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Teaching Home Language in FET

Assignment 03

ASSIGNMENT 03 (Compulsory)
DUE DATE: 10 June 2024

Department Language Education, Arts and Culture

Module name and code: TMS3715 Assessment number: 03

Due date: 10 June 2024 Total marks: 100
Unique number: 896329

This assignment is compulsory and must be completed and submitted by the due date.
The assignment questions are based on learning unit 4 of Tutorial Letter 501, CAPS
document of the FET HL and other relevant online material you may source.
Have your study guide at hand while completing this assignment, as you will need it
to answer the assignment questions.
Please answer in English, even if the home language you are planning to teach is not
Please make use of academic writing and proofread your assignment before
submitting it.
Please complete the attached honesty declaration and collate it with your assignment
and submit it as a single document.


Module Code: ……………………. Assessment Date………………. 20….

1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or
inventions of another as if they were one’s own. I know that plagiarism not only
includes verbatim copying, but also the extensive use of another person’s ideas
Teaching Home Language in FET
Assignment 03

without proper acknowledgement (which includes the proper use of quotation marks)
or any attempt to cheat the plagiarism checking system. I know that plagiarism covers
the use of material found in textual sources and from the Internet.
2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.
3. I understand that my assignment/exam answers must be accurately referenced.
4. This assignment/exam file/portfolio is my own work. I acknowledge that copying
someone else’s work, or part of it, is wrong, and that submitting identical work to others
constitutes a form of plagiarism. I did not make use of ChatGPT or any other similar
artificial intelligence programme to assist with the writing of my assignment.
5. I have not allowed, nor will I in future allow, anyone to copy my work with the
intention of passing it off as their own work.
6. I understand that I can be awarded 0% if I have plagiarised.
7. I understand that my assignment/exam file/portfolio may be submitted automatically
to Turnitin.
8. I confirm that I have read and understood the following UNISA policies:
8.1 Policy for Copyright and Plagiarism
8.2 Policy on Academic Integrity
8.3 Student Disciplinary Code

Name……………………………………………… Student No: ..............................

Signed ……………………………………………. Date …………………………….

Teaching Home Language in FET
Assignment 03


QUESTION 1 [45 marks]

Use learning unit 4 ̶ Teaching Home Languages in FET to complete this task.

Question 1.1 [15 marks]

With reference to receptive and productive skills, compare and contrast the Four
Fundamental Language Skills for Home Language Learners in the FET Phase.
Provide at least two examples of how each skill can be used in real-life contexts.
Additionally, briefly discuss the expected content knowledge that learners are likely to
acquire as they become proficient in these skills.

Question 1.2 [15 marks]

Investigate the significance of meaningful and relevant classroom activities and
interactions for language teaching. Provide practical examples of the specific types of
activities and interactions that can be implemented in your Home Language Further
Education and Training (FET) class to promote your learners' successful attainment
of the learning outcomes.

Question 1.3 [15 marks]

In your opinion, explain the significance of assessing learners in Home Language FET
classrooms, with specific emphasis on the various types of assessments that are
described in the CAPS document for the home language you intend teaching.
Remember to include a discussion on the terms “assessment for learning”,
“assessment as learning” and “assessment of learning” when answering the question.

QUESTION 2 [55 marks]

Use Learning Unit 4 ̶ Teaching Listening and Speaking to HL Learners in FET to
complete this task.

Question 2.1 (25 marks)

In weeks 15 and 16 of the Grade 11 FET HL class, you are teaching the language skill
of Listening and Speaking. You have decided to ask your learners to listen to the
Teaching Home Language in FET
Assignment 03

following recording: “Climate Change in South Africa” from the regional director of the
World Food Programme.

Climate Change in South Africa? WFP (World Food Programme)

In recent years, we have seen prolonged droughts, such as in Madagascar or Angola.

The devastating floods that have been taking place due to cyclones and locusts in
Namibia and Zambia have affected the food security and nutrition of millions of people
in this region.

The 2021 Global Report on Food Crisis found that the COVID-19 pandemic, protracted
conflicts and climate change - the three C’s - have created an untenable situation for
almost 155 million people, and probably more. This year, the number of hungry people
will reach a five-year high. Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. According to a
recent report by the Norwegian Refugee Council, climate disasters in Southern Africa
in 2020 have displaced almost half a million people. In 2019, we had millions displaced
due to climate disasters.

In future, the development community in Southern Africa needs to think differently,

and we need to think far ahead and respond to the situation of tomorrow, today. We
need to adapt to climate change on a massive scale and provide innovative solutions
and technologies to match the needs that are out there. We must invest in long-term
programming to address this long-term challenge. This year, we see between 40 to 51
million people who are food insecure in the region. This food insecurity is mostly
related to climate change and economic factors related to COVID-19. I hope that as
we face these increasingly adverse conditions, we are responding with dedicated
efforts to improve resilience of livelihoods and work with governments and all partners
to increase the capacities to adapt to the effects of climate change. But we know and
acknowledge that we cannot do all of this by ourselves ̶ that we need all the
stakeholders to come to the table with the same idea. I am confident that we can take
climate action today to support all our national partners and rural and urban
communities of Southern Africa.
Teaching Home Language in FET
Assignment 03

Lola Castro Regional Director WFP Regional Bureau in Southern Africa

Source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://executive

Design a plan for this listening lesson using the guidelines below.


1. Formulate two objectives for this lesson. 2 marks
2. Describe the language materials and/or media you are 2 marks
going to use for this lesson and give reasons for your
3. Identify and discuss the theory of language learning which 2 marks
you will use for this lesson and give reasons for your
4. Briefly discuss the communicative approach and give 3 marks
reasons why this approach will be useful for your listening
5. Include the pre-listening activities you will use in this 3 marks
6. Include the while-listening activities you will use in this 3 marks
7. Include the post-listening activities you will use in this 3 marks
8. Describe how you will conclude this lesson. 2 marks
9. Discuss the summative assessment strategies you will use 2 marks
to assess your learners.
10. Identify three barriers that may hinder learning in this 3 marks
lesson and explain how you would minimise these.

Question 2.2 [10 marks]

Teaching Home Language in FET
Assignment 03

Using the above text “Climate Change in South Africa” , create a set of five questions
that encompass various levels of thinking for your learners to answer after listening to
the text. You may employ Bloom's taxonomy (as discussed in Tutorial Letter 501) or
any other renowned theorist such as Barrett. You MUST indicate the level of thinking
for each question.

Question 2.3 [10 marks]

The CAPS document for teaching Home Languages in the FET (2011:16) states:
"Formal and informal listening and speaking are integrated with reading, writing and
language practice, and speaking may give written text an oral form (e.g., reading
Explain how you will integrate the above listening text “Climate Change in South
Africa”with the following:
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Language practice

Question 2.4 (10 marks)

CAPS (2011:15-17) identifies three types of listening for which learners must be
prepared, namely listening for specific information, listening for critical analysis and
evaluation and listening for appreciation and interaction. What type(s) of listening
would be used for your listening lesson on “Climate Change in South Africa”.
Substantiate your answer by giving at least three reasons.


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