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Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2010, pp. 148–160 doi 10.1287/mnsc.1090.1074

issn 0025-1909  eissn 1526-5501  10  5601  0148 © 2010 INFORMS

Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising in the

Prescription Pharmaceutical Industry
Ram Bala
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad 50032, India,

Pradeep Bhardwaj
Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z2, Canada,

T he pharmaceutical industry has always used sales representatives to target physicians (detailing), who are
a key link in sales and market share for prescription pharmaceuticals. Since August of 1997, when the Food
and Drug Administration eased the restrictions on direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA), there has been a
dramatic increase in the use of DTCA by pharmaceutical firms to target end customers (patients). DTCA seems
to have two different effects on pharmaceutical markets. The first is to inform patients about the availability of
drugs for some ailments, thus expanding the market (constructive). The second is to persuade patients to talk
about specific brands when they meet physicians, with the objective of influencing market share (combative).
We consider both effects of DTCA in the presence of a detailing program in a competitive environment. We
incorporate the dynamics of physician-patient interaction in a game-theoretic model where firms decide on the
form of DTCA to adopt (constructive or combative) and then compete in the marketplace by choosing detailing
and DTCA levels. We answer four questions: What is the impact of adopting DTCA on competitive intensity?
How do optimal detailing levels for a firm change with the adoption of DTCA? How should the DTCA strategy
for a firm vary depending on whether it is stronger or weaker in its degree of influence in the physician’s office?
Finally, under what conditions would competing firms voluntarily decide to pursue constructive DTCA?
Key words: pharmaceutical marketing; detailing; game theory
History: Received November 1, 2007; accepted July 23, 2009, by Jagmohan S. Raju, marketing. Published
online in Articles in Advance September 28, 2009.

1. Introduction this change in regulation, firms can now advertise

The pharmaceutical market is characterized by very the brand and medical claims without this summary.
large promotional expenditures. Traditionally, these Firms only need to include a “major statement” of
promotions have been aimed at physicians who are the most important risks and refer patients to other
responsible for prescribing medications to patients. In sources for more comprehensive information (Iizuka
addition to detailing by sales reps to inform physi- and Jin 2005). This has made TV advertising rela-
cians, firms have also used advertising in medical jour- tively affordable and cost effective. As a result of this
nals to reach physicians and are now using e-detailing change, the amount spent on DTCA in the U.S. phar-
(electronic detailing), a variant of traditional detailing. maceutical industry has increased from $800 million
In addition to promoting the product to physicians, in 1996 to more than $4.2 billion in 2005 (U.S. Govern-
firms have also promoted their brands directly to ment Accountability Office 2006).
patients.1 A change in the Food and Drug Adminis- Because firms spend huge amounts of money on
tration’s (FDA) regulation in August of 1997 has lead DTCA, managers wonder exactly what DTCA does
to a major shift in this direct-to-consumer advertis- (Rosenthal et al. 2003, Iizuka and Jin 2005). It has
ing (DTCA) of prescription drugs. Prior to this reg-
been suggested that DTCA can help in expanding the
ulatory change, any DTC promotion that contained
market, in gaining market share, and in improving
brand name and medical claims had to provide a
drug compliance by patients (Wosinska 2005). Empir-
“brief summary” of drug effectiveness, its side effects,
and any contraindications. Consequently, advertis- ical evidence suggests that DTCA has a significant
ing on television was very expensive. As a result of impact on the category or product class sales (Wosin-
ska 2003, Narayanan et al. 2004, Iizuka and Jin 2005).
Henceforth, we will use the term “patient” instead of “consumer”
At the same time, much of pharmaceutical advertising
or “customer.” It is implied in this context that the patient is the is at the brand level, and patients’ requests for specific
eventual consumer of the product. drug brands may influence physicians’ prescribing
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS 149

decisions. Studies suggest that patient requests have a concerned about the impact of increasing DTCA on
substantial impact on physician behavior (Herzenstein the overall promotional spend. Initially, the managers
et al. 2004). A recent FDA study by Aikin et al. (2004) may believe that they can take money out of detail-
showed that 59% of physicians prescribe in the prod- ing and move the same to DTCA and experience a
uct class that their patients ask for, and 46% prescribe net profit gain in the process without increasing the
the brand that the patients ask for. However, Iizuka promotional spend. However, analysis of promotional
and Jin (2005) show that in the nonsedating antihis- sensitivity data by the consulting firms has revealed
tamines category, DTCA has no impact on product that introduction of DTCA may increase the return
choice. In addition, though there is positive interac- on investment (ROI) of detailing because of synergies.
tion between DTCA and detailing, this effect is very Hence, detailing levels should be increased to utilize
small.2 3 Overall, it seems that DTCA has both market this phenomenon optimally. This in turn suggests an
expanding and share increasing effects with significant increase in the promotional expenditure, contrary to
ambiguity about the relative strengths of these effects. what the managers are expecting. Consequently, the
It is important to recognize that market expansion important question is, what conditions would cause
occurs because of constructive advertising, whereas detailing spend to increase/decrease with the intro-
share increase occurs because of combative advertising. duction of DTCA?
In the pharmaceutical industry context, constructive • Wosinska (2003) claims that given the unequal
advertising provides information about the disease power of firms in a particular market, firms with
itself, including information on symptoms, possible a lower degree of influence in the physician’s office
remedies, and side effects, with much less emphasis should not invest in DTCA because the firm stronger
on the brand being advertised. In combative advertis- in detailing will capture a larger fraction of the mar-
ing, the basic assumption is that the patients know ket growth due to DTCA. However, the real world
about the particular disease and the currently avail- throws up exceptions to this rule. For instance, for
able drugs, and hence advertising emphasizes the the past few years, the product with the highest
advantages of the brand being advertised relative to DTCA spend has been Lunesta (indicated for insom-
other competing brands. For example, the early adver- nia), which is manufactured by Sepracor (MedAd-
tisements for Viagra were targeted at informing the News 2006). They have marketed this drug success-
patient about the existence of an oral pill for erectile fully with a relatively small sales force compared to
dysfunction (constructive), whereas the later adver- Sanofi-Aventis, which produces the major competing
tisements by competitors such as Cialis emphasized product Ambien (Boston Business Journal 2006). Does
the “36 hour” nature of the pill, which was unique this imply that Sepracor’s DTCA strategy is incor-
compared to other competing drugs in the market rect, or can we explain this strategy as an equilib-
(combative). Although recognizing the two effects of rium outcome of a rational decision in a competitive
advertising is an important task, a greater managerial environment?
concern is the problem of resource allocation across • Finally, many questions have been raised regard-
detailing and DTCA for a pharmaceutical firm operat- ing the negative impact of DTCA, particularly com-
ing in a competitive market. Several questions regard- bative DTCA, on patient welfare. The solution that
ing firm strategies arise in this setting. We list them is frequently suggested by various interest groups
below. is to legally enforce constructive DTCA on firms.
• The use of DTCA might definitely provide some For example, the American Medical Association cur-
benefit to a firm in a monopoly setting. However, as rently condones DTCA advertising on a case-by-case
with many productive investments, it is less clear that basis and recently adopted a policy that calls for
DTCA will benefit firms in a competitive setting. In DTCA to emphasize patient education about indi-
particular, under what conditions would competing vidual diseases rather than specific brands (Sheehan
firms get locked in a prisoner’s dilemma when given 2003). But it does not seem that such enforcement
the option to offer DTCA? is always necessary. For example, AstraZeneca has
• A related issue is faced by consulting firms volunteered to pursue balanced and socially respon-
(e.g., Health Products Research and ZS Associates) sible advertising (“constructive” advertising) for its
who advise pharmaceutical firms on issues regarding products (AstraZeneca 2009). Under what conditions
pharmaceutical promotion. These consulting firms would competing firms voluntarily decide to pursue
reveal that managers in pharmaceutical firms are constructive DTCA?
We seek an answer to these questions by consider-
The DTCA and detailing interaction effect in Iizuka and Jin (2007) ing both constructive and combative effects of DTCA
is statistically insignificant. in the presence of a detailing program in a com-
For a more comprehensive review of the empirical literature in petitive environment. We incorporate the dynamics
this area, we refer the readers to Manchanda et al. (2005). of physician-patient interaction in a game-theoretic
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
150 Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS

model where firms decide on the form of DTCA to Literature on DTCA in the pharmaceutical mar-
adopt (constructive or combative) and then compete ket is more recent (e.g., Rosenthal et al. 2003,
in the marketplace by choosing detailing and DTCA Narayanan et al. 2004, Wosinska 2005). Empirical evi-
levels. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. dence suggests that DTCA has a significant impact on
In §2, we review literature related to the problem the category or product class sales (Wosinska 2003,
under consideration. In §3, we set up the general Narayanan et al. 2004, Iizuka and Jin 2005). How-
model. In §4, we describe the procedure for analy- ever, patient requests have a substantial impact on
sis of the equilibrium outcome. Section 5 describes physician behavior (Herzenstein et al. 2004). Conse-
key results when the firms are homogeneous in terms quently, DTCA not only affects product class sales but
of their degree of influence in the physician’s office, also positively impacts market share (Narayanan et al.
whereas §6 discusses the main results for heteroge- 2004). A positive impact on market share can occur
neous firms. All proofs for the propositions in §§5 only when a physician decides to incorporate knowl-
and 6 are given in Online Appendix A (provided in edge about a patient’s exposure to DTCA into the
the e-companion).4 In §7, we conclude and give direc- final prescription decision even though the physician
tions for future research. may have enough information to prescribe a prod-
uct using detailing information alone. This can hap-
pen only when the physician perceives DTCA to have
2. Related Literature a positive impact on patient welfare. Patient welfare
The literature on constructive/cooperative advertis- has multiple dimensions. The most obvious one is the
ing versus combative advertising has a long history dimension of clinical fit as evaluated by the physi-
in marketing. Friedman (1983) posits that advertising cian during physician-patient interaction. However,
can be cooperative to the extent that it benefits all the medical and public health literature documents
the firms in the industry and not just the firm that several other dimensions of patient welfare. DTCA has
is advertising. This occurs when advertising increases a positive impact on patient adherence/compliance
consumer awareness of a certain product category to prescription medications (Holmer 2002, Wosinska
without influencing preferences (Marshall 1921, Chen 2005). DTCA may also lead to better patient outcomes
et al. 2009). On the other hand, combative advertising through a mediated placebo effect (Almasi et al. 2006).
is done by a firm with the intention of increasing its We incorporate both category enhancing and share
market share without expanding the pie or the market enhancing aspects of DTCA in our model. Further-
(Marshall 1921). Grossman and Shapiro (1984) posit more, we model the interaction between DTCA and
that in markets with differentiated products there is detailing in the physician’s office, where the physician
too much constructive advertising. Soberman (2004) makes a final prescription decision based on a com-
shows that constructive advertising allows competing bination of clinical fit information provided by detail-
firms to charge either higher or lower prices depend- ing and DTCA-enabled patient preference information
ing on the level of differentiation between them. The obtained during physician-patient interaction.
effect of combative advertising is modeled in a vari- Literature is now evolving to analyze the effects
ety of ways in the literature (Dixit and Norman 1978, of detailing and DTCA on a firm’s profits. A recent
Becker and Murphy 1993, Chen et al. 2009). It can example is the work of Amaldoss and He (2008), who
increase market share by increasing the perceived study the effect of DTCA and detailing on a firm’s
value for the product or by redistributing the weights profits in a competitive setting using an aggregate
on the product attributes in a manner that is benefi- demand model. On the other hand, we study the
cial to the firm. Depending on the cost of advertising, strategic interaction between detailing and DTCA and
combative advertising can lead to higher or lower lev- its implications on firm profits through an examina-
els of price competition. Bass et al. (2005) focus on the tion of the dynamics of physician-patient interaction.
optimal allocation of resources across time between
generic (constructive) and brand (combative) adver- 3. General Model
tising. We adapt the notion of constructive/combative
advertising to the pharmaceutical industry. We focus 3.1. Modeling Sales
on optimal allocation of resources across construc- Given that physicians play a central role in the sale of
tive and combative DTCA in a competitive environ- a prescription drug, it is important to understand the
ment where the firms use another form of promotion impact of detailing on sales even without the use of
(detailing) to target the primary decision maker (the DTCA. We address this issue first.
physician). 3.1.1. Impact of Detailing. Physicians make a
decision for a patient based on their perception of clin-
An electronic companion to this paper is available as part of the on- ical fit with respect to a particular product. We also
line version that can be found at assume that clinical fit has more to do with medical
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evaluation and is independent of any patient prefer- case, the purpose of DTCA is to inform patients about
ence metrics, such as dosage levels and usage patterns the existence of a prescription treatment, thus encour-
(a patient may be clinically less suited for a particu- aging them to see a physician for advice. We normal-
lar product compared to another, and yet the patient ize the total number of patients to 1. Of these, some
may prefer that product simply because it is easy to patients are aware about the existence of prescription
use). Denote the detailing levels of the two firms by 1 treatment for their condition and will consult a physi-
and 2 . Based on a Hotelling line model of clinical fit, cian on their own, irrespective of advertising expo-
we derive the market share expressions of each firm.5 sure. We denote these patients by 1 − . The remain-
Denote the market share of firm 1 by S and assume ing patients can potentially approach a physician if
that firm 1 is the stronger firm without loss of gener-
they are exposed to constructive DTCA. These patients
ality. Firm 1’s market share is given by
are denoted by . Let i be the DTCA level of firm i,
 1 − 2 where i = 1 and 2. Let these DTCA levels lie in the
S= +  (1) range 0 1. We assume that all patients are exposed to
2 2
advertising from both firms. The higher the spending
In this specification,  represents heterogeneity in by a firm, the greater its DTCA effectiveness.6 Further-
physician office influence across the two firms, and more, the content of these advertisements influences
we require  ∈ 1 2. When  hits its upper limit, the whether the effectiveness is constructive or combat-
weaker firm’s detailing has no impact on its own mar- ive. Let ki be the level of combative content and 1 − ki
ket share. We assume that even with zero detailing, the level of constructive content in the DTCA level
the physician is able to provide a prescription to all
i by firm i. Hence, the constructive DTCA effective-
patients based on information gathered through her
ness is 1 − ki i , and the combative DTCA effective-
own efforts. This implies complete market coverage.
ness is ki i for firm i. Because constructive advertising
Thus, the share for product 2 is given by
from both firms is about the disease rather than any
 2 − 1 specific brand, the patient cannot distinguish between
1−S = 1− +  (2) such advertising from either firm (assuming that the
2 2
patient attaches equal credibility to the information
When the firms are homogeneous in terms of their provided by both firms). Thus, we can add the adver-
degree of influence in the physician’s office, we sim- tising intensities of both firms to give the overall
ply set  = 1. Note that we have not used price in constructive advertising intensity, which then deter-
determining the share term. In pharmaceutical mar- mines the expected number of patients who approach
kets, price setting is a result of many complex fac-
the physician. All of will be captured only when
tors such as characteristics of the drug, prevalent
the constructive DTCA effectiveness of both firms
health care policy, and managed care issues. Price
combined (denoted by the expression 1 − k1 · 1 +
competition in pharmaceutical markets usually hap-
pens when firms want their drugs to be included in 1 − k2 · 2 ) reaches one.7 Denote the total effective
the formulary of various health insurance companies. market size by M. Given a duopoly with firm 1 at a
The latter want the payments for the insurees’ treat- DTCA level of 1 and firm 2 at a DTCA level of 2 , the
ments to be minimized. Consequently, price competi- total market for each firm would be
tion in the physician’s office occurs only when at least
one of the competing products is generic. We restrict M = 1 − + 1 − k1 · 1 + 1 − k2 · 2 ·  (3)
attention to competition between two patented prod-
ucts produced by different pharmaceutical firms but
When solving for the equilibrium, we need to impose
used for the same indication. Hence, we assume that
the constraint 1−k1 · 1 +1−k2 · 2 ≤ 1 to ensure that
the market share outcome in the physician’s office is
the total effective market size M does not exceed 1.
inelastic in price for all further analyses.
3.1.2. Impact of Constructive DTCA. The effect of 3.1.3. Impact of Combative DTCA. Combative
constructive DTCA is to expand the market. Consider advertising provides brand-specific information such
a category that is completely new (such as erectile dys-
function a few years ago) or a category that is not con-
sidered life threatening enough for most patients to For example, higher spending enables a firm to buy more tele-
be aware of the latest possible prescription treatments vision spots. This in turn increases the effectiveness of DTCA for
the firm. We assume that the choices among television spots are
(such as adult attention deficit disorder). In such a all of equal quality.
This is merely a benchmark, and a change in this assumption
The exact derivation is available in Online Appendix B. does not affect the main results.
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
152 Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS

as efficacy, side effects, and other miscellaneous infor- do not have strong preferences about the attributes
mation, such as mode and frequency of consumption. of the product they use. Such patients simply want
Although the past literature (Narayanan et al. 2004) to make a well-informed decision during a physician
has confirmed the positive impact of DTCA on mar- visit. Consequently, when they meet with a physician,
ket share, the exact mechanism that causes this impact they talk about all brands that they have been exposed
merits attention. An important question to answer to through advertising. Furthermore, the nature of the
is, why would the physician change her decision to conversation reveals to the physician that the patient
prescribe a drug based on advertising information does not have strong preferences regarding a particu-
provided by a firm to the patient? Does the final lar product. We label these patients as weak preference
decision take into account prior detailing informa- patients, and there are a proportion of them in the
tion provided? Physicians are concerned about max- market. Because all patients are exposed to advertis-
imizing patient welfare. Patient welfare has multiple ing from both firms, each weak preference patient talks
dimensions. The most obvious one is the dimension to the physician about both products. The amount of
of clinical fit as evaluated by the physician dur- time and effort spent by a patient on a particular brand
ing physician-patient interaction. However, the med- increases with the advertising intensity level ki i of
ical and public health literature documents several that brand. Thus, if both firms offer combative adver-
other dimensions of patient welfare. Lack of adher- tising of equal intensity, then the weak preference patient
ence/compliance to prescribed medication results in a spends an equal amount of time on both brands
large number of premature deaths and increased hos- during the physician-patient interaction. Finally, the
pitalization rates (Loden and Schooler 2000, Sullivan physician has to make a prescription decision based
et al. 1990). Noncompliance occurs even in the face on the patient’s conversation and her own knowledge
of severe potential consequences (Cramer 2001). Thus, based on detailing. Because the nature of the conver-
increasing adherence/compliance to prescribed reg- sation reveals to the physician that the patient does
imens is an important objective of the physician not have a strong preference for any product, any
as well. Physicians believe that patient exposure to information provided by the patient complements the
DTCA advertising increases their comfort level and information available with the physician, and this then
improves adherence/compliance (Aikin et al. 2004, impacts the physician’s decision. Specifically, in the
Holmer 2002, Wosinska 2005). Thus, DTCA can alter context of the Hotelling model of patient fit discussed
the physician’s prescription decision if the physician earlier, the location of the marginal patient (indiffer-
believes that the adherence/compliance benefits out- ent between products 1 and 2) shifts from S to S  .
weigh the clinical cost incurred by switching the drug. The extent of the shift depends on relative combative
A similar effect can occur if DTCA improves the DTCA levels. Here, S  gets a prescription for prod-
placebo effect in patients (Almasi et al. 2006). The uct 1, whereas 1 − S  gets a prescription for product 2.
placebo effect is an apparent improvement in health The ratio S  is a result of the combined information
that is not due to any treatment, but rather to the provided by detailing and DTCA such that a particu-
patient’s belief that she will improve. This effect is lar firm’s detailing and DTCA positively impact each
well documented in the medical literature (Beecher other. Consequently, the ratio S  is given by
1955). Borsook and Becerra (2005) provide a exten-
sive review of medical literature in this area. Shiv S  = S + S1 − S2 
et al. (2005) show that marketing actions can medi-
ate the placebo effect even in a nonmedical context. where S1 is the increase in share due to combative
Thus, DTCA can again alter the physician’s prescrip- DTCA of firm 1, and S2 is the increase in share of
tion decision if the placebo benefits outweigh the clin- firm 2 due to its own combative DTCA (manifests as
ical fit costs. a decrease in share of firm 1 due to complete mar-
However, the extent of nonclinical patient benefits ket coverage). The expressions for S1 and S2 must
may vary depending on patient preferences. Pharma- exhibit the following properties to describe a synergis-
ceutical products may have attributes that are not the tic or complementary relationship between detailing
same as those that physicians look for in terms of and combative advertising: they should be increas-
clinical fit. These attributes relate to product charac- ing in S and 1 − S, respectively (the greater the base-
teristics that are directly relevant to patients such as line share due to detailing, the greater the impact of
dosage levels, mode of use (pill or injection, chewable combative advertising); they should be increasing in
or nonchewable), effectiveness patterns (drowsy or k1 1 and k2 2 , respectively (the greater a firm’s com-
nondrowsy, cholesterol reduction through diet absorp- bative advertising intensity, the greater the positive
tion or genetic sources), and firm image. We divide the share impact); there should be a positive interaction
patient population based on the strength of their pref- between baseline share due to a firm’s own detailing
erences for certain product attributes. Some patients and a firm’s own advertising level. A suitable set of
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expressions for S1 and S2 are Figure 1 Patient Flow in the Physician’s Office
Physician’s office
S1 = 12 · k1 1 · S (4)
S2 = 12 · k2 2 · 1 − S  (5) Product 1

Other patients have strong preferences about the (1 – )SM

attributes of the product they want to use. They form 2 
k2 (1 – )SM k1 1 (1 – )(1 – S )M
a 1 − proportion of the total market. Such patients 2 2
initiate a discussion with a physician only if they
(1 – )(1 – S)M
have been sufficiently exposed to the product for (1 – )M
Product 2
which they have a strong preference such that they are
convinced about this preference. They talk with the
physician exclusively about that product. The nature M
of the conversation reveals to the physician that the Product 1
patient has a strong preference for a particular prod-
uct. We label such patients as strong preference patients.
Conviction about a product can arise only when the
patient understands the major attributes of the prod-
uct and concludes that these attributes fit her pref- (1 – S′)M
erences. To incorporate this aspect into the analysis, Product 2
suppose that the strong preference customer population
1 − M is divided into two equal segments such that
each segment has a fundamental preference for one drug because of the revelation of these strong pref-
product over the other.8 An individual patient typi- erences. The flow of patients is split as follows. A
cally does not have knowledge about this split of the strong preference patient population 1 − M arrives.
patient population. Within each segment, customers Without a conversation about a particular brand, the
vary in their cognitive capacity to understand product physician splits the flow into product 1 prescriptions
attributes effectively through advertising (Anand and S · 1 − M and product 2 prescriptions 1 − S ·
Sternthal 1989, Kohle and Kim 2006). Term the cog- 1 − M. Cross-flow occurs if the physician-patient
nitive barrier to understanding product attributes as conversation reveals a conflict between the physi-
x. Greater advertising intensity overcomes this barrier cian’s original decision (without the conversation) and
and helps patients understand the attributes of a prod- patient preference. This cross-flow captures the extent
uct. Assume that x is distributed uniformly from 0 to 1. of poaching from the competitor’s default share via
A patient of type x understands the attributes of prod- patient persuasion rather than complementarity with
uct i if ki i − x ≥ 0. This allows us to derive the number detailing information. The precise structure and mag-
of patients who speak with the physician about prod- nitude of patient flow is described in Figure 1. It is per-
ucts 1 and 2 (k1 1 /2 and k2 2 /2, respectively).9 Because tinent to note that unlike in the strong preference patient
the nature of the strong preference patient’s conversa- case, there is no cross-flow (poaching) in the case of
tion reveals to the physician that the patient has a weak preference patients. Rather, the original detailing
strong preference for a particular product, the physi- split is modified by the presence of combative DTCA.
cian prescribes the patient-preferred brand.10 Thus, in The difference in flow pattern arises because of a fun-
the context of the Hotelling model of patient fit, rather damental difference in the nature of interaction across
than shifting the location of the marginal patient, a the two patient types: in the weak preference case, DTCA
fraction of the patients to whom the physician was results in a shift in the location of the marginal patient,
to prescribe a particular product get the opposite whereas in the strong preference case, the physician
switches the product based on knowledge about the
Assuming that these two segments are not equal in size or that patient’s strong preferences.
they do not include all strong preference patients, 1 − M does Thus, by incorporating combative DTCA and both
not affect the main insights. For instance, some patients may prefer types of patients, we can rewrite the sales equations
a benchmark drug offered by a firm that is not a strategic player
in our analysis.
of the two firms as
The exact derivation of these expressions is provided in Online
Appendix B. DTCSales1 = 1 − M 1 − k2 2 S + k1 1 1 − S
2 2
We could assume that the doctor is persuaded only a fraction of   
the time, but assuming that would add another parameter to the
model without changing most of the insights.
+ M 1 + k1 1
S − k2 1 − S  (6)
2 2
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
154 Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS

DTCSales2 = 1 − M 1 − k1 1
1 − S + k2 2
4. Procedure for Equilibrium
2 2 Analysis
We now consider the outcome of a duopoly in which
+ M 1 + k2 2
1 − S − k1 S  (7)
each firm decides on an advertising mix (defined by
2 2
the variables k1 and k2 ) consisting of constructive and
Now that we have the complete sales function, we can combative DTCA and then competes in the market
incorporate this to build the overall profit function for for customers. The variables k1 and k2 can lie in the
each firm. range 0 1. However, when these variables are in the
interior of the range 0 1, the profit functions given
3.2. Modeling Profit by Equations (8) and (9) and corresponding first-order
We assume that the two competing firms offer sim- conditions become very nonlinear functions of the key
ilar products at the same price. For example, Viagra detailing and DTCA variables. Consequently, closed-
by Pfizer and Cialis by Lilly ICOS are prescription form solutions are not possible for equilibrium detail-
medicines for the same ailment and are priced com- ing and DTCA levels. One way to resolve this issue
parably. It is also common for pharmaceutical firms is to restrict the firms’ advertising mix choice to the
to decide on promotional levels assuming a price for extreme values. This implies that the variables ki can
the product. For a given price p, the objective of the only take on integer values 0 or 1, and hence firms
firm then becomes one of balancing marginal revenue offer either constructive or combative advertising
due to promotion and the marginal cost of promotion. only. This allows us to extract the key insights of the
Changing the price affects the margin of a sale and, model using analytical methods. The interior mix of
consequently, the optimal promotional level.11 constructive and combative DTCA can be solved for
Next, we specify the costs of promotion for each numerically if required. Given this restriction to inte-
firm. Each firm incurs a variable cost of DTCA ger variables, there are four possible outcomes for the
(includes both constructive and combative elements) first stage of the game: (1) both firms offer construc-
that increases with the levels of DTCA, . Further- tive DTCA (the N  N case); (2) both firms offer com-
more, a convex quadratic specification is assumed bative DTCA (the M M case); (3) the stronger firm
for . This implies that the cost of DTCA increases (firm 1) offers combative DTCA, whereas the weaker
at an increasing rate. One possible reason for this firm (firm 2) offers constructive DTCA (the M N
increase can be that higher investments in DTCA are at case); and finally, (4) the stronger firm (firm 1) offers
the cost of taking money away from other projects or constructive DTCA, whereas the weaker firm (firm 2)
borrowing more from the financial markets at a higher offers combative DTCA (the N  M case). Before eval-
rate. A similar quadratic specification is also assumed uating which one or more of these cases occur at equi-
for detailing, where the higher detailing level is com- librium, the equilibrium detailing, DTCA, and profit
ing at the expense of less leisure time for the sales per- levels for both firms for a given advertising strategy
son and hence is costlier. Note that we have always need to be calculated. Furthermore, to perform com-
referred to  and as the detailing and DTCA levels, parative statics, a benchmark case where both firms
respectively. We will continue to use this nomencla- offer only detailing should be evaluated. We label this
ture, though it should be clear that the cost associated case as D D . Each of these cases has a unique pure-
with a detailing or DTCA level is a quadratic function. strategy equilibrium in detailing and DTCA levels.
Consequently, we can derive the profit for each firm, The closed-form expressions in each case are provided
if they offer DTCA: in Online Appendix A.
Based on the analysis of each of these outcomes
21 2
in the second stage of the overall game, we are in a
1 = p · DTCSales1 − − 1 (8)
position to analyze the equilibrium strategy that firms
2 2
22 2 adopt. With this objective, we lay out the two-by-two
2 = p · DTCSales2 − − 2
 (9) matrix with the possible firm strategies and the cor-
2 2
responding equilibrium profit payoffs.
All variables, market shares, market size, and
price are bounded above and below by 1 and 0, Firm 1/Firm 2 Constructive Combative
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Constructive 1 N  N , 2 N  N 1 N  M , 2 N  M
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Combative 1 M N , 2 M N 1 M M , 2 M M
This is also the sequence of actions commonly recommended by
consulting firms (Health Products Research and ZS Associates) in
the pharmaceutical market. The diagonal entries are the profits to each firm under
The price p used here is price normalized to product value and symmetric DTCA decisions. Equilibrium conditions
lies in the range 0 1. can be written for each of the four possibilities. As an
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS 155

illustration, a symmetric equilibrium with both firms either be in synergy with or substitute for detailing.
offering constructive DTCA is observed when neither Furthermore, the final impact on profit will also be
firm has the incentive to unilaterally deviate from a moderated by price p. Thus, evaluating whether a
constructive DTCA strategy. The two conditions that combative DTCA equilibrium might actually be a pris-
are required for this are oner’s dilemma for the firms is a fruitful exercise. This
∗ ∗
evaluation requires a comparison between profits in
1 N  N ≥ 1 M N  (10) the N  N and M M outcomes. To see a clear ana-
∗ ∗
2 N  N ≥ 2 N  M  (11) lytical version of this result, we evaluate the profits
of the two firms for these outcomes at = 0 At this
Similar conditions can be written for the other three value of , there is no untapped market, and offering
outcomes. To extract key insights, we focus on the constructive DTCA is of no value to either firm. Thus,
equilibrium for two cases: first, when the firms are the constructive DTCA outcome N  N reduces to the
homogeneous in their degree of influence in the pure detailing outcome D D . The next proposition
physician’s office, and second, when the firms are het- highlights equilibrium properties given that firms still
erogeneous in this influence. have the option to adopt combative DTCA.
Proposition 1. At = 0, a symmetric combative
5. Key Results: Homogeneous Firms DTCA equilibrium occurs for all prices. At this equilibrium,
With firms homogeneous in their degree of influence each firm makes higher profit than if combative DTCA were
in the physician’s office, we set  = 1 and evaluate dif- not offered if
ferent equilibrium possibilities. Homogeneity ensures √
1 2 − 3
that the set of conditions that determine all possible 0≤ < − 
equilibria reduces to just two in number. The symmet- 2 p
ric equilibrium with both firms offering constructive but is locked in a prisoner’s dilemma otherwise.
DTCA requires
If the proportion of weak preference patients is low,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
1 N N or 2 N N ≥ 1 MN or 2 N M  (12) combative DTCA and detailing act predominantly as
substitutes. Thus, when each firm makes the detailing
Similarly, the symmetric equilibrium with combative decision, it does so with the knowledge that a cer-
DTCA requires tain fraction of its customers will be poached by the
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ competition through combative DTCA. This allows
1 MM or 2 MM ≥ 1 N M or 2 MN  (13)
the firm to lower its detailing investment. However,
The asymmetric equilibrium M N or N  M occurs it recovers lost share by adopting combative DTCA
when both the above conditions are violated. Charac- to poach from its competitor, and this strategy costs
terization of equilibrium outcomes provides straight- less than the money saved through detailing. Thus,
forward insights: at any given price p, firms are the use of combative DTCA helps to relax harmful
locked in a unique symmetric equilibrium with con- detailing competition. However, this effect disappears
structive DTCA when is high, and a unique sym- as the fraction of weak preference patients increases or
metric equilibrium with combative DTCA when is when price is too low. As the fraction of weak pref-
low. When the category is new (high ), firms receive erence patients increases, the synergy between detail-
greater return through constructive DTCA, but when ing and DTCA increases. However, because this effect
the category matures, firms do not have an incen- occurs for both firms, competition in the physician’s
tive to invest in constructive DTCA and would rather office intensifies, and profits are negatively affected.
compete through combative DTCA. For an intermedi- To see the impact of price on this outcome, we
ate range of , multiple equilibria may occur, imply- observe that the right-hand side of the range√in Propo-
ing that firms would both offer either constructive or sition 1 is greater than 0 only for p > 22 − 3 = 054
combative DTCA. This implies that when the margin is low, even a
Whereas the equilibrium outcomes are clear enough poaching DTCA strategy does not provide the neces-
for a given p and , it is less clear whether the use of sary ROI to increase profits. This allows us to answer
DTCA relaxes or intensifies competition. This relates the first question that we had posed: under what
to the first question posed in the introduction. At conditions would competing firms get locked in a
high , both firms prefer constructive DTCA, and prisoner’s dilemma when given the option of offer-
because this DTCA merely adds to a common pool ing DTCA? The answer is that for low , high p,
that benefits all competing firms, the issue of increased and low , competing firms offer combative DTCA at
competition does not arise. However, at low , firms equilibrium but do not get into a prisoner’s dilemma.
prefer combative DTCA. Depending on , the pro- For low , low p, and high , a prisoner’s dilemma
portion of weak preference patients, this DTCA may is observed. A prisoner’s dilemma is never observed
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
156 Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS

for high because both firms adopt constructive However, when both firms adopt combative DTCA,
DTCA. Now that we have the equilibrium results the detailing level goes down when the majority of
with DTCA, we are ready to make an assessment of patients are of the strong preference type and goes up
the impact of DTCA on equilibrium detailing levels. when the majority of the patients are of the weak
This can be done by comparing the equilibrium detail- preference type.
ing levels with and without DTCA for different values
of the primitive parameters , p, and .
Proposition 2. (a) At high , both firms adopt con- 6. Key Results: Heterogeneous Firms
structive DTCA. This increases the equilibrium detailing We now turn our attention to the case where firms
levels compared to the case when no DTCA was offered. are heterogeneous in their degree of influence in the
(b) At low , both firms adopt combative DTCA. This physician’s office. The closed-form solutions for the
decreases the equilibrium detailing levels when < 12 and equilibrium detailing and DTCA levels and corre-
increases the equilibrium detailing levels when > 12 com- sponding profit functions of each firm for the dif-
pared to the case when no DTCA was offered. When = 12 ,
ferent cases (M M , N  M , M N , and N  N )
there is no change in detailing levels.
are given in Online Appendix A. Substituting the
Suppose that two firms that have traditionally used closed-form detailing and DTCA levels into the profit
detailing but not DTCA decide to make DTCA a functions provides analytical expressions for profits
part of the promotional mix. Should they expect for all cases. Equilibrium analysis reveals that gen-
their detailing to increase or decrease as a conse- eral trends are analogous to the homogeneous firms
quence of this decision? The above proposition clar- case. For large (early-stage product category), both
ifies. We infer that when a product is at an early firms are more likely to offer constructive DTCA,
stage of the product lifecycle, a firm should expect to whereas for low (mature product category), both
increase its detailing investment when it introduces firms are more likely to offer combative DTCA. How-
DTCA because the type of DTCA used by all com- ever, because firms are heterogeneous, the possibility
peting firms would be constructive. The constructive
that firms adopt asymmetric strategies merits special
DTCA will result in more patients walking up to the
attention. For low , the incentive for either firm to
physician. To reap the benefit of this DTCA effort
adopt constructive DTCA is low because there are
via increased prescriptions by physicians for its own
few untapped patients who can be captured by use
product, the firm will need to inform the physicians
about its product. This is achieved by increasing the of such DTCA. For instance, at = 0 the symmetric
detailing effort. This would mean an increase in over- combative DTCA outcome is the only pure-strategy
all promotional spend compared to the “no DTCA” equilibrium. Thus, an asymmetric equilibrium will
case. For a mature product category, the firm should never be observed for low . Hence, we analytically
expect all competing firms to use combative DTCA. investigate the possibility of an asymmetric equilib-
The effect of combative DTCA is that the patients talk rium at high , specifically at = 1 There are two
to their physician about the advertised products, and possible asymmetric outcomes, M N and N  M ,
this reduces the need for detailing investment only and we investigate the possibility of both these equi-
if the majority of patients are of the strong preference libria at = 1 as a function of , the heterogeneity
type and, consequently, DTCA and detailing act as parameter. Furthermore, we investigate how this rela-
substitutes. However, if a majority of patients are of tionship between asymmetric equilibria and  is mod-
the weak preference type, the use of combative DTCA erated by price p and patient composition . We can
bolsters the effectiveness of a firm’s own detailing. analytically derive the  threshold that determines the
The resultant competition forces both firms to increase asymmetric equilibrium for given values of p and .
detailing investment. Thus, the original intuition of We evaluate the asymmetric equilibrium for reason-
marketing managers that scarce promotional dollars ably separated values of p and .13 The next proposi-
can be simply shifted from detailing to DTCA gets tion clarifies these results.
validation only in the case of a mature product cat-
egory with a majority of strong preference patients. In Proposition 3. Given = 1 a unique asymmetric
all other cases, the detailing requirement goes up and pure-strategy equilibrium with the stronger firm offering
so does total promotional expenditure. constructive DTCA and the weaker firm offering combat-
The results in Proposition 2 enable us to answer ive DTCA may be observed (N  M equilibrium). The
the second question that we posed: how does the
optimal detailing level change with the introduc-
tion of DTCA? When both firms adopt construc- 13
Values for p and different from those selected will lead to dif-
tive DTCA, the equilibrium detailing level increases. ferent  thresholds for the asymmetric equilibrium.
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS 157

specific condition required on  for different p and only in constructive DTCA to increase market size.
combinations is as follows. Because detailing levels are equal, the share term is
simply a function of  alone. Consequently, the ROI
=0 =1 on the weaker firm’s (constructive) DTCA is a lin-
ear function in price. This difference in ROI of the
p=1  ≥ 116  ≥ 123 weaker firm’s DTCA as a function of price across the
p = 12  ≥ 160  ≥ 177 N  M and N  N equilibria explains the greater like-
lihood of the asymmetric equilibrium N  M at higher
The first observation is that a unique asymmet- prices. This manifests itself as a lower  threshold for
ric equilibrium is observed when firms are suffi- the switchover point from constructive to combative
ciently heterogeneous. Furthermore, the only form DTCA as p increases.
this asymmetric equilibrium can take is one where The parameter determines what fraction of com-
the stronger firm offers constructive DTCA while the bative DTCA is used to increase a firm’s own detailing
weaker firm offers combative DTCA: N  M equilib- effectiveness versus poaching from the competition
rium. The M N equilibrium is never observed. The via patient persuasion. As observed in the homoge-
reason for this is as follows: because the stronger firm neous firms case, firms increasing their own detailing
has a greater degree of influence in the physician’s effectiveness intensifies competition in the physician’s
office, it has strong reasons to invest in constructive office and lowers profits (the prisoner’s dilemma
DTCA at high and capture a large fraction of this occurs at higher ). If is high and the weaker
additional market through detailing. However, the firm only uses combative DTCA, its detailing strength
weaker firm can counteract by either poaching from moves closer to that of the stronger firm, and detail-
the stronger firm (via the strong preference patients) or ing competition intensifies. This does not occur when
by increasing its own detailing effectiveness through is low because the strong preference patients ensure
the complementary effect of combative DTCA (via that the weaker firm can poach from the competition
the weak preference patients) given by Equation (5). It without experiencing equivalent poaching from the
chooses to do so when heterogeneity is sufficiently stronger firm. Thus, the weaker firm is more likely
high. The exact heterogeneity threshold at which this to switch to combative DTCA when is low, and
occurs is moderated by both price and proportion of this again manifests in terms of a lower  threshold.
patient types. Although the above results clarify scenarios when we
To understand the impact of the parameters p and , might observe asymmetric equilibria, the heterogene-
we will analyze the incentives of each firm to unilat- ity of firms also poses questions about DTCA levels in
erally deviate from the N  M equilibrium. Although symmetric equilibria. The next proposition highlights
the stronger firm’s incentive to choose constructive these results.
DTCA is somewhat reduced by the competing firm’s
ability to capture some of the additional customers Proposition 4. (a) At high and low enough  = 1,
through combative DTCA, this attenuation is lower both firms adopt constructive DTCA. Consequently, the
than the corresponding gains at high . Thus, the stronger firm offers a higher level of DTCA than the weaker
stronger firm does not have the incentive to unilater- firm  ∗1 > ∗2 and makes higher profits  1∗ > 2∗ .
ally deviate. To shed light on the weaker firm’s incen- (b) At low , both firms adopt combative DTCA. Conse-
tive to deviate, we analyze the revenue term, which quently, the weaker firm offers a higher level of DTCA than
equals price × share × market size of the weaker firm in the stronger firm if < 12 and a lower level when > 12 .
the N  M and N  N equilibria. In the N  M equi- The levels are exactly equal at = 12 and are the same as
librium, the weaker firm invests in combative DTCA if the firms are homogeneous. However, the stronger firm
that improves its own share, whereas the stronger always makes higher profits  1∗ > 2∗ .
firm invests in constructive DTCA that improves the
market size. As price increases, the stronger firm’s The first part of the proposition discusses an early-
ROI on constructive DTCA increases. Thus, given the stage product category (high ). When a firm knows
stronger firm’s constructive advertising strategy, the that it is more influential in the physician’s office,
market size is increasing in price. The weaker firm’s it can capture a greater share of any market expan-
ROI on combative DTCA is then super-linear in price sion that occurs. Hence, it has a greater incentive to
because price also affects the market size in addition invest in market expansion. Using the same logic,
to margin given the competitor’s advertising strategy. the weaker firm has less incentive to invest in mar-
Consequently, as price increases, the weaker firm’s ket expansion. The net outcome is that the stronger
incentive to poach from the stronger firm and free ride firm makes a higher profit. This result explains the
on the stronger firm’s constructive DTCA increases policy prescription by Wosinska (2003) that firms
sharply. In the N  N equilibrium, both firms invest with weaker influence in the physician’s office should
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
158 Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS

invest less in DTCA because a larger part of the cat- have to spend time and money to direct firms to
egory expansion is captured by the stronger firm. adopt and perhaps increase the level of constructive
Of course, this is valid only for an early-stage prod- DTCA.
uct category. As the product category matures, the
equilibrium advertising strategy for the firms changes 7. Discussion
from constructive to combative, and this results in A large body of empirical literature is developing
other outcomes. around the ROI implications of DTCA in the pharma-
The second part of the proposition discusses a ceutical market. Much of this literature aims at mea-
mature product category. Suppose a firm knows that suring the ROI that DTCA provides when compared
its competitor is more influential in the physician’s to the commonly used promotional tool of detailing.
office. It has two different ways of counteracting this Some effort has gone into addressing issues such as
effect using DTCA. If the proportion of weak preference how these elements of the promotional mix might
patients is high (high ), it uses DTCA to increase interact and what specific implications these meth-
the effectiveness of its detailing through the com- ods of promotion may have in the physician’s office.
plementary effect of combative DTCA as given in However, there is little theoretical or empirical work
Equation (5). However, because the ROI on combat- in this area that formalizes how firms in a com-
ive DTCA depends on detailing strength (because of petitive environment would allocate resources across
the physician-patient interaction), it can never com- detailing and DTCA. Our work formulates a theo-
pletely overcome the stronger firm. Consequently, for retical approach toward answering this problem with
high , the weaker firm invests to a lesser extent in the view that the results of our theory may provide
combative DTCA as opposed to the stronger firm. empirically testable hypotheses.
If the proportion of weak preference patients is low We study the impact of DTCA in a competitive
(and consequently the proportion of strong preference environment where firms also use detailing. Based
patients is high), then the weaker firm has a larger on empirical and anecdotal evidence, we assume two
pool of the competitor’s patients that it can influence effects that DTCA might have in pharmaceutical mar-
and convert to its product through combative DTCA. kets. These two effects are titled constructive and com-
Hence, its investment levels in combative DTCA are bative. Whereas constructive DTCA informs patients
larger. Using the same logic, the stronger firm has about the existence of a product, combative DTCA
less incentive to invest in combative DTCA because encourages product purchase by making competing
it can convince the physicians to prescribe its prod- products appear less substitutable. Of course, the
uct via more productive detailing. This result could physician makes the final decision on the prescription,
be one of the important factors that drives the aggres- and hence, even if a patient talks to a physician about
sive use of combative DTCA for Lunesta by Sepra- a particular brand, it is essential that the physician
cor. This addresses our third question: when would has enough information on the brand through detail-
weaker firms adopt larger levels of DTCA compared ing to make a decision in the brand’s favor. We take
to stronger firms? The basic answer is that if het- this factor into account in our model.
erogeneous firms attain an equilibrium with both Our results reveal different insights depending on
firms adopting combative DTCA and the propor- the type of DTCA. When firms are homogeneous in
tion of strong preference patients is high, the weaker terms of degree of influence in the physician’s office,
firm invests more in DTCA, although it earns lower they will tend to use both detailing and constructive
profits. DTCA when there is a large enough untapped market.
Results from Propositions 3 and 4 convey an However, when the untapped market is small, the
answer to the fourth question: when would firms pur- firms will adopt detailing and combative DTCA.
sue constructive DTCA voluntarily? Clearly, firms are When the equilibrium involves combative DTCA, the
more likely to adopt constructive DTCA during the firms may get locked in a prisoner’s dilemma if the
early phase of the product life cycle, when is high. price is too low or the proportion of weak preference
Even at high , one is more likely to see the stronger patients is too high. Otherwise, the use of combat-
firm pursuing constructive DTCA. The weaker firm ive DTCA allows firms to relax unhealthy detailing
deviates from this strategy when the firms are suf- competition. The level of detailing goes up when both
ficiently heterogeneous in their degree of influence firms adopt constructive DTCA. In contrast, the level
in the physician’s office (high ), product margin is of detailing can go either up or down when both firms
high (high p), and the proportion of strong prefer- adopt combative DTCA. It goes up when a major-
ence patients is high (low ). Furthermore, even when ity of patients are weak preference, resulting in positive
the weaker firm uses constructive DTCA, it invests synergies between detailing and combative DTCA. It
less than the stronger firm. This provides some guid- goes down when a majority of patients are strong pref-
ance to regulatory authorities on when they might erence, resulting in detailing and DTCA substituting
Bala and Bhardwaj: Detailing vs. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
Management Science 56(1), pp. 148–160, © 2010 INFORMS 159

for each other. These insights help in guiding man- Acknowledgments

agers as to when they should expect a reduction or The authors thank Wilfred Amaldoss, Yuxin Chen, Ramrao
increase in detailing effort while increasing DTCA Desiraju, Chuan He, William Perreault, Ashutosh Prasad,
spending. and seminar participants at University of British Columbia,
University of Texas at Dallas, and University of California,
Next, we study the case where there is heterogene- San Diego, whose comments helped to improve this paper
ity in degree of influence in the physician’s office. If substantially. They also thank Manoj Payardha and Ajay
the firms were to offer only constructive DTCA, then Abraham for their help with certain numerical aspects of this
the stronger firm ends up spending more on DTCA paper.
because it can reap the benefits of market expan-
sion through more productive detailing. However, if
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