless streaming experience.

Concepts Illustrated:

1. Segmentation and Reassembly: Video data is divided into packets for efficient
transmission and then reassembled at the destination.
2. Encapsulation: Data packets are encapsulated with headers and footers
containing vital information for routing and error checking.
3. Routing: Packets are routed through various network nodes based on IP
4. Error Detection and Correction: Techniques like checksums and FEC ensure
data integrity by detecting and correcting errors during transmission.
5. Protocols 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑠 like RTP, RTCP, and IP define the rules and procedures
for data communication, ensuring reliable and efficient data transfer.

Technical Details:

1. Forward Error Correction (FEC):

• FEC involves adding redundant data to the packets, allowing the receiver to
detect and correct errors without requesting retransmission.
• Example: Reed-Solomon codes are commonly used FEC codes in streaming

2. RTP and RTCP:

• RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol): Used for delivering audio and video
over IP networks. It provides end-to-end network transport functions.
• RTCP (RTP Control Protocol): Works with RTP to monitor transmission
statistics and quality of service (QoS) and to facilitate synchronization
between media streams.


In the scenario of streaming a video, various data communication engineering

principles ensure that the data is delivered accurately and reliably to the viewer. The
process involves compressing the video, segmenting it into packets, adding
necessary headers and footers for routing and error checking, transmitting the
packets over the network, managing latency and jitter, detecting and correcting
errors, and finally reassembling and decoding the data for playback. Protocols like
RTP, RTCP, and IP play a crucial role in managing these tasks, ensuring a smooth
and uninterrupted streaming experience. This example highlights the importance of
data communication engineering in providing high-quality media streaming

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