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tin yp ret g OU, . It aterig) 1. _, Point out major features of eco i i i Hor features of economic institutions. (TU-BBA-2008/ 2019, BS The major features of economic ifstitutions are: = * Serial Stratification th capitalist aystem, there is uneven and distribution of resources among people, which create many social rm classes in society Acer uals P a Swer and Authority: Those wha have accede ahd possess mone aa Sono resources they ate powerful and authoritative in society. * Empleyment: Economic institution creates jobs opportunities for a ople i ii nl} People through which, they can generate income and earn their ST | livelihood | Division of Labor: Economie institution creates jobs for the people who acquire different skill sets, The roles and responsibilities of employee depend on their skills, mn A Distinguish between kinship and family, [Tu-BB4-2007/2019} | 7 > _ The differences between family and kinship are explainéd below. =| Kinship is a system of dynamic relations between person and person in a 5 community, the behavior of any two persons in any of these relations | being regulated in some way, and to a greater or Jess extent by social - usage whereas family is a more or less durable association of husband iy and wife with or without child, or of @ man or women alone, with - children. Family is the actual group of peaple, kinship is the relationship | between family members. Mothers and daughters,-uncles and nephews, a | sisjers and cousins are all examples of kinships: s ] 43. 1e three types of education with one example of eact. [TU-BBA-2018] n Education is the process of facilitating leaning, or the acquisition of f knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits, The types of education are: i Formal educational system: TU education is formal educational ; system. ; ii, Informal education: Self-study, peer-group discussions ele. In Nepalese context we have: ‘ red educational system: TU is government owne zi Government own Kanya Campus, Samata * Community based educational system: Schools ete. " Private educational systems: Private College, Universities. Sociology for Business [BBA 5" Semester, TU] Define totalitarian. ; Totalitarianism is a political system where there is rule of a powerful person, The question of equality of citizens does not a totalitarianism. Totalitarianism system imposes restriction of surveillance and use of other limiting powers on the citizen, State four features of market as social institution, [TU-BBA-2015/ [TU-BBA-2018 Mg Market is a place of interaction between the buyers and ee producers and consumers in respect to goods and services. The ae features of market as social institution are: sae + Presence of Buyers and Sellers in oe * The Communication between the Buyers and the Sellers. factors are + Establishment of the Market Relation between the Different Ba fale Units of the Economic System * oe * Price Determination through Interactions between Demand a es Supply and the Price-Rule. = Gro MW rite the features of religion. [TU-BBA-2012/20U = os Religion is a permanent social institution comprising holy books, bee! objects, ideology, theology, creeds, unknown power, moral order an + Gro spirituality mediated through unified system of beliefs and practices. Tif 19, Pont out features of religion are : Kiehipe * Provision of sacred and profane objects, and pow = Some methods of salvation wath are: . Proj ion of righteous and sinful act + Adjustment with supernatural power ples. + Moral and philosophical prin Kin Kin i thre Define kinship. (TU-BBA- aS According to Radcliffe Brown, "Kinship is a system of dynamic relatid ee between person and person in a community, the behavior of any t = greater or less extent by social usage." Kinship is an important dom anthropological research, It is a strong and powerful social insti particularly in small cultural groups within certain kin and relationship. Mention four features of education. [ru-pea-201y2 Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. The four education are: s te “py ay hy 10. re _ OF more individuals in what is Social stitutions 49 + Education is the most important process of socialization of an infant. » Education is an institution for creation, maintenance and transformation of knowledge, «It is a universal social institution for creation, maintenance and transformation of culture in society, + Tt is a basis through which we gain knowledge, achieve new accomplishments, and find new ways to solve our problems. Sate the factors that influence inters group relations. — [TU-BBA-2012] In order to cement the group relations some manifested and latent: factors are responsible which function directly and indirectly. The factors that influence inter group relations are: - Group Member Resources = Group Size = Group Roles * Group Norms = Group Cohesiveness = Group Processes Pont out the features of kinship. ITU-BBA-2011] Kinship is an important domain of anthropological research. Its a strong and powerful social institution particularly in small cultural groups within certain kin and kiths relationship. The features of kinship system are: * Kinship is based on blood ties and marriage + Kinship is approved by society. The relationship established through marriage and birth is approved by society and so the members develop and maintain the socially approved relationship legally. * — Sociologists claim that all known societ developed their kinship system. ries of the world have + Kinship relations are relatively permanent, For example: Once a man and women tie their relationship as couple through marriage, they remain husband and wife for their life. = There arenearness and distance relationship in kinship system. * Social interaction is compulsory in kinship system. Mention major forms of marriage. [TU-BBA-2010] Sociologists define marriage as a soci ally supported union involving two regarded as a_ stable, enduring 5) Sociology for Business [BHA 5 Semester, TU] arrangement typically based at least in part on a sexual bond of & kind, The major forms/ types of marriage are: = Group’ marriage» Polyandry (Fraternal and nonefr Polygamy (Sororal and non-sororal) * Monogamy (one husband, one wife) * Experimental 12. Point ont any four features of joint family. [TU-BBAY % The four features of joint family are: * Large size: The joint family is large in size. It consists of pe * Provision 16. Differentiate be = The differences children, grandchildren and other near relatives along women * Common residence: The members of joint family usually live und the same roof, Pate Common kitchen: The members of a joint family take food cook Patriarchal fa at one hearth. | father is the | and property + Joint property: In a joint family, the ownership, production consumption of wealth takes place on a joint basis. 13. State the major functions of marriage. [7TU-BBA-20 2» The major functions of marriage are: + Marriage helps cultural groups to have a measure of control @ population growth by providing prescribed rules about whe have children. 17. Write about ~s The two feat It provides an opportunity to grow in self lessees. +. Itprovides emotional and spiritual support. 18. What are th The key feat It binds two families as a one. + Itistl 14. List any four function of education according to conflict perspective. oad = The four functions of education according to conflict perspective are! ee + Ttpreserves status quo. ane + ‘It pushes people of lower status into obedience 19, How migh + Maintains social inequality. m= “Type of fa + Plays the role as training working-class to accept and cer of oui de : For exam position as lower members of society. decision m 15, What és institution? List out four basic points that distinguish B institution and organization properly. + Soci natitutions 51 > Hee orgarized hustes of follafay hd smaray cartsfed Gh eat “major human sctivity organized system of eoctal relationships which 77 4 sentodtes certaln comution Valties and procodlifes hid seele er tltt: bate oe needs of society see go four bewic: points’ that dintngaaial sbatvhean Camdiltiorts ane 2a organization are ze : : s 2010) + Nature of both entities yee * Structure of both entities. <*s rents * Functions of both entities a with] * Provision of legitimacy = | i ge *F 16. Differentiate between patriarchal and matriarchal family, ene % The differences between patriarchal and matriarchal family are: = 2+ | Patriarchal family Matriarchal family £ af | Patriarchal family is the onein which | Matriarchal family is the family = | father is the ultimate decision maker | inv which mother is the ultimate + and] | and property holder decision maker and property ‘ | holder, 09 | Im this type of family, children are | In this type of family, all the | brought off in their father's house | members ‘of family are | aed recognized as the children of | subordinated to her a father, [ (0 17. Write about any two features of capitalisin? % The two features of capitalism are: i | * No government intervention or has only little control. | * There is free market mechanism. | 18 What are the key features of democratic system of government? = The key features of democratic system of government are: y ys It is the system of people for the people and by people * Free market policy. * Free and independent press. * Provision of individual's right and liberty, freedom and choice. 19. How might type of family influence fumily decision making process? “Type of family influences decision making process because it's the type of family that determines who is given the authority of decision ae For example: In material decent family mother plays the major role in decision making process unlike patriarchal family. $2. Sociology for Business BBA 5! Semester, TUL 20, Mention the functionalist view on education. > The functionalist view on education is presented belo * Manifest functions: Technical training, selection and a education to democracy. * Socialization * Transmission of Culture * Social Control * Social placement the child to! also import * Change and innovation society. For * Latent functions: restricting some activities, Matchmaking ‘norms of th producing of social networks, Creating a generation gap the respons = Education| Short Answer Questions [5 Marks] acai 21. How does education helps in socializing younger generation? Illus [TU-BBA-26 * Education | . Education: = Fiducation is a social process which prepares individuals to lead” Schooling, meaningful and dignified life. Together with other social forces i p . aoe an important role in shaping the structure of society. Through edueg aa society imparts its knowledge, skill, values and behavioral pattems younger generations. Thereby ensuring _seli-preservations a continuity, In this sense education is a process of socialization, At . same time changes in society mold the education system itself oan acquires complexity. Education inthis sense is a process which pl Meh fad the ‘members of the society to adapt to the constantly hag ee conditions of a society, Education helps to socialize the woun ae generation in following ways: 4 a * Knowledge of basic intellectual 4 ae Is such as reading, Will expression, quantitative: and other cognitive. abil education teaches language well how verbal Since, children therefore is to People communicate each other according to positions in society. nels * _ Culttiral achievements of one’s society. Opport H ee ial and vocational abilities whi hare tee modell yee 800 i a ich a ‘sary in order tom affect the soci one a social, useful and economically productive member of # The school re society. Gender roles as perceived as suitable roles by the soci socialize its ye + Educational systems socialize students to become members Source society, to play meaningful roles in the complex network abi toeee Paces eaaiee act as model + Education helps in shaping values and attitudes to the needs one a e contemporary society. Fducation widens the mental horiz0 locatig, a Yeung people opportunities for intellectual, emotional and social growth, ‘Thus, education can be influential in Eee new values and stimulating adaptation: to changing * Informally. and, especially through social date, the school enables the child to learn a number of other social roles and slalls which are sito Unportant for his/her overall develosmanelas al wieniiee a Society. For example: Education teaches the laws, traditions and Roms of the community, the rights that individuals will enjoy and the responsibilities that they will undertake. Education teaches how one is to behave tow. ard his/her playmates and adults, Education teaches how to share things and ideas Education teaches how to compete responsibly. * Schooling teaches how to cooperate. : Schooling instills the community's pattern of respect: thus how to relate to others well ahd obey rules, * Schooling enables one to internalize the culture of one's society 2 Education leads toward tolerant and humanitarian attitudes. For example: College graduates are expected to be more tolerant than high school graduates in their attitudes toward ethnic and racial groups. * Education will train useful citizens who will obediently conform to society's norms and will accept the role and stattis that society will confer upon them when they have finished their schooling Since, children come from different backgrounds, the work of the school therefore is to intercept and change or modify those aspects which may net be aceptable tothe community. At the same ime, those aspects of training which are meaningful are encouraged. Most of the informa leaming cccurs mainly within the per group sting, The pet Fours affect te socialization process both in school and in the neighborhoods, The school represents formal and conscious effort by the society Socialize its young. It does this through the content of the ce ached co-curricular activities. They also socialize the yea uo eh attitudes and values that they communicate te the tld Tash 9 act as models for students. In school, the child learns extent and prepares him for the world of work. saa Le * = * * 0g ER ‘St Sociology for Business [BBA 5! Semester, TUT ae Schools are expected to nurture, shape or mold pupils in ways ensure the attainment of certain prescribed attitudes and skills, creating academic mastery, teaching social interaction skills, students develop societal commitment and loyalty are examples of that schools reasonably might be expected to attain. All: these are of socialization, Explain bas ic features of ect my. [TU-BBA-2018 mal > An economic system is a means by which societies or govern organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods acto Reographic region or country, Economic systems regulate factors production including capital, labor, physical. —_resour and entrepreneurs. An economic system encompasses many institutio agencies, and other entities. The features of economy are presented the basis of types: Capitalist Econom It represents a free market economy. Und capitalism, all individuals and firms have the right to own pri Property. They are free to use it and earn profits. The central problems: what to produce, how much to produce and for whom to produce ares resolved by the market forces of demand and supply. This means th the price mechanism or what Adam Smith called as the invisible operates freely and is the main deciding force in such economies Features of a Capitalist Economy are as follows: * The means of production are, for the most part, Privately owned. People own their labor power, and are legally free to sell it 10 withhold it from) others. : Production is generally oriented towards profit rather than use il firms produce not in the first instance to satisfy human needs, rather to make money. * Markets play a major role in allocating inputs to commodi Production and determining the amount and direction investment, Socialist Economy: In this kind of economy, the resources are k owned and controlled by the government. In short, private prope restricted. In this sense, socialist economy is just the opposite of capi economy. Karl Marx is known as the ‘Father of Socialism’. He absolutely against the ownership of private property and consi capitalism as the cause of class conflicts. = The | pricir their Mixed Eee capitalistic the public governme: and the pr fully free. controls a1 and now, economies Features ¢ * Und BEE private) s that Social Intitations 98 Features of « socialist Economy are as follows: 7 _Tr avsoclalist economy, the entire fourdation ia bese on solos Scononvc objectives. The welfare of the peuple takes precedence Over the profit thotive. Attd 56, all major factors afid resotirees of Production are in the ownership of the state itself Only emall farms and trading firms are kept under private ownership * In a ‘socialist economy, thete is always a cential planning committee. This is the authority who will decide what is to be Produced using the state resources. They will also decide the quantity and the method of production. The ultimate aim of such authority is to fulfill the socio-economic aims of the State. * Every coin has two sides, So, in a socialist economy, every citizen is guaranteed basic goods like food, clothing, shelter etc. But the consumers do not have absolute freedom of choice. They cannot Gemand the products they wish, they must choose from the products the state manufactures, * Equal Distribution of Income is the main features of a socialist economy. The setup does not allow one person to accumulate a lot of wealth. So, the gap between the rich and the poor is much narrower. And all their citizens enjoy equal opportunities and facilities like education, public healthcare ete. So, there is no discrimination between different classes of people. * The pricing structure in a socialist economy is ‘administered pricing’ which is set by the planning commission on the basis of their socio-economic objectives. Mixed Economy: An economy may not be fully socialistic or fully capitalistic. In the case of a mixed economy, there is a deliberate mix of the public and private activities, Decisions are taken by both the government and the private individuals. It is a system where the public and the private sectors co-exist but the private sector is not allowed to be fully free, The price mechanism is interfered with by the government and private sector, India is a mixed economy © wise jonitor the controls are used to mor SS a UE ee and now, even countries like the economies, Features of Mixed Economy are as follows: mn i is co-existence of public and private industries like defense, power, energy. (On the other hand, in private sector agriculture, small-scale * Under this system, there sectors. In public sector, basic industries ete, are set uP. all the consumer goods industries, 56 Sociology for Husiness [BBA 5! Semester, TU] “industries are developed. The government encourages sectors to develop simultaneously. 3 * Under mixed economy, there is full freedom of cho occupation, although consumer does not get complete liberty the same time government can regulate prices in public through public distribution system, In mixed economy, private property is allowed. However, ha must be remembered that there must be equal distributic * The fam wealth and income, It must be ensured that the profit and prop balanced may not concentrate in a few pockets. in conde * Ina mixed economy, government always tries to pro! soctalization: sconomic development of the country. For this purpose, econo nee Planning is adopted: ‘Thas, economic planning is very esse ree under this system : Social instituti norms and vs along with o behavioral an enduring, ane In mixed economy system, there are both profit motive fj capitalism and social welfare as in socialist economy. 23. Explain social institution of family and its role in socializing individuals. (TU-BBA-29 * Family is a nuclear position of kinship grouping which provide for “social institu rearing of children and for certain other human needs. As an ag needs of peop socialization, it imparts native tongue, family norms and va Education in religious beliefs, accretive social status and social identify in soci maintaining + Family is the basic and universal social institution in which husb transformatio wife and their children stay together as a conjugal family cach social ideas about ¢ some basic needs which has to be satistied for better day to better lif has been obs Family is regarded to be important basic and universal social insti higher is th as this unit alone provides stability in a sexual, emotional, int develope a and social way as no other can. It is the basic institution which pro io biological and psychological functions to the members of family. eee it is a place where much of person's social activities occur. | quainyente The role of family in socializing the individual are: There * The family is the primary socialization agent, It teaches us ee mother/native tongue. Parents are the first members to soci special child, He/she learns love, affection, tolerance, and see indivic Edueat educat in_our normal cognitive, emotional, and physical deve Family is the foundation for all civilized behavior it Social Institutions 57 language abilities, body contro! like toilet using, emotional control, rules of public control ete + Family is the origin point of gender roles, racial and ethnic. prejudice. + Family encomp es important functions while providing goods and services to its members at one hand. In other hand it helps in maintaining social order, harmony, equilibrium and other. + The family also gives information about culture and helps to balanced personality development, In conclusion, we can say that family plays an important role in socialization, How do you define social institution? Explain the role of education as a social institution in bringing social change. ITU-BBA-2013/2016] ‘Secial institutions are permanent social entities governed through social norms and values help to control the human action and interactions along with other social activities. Social institutions are a system of behavioral and relationship patterns that are densely interwoven and enduring, and function across an entire society, According to Bogardus “social institution is a structure of a society that is organized to meet the needs of people chiefly through well established procedures.” Education in general is a lifelong leaning process which helps in maintaining quality life. It is an agent of quantitative and qualitative transformation of human life, Different groups have presented different ideas about education. Education is one of the factor for social change. It has been observed that the more economically developed a society, the higher is the rate of education or literacy there, Conversely, the less developed a country, the lower is the,level of education or literacy Education plays important role and make an individual more amenable to change. It brings about a change in attitude and outlook of individual. An individual becomes rational, holistic and contemplative after getting quality education. There can be various factors for this: * The more educated an individual, the more will be his skills and Specializations and his earning capacity. Education brings about a change in the attitudes and outlook of individuals. : * Education makes’ an individual more amenable to change-Le. an educated individual will accept change more easily than an ‘uneducated ones. Sociology for Business [BBA 5" Semester, TU) + Education brings about a change in the behavior of society, +» Education leads to the scientific temperament, logic and ratig + Education decreases the dependence of individuals on superstitious beliefs outdated modes of thinking, + Fducation is an important means of attaining economic and rewards of society. + Education has improved the status of women by familiarizing about their rights and making them economically independent * - Education is an important factor in population control Educations acts as a gateway to an improved social position. + Itincreases economic, social, and political awareness + Education can bring in political changes. Describe features and function of family with suitable example. ITU-BBA-2 According to Nimkoff, "Family is a more or less durable associatio husband and wile with or without child, or of a man or women with children.” Family encompasses important functions providing goods and services to its members at one hand. In other it helps in maintaining social order, harmony, equilibrium and other, Following are the basic features of family: i A mating relationship: A family comes into existence when a and woman establish mating relation between them. ii. A form of marriage: Mating relationship is established throug institution of marriage. The society regulates sexual bel between opposite sexes through the institution of Through the institution of marriage, mating relation established, Without marriage family is not possible. Hence; fl isa formof r rriage jit, A common habitation: A family requires a home or household its living. Without a dwelling place the task of child-bearing! child rearing cannot be adequately performed, The members family have a common habitation or household: iv. A system of nomenclature: Every family is known by a pats recognized through male line or through the mother's BB patrilineal families, descent is recognized through male Similarly, in matrilineal families descent is recognized mother’s line, social roles such ¢ daughter etc. Some major functions ‘A way of trac recognition of | practice, we are ‘A. system of 1 distinctive name ‘Lhamu Sherpa a Economic funct basic needs like facilities, the fa Religious func knowledge, fai religious acti respective chil Recreational . ceremony, far family membe Reproductive maintenance Socialization Under this F values, code that molds | Through fat accordingly. Status defi ascribing 5° order, race, Explain political According, to rer Coleman, "Politi dal tastttions 98 Am economic provis Every family needs an economic provision to satisfy the . phonic needs. The head of the family carvies on certain profession and earns to maintain the family. oh System of interaction and communication: ‘The family is composed of persons whe invest and communicate with ech other in thei band and wife, mother and father, son and daughter etc Some major functions of fam B + A way of tracing the descent: Descent refers to the social recognition of biological. relationship between individuals. In practice, we are using our patrilineal descent through fathers line. + A system of nomenclature: Every family is recognized by a distinctive name. The names like Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Pasang, z4-2aif Lhamu Sherpa are given by family members. = + Economic function of family. In order to provide very fundamental basic needs like food, cloths, shelter, medicine and other medlern : facilities, the family works hard for the betterment of thetr children. knowledge, faith towards god and goddess and participation in religious activities are transmitted from the family to. their respective children. = Recreational function: Arranging some family picnic, birthday re launched by ceremony, family gathering, feast and festivals he family members for recreation. a © Reproductive function: Sexval satisfaction, production ane riage maintenance of the children are the primary function of the family ed = Socialization function: It is the most important task of the family Under this process, a child is given a native tongue, norms and values, code of conduct, moral character, love, affection, inspiration i i that molds his behavior from nature to nurturing social world. g am Through family a person gets to socialize and lear to act 5 1g accord | «Status definition function; The family serves as a basis for cule ascribing several social statuses mediated through age, sex, birth va order, race, class, ethnicity, and the like Se) 26. Explain political system as a social institution. (7u-BBA-2011) sust| > According to renowned politcal scientists, Gabriel Almond and James Coleman, ‘Political system is that system of interactions to be found in all A PEI A HE. ology for Business [BBA SP Semester, TU] “independent societies which performs the functions of i adaptation by means of legitimate physical compulsion." ‘Almond and Coleman have described the following three main fun of a political system: q = Tomaintain integration of society by determining norms. © To adapt and change elements of social, economic, systems necessary for achieving collective (political) goals. + To protect the integrity of the political system from outside thrg According to Edward Shills, there are three maih types of poli systems. They are: + Totalitarian system: A system in which the state controls regulates all phases of life considered essential for perpetuating power and for carrying out programs arbitrarily. It is the established Inany extreme form, of authoritarianism. Unlike democracies, whe and wae SS variety of groups struggle for a voice in government, ee a, government dictates the society's values, ideology, rules and f pea ee of government. Societies having totalitarian system do not per sheorestealiBe dissent, The centralized authority always dominates over | pone autonomy of individual or sub-groups within the soc ES Mussolinis Italy, Hitler's Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Soviet aie are often quoted as examples of tolalitarian states. To neue Dee states are ruled by one political party that organizes the citi couse ane into a unified group. In practice, the state is represented 6 theoretical ex politically powerful ruling class or elite that dominates all 9 situation as t interest groups. likely to forg + Oligarchic system: Any form of government in which there interpretatior ‘rule by a few’, for example, by members of a self-regulating | someone far having domination over a large society is known as an oliga eee political system, It is a system in which a small group (elites) ee and holds supreme power over a langer society. ‘ te = Democratic system: In its broadest sense, democracy is a way © bad deeds ¢ in which an individual feels free to act within accepted bot involved in of norms and also equal in respects of his/her rights. which people govern themselves. People participate i government through their representatives that they elect in words, people represent themselves and take their own c [tis an imagination of the replica of an equalitarian society. _ ation 27, Describe education as a socigt ee foetal’ institution in Nepali society, (Tu-BBA-2009) igh Which a society’s children are arning, ékil world is equippe n fung ‘on » Education is a social institution throu ht basic acader any mic knowledge, le, Bier satin akithe » and cultural norms. telig with some form of gio, system though those systems vary great ae eo ee : eo ary greatly, The’ major factors affecting e cy uns, ate the /eesblincey and ttnerey thal! are valiieed an eaty Support those systems in different nations. s f polit Inearly days, before Politig x ly oe before the foundation of democracy, the education in oe based on homeschooling and Gurukuls. Of course, only the ais igher caste and rich people were provided education at gurukuls. Later, niatilg | when Rana regime was the supreme order in the country, Dev Shurrser fe ns established hundreds of schools for the public, but his effort was banned RB hend and was dethroned as education was not provided to the public. The a birth of democracy in 1951 lead to the diversification of education system aa in Nepal and the higher eciucation shared a huge chunk of importance : 1 among the Nepali community. The education system here is highly ee theoretical. It is based more on theories present in the textbook than in practical knowledge which does not do a favor for the students to testify soca their knowledge in the field, And that’s when things get difficult for t Uni students as they lack experience and can’t cooperate effectively in their litany fields: Due to this, students get in dilemma when asked about their citizens course and its usage for they haven't been prepared for this and the d by theoretical expressions given to them would become handy in this Ul othe situation as they may not be able or know to use it and they are highly likely to forget those expressions when unknown about their physical re is@ interpretations. A theoretical knowledge simply does not quality job. They got to have some skills they can apply to their someone for the sates amemployment ag, elit ch is not the situation here and that cr varchif work whi es ) Jn vent maximizes their leisure time and as there's as say, ) rules Unemployment maximizes th ee “Empty Mind Decil's Home”, people starts to think negative Abo, youths are highly vulnerable at this stage emotionally, 30 they catch up of i bad deeds quickly because of which even the edueated youth are found ag os like drug addictions and crimes a“ involved in wrong activities like drug a ng Gei Banna Sakena, uh Teacher Bancha a People say, “Jo Padhera Kei Banna Sakena, uh T te e nant do anything’after study, he/she becomes 2 teac ree Eee ee coe pere and thus leaves a bad impression towards the othe! on oo adi TEven a good teacher does not get @.teputation eh ee ae * Fthe reasons a qualified and passionate he/she deserves, and this is one ‘sociology for Business [BBA 5” Semester, TU] ‘as the conception towards a teacher is teacher is hard to find bad. The poor syllabus of the textbook is one of the drawbacks ‘education system. Nepal is.a rapidly developing nation and a devel ift change in infrastructures and nation wants changes. It gets the sw’ requires enough manpower to sustain such changes, The quick el in infrastructures require new: skills and teaching which requi teaching pattern to be changed and moulded continuously. But, ae omer not the condition here, Still, the old syllabus and old teaching style . Ganaas used, In fact, the syllabuses aren’t even updated in 10 years. This d Palen not allow the new generation learners to get updated on the co oe contents and they lack the current knowledge and skills and hence meee infrastructures and the knowledge and the usage techniques of th ee Group marriage: infrastructures don’t coincides generating slow-paced development. D ¢ whe to the lack of updated syllabus, the country demands manpower and arene ee themselves part responsibilities. I ‘ + Polyandry The practice of information technology in edu polygamy connect the individual to the world but Nepal still fails to give qual cae and skill-oriented education to its citizens. Only a few pny masands institutions have implemented such use of new information technolg iL Frater in the educational field, but they have hiked their admission and th brothe opportunities can only be atforded by rich peoples which do not pr treate ii, Non any help to the education system. Usually, the public schools located remote areas do not have enough staffs as the government does broth allocate enough teachers, Also, the teachers don't want to stay in = Polygam places due to lack of availability of basic items. Thus, a less qualified marrying one wife teacher are forced to teach the secondary level stu primary level which are beyond their capability. The teacher with no pro ency i Sore degree teaches the subjects like math teacher teaching, social sce a the class is always going to be a disaster as he/she can’t teach anyt aM beyond what's given in the content resulting to poor education a a hence, the poor knowledge students. =i ieee ‘The bese of our community has a very socially dominant status: marrié students usually are not free to choose what they desire and are fo they s take the courses that their parents or in some case even society Wi may t This creates the unwillingness to carry out and concentrate on the ithe in studenis mind and usuelly resulls-in poor grades and inad Most ‘The -real talent-of the students is dominated ® s understanding parents and society's wishes) studying becomes very unreal unpleasant and thus no one gains anything at all wire 4 U this q style ay lents xing, and rhe [10 is | dy | Define marriage and under socially specifie and wife.” Ma approved by social ceremony The major forms/typos ype warriage- * Monogamy (one = Experimental Group marriage: Group m. eet : themsolves partners, dis cts Hts 94a ajor types, According to. Alfted MeCtun, a ad rey esponsibilities. It includes: = Poly: ulations of Polyandry ¥y (Sororal and non. 8 Lee, "Marriage ig hip as riage are: -sororal) 1, one wife) Soca tutstotions ITU-BBA-2007) man and a woman as hu A public joining together @ husband and 9 wife that i (Fraternal and” non fraternal, Tiage is a non-monogamous martiage-like Ment where three or more adults live together, all considering sharing finances, children, and hou shold ry (One wife many liusbands): Polyandry is a form of ich a woman takes two or more husbands at the ne time. Polyandry is contrasted with polygyny, involving one male and two or more females, i. Fraternal polyandry brothers is called as fratemal polyandry reated as the offspring of the eldest brother an marrying men who are The children are ii. Non- fraternal polyandry: If the husbands of a woman are not others, itis called nan-fraternal polyandry crying multiple spouses. When a jociologists call this polygyny oral polygyny which two or more sisters si Non- Sororal polygyny: It is a type Sororal poly share one husk Polyganny (One husband many zoives): Polygamy is the practice of nan is married to more than ay is a form of polygamous 2 of marriage in which the experimental wn and woman wives are not related as the sisters. geome thinkers heve proposed & «Experimental marriage: Some think SE te compat o he two people bo they autlle down to a life of permanent union, A ta may be allowed if they can settle down pe Monogamy marries one wom Its advant: 4 to lead mari (One man one wifel: an at are now wel tal life temporarily in orde ermanently in matrim atime. This is the leading er to find out jonial relations. Under monogamy one form of marriage. 1 recognized, It produces the highest “G4 Sociology for Business [BBA 5" Semester, TUT ee types of affection and sincere devotion. The children looked after. Both father and mother give earnest attentioy upbringing of their offspring’s. He is in reality the head of s¢ households and fatherhood in personal sense does not ¢ other. Tn 29. Define social institution with its feature and role in modern society. % Social institutions are a system of behavioral and relationship patt that are densely interwoven and enduring, and function across an ent society. They order and structure the behavior of individuals by meal of their normative character, It encompasses marriage, family, kins! political institutions, financial institutions, academic _ institutio religious institutions, socio-cultural institutions and formal-inforg institutions as well. Some features of social institutions are: Bs It is small in size and nuclear in social structures: It is usua small in size and is established by the members of society certain goals. It is nuclear in social structures. © Powerful permanent social entities: Institutions are stru processes through which the people carry on their activities. are the powerful permanent social entities governed through sq norms and value, ; ” Social institution’ are interrelated to each other: Institutions interrelated so that changes in one institution affect the others continuous cause-and-effect relationship. + Social institutions are dynamic in forms: Social institutions dif from one to another. The functions and working procedures from one social institution to another. Hence, they are dynat forms Social institutions help to control the human actions and interact society: + It provides legitimacy to social activities. + It provides blueprint for social actions, interactions and happenings. . It systematizes the working behavior of group members. . It fosters the human culture and civilization. norms and Define social religion, Social institutions | norms and values along with othe institution is a str of people chiefly Functionalist ap religion must se1 group. Emile Du in a society and origin. He poin contribute to th that a religion Muslims, remi Malinowski ar with situations The functional religion to 50 functions to p guidelines giv Conflict appr turns people inequality. T believed that world and experience. inequalities especially underprivile consciousne accept the | chances in suffering. i justifies 50 formal sually with | ured They] Social Ititutions 65. tural values and norms, and recreation,” Hence, social institutions are the norms and values and plays majo Provisions for the transmission of cult + Promotes social welfare, Permanent entities which have certain * role in operating society smoothly. 30. Define social institution: Explain functionalist and conflict approach to religion. = Social institutions are per "manent social entities governed through soci norms and values help Telos fl pues to control the human action and interactions along with other social activities. According to Bogardus, “Socal Institution is @ structure of a society that is organized to meet the needs of people chiefly through well established procedures.” Functionalist approach to religion: ‘The functionalists maintain that religion must serve vital social functions for the individual and for the group. Emile Durkheim states that religion plays an important function in a society and that all religions have social rather than supernatural origin. He pointed out that all social institutions, including, religion, contribute to the harmony and stability of society. The set of symbols that a religion has, like the Christian cross or the Holy Quran for the Muslims, reminds the members of their common faith and unity. Malinowski argues that religion promotes social solidarity by dealing with situations of emotional stress which threaten the stability of society. The functionalist perspective emphasizes the positive contributions of religion to society and tends its dysfunctional aspects. Thus, religion functions to promote group unity and solidarity through shared set of guidelines gives emotional bonds to believers. Conflict approach to religion: Conflict theorists focus on how religion turns people’s attention away from social theories and economic inequality. This perspective stems from the work of Karl Marx, who believed that religion was the most humane feature of an inhumane world and that it arose from the tragedies and injustices of human In Marx's view religion is used to rationalize existing icance. This aspect of religion is y and economically experience inequalities or downplay their signi especially relevant with regard to the political underprivileged. For them, Marx said, “Religion serves as source of false consciousness." That is religious teachings encouraged the oppressed to social arrangements that limit their accept the economic, political and i chances in their life because they aré promised compensation for oe suffering in the next world. This led Marx to conclude that religion justifies social and economic inequalities and that religion teaching 32. ¢ “sociology for Business [BBA 58 Semester, TU) {inhibits protest and revolutionary change Thus, religion is tt (cirug ot sedative) to keep the people from questioning authority,” Define social institution, Why marriage is considered as a institution? What are the social significance of marriage? 7 Social institutions are permanent social entities governed through norms and values help to control the human action and inters along with other social activities. ‘According to Bogardus “@ institution is a structure of a society that is organized to meet the ‘of people chiefly through well established procedures.” Marriage is considered as a social institution because of the follo reasons: + It requires social approval. = Marriage is associated with some Civil or Religious ceremony. * Tt creates mutual obligations, wifeis referring = It establishes spiritual and economic union of a man and 2 wom « Avunculate: Iti For example, the Hindus believe that marital bond betwee societies betwe husband and wife cannot be broken even after their death. proverb says’A ‘The social significances of marriage are: + Amitate: Itist i + Marital bond create division of labor on the basis of sey soir OEE ; + Couvade: Und example, in traditional simple societies, husband worked ou ee and the wife at home, In modern industrial societies, couples anid found working outside the family to get more income in ord ‘The characteristics uplift their economic status = Kinship is ba + Marriage functions-as the license for sex life because it © ae ae ‘mai sexual access between a man and women by avoiding cha —y a m confusion in the society. legally. « Gexisal satisfaction offered by marriage insists couples to estab «Sociologists family give birth to and rear their children, and this continuest + developed generation to generation. Kinship re = [thelps to broaden social horizons of the couples. Marriage 7% man and their families, relatives and friends in a harmonious © marriage, | minimizing their social distance, and strengthening their solids + There are1 + Social inte Define kinship and explain the major rules of kinship along characteristics of kinship system. Kinship is an important domain of anthropological research. It 4! al institution particularly in small cultural nd kiths relationship. According to Radcliffe # 33,. Impact of divo based on differ ‘3 In relation fo and powerful soci within certain kin a Kinship is a system of dynamic relations between person and pet eligion is the o, ag authority, idered as a sq age? 4 rhed through soq, mand inter Bogardus. “sog, {to meet the neq Ato 3c of the follow: anand a womay) nd between ty! death vorked outsi ne in order ta] o establighil itinues from iage bring contact] us_contadl solidarity] Jong with | xa | a nunity, the behavior of Seine any two Ps Wi ae any of these relations being regulated in some @ greater oF loss extent by social usage.” ‘The major rules of kinship are: + Rule of Avoidance: Avoidance yu women must maint ooo ILOf madesty in dress, speech, and other behavioral pattems, It serves to among the members concemed, re m + foting lationship: Under a ep, combination of friendliness i + Teknonymy: Under this usage, it mvolves a particular and open dialogue between individuals a kin is not referred to directly but is referred to through another Kin. Instead of taking direct name the wife is referring him through children, * Avunculate; It is the usage in which relationship persists in some ‘ween a man and his mother’s brother (Mama). Our proverb says ‘Aama pachiko mama’ that shows his role. + Amitate: It is the usage in which especial role is given to father's sister (Phupu). Father's sisters given more priority than mother + Coxvade; Under this usage, the husband is made to lead the life of an invalid along with his wie til she gives birth to the child The characteristics of kinship system are: ced on blood ties and marriage, + Kinship is ba + Kinship is approved by society. The relationship established and birth is approved by society and so the and maintain the socially approved relationship members develo + Sociologists claim that all known societies of the world have developed their kinship system * Kinship relations are relatively permanent. Far example: Once a man and a woman tie their relationship as couple through marriage, they remain husband and wile for their life * There are nearness and distance relationship in kinship system * Social interaction is compulsory in kinship system. different members of the family. It is gender, generation gap and so on. divorce can b can differ from Impact of divor based on different reasons such as ‘ferent from one In relation to. gender: Impact to e wom member to ancthor in a family. On the basis of gender, we see women 66 Soctology for Business [BBA 5” Semester, TU) bearing the highest burden of divorc and requiring, more publ aE private support than her ex-husband. Similarly, in context of country, women are asked and questioned more than the men, family, re-martiage of their son who had been given divorced is 4 acceptable whereas re-marriage of daughters who had been gj (iisSiscnekentt dive dor not. The main reason for this is gender inequality orgl4, because. male are supposed to be superior. Due to gender diffe impact of divorce are different, Women are likely to be treated in anil mannered way being questioned about her character as well by sod whereas men are not treated in that way after their divorce. In relation to generation gap: Impact of divorce can differ due! generation gap as well. Before the time where our society was not modern as it is now, divorces were not as modern as it is now ill-tre: were the women, they were supposed to stay with their husband. they were married, they were not allowed to have multiple choices. now due to advancement of our society, divorced is common. One ‘iberty to change or end his/ her marital status. Our grandparents #f > think and suppose divorce to be a bad thing whereas people of ouraf- are okay with it. Hence, impact of divorce can differ from pers person in a family due to generation gap and also due to gend differences, Q What are the m Organizational organization t attitudes, beh organizational Sg = Organiz = Organiz What is the m Functionalisn in society as explaining s Point out fos ~~ Globalizatior 4, interchange The four fea + Free fl od DS Freed = age " Thedi Mention pri

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