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Not just in features, sculpted fair,

Nor perfect form, with flowing hair,
But in the soul, a gentle light,
That shines within, both warm and bright.

The sunrise hues, a fiery kiss,

On mountain peaks, a morning bliss.
The ocean's roar, a crashing song,
Where salty waves forever throng.

A spider's web, with morning dew,

A fragile net, a glistening hue.
A weathered hand, with stories told,
Of laughter lines, and battles bold.

The silent dance of snowflakes falling,

A winter's touch, both soft and calling.
A cracked facade, where vines entwined,
A hidden strength, a beauty you'll find.

The melody, a single note,

That stirs the soul, and sets afloat
A symphony of feelings deep,
Where beauty lies, in dreams we keep.

A helping hand, in time of need,

A selfless act, a noble deed.
The kindness shown, a gentle spark,
That lights the way, within the dark.

For beauty's essence, ever true,

Is found in all, within and through,
The world around, the hearts we hold,
A story whispered, yet untold.

So open wide, your curious eyes,

And see the beauty, in all that lies,
For in each sight, a wonder gleams,
A masterpiece, in life's sweet dreams.

In barren wastes, where shadows creep,
And hunger gnaws, a primal sleep,
The will to live, a flickering spark,
Ignites a fire in the dark.

Beneath the storm, on waves that toss,

A fragile vessel, hope unlost,
Through crashing tides and driving rain,
A human spirit fights the main.

Alone and lost, in deserts vast,

The sun a scorch, a future cast
In doubt's embrace, yet still we crawl,
For life persists, defying all.

With broken limbs and bloodied ground,

A silent scream, a muffled sound,
But deep within, a stubborn fight,
To see the dawn, to greet the light.

Through bitter cold, where fingers freeze,

And icy breath hangs on the breeze,
We huddle close, a fragile band,
And share the warmth, hand clasped in hand.

The scars remain, a testament,

To battles fought, the odds we've bent,
For etched in flesh, a story's told,
Of resilience, brave and bold.
We rise again, though battered sore,
The human spirit asks for more,
To push beyond the pain's domain,
And find the strength to rise again.

For life, a flame, however frail,

Burns brightest when the trials assail,
And in the face of every strife,
Survival whispers, "This is life."

Nature and it’s beauty

Beneath a canvas, vast and blue,
Where fluffy clouds like cotton drift,
The sun ignites a morning hue,
On meadows where wildflowers lift.

A gentle breeze through branches sighs,

Rustling leaves in emerald dress,
A crystal stream reflects the skies,
And whispers secrets, I confess.

A symphony by crickets played,

As fireflies ignite the night,
A million stars like diamonds laid,
On velvet darkness, pure delight.

The ocean roars, a crashing song,

On sandy shores where seashells gleam,
The salty air, it lingers long,
A whispered tale, a vibrant dream.

On mountain peaks, where eagles soar,

The wind sings wild, a thrilling cry,
Below, the valleys, evermore,
A tapestry where colors lie.

A desert blooms, a sight so rare,

With cacti reaching for the sun,
A fragile beauty, harsh and fair,
A battle fought, a victory won.

From frozen lands, where glaciers gleam,

To jungles where exotic calls,
Nature's artwork, a wondrous scheme,
A masterpiece that enthralls.

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