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Pal SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Define social inequalities. efin oe ITU-BBA-2018 Make up] Social inequality is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society. The major examples of social inequality include income gap, gender inequality, health care, and social class. In health care, some individuals receive better and more professional care compared to others. : List the major dimensions of social stratification. (TU-BBA-2008] % Social stratification is vertical division of society into different strata on the basis of caste, class, ethnicity, age and sex compositions, division of labors and so forth. The major dimensions of social stratification are: + Stratification based on class + Stratification based on race/ethnicity : . Stratification based on religion + Stratification based on oceupation _ + Stratification based on gender Paacitionat Answer Questions 3. Name four ethnic group of hilly region in Nepal ‘The four ethnic group of hilly regidn atex Magma: Gurung 1 Scie: Sonanors, Newars, Thakalis, Chepangs anc majonty of Brahmans and! The Brahmins and Chhetris Chhetris are main habitant. of this region: " have long dominance in all pervade social religions and political realm. 4 Why caste is called endogamous SrOUP! ‘custom enjoining one to marry vith Gwe ova group, Cane «pee ne social status based Iicies and itis a social purity or blood purty supported, one ‘within one's cultural group i custom of marrying, ee that's why caste is called endogamous = Endogamy, also called in-marriage, or clan on the basis of caste group. : 5. Differentiate between punctional and confct approach to social Ms ferentiate ee rodches to social The. differences between function?! and conflict app’ stratification are’ ‘82 Soctoingy for Busines Inequality important society Inequality by are needed Functional approach serves purpose motivating people to fill the different positions in society that for survival of the whole, ‘an | Inequality results in | system of domination subordination those with the resources exploit control others. the Differentiation is essential Different groups stra Reward system higher prestige. some positions such as income Gass structure for a cohesive society over societal res0u and compete for advantage. Rewards are attached to | The more stratified) society, the fess likely society will benefit the talents of all citizens, and Differentiate betwveen Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism? ss The differences between Fthnocentrism and Cultural Relativism are: Ethnocentrism Tt is a tendency of each group to take for granted the superiority ofitsown culture. It believes in superiority of own culture Itis the principle of regarding! 7. Give any two differences between caste and ethnic group. 5 The two differences between caste and ethnic group are Cultural Relativism beliefs, value and practices” cultural productions the viewpoint of culture itself. Tt regards all the cultural grou with equal respect and humor | hereditary qualities [Basis Caste 3 Ethnic group Meaning | Caste is predetermined | Ethnic groups are social status based on | human groups that ent a subjective belief in t common descent. Caste is mainly a social construct. classified on raphi¢ For example: Brahmins, actiropolocieal Ha 2 Sanyasi etc falepic bat al Ethnic groups are Limbuwan etc. Gtratification is the syste cociety. Is the process of differences. In other wor cociety into different atts religion, age and Sex 69 inierarchies modified th Lundberg opines "A’ st differences among, PeSE higher’. Hence, socal 6 society into higher and ocial class is a eatege supported by materi social stratification W ‘and possession. In €3 the class differently. categorized the da . ‘Lower class Upper class categorized into fi + Upper lass i. Aristoce ii, Thelan iii. Urbane iy. Thema Lower da esulls from mnination aa sie ploit ‘ a ups strugay> L resou » for sociay stratified slikely thay enefit from| f all ity groups) or. those ertail their Soctat Stratitetion 83 Discus lass dimension of social statcation in Neal q al. (TU-BBA-2018 make up] srences which has developed in a “COPING thd changing this system of starus ‘ ‘s a vertical and horizontal division of society into different strata on the basis of class, caste, ethnically gender, religion, age and sex composition, division 5 of : hierarchies modified through relationships of h one ee ee

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