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Many people who ______ for a vegetarian diet feel healthier and more energetic in their daily lives.

A. opt B. prefer C. select D. favour

Over time, he began to ______ a taste for the unique flavors of sushi.
A. acquire B. generate C. institute D. accustom
Scientists believe that, our ______ ancestors, used simple tools to hunt and gather food for survival.
A. obsolete B. antiquated C. archaic D. primeval
Athletes need a substantial ______ of protein, to build and repair their muscles effectively.
A. output B. intake C. upturn D. offset
Drinking eight glasses of water daily is ______ to maintaining proper hydration for your body.
A. synonimous B. reminiscent C. evocative D. equivalent
The company decided to ______ to manufacture that product, focusing on more sustainable alternatives
A. terminate B. cease C. conclude D. finish
Doctors recommend ______ from smoking, as it greatly reduces the risk of lung disease.
A. resistance B. defiance C. hindrance D. abstention
When traveling abroad, it's wise to take good ______ to avoid illness and injury.
A. proceeds B. resolutions C. precautions D. measurements
Vegetarians must ensure they get all essential nutrients ______ from various plant-based foods for health.
A. comprising B. providing C. procuring D. deriving
The benefits of regular exercise ______ to better mental and physical health.
A. rely B. correspond C. match D. compare
The project's success was ______ to the team's hard work.
A. identified B. associated C. incorporated D. ascribed
Walking in nature can ______ our optimistic mood and reduce stress.
A. reassure B. adjust C. upgrade D. restore
Stressful situations which may ______ at work can be managed with proper planning and communication.
A. devise B. create C. emerge D. originate
Any occurrence which may ______ us can change our plans unexpectedly.
A. arise B. befall C. happen D. occur
When feeling anxious, ______ in your mind a peaceful place to help calm yourself.
A. envision B. observe C. conclude D. picture
It's important to ______ stressful moments with patience and resilience.
A. withold B. withdraw C. withstand D. wither
How you ______ to the annoying situation can affect your mood for the day.
A. respond B. deal C. confront D. challenge
Positive thoughts can greatly influence your ______ and overall outlook on life.
A. disposal B. disposition C. disposure D. dispossession
Neglecting self-care can put your well-being in ______.
A. jeopardy B. weakness C. insecurity D. risk
The ancient ruins are ______ to hold secrets of a lost civilization.
A. reasoned B. alleged C. denoted D. inferred
The architects plan to ______ numerous structures in the new downtown area.
A. fabricate B. plant C. erect D. install
Historians believe that legends of lost treasures ______ the present-day fascination with ancient myths.
A. discharge B. devise C. constitute D. instigate
Most of these accounts have been ______ by experts as mere folklore.
A. speculated B. dismissed C. repelled D. disposed
The new policy faces ______ criticism from both the public and officials.
A. multiplying B. piling C. mounting D. storing
Diplomats are working hard to ______ a peaceful relationship between the two countries.
A. establish B. engender C. enact D. engage
There's another theory ______ that aliens might have visited Earth in ancient times.
A. inferring B. specifying C. meaning D. implying
Reading fantasy novels can really ______ your imagination and creativity.
A. startle B. spark C. trigger D. arise
It is a ______ misconception that all bats are blind.
A. infinite B. prevalent C. abundant D. universal
Innovative ideas are given the proper ______ during team meetings.
A. consideration B. relevance C. approach D. esteem
We need to make ______ for unforeseen expenses in our budget.
A. accounts B. provisions C. measures D. concerns
On most ______, she arrives early to ensure everything is ready.
A. occasions B. times C. instances D. events
The lack of reliable transport hinders people in ______ to quality healthcare.
A. entry B. admittance C. access D. exploitation
New software should ______ with existing systems to improve efficiency.
A. collaborate B. incorporate C. ally D. integrate
The committee is laying ______ for future growth and development.
A. rudiments B. bases C. grounds D. foundations
The new policy will be put into ______ starting next month.
A. handling B. operation C. activation D. performance
The old currency was ______ for the new one at banks.
A. replaced B. deputized C. exchanged D. substitued
Employees are ______ on the basis of their performance and contributions.
A. measured B. deduced C. reckoned D. appraised
Everyone should be treated equally, ______ of their background or status.
A. irrespective B. despite C. except D. nonetheless
Our preferences ______ considerably from person to person.
A. vary B. converge C. distinguish D. differentiate
Early experiences ______ the patterns of our behavior later in life.
A. denote B. resolve C. determine D. inflict
Our upbringing can ______ our personality in significant ways.
A. conceive B. design C. mould D. fabricate
Attributes that ______ our parents often stem from genetics.
A. pertain B. identify C. associate D. recognise
Parents play a crucial role in ______ their offspring and shaping their development.
A. breeding B. growing C. rearing D. yielding
During adolescence, one ______ the most profound changes in identity.
A. underacts B. undergoes C. undertakes D. underlines
Our decisions can be ______ to various influences throughout our lives.
A. practicable B. feasible C. potential D. subject
Many people ______ to the behavior patterns dictated by society.
A. pledge B. conform C. obey D. observe
The most shocking ______ reveal the extent of the problem.
A. scores B. digits C. figures D. totals
Statistics ______ the enormous number of people affected by poverty.
A. appear B. refer C. indicate D. comprise
Efforts are being made to ______ the suffering of those in need.
A. discard B. vanish C. evaporate D. cease
Despite challenges, many people ______ in their pursuit of a better life.
A. linger B. persist C. maintain D. remain
The ______ population often struggles with significant challenges and hardships.
A. indigenous B. insidious C. ingenious D. ingenuous
Texting has become a popular means of ______ messages quickly.
A. commuting B. discharging C. informing D. conveying
This fact is widely ______ by experts in the field.
A. reassured B. acknowledged C. declared D. reckoned
Flexibility is seen as a key ______ of modern work environments.
A. feature B. matter C. token D. label
The project was completed in ______ with the client's specifications.
A. consent B. support C. dependence D. accordance
The ______ of voice recognition technology has revolutionized communication.
A. operation B. handling C. implementation D. treatment
Audio files can be easily ______ into different formats for compatibility.
A. reformed B. exchanged C. converted D. adjusted
The speaker's voice was ______ with background noise during the recording.
A. infused B. abused C. mingled D. intruded
With diligent effort, we can ______ the desired results for our project.
A. attain B. detain C. maintain D. remain
Bomb ______ is a criminal act that disturbs the peace of decent citizens.
A. situating B. deploying C. settling D. planting
Flexibility in the workplace is ______ as crucial for improving employee satisfaction and productivity.
A. alleged B. believed C. viewed D. thought
______ studies in psychology have consistently revealed new and deeper insights into human behavior.
A. Penetrating B. Infiltrating C. Examining D. Pervading
Any scandal involving well-known celebrities quickly makes the ______, attracting significant public
A. headlines B. titles C. captions D. broadcast
Researchers ______ attention to understanding the complex causes and impacts of climate change
A. grant B. award C. entrust D. devote
A ______ question remains about the true effectiveness of the recently implemented new policy.
A. burdening B. obstructing C. contending D. nagging
Climate change is a topic being constantly ______ by scientists, policymakers, and concerned citizens.
A. conversed B. debated C. uttered D. articulated
Drug ______ is a widespread and serious problem affecting many individuals and communities
A. escalation B. disuse C. maltreatment D. abuse
Many believe that a ______ in social values inevitably breeds crime within a society.
A. flop B. impediment C. decline D. shortfall
Poverty and lack of education are significant factors that lead to ______ various offences.
A. fulfilling B. performing C. committing D. conducting
Sociologists explain behavior on different ______, considering multiple social and economic influencing
A. grounds B. arguments C. reasons D. motives
That old film ______ our father generation's memories of the years of the war.
A. conjured B. applied C. fixed D. evoked
Dogs that ______ commands and are responsive to training often become excellent pets.
A. tackle B. concede C. operate D. follow
The new system is highly ______ to user inputs, making it very efficient.
A. answerable B. reactionary C. responsive D. receptible
She decided to ______ her deep-rooted anxieties to her trusted friend for support.
A. depose B. disclose C. enclose D. dispose
The therapy focused on ______ the forgotten events buried deep in her memory.
A. adjusting B. refreshing C. deriving D. reviving
The doctor prescribed medication to ______ various kinds of pains the patient experienced.
A. deplete B. alleviate C. shrink D. decline
Unsecured wires ______ a hazard, especially to young children playing near them.
A. pose B. play C. arise D. denote
There is a ______ in the number of bees, affecting pollination and crop yields.
A. rarity B. shortage C. decline D. deficiency
The new regulations ______ mainly to somebody involved in the construction and engineering industries.
A. apply B. affect C. embody D. indicate
People are strongly ______ by sales, often buying things they don't really need.
A. involved B. exposed C. submitted D. tempted
Educators ______ the importance of creativity in fostering a well-rounded and innovative society.
A. observe B. recognize C. view D. distinguish
Schools should ______ reading for pleasure to develop students' love for literature.
A. incite B. revert C. instil D. encourage
More ______ should be put on practical skills in the current education system.
A. relevance B. persistence C. emphasis D. focus
The library provides an ______ choice of books and resources for all ages.
A. prolific B. lush C. lavish D. ample
At people's ______ are numerous online courses to help them gain new skills.
A. availability B. usage C. benefit D. disposal
Campaigns aim to ______ public awareness about the importance of recycling and sustainability.
A. inflate B. raise C. amplify D. expand
She was so ______ in her book that she missed her bus stop.
A. occupied B. inhaled C. incorporated D. engrossed
Educational programs help students ______ their knowledge in various subjects beyond the classroom.
A. enrich B. magnify C. arouse D. elaborate
Parents should help children ______ the habit of daily reading for enjoyment.
A. grow B. develop C. proceed D. evolve
Teachers should ______ the role of mentors, guiding students to achieve their full potential.
A. satisfy B. fulfil C. achieve D. complete
Parents should encourage children to ______ an interest in science from a young age.
A. develop B. uncover C. unfold D. ripen
Despite her efforts, they ______ her wish to travel abroad for studies.
A. declined B. denied C. defied D. refused
He is best ______ as an accomplished author and public speaker on environmental issues.
A. outstanding B. acknowledged C. acclaimed D. known
Hospitals must ______ strict sanitary routines to prevent the spread of infections.
A. supply B. apply C. involve D. imply
Her ______ for health led her to study nutrition and fitness extensively.
A. concern B. worry C. anxiety D. responsibility
The oldest library in ______ contains manuscripts dating back to ancient civilizations.
A. living B. survival C. existence D. usage

A. B. C. D.

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