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0 BATTLE COMMANDER - VOL I - Scenarios Page 1

V13.0 BATTLE COMMANDER - VOL I - Scenarios Page 2

“The first consideration of any general who offers battle should be the
glory and honour of his arms; the safety and preservation of his men is only
the second; but it is in the enterprise and courage resulting from the
former, that the latter will most assuredly be found. In a retreat, besides
losing the honour of the army, the loss of life is often greater than in two
battles. For this reason, we should never despair while brave men are still
with their colours. It is by these means that we secure victory.”

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TABLE OF CONTENTS First Turn Card Draw

Scenario Instructions……………………………………….3 During the rst turn draw, you follow a special process:
• Lonato ……………………………….Small Battle..…4
• Castiglione……..…………………….Small Battle..…8 • Play Immediately: Discard without e ect all “Play
• Arcole…………………………………Small Battle…12 Immediately” cards, then draw a replacement card.
• Rivoli...………………………………..Small Battle…17
• Montebello….………………..………Small Battle…21 • Reshu e: Once the rst draw process is complete,
• Marengo..…………………………….Small Battle…25 reshu e the Draw and Discard piles together.


There’ll be at least six Battles in each game of the series.

Each Scenario includes the following:

• Historical Narrative.
• Leaders, Army Morale & Special Rules.
• Reinforcement/Event Timetables, Friction of War Table. Play Immediately = Discard & Redraw.
• Extra Victory Conditions & Gold Cube rule (if needed).
• Set-up Map & Order of Battle. Napoleon Bonaparte’s Fate

Initial Victory Flag Control If the Napoleon/Bonaparte Army Commander is “Hors de

Combat” at game’s end, do a Skill Check: On a “Death”s
Control of Victory Flag Zones at game start should be Head” result, he’s dead, and the French loses the game!
self-evident. If any questions arise, the player with the
closest Block/Garrison controls the Victory Flag Zone.
For the battle narrative, I propose you do the same check
for all “Hors de Combat” Army Commanders & Leaders.
Starting Cards & Blocks

A “Keep cards” caption means that the player will keep INTRODUCTORY SCENARIO
only his own nationality’s cards at game start, discarding
& redrawing the others. Reshu e the draw and discard It is strongly suggested to start with this learning
piles together when done. scenario, it’s also used in the extended example of play.
Players may start with cubes in their Reserve Box,
these cubes can’t be put in the cup at game start. • Battle: Use the Montebello Scenario.
“Reinforcements” Leader cards are put aside for later. • Rules: Don’t use any rules after “Stop!” on page 18.
• Event Cards: Disregard any “Friction of War” or
“Hors de Combat” card instructions, other directives
Scenario Reinforcements
on the cards are still followed.
When a Yellow cube is drawn, all the (Steady) Blocks
• Game Length: The game ends after the 4th Turn.
arriving that turn enter the map in the order shown,
• Victory Conditions: The French player wins if he has
captured two French or two Austrian Victory Flag
leftmost rst and rightmost last, using a free Move Order
Zones; otherwise, the Player with the Initiative wins.
(Roadway moves allowed), the rst map Zone entered
counts. Army Commander cards are ipped, Leaders go
in your card hand, the Gold cube goes in the cup. So no Special Combat rules besides “Grand Charge” are
used. You stick to the basics. Go get ‘em!
• If no Yellow cube was drawn, all these Blocks will
be available as Reinforcements on the following turn.
• If the entry Zone is Enemy-occupied, Blocks may enter “Strategy is the art of making use of time and space. I am
in the next closest non-blocked border Zone, unless less concerned about the later than the former. Space we
across Impassable terrain. Entry may be delayed until can recover, lost time never.”
a future Yellow cube draw. Napoleon
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Battle of Lonato - August 3rd, 1796 Reinforcement & Event Timetable

This was the opening salvo in the back-to-back Lonato &

Turn 1 - Free Move/Attack: The Coalition may perform,
Castiglione battles. Bonaparte’s force of 32,000 defeated
for free, one Move Order and one Attack at game
in detail two Austrians armies totalling 53,000 men. The
start, in any order, instead of the extra bonus cube for
two French formations fought at rst against general
being the Initiative player (it’s not a Red cube Combat!).
Quasdanovich’s isolated column, while Würmser’s main
Army tried to unsuccessfully intervene. After defeating
these isolated Austrians in a lightning offensive, • French Blocks cannot Move, Advance or Retreat into
the ve Eastern Zones before Turn 6.
Bonaparte engaged and repulsed Würmser’s troops a few
Identi ed with a Red outline on the set-up map.
days later, around Castiglione & Solferino

Leaders & Army Morale

Turn 1 - French Late Start: The French HQ and the four
French Commander: Berthier (A1)*. Army Morale: 8 Infantry Blocks next to it cannot move on Turn 1.
French Leader cards: (49) - (52) - (57)* - (58) - (61)

Coalition Commander: Lauer (A7)*. Army Morale: 10 Turn 2 - Brescia entry Zone
Coalition Leader cards: (83) - (84) - (85)* - (86)* - (87)* + Bonaparte (C1)
* Bonaparte (C1), Wurmser (C7), Kilmaine (57), Reuss
(80), Davidovich (86) and Schubirz (87) cards are
Reinforcements. Turn 2 - Montechiaro E and W entry Zones
+ Kilmaine (57).
Special Rules + 2 Morale (French).

• First Turn Draw: The Coalition player keeps only

Coalition cards and redraws the others Special Event - Turn 3, 4 or 5: + Reuss (80).
- Salo or Brescia entry Zone:
• Coalition Army: Grand Charges can’t use a 2nd Line If Coalition player draws a Friction
Support Block, Foot Artillery cannot Bombard Special Event, he may take the
Reinforcements once.
These were mostly low-caliber regimental guns, parcelled - The French gains one free Victory Flag.
amongst Infantry units, and had limited ranged impact. - Otherwise that Event has “No Effect”.

• Vines Terrain: Cavalry & Horse Artillery can’t “Combat Turn 3 - Solferino E or W entry Zone:
Move” or “Grand Charge Assault” into Vines Zones + Wurmser (C7) + Schubirz(87)
Italian Vineyards often had vines hanging on trees, and
were dif cult to negotiate by formed cavalry.
Turn 4 - Solferino E or Mantua entry Zone

+ 1 Morale (Coalition)

Turn 5 - Solferino E entry Zone


Next + Davidov.(86) + 1 Morale (Coalition).



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Lonato Friction of War Table Lonato Extra Victory Conditions

Skill Check FRENCH COALITION Terrain Dominance: If the Coalition player has Garrisons
in both Castles at the end of Turn 5, he wins
Flesh Wound Flesh Wound
Lines of Communication: If the French player does not
No E ect HQ Confusion have a Block in Lonato at the end of the game, he loses;
this overrides all other victory conditions.
Martial Spirit Special Event
Exhausted Troops: If the Coalition player’s Army is in
No E ect No E ect Bad Morale at the end of the game, he loses

Wild Fire ght Low Ammo

Low Ammo Battle Fatigue

Battle Fatigue Battle Fatigue


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Battle of Castiglione - August 5th, 1796 Reinforcement & Event Timetable

Castiglione (Solferino) was the rst attempt by the

Turn 2 - Castiglione N or S entry Zone
Austrian army to break the siege of Mantua, which was
the primary fortress in Northern Italy. While Bonaparte
+ Despinois (59).
pinned the Austrians with a frontal attack, he arranged for
5,000 men to smash into the enemy’s left rear. In order to
draw the foe further into his trap, he pulled two divisions
back, and the Austrians obligingly followed. After some Turn 3 - Random Arrow entry Zones:
tough ghting, Wurmser ordered a ghting retreat to avoid + Fiorella (60) + 2 Morale (French).
being surrounded.

Leaders & Army Morale

French Commander: Bonaparte (C1). Army Morale: 9 Turn 3 - Peschiera N or S entry Zone:
French Leader cards: (52) - (57) - (59)* - (60)* - (61) + Weidenfeld (89).
+ 1 Morale (Coalition).
Coalition Commander: Wurmser (C7). Army Morale: 8
Coalition Leader cards: (83) - (86) - (87) - (88) - (89)*
* Despinois (59), Fiorella (60), Weidenfeld (89) cards are Turn 5 - Coalition Withdrawal:
Reinforcements. Starting on turn 5, the Coalition Army gains one Morale
point for each Block that exits the map from the Peschiera
Special Rules N/S, Vallegio, or Mantua E Zones.
These affect the Victory Conditions.
• First Turn Draw: Both players keep cards only from
their own side and redraw the others; both also start
with two cubes in their Reserve Box /
As you’ll see in the extra victory conditions, if things get
dicey for the Coalition player he can still snatch victory
• Coalition Army: Grand Charges can’t use a 2nd Line from the jaws of defeat by performing an orderly
Support Block.
withdrawal with the majority of his Army.
• Vines Terrain: Cavalry & Horse Artillery can’t “Combat
Move” or “Grand Charge Assault” into Vines Zones

• Benign Map Edges: Blocks may Retreat out of the

map without any penalties, but can’t come back in play

• French Out anks: Blocks that move off the map from
the Out ank Zones, or Reinforcements entering from
the from the “Arrow” Entry Zones.

- When a Yellow cube is drawn, Check to see if

the Blocks enter the map: Draw one card for the
group, if the Skill Check result is one, two or three
Flags, they enter as a Reinforcement on the Arrow
entry Zone sporting the same icons; or an adjacent
Zone, if it’s already at capacity

- On any other Check result, they do not enter and

must try again when the next Yellow cube is drawn

- Coalition Blocks cannot voluntarily enter the Arrow

Entry Zones before Turn 4.



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Castiglione Friction of War Table Castiglione Extra Victory Conditions


Give Them a Bloody Nose!: If the Army of the French
player is in Bad Morale at the end of any turn, he loses
Flesh Wound Flesh Wound
Victory Flag Tie: If the Flag count is tied, the Coalition
No E ect HQ Confusion
player wins the game.
Martial Spirit No E ect
Coalition Withdrawal: If the Coalition player successfully
withdraws from the map eight or more of his Army’s
Extra Reserves Extra Reserves
Blocks on Turns 5, 6 and 7 (HQ included) from the
Peschiera N, Peschiera S, Vallegio, or Mantua E Zones,
Wild Fire ght Wild Fire ght then the game cannot be won by Victory Flag control.
Low Ammo Battle Fatigue

Battle Fatigue Battle Fatigue


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Battle of Arcole - November 15-17th, 1796 Special Rules (Continued)

A 3-day long back-and-forth battle in the marshy areas • Bridge Train: The Brown “?” Bridge
around the Adige river and the town of Arcole. It saw Crossing locations are not fully useable until
Bonaparte try yet another dashing maneuver to out ank activated.
the Austrian army trying to lift the siege of Mantua, and
block its line of retreat. It was a very hard-fought ght, - The French player can activate a Bridge by
where Bonaparte gained the affection of his troops by a in by putting a Bridge Train cube on the “ ? ”, if a
notable act of bravery on the bridge leading to Arcole, friendly Steady Block is in an adjacent zone, with a
cheating death once more, and where General Massena Successful Rally Check in a Yellow cube phase,
saved the situation on the third day after ambushing the using the Army Commander’s Skill rating.
Austrians on their west ank, while they were busy
counter-attacking. Despite suffering high casualties, the - Once placed, a Bridge Train cannot be moved, if a
French held the eld and central position between the player Attacks it, it’s automatically Destroyed
enemy formations. This campaign outcome will be
decided next January, at Rivoli - If no Bridge is built, one Short Infantry Block can still
move across the River/Stream for free at the end of
Leaders & Army Morale every Night turn, taking one Cohesion Hit.
The troops are using scrounged boats and rafts.
French Commander: Bonaparte (C1). Army Morale: 9
French Leader cards: (47) - (52) - (57) - (58) - (61) Arcole O -Board Zones

Coalition Comdr: Quasdanovich (A4)*. Army Morale: 8 There are Off-Board Zones liked to some north and south
Coalition Leader cards: (86) - (87) - (90) - (91) - (92)* parts of the main game map, representing larger areas.
* Alvinczi (C4) and Hohenzollern (92): Reinforcements.
• Movement: Off-Board Zone Moves are allowed only
Special Rules during Night Turns, including in/out of the main map.
Each order can Activate up to two Blocks per Zone for
This battle lasted three days, on a large area, in dif cult Movement; some Zones are linked to the map by
terrain and wet weather; this calls for a lot of extra rules numbered locations

• Vines Terrain: Cavalry & Horse Artillery can’t “Combat • Stacking: Up to four blocks per Zone; composed of
Move” or “Grand Charge Assault” into Vines Zones one Lead Block and three Second line Blocks.
- No Enemy Blocks are allowed in the same Zone.
• Mud & Guns: Due to the wet weather, Bombardment
at a two-Zone range is not allowed • HQ Range: HQ Command Range does not extend in/
out of the Off-Board Areas to/from the main map.
• Elevated Causeways: This is treated
as regular Marsh Terrain, but when • Combat: All Blocks in a Zone are involved, with one
using Roadway Moves along the Lanes. Lead Block, and up to two Stacked Support Blocks.
So Roadway-moving Artillery can enter . - Each Block may be the Lead Attacker once, put the
used Attack token on it to show it can’t Attack or
Support again this phase
• Wet Weather: Battle Zones don’t extend into any - Blocks that only Support can do it multiple times.
Terrain types for Movement/Retreat purposes - Event-card initiated Combat is not allowed.

• Off-Board Retreats: Blocks in Off-Board Zones can

• Deluged Marshes: Marsh Zones without Roadways Retreat to a linked entry/exit location, entering it as a
give an extra +1CP Bonus vs Attacks Reinforcement next Night Turn Yellow cube phase.
- Blocks become Disrupted when entering, and stay
that way when in these Zones (they can’t Rally). Example: Blocks in the Calderino Off-Board Zone may
• Deluged Streams: Streams are treated as Rivers move either to the San Martino or Caldiero Zones, or
• Deluged Rivers: Rivers are treated as Water. back to the map by the Calderino #2 Entry Zone.




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Night Turns Reinforcement Timetable

As the Battle spanned over three days of combat, there

are special rules for these night turn interludes. 15th Nov - Turn 3 - Caldiero (1) Zone or Entry Zone

• Card Draw: You don’t draw new cards at turn’s start

• Combat: Combat is not allowed during Night Turns,

not even Event card-triggered combat; Red cubes 15th Nov - Turn 4 - Caldiero (1) Zone or Entry Zone
are not put in the cup. + 1 Morale (Coalition)

• Rally: No Skill checks, all Rallies succeed; no Army

Rally limits, Rally from Bad to Good Morale is allowed
15th Nov - Turn 5 - Soave (6) Zone or Entry Zone:
This is the perfect time to increase your Army’s Morale!

• Off-Board Movement: Off-Board Moves are allowed

only during Night turns, including in/out of the main
15th Nov - Turn 6 - Soave (6) Zone or Entry Zone
map. Each Order can automatically Activate up to two
+ 1 Morale (Coalition).
Blocks per Zone for Movement (no Skill check); some
+ Hohenzollern (92).
Zones are linked to the map by numbered locations

• Main Map Movement: There are special Night rules

16th Nov - Turn 1: French Bridge Train.
- Blocks cannot Move adjacent to Enemy Blocks,
unless separated by Streams, Rivers or Bridges
- At the end of any Black cube phase, Enemy- 16th Nov - Turn 1:
adjacent Blocks of an Army in Bad Morale must + Alvinczi (C4) + 1 Morale (Coalition).
Retreat one Zone, unless in a Village or separated
from the Enemy Blocks by Streams, Rivers or
Bridges. If they are surrounded by Enemy Blocks 17th Nov - Turn 1: French Bridge Train.
and no Retreat path is available they are Eliminated

Arcole Three Days

The battle spans over the course of three full days, unless
one side wins early. A small “Day” track is present on the
board to keep count. Put the round turn marker in the
“Turn 1” box at the start of each day, but for the rst day:
Put the marker on the “Turn 2” box for the 15th Nov Turn.

• Flag Victory Conditions: For the rst two days’, Flag

Control victory differ. This affects the number of Zones
the French needs for a Terrain Dominance victory
See the Extra Victory Conditions next page

- 15th Nov: The French player starts the day with two
extra Victory Flags. They are lost on the next day

- 16th Nov: The French player starts the day with one
extra Victory Flag. It’s lost on the next day



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Arcole Friction of War Table Arcole Extra Victory Conditions

Skill Check FRENCH COALITION Terrain Dominance: If a player controls ve of his Victory
Flag Zones at the end of any Game Day, he wins. This
Flesh Wound Flesh Wound does not override any other victory conditions

Martial Spirit HQ Confusion Lines of Communication: At the end of any Game Day,
if the French player controls San Bonifacio, or if the
Special Event Special Event Coalition controls Verona and Legnago, that player wins;
if both win, it’s a tie. Overrides all other victory conditions.
No E ect No E ect

Wild Fire ght Wild Fire ght Special Event: Siege of Mantua, only on Nov 16th/17th.

Wild Fire ght Battle Fatigue • If the French draws a Friction Special Event,
he gets one of the two Infantry Blocks, arriving
Battle Fatigue Battle Fatigue next Reinforcement phase by the Verona or
Legnago map entry Zones, of both these off-
map Boxes are French-controlled .
• If the Coalition draws a Friction Special Event, he
gets four Morale Points if he Controls the Vicenza Box.
• Otherwise there is no effect.


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Battle of Rivoli - January 14th, 1797 Timetable (Continued)

The Austrian commander’s plan was to rush and

Turn 2, Dawn: Two Black cubes in the cup.
overwhelm the French by maneuvering his tired 28,000
men split in ve separate columns, to gain access to open
country where Austrian superior numbers would be able
to defeat Bonaparte's smallish Army. The battle was a Turn 2 - Trento R entry Zone: + Reuss (85)*
contest between Alvinczi's efforts to regroup his dispersed
columns versus the arrival of the French reinforcements.
Bonaparte troops eventually broke the centre of the
enemy army, carrying the day, and won the campaign
Turn 3, Out ank: The two Austrian Blocks entering in
Leaders & Army Morale San Giorgio must move on Track Zones until adjacent to
a French Block, or they reach the Village of Af .
French Commander Bonaparte (C1). Army Morale: 9
French Leader cards: (52) - (53) - (54) - (55)* - (56)*.
Turn 3 - San Giorgio entry Zone:
Coalition Commander: Alvinczi (C4). Army Morale: 8 + 1 Morale (Coalition).
Coalition Leader cards: (78) * - (83) - (84) - (85) * - (93).* + Lusignan (73).
* Rey (54), Brune (55), Lusignan (78), Reuss (85) and
Vukassovich (93) are Reinforcements.
Turn 3 - Villafranca E or W Zone:
Special Rules
(Enters on second cube)
• First & Second Turn Draws: Only Three cards each

• Coalition Army: One Massed Column is allowed, Turn 4 - Trento E entry Zone:
Grand Charges can’t use a 2nd Line Support Block
+ Vukassovich (93).
• Winter Vines Terrain: Cavalry & Horse Artillery can’t
“Charge Move” or “Grand Charge Assault” into Clear
Terrain that is not crossed by a Road/Trail, Defenders
Turn 4 - Villafranca E or W entry Zone:
in Clear Terrain get the Vines bene ts vs Cavalry.
+ 1 Morale (French).
+ Brune (56) + Gold cube.
• Bridge Train: The Brown “?” Bridges are not
useable until activated. The Coalition player
can activate a Bridge by using Event card #73.
- Then put a Bridge Train White cube on it: Special Event - Turn 5 or 6: - Verona entry Zone:
if any player Assaults it, it’s Destroyed If the French draws a Friction Special Event
event that turn, he may take the Reinforcement
once, only if the Coalition didn’t exit any Blocks
Reinforcement & Event Timetable from the Verona Zone. Otherwise the Event has no effect

Turn 1, Night: Two Black + Two Red cubes in cup Turn 6 - Villafranca E or W entry Zone:
• Assault Combats suffer a one Shift left penalty. + 1 Morale (French).
• No Fire Combat, No Cavalry Assault or Support + Rey (55).
• Coalition starts with a cube in its Reserve Box

Turn 7, Dusk: Two Black cubes in the cup.

Turn 1 and Turn 2, French Defensive Stance:
The French can’t Move any Blocks int Road Zones
Villafranca E or W entry Zone
adjacent to the San Marco Chapel



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Rivoli Friction of War Table Rivoli Extra Victory Conditions

Skill Check FRENCH COALITION On to Verona! If the Coalition exits two Steady Blocks
from the Verona entry Zone, they gain one Victory Flag
Flesh Wound Flesh Wound
Heavy Losses: At the instant the French/Coalition Army
No E ect HQ Confusion has taken seven step losses, their owner’s loses the
Martial Spirit HQ Confusion
Turn 3, Out ank: The Coalition can chose not to follow
Special Event No E ect that Event, then the French player gains one Victory Flag

Wild Fire ght Wild Fire ght Gold Cube Extra Rule
Low Ammo Battle Fatigue
The French may use the Gold cube to get a free
Battle Fatigue Battle Fatigue Attack token, and immediately perform a Combat.


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Battle of Montebello - June 9th, 1800 Reinforcement & Event Timetable

Hoping to thwart Austrian progress in Italy, First Consul

Napoleon Bonaparte had led the Army of the Reserve Turn 1 - Free Move/Attack: The French may perform for
over the Alps and into Italy in a surprise offensive free, in this order, one Move then one Attack at
General Lannes, leading the advance guard of the army, game start instead of the extra bonus cube for being
made contact with Austrian General Ott's 17,000 soldiers the Initiative player (and it’s not a Red cube Combat!).
and 35 guns around the villages of Casteggio and
Montebello at dawn on June 9th. Despite having orders to
not attack the enemy and await reinforcements, the Turn 1 - Plaisance entry Zone:
French general instead launched an all-out assault on the
Austrian positions with Watrin’s division of 6000 soldiers. + Lannes (C2)* + Lannes (47)*.
After a hard fought morning battle, where Lannes
command almost reached its breaking point, a series of
attacks by fresh elements of the newly arrived Victor’s Turn 1 - Marengo entry Zone:
division forced the Austrians to beat a hasty retreat.

Leaders & Army Morale

French Commander: Victor (A2)*. Army Morale: 7

Turn 2 - Plaisance entry Zone
French Leader cards: (47)* - (48) - (49)* - (50)
+ Victor (49)*.
Coalition Commander: O’Reilly (A5)*. Army Morale: 6
Coalition Leader cards: (77)* - (79) - (80).
* Ott (C5+77), Lannes (C2+47) and Victor (49) are Reinfs.
Turn 2 - Marengo entry Zone:
Special Rules
+ Ott (C5)* + Ott (77)*
• First Turn Draw: Three cards for each player; the
French player keeps the French cards, redraws the
others, and starts with two cubes in its Reserve.
Turn 3 - Marengo entry Zone
• Coalition Army: Foot Artillery can’t Bombard; Grand
Charges can’t use a 2nd Line Support Block

These were mostly low-caliber regimental guns, parcelled

amongst Infantry units, and had limited ranged impact. Optional - Turn 5 - Plaisance or Pavia entry Zone:
+ Gold cube.

• Vines Terrain: Cavalry & Horse Artillery can’t “Combat

Move” or “Grand Charge Assault” into Vines Zones If the French player takes these Turn 5 Reinforcements,
then the Coalition gains one free Victory Flag
Italian Vineyards often had vines hanging on trees, and
were dif cult to negotiate by formed cavalry.
That option represents the late arriving troops of General
Desaix, who stayed in reserve and did not take part in the
• Casteggio Village: Blocks get no defensive Assault battle, contrary to what happened at Marengo!
CP bonus, and can be attacked by Cavalry.

Casteggio was made up of rows of houses along a main • Turn 7, Dusk: Two Black cubes in the cup.
street and not easily defensible: It was actually attacked
and successfully taken by French light cavalry

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Montebello Friction of War Table Montebello Extra Victory Conditions

Skill Check FRENCH COALITION Heavy Losses: At the instant the French/Coalition Army
has taken ve step losses, their owner’s loses the game
Flesh Wound Flesh Wound

No E ect HQ Confusion HQ Confusion Event: The Coalition player may chose to

ip his Army Commander to it’s “Aide-de-Camp” side.
Martial Spirit No E ect The French Victory Flag in Verzate is considered to be in
Montebello as long as the “Aide-de-Camp” is face up
Wild Fire ght Wild Fire ght

Low Ammo No E ect Gold Cube Extra Rule

Battle Fatigue Battle Fatigue

• The French may use the Gold cube to get a free
Attack token, and immediately perform a Combat.
No E ect Extra Reserves

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Battle of Marengo - June 14th, 1800 Timetable (Continued)

The Battle of Marengo was fought between French forces

Turn 1 - Alexandria (+ Radetzky option) entry Zone
under First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte and Austrians led
by General von Melas, close to the city of Alessandria
in Piedmont, Italy. Near the end of the day, the French
overcame a surprise assault with the aid of new troops
under command of General Louis Desaix, who died in the
counter-attack, and drove the Austrians out of Italy. This Next: + Gold cube.
consolidated Bonaparte's position as First Consul of
France in the wake of his political “coup d’état”
Turn 2 - Alexandria (+ Radetzky option) entry Zone
Leaders & Army Morale
Coalition Commander: Melas (C6). Army Morale: 9
Coalition Leader cards: (77) - (79) - (80) - (81) - (82)
French Commander: Berthier (A3)*. Army Morale: 7
French Leader cards: (47) - (48) - (49) - (50) - (51)*
* Bonaparte (C3) and Desaix (51) are Reinforcements. Turn 2 - Tortona and St.Guiliano entry Zones:
+ 1 Morale (French).
Special Rules + Bonaparte (C3).

• First Turn Draw: The Coalition player keeps only the

Coalition cards, redraws the others, and starts with Special Event - Turn 3 or 4 only:
one cube in its Reserve Box - La Moglia entry Zone:
+ 1Morale (Coalition)
• Coalition Army: Foot Artillery can’t Bombard, one If the Coalition draws a Friction Special Event that turn,
Massed Column and one Detached Artillery allowed, he can take the two Reinforcements, once only.
Grand Charges can’t use a 2nd Line Support Block - The French then gains one free Victory Flag
- Otherwise, that Special Event has no effect.
• French Army: It’s a Resilient Army.

• Vines Terrain: Cavalry & Horse Artillery can’t “Combat Special Event - Turn 4 or 5 only:
Move” or “Grand Charge Assault” into Vines Zones - Novi entry Zone:
If the French draws a Friction Special Event that turn,
• Redoubt: There is a box for an Artillery Block, always he may take the two Reinforcements, once only
the Lead unit, does not count for stacking - The Coalition then gains one free Victory Flag.
- Otherwise, that Special Event has no effect.
• Planned Moves: Coalition Reinforcements may enter
the map using a Move Order, or as part of an on-map
Move Order that includes their entry Zone. Turn 5 - Tortona or St.Guiliano or Novi entry Zone

• Radetzky Bridge Option: Replace “Planned Moves”

by allowing Reinforcements to arrive at that bridge too.
- Sale or Novi or Frugarolo entry Zone
Reinforcement & Event Timetable + Desaix (51) + 3 Morale (French)
+ Gets use of the Gold cube.

Turn 1 - Free Move/Attack: The Coalition may perform, French Low Ammo Events are from now on “No Effect”.
for free, one Move Order and one Attack at game
start instead instead of the extra bonus cube for being
the Initiative player (it’s not a Red cube Combat!). Turn 7, Dusk: Two Black cubes in the cup.

V13.0 BATTLE COMMANDER - VOL I - Scenarios Page 26

Marengo Friction of War Table Marengo Extra Victory Conditions

Skill Check FRENCH COALITION Alexandria Redoubt: If the French player Eliminates the
Redoubt’s Artillery Block, he immediately wins the game
Flesh Wound Flesh Wound
Flag Zone Control: Zones not occupied by at least one
Martial Spirit Flesh Wound Coalition Block, two Blocks for map-edge Zones, are
considered French-controlled for Flag Control purposes
Special Event Special Event
Extra Flag: If you take your special Reinforcements of
Wild Fire ght Wild Fire ght Turns 3/4/5, then the enemy gains one extra Victory Flag

Low Ammo Wild Fire ght

Gold Cube Extra Rule
Low Ammo HQ Confusion
• On Turn 5 the French player takes ownership of the
Low Ammo Battle Fatigue Gold cube: once per game, he can also use it to
cause a Coalition Flesh Wound Event.
• If used that way, Coalition gains one extra Victory Flag

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V17.0 Volume I

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