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1.1 Filled Out Bid/Nomination Form

1.2 Background

The Indigenous People (IP) has always been belong to the marginalized sector and
oftentimes deprived with their rights in accordance with the basic rights provided for in
the Philippine Constitution. Even in the access to basic and social services from the
government, the IP has been the last priority and more often than not, no access at all.

The inception of Indigenous Peoples Right Acts (IPRA) Law has been passed and
became law precisely to help and give more priorities to the IP and IP communities. The
law mandates special privileges to this group. The rights on their ancestral domains,
cultural management, education and access to social services has all been given
importance under the said law.

However, despite the inaction of this law, it is the reality that still no support from
the government being provided to this minority groups. Worst, the IP has always been
victims of political exercises everywhere.

The province of Palawan being the Philippines LAST ECOLOGICAL Frontier,

intensively promoting the ECOTOURISM activities in the province. Lately, the province
has been declared as the ECOTOURISM Capital of the Philippines. To maintain its image
as ecotourism haven of the country, local tourism offices in the province particularly the
southern part had joint together to promote activities, events and gatherings that can attract
more tourists.

With administration’s priority of bolstering the influx of tourist in the area while
preserving and promoting the way of living and cultural preservation of Tau’t Bato in the
municipality of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, ( a group of Indigenous People in the southern part of
the Province) the TRIBAL GAMES as tourism EVENT was born.

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1.3 Objectives of the Event/Project

The objective of this event is basically to offer the government to be more closer to the
heart of this Tribal Communities. Increased awareness and reduces the possibility of being
used and eventually recruited by lawless elements in the area. The success indicator of this
event has been gauged through the following outputs to wit;

1. IP communities are now more cooperative in the implementation of programs and

projects being implemented by the Local Government Units
2. They are now visiting the municipal hall for their problems and they are not
hesitant to ask for help
3. Tribal Leaders are openly communicating with the law enforcement units with
regards to peace and order situation in the area

1.4 Description of the project

The said TRIBAL GAMES were played by indigenous people coming from different
barangays of the municipality. Games to be played are the native traditional games such as,
1.Supok (Blowgun) 2. Sibat (Javelin) 3. Akyat Yantok (Rattan climbing) 4. Pana (Archery) 5.
Lobok (Pagbayo ng Palay) 6.Kadang-Kadang 7. Takbo (Running-Relay). We pursued this kind
of event because it has big impact to the minorities/indigenous people, for them to bring closer to
the government and not be recruited by lawless persons.


2.1 Description of the venue

The venue of the said event was held at the back of the Municipal complex. It is where
the proposed Municipal Sports Complex will be situated. It is also conducive/suitable to the
tribesmen because it is still has soil and some bushes.

2.2 Description of activities

Games to be played are the native traditional games such as, 1.Supok (Blowgun) 2. Sibat
(Javelin) 3. Akyat Yantok (Rattan climbing) 4. Pana (Archery) 5. Lobok (Pagbayo ng Palay)
6.Kadang-Kadang 7. Takbo (Running-Relay). We have assigned an incharge and members in

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every activity for smooth sailing of the event. After the games, everybody went home happy
because all the participants, even the losers, got special packaged goods to take home.

2.3 Profile of participants

All participants of the said event were indigenous people and coming from different
barangays of our locality. Please see attached annex 4.3 for the list of participants.

2.4 Profile of trainors/facilitators/speakers/judges

The executive director of the event is Capt. Anthony P. Macatual of the 18 th Special
Forces of Philippine Army. They have their camps located at Bgy. Punta Baja of this
municipality. They are the ones who initiated the said event, conducted the barangay tribal
games and proposed to our tourism office for the Municipal Tribal Games. They are also
incharge of transporting to and from the venue of the participants. Acted as support group for the
said event were the staff coming from Municipal Tourism Office and the Municipal Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Office. Please see attached annex 4.4 for the list of facilitators.

2.5 Profile of Beneficiaries: Audience/community/participants

All participants of the said event were all indigenous people and coming from different
barangays of our locality. Spectators were a mix of locals and foreign nationals.

2.6 Description of the nature and extent of the informed involvement, massive
participation and expanded cooperation of key players and other stakeholders

Though the 18th Special Forces of the Philippine Army were the ones who initiated the
said event, the LGU played the big role in terms of financial matters and as support group.

2.7 Highlights of the feedback from participants/beneficiaries/public

The participants of this event were so happy that we initiated an event exclusively for
them, which makes them special even for just a short period of time. They also wanted this event
to be played every year, promising a more challenging but friendly games for the next event.


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3.1 Achievement desired outputs of the event/projects

 During the conduct of this event, students from different schools, local, national
and international tourist has arrived in the event venue not only to witness the
event, but also to learn about the culture and values of our Tau’t Bato
communities (Indigenous People).

 Preservation and at the same time showcasing of their culture, customs and

 Involvement/participation of the minorities (IP’s) that brings them closer to the


 Performed a unique event thereby promoting unity and camaraderie

 The LGU through the Armed Forces of the Philippines as primary partner in this
endeavor has provided an avenue for the IP communities in bringing the
government closer to them. The government Forces both the LGU, PNP and the
PNP joint together to disseminate and educate our Indigenous People through the
conduct of this event. As a result, Tribal wars, conflict, and other disputes have
been prevented. Likewise, the tribal communities have been very proactive
particularly in the reports of citing lawless elements in their respective

3.2 Continuity and sustainability of the event/project

As to the writing of this entry, the stakeholders of this event have already conducted
tribal games in the Barangay level of this municipality. The LGU planned to have it conducted in
every barangay or tribal village in a yearly basis and the culminating activity shall be held as the
Municipal Tribal Games to be conducted yearly during the IP national month celebration every
October of each year or during the Taut Bato Festival.

Likewise, the Governor of the Province of Palawan included this Tribal Games/Olympics
as one of the major activities conducted during the celebration of the founding anniversary of the
civil government of the province of Palawan last June 16 – 23, 2017.

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In the municipality of Rizal, an ordinance celebrating the Tau’t Bato Festival in line with
the celebration of Municipal Founding Anniversary is needed to ensure that Municipal Tribal
Games will be sustained as one among the activities/tourism event that our municipality will be
showcasing. Every budget year, the LCE will appropriate certain amount of funds for this

The assumption and risk that has to be addressed to ensure its continuity and
sustainability is the change of administration in the political leadership. Thus, passing and
adoption of an Ordinance declaring Tribal Games to be a yearly event is deemed necessary.

3.3 Summary of achieved outcomes and indicative impacts

Some of the achieved outcomes and indicative impacts of the event was to bring the
government closer to the minorities thereby lessening the risk of our IPs being recruited by
lawless people and engaging in illegal activities. The event also resulted in camaraderie among
the different tribes in our locality.

3.4 Recommendations for the future

This event is unique and can be replicated in every municipality, and may soon be a
national event, wherein competitors will be coming from the different provinces or regions of the
Philippines. We can also promote indigenous peoples arts and crafts by putting up an area where
they can display their native handicrafts.


4.1 Pictures with labels

4.2 Other documentation on the evidences of outputs, outcomes and impacts
(1st Provincial Tribal Games Competition held last June 16-19, 2017)
4.3 List of participants
4.4 List of facilitators/judges/guests
4.5 Copy of program/souvenir (if any)

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