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Grade 3 English Quiz Class

Total questions: 3
Worksheet time: 25mins Date

1. Once upon a time, in a vast, green meadow, there was a cheerful rabbit named Bella. Bella loved to hop
around and play all day. She was especially fond of finding colorful flowers and sharing them with her

friends. One day, Bella found a unique flower that changed colors. Excited, she decided to share it with
her best friend, a wise old owl named Oliver. Oliver, who enjoyed reading and learning about the

meadow, told Bella that this was a Rainbow Flower, known for its rare beauty. Together, they learned

that the Rainbow Flower blooms only when the meadow is full of happiness and friendship.

1. What does the word 'bloom' mean?

a) To bear fruit b) To grow roots

c) To shed leaves
at d) To produce flowers
2. What did Bella find that changes colors?

a) A unique flower b) A rare gemstone


c) A magical potion d) A mysterious book


3. What is the definition of friendship?


a) A relationship between objects b) A relationship between animals


c) A distant relationship between people d) A close relationship between people


4. What does the word 'unique' mean?


a) Common b) Familiar

c) Similar d) One of a kind


5. What is the definition of happiness?


a) Feeling of sadness and discontent b) Feeling of anger and frustration

c) Feeling of fear and anxiety d) Feeling of joy and contentment

2. In the heart of a dense forest, a small mouse named Max lived under an old oak tree. Max was very
curious and loved adventures. One day, he decided to explore a part of the forest he had never seen
before. During his exploration, he stumbled upon a sparkling stream. Near the stream, he met a kind
frog named Fred. Fred loved to sing and play in the water all day. Max was fascinated by the stream
and asked Fred many questions about it. Fred explained that the stream was home to many creatures
and provided fresh water for the forest. Max and Fred spent the entire day playing by the stream, and
by the end of the day, they had become great friends.

1. What does the word 'fascinated' indicate about Max's feelings towards the stream?

a) He was scared b) He was bored

c) He was extremely interested and captivated d) He was confused

2. What did Max and Fred do when they met near the sparkling stream?

a) Went fishing in the stream b) Played by the stream and became great

c) Explored the nearby forest d) Had a picnic by the stream

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3. What is the main theme highlighted in the passage?

a) Exploration b) Competition

c) Friendship d) Adventure

4. What is the main theme of the passage?

a) Max's fear of the unknown
at b) Max's love for adventures
c) Fred's journey through the forest d) Max's dislike for exploring

5. What does the word 'curious' mean in relation to Max's personality?


a) Eager to learn and explore new things b) Shy and reserved


c) Lazy and uninterested d) Aggressive and confrontational

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3. In the heart of a bustling city, hidden behind tall walls and forgotten by time, was a secret garden. For

years, it lay undiscovered, its beauty concealed from the world. The garden was home to towering
trees, colorful flowers, and a small, sparkling pond that mirrored the sky. It was a haven for animals

and insects, a slice of nature preserved in the midst of urban chaos.


The story of the hidden garden began with an elderly lady named Mrs. Winters, who had lived in the

city all her life. She remembered the garden from her childhood, a magical place where she played and
explored. As the city grew, the garden was walled off, and its entrance was lost. Mrs. Winters often

spoke of the garden, but few believed her tales.

One day, a group of children playing soccer nearby stumbled upon a small, rusty gate partially hidden
by overgrown vines. Curious, they pushed the gate open and stepped into the garden. They were
amazed by what they found - a world untouched by time, alive with the sounds of nature.
The children visited the garden every day, keeping its existence a secret. They explored every corner,
named the animals, and even planted new flowers. The garden became their secret hideaway, a place
of adventure and friendship.
Mrs. Winters learned about the children's discovery and was overjoyed. She shared her knowledge of
the garden with them, telling stories of its past and teaching them about the plants and animals.
Together, they decided to take care of the garden, ensuring it would remain a hidden gem in the city.

1. How do the children and Mrs. Winters differ in their views of the garden?
a) The children see the garden as a cherished b) The children and Mrs. Winters both see the
childhood memory, while Mrs. Winters views garden as a boring and uninteresting place.
it as a magical and exciting place.

c) Both the children and Mrs. Winters see the d) The children see the garden as magical and
garden as a place of mystery and wonder. exciting, while Mrs. Winters views it as a
cherished childhood memory and a valuable
piece of nature in the city.

2. How did the animals and insects in the garden perceive the space compared to the human
characters in the story?

a) They were not present in the garden. b) They were invisible to the human characters.

c) They had a different point of view and d) They had the same point of view and

experience. experience.

3. How did the city residents who didn't believe Mrs. Winters' tales view the garden compared to the

children and Mrs. Winters?

a) They had the same point of view b) They were not aware of the garden

c) They had a different point of view at d) They were scared of the garden
4. What is the main idea of the passage?

a) The history of Mrs. Winters' family b) The exploration of a haunted house by the

c) The construction of a new playground in the d) The discovery and preservation of a hidden
city garden in the city

5. What is the main idea of the passage 'The Secret Garden'?


a) Sharing of stories by Mrs. Winters b) Discovery of a hidden garden in the city


c) Decision to take care of the garden together d) Mrs. Winters' knowledge of the garden

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