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Rule Book, Scenario Book & Play Book.

Order Cube Draw Phase
Most Battles use a 70-card deck (+1 reshuffle card).
3 x Double-sided 22”x17” mounted game maps.
Turn Preparation Phase Blindly draw a cube fromDRAW
the cupACTIONS
and act upon it; repeat
2 x Play aid sheets. • Leader CUBE
Event Cards: Battle-specific, each
until the last Black cube is drawn. Cup’s contents may
2 x Army Management mats. sportsput
an used
Officer iconinon itsconvenient
right corner.
1. xPrepare be examined, cubes any location.
115 Woodenyour Reserve:
cubes/markers. Order Cube: This draw allow the French ( ) or Gold

90 x Wooden Blocks. aRepresenting
You may retain number of your remaining
military units.Reserve execute oneon
Coalition ( Put )alltoBlack of the Turn’s
below. speci
Box’s cubes (from the previous turn) up to your Exception:
“Every soldier carries acubes
baton in his so to
100 x Event/Leader/Commander cards. notice when the last is drawn, indicating an end of Turn.
current Commander’s Skill value, discard the rest. Napoleon
• Move Order: Move some of your Blocks. • Ne
2. HOW
Prepare the Draw Cup,TO WIN
empty and refill with:
• Event Card Order: Resolve a card event. dec
• Blue: The French player executes an Order, then the
• 20 French Cards: Events a useable by the
There• are
you to winfrom
want a game:
your Reserve Box. • Coalition
Pass could Discard
a without
If the
next draw is
cards. • Sp
• White:
the same Coalition
The colour, put player
it backexecutes
in the cupanwithout
Order, effect.
• The required number of Blue & White cubes.* the French could spend a cube for a Reaction Order.
• Demoralizing
One Gold cube,your
but opponent’s Army - Page 10.
only if scenario-required. • 20 Do
• • Yellow: Coalition Cards: Purchases
Reinforcement, Events useable
& Rallyby the

B. Controlling
Two Flag locations - Page 11.
Yellow “Rally” “Ready Arms!” Order: Put one Attack token in the
• Red: Coalition
A Combat player,
Phase includes
is five Leader cards.

C. Three Red
Special “Combat”
Scenario cubes.
victory conditions - Scenarios. Army Mat’s Token Box, the maximum allowed is 15 . One o
• Black: Draw Cards, Give Ground, End of Turn actions.
• Three Black “End Turn” cubes.** • 30Choose
Shared Cards: perboth allowi
• • Gold: next cube Useable
pulled, orby
“In Reserve” Order: Put the pulled cube
Scenario rules.
in the
GAME SCALE Reserve Box; the maximum number of cubes allowed
3. Prepare your Attack Tokens:
in• the Box is your
One Orange Reshuffle Card: The Draw & Discard How
End Commander's
of Turn Phase Skill + two cubes.
Most Game-Turns are roughly two hours in length. piles are shuffled together to form a new Draw pile. Comm
• Leftover Attack tokens from last turn still in your
Token Box can be kept there, up to the value of • Reaction Order: After a Blue/White cube only p
1. Turn Marker: Advance the Turn marker one
Smaller Battles
your are Brigade-scale:
Commander’s (ex:
Skill, discard theMarengo)
rest. * Move Order is done, the Enemy player may use a
box. Ifare no dice
already in itsin this
last game:
box, the Event
the game ends. card system
• •Map Zone: 1000 meters.
Put the “Available” number of new Attack tokens cube from his Reserve to do a Blue/White cube Order.
takes care of all random probability functions.
• Infantry
in eachBlock: 1500-3500
Army Mat’s Tokensmen.Box.* 2. End of Game Victory: If the game did not end by adjac
• •Cavalry
MaximumBlock: 800-1200
is Available men.+ Commander’s Skill.
Tokens Army Cube:
Demoralization orReinforcements,
Scenario victory buyconditions,
• Artillery Block: 12-24 guns. Yellow Carry out cubes
then Flag Zone control determines the winner.
& tokens, Rally Blocks; Initiative player first for each. • In H
* The Number is listed on the Army Commander cards. aut
Larger Battles are Divisional-scale: (ex: Austerlitz)
In Daylight Turns, one extra cube of the Initiative player 1. Reinforcements:
“The spectacle of a fieldEach Block after
of battle entersthe
using a free
combat, is “In Zon
• Map Zone: 2000 meters.
goes into the draw cup. Ran
sufficient Move
to inspire Activation
Princes with theOrder; Leader
love of cards
peace, and go
• Infantry Block: 4000-9000-
in their HQ
the horror of owner’s
war!” hand, CommanderNapoleon
cards are flipped.
• Cavalry Block: 2000-3000 men.
** Scenario may ask for two Black cubes in some turns.
• Artillery Block: 36-72 guns. 2. Purchase Cubes/Tokens: For each card discarded a • Ou
spare cube of CONTROL VICTORY
your own colour (Blue/White) goes in Ra
4. ofDiscard
* All VolumeExcess Cards:are Brigade-scale.
I’s scenarios
your Reserve Box, or a spare Attack token goes aga
• You may keep as many of your own side or shared The player controlling the most of his side’s Victory Flag
cards as your Commander Skill rating; you must in your Attack Tokens Box. Se
discard the rest, including all enemy cards.
Zones at the end of the game is the winner!
3. Rally around the Flag: Players take turns Rallying • HQ
The • If the count is tied, and only one Army is in Good
5. maps
Draware divided into rounded corner square Zones.
Cards: Blocks and Army Morale, until both Pass in a row.
Morale, then that player’s Army wins; otherwise it’s
Each• isEach
up tofour
six adjacent Zones, which are
cards, then em
a tie. …the Initiative player can claim a moral victory.
not necessarily aligned in a strict pattern.
discards to the six-card maximum. Red Cube: A Combat phase takes place.
A Turn track and an Army Morale track are also present. French Event - Coalition Event - Shared Event • HQ
“There is no man more pusillanimous than me when I am
1.• Combat:
The last side to move
Players takean Infantry
turns or Garrison
performing Block
an Attack, Cliff
TURN SEQUENCE into aboth
until Victory
PassFlag Zone controls it; other types only
in succession.
planning a campaign. I purposely exaggerate all dangers temporarily cancel Enemy Control during their stay.
and all calamities that circumstances make possible. I am
in a thoroughly painful state of agitation. This does not Black Cube: Draw cards, end turn (Give Ground).
New Game-Turn Phase.
me from looking quite serene in front of my • Coalition count White Flag Zones, French count
• The Turn’s
entourage; I am like ancubes
Order & tokens
unmarried are prepared,
girl laboring new
with child. 1. Draw Cards:
Blue, some Bothhave
Zones players
bothdraw one card.
cards are drawn.
Once I have made up my mind, everything is forgotten 2. End Game-Turn: When the last Black cube is pulled,
Order what
Draw to Phase.
success.” • the game-turn
Blue/White Flagends, without
markers are Drawing
put on a card. Exam
• Order cubes are pulled from a cupNapoleon
and acted upon. the Army Mats to keep count. HQ R
3- End of Turn Phase. One Z
Volume I • Victory conditions are checked. Page 15 Give Ground/Surrender: At turn end, both Players may HQ an
V28.1.3 one 12
Volume Itake turns Withdrawing Enemy-adjacent BlocksPage
Zone; these Blocks then have to perform a Skill Check. The th
COMBAT PHASE • These might also be able to Surrender. See page 18. even
When a Red cube is drawn, a Combat phase occurs.
Order Cube: This draw allow the French ( ) or Gold Cube: Used only in some Scenarios, provides
Coalition (
1. Attack )Step:
to execute one
Players of the Orders
alternate below.
doing one Fire or one special effects to a given side.
Assault Combat; or Pass (they can still Attack later).
• Move
2. End Order:
Aftersome of your Blocks.
both Players Pass in succession, the • Next Cube: When drawn, the scenario-chosen player
• EventCombat
Card Order:
phase Resolve
ends. a card event. decides which cube is drawn next.
3. Removal Step: Discard all on-map tokens.
• Pass Order: Discard without effect. If the next draw is • Special: Scenarios may call for a special event.
the same colour, put it back in the cup without effect.
Combat Procedure MOVE ORDERS
• Infantry vs Cavalry: If a Lead Infantry Attacks a Steady Cavalry, shift one
• Enemy Units: Advancing Attackers ignore enemy Battle Zones.
• Weak Assault: If the Lead Attacker is in massed Column, shift one Le
• Square:
For both sides, if the
If the Lead Lead Enemy
Attacker is is Steadyshift
in aSquare, Cavalry,
one then: Left.
• Flanked: If the Lead Defender is Flanked, shift one Right .
• • Your
Bombardment: Steady IfCavalry
the Lead takes a
ArtillerySkill Check.
Bombards, Miss
Shift= one
one • Cohesion
Flanked Hit. If the Lead Defender is a lone Flanked Artillery, shift two
• YourToughness:
• Artillery Steady InfantryIf thenot
in Square
Lead Defender
must Chart
form Square.
is Artillery, shift
Labels Left.
• Clash
one of Wills: If this is a Clash of Wills Combat, highest Skill gets one Shif

• • All
Disorderedyour other Blocks
Artillery: If thenot in
Lead Square take
Attacking one Cohesion
Artillery is hit.
* But only shift
if the one
Defender’s Left.
is not in “Barred/Crossed Horse” terrain.

• • Left: The Red number up left is the Zone’s Fire CP defenceFor

Flanked: If the Lead Attacker is in a Defender’s Flanked zone,
value.shift one Right.
both sides, if the Lead Enemy is a Steady Cavalry, then:
• • Right:
High The
BlackIf number
Artillery up
right isa the
Zone with two
Assault CPLong Infantry/Cavalry
defence bonus.
• Your Steady blocks, takes one
Cavalry shift Right.
a Skill Check. Miss = one Cohesion Hit.
• Maximum Bonus: Maximum Terrain bonus is +3 CP. • Your Steady Infantry not in Square must form Square.
• All your other Blocks not in Square take one Cohesion hit.
• Yellow Hex/Circle CP: “Interval” CP between two squares.
•TheBarred Horse: Cavalry gets no Defensive Terrain CP.
Yellow Hex/Circle “Interval” terrain CP, between two hexes, is added to the defending terrain CP.
• Crossed Horse: No Cavalry Assault/Support and no Defensive Terrain CP.
• • Barred
Clash of Wills: IfArtillery
Cannon: this is agets Clash
no of Wills Battle,
Defensive one
Terrain Shift.

• Crossed Cannon: Artillery cannot enter or move across. The Yellow Hex/CircleShift.
Bad Morale: If an Army is in Bad Morale, the Enemy gets one “Interval” terrain CP, between two hexes, is added to th
••• White
Tent: Meeple:
GarrisonsFire: If the
are Lead
allowed Steady
caninbe set-up
that Defender
Zone. is Infantry, Shift one
in that zone. Left.
• Infantry vs Cavalry: If a Lead Infantry Attacks a Steady Cavalry, shift one Left.*
• Flanked : If the Lead Attacker
• Impassable: Cannot be entered or moved in a Flanked zone, shift one
• Tent: Right.
Garrisons are allowed in that Zone.
• • Flanked
Skill Check:Artillery:
Block But
takes if the
a Lead
Regular Defender
Skill Checkis a lone
after Flanked
entering orArtillery,
moving shift two
across. Right.
• *But only
Cohesion if the
Hit: Defender’s
Block takes is
a not in
hit after enteringHorse”
or terrain.
moving across.
• Arty Cohesion Hit: Artillery takes a Cohesion hit after entering or moving across.

The Yellow Hex/Circle “Interval” terrain CP, between two hexes, is added to the defending terrain CP.

Terrain Effects Chart

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