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THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY is made on 5th day of October, 2018 by (1) Mr. Aditya
Rampurkar, who by occupation is a Share Broker and (2) Smt. Radhika Rampurkar, who is a
doctor by profession, both residing at #12, Cadbury Junction, Lower Parel, Mumbai.
WHEREAS by this Power of Attorney we do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Mr.
Dhanesh Parikar, who is a software engineer by profession, residing at # 1314/15, China
Ming Road, Viman Nagar, Pune as our Constituted Attorney to do the following acts, deeds
and things:
1. To pay the bills and any other charges due on the property (hereinafter referred to as
“the said property”), fully described in the Schedule written hereunder.
2. To obtain the No-Objection Certificate from the Society in order to make a legal sale
of the property.
3. To appoint, engage on our behalf Advocates or Solicitors whenever our said Attorney
shall think proper to do so and to discharge and/or terminate their appointments.
4. To execute a sale deed with respect to the said property to any purchaser or
purchasers at such price which my said Attorney in his absolute discretion thinks
proper, to agree upon and to enter into any agreement or agreements for such sale or
sales and/or to cancel or repudiate the same and to negotiate the terms for the same.
5. To receive from the purchaser or purchasers any earnest money and also the balance
of purchase money or consideration and to give good valid receipt and discharge for
the same.
6. Upon such receipt as aforesaid in our names and as our acts and deeds, to sign and
execute any conveyance or conveyances of the said property in favour of the
purchaser or purchasers or his/their nominee or assignee.
7. To sign and execute all other deeds, instruments and assurances which he shall
consider necessary and to enter into such covenants as our said Attorney may consider
necessary for fully and effectually conveying the said property as we could do
ourselves, if present.
8. To present any such conveyance or conveyances for registration, to admit execution
and receipt of consideration before the Sub-Registrar/ District Registrar or Registrar
having authority for conveying the said property to the said purchaser or purchasers as
fully and effectually in all respects as we could do the same.
9. And we do hereby agree to ratify, confirm all and whatever other act or acts our said
Attorney shall lawfully do, execute or perform or cause to be done, executed or
performed in connection with the sale of the said property under and by virtue of
these presents and all acts, deeds and things lawfully and bona fide done by our said
Attorney shall be construed as acts, deeds and things done by us to all intents and
purposes as if we were personally present notwithstanding the fact that no special
power in that behalf is contained in these presents.


ALL THAT the piece or parcel of land hereditaments and premises measuring more or less
8880 square feet with the existing building and structure comprised in Plot No. 1329, 7 th
Cross, 14th Main, Wagholi, Pune and delineated in the Map or Plan annexed hereto and
bordered therein red and butted and bounded in the manner following, that is to say:
ON THE NORTH: By Scheme Plot No 1328, 7th Cross, 14th Main, Wagholi, Pune.
ON THE SOUTH: By Scheme Plot No 1330, 7th Cross, 14th Main, Wagholi, Pune.
ON THE EAST: By 16’ ft. wide Road
ON THE WEST: By 16’ ft. wide CMC Road
IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set and subscribed our respective hands and
seals this the 10 day of October 2018.
SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED at Mumbai in the presence of:
1. Amila Patil, daughter of Mr. Kailas Patil, residing at Worli, Mumbai
2. Tarun Tej, daughter of Mr. Sur Tej, residing at Victor Road, Mumbai


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