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Players Guide v0.3A

Crawler is a single player roguelike game, for those without friends (or just time
on their hands alone. I'm not judging.) All you need is a single 1d6, a pencil and a
sheet of graph paper. Regular paper works too, it's just better with graph paper.
And this guidebook, unless you've memorized it. Just remember this guide is just a
guide, you do not have to follow it to the 'T', you can adjust the rules if you like.

To begin, you'll need to create your character:

Rolling 1d6 for each stat, minimum of 2 and maximum of 5. (Take this as you want,
if you get a 1 or 6 you can reroll, or treat the 1 as a 2 and a 6 as a 5.) If you don't
want to rely on random character stats, you can make up character types that have
more defined stats for their rolls. A warrior has 5 strength, and is lower than the

Strength - This is the damage dealt to an enemy on a successful hit.

Health - Points of damage you can take.
Dexterity - A break limit, to determine if you hit or take damage.
Speed - Number of spaces you move each turn.


I'd like to describe first how the gameplay is done before we go into the roll
We'll assume our character is
Str: 4
Hp : 5
Dex: 4
Spd: 3

You start by entering the dungeon, your first move is to determine the room you
enter. There are stairs leading down into this room. I mark it off with an up
arrow.Your first roll, determines this room. You draw the walls to the room as you
see fit, based upon the value of the roll.
You don't check for monsters yet, because you just entered this level, we get to
explore the level before we run into a monster.
Your character moves the number of spaces in your speed stat, since you haven't
discovered this level yet, we get to roll each time you move. Determining the
dungeon layout as you move. You can draw the walls however you see fit, but if
you're in a room that already has a wall, you count that to any walls the die gives
you. For example, you just walked around a corner, there is an existing wall, you
roll 2 walls for this room, the wall that exists already counts as one, draw an
additional 1 wall. If you roll lower than the current walls, then keep the current
walls and move on.
After you've completed all of your moves, you get to do a monster check. You roll
to see what monster if any is here. A 1 or 2 means nothing is here (no matter what
level you're on, I'll explain this later.) Otherwise check the monster chart for
what monster you've run into.
We rolled a 3, so 3 + dungeon level = 4, we've run into a skeleton (1hp).
Since this is our first monster, we have no spells to cast, and nothing to do but
attack. You now roll to determine if you hit, or take damage.
If your roll + dungeon level is lower than your dexterity stat, you make a hit. If
it's higher you take a hit.
We rolled a 4. 4 + dungeon level = 5, so we take a hit. The damage we take is that
score - dex, which is 1. Our HP is now 4/5.
We roll again, we get a 1. We successfully hit the skeleton, and deal 4 damage, the
skeleton falls to the floor. The damage dealt is always your strength.
We gain 1XP for each HP the enemy had, which is 1... so we gained 1XP!
Now we get to see what treasure we get from this foe. Roll again, 3, we get 3 gold!
Our stats look like:
Str: 4
HP : 5
Dex: 4
Spd: 3
XP : 1
Gld: 3

Now we get to move again, and run into another monster. Or when we find the
stairs to the next dungeon level.

XP: Experience Points are gained based upon the value of the HP of the enemy, once
you've reached 10XP you level up to level 2. You must gain an additional 20XP to
get to level 3, and so on. 10xp*level to level up. Once you level up, you can apply
up to two skill points to your stats, except speed. As shown here:
Str: 4+1
HP : 5
Dex: 4+1
Choose wisely, as leveling up and pendants are the only way to permanently
increase these skills. Spells will temporarily increase them, generally only for
1 hit in a battle.
Roll Types:
Here's where you'll figure out what you're doing. All of these are 1d6 rolls.

1 - 3 Walls and a Treasure Chest (locked if you're playing hard mode.)
2 - 2 Walls
3 - 1 Wall
4 - 0 Walls, Open room.
5 - 1 Wall
6 - 3 Walls, and Stairs to next level (if you haven't found it already.)

Monsters (A Roll of 1 or 2 is always no monster)

1d6 + Dungeon Level
4 - Skeleton - 1HP
5 - Zombie - 2HP
6 - Goblin - 3HP
7 - Orc - 4HP
8 - Mummy - 5HP
9 - Ogre - 6HP
10 - Vampire - 7HP (Vampires restore HP for each HP they take)
11 - Dragon? - 8HP

1 - Nothing! (Key if playing with locked chests?)
2 - 2 Gold
3 - 3 Gold
4 - 4 Gold
5 - 5 Gold
6 - Item

1 - Key (or Spell scroll if not playing with locked chests)
2 - Health Potion (restores +%50 health)
3 - Health Potion (restores +%50 health)
4 - Spell Scroll (Determine spell in scroll list)
5 - 2d6*3 in Gold! (add the two values of 1d6 multiply by 3)
6 - Pendant (Determine pendant type in pendant list)
Spell Scrolls (keep until needed)
1 - Sleep (Puts monster to sleep, 1 hit, no dexterity roll)
2 - Heal (Heals all of your wounds 100% hp)
3 - Unlock (Opens a locked chest, choose another if not playing with locked
4 - Teleport (Teleport to any other explored room on this level of the
5 - Shield (Blocks all damage from a high dex roll)
6 - Might (+1 to Str for 1 hit)

Pendants (wear to gain power)

1 - Topaz +1 Str
2 - Topaz +1 Str
3 - Amethyst +1 HP
4 - Amethyst +1 HP
5 - Sapphire +1 Dex
6 - Sapphire +1 Dex
Substitute Jade if you want to increase speed.

Currently Gold has no value. But I am thinking of implementing a store that can
only be accessed during the travel of levels. By the mid of level 3 on one game I
have about 50 some-odd gold, which may be the starting value for items, for
example a health potion. Or 10 gold for a key, if you're playing with locked
chests, which may be a good value if you get an item roll.

Store (preliminary values)

10 Gld- Key
50 Gld- Health Potion
200 Gld - Spell Scroll
500 Gld - Pendant

That's the basics of the game.

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