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A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of

College of Information and Computing Studies

Lyceum-Northwestern University

Dagupan City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Borje, Allan Jay Z.

Espanol, Ferlyn Joy N.

Fronda, Marvin Dave Hiedrich M.

December 2023

This Capstone Project entitled Queuing Management System for Lingayen

Terminal prepared by, Borje, Allan Jay Zamora, Espanol,Ferlyn Joy Nagal, and
Fronda, Marvin Dave Hiedrich Molano, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, has been
examined and approved by the Committee on Oral Examination.

Date Signed

Adviser: Cristian C. Cabungan __________ _________

Examiners: Christian M. Calonge __________ _________

Judith Allison Y. Castro __________ _________

Bryan O. Mislang __________ _________

Cathlyn Joy C. Paringit __________ _________

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor

of Science in Information Technology.

Cristian C. Cabungan ______________

OIC-Dean, College of Information and Computing Studies Date Signed

Queuing Management System in Lingayen Terminal

A.J.Z. Borje, F.J.N. Espanol, M.D.H.M. Fronda. College of Information and

Computing Studies, Lyceum-Northwestern University, Tapuac District, Dagupan

Technology nowadays has been growing fast, it is very useful for people to
easily communicate and give services to the community. However, some sectors
today seem to be left behind in adopting the use of different methods to have easy
progress on their part. Nowadays, business people define the applications and
problems to be solved by the computer. Computerization is a control system that
will help manage industrial workplace processes.

The study aimed to develop a system that would cater the Queuing
management system in lingayen terminal. The proponents chose the Scrum
Methodology for the developed system. The tools used in data gatherings are
document analysis, internet research, interview, observation and survey
questionnaire. The proponents also used the database schema, entity relationship
diagram, Gantt chart, Ishikawa diagram, Likert scale, Swimlane diagram, use case
diagram, and weighted mean as tools for data analysis.

Based from the conducted interview by the proponents, the lingayen teminal
implements manual procedure which involves jeepney/driver arrival, collect
payment, give ticket, receive queue ticket. This procedure causes unorganized
queuing, addressing issues, overcrowding, delays and inefficiency, record
Keeping and data management. The proponents have incorporated features to the
proposed system such as admin dashboard, automated databases, login, register
driver-generate code, generate ticket, generate report, create station by routes,
forgot password. The proponents conducted survey to evaluate the acceptance
level of the system and it resulted to a weighted mean of 3.45 in completeness,
3.49 in accuracy, 3.53 in reliability, 3.58 in timeliness and 3.53 in security.

Based on the findings, the proponents have concluded that the procedures
in the existing system is manual; the manual procedures exhibit difficulties; the
features of the system addressed the difficulties encountered; and the computed
system acceptance level of the system indicates that the respondents are satisfied
with the functionalities of the proposed system.

To further improve the study, the proponents recommend a system

maintenance from IT experts, background application that adapt any platform
resolutions, real-time monitoring of admin, and periodic maintenance of the

The proponents would like to take this opportunity to express sincerest

gratitude to the following individuals who made this endeavor possible.

The proponents would like to acknowledge and give the warmest thanks

to the project adviser, Sir, Cristian Cabungan, for their invaluable guidance,

expertise, and continuous support throughout the research process. Their

insightful feedback, constructive criticism, and encouragement have greatly

enhanced the quality of this thesis. Thank you very much for being a good

person and excellent mentor.

The proponents understand the gravity of the responsibilities and hope they will

stay humble as always;

To the panel members who readily gave their time and effort to check the

documentation and provide suggestions to improve the proposed system;

To the proponents’ friends for their unwavering support, encouragement,

and patience during this challenging journey. Their understanding, motivation,

and positive energy have been vital in keeping us focused and motivated

throughout the writing process.

To the parents I would like to express the heartfelt gratitude for their

unwavering love, support, and encouragement throughout the academic journey

and the completion of this thesis. Their endless sacrifices, guidance, and belief in

us for our abilities have been instrumental in the success.

The proponents are very thankful for all the support and guidance;
Last but not the least, the proponents would like to God the presence and

guidance of a higher power throughout the thesis writing process. The

completion of this thesis was not solely dependent on effort and abilities. We

recognize that there were forces beyond control that played a role in the

successful completion of this work. We are grateful for the blessings, inspiration,

and strength that we have received from a higher power throughout this

challenging journey. The guidance and wisdom that we believe have been

bestowed upon me have helped me navigate obstacles and find solutions. Thank

you very much our Almighty God.



Title Page..........................................................................................................i

Approval Sheet.................................................................................................ii



Table of Contents.............................................................................................vii

List of Figures...................................................................................................viii

List of Tables.....................................................................................................ix


Rationale and Background of the Study..............................................................1

The Research Paradigm......................................................................................4

Statement of the Problem....................................................................................5

Objectives of the Study........................................................................................5

Significance of the Study.....................................................................................6

Scope and Delimitation........................................................................................7

Definition of Terms...............................................................................................7


Foreign Literature........................................................................................….....9

Local Literature..............................................................................................…..12

Synthesis of the Review of Related Literature.............................................……15



System Design................................................................................................17

Sources of Data...............................................................................................21

Instrumentation and Data Collection...............................................................21

Tools for Data Analysis...................................................................................22


Procedures Involved in the Existing Queuing Management System in Lingayen


Difficulties Encountered in the Existing Queuing Management System in

Lingayen Terminal...........................................................................................28

Features of the Proposed System...................................................................30

Acceptance Level of the Proposed System....................................................31








A Request Letter to Conduct Study ....................................................44

C Survey Questionnaire .....................................................................45

D Database Schema ..........................................................................46

E Entity Relationship Diagram ...........................................................47

F Gantt Chart .....................................................................................48

G Use Case Diagram .........................................................................49

H Screenshots ....................................................................................50

Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................54


Figure No. Figure Title Page

1 The Research Paradigm ........................................................................4

2 Agile Methodology Processes ...............................................................18

3 Swimlane Diagram of the Existing System ...........................................25

4 Ishikawa Diagram of the Existing System .............................................27


Table No. Table Title Page

1 Weighted Mean of Scoring.....................................................................23

2 System Evaluation According to Completeness ...................................29

3 System Evaluation According to Accuracy............................................29

4 System Evaluation According to Reliability ..........................................30

5 System Evaluation According to Timeliness ........................................31

6 System Evaluation According to Security ............................................31

7 Overall Acceptance Level of the Proposed System .............................32

Introduction 1

Chapter 1


Rationale and Background of the Study

Technology is one of the keywords of our world, yet it is also one of the

most confused. As an analytical category it seems necessary for our

understanding of all of humanity’s history, and indeed beyond. We are probably

comfortable with asserting that humans have had technologies since the

Paleolithic, and a menagerie of animals, from crows to chimps, have even been

identified as tool users (Eric, 2018).

Queue management system allows you to practically manage clients

throughout their encounters with your organization, making the journey as

comfortable and smooth as possible. Additionally, it aids in your comprehension

of the interactions between your clients and workers, giving you the knowledge,

you require to enhance both client satisfaction and operational effectiveness. A

system that controls the customer's waiting experience from pre-service to post-

service is called a queue management system (QMS). Software and hardware

components that assist organizations in streamlining customer access to

services, organizing and managing client flow, and gathering information to

enhance the drivers experience can be found in the solution (Q-Matic, 2023).

Transportation refers to the movement of people, goods, or animals from

one location to another using various modes of conveyance, such as cars,

buses, trains, airplanes, ships, or bicycles. Government is more interested in

transportation since it has a greater impact on economic performance and

Introduction 2

becomes a significant issue. An effective and reliable transportation system is

crucial for sustaining economic growth. Transportation makes it possible for

items to travel efficiently to all markets, guaranteeing the product's availability at

a fair price. Some governments take part in certain transportation-related

practices and activities more actively. You can do this through ownership, rules,

and promotions (Solanki, 2022).

Technology management or management of technology (MOT) can be

seen from a variety of angles. The author of this editorial, however, addresses

the subjects from several perspectives that are connected to various settings and

backgrounds. Technology management is essential for utilizing technology as a

strategic advantage and allowing firms to remain flexible, competitive, and agile

in a constantly changing digital environment. (What Is Technology Management?


The Queuing Management System implemented at the Lingayen terminal

is a highly efficient it optimizes the queuing process and enhance customer

experience. Through its web-based platform, customers can easily pre-register

and reserve their place in the queue using a QR code, even before arriving at the

terminal. This not only saves time for the customers but also allows the terminal

staff to anticipant improved vehicle flow that is more organized and efficient

benefits both drivers and passengers at Lingayen Terminal thanks to the

installation of a queue management system for drivers. Drivers can experience

shorter wait times and prevent chaotic situations by setting up designated waiting

zones and orderly queues. This method improves the overall driving experience,
Introduction 3

boosting driver satisfaction and frequent use of the terminal's services.

Additionally, the queuing management system enables terminal operators to

more efficiently allocate resources based on driver demand, maximizing the

usage of resources like employees and facilities. Operators can make data-

driven decisions to optimize operations, eliminate bottlenecks, and improve the

terminal's overall efficiency using real-time data insights on driver flow and wait

times. The queuing system stresses efficiency as well as security and safety. The

technology contributes to maintaining a safe environment for both drivers and

passengers by reducing crowding and guaranteeing an orderly process for

vehicle loading and disembarking.

Introduction 4

The Research Paradigm

The research paradigm are consisted of the input, the process and the

output. The input relied on the problems that settled by the study. Next was the

process which explained the methodology that the proponents have selected,

which was the Scrum Methodology. Lastly, the output was the study itself

entitled, Queuing Management System for Lingayen Jeepney Termina


1.What are the processes

involved in Queuing
Management System in
Lingayen Terminal?
2.What are the difficulties Method
that can be encountered
Queuing Management 1. Sprint
System for Lingayen 2. Sprint planning
3. Daily Scrum Queuing Management
3.What are the features
4. Sprint Review
System for Lingayen
to be incorporated in the
Jeepney Terminal
proposed system?
5. Sprint
4.What is the acceptance
level of the proposed
system in terms of:
a. Completeness;
b. Accuracy;
c. Reliability;
d. Timeliness;
e. Security?

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm
Introduction 5

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to establish a Queuing Management System for Lingayen

Jeepney Terminal.

The study answered the following questions:

1. What are the processes involved in the existing Queue Management

System in Lingayen Terminal?

2. What are the difficulties encountered in the existing Queue Management

System in Lingayen Terminal?

3. What are the features to be incorporated in the proposed system?

4. What was the acceptance level of the proposed system in terms of:

a. Completeness;

b. Accuracy;


d.Timeliness and;

e. Security?

Objectives of the Study

In this study, the proponents outlined the specific objectives that guide to

our research endeavors. These objectives served as the fundamental aims and

aspirations of our investigation, providing clarity and direction to the study's


The following were the objectives of the study:

1. To classify the processes involved in existing Queue Management

System in Lingayen Terminal.

Introduction 6

2. To illustrate the difficulties encountered in the existing Queue

Management System in Lingayen Terminal.

3. To single out the features to be incorporated in the proposed system.

4. To show the result of the acceptance level of the proposed system in

terms of;

a. Completeness;

b. Accuracy;



e. Security.

Significance of the Study

The following were the beneficiary of the study:

To the Management. The study would benefits management by reducing

wait times, streamlining operations, improving customer satisfaction, optimizing

resource allocation, and enhancing overall terminal performance.

To the Jeepney Drivers. The study would benefit jeepney drivers by

providing a more organized and efficient queue management process, reducing

wait times and improving overall operational efficiency.

To the Proponents. The proponents would establish good teamwork and

more knowledge of the methodology that will be used. The proponents would

also experience improvement in their skills in terms of developing and

maintaining the system.

Introduction 7

To the Future Researchers. The study would help some researchers of

who would design a system with the same idea to this study. The study could

serve as a reference or as a basis for their research or studies.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The Queuing Management System in Lingayen Terminal optimized

passenger flow, reduce wait times, ensure orderly boarding, enhance safety, and

improve overall terminal efficiency for a seamless travel experience, and

enhance the overall quality of service delivery. It streamlines operations,

mitigates congestion, and contributes to a positive customer experience.

In this study, the proponents outlined the system's delimitation, providing a

clear overview of its constraints and scope. The following were the delimitation of

the system payment, passenger seat capacity, and ticket printer for the Queuing

Management System at Lingayen Terminal. The study was especially concerned

with Lingayen Terminal's parking operations and queue management.

The study started on June 2023 and would be completed on December


Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined by the proponents for better

understanding and how it is relevant to the study.

Conveyance. Conveyance, in legal terms, refers to the process of

transferring property ownership from one party to another using legal instruments

such as deeds or contracts.

Introduction 8

Chaotic. Chaotic refers to a state of extreme disorder, confusion, or

unpredictability. In chaotic situations, there is a lack of organization or control,

making it challenging to predict or understand the outcomes. Chaos is

characterized by randomness, instability, and the absence of clear patterns or


Disembarking. Disembarking typically involves passengers leaving the

vehicle in an orderly manner to ensure a smooth flow of people and efficient

operations. The term is commonly used in the context of public transportation or

travel, where passengers need to alight from the vehicle at the end of their

journey or at specific points along the route.

Route. A route is a precise path or course followed to get to a given

location when discussing travel and transportation. Roadways, roads, or even

hiking routes for outdoor recreation could be involved. A "route" is the path that

data packets take in computer networking to get from one network or device to

another through an internal network or the internet.

Interconnected. Interconnected means linked or connected in some way,

establishing a network or system in which one component affects or relies on

another. It denotes a mutual dependence or interaction between different

Review RelatedLiterature

Chapter 2


This chapter has provided information of existing systems or studies

related to the proposed study entitled Optimizing Parking Operations: Integrating

a Pre-registration System to Streamline Queue Management in Lingayen

Terminal. has consisted of a brief introduction and related features that fully

describe the specific purpose of the current study.

Foreign Literature

Automated Queue Management System

Automated queue management system is a system that helps service

provider to manage customer in efficient way. The system can ease the customer

flow management which is useful for manager of the service provider. The

purpose of this project is to develop an Automated Queue Management System

for organizing queuing system that can analyze the queue status and take

decision which customer to be served first. This project focuses more on the

banks queuing system, different queuing algorithm approaches which are used in

banks to serve customer and the average waiting time. This queuing architecture

model can switch between different scheduling algorithms according to the

testing result i.e., the average waiting time by using two different queue control

systems, which have developed. There are several processes undergo, which

control by Intel Galileo Micro controller that is software-compatible with the

Arduino software development environment. Finally, the systems have been

Review of Related Literature 10

tested under different conditions to evaluate its performance (Rashid et al.,


SimpleQ - An Innovative Security Queue Management System

Through our research, we have found that one of the most unpleasant

parts of going to the airport for passengers is the security line. Passengers can

spend anywhere from a couple minutes to a couple hours waiting in this line,

bottlenecking the flow of airport traffic. Our goal is to minimize the time

passengers spend in the security screening queue while also improving their

overall customer experience and increasing airport revenue with our new

queuing system. The SimpleQ program will accomplish our main goal while also

increasing revenue and customer satisfaction at airports. It works incredibly

similar to drawing a number at the deli counter or getting a buzzer at a

restaurant. Upon entering the airport, you will be entered into the queuing

process and receive a number in our system. After that, you will wait for your

time to go through security check. During this time, you can use our app or text

message-based system to do a variety of things including checking where you

are in the queue, postponing when you want to be called, and receiving alerts for

when it is your time to go to security check (Ashely et al., 2016).

Smart Queue Management System with Real Time Tracking Using DNN

Queue management is a malady faced by most burgeoning organizations

as demand for service is increasing. However, this doesn't mean that backed up

lines and grumbling customers is 'the norm' or a situation that can't be solved.

Queue management technology can help you take the edge off both the actual
Review of Related Literature 11

and apprehended waiting time for customers, improve customer satisfaction, and

provide the data your managers need to further optimize the service experience.

This project is based on a smart queue management system for providing real-

time service utility request for the convenience of customers as well as

administration team of organization. The proposed system aims at minimizing the

dissatisfaction with services with medium to long waiting times. At this point, the

system enables the administration to receive an input if there is any kind of

mishandling or long queue inefficiencies, with the help Wi-Fi module. The

proposed system also performs the predictive analysis by regularly updating its

database and then after a particular time period it will help the administration to

open the closed counters before the queue exceeds the limit. The image

processing concept is essential parameter to count number of people in count

detection. This system is using Open-CV platform and CNN algorithm for image

processing with real-time person detection and taking the record of number of

counts of the people. The future predictions based on the count of people in a

particular interval of time are done by analyzing the past data using machine

learning algorithm as the DNN (Swapnali et al., 2020)

IoT Smart Queue Management System with Real-Time Queue Tracking

This paper proposes a smart queue management system for delivering

real-time service request updates to clients' smartphones in the form of audio

and visual feedback. The proposed system aims at reducing the dissatisfaction

with services with medium to long waiting times. To this end, the system allows

carriers of digital ticket to leave the waiting areas and return in time for their turn
Review of Related Literature 12

to receive service. The proposed system also improves the waiting experience of

clients choosing to stay in the waiting area by connecting them to the audio

signal of the often-muted television sets running entertainment programs,

advertisement of services, or news. The system is a web of things including

connected units for registering and verifying tickets, units for capturing and

streaming audio and queue management, and participating client units in the

form of smartphone applications. The authors implemented the proposed system

and verified its functionality and report on our findings and areas of

improvements (Rania et al., 2018).

Local Literature

Queuing Theory of Jeepney Terminals in Baguio City

Philippine public utility jeepney (PUJ) plays an important role contributing

to a significant amount of public demand in transportation. A critical concern in

the existing green trunk line jeepney terminal in Baguio City is its inefficient

system in catering to the need of users in public transport. One principal reason

is the failure to provide planned transport facilities. Queuing theory can create an

efficient design that would distribute the limited resources and address problems

in waiting line. This thesis paper intends to validate the inefficiency of the existing

green trunk line jeepney terminals and to apply queuing theory to determine

possible architectural design solutions. Queuing analysis would provide the

capacity requirements and organize demands where scheduling of services of a

system is arbitrary. The researcher conducted an on-site observation of the

existing green trunk line jeepney terminal to validate the inefficiency of the
Review of Related Literature 13

existing transport system and individual interviews to gain understanding in the

current situation of the terminal. The researcher had collected the three

variables: arrival rate, service time and number of servers in the existing green

trunk line jeepney terminal. All these variables would be used for the queuing

theory to determine if the existing loading bays is either efficient or inefficient.

Queuing Theory improves the level of service minimizing the waiting time and the

queue lines of the passengers in a terminal. It provides useful information for the

design of the transport terminal and the analysis of waiting line systems. This

study would serve as a future reference for future government projects relating to

designs of terminals for Public Transport (Kirsten, 2020).

College of Computer Studies Queuing and Electronic Bulletin System

The CCS Queuing and Electronic Bulletin System is intended for the use

of the College of Computer Studies to assist the enrolment process of its

students and provide a properly queues system to systematically improve the

current situation. The main beneficiary of the system is the CCS office which

mainly includes the secretary and the faculty as well as its students. The features

are the following: the queue module is used for having a systematic process in

transacting business in the department. The electronic bulletin is used for the

announcement within the department. The SMS module is used for urgent

announcements. The online-offline features are used to notify students whether

their selected advisers are available for the selected transaction or not. The

account module is used to access the system in order to do the transaction. The

CCS Queuing and Electronic Bulletin System will innovate the queuing
Review of Related Literature 14

management of the College of Computer Studies and will make the work of

advisers faster and efficient by a centralized database stored in the system, and

the advisers can be easily approach by the students. This system will help the

advisers manage their time easily and this system will also help the student in a

way there is a systematic process in transacting business in the department (Roy

et al., 2018).

Qminder cloud-based queuing management system

Qminder designed to help businesses manage customer flow efficiently. It

provides features like virtual queuing, appointment scheduling, staff

management, and real-time analytics. Customers can wait in a virtual queue

instead of standing in line, which improves the overall customer experience.

Qminder is a cloud-based queuing management system that revolutionizes

customer service and streamlines customer flow for businesses across various

industries. With its virtual queuing feature, customers can join a queue through

their smartphones or self-service kiosks, eliminating the need for physical lines

and creating a more comfortable waiting experience. Real-time SMS notifications

keep customers informed about their queue status and estimated wait times,

ensuring they stay engaged and aware. The platform also offers appointment

scheduling, allowing businesses to efficiently manage customer arrivals and

optimize staff resources. Through comprehensive staff management tools,

Qminder enables businesses to assign tasks based on queue demand and

monitor staff performance. (Qminder, n.d.).

Review of Related Literature 15

Synthesis of the Review of Related Literature

The synthesis of the review of related literature depicts the similarities and

differences of those related topics and studies that is surely to be relevant and

helpful in coming up with the proposed system. In terms of similarities, both

systems aim to improve efficiency and streamline queue management.

In the study conducted at the Lingayen terminal, a highly efficient Queuing

Management System was implemented, aimed at optimizing the queuing process

and enhancing customer experience. The system's web-based platform allows

customers to conveniently pre-register and reserve their place in the queue using

a QR code prior to their arrival at the terminal. By eliminating the need for

physical waiting lines, customers' time is saved, and the terminal staff can better

anticipate and manage the crowd effectively.

The Foreign Literature offers a broader perspective on queuing

management systems with a focus on various applications, technological

approaches, and customer satisfaction. In contrast, the Local Literature provides

a more localized view, concentrating on a single terminal's efficiency and

customer experience, leveraging QR codes and real-time updates for smoother


The studies presented in both the Foreign and Local Literature share

common objectives centered around enhancing queuing management systems.

In both contexts, the primary goal is to improve efficiency and customer

experience. The studies recognize the significance of incorporating technology,

such as queuing algorithms, image processing, DNNs, and IoT, to achieve real-
Review of Related Literature 16

time updates and streamline the queuing process. Customer satisfaction is a key

driver, with all studies aiming to minimize waiting times and provide a smoother,

more convenient experience for customers or users.

Research Methodology 17

Chapter 3


In this chapter, numerous data collection and analysis procedures are

explained in relation to the research. The study's location, research design,

sample, data collection, and the sorts of data that will be used for data gathering

are just a few of the approaches that will be used.

System Design

Scrum proponents emphasize the methodology's iterative and incremental

approach to project management. Scrum enables for greater adaptability to

change project requirements and incorporates regular feedback from

stakeholders. The emphasis on constant communication and collaboration within

Scrum teams is thought to promote transparency and reduce the possibility of

misunderstandings or misalignment. Scrum supporters also emphasize its

capacity to generate self-organization and successful teamwork. The Scrum

Master's role in assisting the process and removing any hurdles that may impede

the team's development is regarded as critical to its success.

Scrum is an agile project management system commonly used

in software development, although it is also used in other fields including

research, sales, marketing, education, and advanced technologies. It is designed

for teams of ten or fewer members who break their work into goals to be

completed within time-boxed iterations, called sprints. Each sprint is no longer

than one month and most commonly lasts two weeks. The scrum team assesses

progress in time-boxed daily meetings of up to 15 minutes, called daily scrums

Research Methodology 18

(a stand-up meeting). At the end of the sprint, the team holds two further

meetings: one sprint review intended to demonstrate the work done

for stakeholders and solicit feedback, and one sprint retrospective intended to

enable the team to reflect and improve (Wikipedia, 2020).

Scrum teams have a neat division of roles and responsibilities, without

which they can’t deliver projects satisfactorily. Each team has a scrum master in

charge of rules compliance, supervision and leadership. The scrum master often

works closely with the product owner (PO) to maximize the return on investment

in a particular project. The PO is the representative of the stakeholders and

customers who use the software after development and works to translate the

vision of a project to all its team members, focusing on the ideas and stories that

the final product should reflect (Amit, 2021).

The scrum methodology emphasizes teamwork in project management.

It stresses accountability and iterative progress toward a well-defined goal.

Scrum is part of agile software development and teams practice agile. The name

comes from the sport of rugby, where scrum is a formation where everyone plays

a specific role, but everyone is working towards a quick adoption of strategies

(William Malsam, 2023).

Research Methodology 19

Figure 2 below shows the illustration of the process of agile methodology.

Phase 1 Sprint. A project sprint in Scrum is a short period of time wherein

a development team works to complete specific tasks, milestones, or

deliverable. Sprints separate a project timeline into smaller, more manageable

blocks. (Adobe Communications Team,2022).

The proponents collaborated to review the Product Backlog, define the

Sprint Goal, estimate tasks' effort, and select work items for the Sprint Backlog,

setting the foundation for the upcoming sprint.

Phase 2 Sprint Planning. Sprint planning is an event in scrum that kicks off

the sprint. The purpose of sprint planning is to define what can be delivered in the

sprint and how that work will be achieved. Sprint planning is done in collaboration

with the whole scrum team. (DAVE WEST, 2018).

Research Methodology 20

The proponents reviewed the Product Backlog, set the Sprint Goal, estimate

tasks' effort, allocate work, and create the Sprint Backlog, ensuring collaboration

and commitment to delivering valuable increments.

Phase 3 Daily Scrum. A Daily Scrum is a short, stand-up meeting used to

keep a project on track. The Scrum Master facilitates the discussion, and team

members update their teammates on what they accomplished yesterday, their

plans for today, and any roadblocks they are experiencing (Gcretro, 2020).

The proponents synchronized activities, share progress, identify

impediments, and plan the day ahead in a time-boxed 15-minute meeting to

foster collaboration and achieve sprint goals.

Phase 4 Sprint Review. The Sprint Review is a working meeting where the

Scrum Team presents their completed work to stakeholders and asks for

feedback. The Scrum Team and stakeholders discuss the progress made toward

the Product Goal, emerging changes in the business or technical climate and

collaborate on what to do next (scrum.org, 2023).

The proponents presented the completed work to stakeholders, gather

feedback, and assess the product's progress. They discuss what was

accomplished during the sprint and adjust future plans accordingly.

Phase 5 Sprint Retrospective. The sprint retrospective is a meeting held

after the sprint review and before the next sprint planning. The purpose of this

meeting is exclusively to collect feedback from the entire team in order to

understand which practices worked and which didn't (zoho.com, 2023).

Research Methodology 21

The proponents reflected on the completed sprint, discuss what went well

and what could be improved. They identify actionable items to enhance future

sprints and team performance.

Sources of Data

The primary source of information for proposed study was the Jeepney

Drivers in Lingayen Terminal. Jeepney drivers were the primary source of

transportation for many communities in the Philippines due to their extensive

network, affordability, and accessibility. This served as a vital link between

remote areas and urban centers, catering to many passengers daily.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

For data collection, the proponents will use the following tools such as:

Document Analysis. Is a research method that involves examining and

interpreting various types of documents, such as written texts, images, audio

recordings, or videos, to gather information and insights for a study (Savage,


The proponents will identify and select relevant documents for analysis.

These documents can include written texts, images, audio recordings, videos, or

any other type of material that is pertinent to the research question or topic.

Internet Research. Is the process of gathering information, data, and

knowledge by using various online sources such as websites, databases, online

publications, and other digital platforms (Zhang, 2020).

Research Methodology 22

The proponents will start by clearly defining the research objectives or

questions they seek to address through internet research. This helps in narrowing

down the focus and identifying the types of information needed.

Interview. Is a research method that involves direct interaction between

the researcher and the interviewee to gather information, insights, and

perspectives on a particular topic or subject (Smith, 2019).

The proponents will carefully design the interview, including selecting

appropriate questions and structuring the conversation to address the research

objectives. The design may include open-ended questions to encourage detailed


Observation. Is a research method involving systematic and careful

examination of behaviors, events, or phenomena in their natural settings to

gather qualitative or quantitative data for analysis (Brown, 2018).

The proponents will choose the appropriate setting for observation based on the

research question or objectives. This could be a natural environment, such as a

workplace, classroom, public space, or any other context relevant to the study.

Tools for Data Analysis

In this study, the following instruments used to analyze data:

Database Schema. Is a structure or blueprint that defines the organization,

arrangement, and relationships of data stored in a database management system

(DBMS). It describes the tables, fields, data types, constraints, and other

characteristics of the data stored in a database. A database schema provides a

Research Methodology
Research Methodology 24

logical view of the entire database system and serves as a foundation for

database design and development. (Silberschatz et al., 2010).

The proponents analyzed, modified, optimized, or implemented

applications based on the database schema for various purposes.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Is a visual representation of the

entities (objects or concepts), attributes, and relationships between entities in a

database. It provides a graphical depiction of the database schema and helps in

understanding the structure and organization of data. (Connolly et al., 2014).

The proponents used the entity relationship diagram to visualize and

understand the structure and relationships of data entities in a database system.

Gantt Chart. Is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. It

shows the start and end dates of tasks, as well as the dependencies and duration

of each task. Gantt charts provide a visual representation of project progress,

allowing project managers to track and manage tasks effectively (Wysocki, 2014)

The proponents employed Gantt charts to plan, schedule, and track tasks

and activities, providing a visual representation of project timelines and


Ishikawa Diagram. Is a diagram that shows the causes of an event and is

often used in manufacturing and product development to outline the different

steps in a process, demonstrate where quality control issues might arise, and

determine which resources are required at specific times (Adam, 2023).

The proponents utilized Ishikawa diagrams, also known as fish-bone

diagrams or cause-and-effect diagrams, to identify and analyze the root causes

Research Methodology 24

of a problem or an effect. It helps in visualizing the various potential causes that

contribute to a specific outcome.

Likert Scale. Is a rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or

behaviors. It consists of a statement or a question, followed by a series of five or

seven answer statements. Respondents

choose the option that best corresponds with how they feel about the

statement or question (Bhandari, 2023).

The proponents employed Likert scales to measure attitudes, opinions, or

perceptions of individuals by presenting a series of statements or questions with

a rating scale, typically ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree." This

allows for quantitative analysis of subjective responses.

Swim lane Diagram. Is a graphical representation of who does what and

when in a process. A swim-lane diagram uses the metaphor of lanes in a pool

that extend horizontally or vertically to indicate ownership of workflow tasks.

Swim-lane diagrams can uncover duplicated efforts, redundancies, inefficiencies,

and bottlenecks (miro.com, 2018).

The proponents used swim lane diagrams to visually represent the flow of

activities, tasks, or responsibilities within a process or workflow. They provide a

clear depiction of which individuals, teams, or departments are responsible for

each step, facilitating understanding and coordination.

Use- Case Diagram. Is a way to summarize details of a system and the

users within that system. It is generally shown as a graphic depiction of

interactions among different elements in a system. Use case diagrams will

Research Methodology 25

specify the events in a system and how those events flow, however, use case

diagram does not describe how those events are implemented (TechTarget

Contributor 2023)

The proponents used a use case diagram to depict the interactions

between actors (users or external systems) and a system or application. It helped

to identify and illustrate the various use cases or functionalities of the system,

highlighting how different actors interact with the system to achieve specific goals

or tasks.

Weighted Mean. Is a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying the

weight (or probability) associated with a particular event or outcome with its

associated quantitative outcome and then summing all the products together.

The proponents used weighted mean to analyze data, giving more

importance to specific values based on predetermined weights. (Sebastian,


The scale being the rate, the statistical limitations corresponding to the

descriptive rating and its equivalent descriptive interpretation.

The formula will be used Mean = ∑x / n, where: Mean = Average, ∑x =

Summation of results, n = Number of respondents.

Result and Discussion 26

Scale Statistical Limits Description Rating Descriptive Interpretation

4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Condition / Provision is very
extensive and functioning
very well.

3 2.50 – 3.24 Agree (A) Condition / Provision

adequate and functioning is

2 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree (D) Condition is limited and

functioning properly.

1 1.0 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree Condition is need by

(SD) meaning.

Table 1. Weighted Mean of Scoring

Result and Discussion 28

Chapter 4


In this chapter, findings were presented and discussed, particularly the

procedures and the difficulties encountered in the existing Queuing Management

System in Lingayen Terminal.

Procedures Involved in the Existing Queuing Management System in

Lingayen Terminal

Based on the data gathered, the proponents have identified the following

processes being employed in the existing Queuing Management System in

Lingayen Terminal.

Jeepney Driver Arrival. Jeepney driver will enter the queue and provide

the drivers information along with information on their route or destination and the

driver will received queue number or ticket.

Collect Payment. Drivers at the Lingayen Jeepney Terminal submit

collected fares to the administration. This ensures proper accounting and

transparent revenue management.

Give ticket. Admin provides tickets to drivers at Lingayen Jeepney


Receive queue ticket. Drivers receive tickets from the admin at Lingayen

Jeepney Terminal for their turn in the queue. These tickets indicate their place in

the line to pick up passengers.

Figure 3 shows the procedures of the existing system illustrated in a swim lane

Result and Discussion 28

Driver Admin


Driver’s Arrival with

his Vehicle Collect payment

Receive queue ticket Give ticket


Figure 3. Swimlane Diagram of the Existing System

Difficulties Encountered in the Existing Queuing Management System in

Lingayen Terminal.

Unorganized Queuing. Unorganized queuing in the queuing system

management terminal in Lingayen can lead to various difficulties. Some

common challenges include longer wait times, confusion among customers,

and inefficient resource allocation. Without a well-structured queuing system, it

can be difficult for costumers to determine where they should queue, resulting

in potential conflicts or misunderstandings. Additionally, service providers may

struggle to manage and prioritize tasks effectively if there is no clear system


Addressing Issues. Addressing issues in queuing management system is

crucial for improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Result and Discussion 29

Overcrowding. Overcrowding in certain areas within a queuing

management system can be significant challenge, leading to discomfort, longer

wait times, and a decreased level of customer satisfaction.

The Issue of Time-Consuming Queues. The issues of time-consuming

queues in queuing management system at the Lingayen terminal can be quite

challenging for both passengers and staff. Addressing this issue requires a

careful assessment of the underlying factors contributing to the delays.

Longer Wait Times for the Commuter. Longer wait times for the

commuters in the queuing management system can be a significant challenge

that needs to be addressed. Extended waiting periods can lead to frustration and

discomfort for passengers.

Delays and Inefficiency. Delays and inefficiency in a queuing management

system can be frustrating for both commuters and staff.

Record Keeping. Record keeping is an important aspect of a queuing

management system in the Lingayen terminal. It helps track and analyze metrics

related to queue performance, customers wait times, service efficiency, and staff


Data Management. Data management in a queuing management system

is crucial for efficient operation and effective decision-making.

The Lack of Standardization. The lack of standardization in a queuing

management system can lead to inconsistent processes, confusion, and

inefficiencies. Standardization plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and

consistent experience for both commuters and staff.

Result and Discussion 30

Unorganized queuing Time Consuming

Long wait time for

Address issues

Overcrowding in Delays and inefficiencies

certain areas Queuing
. System in
Lack of Standardization Terminal
Data management

Record keeping

Figure 4 Ishikawa Diagram.

Features of the Proposed System

The development of Queuing Management System for Lingayen Terminal

aimed to provide the following features.

Admin dashboard. A web page intended for a person in authority (admins)

to maintain and troubleshoot the website.

Register/Login. Where admin can register the drivers to the system and

security measure designed to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data.

The system will ask for username and password of the different user level.

Generate QR code. The register driver with QR code system allows

drivers to easily register and authenticate their identity using a unique QR code.
Result and Discussion 31

This system streamlines the driver registration process and provides a

convenient method for verifying driver information. To register, drivers are

assigned a unique QR code associated with their credentials and personal


Generate ticket. The ticket is a small slip of paper issued to passengers

waiting in line at a jeep terminal. Its purpose is to provide an organized system

for passenger queuing, ensuring a fair and orderly boarding process.

Generate report. This report provides a concise overview of jeep

transportation, highlighting its characteristics, benefits, and operational aspects.

The purpose of this report is to offer a clear and comprehensive understanding of

jeeps as a mode of public transportation.

Create station by routes. A station by routes for jeeps is a designated

location where jeeps operate along specific routes to pick up and drop off

passengers. The station serves as a convenient focal point for passengers to

access jeep transportation. The station typically includes designated waiting

areas, clearly marked boarding zones, and signage to provide clear directions

and information.

Acceptance Level of the Proposed System

The proposed Queuing Management System for Lingayen Terminal was

evaluated in terms of completeness, accuracy, reliability, timeliness, and security

(CARTS). The proponents conducted a survey from twenty-eight (28)

respondents consisting of parents, students and staffs. Additionally, the

proponents demonstrated the developed system to the respondents.

Result and Discussion 32

Completeness. Table 2 shows the perception of the evaluators on the


with respect to its completeness. The respondents strongly agree on the system’s

comprehensiveness as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.45.

Completeness Mean Description

1. The system works well 3 Agree

2. It is easy to use 3.70 Agree
3. I think I do not need technical 3.50 Agree
support to be able to use this
4. I found the various functions in the 3.37 Strongly agree
system very well integrated.
5. There was consistency in the 3.53 Strongly agree
6. I felt very confident using the 3.53 Strongly agree
7. I would imagine that most people 3.5 Agree
would learn to use this system
Weighted Mean 3.45 Strongly agree

Table 2. System Evaluation According to Completeness

Accuracy. Table 3 shows the perception of the evaluators on the system with

respect to its

accuracy. The respondents strongly agree on the system’s precision as

reflected in the weighted mean of 3.49

Table 3. System Evaluation According to Accuracy

Accuracy Mean Description

Strongly agree
1. It is easy to find my way around
the system. 3.53
Strongly agree
2. I can get information quickly. 3.53
Result and Discussion 33

Strongly agree

3. It is fun to explore the system. 3.57

Strongly agree
4. The user can easily navigate from
one last task to another. 3.53
Strongly agree
5. It is easy to remember where to
find things. 3.47
Strongly agree
6. Information is organized on the
screens 3.33
Strongly agree

Weighted Mean 3.49

Reliability. Table 4 shows the perception of evaluators on the system

according to its reliability. The respondents strongly agree on getting information

quickly and dependability as reflected in the weighted mean of 3.53.

Reliability Mean Description

1. The system provides clear 3.57 Strongly agree


2. Information is easy to read. 3.43 Strongly agree

3. It is easy to input information into 3.50 Strongly agree

the electronic record.

4. Screens have the right amount of 3.60 Strongly agree


5. The system effectively 3.47 Strongly agree

communicate the school’s identity.

6. Data manipulation efficiency is up- 3.70 Strongly agree

Result and Discussion 34

7. The data that has been kept in the 3.47 Strongly agree
database is exactly the same data
when retrieved.
Weighted Mean 3.53 Strongly agree

Table 4. System Evaluation According to Reliability

Timeliness. Table 5 shows the perception of the evaluators on the system

according to timeliness factors. The respondents strongly agree on the real-time

response of the system as reflected in a weighted mean of 3.58.

Timeliness Mean Description

1. The system responds 3.57 Strongly agree

quicker to every action.

2. It is faster to save, 3.57 Strongly agree

update and delete
3. The page loading is 3.57 Strongly agree

4. The system content 3.60 Strongly agree

makes me want to
explore the system
Weighted Mean 3.58 Strongly agree

Table 5. System Evaluation According to Timeliness

Security. Table 6 shows the perception of the evaluators on the system

according to the security purposes. The respondents strongly agree on the

security factor of the system as reflected in a weighted mean of 3.53.

Security Mean Description

Result and Discussion 35

1. The system facilitates 3.60 Strongly agree

works in the sector of
guidelines and
2. The system allows the 3.53 Strongly agree
office staffs to manage
the system efficiently.
3. The users can modify 3.50 Strongly agree
their personal details as
their password.
4. It reduces the 3.50 Strongly agree
occurrence of fraud.
Weighted Mean 3.53 Strongly agree

Table 6. System Evaluation According to Security

As a summary, the overall acceptance level of the proposed system as

shown in Table 7 below, which resulted to a weighted mean of 3.5, indicates that

the respondents are satisfied with the functionalities and features that were

incorporated in the proposed system.

Criteria Mean Description

1. Completeness 3.45 Strongly agree

2. Accuracy 3.49 Strongly agree

3. Reliability 3.53 Strongly agree

4. Timeliness 3.58 Strongly agree

5. Security 3.53 Strongly agree

Total 3.57 Strongly agree

Table 7. Overall Acceptance Level of the Proposed System
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 37

Chapter 5

This chapter presented the summary, conclusions, and recommendation

of the study.


The Queuing Management System at Lingayen Terminal is a tailored

solution designed to optimized the experience for drivers. Leveraging advanced

technology and data-driven algorithms, the system focuses on efficiently

managing vehicle queues, reducing driver wait times, and enhancing overall

traffic flow within the terminal. Through real-time analytics and dynamic queuing

adjustments, the system ensures a smooth and organized process for drivers,

minimizing congestion and improving operational efficiency.

The proponents chose the Scrum Methodology for the developed system.

The tools used in data gatherings are document analysis, internet research,

interview, observation, and survey questionnaire. The proponents also used the

database schema, entity relationship diagram, Gantt chart, Ishikawa diagram,

Likert scale, Swimlane diagram, use case diagram, and weighted mean as tools

for data analysis.


Based on the conducted interview by the proponents, the following

findings were drawn:

1. The queuing management system at Lingayen Terminal is currently

relying on a manual procedure implemented by the barangays.

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 37

2. The existing process involves multiple steps, including inquiry/request,

logbook record, application form submission, checking of application forms, panel

interviews, document printing, and document reception.

3. The manual procedure implemented by the barangays in Lingayen

Terminal has several drawbacks.

4. Human errors are prevalent due to the manual handling of tasks.

5. The proponents have addressed the limitations of the current system by

introducing key features in the proposed queuing management system. An admin

dashboard, Automated databases, Login, Detailed logs. The system facilitates

printable data and report generation, offering a convenient way to produce

necessary documents and reports.

6. the proponents conducted survey to evaluate the acceptance level of

the system and it resulted to a weighted mean of 3.45 in completeness, 3.49 in

accuracy, 3.53 in reliability, 3.58 in timeliness, 3.53 in security.


1. The procedures in the existing Queuing Management in Lingayen

Terminal are manual.

2. The manual procedures exhibit difficulties that are being encountered by

the lingayen jeepney drivers and staff as well.

3. The features of the proposed system addressed the difficulties


4. The computed system acceptance level of the system indicates that the

respondents are satisfied with the functionalities of the proposed system.

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 38


Based from the findings and conclusions, the proponents recommend the


1. System maintenance. The system shall have maintenance every 2 months

to maintain and update its functions and also for the security of its


2. Scalability. Ensure that queuing system is scalable to accommodate

potential growth in the number of the customers or services offered at the

lingayen terminal.

3. Real-time monitoring. The system should monitor the payments of jeepney

drivers to identify the earnings of lingayen terminal.

Bibliography 41
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Appendices 44


Appendix A

Request Letter to Conduct the Study

Appendices 45

Appendix B
Appendices 46

Continuation of Survey Questionnaire

Appendices 47

Appendix C

Database Schema
Appendices 48

Appendix D

Entity Relationship Diagram

Appendices 49

Appendix E

Gantt Chart
Appendices 50

Appendix F

Use-Case Diagram
Appendices 51

Appendix G


Login page- is a secure gateway that allows users to access their

accounts by providing their unique credentials. It is designed to protect the user's

information, ensuring privacy and security.

Appendices 52

Add to queue page- is a convenient feature that allows users to organize

and manage their content in a systematic manner.

Queue page- is a centralized hub that displays a user's selected content in

an organized and sequential manner. It serves as a handy tool for managing and

prioritizing the content that users have added to their queue or playlist
Appendices 53

Queue monitoring page for driver- is an essential feature that enables

drivers to efficiently manage and monitor their assigned queues. This page

provides real-time data and updates on the status of each queue, allowing

drivers to easily track their position in the queue and estimated waiting times.

Admin dashboard- is a vital tool that allows administrators to efficiently

manage and oversee the operations of the terminal. This intuitive dashboard

provides a comprehensive view of various key metrics, such as driver queues,

jeepney availability, and arrival and departure schedules.

Appendices 54


Marvin Dave Hiedrich M. Fronda

Poblacion Bugallon, Pangasinan

Educational Background
College : Lyceum Northwestern University
Tapuac District, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Information

Junior High : Precious dream school

Domalandan east, lingayen,

Senior High : Pangasinan National High School

Lingayen, Pangasinan

Primary : Jessan’s School INC. Socony,

Bugallon, Pangasinan

Seminars Attended

• 9th ICT Congress

Lyceum Northwestern University
December 2022
• 10th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
December 2023
• Youth Congress on Information Technology
Lyceum Northwestern University
November 2022
• 8th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
May 2022
• 7th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
October 2021
• 6th ICT Congress Lyceum Northwestern University
March 2021
Appendices 55

Continuation of Curriculum Vitae

Ferlyn Joy N. Espanol
Burgos Pangasinan

Educational Background
College Lyceum Northwestern University
Tapuac District, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Information

Senior High School Burgos National High School

Poblacion, Burgos Pangasinan

Junior High School Burgos National High School

Poblacion, Burgos Pangasinan

Elementary Education Burgos Central School

Poblacion, Burgos Pangasinan

Seminars Attended
• 9th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
December 2022
• 10th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
December 2023
• Youth Congress on Information Technology
Lyceum Northwestern University
November 2022
• 8th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
May 2022
• 7th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
October 2021
Appendices 56

Continuation of Curriculum Vitae

Allan Jay Z. Borje

Ambonao, Calasiao, Pangasinan

Educational Background
College Lyceum Northwestern University
Tapuac District, Dagupan City
Bachelor of Science in Information

Senior High School St. Albert the Great School

Malued Disctrict, Dagupan City,

Junior High School St. Albert the Great School

Malued Disctrict, Dagupan City,

Elementary Education Ambonao Elementary School

Ambonao, Calasiao, Pangasinan

Seminars Attended
• 9th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
December 2022
• 10th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
December 2023
• Youth Congress on Information Technology
Lyceum Northwestern University
November 2022
• 8th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
May 2022
• 7th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University
October 2021
• 6th ICT Congress
Lyceum Northwestern University March 2021
Appendices 57


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