Tieng Anh nang cao 1

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Câu 1: Choose ONE of the following topics to talk about.

You should speak for 1-2

minutes on each topic.
Anh/chị học viên chọn 1 trong số chủ đề bên dưới và trình bày theo chủ đề đã
Sau khi chọn topic, học viên thông báo lại cụ thể chủ đề đã chọn vào ô bài làm và
nhấn nút nộp bài.
Với học phần này, anh/chị tự lưu phần trình bày bằng video clip. Mỗi clip không
quá 2 phút.
Trong phần đầu của clip, học viên phải giới thiệu họ và tên, topic cần trình bày.
Sau khi hoàn thiện phần thuyết trình về chủ đề đã chọn, học viên lưu file theo mã
học viên và gửi qua email cce@cce.udn.vn.
Topic 11:

Describe your favourite sports.

You should say:

what it is

how often you play it

who you play with

and explain why you like it so much.

Hello Everyone!
My full name is Dang Long Can. I’m an English Student of Da Nang Foreign University.
My favourite sports are football, swimming, tennis, and so on.
I often play football with my co-workers, and close friends at the weekend. I often come to Gia
Dinh Park to play with them, because it’s very near my house.
I like this sport very much, because I played it when I was young. Moreover, it is a sport that I like
best, especially it helps me to act a lots in daily life, and I become active.
The most important thing that It helps me relieve my stress, and refresh my mind after working
hard in a day. It also helps me mix with and get on well with all people, who live and work beside me.
From above contents I have mentioned to you. I think football will be one of sports that I stick to
it for a long time. That’s all about me!
Thank you for listening my video.
Best wishes to you and your family! Dang Long Can.
As we have known, we have been living in a modern and advanced technology. With that quick
development, people have a lot of good chances to apply technology about daily activities, especially
they're their study and research. To study online is one of best methods to upgrade and improve the
quality of education. It has tendency to develop education in Vietnam nowadays.

The positive study online helps students to save money and time. Besides, to study online can be held
anytime and anywhere. Students can access online courses to get the lecture's content anytime that it is
suitable for their situations. Moreover, it improves knowledge and open their horizons.

For lecturers, to study online is easy to teach effectively. Because they can write a lot of different lecture
levels that they are suitable for each students's knowledge. Beside that, through online lectures can be
expressed and described by pictures, sound and video. It helps to transfer study content more
interesting and dynamic for each lessons.

The negative study online is not suitable for the old who can not use technology well. Beside, it
increases relative problems about network security and intellectual property. For me, the biggest
negative study online that interaction between teachers and students can’t appreciate highly. Because
teachers can not correct lessons and exchange with students directly and on time.

In short, to study online is a good tendency nowadays. However, we need to understand the study
online negative sides to improve and choose it effectively.


1. :

Câu 1: Choose ONE of the following topics to talk about. You should speak
for 1-2 minutes on each topic.
Anh/chị học viên chọn 1 trong số chủ đề bên dưới và trình bày theo chủ đề đã
Sau khi chọn topic, học viên thông báo lại cụ thể chủ đề đã chọn vào ô bài làm
và nhấn nút nộp bài.
Với học phần này, anh/chị tự lưu phần trình bày bằng video clip. Mỗi clip
không quá 2 phút.
Trong phần đầu của clip, học viên phải giới thiệu họ và tên, topic cần trình
Sau khi hoàn thiện phần thuyết trình về chủ đề đã chọn, học viên lưu file theo
mã học viên và gửi qua email cce@cce.udn.vn.

Topic 1
Describe a famous person you would like to meet.
You should say:
who he/she is
what he/she is famous for
what you would do if you meet him/her
and explain why you would like to meet him/her.

Topic 2
Describe a shop you often go to.
You should say:
what name it is
how often you shop there
what goods are sold there
and explain what you like or dislike most about it.

Topic 3
Describe a school you have studied in.
You should say:
what it is
how long you have studied in it
what you like most about your school
and explain why you like to study in your school.

Topic 4
Describe an interesting place to visit.
You should say:
where it is located
what you can do there
what its special features are
and explain what you think it is worth visiting.

Topic 5
Describe an important occasions you have attended, such as a wedding or a
birthday party.
You should say:
what it was
when and where it took place
what you did
and explain why you enjoyed it.

Topic 6
Describe a trip you have had recently.
You should say:
where you went
who went with you
what happened in the trip
and explain why you enjoyed it.

Topic 7
Describe your favourite food.
You should say:
what it is and what its ingredients are
how to make this food
where you often eat it
and explain why you like it so much.

Topic 8
Describe a type of clothes that you like.
You should say:
what it is
what it looks like
how often you wear it
and explain why you like it so much.

Topic 9
Describe an interesting film you have seen recently.
You should say:
what its name is
when you saw it
what it is about
and explain why it was so enjoyable.

Topic 10
Describe one of the most popular TV shows in your country.
You should say:
what the programme is called
who it features or stars
what it is about
and explain why it is so popular.

Topic 11
Describe your favourite sports.
You should say:
what it is
how often you play it
who you play with
and explain why you like it so much.

Topic 12
Describe your favourite means of transport.
You should say:
what it is
when and how often you use it
why you use it
and explain its advantages over other types of transport.

Topic 13
Describe an English course you have ever attended.
You should say:
who your teacher was
what you studied
how long the course was
how useful the course was
and explain how the course has affected your life.

Topic 14
Describe a book you have read recently.
You should say:
what its name is
who wrote it
what it is about
and explain what has impressed you so much.

Topic 15
Describe most unforgettable day in your life.
You should say:
when it was
what happened
who was with you
and explain why it is so special to you.
Topic 16
Describe your ideal home or place to live.
You should say:
where it would be
how big it would be
what it would contain
and explain why this home/place would attract you so much.

Topic 17
Describe a small piece of technology which is most useful to you.
You should say:
what it is
how often you use it
how long you have had it
and explain why you think it is the most useful object to you.

Topic 18
Describe a teacher you like.
You should say:
what he/she is
what subject he/she taught you
what his/her personalities are
and explain why you like to study with him/her so much.

Topic 19
Describe an important decision you have made.
You should say:
what it was
why you made it
how important it was
whether it was a good decision or not
and explain what effect the decision had on your life.

Topic 20
Describe your experience in learning English.
You should say:
how long you have learned English
what methods you have used in learning English
what aspects of English you find most difficult
and explain whether English is important in your work or study.

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