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Year / Sem : III / VI Marks : 50

PART - A 10x2=20

1) Define Noise & Gain.

There is a range of noise sources in analog and mixed-signal systems. Some common types of noise
include white noise, pink noise, Johnson noise, quantization noise, and popcorn noise. White noise has a flat
spectrum and is distributed uniformly throughout the frequency domain.

2) Write some advantages of Cascade amplifier.

There are two primary advantages of cascade amplifiers:
a) Increased gain and input,
b) Output impedance flexibility.

3) Define Wilson current mirror

A Wilson current mirror or Wilson current source, named after George Wilson, is an improved mirror
circuit configuration designed to provide a more constant current source or sink. It provides a much more
accurate input to output current gain.

4) What do you mean by Power dissipation/Voltage swing?

The definition of power dissipation is the process by which an electronic or electrical device produces heat
(energy loss or waste) as an undesirable derivative of its primary action.
Voltage swing, defined here as the voltage difference between the peak voltage and the projected peak voltage,
is independent of series resistance, and thus directly impacts the noise margin in hybrid tunnel diode memory
and logic applications.

5) What is the purpose of using a differential amplifier with an active load?

The purpose of a differential amplifier with active load is to provide an increase in the voltage gain. The total
gain of a differential amplifier with active load is the product of the voltage gains of the discrete stages.

6) Define Miller Effect.

The Miller effect refers to the phenomenon where the input capacitance of a transistor or electronic component
appears to be larger than it actually is due to the voltage gain of the amplifier. This effect is named after John
M. Miller, an American electrical engineer who described it in the 1920s

7) Write down the Statistical characteristics of noise.

This discussion assumes the noise sources have two characteristics: First, multiple sources are uncorrelated.
Second, the probability of a particular amplitude at a point in time follows a Gaussian or normal distribution
which is the case for many sources
8) Write the difference between External & Internal noise.
The internal noise, generated within the equipment or device, and the external noise that come from other
sources outside the equipment.

9) Draw a High frequency model of a cascade stage.

10) Write the types of Noise encountered in op amps.

There are a number of noise sources within an op amp (resistor noise, current noise, KT/C noise, etc.), but it is
customary to model them externally as a voltage noise which appears differentially across the two inputs and
two current noise sources, one in each input.

PART – B 2x10=20

11) a) Explain MOS Equivalent Circuits & Models.

Definition - 2m
Diagram - 4m
Operations & Equations - 4m

11) b) Explain Cascode & Folded cascode configurations with Active load.
Definition - 2m (cascode & folded cascode)
Diagram - 4m
Operations & Equations - 4m

12) a) Draw the circuits of CG Amplifier with Active load & Expression for input resistance, output
resistance and voltage gain.
Definition - 2m
Diagram - 4m
Operations & Equations - 4m

12) b) Explain the Noise in differential amplifier.

Definition - 2m
Diagram - 4m
Operations & Equations - 4m

PART – C 1x10=10

13) Discuss the Frequency of CS, CG & Source Follower.

Definition - 2m (CS, CG & Source Follower)
Diagram - 4m (CS, CG & Source Follower)
Operations & Equations - 4m (CS, CG & Source Follower)

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