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How to covert a fraction into percentage?

We will follow the following steps for converting a fraction into a percentage:

Step I: Obtain the fraction. Let the fraction is x/y.

Step II: Multiply the fraction by 100 and write the percentage (%) symbol to
find the required percent. Therefore, x/y = (x/y × 100) %

Express each of the following fraction into a percentage:

(i) 6/5

= (6/5 × 100) % = 120 %

(ii) 42/5

= 22/5 = (22/5 × 100) % = 440 %

How to covert a percentage into fraction?

We will follow the following steps for converting a percentage into a fraction:

Step I: Obtain the given percentage. Let it be x %.

Step II: Remove the percentage sign (%) and then divide the number by
100. Therefore, x % = x/100

Step III: Reduce the fraction obtained to its lowest terms as required.

1. Express each of the following percentage into fraction in lowest


(i) 16 % = 16/100 = 4/25

(ii) 48 % = 48/100 = 12/25

How to convert a given percentage into ratio?

We will follow the following steps for converting a percentage into a ratio:

Step I: Obtain the percentage.

Step II: Convert the given percentage into fraction by dividing it by 100 and
removing percentage symbol (%).

Step III: Reduce the fraction obtained in step II in the simplest form.

Step IV: Write the fraction obtained in step III as a ratio.

1. Express each of the following percentage as ratios in the simplest


(i) 46 % = 46/100 = 23/50 = 23 : 50

(ii) 20 % = 20/100 = 1/5 = 1 : 5

How to convert a given ratio into percentage?

We will follow the following steps for converting a ratio into a percentage:

Step I: Obtain the ratio. Let the ratio be x : y

Step II: Convert the given ratio into the fraction x/y.

Step III: Multiply the fraction obtained in step II by 100 and put the
percentage sign(%).

1. Express each of the following ratio into percentage:

(i) 6 : 5 = 6/5 = (6/5 × 100) % = 600/5 % = 120 %

(ii) 8 : 25 = 8/25 = (8/25 × 100) % = 32 %

How to convert a given percentage into decimal?

We will follow the following steps for converting a percentage into a decimal:

Step I: Obtain the percentage which is to be converted into decimal

Step II: Remove the percentage sign (%) and divide it by 100.

Step III: Express the fraction in the decimal form

Remember: Remove % sign and move the decimal two places to the left.

1. Express each of the following percentage as decimals:

(i) 23 % = 23/100 = 0.23

(ii) 16 % = 16/100 = 0.16

How to convert a decimal into percentage?

We will follow the following steps for converting a decimal into a percentage:

Step I: Obtain the number in decimal form.

Step II: Multiply the number in decimal form by 100 and put percent sign

Note: When we multiply the decimal number by 100, then we need to shift
the decimal point two places to the right (add zeros if necessary).

I. Express each of the following decimal as percent:

(i) 0.29 = 0.29 × 100 % = 29 %

(ii) 0.01 = 0.01 × 100 % = 1 %

How to find the percentage of the given quantity?

We know, a percentage is a fraction with denominator as 100 i.e. % =

1/100. Therefore, to determine the exact value of a percent of a given
quantity we need to express the given percent as fraction and multiply it by
the given number.

We will follow the following steps for finding a percentage of a given number:

Step I: Obtain the number. Let the number be m.

Step II: Obtain the required percentage. Let it be R %.

Step III: To find R % of m, multiply m by R and then divide by 100; i.e. R

% of m = R/100 × m


1. Find 40 % of 240


We know that R % of m is equal to R/100 × m.

So, we have 40 % of 240

40/100 × 240

= 96

How much Percentage One Quantity is of Another?

Finding how much percentage one quantity is of another. Suppose there are
two quantities and we want to find what percent of one quantity is of the
other quantity or find how many hundredths of one quantity should be taken
so that it is equal to the second quantity.

We will follow the following steps for expressing one quantity as the
percentage (percent) of another quantity.

Step I: Quantity to be compared is taken as a numerator.

Step II: Quantity with which it is to be compared is taken as a denominator.

Step III: Quantities are expressed in the fraction form then the fraction is
multiplied by 100 %.

Note: The two quantities must be of the same kind and must have the same units.
Suppose, we have to express x as the percentage of y; then the formula is:

Percentage = x/y × 100

Note: Both x and y must have the same units.

We will apply the concept of solving some real-life problems by using the formula for finding
how much percentage one quantity is of another.

1. Sam scored 36 marks out of 60. Express the marks in percentage.


Therefore, required percent = (36/60 × 100) %

= 60%

How to find percentage of a number?

We will follow the following steps for finding percent of a number:

Step I: Obtain the given number

Step II: Multiply the number by the required percentage i.e.,

x % of a = x/100 × a


1. Find 17 % of Rs 1700


17 % of Rs 1700

= 17/100 × 1700

= Rs 289

How to find the increase percentage?

It can easily be understood if it is expressed as percent. We will follow the following steps to
convert the increase into percent.

Step I: First find the increase in value

Step II: Divide it by the original quantity

Step III: Multiply the fraction by 100 and put percent sign (%)

Formula for finding the increase % is Increase in value/Original value × 100 %.

Note: Increase percent is calculated on the original value.

Example: The population in a small town increases from 20000 to 21250 in
one year. Find the percentage increase in population.


Population in a small town last year = 20000

Population in a small town after one year = 21250

Increase in population = 21250 - 20000 = 1250

Therefore, percentage increase in population = Increase in population/Last

year population × 100 %

= 1250/20000 × 100 %

= 125000/20000 %

= 25/4 %

= 6.25%

Thus, the increase in population is 6.25%

How to find the decrease percentage?

It can easily be understood if it is expressed as per cent. We will follow the

following steps to convert the decrease into per cent

Step I: first find the decrease

Step II: divide it by the original quantity

Step III: multiply the fraction by 100%

Formula for finding the Decrease% is = Decrease in value/Original value ×


Note: decrease per cent is calculated on the original value.

For example:

The price of sugar decreases from Rs 80 per kg to Rs 64 per kg.

Decrease in price = Rs 80 – Rs 64 = Rs 16

and decrease % = decrease in price/Original price × 100 %

= 16/80 × 100 %

= 160/8 %

= 20 %

We will apply the concept of solving some real-life problems by using the
formula for finding the decrease percent.

Calculating Profit Percent and Loss Percent

In calculating profit percent and loss percent we will learn about the basic
concepts of profit and loss. We will recall facts and formula while calculating
profit percent and loss percent. Now we will apply the concept of percentage
to find profit/loss in selling and buying of goods in our day to day life.

Cost price (CP) The amount for which an article is bought is called its
cost price.

Selling price (SP) The amount for which an article is sold is called its
selling price.

Profit or gain When (SP) > (CP) then there is a gain.

Gain = (SP) - (CP)

Loss When (SP) < (CP) then there is a loss.

Loss = (CP) - (SP).


The gain or loss is always reckoned on the cost price

Calculating Profit Percent and Loss Percent

Profit and loss formulas for calculating profit% and loss%:
I. Gain = (SP) - (CP)

II. Loss = (CP) - (SP)

III. Gain% = (gain / CP × 100)%

IV. Loss % = (loss/ CP × 100)%

V. To find SP when CP and gain% or loss% are given:

● SP = [(100 + gain %) / 100] × CP

● SP = {(100 - loss %) /100} × CP

VI. To find CP when SP and gain% or loss% are given:

● CP = {100/(100 + gain %)} × SP

● CP = {100 /(100 - loss %)} × SP

1. Mike bought an article for Rs 750 and sold it for Rs 875. Find Mike's gain
per cent.


CP = Rs 750 and SP = Rs 875.

Since (SP) > (CP), Mike makes a gain.

Gain = Rs (875 - 750)

= Rs 125.

Gain% = {(gain/CP) × 100} %

= {(125/750) × 100} %

= (50/3) %

= 163 %
2. Ron purchased a table for Rs 1260 and due to some scratches on its top
he had to sell it for Rs1197. Find his loss per cent.


CP Rs.1260 and SP = Rs 1197.

Since (SP) < (CP), Ron makes a loss.

Loss = Rs (1260 - 1197)

= Rs 63.

Loss % = [(loss / CP) × 100] %

= [(63 / 1260) × 100] %

= 5%

In calculating profit percent and loss percent, sometimes after purchasing an

article, we have to pay some more money for things like transportation,
repairing charges, local taxes, These extra expenses are called overheads.
For calculating the total cost price, we add overheads to the purchase price.

3. Maddy purchased an old scooter for Rs 12000 and spent Rs 2850 on its
overhauling. Then, he sold it to his friend Sam for Rs 13860. How much per
cent did he gain or lose?


Cost price of the scooter = Rs 12000, overheads = Rs 2850.

Total cost price = Rs (12000 + 2850) = Rs 14850.

Selling price = Rs 13860.

Since (SP) < (CP), Maddy makes a loss.

Loss = Rs (14850 - 13860) = Rs 990.

Loss = [(loss / total CP) × 100] %

= [(990 / 14850) × 100] %

= 6.6 %
Worksheet 1

1. Convert each of the following as fractions as percent:

(i) 7/25

(ii) 3/10

(iii) 32/5

2. Express each of the following percent as fraction:

(i) 36 %

(ii) 131/5 %

(iii) 21/9 %

3. Express each of the following percent as a ratio:

(i) 12 %

(ii) 11/2 %

(iii) 4/5 %

4. Express each of the following ratios as percent:

(i) 3 : 16

(ii) 2 : 5

(iii) 1 : 8

5. Express each of the following percentage as decimal fractions:

(i) 8 %

(ii) 85 %

(iii) 31/5 %

6. Find the following:

(i) 22 % of 140

(ii) 25 % of $ 750

(iii) 16.5 % of 5000 kg

7. Which is greater? Put >, < or = sign.

(i) 15% of 70 m …………. 25% of 60 m

(ii) 8% of Rs 500 …………. 5% of Rs 1000

(iii) 50% of 1 kg …………. 20% of 2000 g

(iv) 15% of Rs 250 …………. 40% of Rs 150

8. In a public show 75 % of seats were filled. If there were 600 seats in the
hall, how many seats were vacant?

9. In an exam, 85 % of the children pass. Find the number of children who

passed, if there were 1700 children.

10. An oil tanks contains 16 litres of oil. Due to leakage 2 litres of oil is lost.
What percent of oil is lost?

11. Out of Rs 20 pocket money, Ron spends Rs.14. Express this as a


12. In a class of 48 students, 4 are absent. What percent is absent?

13. In a school there are 1000 boys and 800 girls. Calculate the percentage
of boys and girls in that school.

14. The enrolment in a school increased by 15 % from the year 2012 to

2013. If 1500 enrolled in 2012, how many enrolled in 2013.

15. A boy’s marks are raised from 45 to 54. What is the percentage

16. The population of a village decreased by 12 %. If the original population

was 25000, find the population after decrease?

17. The price of a scooter was Rs 80000 in 2018. It reduced to Rs 60000 in

2021. By what percent did the price of the scooter reduce?

18. Out of 1,200 identical articles, 47 % are given to A and 35 % are given
to B. Find the actual number of remaining articles.

19. A boy gets 150 marks out of a total of 200. Express his score as percent.

20.. 20% of the trees in an orchard are orange trees. If there are 50 orange
trees, what is the total number of trees in the orchard?

1. Ronald buys a geyser for Rs 3680 and sells it at a gain of 7¹/₂%. For
how much does he sell it?

2. On selling of fan for Rs 810, Sam gains 8%. For how much did he
purchase it?

3. On selling a bat for Rs 371, a man gains 6%. For how much should he
sell it to gain 8%?

4. Greg sells two watches for Rs 1955 each, gaining 15% on one and losing 15%
on the other. Find her gain or loss per cent in the whole transaction.

5. A dealer purchased a fan for Rs 1080. After allowing a discount of

25% on its marked price, he gains 25%. Find the marked price of the

6. Find the rate of discount being given on a shirt whose selling price is Rs 546
after deducting a discount of Rs 104 on its marked price.

7. A man bought apples at 10 for Rs 250 and sold them at Rs 250 per
dozen. Find his gain or loss percent.

8. Mack bought an iron safe for Rs 5580 and paid Rs 170 for its
transportation. Then, he sold it for Rs 6440. Find the gain per cent
earned by him.

9. Marked price of a shawl is Rs. 960 and a VAT of 15% was charged .
Find the VAT charged .Also find its selling price.

10. A handbag is marked Rs 280 and sold to the customer for Rs.
300 inclusive of VAT. Find the rate of tax charged on the handbag.

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