Cấu trúc Tiếng Anh

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CAU TRUC TIENG ANH CAN NHO A ‘Grammar structures Meanings! examples ~ Be about to do sth ~ sé lam gi dé, sip sim lam gi dé. ~ Be able to do sth ~ Cé thé lam gi dé eg: I'm able to speak = To be capable of + V_ing English = | am capable of speaking Enalish. ~ Be abounding in sth - Co nhiéu, doi dao cai pi do. ~ Be absent from ( class, school, ...) = Be absorbed in sth/ V-ing ~ Be accessible to do sth. ~ Be acceptable to sb ~ Be accompanied by sb - Be accountable for an action - Be accurate in sth ~ Chinh xa vé cai gi — Be accuse sb of doing sth — Bude toi at da lam gi - Be accustomed to sth/ V-ing ~ Quen vin dieu gif lam gi — Be acquainted with sth doing sth — Quen ven diéu gif lam gi ~ Be addicted to sth ~ Nghién cai gi — To adjust to sth — Thich nghi vai cai gi ~ Be afraid of sth - Soca gi/ai — Agree with sb about sth = Dang voi ai ve ~ Be aimed at sbi sth = Nham vao ail cat gi — Although +a clause P Mic di... ~ Apologize to sb for sth’ doing sth ~ Xin [aia ve... - Apologize for domg)sth Eg. | want to apologize for being rude to > apply for a jobs ~ Apart fromesby sth... ~ Argue with sb about sth ~ Arange for sb to do sth ~ Sip xép ai lam vide gi 1. Atno time + Modal V+54V... Eg. He never suspected that his money was stolen 2.At no time did + 5 +s uspect (that) 2 + had + Vipll) ... =§1 + never + suspected that + $2 + had +V(P2)+.... ~ Chua hic mo... —-At no time did he suspect that his moncy was stolen, Eg. He never suspected that the moncy had been stolen. - At no time did he suspect (that) the money had been stolen advise sb todo sth / not to do sth ~ Khuyén ai lam gif khong lam gi eg: Our teacher advises us to study hard. ~Assoon As +5 +had+Vipp), 5>V (qu, kho (®—n). ~ Ngay khi ~Aslongas +5? V.,5+ will? V,.. ~ So long as + Eg, As long as you work hard, you will pass your exam, B - Beg sb for sth ~ Xin / nai ai cai gi ~ beg sb to do sth ~ Xin nai ai lam gi - Believe in shi sth ~ Tin vao ai cai gi ~ be between jobs = jobless i - Blame for sbi sth - be bored with sth - Chan lam cai gi Eg. We are bored with doing the same things everyday - Borrow sth from sb - Muon cai gi cia ai - be busy doing sth eg: We are busy preparing for our exam, ~ Ban rin Lim gi - But for doing sth/ sth, § + can"t+do... ( Néu khéng,..., .khdng thé...) Eg, The only thing we can do is learning. + But for learning, we can't do any - Catch up with sb in sth - Compare sth with sth - Compete with sb for sth - Congratulate sb on sth - Charge sb money for sth - In spite of + V-ing/ N... - Despite of + V-ing/ N... - Dream about / of + N/ V-ing -5+V+ Due to+ N—- phrase. Eg, The office was closed due to the doctor's illness. E $1 + expect + that +S2+ will+ V _. S1 + expect + somebody +to-v ... Eg.- | expect that he will get there by Junch time, ~Lexpect him to get there by lunch ume. - Escape from + a place = tren tho,t khai_.. F - To fail to do sth ~ Khéng lam duce cai gi / That bai trong wiéc lam cai gi eg: We failed to do this exercise. - To find it + adj + todo sth Eg: We find it difficult to learn English, Be fed up with + V-ing/ N Tha vinvile Bx... - Be familiar + to Sth/sb -Be famous for + Sth. ~ Be filled with... ~ lum ®Cy... - Fancy + V-ing ..... Eg. What a susprise to see you here ! ~ Fancy seeing you here. G ~ be good at ( V_ing ) sth = Gioi ( lam eal gi eg: I'm good at ( playing ) tennis - Get out of + N/v-ing ~ ra khau/ thot Khai... H - To have no idea of sth = don"t know about sth ~ Khong bit ve cai gi eg: [ have no idea of this word =| don't kvow this word, - Had (‘d) better] do sth not do sth ~Nén lam gi / Khéng nén lam gi eg: 1. You'd better learn hard. 2. You'd better not go out. LTo have sth + Py 2. To have sb do sth 1. C6 cat gi duge lam eg: I'm going to have my house repainted. 2. Nhoy Thué ai lam gi eg: I’m going to have Mr. Jonh repair my car. "m going to have my car repaired. - How + (a/ an) + adj +N +be! - What + (a/ an ) + adj +NJ Eg.- What a lovely picture ! - How a lovely picture is | > Hardly du sth — can't de sil, - Hardly - Seldom + Modal V+S8+ V_, - Never - Rarely ~ Hau valiu Also: lau ~ Hiém khi Eg. The performance had hardly begun when the light went off. = Hardly had the performance begua when the light went off. ~ be interested in + N/ V_ing - Thich cai gi / lam cai gi Eg: We are interested in reading books: on ~Ti's the first time sb have ( has) + Py = Bay la lan dau tien ai lam cai gh eg: It's the first time we have visited this place. - Itis+ Adj + ( for sb )+ to do sth eg: [tts difficult for old people to learn English. - It's time ++ did sth ~ Ba den loc ai pha lam gi eg: It's ume we went home. - It's not necessary for sb to do sth =Sb don't need to do sth doesn“t_have to do sth ~ Aikhéng can thiét phai lam gi eg: It is not mecessary for you to do this exercise. - To invite sb to do sth ~ Moi ai lam gi eg: They invited me to go to the cinema. It’s over 6 months since + S—V( simple Past) = hon 6 th ng kO 1 khi... Eg.It's over 6 months since John had his haur cut, - It's (hugh) time + 5 + past subjunctive Eg. It's high time you got back to work_ - t+ be+ ...+ who + does + sth for 5.0 ++ 5.04 owes sth + to+$.0 Eg. It was Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telegraph. +People owe the invention of the telegraph to Alexander Graham Bell K = Itis( very ) kind of sb to do sth cg; It is very kind of you to help me. ~ Athat tot bung / tir té khi lam gi L - To look forward to + V_ing ~ Be look forward to + V-ing. eg: We are looking forward to going on holiday - Mong chi, mong dom lam gi Eg] look forward to seeing you soon, Lam looking forward to seeing you soon - $+ last + did sth + time ago. - The last time + § + did sth was + time ago. - Lin cudi cing lam gi la... eg. I last met her 10 years ago. + The last time | met her was 10 years ago. M - To make sb do sth - Bat ai lam gi - Be+ made+ to-—V eg: The teacher made us do alot of homework - bP bit lum gx... Eg. | was made to work hard - - To make sure of sth’ - Bao dam dieu gi that+S+V eg: 1. | have to make sure of that information. 2. You have to make sure that you'll pass the exam -De you mind fT + V( hint Hn)? -Would you mind if 1 + V (qaa kha in) 3 -Dof would you mind + V—ing ? Eg, Do you mind if | take a photo of you? Would you mind if] took a photo of you ? Do! Would you mind opening the door ? -S+ May ...<> Eg, | think It may rain Perhaps <3 It look as if it will rain, Look as if ~ There isa chance that I will get the It's possible that job I've apphed for. Seem St+will+¥ There is a good In all probability I's quite likely that N 1To need to do sth 1Can lam gi 2.To need doing eg: You need to work harder. 2. Can due lam eg: This car weeds repairing. - Not only ~ Khong nh-ng .... mp cin - Both . - via... vda, Eg. She is not only short but also fat, She is both short amd fat ~ No sooner + had + 5+ Vipp) + than? S + Vi qu_ kha fn) Eg, No sooner had they Ieft home than 1 started to rain. - Nothing but+s+would+¥V.... Eg- He insisted on a full apology. — Nothing but a full apology would satisfy him -Not until... did+5+ WV... Eg. | only recognised him when he came into the light, - NOt WNT he Came into the light dag ise him. - No point on + V-ing ... Eg. It 1s quite pointless to complain, - There ts 00 point on complaining. ~ Never havelhas+ 5+ V(P2)+... Eg, Never have I written such a good - No matter + how + ady adv? 5+ V... - No matter + what! where + $+ V ... Eg. matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. -$ + be + superlative adj + N #+No other + N+ Be + as+ adj+as+S Eg.Iron is the most useful metal. + No other metal ts as useful as ron, oO - To offer sb sth eg: He offered me a job in his company. - Mai / dé nghi ai can gi Not Only by Never before Only when Only later Only after At no time Only with ( $0 th» cfia Beng ta/-V) +8 Eg. There was no precedent for the King's resignation, - Never before had the King resigned. + I didn’t realize who he was until later. Qnly later did | realize who he was. - Only by studying harder, can you pass the exam. ~ If only + 5+ V( past simple) = - Gui nh Eg. If only | could live m Paris fora year! -Omce +5 + have + PP, S + will + V. Eg. He will do what he has said. 4+ Once he has said something, he will do tt, P - Prefer +N + w+N -thYch... hon +V-ing + to +V-ing ‘eg: We prefer spending money te caring +5b + to-v money. - To prevent sb from V_ing - Can tra! ngiin can ai lam gi eg: The rain prevented us from going for a walk, ~ To provide sb with sth ~ Cung cap cho ai cai gi eg: Can you provide us with some books. in history’? - Provided that .... Eg. You can use my car, but have to keep - Provided +5 +¥ it carefully. - Provided that you keep my car carefully you can use it. ~ Pride oneself on sth. Eg, Mrs. Lan is proud of her cooking, ~ Mrs_Lan prides herself on her cooking. - There “s mo need { for sb)+to+¥ ... = Take pride in sth ~ Put an end to sth/ doing sth ~ Chim dint cai gi lam gi. - It + be pointless to do sth Eg. It’s quite pointless to complain. «+5 + be+ mo worth + V- ing - There is no pomt in complaining. - There ts no point in doing sth. - That problem ts not worth discussing -§ + be try + but not succeed... - Children needn't study too much + There's no meed for children to study too much, R - To rely on smb | eg: You can rely on him. ~ Tin eay, dua dim vao ai LTo remember doing 2. To remember to do I.Nho da lam gi eg: remember watching this film. ( Téi nhér la dd xem b6 phim nay ) 2. Nhé lim gi ( cha Kam vide nay ) eg: Remember to do your homework. ( Hay nie lam bai tap vé nia) - S$ +be + regarded + as + N/ V-ing .... Eg.- Galileo is considered to be the father of modem astronomy. - Galileo ix regarded as (being) the father of modern astronomy. - Remind Sh + of + V-ing/ N. - nbc ai nhi__ S = be succeed in V_ing - Thanh céng trong wee lam cau gi eg: We were succeed im passing the exam. ~ so + adj/ady + that - such + (af an) + adj + o+ that > Qua den mac! nor ma Egt The exercise 1s so difficult that noone can do tt, + He spoke so quickly that | couldn't understand him. + Its such adifficult exercise that noone can do it - To spend + time / money + on sth/ doing sth ~ Danh thin gian / tien bac vao cai gif lam gi eg: We spend a lot of time on TV/ watching TV. 1.To suggest (that}+ $ + should + do sth 2.To suggest doing sth - Goi ¥ ai lam gi eg: | suggested you should buy this ‘house. 1.To stop to do sth 2.To stop doing sth eg: I suggest going for a walk. 1. Dimg lai dé lam gi eg: We stopped to buy some petrol 2. Théi khéng lam gi nita cg: We stopped going out late ~Solongas+S>V Eg. So long as you keep my car carefully, you can use it, T ~ lt takes ( sh )+ time + to do sth ~ Mit (cia ai )bao nhiéu thai gian dé lam gi eg: It took me an hour to do this exercise LTry to do 1 Co lam gi 2.Try doing sth eg: We tried to learn hard. 2. Thi lam gi eg: We tried cooking this food ~ Take care of + V-ing/N > quan tom ®On/ ch'm sic. Eg. My mother always takes care of us - Be tired of / from+ V-ing/N - mt cho... -unless =if not Used to +¥ 2DBe used to + V-ing 3.Get used to + V-ing. used to get up late last year. I 1 am used to getting up late. 1 get used to getting up late - T.Would(d) rather dosihy chim won lam gi? khong thichy not do sth muon) lam gi eg: I'd rather stay at home. I'd rather not say at home. 2.Would (*d) rather sb did sthf ; didn’t do sth 2. Mudn ai lam/ khéng | am gi eg: I'd rather you stayed at home today. Tiwish] +S + Viqu, khan)... |-.mong-ice hiGnti +5 + had + (pp)... - -mong -ic é qu, kho_ —mong -ic é tng lai. Eg -I -] wish | had gone to her party last night, - Lwish | would became a docter m the future. ~Itis mot worth + V-ing ... Eg. It’s not worth living to make her change her mind. - There is no need to make her change her mind. ‘Other structures - Be afraid of s.th . doing sth ~ Be tired of s.thvdoing sth - Be keen on s.th’ doing s.th ~ Be interested iam s.thi = Be kind of sb - Be differem from shy s.th + Be bad/ good at s.th’ doing s.th - Be disappointed with s.th’s.b ath ce epee Sip ~ Be! Get worried about s.by sth - Be polite tos b - Be surprised at s.b/ sth ‘of shy sth. ofsby sth ~ Be about fo do sth ~ Be aware of 5.th (problem) = Be full of's.th - Be bored with sb sth - Be successful im ath! doing sth ~ Be famous for s.th/ doing sth ~ $9, lo ngal. ¢ ngal 7 Sayan = aim, hich - Tot bung, tir te - Khac ven - Dop/gian ~ That vong wai 7 Buc bor, gidn - Lo lin Ty - Lich su , - Ngac nhién ve. ve Verbs with prepositions + Depend on s.thi s.b - Insist om doing s.th - Laugh at s.b/ s.th - for s.b/ s.th after s.b/ s.th - Succeed im 5.th/ doing s.th ~ Blu thy, le shape... - Consist of s.th - Suffer from s.th - Belong tm sb - Wait for s.b/ s.th - Apologize for s.th - Recover from s.th - Live on s.by s.th “Objet ie stfdaan sth Aes se of sth er - Remind s.b of dou ash - Prevent s.b from 51 doing sth - Fall in love with s.b - Cope with shy s.th ~ Face wih. bi sh Pepin 5 sth Ask for s! Brey Rea aes - Complain about s.th/ s.b - Base om s.th - Take care of s.thi s.b - Feel sorry Tor s.b - Expect sb to do sth - Regret (mot) doing s.th - Retuse doing s.th - Used to do s.th - Be / Get used to doing s.th ~ Spend (time) doing s.th {em take / takes / took s.b (time) to do - Be + adj + enough (for s.b) todo sth - Be + too + adj (for s.b) to do s.th ~S+ V+ such (aan) + adj + that + clause { $+ V+so+ adj /adv + that + clause - Have s.b do s.th ~ Nhér ai lam gi - Have s.th done - Make s.b do s.th - Make s.bf s.th + adj - Let s.b do s.th - Need + doing s.th - Hope + clause (in the future) - Wish + clause (in the past) - Persuade s.b to do s.th - Pay attention to s.th/ doing s.th - Have (a good) chance of doing s.th - Thank s.b for doing s.th - Keep in touch with s.b - Get on well with xb - Git lin lac ven... - Would/Do you mind (not) doing sth/ if+ — - Gia-hoa thudn vai clause’? a : > Would you like to do sth? - In spite of s.th/ (not) doing s.th + clause - Despite s.th/ doing s.th + clause - Although + clause + clause *. Prefer s.th/ doing sth tos.th (doing) sth - Thich .......hom...... - Would rather sth / do sth than sth (do) ‘h - Suggest doing s.th / that + clause - It(be) time (for s.b) todo s.th . - It(be) (im)possible (for s.b) to do s.th - Tireha...... - Deny doing s.th - Without s.th/ doing s.th + clause - Because of s.th / doing s.th + clause - The reason for doing s.th + clause - Ask - Advice - Get - Beg s.b (mot) to dosth - Tell Request Exercises Finish each of the following sentences in such a way thot if means exactly the same as the sentence printed. Ex: | haven't enjoyed myself'so much for years. (It’s year since | enjoyed myself so much). 1. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?”, said John 2. Although both his lezs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded. > Despite his. 3. Dhaven't caten 4, Afier fighting the fire for twelve hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out, > The firemen managed, ...-.-..-.screcectscsscrseesceseesninnensnesnnsenseeet 3. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house. > Plans, 7. It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday DP VOU aes eeeceeceeneceseeseesensenersensenantantensnuineaneateaeesceceesearessetnneetet

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