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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Oil and Petroleum Spill Response

SOP Number:
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Prepared By:
Approved By:


To establish procedures for the effective response to oil and petroleum spills to minimize
environmental impact and ensure


This SOP applies to all employees and contractors involved in the handling, storage, and
transportation of oil and petroleum products


 Oil Spill: Any unintentional release of oil or petroleum products into the
 Containment: Methods used to prevent the spread of spilled oil.


 Spill Response Team Leader: Oversee the response and coordinate with external
 Safety Officer: Ensure the safety of personnel during the response.

 Environmental Officer: Assess environmental impact and compliance with


Materials and Equipment SPILL KIT

 Spill kit
 Communication devices (phones)
 Spill incident form


 A: Spill Response Checklist

 B: Emergency Contact List
 C: Regulatory Guidelines and Requirements

Step 1: Identification of Spill:

 Confirm the presence of a spill through visual inspection or monitoring systems.

Evaluate the spill is major or minor. If minor spill continue the process, during major
spill start escalating procedure. In low level spillage example in drops, then it can be
wiped with absorbent paper and disposed.

Step 2: Immediate Actions:

 Keep the caution Board around the spill.

 Alert the Spill Response Team.
 Evacuate the area if necessary.
 Notify relevant authorities as per regulatory requirements.

Step 3: Containment:

 Deploy absorbent booms around the spill to contain the spill.

Step 4: Clean-up:

 Absorbent materials varies for each type of spills,

1. For chemical spill pour water or spread powder for reducing the concentration
then put the absorbent paper for clean-up
2. For oil and petroleum spill absorbent material will be given in the spill kit
place that on the spillage.
 Apply absorbents to remove residual oil.
 Clean contaminated surfaces by proper detergent and allow it for dry, assure that no
residuals of oil or any other spillage are present.

Step 5: Waste Disposal:

 Keeping all the materials used for cleaning including the single use PPE inside the
degradable polypropylene yellow bag with the tag that give the information about the
type of spill, type of absorbent, Date and time of spillage, cleaned by, Location and
respected authority signature. The bag will be placed in a separate secured and
allotted area for spill disposal.
 Dispose of recovered oil and contaminated materials according to local regulations.

Step 6: Reporting:

 Document the incident details, response actions, and corrective action plan.
 Submit reports to regulatory authorities if required.
Continual Improvement and sustainability:

 Conducting regular training sessions for all staff on spill response procedures and use
of equipment is necessary. The frequency quarterly of each year.

Review and Improvement

 Review this SOP annually or after a spill incident.

 Update procedures based on lessons learned and regulatory changes.

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