27. Sale Deed

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This DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE executed at Pune on this the 9 th day of October, 2013
by Mr. Chandan Nakhate aged about 40 years s/o Mr. Pandurang Nakhate residing at S.No.11,
Maruti Mandir, Nakhate Niwas, Pirangut, Pune -410030, hereinafter called the VENDOR of the
one part which expression shall include his executors, administrators, legal representatives,
successors etc.
Mr. Rocky Topiwala aged about 39 years s/o Mr. Joshua Topiwala residing at Sylven
hights, Baner, Pune- 411045, hereinafter called the PURCHASER of the Other Part which
expression wherever the context so requires shall mean and include his heirs, executors,
administrators, legal representatives, successors etc.

WHEREAS the VENDOR herein has purchased the said property more fully described in
the Schedule hereunder from Mr. Ram Sharma in and by sale deed dated 10.05.2000 and
registered on 12.05.2000 as Document No. FP 3058 of 2000 of Book 1 volume No. 12 filed at
pages 242 to 245 on the file of the Sub Registrar of Pune.

WHEREAS the VENDOR herein has been in exclusive possession and enjoyment of the
property more fully described in the Schedule hereunder.

WHEREAS the VENDOR is the exclusive owner of the property more fully described in
the Schedule hereunder and he has absolute right to dispose of the same as in the manner he

AND WHEREAS the VENDOR is in need of funds in order to meet his personal
commitments and family expenses and has decided to sell the property more fully described in
the Schedule hereunder for a sum of INR 52,80,000/- (Rupees Fifty Two Lakhs Eighty
Thousand only) and the PURCHASER herein has also agreed to purchase the same for the said
price and to the effect they entered into an agreement to sell dated 9th October 2013.


1. THAT in pursuance of the aforesaid agreement and in consideration of a sum of INR
52,80,000/- (Rupees Fifty Two Lakhs Eighty Thousand only) received by the VENDOR
via cheque Number 5678 dated 15th October, 2013 and the receipt of the said entire
consideration of INR 52,80,000/- (Rupees Fifty Two Lakhs Eighty Thousand only), the
VENDOR doth hereby admit, acknowledge, acquit, release and discharge the VENDOR
from making further payment thereof and the VENDOR doth hereby sell, convey,
transfer, and assigns unto and to the use of the PURCHASER, the property more fully
described in the Schedule hereunder together with the water ways, easements, advantages
and appurtenances, and all estate, rights, title and interest of the VENDOR to and upon
the said property TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property hereby conveyed unto the
PURCHASER absolutely and forever.
2. That the VENDOR hereby assures, represents and hereby covenants with the VENDEE
as follows:
a. That the said land is free from all encumbrances such as prior sale, gift, mortgage,
disputes, litigation, acquisition etc. etc. whatsoever or howsoever.
b. The said property shall be quietly entered into and upon by the VENDEE who shall
hold and enjoy the same as absolute owner without any interruption from the
VENDOR or any persons claiming through the VENDOR.
c. The VENDOR has given vacant possession of the said property to the VENDEE.
d. That there is no order of attachment by the Income Tax Authorities or any other
authorities under law for the time being in force or by any other authority nor any
notice of acquisition or requisition has been received in respect of the said land.
e. That excepting the VENDOR nobody else has any right, title, interest, claim or
demand whatsoever or howsoever in respect of the said land.
f. The VENDOR hereby agrees to co-operate with the VENDEE to get the title of the
said property changed in the name of the VENDEE in Revenue Records.
g. That there is no legal impediment or bar whereby the VENDOR can be prevented
from selling, transferring and conveying the absolute title in the said land in favor of
h. That there is no subsisting agreement for sale in respect of the said land hereby sold
to the VENDEE and the same has not been transferred in any manner whatsoever, in
favor of any other person or persons.
i. That the VENDOR has a marketable title in respect of the said land.
j. That there is no notice of default or breach on the part of the VENDOR or its
predecessors in interest of any provisions of law in respect of the said land.
k. The VENDOR does hereby agree to keep indemnified the VENDEE from and against
all losses, costs, damages and expenses, which the VENDEE may sustain by reason
of anybody to the said property.
l. The land is not an assigned land within the meaning of A.P. Assigned lands
(Prohibition of Transfers) Act 9 of 1977 and it does not belong to or under mortgage
to Govt. Agencies/Undertakings.
m. There is no House or any constructions in the said site. If any structure is found there
the parties herein may be prosecuted under Section 27 read with Sec. 64 of Indian
Stamp Act besides the recovery of the deficit stamp duty.
3. The VENDEE hereby covenants as follows:
a. That he shall confirm to all rules, regulations and by laws of the VENDOR for the
time being in force, and in the event of the area sold being hereafter included within
the limits of any municipal or other Local body, with the rules and regulations thereof
in any way relating to buildings to be erected or re-erected on the said land.
b. That the VENDEE shall not use the said land for any purpose, other than the purpose
mentioned in the deed.
c. The VENDEE shall at all times make payment for any service such as construction,
repairing and maintenance of roads, bridges, playgrounds, water works, electric
supply, drainage, sanitary construction, etc. and a certified copy of the bill details by
the managing committee of the VENDOR shall be proof conclusive as between the
VENDOR and the VENDEE of the amount payable by him on this account, and the
said VENDEE shall pay the same without demur.
d. That the VENDEE shall, forthwith inform the VENDOR in writing, by a letter
separately sent by registered pot acknowledgement due, to the address of the
Secretary of the VENDOR for the time being, of any change of address or of any
devolution for transfer of rights hereby acquired. Any notice or communication
addressed by the VENDOR to the VENDEE shall be deemed to have been properly
served and received by the VENDEE if it is addressed to the last address so intimated
by the VENDEE.
e. All taxes, land revenue, rates and assessments, that are or may hereafter be imposed
upon the said land or any building to be constructed on the said land, under any
enactment for the time being in force shall be paid by the VENDEE.
f. The cost, if any, of execution, stamp or registration of this deed shall be borne by the
4. There is no House or any constructions in the said site. If any structure is found there the
parties herein may be prosecuted under Section 27 read with Sec. 64 of Indian Stamp Act
besides the recovery of the deficit stamp duty.


The Market Value of the Property is INR 50,00,000/- (INR Fifty Lakhs only)
Type of Deed Sale Deed
Land Under Sale Gat No. 10/2, Nakahte Farm A/p- Pirangut
Land Area Transfer 5 Hectares 0 Ares
Land Use Agricultural land
Consideration of Land INR 50,00,000/-
Stamp duty INR 2,50,000/-
Registration fee INR 30,000/-
Total Amount to be paid INR 52,80,000/-

In witness where of the VENDOR and the PURCHASER have set their signatures on the
day month and year first above written.
All that piece and parcel of the site admeasuring 5 Hectares 0 Ares. Survey no Gat No. 10/2
Ward No PNE/W/98/5.
Situated at Gat No. 10/2, Nakahte Farm A/p- Pirangut T/D-Pune

Which is more fully described in the plan annexed hereto and marked in RED colour and
bounded as under
NORTH: Gat no, 9/2, ZP School
SOUTH: Gat no, 11/2, Openground
EAST: Remaining portion of Gat No, 10/2
WEST: Main road
In the above property undivided share of 5 Hectares 0 Ares

1) Mr. Vyom Shetty

2) Mr. Shamila Ahmed THE PURCHASER


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