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Vocabulary Intermediate Signs and notices Beware of the dog & arrival Your arrival at a place is the a vi block «To black nel means to put something across or in itso tha departure fire alarm leave occupied out of order reception underground 1 absicive Something that is underground js b underground, yo warning noun A warning Is some fanger, problem, or othe Work on your Vocabulary |nterin that UNIT 1 Signs and notices Exercise 1 Match the questions to the answers, as shown, 1. What is that terrible sound? a It's the fire alarm, we must leave the building 2. Are dogs allowed in this café: b It’s out of order, but theres a café on the ground floor 3 Do you have any rooms € Yes, itis. 4 Can | leave my car here, please? d This area is fo parking only, 5 Is this seat vacant? © No, they're not 6 Can | get a coffee from that machine? f It's underground! 7 Where is the car parking in this building? —_g_'mafraid they are all occupied. Exercise 2 For each question, tick the correct answer, as shown. 1. When you are flying to another country, at the airport you must go to the leaving area Adeparture area O reception area, 2 The sign Keep Out'on a building me Ugo into the building Oitelephone anyone in the building Oi park in front of the building 3 Ifthe Ci there is someone in the room. Q someone has just left the room. Othe room is dirty. ign on a door says ‘Occupied; it means that 4 If something is out of order, ther everyone has Clit is very expensive to buy. Dit doesn't work. ordered a copy, 5 If there is a sign in the park that says Keep Off! then you mustn't Qwatk on the grass O give food to the birds. O make a lot of noise. Exercise 3 Choose the correct word, as shown. 1 The ticket machine in thi station was out of@rdenY broken 50 | couldn't buy a ticket for my train. 2 Generally no dogs are allowed / received in any restaurants. 3 When you come to my building, please give your name to the lady at reception / entrance. 4 Noone can go into that large garden because it is private / individual property and there is a sign that says'Keep Off / Out’ 5 That building has been vacant / unsuitable for a long time because no one want: 6 When the fire alarm / call rings w at the fire area / point. buy it: pust all leave the building as quickly as possible and meet Exercise 4 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence, as shown. 1 This bus is out of We ¢ Il have to walk into town. At the cinema | saw a woman with a dog, but nj not allo. There was a warni about the wet floor in this cor 2 3 4 Let's leave from this café. The waitress is not very good. 5 6 Exercise 5 ‘Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap, as shown. 1. Our neighbour's dog is really dangerou hould put beware f the dog’ 2 They have just washed the supermarket floor ul. Don't you see that sigr 3 Jackie lives in at flats. She Ist 27 4 Andrew, you are so tall uur head when you go thr hat do k immediately, Exercise 6 Which sentences are correct? leave your keys at reception before you leave the hotel BS he parking in this building Is in the underground, ooo Oh Charles, mind your fingers 2 3 4 When you hear the fire alarm, please leave the building and go to the safe point a 5 when you are using that knife 6 o 1am sorry but this is private property so you cannot leave your car here Work on your Vocabulary interme t Sports and leisure the dog’ nthat says ice hockey boxing gymnastics surfing athletics ice skatin: oOCCOBS Tom How was the match yesterday? Dan It was great, We beat them 1-Oand I scored! We'e the champlons now! Tom Well done! Were ‘many supporters there? Dan Yesand they we our goalkeeper ‘isy. The referee gave the ather team a penalty in the last minute but The coach was really happy after the match Good to know! play tennis, volh ran track athletics Athletics beat ef ‘omeon! peti better than th boxing Boxing is a sporti no people wearing padded gloves fight, usir champlor champion isa person that has won mpetition, or championship eam that lied the champtons champion: A championship is a competition to find th a coach coach someone or a team, you help better at ticular sport or sub u neon wh nes ap 3 tear competitor per fi apeti court A court nga nas tennis or squast goalkeeper A goalkeeper is the player ina sports team whose job is to guard the goal gymnas voun Gymnastics consists of physical exercises that d tren ice hockey «Ice hockey isa game like hockey played or ice skating “Ice skating is an activit move acre ring special s Jogging « Jogging is an activity where you run outside slowly as a form of exerci referee referee isthe official who controls a sports match, score 7 tor game, if a player scores or scores a goal or a point, they gain a 2 noun The score in a game Is the number of goals, runs or points obtained by th feams or player supporter 1 Supporters are people who support someone or something, for example a political leader ora sports team, surfing dn Surfing Is the sport of iding on the top of a wave anding or ving 0 special board, track WA track isa piece of ground that Is used for races. train Ifyou train fora sports event such as a race, or if someone trains you, training 1» Training fora sports event such as a race is preparation that you do for it, for mple by doing a lot of physical exercise workout workout is a petiod of physical exercise or tren: 4 Work on your Vocabulary interme pionship, red by the vamplea lying on a fo for it, for UNIT 2 Sports and leisure Exercise 1 Choose the correct word, 1 Manchester City beat / won Arsenal 2-0 yesterday 2. Richard Is a big football athlete / supporter; he goes to all the games if he can. 3 Lizis going to take up Jogging / competition to try and get fit 4. By the time Fiona has finished all her workout / training she will be ready for the competition 5 The final number / score at the end of the game was 3-2 6 I didn't agree with the decisions the referee / competitor made last night. We lost the gar ecause of him. 7 Hehas lett eam has ever had! I in so many times this season! He is the worst goalkeeper / supporter our Exercise 2 Put the correct word in each gap, as shown, Hote! | track ||) training | competitors | athletics” | ieeskating || referee Dear Ben Ihave just come back from watching the Olympics and wanted to write an fantastic it ali was. | watched som: athletics and you know, those runners are just 50 fast! The running _ looked just like it does on TV and you could really see everything very clearly The other sport which I was able to watch was the boxing, There were lots of from many different countries. | could anly watch a few of them, but itll looked quite dangerous to me. Anyway, it was a great day. Now we are back to watching the sport on TV. | arr hoping Iwill be able to watch some more football this year. You know it’s my wish to become a ‘______ one day and be able to make all the important decisions during a match. | know | will have to do some more before then to get fitter So what have you been doing? Did you do any atall? | always think it mus be s0 cold being on the ice all the time. Write and let me know how itis all going. See you soon. Matt Exercise 3 Rearrange the letter tions to help you. 2 ssycantmei tyou can do lots of different to show flexibility, skill and stamina) 3 hacoc get better at yo 5 pnehmcol___ the best ina competitio 6 rofsnui (a sport you do using a board, on water with a lot of big waves 7 rrtusppoe = omeone din one particular team rtsperson, and follows their progress regul Exercise 4 Match the two parts. 1 Who scored the final goal a Yes, he is a Chelsea supporter. 2 David is a big football fan b Andrew did 3 Do you go jogging every da € Richard is. He has won more trophies than 4 Who is the best competitor in the anyone else school athletics team? 4 That 5 Whereis your @ Yes, it'sa gre i 6 What did the coach tel ? f Oh, | leftit on the court. Sorr Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 The players argued with the referee but he wouldn't change his decision. a 2 Mary loves ice skating outside when the lake is frozen a 3. Laura beat from Nancy at tennis yesterday Q 4 I think Muhemmad Ali was the greatest boxing championship ever Q 5. Jasmin prefers jogging in the park to running round a track Q 6 We couldn't play on the outdoor court because ofall the rain a 7. Matthew loves surfing, especially when there is no win: Q Work on your Vocabulary fit UvuUUuUL Transport roundabout traffic lights minibue number plate wheel police car British and American words for transport Depending desc n whether you're using American or British English, you can use different words to \e type of transport British English US English aeroplane airplane \ ruck notorway freeway fare aeroplane brake 1 nouw A vehicle's brakes are devices that make it go slower or stop, 2.vere When the driver of@ vehicle brakes, of cle brakes, the drive presses the to make it slow gear Noun A gear Isa plece of machinery, for example ina car or ona bicycle, which helps to contol its movement. When a vehicle's engine is operating at a particular rate, you an say tis in particular gear Insurance Insurance js an arrangement in which you pay m ut ompany, and they to yau if something unpl a example if lorry In British English, a lorry minibus " roe van wh inthe b dows alon motorway nglish, a motorway isa wide ly built for fast h ficial sign on the front and beck of a car with nur number plate iol sir pedestrian A pedestrian no is walking, especial puncture vouw A puncture is a small hole in 2 car or bicycle tyre sb bya shar ead sign road sign isa sign tha! nings and instructions to dtivers and oundabout sow In British English, a roundabout is a circle ata place wher q Pn rush hour he rush hour is one of the periods of the day when most people are 1ravel safety belt WA jap that you fasten across your bi hen satnay hat uses information from satellites to find the best noun The speed limit on a road is the maximum speed speed camera A speed camera s a camera that takes photographs of ca x traffic lights now Traffic lights ace a set of nd green lights rivers wh ‘op and whee! 1 A wheel is 2 circular object whi ound on a rod attach nt theo!s are fixed underneath vehicles so that they can move along, Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 We walked because we did not want a the speed limit 2. Ifyou have a car, you must take out b gear when you slow down at a roundabout 3 You will need to change © your safety belts 4 You must always obey the bus fare. 5 Please make sure you fasten € insurance for it 6 You may be punished if you break f the road signs when you are driving Work on your Vocabulary wumbet ing too indabout. @ UNIT 3 Transport Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to ind words. Use the definitions to help you. 1 vainsa Jevice in your car that tells you how to get to a place! 2 etyasf Ibte strap that holds you in your car seat 3 urhs uohr the time when there is the most traffic on the roads 4 nrtsiaeepe ‘someone who is walking rather than in a c 5 yelecenla the part of the road where you ride e bicycle) 6 uternucp a hole in your tyre Exercise 3 Put the correct word in each gap. puneture | motorway | lorries | brake | policecar | rush hour Hi Anna Thad a terrible journey t is evening! | was driving along the when | heard a loud bang.|hada?_______! immediately put my foot on the but was really dif control the car. Iwas very frightening, because ther were lots of big on the road, and | thought one of them might hit me, Somehow | managed to stop at the side of the road, Luckily 2*___was passing, It stopped, and a very kind police officer helped me chang the tyre. When I set off again, it was the so it took me ages to get hom Love Evie Exercise 4 Choose the correct word, 1 You can only go when the road signs / traffic lights / speed limits are green. 2 Before turning, make sure you are in the correct path / road / lane. 3 Your cence plate / wheels / speed camera st always be clearly visible. 4 Coming up to @ roundabout, you should be ina low brake / speed / gear 5 If you drive without insurance / a satnav / maps you may be breaking the law 6 lalways try to stay within the speed limit / traffic lights / safety belt, Exercise 5 Put each sentence into the correct order, as shown. 1 toc 3 new year / will be /trair going up / again in the 4 lotties all / tr company /t pe / for 5 injured because she / she was /a safety belt / be asn't wearing 6 the parents asked / outside schools / for lower / to be introduce Exercise 6 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in this text Along journey My friends and | hired a minibus 0) to go on a climbing trip in Scotland. As we drove into the mountains, the roads were so steep, we had to use the lowest Brake Cl to get up them, and th journey was very slow. There was no chance of breaking the speed limit Towards the end of the journey we got lost. We didn't have a read sign LI and we 10 pedestrians () to ask Eventually, t aw a roundabout [1 to the piace we were k Work on your Vocabulary Travel and holidays Read the online review of the Hill Hote Hill Hot 2Jily « ol had a record of i. The ro: into the alrtine m,and the backpacker board ns L] to ask. check in /out ferry reach teception reservation set off the sights " nt reception x time to cheek in. | made @ reservation bsfore | arrived but the waa Very & Wud’! unpack my suitcase, | had to set off 1 was going to board a ferry but | had to wail to check out, One good thing Ioeation so | il the sights anc there were lots of places to bul sta s 7 ek 1 AN altline is 3 company which provides regular services carry a goods In aeroplane: sou A backpacker is someone, often @ young person, who tray their back, called a backpack, hen you board a train, ship or aircraft, or when itis boarding, you get on it yeusat vers You check In when you arrive to register at 2 hotel. You chack out wh The crew of a ship, an aircraft, ora spacecraft consists of the people whe work on it and operate it, Crew can take the singulat or plural form ofthe ver cruise is a holiday spent on @ ship or boat which visits a number of pla » Customs is the place where people arriving from a foreign country have t slave goods that they bring with them uoun A ferry isa boat that carries passengers or vehicles across a river or a narre 1» When someone or something teaches a place, they arrive there oun In a hotel office or hospital, he reception is the place jppointments and inquiries are dealt with eceived and their reservation wf you make a reservation, you arrange for something such as a table in a A route is a way from one place to another 149A, vena You set off when you leave to go on a journey if you see the sights, you visit the most interesting places inthe a are staying travel agent travel agent or travel agent's sa shop wh ona c traveller WA traveller isa person who is making a jour tra unpack nen you unpack, or unpack 2 sui 1 you unpack t visa nouvA visa isan Jocument or a stamp put in your passport which all o enter of leave a particular count Exercise 1 Put the correct word in each gap. visa | Ravel agent” | Backpackers” | “cruise” | traveller | route My ideal job I work as a|__— It's the ideal job for me be and | can often get cheap tickets fron s1s0 love planning trips for all our customers ~ from student __ to wealthier people who want to go on a luxury : _. always give them plenty of advice, ‘or instance helping them plan their *_— and letting them know if they needa Exercise 2 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 Itcan take along time to go through B customs 2 I would love to go to Rome and watch () the sights. 3 People who book at the last minute often have to spend L] higher f 4 Last week, we caught CI the ferry to the nearest islar 5 I've done Ja reservation at the Hilton hotel for you: 6 We will be able to board LI the plane in ten minute 7 fe paid La lovely handmade photo frame as a sou Exercise 3 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you. Iho work on a ship) 1 rewe _______ {the people » 2 tillane_______ (a company that owns and files plane: 3 ehkce tuc ( your bill and leave a hotel 4 otecerpni___—(the place you go when you arrive at a hotel) 5 cpnuak_____— {to take your things out of a suitcase) 6 selure___—_ (a holiday on a ship) Work on your Vocabulary vealthier yneeda UNIT 4 Travel and holidays Exercise 4 Match the sentence halves. 1 We are not likely to reach a a problem with your room. 2. You will need to set off b check in two hours before the flight. 3 Ourtickets say we have to € Berlin before midnig 4 By the time we got there d for the night of 16 August? 5 Phone reception if there's @ from home by 10am 6 Could | make a reservation f | was too tired to unpack my bag: Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by writing one word or phrase in each gap. Gistoms | airline | cruise | setoff | reception | fares 1 You will need te aly to get to the airport in time. 2 Lasked the person in to call mea taxi 3 Train are going up again in the new yea! 4 We were stopped at nd our bags were searche 5 Wewentona around the Mediterranean 6 We travelled with a low cost = Exercise 6 Which sentences are correct? We checked out of the hotel the next morning, ny room and unpacked my case, We spent all day seeing the sights in Berli ooooog 1 2 3 4 Iwentton 5 6 We were waiting t board on the ship. The weather word Example is There's a mist over the sea this moining.1 cant see mu: iid weath = tl stop raining soon. It's just a shower ost it was a cold night and in the morning the ground was covered in frost vai it was very cold and the rain tuned to hail It wa lash of lightning They saw bright flashes of lightning in the sky during the 0d There were many floods in the region because of the heavy rain purricane r Jot of damage after the hurricane hit the town breeze ion A breeze ise gentle wind, darkness yous if you are in darkness there is no light degree oun A degree isa unit of measurement for temperatu flash of lightning sow flash of lightning is a sudden, short burst of ight i that you s flood If there is 2 flood, 3 large amount of water covers an ar all et freeze fa liquid freezes, or if something freezes i, it become Foy frost When there isa frost, the outside temperature drops below freezing and the ground is covered with ice crystal hail Hall consists of tiny balls of ce that fall like rain from the sky heat Heat is warmth of the quality of Being h hurricane A hurricane ise very violent storm with strong winds. melt 8 When solid sub hen ii sigui because of being heated mist 1 Mist consists of many tiny drops of water in the alr, which make it difficult to monsoon sux The monsoon is the season of very heavy Workon your Vocabulary Inter te difficult shade Shade js 2 cool ares of darkness wh sun does not shower A shower Isa short period of light rab tornado A tornado isa violent ston rong, circular wins tsunami oat ae d by an earthquake, tha UV rays UV rays ave rays of ultraviolet light thet cause your skin to darken afte have been in sunlight. weather forecast youn A weather forecast isa statement sayin the weather willbe i Exercise 1 Rearrange the letters to find words, Use the definitions to help you 1 ooratnd {a very bad storm with strong winds that move round in junnel shi 2 daehs a cool area of shadow where the sun does not reach) 3 eberez (@ gentle wind) 4 reohw: (a short period of light rain) 5 gdreee a unit of measurement for temperature 6 ahi mall balls of ice that fall like rain from the sly Exercise 2 For each question, tick the correct answer. 1 Which can only happen when the temperature is very low? Ofto: UO shade Qaeg 2 Which of the following would make you wet? Obre Ometr O shower 3 Which of the following is coused by el aa U) weather forecast Oiftash of lightning icity? 4 Which of the following always means there is a lot of rain? O shower U monsoon Qhait 5 Which of the following comes from the sun? OW rays Clash of lightning hurricane The weather Exercise 3 Put the correct word in each gap. showers | shade | heat | degrees | UVrays | mist Jere is the weather forecast for the British Isles. Take care when driving this morning. You jon't be able to see very far because of a vering most of the south Dast. This will be followed by In many areas, so make sure you take an umbrella if you're walking to wor y, temperatures will increase to a summe 3 0 be caref ar will be much colde Exercise 4 Find the words or phrases that do not belong, as show 1 Stormy weather hurricane Cfearam_> | yphoor 2 Wet weather monsoor Thowe 2 Cold weather shade id ae 4 Windy weather tornado breeze bai 5 Sunny weather flash of lightning heat UV ray: 6 Dangerous weather ower ‘yphoo 7 Bad weather treeze al Exercise 5 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 It’s very cold today. Do you think the lakes going to frost / freeze / heat: 2. Itlooks like its raining! Oris it too cold? It could be hail / shower / melt 3. Oh dear! There’s@ thick darkness / mist / flash of lightning. We won't be able to see anythi 4 ly day! Just a gentle hurricane J tornado / breeze 5 icnic on Saturday. I'l check the weather forecast / degrees / heat Exercise 6 Put the correct word in each gap, as shown. UVrays | flash of flood | bre ightning | degree | shower | tsunami ze | frost ind rain sth ean nmery morrow typhoon bree free: hail UV rays 2e anythin Work and jobs Doar Sir or Mi Application for post of IT technician Lam writing about advertised on s for All website Ihave a degree in engineering and | am very keen to have a career in IT. | have been out of work for 6 months but b that | Lam hard (eda an IT technician for an architect. jorking and friendly and | enjoy work ofa team, | have attached a CV and a letter trom my last employer. | ould also be grateful i you could tell me something about the pay and the possibilities for promotion Hook forward to hearing trom you Yours faithfully Jack Brown Good to mow! Notice accountant advert advertise application wv ve you put the stress on different words architect employer technician engineering but advertisement ‘An accountant |s a person whose job is to keep financial accounts jt Ifyou advertise something such as. product, event or job, you tell people about it in newspapers, on television, or on posters. ce Ifyou advertise for someone to do comet ing for you, you place an advertisement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster, saying that you need An application for s mething such ase jeb ora place at a college is a formal written request to be given i \ Anarchitect isa person who designs buildings 1 Your eareer is your job or profession or the part of your ife that you spencl working, noun In Britih English, your CV isa brief written account of your personal details, our education, and jobs you have had, which you send when you are applying for eb, The American word is résumé. employs engineering expert organization profession ut of work y surgeon team technicia Exercise 1 director m . Engineering isthe work involved in designing : we someone is expert at daing somethi are very skilled at doing A lawyer isa person who Is qualified to advise people about the law or represent them in court oun An organization isa 1 grou ples ple a bu nar noun A profession isa type of job that requi ication oF training, me 10 's out of work does nat have aj in Pay is the money you receive for doing a job, importan ork When old ind stop working, A surgeon tefer to any group of people who work togeth technician is someon killed practical h stific equipment, for exam Put the correct word in each gap. | advertised Rod had been '__ job, but the wor Over a month went the company had people they had decided t y before he received received over 500°§___ | retiring | pay | outofwork | for tt months whe wa technician’ in the local paper. The lower than in his previous , | looked interesting, Rod sent in his and waited. letter explaining that the delay was because Howeve interview. At the interview, they explained t after 20 years with the company, but that he would work with the new Work on your Vocabulary nis previous use eeight anician hthe new 1 UNIT 6 Work and jobs Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you 1 noegurs (a doctor who does operations) | 2 intcheicna (someone who prepares of uses equipment, for example in laboratory) 3 eihccratt _____ someone who designs buildings) 4 croteri (one of the senior managers of a business 5 nonuctcaat______ (someone who keeps financial records| 6 ywalre __ (someone who does legal work Exercise 3 Choose the correct word, 1. She enjoyed a long and successful promotion / career in the theatre 2. | regret to inform you that your application / CV for this post has not been successful 3 She joined the medical job / profession at the age of 25 4 The earning / pay isn't very good, but it’s interesting work 5 She is an organization / expert in company law. 6 Hes a director / technician of several big companies Exercise 4 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. accountant | team | promotion | employer | engineering | career 1 Luse a good who helps me with all my tax forms. 2 Ihope to follow a in medicine. 3 He works for a large company 4 IFiget the , Iwill be able to buy a new car. 5 Training is done by a of six people, 6 I've contacted every In town to try to find work Exercise 5 Match the sentence halves. 1 My sister has a great CV but she's been a lace the laptop ca 2 We appointed an architect b after retire from this organization. 3 You'll have to ask the technician € to design the new office block. 4 Wendy has been promised d lawyers to work in the Hong Kong office. 5 Our firm is currently advertising for € 2 promotion at the end of this project. 6 Iplan to spend more time painting 1 out of work for over a yea ausea special aship with because especially also refer to the s legally ended, other UNIT 7 Relationships fallin love «Ifyou fallin love with someone, you start to feel romantically attracted te friendship sou A friendship is relationship or state of friendliness between two people wha say ted to people of the seme ser. 2novn Gay is also a noun goout Ast vo Ifyou are going out with someone, you are having a romani lationship with them. groom / noun A groom or bridegraom is a man who is getting married or who has just got bridegroom married honeymoon soi A honeymoon is a holiday taken by 3 couple who have just martied marriage \oun A marelage is the relationship between a husband and wife, or the state of peing married, nephew Your nephew isthe son of your sister or broth niece wwYour nlece is the daughter of your sister or brother, partner oun Your partner is the person you are married ta or are having along term relationship with single parent nous Asingle parent is someone who is bringing because the other parent is not living with them p achild or children on their ow split up t st IFtwo people split up, they end theit romantic relationship, wedding ‘oun A redding is 2 marriage ceremony and the celebration that often takes plat afterwards, Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 Ahoneymoon is 2 someone's wife/gitifiend or husband/boyfriend, 2 Apartner is b a woman who is getting married 3 Agroomis € a formal, legally binding relationship between two people. 4 Abride'is d someone who raises a child alone 5 Asingle parentis € aman who is getting married 6 Amarriage is £ aholiday after a wedding, Exercise 2 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 Rob's been a single parent QI since his split up C) 2 Its our anniversary C) next week. We got wedding O two years ago. 3 Eleanor and Chris have got engaged 1! They're having a small celebration LI on Friday and we're invited. 4 Mark's asked me on a date L) but | don't want to go out O) with hirn. 5 Don't forget it’s Simon and Gill's marriage (1 on on their honeymoon (7 nday. Did you know they/te going to tbiza 6 Too many people get a divorce C) without working on their friendships (firs, | think Exercise 3 Put the correct word in each gap. anniversary | celebration | engaged | goingout | wedding | bride married | honeymoon Hey Toby How's it going? Good news ~ Bethany and | have got |__ Everyone's totall hocked because we've for years and no one thought we'd actually ever do it. Wet planning to get next ber itd be wan Cara could come, Bethany’s got int zone’ already and she's looked at dreds of dresses. I'm s a beautiful ___ whatever she wear We're thinking of aribbean for o ve always wanted ta go there. | know you 1 with Cara to celebrate you any advice or g00d places to g Hope all's well with you both Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in this text met Karen at the gym. We both liked running and often ended up on machines next to each ner. One day we got chatting and | asked her out on a date CJ. We went for coffee and got on oon formed a great friendship Q) and over time we fell in love L) . Eventually | ound the courage to ask her to marry me. | was really nervous but she said yes and we started > plan our marriage C) . The day was fantastic and we spent our celebration LI ata five-sta ort in the Maldives, But soon after we got back, things started to change. We kept havin arguments and then | found out she'd been seeing someone else, We split up (2 last year an the divorce () has j through. I've got a new bride () now and she's be proposing wedding ( any time soon Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 In my opinion, people don’t take married seriously the a 2 My niece has just engaged. 'm so happy for he a 3 Have you heard? Dawn and Craig are getting a divorce QO 4 My nephew's gay. The guy hes out with, Rick, is lovely Q 5 Ima single parent, which mear Inging up my n my own, Q ell in love my partner when we met on a cruise O Work on your Vocabulary totally actually zventually arted having tyear and but | won't 1 i a a i a Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes Prefixes are groups « you add to the beginning of words to change the meaning. Example Prefix Meaning change Example dislike over 20 / ta9 much overvieigh! un uunsuitabl sel self | self-service Suffixes Suffixes are added to the end of words. You can use them to change the form of the word. Nouns from verbs Suffix Verb Jon ac Adjectives from verbs Suffix Verb ful doubt Nouns from adjectives Suffix Adjective ty able, secure Adverbs from adjectives Suffix Adjective y absolute, natural Other suffixes: member —> membership social -» sociable second —+ secondary profes: n> professional Noun achievement Adjective doubtful Noun ability, security Adverb absolutely, naturally Prefixes and suffixes dislike doubtful impossible membership naturally overweight professional secondary security unsuitable Absolutel 1 Aetion is d ly te Ifyou dist Dislike | Membersh Ike someon is doubtful ing that is impossible carn fF (ou use naturally t overweight you you nectwe Professional means pecial taining When people whoa \atis incorrect 12 lf someone rewrites a piece a different way in order to im han something else Wy Security rfers to all the precauti we A self-service shop, restaurat urself rather than being served by yecrve Soetable people enjoy meetin situation does nat have the right qu Work on your Vocabulary ing as secondary, nd talking U unsuitable fo ties for and you prising hings for UNIT 8 Prefixes and suffixes Exercise 1 Put the correct word in each gap. fewfiteé | impossible | revision | achievement | membership professional | ability | secondary Hi Alenka! How are you? Sorty | haven't emailed for ages. I've b n really busy doing — for my exams. | did my last exam today so I've finally finished school! I've got 2 place at the University of Oxford, which Is an ___- as long as | get the results | need What about you? How's life as a“_________ translator? | dor't really have the to learn nevr languages ~ I'm much better at maths and science. Did you get of that translators’ group you mentioned? it sounded useful [haven't done anything ‘citing because of my exams but email me back soon! Josefina Exercise 2 Choose the correct word, 1 This m ng room is totally incorrect / unsuitable for our purposes. 2 Dean's a really sociable / active person ~ he loves getting to know new people. 3 Thank you for booking your overnight / secondary stay at the Green Park Hot 4 Imimpossible / doubtful whether our plan will work. is absolutely / naturally impossible! 5 This p joked a self-service / professional interpreter for the conference? Exercise 3 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you. 1 elkdsii (the opposite of ‘ike 2 ctrorecni (another word for wrong’) 3 terre to write again) 4 isblenuuta (not appropriate 5 gvroehtin __ (during the nigh 6 ssmplieboi (it cannot be done) Exercise 4 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentence 1 rnment must take aetion C1 if they are going to make progress in tacklin ployment 2 Call security (1 !| think there's a thief in the shor 3 Ihave membership LI of a private aym. It's expensive but the facilities are great 4 Sorry - our website is under rewrite C) at ment. Please come back iate 5 The restaurant is self-service (2 , Please take a tray, make your selection and pay at the ti 6 | have several achievements LJ in business management. Here are my certificat Exercise 5 Which sentences are correct? 1 Jim takes an action role in meetings. He offers some great idea a 2 | dislike Adams attitude. Can you arrange some customer service training for hi u 3m doubtful as to whether well meet the deadline on this project u 4 Shella’s not very professional. She turns up on time, works hard and does agoodjob. 5 | think Rebecca's unsuitable for this role. She has a great CV and lots of experience u 6 Jonathan has a naturally talent for dealing with difficult team member a Exercise 6 For each sentence, tick the correct ending. 1 Pedro ha: O because he's very underweigh dto.goona diet because he's very overweight O because he’s very oversized. 2 You will lose a pe U for every cor O for every incorrect answer. from your scor ted answer O for every rightful answe 3 Eric made s Ui that hi O that his Oi that his teacher asked him to underwrite it from the beginning mistakes in his essay asked him to overwrite it from the beginning. icher asked him to rewrite it from the beginning. 4 The team have been training hard, but Ulitis doubted whether! Diitis doubting whether they will win the mate Ditis doubtful v will win the match nether they will win the mate! 5 When Laura arrived at the school U she had to sit an exam to test her seniority. Ost Dishe had to sit an exam to test her superiority had to sit an exam to test her ability Work on your Vocabulary i : Chapte The meeting the til \ handson confident your an with 2 fashionable haircut walked into a restaurant. An elderly woiter was talking to a middle-aged lady with a slim figure, She lookee a alghe os stain by 4 walked up to h a » a a Q Good to know! Asking about hy What is your height How tall a A? How much do you weigh? Words about people beauty un Beauty i the state or quality of being beautiful ae «The way that you behave isthe way that you do and say things, andthe things that you do and confident _acvcrve People who are confident fee sure of thei own abilities, qualities o ideas. elderly soncmve You use elderly as a polite way of saying that someone i old 1 Tha elderly are people who are ol. fashionable s01¢we Something that is fashionable is populat or approved of ata particulor time. female xc Someone whois female Isa woman oF gi figure sown Your gure isthe shape of your body haircut oun A halrcut is the style in which your hair has been cu height keen middle-aged rude selfish shy weak weight Exercise 1 Choose the rude can change girls were expe Now, though, middle-aged - eople dress has ‘confident / selfish / fashionable can about it, is different from one pe ed to be ‘shy Work on your Vocabulary correct word. male / keen and not speak unless some -ountries they are expected to be m different from a boy, in fact handsome man has a i height of a person or thing Is thelr measur fi you are keen on doing something, you very mi keen! thing should happen, you very much want It toh: an use the word lady when you are referring toa liteness oF 1 mate belong: nnot c crv A male p: nimal belongs te that cann 1 Middle-aged people are between the ages ¢ re if someone is rude, they behave in a way that fs nat pol re f you say that someone Is selfish, you disapprove of th only about themselves, and not r peop ive Serious people are thoughtful quiet, and do not laugh A shy person is nervous and uncornfortable in the com 1 aoitcrve Ifsomeone is weak, the . 9 f 9 determined, so that oF wor fu her peop! 1 The weight of a person or thing Is how F ate, mea hanged a lot over the centuries, and clothe eem very strange just a few years later. ideal ‘weight / height / haircut in one period may seem t that ople “figure / behave / serious, and ho th handsome / selfish / uch more ‘elderly / confident / 1 or too fat larly, tin oF too fa e/ selfish / wwe feel tury, young to them. fident/ UNIT9 People Exercise 2 For each question, tick the correct answer. 1 Ifyou don't listen when someone speaks to you, you are O male. Orude. Olady People who find it difficult to talk to pec O shy. Oweak a 3. The measurement of how tall you are is you Ollength. Oweiaht. height. 4 To be good at sp: Oloua, O confident, Climportant 5 Peo; Ohandsome. O serious. O female. 6 Someone who does not care about other people is selfish, Okeen, C1 fashionable. le they don't know are erly ng in public, you need to be Exercise 3 Choose the correct word, 1 There are lots of fashionable restaurants / libraries / factories in the area He went to visit some elderly houses / monuments / relatives. Nick has a rather handsome face / car / coat. ribly weak skin f head / legs after her long il jobert’s letter critic 2 3 4 5 their selfish thoughts / behaviour / argument towards him. 6 R She always had a serious idea / behaviour / attitude towards her work Exercise 4 Put the correct word in each gap. | figure | beauty | behave | fashionable | elderly My amazing grandmother My grandmother always looks amazing, She lov - Jothes, and even thoug she Is quite .ow, she still has a slim > = yecause shi When she was young, she amous for her ‘__ and lots of m wanted to marry her! She certai t= like an old lady, She's stil a ‘on dancing and often stays out late at parti Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. Behave | haircut | shy | Keen | fashionable | figure 1 I'm going to get a = this afternc 2 Matt is alw = to try new activitie 3 Ifyou can’t___ __ any better, you'll have to leave 4 Maisie was too to read her poem in class. 5 All this exercise is great for my — = 6 This coat isn’t very — _ any mor Exercise 6 Match the sentence halves. 1 Losing weigh a tofee! -onfident. 2. Agood haircut always helps me b to wear jackets at all times. 3 People don't expect elderly gentlem € canbe difficult for middle-aged off workers. 4 Tomis almost the same height d because she’s keen to do well 5 The male teachers are expected @ to behave like schoolchildre Adrienne works very har f ashis father already Work on your Vocabulary Interr ren though he ha: still well ildren Feelings tim so confused! | thought Danny liked me | went to a party yesterday and he vas going to be there. felt really nervous. | was disappointed when | arrived and he wasn't there. Then he arrived with Anna! | was so Jealous! He didn't say anything to me so I got angry and shouted at hin, He looked realh stupid now. m going to be really embarrassed when | see him tomorrow! amused curve H you are amused by something, it makes you want to laugh os angry ‘.rétwe When you are angry. you feel strong emotion about something that yo annoyed orciws you are annoyed, you ate quite angry about somethin anxious cect you ate feeling amxtous, you are wortied about something. confident cuscrve People who are confident feel sure of their own abilities, qualities or idea confused Ifyou are confused, you do not know what te do or you de not understand disappointed It you are dlsappointed, you are sad because something hes not happened bacause somathing Is not as good as you hoped it would be embarrassed A person who is embarrassed feels shy, ashamed or guilty about something frightened soxcive Ifyou are frightened, you feel anxious or afraid. Jealous »oxcive H someone is Jealous, they feel angry or bitter because they think that other person Is trying to take a lover, friend or possession away from them nervous sorccwe Ifyou are nervous, you are worried and frightened, and show this in your pleasant .preciwe Someone who is pleasant is friendly and likeable pleased scxccrwe f you are pleased, you are happy about something or satisfied with | satisfied posecrve Ifyou are satisfied with something, you are pleased because you what you wanted, serious jiccwe Serious people are thoughtful, quiet, and do not laugh very ofte stupid cuscwe f you say tha ju mean that they show a lack of good judgement or intalligence and thay are not at all sensible someone ot something Is stupid, y sure acscewwelf you ate sure that something is true, you are certain that itis true. I not sure about something, yau do not know for certain what the true sttuatio surprised ieee If you are surpelsed at some u have a feeling of surprise, because i terrible ECTWE Terrible means extremely bad, Wonderful scyicrve'f you describe something ot someone as wonderful, you think they are good Exercise 1 Match the sentence halves. 1 Imanaged to keep the little boy amuse 2 We got to have an operation on my le 3 The manager was confident about 5 We felt frightens 6 Don't laugh Exercise 2 Choose the correct word, 1 Aterrible / amusing / anxious thing hi pened wallet 2 Iwas certain / surprised / marvellous to see Sam at the party. | thought 1 holiday. 3 John is really pleasant / wonderful / pleased thet he got promotion at work 4 My teacher was jealous / confused / sure that Id made the right decision to g iy 5 I'mreally nervous / disappointed / confident that | didn't pass my driving test. 6 Whose amused / stupid / embarrassed idea was it to see ho could Exercise 3 Put the correct word in each gap. jealous | confident | wonderful | sure nervou! Hi Luke I've started my first job | felt quit ent p this morning becaus: twas my first day. | didn’t feel very I knew all the other people orking in that department had a lot of experience and | had just finished my degree. | didn vant to make some mistake on my first day! Anyway, at the end of thi day, my boss said he was very vith my work, So, actually, my first day was and | hope tomorrow will be just as good. In fact, 'm Vim going to enjoy working for this company. Allthe best Peter Work on your Vocabulary Inte ( npany about it looked university we could reople sIdido't ofthe UNIT 10 Feel Exercise 4 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use th jefinitions to help you. gynra very annoye soxauni (worried) sleaptan (nice) 2 3 4 rudenwofi very good 5 blerrtie very ba 6 sladepe _________ (happy! Exercise 5 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning 1A Mydad was angry B The fact that I'd damaged my dad's car made him annoyed. 2A Maria was jealous of her siste B_ Maria was disappointed by her sister’s behaviour ause I'd damaged his car. a 3 A I thought’d written a good repo B | fel o tisfied with the report I'd writter 4 A We were confused by the road signs. B The road signs helped us to find the right road. 5 A Iwasn’t surprised that we won the m B I'd been 6 A Iwasa bit nervous at a sure we'd win the match, utstarting college, 4 parrassed about starting college Exercise 6 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. amiiised | jealous | stupid | embarrassed | wonderful | confident frightened | anxious 1 That was very de 2 When the class san my birthday Happy birthday’ felt so. I wished | hadn't said it was 3 I'm of big dogs ~ | keep thinking they're going to bite me. 4 Johnny is___of his sister because people keep telling her how clever she is. 5 Wehad a really meal ata Turkish restaurant last night — it was absolutely delicious. 6 I'm feeling rather because I'm waiting to hear the outcome of my father’s operation. Food Jack How about having a barbecue Eva No,let'snot.| think ts going to rain. | don't really want to eat out, sol can get usa takeaway Jack No, 'OK. rll ook. What would you like Jack I could ty 2 new recipe | found. tt looks delletous and we've got most of the Ingredients, can freeze what we dont ea Eva OK, that sounds great! m lookin barbecu barbecue is gill use k food outdoors. Its name of a part ich people eat food cooked on a barb Ifyou barbecue food, you cook bath bean Dun Beans are the pods of a climbing plan Se tthe pod: which are eaten as a vegetable. beet Beof is the meat af a cow, bull o cabbage ~ A cabbage is 2 ‘ou le with gr ed leave carrot vow Carrots are long, thin, orang ured vegeta under the grou delicious Delicious f rink hs tremely diet T noun Your diet is the type and range of fo 1 regularly eat noun If you are on a diet, you eat onl n foods because you are trying to lo welgh 3 vets If you diet, you eat only certain foods because you are trying to I rt. tout yeasa. ves If you eat out, you eat outside your home ata café or vestourar freeze ro Ifyou freeze frit ina freezer to make nd solid so i last long} flour " fort 5 grain. ttis used t Ingredient ised to make aly all the lamb neep eaten as food recipe nd a set of instructions that tell you how to cook saucepan WA saucepan is 3 deep metal cocking pot, usually with a long handle and a lid sweet Sweet food or drink contains a Work on your Vocabulary UNIT 11 Food ord is takeout 2Lwow lf you hove a taste of fod or dirk, you taste yogurt jou Yogurt i sgh sour thikliquld made by adding bacteria to milk. A yogurt ents. We ; Exercise 1 For each question, tick the correct answer. 1 ifyoure hungry but don't want to cook, what should you do diet eat ou O barbecue lame of party 2 Ifyou want 10 cook something new, you can use Orecip Ofreeze ‘5 conti Oraw 3 Ifyou hate meat, what don't you ea Cearrots Obeef der the ground Ocabbag 4 Ifyou cook in the garden, you can use your takeaway O toast. 1g to os Eeaibecue 5 ifyou need to lose some weight, what can you do? lose Coie wurant bear po it Lasts Oaste a Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to find words, Use the definitions to help you. 1 csliediou_____ (an extremely pleasant taste) 2 eegrnniitsd __ (different foods you use when you are cooking a dish) 3 balm (meat from young sheep ? 4 ytaakewa (a restaurant which sells hot food to be eaten somewhere else) ouhow ta cok 5 cevaspna_ (something we use for cooking) 6 peecir {instructions that tell you how to cook something) Ty Exercise 3 Match the words with the pictures, 1 carrot a 2 cabbag > 3 barbecue ‘ 4 a 5 beans e t 6 saucepar ‘ Exercise 4 Put the correct word in each gap. Cl saucepan) | lara’ | yogurt recipe freeze Special on Radio MT3! Here's the for tod need meat such a and a fresh vegetable Cut the meat and vegetables into small pieces and put them in a larg: with some water, salt, and the surprise ingredient ~a little sugar which will make it __.. Then, cook for about two hours, It's very simple and you can E_. it to eat in a few months’ time if you want to. Work on your Vocabulary f Communication Here are some words to describe different types of communicatio Types of communication | Example Verb iscussion We had a long discussion about politic siscu explanatio ne teacher’ explanations aie always very clear plain ;nouncement She made an announcement on TY abouther uture tour, _| announce speech 4c 2 speech at his brother's wedding make a speech There are also different verbs that you can use to describe different ways of discussing things Ways of discussing Example hey argued about football convince 4e convinced them that he was right persuade he persuaded him to give har a job. interrupi Je interrupted when he had something to say Good to Rnow! in touch with someone you see them, speak to them or write to the if you continue doing this for a number of ifyou get én touch, you contact them ence by phone, email, ete. ifyou don't ep in touch you lase touch announcement ov" Anannouncement isa public statement which gives information about something that has happened or that will happen. argue 1s f you argue with someone, you disagree with them about something, often blog nou A blag js a website in which someone wrltes regularly about a particular subje comment \cis H you comment on something, you give your opinion about it or make a statement about it. waa sealers thing someone says or writes that gives their opinion y. You'll contact 10 f you contact someone, you telephone them or write to them, good. convince 1 IF someone or something convinces you of something, they make you believe _ hat it is true or that it exists, diagram noun A diagram js a drawing which s used to explain something. discussion oun If there isa discussion about something, people talk about it, often in order to teach a decision fax 1 wouw A fax or a more detaile greeting now A smething friendly that you Interrupt H you interrupt someone vi a mobile (phone) mobile phone or 2 mobile is a phone t passon if you past something on, you give sa persuade Ityou persuade someone to do a particu point cunt you nas 2 point, or if you point, you mean that you accept that what they h sign Noun A sign is a mover jour arms, hank Ww A signisa piece of wood, metal icw speech noun A speech isa formal talk g n audi topic ow A topics particular subject 1 write Exercise 1 Choose the correct word. 1. The class had an interesting greeting / discussion / contact about different ways o 2 The boy didn’t understand how the engine worked, and asked fo explanation / speech / topic. 3 Kelly has her own fax / diagram / blog, and her friends als: 4 You ome very interesting points / signs / topics in your s 5 That's exciting news - Ill persuade it / contact it / pass it on ta Exercise 2 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. diseu | diagram | speech | greeting | signs touch | announcement We're talking about how to recycle more — do join in the —__ Vhaven’t heard from Roy for months — | must get in i in this magazine showing hov r dito make a welcoming every o _____ to show the way to the car park He raised 2 hand in _— but didn't say hello. Work on your Vocabulary holding UNIT 12 Communication Exercise 3 Put the correct word in each gap. persuaded | diagrams | mobilephone | announcement | contacted | explanation | topic | comments | interrupted | speech A group of st were going to spend a day visiting my company, and my boss me to make a short?_____ when they arrived, | decided to tell them about the company and give of how we made the machines with lots of to look at, to help them understand, Wel, | started talking, an within the first five minutes | was twice: first by a smoke alarm going off, then by someone's Iwas very annoyed! Anyway, at the end of the day we asked the students for their and they said they'd really enjoyed thelr visit especially my talk Exercise 4 Find the wrong or extra word in each sentence. 1 Ifyou have any problems with this software, you should get in the touch with the 2 My wife convinced on me that | needed to buy some new clothes 3 The professor drew up a complicated diagram on the whiteboard. 4 Flu is easy to pass it on to other people. 5 Kathy's father made out the announcement of her engagement to Pete. 6 The students persuaded to their teacher that the test should be delayed Exercise 5 Are the highlighted words correct or incorrect in the sentences? 1 It's been great meeting you ~ | hope we keep in touch O). 2 Icar’t interrupt LI my husband to go abroad for our next holiday. 3 What's the sign U1 of your next sociology assignment? 4 Ronald is impossible to talk to ~ he argues L] about everything. 5 The school principal made an announcement () about changes in the staff numbers. 6 use email now ~ | haven't sent a fax LI for years. Exercise 6 Match the sentence halves. 1 Youll never persuade Sandra a todo something she doesn't want to do, 2 I think | see your point b of the water pipes in the house: 3 Could you draw a diagram ¢ was very interesting? 4 Ym stillin touc! d but you haven't really convinced me. 5 Did you think the discussion @ and | added a comment 6 Ie just read your blog f with several people | went to school with Describing objects ED = The knife is very sharp. _ This slice of bread is quite thiek, isn't it { | ) There's a tiny mouse next The man's chin feels ive ona narrow street to an enormous elephant! very rough ancient cre Anclant means very old, or having existed fora ong t average 1 Something that 1s average Is normal in quality or amount fora particular oup oF things or peopl 2 noun The average is the normal amount or quality for a particular group of things pc basic me scribe something as basle when it has only the most important brand new sve Something that is brand new aly broad sve Something that fs broads i a couple of 1A couple of things means a small number oft damaged cnvef something |s damaged, it has been injured, harm enormous aowcive Enormous meons extremely large in size, amount or dear equal ictwe Iftwo things are equal, or if one thing is equal to another, they are the same flat Diecnve A flat object i not very tall oF deep in relation to Its length and width huge .veenve Something that is huge is extremely large in litele/few uanwes A Hite of something is 2 small amount oft. Few things means a sn umber of thing ) Work on your Vocabulary | 8 | row st navy blue old-fathioned 01 shape : sharp a thiek F tiny Exercise 1 Match the sentences wit! 1 Itsvery ancien} 2 It's damaged 3 It's enormous. 4 it's very sharp. 5 It’s brand new 6 It's very small ve A sharp poin the pictures, 1 UNIT 13 Describing objects navy blue, it dark blue at's old-fashioned nger used, done rough, its uneven and not smooth. «edge is very small 1 cut through thing Is thick measures a large distance t its two opp Exercise 2 For each question, tick the correct answer. 1 Ifyour bike is damaged, you need to an It UO mend it Oride it 2 Ifpaintis ve eed to Cada wate El changethecolour 3 Ifyou have a basic knowledge of a language, you need to U speak quickly Olearn more 4 Ian insect is tiny, it can be O dangerou Q very unusual OD hard to find 5 IFyour suitcase is huge, it may be U heavy O bright Qexpensive. Exercise 3 Choose the correct word or phrase. Dear Saskia I promised to tell you about our flat here. it's not bad really The bathroom is very small, but at least it’s 'brand new / basic. The kitchen, though, is rather rough / old-fashioned. There isn't even a friday Luckily there's a ‘broad / thick balcony and we can put the milk there at this time of year. We'l need a fridge in summer though, when the ‘equal / average temperature here is over The landlord has a “couple / few of other flats in this block and he says he'll put fridges in all of them. | hope so! We have two bedrooms: mine is “tiny / huge. | have to keep my clothes in the hall cupboard because there's no room for them. But anyway, we're arm and comfortable. Must stop now and Work on your Vocabulary |nter p now and UNIT 13 Describing objects Exercise 4 Put each sentence into the cc 1 couple of / mirrors /huge/./1 i/a 2 covered / thick /.'a/ the bed 3 atiny / the average / amount / has only increased / by /./ wage & ancient /./ enormous / during the storm// an /fell /tree 5 shape /a/ strange /s / very / this cupboard although this writer ha: 6 little / 3 few / unfortunately he good ideas, novledge of the subjec Exercise 5 Decide if the pairs of sentences have the same meaning, 1A They live ina tiny, brand-new flat. Their flat is completely new and very smal Be careful with that knife it Be careful with that sharp knife ery narrow We didn’t pay much for the desk because it was slightly damaged. B A B A B The desk was cheap because it was a ul A B A B rough, Few of my friends are interested in ancient buildings. f my friends are interested in very old buildings. Some her gives every student an equal amount of time. The teacher gives all his students the same amount of time. Exercise 6 Choose the correct word, He poured some thick / broad cream over the fruit. 1e complained because of one basic / tiny mark on the chair 2 3 Th 4 Their house is old-fashioned / average but comfortabl 5 6 ted because of a rough / damaged wire. Anarrow / sharp path led from the village to the beat This machine works best on completely equal / flat ground. Entertainment and the media Workon your Vocabulary Int 1 phy the chapter chapter is one of the parts that a book is divided int at show ritish English, a chat show i sion or radio sh topics. The usual American expression is talk show, culture Culture consists of activities such os the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people's minds. director 1cun The director of film isthe person who tells the actors what tod documentary soun A documentary is radio or television programme or a film which pro factual information about a particular subject reporter oun A reporter is someone who waites news articles ot broadcasts news repor review 1 sa When someone reviews something su book or play, they wite a 2 noun A review isa eportin which someone expresses their opinion of something ich 35 3 new book o play sclencefictlon un Science fiction consists of storles and films about events that take piace in th s03p (opera) ‘A $0ap ora soap opera isa Vcr studio woun A studio Isa room where radio ort thailer xouw A thriller is 2 book. fm or play tha tells an exciting story about something, Video clip 1A video clips 3 short place of video film Exercise 1 Put the correct word in each gap. feviews | culture | author | videoclip | sciencefiction | chapters Hi Emme! im reading this wonderful book at the moment. It's about humans living on another planet in the future. | don't usually like |_________ but this story is fantastic. You might the*____ she's called Amanda Tyler. If you look on the ernet, youl find lots of _— of her book Actually, you can also see a of hertalking on 2 chat show. I'm reading Lost World. It's really easy to read because the ate quite short and the story is so exciting! It's about how ou! changes when we face many dangers every day. Take care Simon Exercise 2 Choose the correct word. This week's film choice in sure you've seen all the fantastic ‘articles / ads / stories for the film Ter bank robber who wants to commit the perfect crime. Ths film is one of the best video clips I've seen for a long time. The actor Mark Dempsey piays the mal role perfectly. | asked the ‘author / reporter / director of the film, Martina had chosen Dempsey. She said she knew he was the only actor in his early 2 ofa fitst-class ‘performance / review / culture. Most of the film was made Angeles, not in the film company's “cinema / Exercise 3 Find the words or phrases that do not belon 1 2 3 4 5 6 Words connected with books Words connected with films Words connected with newspapers Words connected with the theatre Words connected with TV Words connected with the arts Match the sentence halves. 1 There are 24 chapters a 2 There were a lot of facts b 3 I've just read a biography c 4 That film we saw last night d 5 This science fiction story i e 6 My brother's working asareporter Work on your Vocabulary Inte t factory / studio 9, as shown chapter chat show security got fantastic nthe for a national news in that documentar of the famous Ru Steps. Its abou thrillers / soaps man / person / jelstrom, why she pallor examine: reporter ole documentary soap opera _ nightclub ape about animal communicatior ian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova a See es ee ei | House and home tout a {soaps/ a chimne; erson 1s capabl ground floor Good to now! Accommodation Jifficult word to spell, Remember it has two cs and two ms. It accommodtion nom Accommodation ured o refer to rooms or budings where peoplelive sty won sir conditioning now Air conditioning io method of providing buldings and vehicles with coal a archiecture noon Archiectue the a of designing and constructing buldings a balcony balcony is a platform on the outside of a building with oF railing Ba Ravine, basement Jun The basement of a building is an area partly o completely below ground block 1 lock of ts offs slag building containing them brik noon rks ave ectangula lock of baked clay sed for bulling centrl heating won Cental heating ia heating system in which water oat isheated and passed round o building trough pipes and aio chest of drawers 00 chest of drawers lw at peceo unre with rowers in whichyou chimney vo A chimney ia ppe above a freplac or fumace through which smoke can g corridor corridor isa long f ina building or train, wit : cottage cottage isa small house, usvally in the count facilities 1s Facilities are buildings, equipm vices that are provided for fence fence isa barrier made of wire supported ground he ground floor ofa building isthe floor that Isat the yround first floor \e first floor isthe fi tl heater A heater i of equipment which is use ima place o move house : ou move house, you stop living in one house ancl start living in a dl movein snasat vero You move out of a hou! top living there. You then move in property A property isa building and the land belonagin: Exercise 1 Match the two parts. 1 When are you moving into your uni a Ill put the central heating or accommodation? 2 b On 27 September 3 € Onmy balcony 4 Its getting d because it has air conditionin 5 Where did you grow all these vegetables € My old bike, which is broken, 6 tment is great in summe| f sol don't have to climb any stairs Exercise 2 Choose the correct word, because he has a balcony / cellar where he can sit in the 1 Jack’s apartment is 2 Which roof / floor is Angela's apartment on? 3 Please turn on the central heating / air conditioning, it’s getting too hot 4 love old houses made of red bricks / blocks. 5 The architecture / property on Hills Road Is now for sale 6 Jerry moved house / home last month but | don't have his new addre Work on your Vocabulary yon. ken UNIT 15 House and home Exercise 3 Find the words or phrases that do not belong 1. Types of accommodation apartmen' cottage 2 Parts of a house corrido balcony basement property chimn 3 Facilities in a building air conditioning central heating fence Exercise 4 Rearrange the letters to find words, Use the definitions to help you. 1 gatcoet (an old, small house, usually in the countryside) 2 mnsbteea___ (a room underneath a house which can be used for storage 3 ritroode______{an area in your house connecting different room: 4 teeahr small electrical device that can keep you warm) 5 okclb____(a building containing lots of apartments; 6 mamcocodtanoi any places where people live 7 schte fo wrrdaes (@ piece of furniture for storing folded clothes) Exercise 5 Put the correct word or phrase in each gap. floor | fence | co balcony | basement fridor | cottage | chiminey | chestor drawers Advertisement Forrent is this country '______ perfect for a small family. Downstairs there is a small = ‘rom the front door to the living room and kitchen, There is a lovely fireplace with a in the living room, and the kitchen is big enough for a table a chairs. On the first + th » bedrooms and a small bathroom. The bedrooms are ind sunny, and one has a with a view of the There is a double bed and a large In each bedroom. There is a white ee around the garden, and also a small garage. Please ring 07777 459954 for more information, pair of sandals VV an nets p Se has come of ‘Anna Oh dear! You'l have to take them back tot Work on your Vocabulary F UNIT 16 Clothes Words for clothes buttor Buttons are small, hard objects sewn on t f clothing, which you the clothing casual rene Casual clothes are ones that you normall omer ont dress n you dress, you put clothes on you dress is» piece of clothing worn b 1 0r gitl which c bod) fashionable sovrciwe Something that is fashionable Is popular or ap f ata particular time, fit 15a if something fits someone or if it fits, tis the right size and shape to go on flat Flat shoes are shoes with very low heel 1 he heel of a shoe is the raised part on the bottom at the bi knickers uouy Knickers are a piece of underwear y Women and girs which have hol for the lags and elastic around the to pants uN In British English, pants are a piece of underwear with two holes to put you legs through and elastic around the top. The usual American word is underpants. pullover 1A pullover is a woollen piece of clothing that covers the upper part of you body and your arm sandal Sandals are light shoes that have straps instead ofa solid part over the top of your foot sleeve uoun The sleeves of a coat, shirt or other Item of clothing are the parts that cover smart 1ogcrwe Smart people and things are pleasantly neat and clean in appearance tight sectwe Tight clothes or shoes fit yery closely top oun A tap is an item of clothing which you wear on of your body vracksuit A tracksuit isa loose, warm sult consisting of trousers and a top, worn mainly shen exercising underwear 0 Underwear is clothing which you wear next to your skin under your ot Jothes, such as a bra, a vest and underpants. undress na Vehen you undress, you take off your clothes. Ifyou undress someone, you tak ut it ff their clothe buttons Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 She's wearing a dress and 2. His shirt doesn't fit because its collar’s * His pullover has long slee Work on your Vocabulary S d UNIT 16 Clothes Exercise 2 Choose the correct word, 1 Hfyou're cold, put on your sandals / pullover. 2. My friend Sasha always has to dress / wear smartly for work 3 The sleeves / heels on my new shoes are a bit too high. 4 When Sam got home, he was almost too tired to dress / undress and get ready for bed 5 These sandals are too tight / casual for me to walk in. 6 | really liked that blue pullover you had on / dressed yesterday Exercise 3 Find the words or phrases that do not belong, as shown. 1 We can call our underwear pants. | knickers. C[heels. > 2 When we change our clothes, we undress. | put things on, | getou 3 A shirt usually has buttons, a scarf, a colle 4 On your feet you can wear sandals. track shoes. 5 People usually want to buy clothes that are fashionable. | old 6 if your jacket doesn't fit, it may be tigh very big Exercise 4 Which sentences are correct? 1 The buttons on this shirt are too smal a 2 This tracksuit is great to wear at sn a 3 Sally ided to wear her summer sandals because it was so cok Q 4 These flat shoes are just right for a long walk a § Ben undressed and put on his swimming shorts bef 1 went into the poo! a 6 Sarah had on @ pair of jeans that had very tight sleeves a Exercise 5 Complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. Wacksuit | casual | knickers | sandals | collar | fashionable 1 Jack’s pullover was much too for such a smart party 2 That shop sells great underwear, they have all kinds of. and tights. 3 Caroline always wears very clothes by top designers 4 These boots are no good for the beach ~ I need some new 5 the _ of the baby's top was too tight and hurt his neck. Places and buildings My town 1 yeally lke living here. There's lats of things to é jeboard park and. bowling alley and if at the community centre. inthe centre of town, Every morning | 9 be baker's, some fruitand ables from the greengrocer’ newspaper f kiosk. They ate all in my street. Th a barber's nearby where go to get my hal cut. | live next door to @ convenience store: opens very late. I's useful if we cun out of milk or sometting. a big department stare wi end | sometimes go to the shopping turday morning thete's a market in the market square and you can get sonv realy cheap clothe Goo Many of these words are Work on your Vocabulary baker's barber shop barber's bowling alley Emergency is th department in « hospital where people : njuries of Sudden illness are taken for emergency treatinent noun A baker’ss @ shop that sells bread and cak WA barber shop or barber's s a shop whe anhave thelr haircut hun A bowling alley isa bullding which contains several tracks for bowling |= the ame of rolling a heavy ball down a narrow track nock dk roup of jooden objects), community A community centre isa place where the people, groups and organizet centre 2 particular area can go and meet one another and do thin convenience sci A convenience store |s a shop which sells mainly faod and which Is usu store open until late at nigh department A department store is 2 large shop which selis many different kinds of good fire station uv A fire station |s a building where fire engine here Fiuefighte wait until they are called to put out fire greengrocer A greengrocer or a greengrocer’s is here fruit and vegetables ar a gym A gym isa place where people can use special equipment far doing exe market square youn A market square is an open area in a town where people come to sell thing newspaper ‘A newspaper kiosk isa small shop that sells newspapers and o kiosk outdoor wouy An outdoor pool is 2 swimming pool that is out Indoor poo! Indoor pool swimming pool located inside a building, pavement vou & pavement is a path with a hard surface hy the side of a road, petrol station police station skyscraper Youn A the side of the road where petrol is sold and put voun A police station isthe local office ofa police force in a particular skateboard park youn A skateboard park is a place where people goto practise ska oun A skyserapar isa ery tll building ina ch xounThe town hall in town isa large bullding owned and used by the t town hall Exercise 1 Match the questions to the an 1 Where Where did you le. ouncil, often as its headquarters ave your ca a From the greengrocers. re did you get this lovely bread? b Atthe barber shop. jo you swim in the summer? © Inthe outdoor p Did you buy this jacket in town? d At the baker's in the high street Where did John get his hair cut? @ In the underground car park Where did you get these tomatoes? Yes, in the department store. Exercise 2 For each question, tick the correct answer 1 Ata convenience store you can buy Qa bottle of milk O sunglasses Oso wre 2 Where do you go if you want to get married Othe market square UO the town hall Othe community centre 3 Ifyou hurt yourself badly, you mu: Ci Accident and Emergency departm U skateboard park O pavement. 4 Where c: U the pav U the bowling alley Qas 5 Ifyou want to get fit, goto the U petrol station Qs OQoyr 0 to the | 10 if you want to have some fun with your friends? rape Exercise 3 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 Julia bought. lovely birthday cake atthe baker's / barber shop in tow 2. There 3 club for young people nour communty centra/ market square | 3. What do you think of the tall underground car park / skyscraper they ate building intown? J 4 That new greengrocer / department store sells some lovely fresh vegetables. | 1¢ indoor pool / skateboard park in town so he can skate with his Gerry loves going to friends, 6 Anne is a nurse and works in the police station / Accident and Emergency department Exercise 4 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you. can buy newspapers 1 ppeeawsnr sikok _______ {a smail booth where yo and mag 2 mnvai (an area alongside a road for pedestrians to walk along) 3 mpykaescs (a very tall building usually found in big citie 4 oodrni olor (a place where you can swim inside 5 {a shop where you can buy the kind of things you need a place where there are activities for people living in Work on your Vocabulary Inte ‘ith his ang) gs you need {e living in UNIT 17 Places and buildings Exercise 5 Put the correct word in each gap. shoes | doctor | cake | apples | nurse | milk | oranges | gloves bread | clothes | potatoes | carrots | medicine 4, greengrocer___ = 2 department store = = 3 Accident and Emergency ___ _ 4 baker Exercise 6 Put the correct word or phrase in each gap. Gm | Airestation’ | pewolstation | departmentstore | skateboerd park newspaperkiosk | bowling alley Ablog post Last week was full of surprises. met a friend from school. The last time we saw each other we were 18. He now works at the in town as a firefighter. It was nice to see him again and find out about his li was at the?__ filling up my car when he drove in too. When we were at school, we used to goto the every Saturday and skate together. Nov goes to the regularly to exercise — he is really fit. Heis martied too and his wife works at th in the big shopping mall in the centre of town, Anyway, we agreed to meet again, this time with our families. The is agood Place to go for the whole family and we can get something to eat there too. | car't wait aital mercency y need to sare sol. cet money, will pay for people to UNIT 18 Services petrol station —_ owe A petrol station is @ garage by the side of the road where pewol can he bought and put into vehicles. pharmacy oun A pharmacy is a place where medicines are sold or given out post office ow A post office counter isthe place ina post office where you go to buy counter stamps, post letters, or ask for information, primary school wou Aprimary school isa school for children between the ages of 5 and 11. publiclibrary ow A public library isa place where everyone can go ta borrow books. Publictransport wou Public transport consists of buses, trains or trams in an area that all peop! reservation oun Ifyou make a reservation, you arrange for something such as a table ina restaurant or a room Ina hotel to be kept for you. secondary school noun A secondary school is a schoo! for pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and, Wor 38. self-service sourciv A self-service shop, restaurant or garage Is one where you get things for yourself rather than being served by anather person. specialist own A specialist s a person who has a patticular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject state education 100 State education is education that is provided by the government. tourist now A tourist information office isa place where people can go to find our Information office about places to see and activities to do in the local area, underground —_ ows An underground car park is an area bullt below ground leval where people car park can leave their cas. Exercise 1 Find one phrase in each list that does not belong. 1 Public services lending library transport system employment agency accommodation agency Accident and Emergency department state education department store 2 Places secondary schoo! arts centre cash machine Petrol station box office primary schoo! tourist information office Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters to find words. Use the definitions to help you 1 fles-veieers [a shop or restaurant where you ser rself 2 dercit drac_ a card that lets you buy something and pay late 3 ngnipoe sruoh__ he time during which @ shop, bank or other pla 4. yrscnaced Ichost {a schoo! for students age een IT and1 5 itnosrrevae what you make vihen you book a hotel room) 6 tsepeliias__ omeone who is an expert in a certain subject Exercise 3 For each question, tick the correct answer. 1 What is another word for ‘booking Oreservatior U opening hours O selt-serv here do you gi find out about work? Ol accommodation agenc employment agenc O specialist borrow something to read O state educatior O public lending library Ossecondary schoo! 4 What is a way of paying for something? OQ cash machine Q credit card O post office counter 5 Where do you go to buy a ticket for a play O tourist information office petrol station QO box office Exercise 4 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 Lusually pay for large items by cash machine / credit card. You find a box office / an arts centre at a theatre or cinema You can take a book out at t 2 3 4 Yougo 5 6 post office counter / public lending library. he Accident and Emergency department / specialist if you injure you A public transport system / petrol station allows you to tr. Primary / Secondary school is where children study until the age of 1 0 Work on your Vocabulary Inter ) Exercise 5 Put the correct word or phrase in each gap. reservation | opening hours | self-service | accommodation'agency | employment agency | specialist | creditcard | tourist information office “ee My blog: 22 August Busy day today. Set off early to get to the !__ who should be able to hele | find my own place, but it was closed today so Il] have to go back tomorrow ange being in a new city and not knowing my way around. Got a map from the _ though, so I'l be OK The was open and they've arranged a couple of interviews for me next week. Hopefully I'l find job soon so I don't have to keep paying for everything There's a good *___ restaurant next to the hotel which is cheap but serve healthy food, so I'l go there until | get my own place and kitchen! Made a*_____ at the hotel for when Mum and Dad come to visit next month Looking forward to my new life in the city Exercise 6 Which sentences are correct? | 1A public lending brary Is where you go to lend a book. Q 2 The pharmacist is who you see if you have a serious ilines Q 3 You can buy stamps at any post office counte a 4 Andy works in the tourist information office, providing information about the town a 5 | went to a specialist to get some cream for a cut. Q 6 The cash machine was broken so | had to go into the bank for some money Q Giving and lending ere are some useful ways of talking about givin: Phrasal verbs Example {gave away my computer games when | stopped playing them. I give you back your homewor give out fe gave out some posters about the concert ver ie handed over the money he found to the f ut handed out sweets to the children at the festival on There’ no football training today, Can you pass on the message to every i Borrow and lend if you borrow something, you keep it for a limited time, The person who gives it to you Can I borrow your 7 me He lent me his bik | You can also let someone borrow or let someone use something friend let me borrow her dress for arty I et Bill use my laptop because his was broken award nef you are awarded ing, you g 1 or certificate for doing contribute vent if You contribute to something, you say or do something to help mak deliver nif you deliver something somewhere, you take it ther give alift wiase If you give someone a lift, you take them somewhere in your ca giveaway ven If you give something away, you give it to another person because yo. give back snasa. vero Ifyou give something back, you give someone something that you sive out sn. vers Ifyou give something out, you give sof different people hand {you hand someone something, you give them something you have in you! hand hhand out \ vee Ifyou hand something out, you give it out to lots of different peor lend 1 vere When people or organizations such as banks lend you money, they give i to you and you agree to pay it back ata future date, often with a mount 3 2 vee If you lend something that you own, you allow someone to have or to use it fora period of tim Work on your Vocabulary

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