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________________1. A method that is used by all kinds of scientists to investigate and answer

_______________ 2. They know over billions of years, stars change.

_______________ 3. Use your senses to learn about an object or an event.

_______________ 4. Make a statement that can be tested to answer a question.

_______________ 5. Share information with others.

_______________ 6. Place things with similar properties into groups.

_______________ 7. Order, count, add, subtract,, multiply or divide to explain data.

_______________ 8. Make something to represent an object or an event.

_______________ 9. Identify things that can control or change the outcome of an experiment.

_______________ 10. Use information that has been gathered to answer questions or solve a problem.

_______________ 11. Find the size, distance, time, volume, area, mass, weight, or temperature of an
object or an event.

_______________ 12. State possible results of an event or an experiment.

________________ 13. Form an idea or an opinion from facts or observations.

________________ 14. Perform a test to support or disprove a hypothesis.


1. __________________________________

2. ___________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. _________________________ 6. _______________________________

7. ____________________________________

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