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SPE 77631

Real-Time Petrophysical Analysis in Siliciclastics From the Integration of Spectroscopy

and Triple-Combo Logging
Michael M. Herron, SPE, Susan L. Herron, James A. Grau, Nikita V. Seleznev, John Phillips, SPE, Ahmed El Sherif, SPE,
Sherif Farag, SPE, John P. Horkowtiz, SPE, Thomas J. Neville, SPE, Kai Hsu, Schlumberger

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. porosities that either converge on true total porosity or, in the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and case of gas, show enhanced crossover compared to
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September –2 October 2002.
conventional logs. The lithology and the total porosity are
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
used to compute k-lambda permeability. A cation-exchange-
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to capacity log is created from the computed clay, assuming a
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at constant charge deficiency, and this is further converted to a
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Qv log using the total porosity and matrix density. At this
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is point, formation salinity is input. R0 is computed from the
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Waxman-Smits-Thomas conductivity using formation salinity,
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. a measured temperature profile, porosity, and Qv . When R0 is
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
compared with deep resistivity, the two overlay in water-filled
zones such as shales and water-filled sands and shaly sands;
Abstract hydrocarbon zones are generally easily recognizable when Rt
There is a long history of wanting to provide a petrophysical exceeds R0 . The total porosity and k-lambda are combined in
answer, comprising at least porosity and saturation, either in the Coates-Timur-Lambda equation to produce an irreducible-
real time or within, at most, a couple of hours after logging. water-saturation curve, which is overlaid with apparent
Past attempts to provide such a product have been plagued by saturation from the R0 /Rt comparison. Such a petrophysical
the need to define numerous parameters and well zonations evaluation could easily be computed at the wellsite in real
that would ordinarily be selected by a skilled interpreter. With time or shortly after logging.
the introduction of elemental concentration logs obtained from Examples of this rapid formation evaluation are provided
nuclear capture spectroscopy tools, the number of from several geological environments.
interpretation parameters can be dramatically reduced. This is
because the accuracy of the lithology and matrix properties is Computation of Formation Properties
a significant advance over values determined from The interpretation consists of the integration of elemental
conventional techniques. Consequently, it is much easier to concentration data into otherwise standard formation
directly apply scientific conductivity and permeability models evaluation practices. The following section provides a brief
for petrophysical evaluation. overview of multiple applications: estimation of quantitative
lithology, application of elemental concentrations to deriving
Introduction porosity and identifying gas, k-lambda permeability, measured
The potential exists to deliver a rapid, robust petrophysical and modeled resistivity, formation water saturation, and
evaluation in many geologic environments by adding irreducible water saturation.
elemental concentration logs from nuclear capture
spectroscopy tools to the traditional triple combo of neutron, Quantitative lithology. Quantitative lithology is derived from
density, and resistivity logs. The information available from elemental concentrations of silicon, calcium, iron, and sulfur
spectroscopy vastly reduces the number of log-analyst picks measured by open- or cased-hole nuclear capture spectroscopy
necessary for a petrophysical evaluation. First, elemental logging devices.1-4 The interpretation was developed on a
concentrations derived from capture spectroscopy logs are siliciclastic core database of mineralogy and chemistry
used to compute accurate weight fractions of clay, carbonate, measured on approximately 400 samples. The elements
evaporite or pyrite, and Quartz-Feldspar-Mica (QFM) using a silicon, calcium, and iron were used to estimate clay according
computer lithology processing interpretation model. The to Eq 1:
elemental concentrations are also used to compute both matrix
density and neutron responses from the rock matrix. These are WClay = 1.91 (1-2.139 WSi -2.497 WCa -1.99 WFe), ……... (1)
used to compute matrix-adjusted density and neutron

where WClay is the dry weight fraction of clay, and WSi , , WCa, A matrix-adjusted neutron porosity, φman , is then computed
and WFe are the spectroscopy-derived weight fractions of the in a fashion analogous to the computation of density porosity,
elements silicon, calcium, and iron. Carbonate (sum of calcite according to Eq. 5:
and dolomite) concentrations are determined from calcium.
The lithology processing provided an option to compute
φman =( Nma - φn ) / (Nma -Nf ),…………………………... (5)
anhydrite or pyrite using the sulfur log, and the remainder of
the formation was composed of quartz, feldspar, and mica
minerals, referred to as QFM. where Nf is the neutron response to the fluid, nominally unity.
When applied to environmentally corrected logs, in the
Porosity and gas. Gamma-gamma bulk density absence of gas, Eq. 5 effectively reduces the computed
measurements are converted to “density porosity” during neutron porosity in a clay-rich rock to total porosity, such that
logging. The equation relating bulk density and porosity is the neutron and density porosities overlay. The algorithm
ρ ma − ρb presented in Eq. 4 was derived to slightly underestimate the
φt = ,………………………………….…… (2) neutron response in shales to avoid overcorrection that would
ρ ma − ρ f
lead to a false crossover that mistakenly signifies gas.
where φt is the total porosity, ρb is the bulk density, ρ ma is the Finally, the total porosity is estimated as a weighted
matrix density, and ρ f is the fluid density. Since ρ b is measured average of the matrix-adjusted neutron, φman, and density, φmad,
and ρ f is generally well known, the largest contributor to the porosities according to Eq. 6:
uncertainty in porosity is ρma . Typically, this variable is not
well known at the time of data acquisition and a default φt= min (φmad , 0.6667 φmad + 0.3333 φman )…………... (6)
constant such as 2.65 g/cm3 , the density of quartz, is used for
field display. Later, when a mineral model is used, mineral
and fluid volumes are calculated from log inputs and matrix k-lambda permeability. Herron et al.6 presented a means of
density is derived secondarily. Alternatively, core samples are computing permeability in siliciclastic formations based on the
analyzed and an average grain density is derived for a given lambda parameter.7 The lambda parameter is a measure of the
zone. effective diameter of dynamically connected pores and, in the
An alternative approach is to approximate matrix density simplest pore geometries, it can be approximated from the
using a linear combination of the elements silicon, calcium, surface-to-pore-volume ratio. The surface-to-pore-volume
iron, and sulfur according to the relationship 5 ratio could be computed from NMR relaxation curves, from
mineralogy data, or from concentrations computed by the
? ma = 2.620 + 0.0490 WSi + 0.2274 WCa lithology processing program. The other required input data
, ……………... (3)
+ 1.993 WFe + 1.193 WS are the total porosity, the matrix density, and Archie’s
cementation exponent, m. In more complex pore systems at
where WSi , WCa, WFe, and WS are weight fractions of the lower permeability, some of the pores begin to be ineffective
elements silicon, calcium, iron, and sulfur. In a pure quartz, in flow and the initially predicted permeabilities are too high
substituting a value of 0.47 for WSi produces a matrix density but can be accurately lowered. The k-lambda initial estimate
of 2.65 g/cm3 ; in a pure limestone, substituting a value of 0.4 applied to the computer processed lithology data is
for WCa gives a value of 2.71 g/cm3 . This application permits
one to correct for lithology-based changes in matrix density on 200000φ m *+2 ,……… (7)
kΛ =
a level-by-level basis, thus removing the need for mineral (1 − φ ) (ρ ma )
2 2
(6WCla + 0.22WQFM + 2WCar + 0.1WP y r)2
modeling or zonation of a core -derived matrix density.
A similar approach is taken to compute the matrix neutron where φ is total porosity, and WCla, WQFM, WCar, and WPyr are
response. This approach of “clay-correcting” a neutron log the computer-processed lithology weight fractions. If the
was previously demonstrated on a gas well in Texas where initial estimate is less than 100 md, the final estimate is
traditional neutron and density logs showed no crossover. computed from Eq. 8:
Using a local calibration based on core data and nuclear kΛ = 0.037325k Λ1.714 …………………………….……. (8)
modeling, a matrix correction was applied to the raw neutron
and density logs to reveal crossover resulting from gas in each
of the high-resistivity intervals.2 The following general Measured and Modeled Resistivity. The key to the
algorithm to correct thermal neutron porosity (φn ) logs for the determination of water saturation lies in the difference
neutron response to the rock matrix (Nma ) has subsequently between true formation resistivity, Rt , and the resistivity that
been developed: would be observed if the formation were filled with a brine
having the same resistivity as the downhole formation water,
N ma = 0.408 − 0.889 WSi −1.014 WCa − 0.257 WFe + 0.675 WS . .(4) R0 . There are several resistivity models that could be used
here, but only a few are considered “scientifically based.”8
These models 9-15 generally begin with the observation by
Archie 9 that water-filled conductivity, C0 (C0 = 1/R0 ) can be

considered to be proportional to the total porosity raised to a Examples of the Petrophysical Evaluation
power, m, times the conductivity of the water, Cw. In the following pages, we show several examples of this
petrophysical evaluation. The computations for all examples
C0 = aφ m Cw . ………………………………………... (9) are identical with the exception that each well has a different
It was recognized in the 1950s that clays provide an value of the formation water salinity. No other parameters
additional conductivity contribution. The first successful have been altered. The display consists of seven tracks. The
general model that included the contribution of clay counter- first track is the computed quantitative lithology, with clay in
ions was that of Waxman and Smits.10 The Waxman-Smits orange, quartz-feldspr-mica in yellow, carbonate in blue, and
equation (Eq. 10) models the additional conductivity as equal pyrite in purple. In Track 2 we show the computed matrix
to the cation exchange capacity per unit pore volume, Qv, density. Track 3 presents conventional neutron (red dashed)
times a parameter B, which is dependent on temperature and and density (black solid) porosity with neutron on a sandstone
slightly on salinity. matrix and density computed with a matrix density of 2.65
g/cm3 . Track 4 shows the matrix-adjusted density porosity
(black solid) and matrix-adjusted neutron porosity (red
C 0 = φ m* (Cw + BQ v ) . ………………………………... (10) dashed). Crossover indicating gas, light hydrocarbon, or steam
is shown as purple shading. Track 5 presents the k-lambda
permeability estimate. Track 6 shows the water-filled
Waxman and Thomas 11 expanded this model to more resistivity curve, R0 (blue solid), with the measured deep
completely include the effects of temperature and saturation. resistivity, Rt (red dashed). In each of the examples, a value of
For this application, a cation-exchange-capacity log is created formation water salinity was chosen such that R0 overlays Rt in
from the computed clay assuming a constant charge shale. Hydrocarbons are identified when Rt exceeds R0 . Track
deficiency. Additionally, the exponent m* is modeled as a 7 shows the estimate of water saturation, S w, (blue solid) and
square root function of cation exchange capacity times matrix the Coates -Timur-lambda estimate of irreducible water
density as demonstrated by Sen et al.12 saturation (red dashed). When S w is less than 1 and it overlays
the red curve, one can expect water-free production.
Water saturation and irreducible water saturation. If Rt is
the observed deep resistivity and R0 is the expected resistivity Example 1: Example 1 is a heavy oil play in which the
of the formation filled with brine, then the water saturation S w formation waters are very fresh with a salinity of only 3,000
can be approximated as ppm NaCl. The sands are easily seen in Track 1 (Fig. 1). An
n apparent gas zone, seen in both raw and matrix-adjusted
S w =  R 0  , …………………………………… (11) density and neutron porosity at X395 ft, is actually steam
 Rt  breakthrough. A second, smaller steam breakthrough at X510
where n is referred to as the saturation exponent and is is seen only with the matrix-adjusted neutron and density
typically assigned a value of 2. Waxman and Thomas provide porosities. Otherwise, the matrix-adjusted neutron and density
a more robust expression for S w. overlay in the sands and show some slight residual separation
The Coates-Timur equation16-18 estimates permeability in the shales. The k-lambda permeability shows values at
from porosity and the irreducible or bound water volume, about 1 darcy and occasionally higher. The water-filled
BFV. The BFV is typically identified from decay of NMR resistivity and measured resistivity overlay in shalier sections
magnetization with a characteristic T2 decay time faster than and show clear departures in a number of sandstones that are
about 33 ms: apparently hydrocarbon-bearing intervals. In the deep, tight
section, there are no shales or clear water-bearing intervals to
c see what the salinity from SP or from the resistivity overlays
 φ-BFV 
k = ( aφ ) b   . ………………………………… (12) might be. In the final track, we see that water saturation in the
 BFV  hydrocarbon zones often overlays irreducible water saturation,
indicating low water cut. On the other hand, the pay at a depth
In this model, a, b, and c are empirical constants with of X500 to X600 ft appears to be ready to produce water along
default values of 10, 4, and 2, respectively. with hydrocarbon.
In our case, we have an independent estimate of
permeability from k-lambda. This estimate of permeability can Example 2. Fig. 2 presents a well with stacked, shaly sands in
be combined with Eq. 12 to estimate the irreducible water the lower section, a shale at the top, and a calcareous shale
saturation in the Coates-Timur-Lambda relation (Eq. 13): interval in the middle. The matrix-adjusted neutron is slightly
higher than density, and the porosity increases significantly up
BFV 100φ 2
Swi = = . ………………………... (13) the logged interval from 20 to 40 porosity units (p.u.). The
φ 100φ 2 + k ? permeability in the best lower sand is again 1 darcy and in
most sands is about 100 md. The sands below X290 contain
oil at what appears to be irreducible water saturation. Sands

above this depth contain oil at water saturations that are lithology, matrix neutron, matrix density, matrix-adjusted
generally higher than irreducible. density and matrix-adjusted neutron for porosity and enhanced
gas crossover, k-lambda permeability, Waxman-Smits-
Example 3. Fig. 3 shows an examp le from a large oil field. A Thomas water-filled resistivity, water saturation, and Coates-
zone in the upper section with large washouts has been Timur-lambda irreducible water saturation. The water
blanked out. Track 1, the computed lithology, reveals a series saturation naturally requires an estimate of Rt .
of sands with varying clay concentrations and a carbonate at The simplic ity of these calculations, and the small number
X280. Track 2 shows the matrix density values that are quite of analyst picks, make it easy to imagine that this
high in some of the iron-rich intervals. In Track 4, the matrix- interpretation could be performed in a timely fashion at a
adjusted density and neutron porosities nicely converge on wellsite or immediately after logging in the decision maker’s
total porosity in the sands and carbonate, and there is residual office. The key to the accuracy of this interpretation is the use
separation in some of the shales. There is no indication of gas. of elements derived from the spectroscopy sonde for the direct
The k-lambda permeability shows that permeabilities are as computation of matrix properties and the use of computer
high as 10 darcy. The fifth track, with R0 and deep resistivity, lithology processing for resistivity modeling and k-lambda
shows overlays in the upper shales and departures indicating permeability.
hydrocarbon in many of the sandstones below (e.g., at depths
X110, X340, X400). The final track shows that most of the Nomenclature
sands are at irreducible water saturation. B = Equivalent conductance of clay exchange cations, mho
cm2 /meq
Example 4. Fig. 4 shows an example from an oil and gas BFV = Bound fluid volume, v/v
bearing formation. In this example, there are shales at the top C0 = Conductivity of water-filled formation, mho/cm
and bottom of the displayed interval, and between them are C0 = Conductivity of water-filled formation, mho/cm
shaly sands interspersed with zones of carbonate cementation. Cw = Conductivity of formation water, mho/cm
The matrix density is shown in Track 2 along with core data. k = Permeability, l2 , md
The matrix density is quite high for sandstones, averaging 2.70 m = Archie’s cementation exponent
g/cm3 in the core data. A striking feature in Track 3 is that n = Archie’s saturation exponent
porosity goes to near zero at the depths showing small Nf = Neutron response of formation fluid, v/v
amounts of carbonate. The porosity reduction is most obvious Nma = Neutron response to rock matrix, v/v
in the density porosity, but is also indicated by neutron Qv = Cation-exchange-capacity per unit pore volume,
porosity. The neutron and density curves here are plotted meq/ml
using a sandstone matrix, appropriate for this clastic R0 = Resistivity of water-filled formation, ohm m
environment. It can be seen that there is only a single Rt = Resistivity of formation, ohm m
indication of gas crossover near X455. This illustrates the S w = Water saturation, v/v
historical difficulty of using the density-neutron for S wi = Irreducible water saturation, v/v
unambiguous fluid identification in shaly sands. The corrected WCa = Weight fraction calcium on porosity-free basis, m/m
logs in Track 4 significantly enhance crossover detection and WCar = Weight fraction carbonate on porosity-free basis, m/m
reveal gas in the five porous intervals above X580. The core WCla = Weight fraction clay on porosity-free basis, m/m
porosity data closely match the computed total porosity. In WFe = Weight fraction iron on porosity-free basis, m/m
this example, there is significant separation remaining in the WPyr = Weight fraction pyrite on porosity-free basis, m/m
corrected neutron and density porosities in the shaly zones at WQFM= Weight fraction QFM on porosity-free basis, m/m
the top and bottom of the interval; again this separation is due WS = Weight fraction sulfur on porosity-free basis, m/m
to incomplete correction of the neutron log for hydrogen and WSi = Weight fraction silicon on porosity-free basis, m/m
other thermal absorbers in the clays. In Track 5, the core φmad = Density porosity adjusted for matrix density, v/v
permeability closely matches the k-lambda log. The R0 and Rt φman = Neutron porosity adjusted for matrix neutron response,
curves in Track 6 overlay in the upper and lower shales and v/v
show separation through most of the sandstones. The φn = Neutron porosity, v/v
computed saturations indicate that the interval is at irreducible φt = Total porosity, v/v
water saturation apart from the lower shaly sands at X670 and ρ b = Density of bulk formation, g/cm3
X680 where producible water is suggested by Swi <Sw . ρ f = Density of formation fluid, g/cm3
ρ ma = Density of rock matrix, g/cm3
With the addition of spectroscopy logs to the traditional triple- 1. Herron, S.L. and Herron, M.M.: “Quantitative Lithology: An
combo measurements of neutron, density, and resistivity logs, Application for Open and Cased Hole Spectroscopy,” Trans.,
it is possible to produce a simple, robust petrophysical SPWLA 37th Ann. Log. Symp., New Orleans (1996) Paper E.
evaluation. In addition to the log data, the interpretation 2. Herron, M.M. and Herron, S.L.: “Log Interpretation Parameters
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Modeling,” Proc. 1997 Int. Symp. Soc. Core Anal., Calgary

(1997) SCA-9727.
3. Herron, M.M. and Herron, S.L.: "Quantitative Lithology: Open
and Cased Hole Applications Derived from Integrated Core
Chemistry and Mineralogy Data Base," Core-Log Integration,
P.K. Harvey and M.A. Lovell (eds), Geological Society Special
Publication (1998) No. 136, 81.
4. Horkowitz, J.P. and Cannon, D.E.: “Complex Reservoir
Evaluation in Open and Cased Wells,” Trans., SPWLA 38th Ann.
Log. Symp., Dallas (1997) Paper W.
5. Herron, S.L. and Herron, M.M.: “Application of Nuclear
Spectroscopy Logs to the Derivation of Formation Matrix
Density,” Trans., SPWLA 41st Ann. Log. Symp., Dallas (2000)
Paper JJ.
6. Herron, M.M., Johnson, D.L., and Schwartz, L.M.: “A Robust
Permeability Estimator for Siliciclastics,” paper SPE 49301
presented at the 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, 27-30 September.
7. Johnson, D.L., Koplik, J., and Schwartz, L.M.: “New Pore-Size
Parameter Characterizing Transport in Porous Media,” Phys. Rev.
Lett. (1986 ) 57, 2564.
8. Worthington, P.F.: “Evolution of Shaly Sand Concepts in
Reservoir Evaluation, Log Analyst (1985) 26, No. 1, 23.
9. Archie, G.E.: “The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in
Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics,” Trans. AIME
(1985) 146, 54.
10. Waxman, M.H. and Smits, L.J.M.: “Electrical Conduction in Oil
Bearing Shaly Sands,” SPEJ (August 1968) 107.
11. Waxman, M.H. and Thomas, E.C.: “Electrical Conductivities in
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12. Sen, P.N., Goode, P.A. and Sibbit, A.: “Electrical Conduction in
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Experimental Bases for the Dual-Water Model for Interpretation
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15. Gravestock, D.I.: “Behavior of Waxman-Smits Parameter ‘B’ in
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16. Timur, A.: “Producible Porosity and Permeability of Sandstones
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Paper DD.


Depth, ft




0 100 2.6 2.8 3 0.5 0 0.5 0 10- 1 4
10 10
-1 3
10 0 0.5 1
Lith GDen Por Por k-L Res Sw

Fig. 1. Petrophysical evaluation in very freshwater environment. Note the close match of R0 and Rt in both the
porous shales and tight sandstone.


Depth, ft



0 100 2.6 2.8 3 0.5 0 0.5 0 10-1 10 10

4 -1 3
10 0 0.5 1
Lith GDen Por Por k-L Res Sw

Fig. 2. Petrophysical evaluation for Example 2. Note how the corrected neutron and density curves in Track 4
nearly overlay at total porosity. Below X290, the hydrocarbons appear to be at irreducible saturation.


Depth, ft




0 100 2.6 2.8 3 0.5 0 0.5 0 10-1 4

10 10
-1 3
10 0 0.5 1
Lith GDen Por Por k-L Res Sw

Fig. 3. Petrophysical evaluation for Example 3. This example includes sands, shales, and carbonates, and the close
agreement of corrected neutron and density porosities in Track 4 demonstrates the quality of the matrix corrections.


Depth, ft




0 100 2.6 2.8 3 0.5 0 0.5 0 10-1 4

10 10
-1 3
10 0 0.5 1
Lith GDen Por Por k-L Res Sw

Fig. 4. Petrophysical evaluation for Example 4. Here, core data are provided for comparison with computed
matrix density (Track 2), total porosity (Track 4), and permeability (Track 5). Note the high matrix densities in the
sands; core values average 2.70 g/cm 3. In this example, the application of matrix corrections reveals the
presence of gas in each of the porous sands above X580.

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