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Postgraduate Dissertation Marking Sheet

Student Name: ………………………

Final Agreed Mark
Student Number: ………………………
Course: ………………………

Field: ………………………

First Marker Recommended Mark:

Yes No
Do you require a copy of the dissertation to be returned to you?

Has the student indicated that the contents of this dissertation should remain confidential?

Do you have any objection to a copy of this dissertation being placed in the LRC?

Name (Print) ………………………………. Name (Signature) ……………………………….

Second Marker Recommended Mark:

Name (Print) ………………………………. Name (Signature) ……………………………….

Overall comments
Please use this section to make any comments on the overall quality of the work
Postgraduate Dissertation Marking Sheet
1. Topic selection/ research aim and objectives (Weighting approx. 10%)
Did the dissertation demonstrate clarity in the research aim and explanation of topic under investigation? Was the
dissertation clear and consistent in the aim and objectives being addressed throughout? Was the aim innovative/
important/ relevant?

2. Literature Review (Weighting approx. 30%)

Did the dissertation establish an appropriate framework of literature to provide an academic basis to the empirical
investigation? In particular, was there a comprehensive, masterly and critical investigation of the relevant literature
and/or bodies of knowledge?

3. Methodology and Method (Weighting approx. 20%)

Was there an appropriate acknowledgement of methodological underpinnings/ ontological position (ontological and
epistemological) and selection and application of research methods appropriate to that a) methodology/ ontological
position and b) the aim?
Postgraduate Dissertation Marking Sheet
4. Presentation and analysis of empirical results (Weighting approx. 10%)
Did the dissertation include an appropriate and considered presentation and analysis of empirical results?

5. Discussion (Weighting approx. 20%)

Did the dissertation critically relate the empirical results and the literature discussed in the literature review?

6. Conclusions and Reflection (Weighting approx. 10%)

Did the dissertation address/ answer the aim and objectives in a way that contributed new knowledge? Did the student
adequately engage in critical reflection? If appropriate for the dissertation, did the student consider recommendations
based upon findings?

Notes: Markers may vary from this marking schedule or its weightings according to the specific attributes and approach taken in the dissertation
being marked. This is particularly acceptable where the approach taken in the dissertation is very unusual in methodology (i.e. a post-modern
approach) or method (i.e. action research approach). Markers wishing to vary from this schedule should include a written explanation for the
need for variation when they return their marking to the module leader. Please refer to the module handbook and dissertation marking
supplementary instructions for any further clarification

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