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Roadmap for Metrics for Talent Acquisition Process as per APQC PCF

Slide 1: Candidate Sourcing and Attraction

Sub-Process Name: Identify Talent Needs

Activity Name: Analyze Hiring Needs

Activity Description: Assess current workforce capacity and future demand to determine hiring

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Number of open positions, Time-to-fill, Hiring forecast

Slide 2: Candidate Sourcing and Attraction (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Identify Talent Needs (contd.)

Activity Name: Define Job Requirements

Activity Description: Collaborate with hiring managers to define job roles, responsibilities, and
qualifications based on business needs.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Clarity of job descriptions, Requisition accuracy, Hiring
manager satisfaction

Slide 3: Candidate Sourcing and Attraction (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Identify Talent Needs (contd.)

Activity Name: Develop Recruitment Marketing Strategy

Activity Description: Develop and implement marketing strategies to attract and engage potential
candidates, utilizing various channels such as social media, job boards, and employer branding

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Candidate engagement metrics (e.g., click-through rates,
conversion rates), Employer brand perception, Social media reach

Slide 4: Candidate Screening and Assessment

Sub-Process Name: Resume Screening

Activity Name: Review Resumes

Activity Description: Evaluate resumes to identify qualified candidates based on predefined criteria
such as skills, experience, and education.
Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Resume review turnaround time, Percentage of resumes

Slide 5: Candidate Screening and Assessment (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Resume Screening (contd.)

Activity Name: Initial Candidate Screening

Activity Description: Conduct initial screenings or pre-employment assessments to assess candidates'

qualifications, skills, and fit for the role.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Percentage of candidates passing initial assessments, Time
to complete initial assessments

Slide 6: Interview Coordination and Execution

Sub-Process Name: Schedule Interviews

Activity Name: Coordinate Interview Scheduling

Activity Description: Schedule interviews with hiring managers, technical panels, or cross-functional
teams, ensuring logistical arrangements and candidate availability.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Interview scheduling efficiency, Candidate satisfaction
with scheduling process

Slide 7: Interview Coordination and Execution (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Schedule Interviews (contd.)

Activity Name: Prepare Interview Panels

Activity Description: Select and brief interviewers on interview objectives, evaluation criteria, and
candidate assessment techniques.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Interviewer preparation time, Interviewer satisfaction with
preparation process

Slide 8: Interview Coordination and Execution (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Schedule Interviews (contd.)

Activity Name: Conduct Interviews

Activity Description: Conduct structured interviews, behavioral assessments, or technical evaluations

to assess candidates' competencies and fit for the role.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Interview completion rates, Quality of interview feedback,
Candidate satisfaction with interview process
Slide 9: Offer Management and Negotiation

Sub-Process Name: Prepare Job Offers

Activity Name: Create Job Offer

Activity Description: Prepare competitive job offers tailored to selected candidates, including
compensation packages, benefits, and other relevant terms.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Time to prepare offers, Offer acceptance rate

Slide 10: Offer Management and Negotiation (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Prepare Job Offers (contd.)

Activity Name: Negotiate Job Offers

Activity Description: Facilitate offer negotiations between candidates and hiring managers,
addressing concerns and reaching mutually beneficial agreements.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Offer acceptance rate after negotiation, Time to reach

Slide 11: Offer Management and Negotiation (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Prepare Job Offers (contd.)

Activity Name: Finalize Job Offer

Activity Description: Obtain formal acceptance of the job offer from the selected candidate,
confirming their commitment to join the organization.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Offer acceptance rate, Time from offer to acceptance

Slide 12: Onboarding and Integration

Sub-Process Name: Pre-Onboarding Preparation

Activity Name: Coordinate Pre-Employment Activities

Activity Description: Coordinate background checks, drug screenings, and documentation

verification prior to the candidate's start date.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Completion rate of pre-employment activities, Time to
complete pre-employment checks

Slide 13: Onboarding and Integration (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Pre-Onboarding Preparation (contd.)

Activity Name: New Hire Orientation

Activity Description: Conduct orientation sessions to familiarize new hires with the organization's
culture, policies, systems, and expectations.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: New hire satisfaction with orientation, Time to complete
orientation program

Slide 14: Onboarding and Integration (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Pre-Onboarding Preparation (contd.)

Activity Name: Training and Onboarding

Activity Description: Provide training and onboarding programs to equip new hires with the
necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to succeed in their roles.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Training completion rates, Time to proficiency in role

Slide 15: Onboarding and Integration (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Pre-Onboarding Preparation (contd.)

Activity Name: Integration and Follow-up

Activity Description: Facilitate integration into the team and ongoing support for new hires,
conducting follow-up meetings and performance check-ins to ensure a smooth transition.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: New hire retention rate after 90 days, Manager
satisfaction with new hire integration

Slide 16: Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding

Sub-Process Name: Develop Employer Branding Strategy

Activity Name: Define Employer Value Proposition

Activity Description: Define and communicate the unique value proposition offered by the
organization to attract and retain top talent.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Employer brand awareness, Candidate perception of
organizational culture

Slide 17: Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Develop Employer Branding Strategy (contd.)

Activity Name: Execute Recruitment Marketing Campaigns

Activity Description: Execute marketing campaigns and initiatives to promote the employer brand
and attract potential candidates through various channels such as social media, career fairs, and
networking events.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Candidate engagement metrics (e.g., click-through rates,
conversion rates), Social media reach, Event attendance

Slide 18: Talent Pipeline Management

Sub-Process Name: Build Talent Pipeline

Activity Name: Source Passive Candidates

Activity Description: Engage with passive candidates through talent communities, networking
platforms, and targeted outreach to build a pipeline of potential candidates.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Growth of talent pipeline, Engagement metrics (e.g., open
rates, click-through rates)

Slide 19: Talent Pipeline Management (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Build Talent Pipeline (contd.)

Activity Name: Nurture Talent Relationships

Activity Description: Cultivate relationships with candidates through personalized communication,

networking events, and targeted content to maintain engagement and interest in future

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Candidate response rates, Conversion rates from outreach
to application, Candidate satisfaction with communication

Slide 20: Talent Pipeline Management (contd.)

Sub-Process Name: Build Talent Pipeline (contd.)

Activity Name: Maintain Candidate Database

Activity Description: Maintain a database of candidate profiles, contact information, and interactions
to track candidate engagement and facilitate future talent sourcing efforts.

Suggested Key Metrics for Measurement: Database growth rate, Candidate profile completeness

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