_Minimum Package Question Bank of English ( Class - X)

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English Question Bank for class X

Analytical Paragraph

Analytical Paragraph – 1
The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a family on different items in a
month. Write an analytical paragraph using the information given in the chart.

Answer: The pie chart provides information about the amount of money a family has spent
on different items in a month. On an average, the family has spent majorly on grocery which
is twenty-three percent of the total expenses. Whereas it has spent 20 percent on education
which shows that it’s the second priority for the family.
The other item on which it has spend the most is clothes and transportation which levels off
19 and 18 percent respectively. Fifteen per-cent of their expenses were on other items that
might include stationery, cosmetics, accessories, etc. and the least they had spent was on
their rent. The maximum amount was spent on grocery, education, transportation and
Overall the data shows that they have not spent much on the unnecessary items or
miscellaneous. After spending on grocery which is of utmost importance they have spent a
significant amount on education. The least money is spent on miscellaneous items after
spending on their rent which is their liability. Thus, it is evident that 85% of their total amount
of money was spent on their liabilities whereas only 15 percent was spent on other items
that might not be necessary to spend on.

Analytical Paragraph – 2
The given bar graph shows the increasing use of skin care products by men and women
over the period of three months. Write an analytical paragraph elaborating the given


The given bar graph shows the usage of skin care products by men and women over the
time of three months. The products used are facewash, toner and sunscreen.
The bar graph of men shows that the most used product by men is facewash. In the month
of June the facewash was used around 33 times, in July 30 times and in August 35 times.
The toner was used around 27 times in the month of June, 20 times in July and around 33
times in the month of August. The sunscreen was used 29 times in the month of June, 25
times in July and 32 times in August.
The bar graph of women shows that the most used product is sunscreen. In the month of
June the facewash was used 25 times, in July 22 times and in August 24 times The toner
was used 22 times in the month of June, in July 25 times and in August 27 times. The
Sunscreen being the most used product was used 34 times in June, 29 times in July and 35
times in August. To conclude the given information, the usage of facewash by man saw a
rise in the month of August and reached its peak and usage of sunscreen by women saw its
rise in the Month of August too, reaching its peak of 35 times of usage.


Analytical Paragraph – 1
The given double bar graph shows the preferences of children in a school in playing different
games over the span of six years. Write an analytical paragraph about the given information.
Analytical Paragraph 2
Harish has to write a paragraph on the qualities required for success. He notices the chart
given below on the paper and decides to use it as the basis of his writing. Using the chart
and your ideas write a paragraph in 100-120 words.

Analytical Paragraph 3.
Below is a graph given showing birth and death rates in a country from 1901 to 2101. Write
an analytical paragraph (100-120 words).
Letter of Complaint ( Official)
Question 1.
The unsanitary conditions in your colony are causing multiple diseases. Write a letter to the
Municipal Commissioner bringing the problem to his notice and request him to take urgent
action in the matter. You are Deepak/Deepa of C 2/8, Ankur Enclave, New Delhi.

C 2/8, Ankur Enclave
New Delhi

20 August 20XX

The Municipal Commissioner

Delhi 1100XX

Subject: Insanitary conditions in the colony

Dear Sir
I have been a resident of Ankur Enclave for the past eleven years. I would like to bring to
your notice the insanitary conditions in our colony. Rubbish and garbage lie in heaps. Lack
of drainage system raises a persistent foul smell in the area.

During rainy season water stagnates in pits on the street which makes the whole condition
even worse. These become the breeding ground for mosquitoes, which expose the residents
to multiple diseases like dengue, malaria, etc. Our colony has become an unhealthy and
disease–prone area. Every day, someone or the other is succumbing to deadly diseases.
Some of the families have also shifted lock, stock, and barrel to better localities.

You are requested to take an immediate remedial action to set things right.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Question 2.
You are Rajesh/Rajni Roy of 105 C, Chatterjee Lane, Kolkata. You have received a letter
from your brother who is staying in the hostel of Shakti Mandir Public School, Darjeeling,
stating that he is being bullied by some senior students who threatened him with dire
consequences, if he complained. Write a letter to the Hostel Warden requesting him to take
urgent action.

105 C, Chatterjee Lane
West Bengal

27 June 20XX

Hostel Warden
Shakti Mandir Public School
West Bengal

Subject: Bullying of a class X student

Dear Sir/Madam
With due respect, I bring to your notice that my brother, Ashutosh Roy, of class XD, has
been staying in dormitory No. 20 for the last 6 months. He has been facing a lot of bullying
because of being a ‘new bee’ in the hostel. As a result, he is going through a lot of stress. He
passes sleepless nights and sometimes even takes sleeping tablets. I regret to say that he
no longer wants to study in your prestigious institution. He has even been threatened of
serious consequences by these bullies if he complains.

I am concerned about my brother’s life. I request you to take immediate remedial action
before the things get out of hand and force me to withdraw my brother which might bring a
bad name to your school.

Yours sincerely
Rajesh Roy

Practice Exercise
Question 1.
You are Shubham/Subhi Tyagi of 1, Ashok Road, Lucknow. You are deeply concerned
about the increasing number of road accidents in your area. You strongly feel that reckless
driving by the youngsters is the primary cause of such accidents. Write a letter to the Traffic
Police Commissioner requesting him to take prompt and appropriate action. Give concrete
suggestions to deal with the problem.

Question 2.
You are Sanjeet of 122, Arjun Nagar, New Delhi. A number of scooters and cars are parked
in your locality without any order, causing blockage of the streets. Write a letter to the local
Secretary of the Resident’s Association complaining against this problem.

Question 3.
Write a letter to the in-charge of the text-books section of NCERT, New Delhi complaining
about the non-availability of textbooks even one month after the beginning of the new
session. You are Rohit Rana reading in St. Xavier’s School, Delhi.


Book : First Flight

Unit 1 : A Letter to God

I.Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

Q1. ‘The field was white, as if covered with salt.’ This is how the field is described after the
hailstorm. The pelting hailstones could have been easily seen as sugar cubes. Do you think
comparing it with sugar would have been more appropriate? Why/ Why not?
A. The writer compares the hailstones to salt. This comparison is better because when salt
gets damp, it gains weight and settles down just like the hailstones did. On the other hand,
sugar cubes would have melted in the water and the colour would not remain visible for long.

Q2. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?

A. The hailstorm had destroyed Lencho’s crop. He was left with neither money nor food.
They would remain hungry throughout the year. Lencho’s only hope was help from God. His
deep faith in God made him write a letter to God seeking help in the form of 100 pesos.

Q3. Lencho seemed to be an impulsive man who felt suddenly elated at the rainfall and later
became sad to see the destruction which the rain had caused. Did he lack tolerance? Did he
not have the courage to face the challenges of life? Elucidate it by discussing the values one
must possess to face any type of situation.
A. Lencho was impulsive but he did not lack tolerance. His entire crop was destroyed but he
was courageous. His faith in God was the last resort which made him write the letter. He was
seeking monetary help so that he could sow the crop and feed his family.

Q4. The postmaster represents the people who still believe in helping others. Mention those
values of the postmaster which you would like to emulate.
A. The postmaster was a kind hearted man. He was moved by the poor farmer’s deep faith
in God. He gave up a part of his salary and asked his colleagues to donate as well. He
collected 70 Pesos and gave it to Lencho in the form of a letter from God, to retain his faith.

II.Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1.Writing a letter to God for help really shows not only the unshaken faith in God of the writer
Lencho but also shows his utter simplicity and innocence. Comment.

Ans. Lencho was a simple and hardworking farmer who worked like an ox in his fields. When
the heavy fall of hailstones destroyed his corn totally, he and his family were rather on the
verge of starvation. He was left with one hope, help from God. He believed that God is all
merciful and hears the call of those who are of a clear conscience. He requested Him to
send a hundred pesos immediately to help him to sow his fields. He and his family also
needed some money to live on until the fresh crop coming.

Writing a letter to God and addressing it `To God’ shows the writer’s unshaken faith in God.
He was a simple man not distrusting that such a letter could reach God. His innocence and
firm belief in God’s mercy even deeply impressed and influenced the postmaster who
decided to answer his letter. He didn’t want to shake the writer’s faith in God. He collected
and sent 70 pesos as help signing the letter with one word, ‘God’. Lencho had so much faith
in God and His mercy that he didn’t show any surprise when he received the money sent to
him. He wrote another letter requesting Him to send the rest of the money immediately but
not through the postal mail as the post office employees was a ‘bunch of crooks’.

Unit 1 : Dust of Snow

I.Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

Question 1.
How did the crow change the poet’s mood?
The poet was going somewhere in a snowy morning. He was upset. All the trees were
covered with snow dust. A crow sitting on a hemlock tree shook the tree in such a way that
some dust of snow fell on the poet. This changed his mood and he became happy and

Question 2.
What was the reaction of the poet when the dust of snow fell on him?
Normally, people thought both crow and hemlock tree are auspicious. But when the dust of
snow from hemlock tree fell on poet, he took it in other way. He was depressed and
sorrowful but the moment the crow shook the hemlock tree and dust of snow fell on him, he
felt unburdened and relieved.

Question 3.
How does the poet react to crow and hemlock tree?
Crow and hemlock tree are considered inauspicious in the west. They are generally taken /is
bad omen. But the poet did not take them in negative way. They saved his day. His negative
outlook changed to the positive one.

Question 4.
Why does the poet feel that he has saved some part of the day?
Crow shook down the dust of snow on the poet. Both crow and hemlock tree are considered
inauspicious. The falling of dust of snow from hemlock tree is bad omen. But the poet took it
in a positive way. He found himself relieved from sorrow after this incident. Now he could
use his entire day in a fruitful way.

II.Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

Simple moment proves to be very significant and saves rest of the day of poet from being
wasted. Explain on the basis of the poem ‘Dust of Snow”.
‘Dust of Snow’ is a beautiful poem written by Robert Frost. This poem conveys that even a
simple moment has a large significance. The poet mentioned crow and hemlock tree in this
poem. Crow signifies his depressive and sorrowful mood and hemlock tree is a poisonous
tree. Both these signify that the poet was not in a good mood and so he describes the dark,
depressive and bitter side of nature to present his similar mood.

The poet says that once he was in a sad, depressive mood and was sitting under a hemlock
tree. A crow, sitting on the same tree, shook off the dust of snow, small particles of snow that
remained on the surface after the snowfall, on the poet. This simple action changed the
poet’s mood. He realised that he had just wasted a part of his day repenting and being lost in
sorrow. But the change in his mood made him realise that he should utilize the rest of the
day in some useful activity. His sorrow was washed away by the light shower of dust of
snow. His spirit was revived and he got ready to utilize the rest of the day.

Unit 1 : Fire and Ice (Poem)

I.Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1. Briefly write about the ideas about how the world will end.
The world will end as a direct result of either fire or ice. Some scientists believed that the
world would be incinerated from its fiery core, while others were convinced that the coming
ice age would destroy all living things on the Earth’s surface.
Frost introduces a more emotional side, associating desire with fire and hatred with ice. The
poem, thus, does not allow for any other opinions in the black and white debate between fire
and ice.

2.To say that for destruction ice is also great for the poet, what does ‘ice’ stand for? How is it
sufficient to bring destruction?
‘Ice’ symbolises hatred. Hate is just as powerful as desire. While desire consumes quickly,
hate can occur and linger in people’s minds and hearts for years and sometimes even
lifetimes. Hate consumers the hater perhaps even more than the person or group hated and
it can ruin lives. Hate can, thus, be very destructive and sufficient to bring destruction.

3. But if it had to perish twice’. How will the world perish twice?
According to the poet, the world will end due to the ‘fire’, which symbolises desire. But if the
world had to end twice then it will be due to the hatred symbolised by ‘ice’. The poet feels
that there is enough hatred in the world that is spreading among the people. This hatred will
end the world one day.

4. Which age old question does the poem revolves around?

The poem revolves around the age old question of whether the world will end in fire or in ice.
This is similar to another age old question, whether it would be preferable to freeze to death
or burn to death. The poet determines that either option would achieve its purpose
sufficiently well.

II.Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1. The poet presents two reasons which will lead to the destruction of the humanity. What
values do you garner from the two possible causes provided by him?
The poet provides and deals with two possible causes for the end of the world. He points
more towards the emotional and sentimental side of the issue. As for him, fire denotes deep
passion and burning desire, while ice is highlighted for its icy cold and hatred side of the
emotions. He favours both the arguments and says that either the deep burning passion or
the cold hatred and jealousy factor will push the people to walk on the path of destruction.
The poet is sure of this destruction of humanity. He first talks about the destruction because
of fire and in case this fails, then ice will end the world. The love that people have for one
another will turn into hatred. In race of climbing up and out do one another, people will tend
to hate each other. These negative emotions will become so strong that it will surpass all the
love and lead to the destruction of humanity.

Unit - 3 Two Stories About Flying

Part - 1 : His First Flight

1. Where did the young seagull sit alone? What did he watch from there?

Answer: The young seagull was alone on his ledge. In the whole family, he was the only one
who didn’t know how to fly. Only the day before, his two brothers and his sister had flown
away with their parents. When he tried to flap his wings, he was seized with fear. Hence, he
sat alone on the ledge watching his family flying over the sea.

2. How did the hungry seagull try to pretend to attract his mother’s attraction?
Answer: The whole family had flown away. Only the young seagull sat alone on the ledge.
He had not eaten anything since the previous nightfall. He stepped slowly out to the brink of
the ledge. He stood on one leg. He closed his eyes pretending to be falling asleep. But all
his tactics failed. Only his mother took notice of him. All others ignored him.

3. How did the young seagull overcome his fear and soared gradually towards the sea
during his first flight?

Answer: The young seagull had taken the final plunge. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the
fish which his mother was carrying in her beak. With a loud scream, he fell outwards and
downwards. He was seized with fear and his heart stood still. But the fear lasted only for a
minute. He overcame it. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. Now he was
soaring downwards over the blue sea.

4. What is the message that Liam O′ Flaherty wants to give to the readers through the
lesson ‘His first Flight’?

Answer: Success can’t be taken for granted. One has to struggle and finally to win it. The
story of the young seagull is the story of overcoming hesitations, doubts, and fears that
stand between us and our success. Hunger makes him take the final plunge. This leads him
to make his first flight and soar into space.

II.Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1. The mother of young seagull picked up a piece of fish but still did not come nearer to give
him. Why did she do so? Did she lack love for her son or she wanted to make him
courageous? What values does the mother depict through her act?

Answer: The young seagull was terribly afraid to fly. His parents encouraged him to make his
first flight. But he could not do so. Then, the mother picked up a piece of fish but did not go
near to give him. The seagull was extremely hungry. He started crying so that his mother
would give him some food. But after coming towards him, the mother stopped opposite to
him but almost within his reach. When the seagull dove to get the piece, she swooped
upwards. Maddened by hunger, the young seagull spread his wings upwards and started
flying. This shows that the mother wanted her son to become courageous. This shows that
sometimes parents take such harsh steps for their kids which may appear wrong at that time
but later prove to be beneficial for their kids.

Part 2 : The Black Aeroplane

I.Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1.How did the writer get out of the storm in the night to land safely?
The writer was flying his old Dakota aeroplane when he saw the black clouds. He was lost in
the storm. Suddenly, he saw a black aeroplane by his side, which had no lights, on its wings.
The pilot instructed the writer to follow as he had lost the way. He obeyed him like a child.
He was very happy to follow him. After some time the pilot of another plane started to land.
The writer followed him blindly through the storm and came out of the clouds. He saw the
lights of the runway and landed safely.

2.Why was the writer happy when he decided to fly in the night?
The writer was very happy when he decided to fly that night because he was going home to
his family to – enjoy his holiday. When he started, everything seemed to be perfect. The sky
was clear, no clouds could be seen. He was flying back to England in his old Dakota
aeroplane over France. He was happy being alone in the sky and was dreaming of his

3.The narrator had two options before risking himself entering the storm clouds? Why didn’t
he choose them?

Answer: Definitely, the narrator had two options before him if he didn’t want to take the risk
of entering the storm cloud. He could turn back and go to Paris which was about 150
kilometres behind him. Another option was to fly up and over the dark clouds. But he didn’t
choose any of the options. He wanted to be in England to have his breakfast in time. He
couldn’t fly around the clouds to the north or south as he didn’t have enough fuel to fly.

4.What is the message that Frederick want to give to the readers through the lesson ‘The
Black Aeroplane’?

Answer: Never say ‘die’ till the end. Never lose hope in the most hopeless situation. No one
knows who may come to save you. The narrator was really in such a hopeless situation
when he lost contact with Paris control and all his instruments and the compass was dead.
Then came the mysterious pilot of the black aeroplane to guide the narrator to safety.

II.Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1. How was the writer rescued?

Answer: The writer flew his plane into the big dark clouds. As he entered the clouds,
everything suddenly went black. He found that his compass had ceased to work. He tried to
contact the Paris Control for directions. But he was shocked to find that his radio had also
stopped working. Suddenly, the writer saw a black aeroplane near him. He could also sec
the pilot in it. The pilot waved the writer to follow him. He followed the black aeroplane like
an obedient child. Now it was half an hour since the writer had been follow-, the black
aeroplane. He was worried because the fuel in his plane could last only five or ten minutes.
But just then the black aeroplane started to go down and the writer followed it. Suddenly the
writer was out of the doods. He could see the lights of the runway of the airport. The writer
landed his Dakota aeroplane. In this, may, he was rescued.

Unit - 3 How to tell Wild Animals( Poem)

I. Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1.Can a novice distinguish among wild animals? How can hyenas be distinguished from
Answer: It is very difficult for a novice to distinguish among wild animals. He can be easily
confused. But it is very easy to distinguish between crocodiles and hyenas. Hyenas come with
merry smiles. Crocodiles can be recognised by the tears in their eyes.

13. How will you recognise a chameleon?

Answer: A chameleon is a small creature. It looks like a lizard in appearance. It is strange
that he doesn’t have any ears. Nor does he have a single wing. If you see such a creature
sitting on a Tree, be sure he is a chameleon.

14. What does the bear do?

Answer: According to the poet, the bear embraces the human being tight. The description of
the bear has been presented in a humorous style. The bear comes near a human being and
embraces very hard. He hugs very tightly.

15. What humorous descriptions do you find in the poem?

Answer: We find some humorous descriptions about the animals in the poem. The poet has
created it by the selection of words and his pattern of explaining. As the Bengal tiger is
described noble, the bear hugs and the hyena smiles.

II. Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1. Every animal is unique and has some special characteristics. What tricks does the poet
adopt in distinguishing various wild animals?

Answer: No doubt, every animal is unique. Every wild animal has his own special trait,
colour, size and characteristics. The Asian Lion is found in the jungles of the eastern
regions. It is a huge and mighty creature with brownish hide. His roar is enough to terrorise a
person to death. The Bengal Tiger is a ‘noble’ and impressive wild animal. He has a
yellowish hide and black stripes all over it. The Leopard has dark spots all over his body. He
is very agile. The moment he sees its prey, he pounces upon it without showing any mercy.
The bear is known by his strong and tight hug. It becomes rather difficult for a novice to
distinguish among wild animals. However, hyenas and crocodiles can be easily recognised.
Hyenas come smiling merrily while crocodiles appear to be weeping. The chameleon is a
small creature like a lizard. He has no ears and doesn’t have even a single wing. You can
find him sitting on a tree.

Unit - 3 The Ball Poem ( Poem)

I. Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1. A ball is an easily available, inexpensive thing. Then, why is the boy so sad to lose it?
Ans. No doubt the ball is an easily available and inexpensive item but the ball, the boy has
lost is valuable for him. His memories of young days are associated with it for he had been
playing with it for a long time. It was not an ordinary but special a ball for him. No other ball
could take its place. So, he is sad to lose it.

2. What shows that the ball was valuable for the boy?

Ans. The ball was valuable for the boy is obvious (clear) from the way he reacts after losing
it. He was shocked, remained fixed, trembled with grief staring at the place where the ball
had fallen. All this shows that he loved the ball and it was valuable for him.

3. Why does the poet say, “Balls will be lost always”?

Ans. Here balls are the symbol of man’s possessions. We love our things. Some things are
dearer to us than the others. But nothing is permanent in life. We may lose our dear things.
Then we suffer from a sense of loss. This is experienced by everyone in life. That is why, the
poet says, “Balls will be lost always”.

4. How did the boy react after his ball fell into the water of the harbour?

Ans. The falling of the ball in the water was quite sudden. Actually, it was an unexpected
loss. The boy was completely shaken but couldn’t even move a step. He stood there fixed to
the ground like a statue. He constantly continued staring at the point where his ball fell into
the harbour. It seemed as if he was thinking of his childhood days which had disappeared
forever like the lost ball.

II. Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1. How is the lost ball, the metaphor of the lost childhood of the boy? Why doesn’t the poet
want to ‘intrude on’ the boy by offering him money to buy another ball?

Ans. The boy has a ball. Perhaps he has been keeping it for a long time. He must have
developed a lot of attachment and love with the ball. Suddenly while he is playing, the ball
bounces down the street. And after a few bounces, it falls down into the harbour. It is lost
forever. The boy stands there shocked and fixed to the ground. He constantly goes on
staring at the spot where his ball fell down into the water. Outwardly, the loss seems to be
quite small. The boy seems to be making a fuss over the loss. Many boys have lost such
balls and will lose so in future. A new ball can be easily bought in a dime. The metaphor of
the lost ball is beautifully linked to the loss of sweet childhood. No amount of money can buy
the ball back that has been lost forever. Similarly, no worldly wealth can buy back the lost
childhood. The poet doesn’t want to sermonise on this issue. The boy himself has to learn
epistemology or the nature of the loss. He has to move ahead in life forgetting all the losses
he has suffered in the past.

Book : Footprints Without Feet

Chapter - 1: A Triumph of Surgery

I. Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1. What did Mrs Pumphrey do to bring Tricki back to normal health? Was she successful?
When Mrs Pumphrey found Tricki weak, she started giving him extra diet between meals to
build him , up. She gave him some malt and cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night. She
never forgot to give him cream cakes and chocolates which Tricki really loved. She was not
successful, rather she put her dog in more trouble. He started gaining weight which made
fys condition worse.

2. Why did Mrs Pumphery make a frantic call to Dr Herriot?

Suddenly Tricki stopped eating. He refused even his favourite dishes and had bouts of
vomiting. He spent all the time lying on rug, panting and did not do anything. So Mrs
Pumphrey was distraught and made a frantic call to Dr Herriot.

3.What step did Dr Herriot take to save Tricki?

Dr Herriot immediately hospitalised Tricki for about a fortnight as it was necessary to part
him from his mistress. Tricki’s only problem was overfeeding which he knew. Tricki needed
dieting which was possible only in absence of Mrs Pumphrey. He stopped giving food to
Tricki. He was given only plenty of water.

4.Why was Tricki an uninteresting object for other dogs at the surgery?
When Tricki was brought to the surgery, all the household dogs surged around him but Tricki
looked down at the noisy pack with dull eyes and lay motionless on the carpet. So after
sniffing him for a few seconds, they found him an uninteresting object and moved away from

II. Answer the following question in 100 - 120 words. (6 marks)

1. Over-pampering is not only bad for human but also for animals”. Explain this statement in
the light of the story “A Triumph of Surgery’.

We all know that children are over-pampered by the parents due to their sentimental
attachment to them. In the story ‘A triumph of Surgery’ a dog Tricki is over-pampered by his
wealthy mistress Mrs Pumphrey. She believes that her little dog is suffering from malnutrition
so she gives him some little extras between meals to build him up, some malt and cod-liver
oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night to make him sleep.

Above all, he gets cream cakes and chocolates. To make the things worse he had been
doing no exercise. When Dr Herriot takes the dog to his Vet. hospital, it seems all the items
of Tricki’s comfort would be sent with him. Even during his stay at the hospital, Mrs
Pumphrey tries to provide him all the comforts. But Dr Herriot deals with the situation
cleverly and the dog cures rapidly to return back to his mistress.
Chapter - 2 : The Thief’s Story

I. Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1. How and when did Hari Singh meet Anil?

Answer: Hari Singh met Anil during a wrestling match. He found Anil easy going, kind and
simple enough to suit his purpose. Anil’s trusting nature could help him with stealing.
Therefore, he offered himself to work for Anil. Anil had no regular income and couldn’t afford
to pay him. But still Had Singh exploited Anil’s generosity and he forced Anil to keep him in
his house.

2. Why was it so difficult for Hari Singh to rob a trusting and unsuspecting person like Anil?

Answer: The fifteen-year-old thief, Han Singh was an experienced and a fairly successful
hand. It was easy to rob a greedy man because he could afford to be robbed. But it was very
difficult to rob a careless and unsuspecting man like Anil. The unsuspecting Anil didn’t even
notice that he had been robbed. That could take all the pleasure out of the work of theft.

3. How did Hari Singh steal the money that Anil got from selling his book to a publisher?

Answer: Hari Singh saw with his own eyes how Anil tucked the bundle of money under the
mattress of his bed. When Anil was asleep, Hari Singh crept up to the bed. He slid his hand
under the mattress and drew the money out of the bundle without making a sound. Anil
sighed in his sleep and turned on his side, towards him. Hari Singh got startled and quickly
came out of the room.

4. Why didn’t Anil hand Hari Singh over to the police even when he knew all about the theft?

Answer: Anil was careless and unsuspecting but not a fool. He knew how the boy stole
money out of daily shopping. He also knew all about the theft of his 600 rupees. He could
have easily handed him over to the police. However, he didn’t want to ruin Hari Singh’s life.
He wanted to give an education to the unfortunate boy. So, he gave a fifty rupee note and
promised to pay him regularly. Neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything about the theft.

II. Answer the following questions in 100 - 120 words each. ( 6 marks each)

1. Give a character-sketch of the thief, Hari Singh. Highlight the gradual changes that come
in him.

Answer: The narrator of ‘The Thief’s Story’ is a thief. He is just fifteen but an experienced
and fairly successful hand. He used to change his name every month. This he did to avoid
being arrested by the police. He worked for many employers. He used to run away after
cheating them. This time he introduced himself as Had Singh. Had Singh was a clever thief
He knew how to humour a person like Anil. He called Anil a bit of a wrestler. He was an
expert in telling lies. He lied that he knew how to cook. He was a good judge of men and the
situation. He exploited Anil’s generosity and made money by keeping aside a rupee for him
from buying the day’s supplies.

In the heat and excitement, Hari Singh forgot his love for education. He knew that if he were
educated, he could earn respect, name and money. No doubt, he breached Anil’s trust by
stealing his money. Soon, he realised that he had no friends and well-wishers. The only
person who knew and could help him was Anil whom he had robbed a few hours ago. Anil’s
large-heartedness and his love for education transformed him in the end. He came back to
Anil and put the stolen money back to the place from where it was stolen. Anil knew
everything but he rewarded Hari Singh. He gave him a fifty-rupee note and promised to pay
him regularly.

Chapter -3 : The Midnight Visitor

I. Answer the following questions in 40 - 50 words each. ( 3 marks each)

1.Why did Fowler want to meet Ausable? Why was he disappointed?

Fowler was a young romantic writer. He loved adventure and thrill. He was always interested
in knowing the lives of secret agents. He wanted to meet Ausable who was on a secret
assignment. He was a little disappointed when he found nothing mysterious and romantic in
Ausable. Ausable, in fact, was a fat, ordinary person.

2.Who was Henry? What role did he play in Ausable’s plans?

Henry was a waiter at the French hotel where Ausable had a room. He played a vital role in
helping Ausable’s plan as it was Henry’s knock at the door which frightened Max as he
mistook it to be a policeman at the door. This confusion forced Max to jump from the window
assuming it to be a balcony and hence helping Ausable’s plan to get rid of Max.

3. Did Fowler find this episode thrilling or disappointing? Give a reason for your answer.
Fowler found this episode quite thrilling. In the beginning, he was not impressed by the
personality of Ausable who did not fit as a secret agent. As he had read about the
mysterious figures, the crack of pistols and drugs in wine, the fat Ausable did not impress
him much. But he was not able to believe the quick answer and smartness of Ausable. The
whole episode appeared to be quite unbelievable.

4. How do you know that Ausable was a clever secret agent?

Ausable was really a clever secret agent as is evident from the story. He told a false story
about the existence of a non-existent balcony. Knowing very well that the waiter was
knocking at the door, he told him about the police.

II. Answer the following questions in 100 - 120 words each. ( 6 marks each)
1. Ausable has the ability to think quickly, act calmly and wisely in a situation of danger and
surprise. These are some values and skills that save us from danger. How did Ausable use
the above skills in the story, ‘The Midnight visitor’?
Ausable wins over a very critical situation by his sheer presence of mind without using any
physical force. He was a quick witted secret agent. He made Max believe that he was scared
on finding him inside his room with a pistol in his hand. He befooled him about the balcony,
knowing very well that there was no balcony in that room.

He fabricated a story about the arrival of the report and the police. When there was a knock
at the door, he convinced Max that it was police. Max got scared and jumped into the non-
existent balcony to death. This is how Ausable proved that presence of mind is more
powerful than physical force. Ausable had the qualities of being calm, quiet and wise in a
dangerous situation. These are the values that one can practise in adversity. Ausable
overpowered Max because of these qualities.





A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

Q.1. What was Kabai? Give a brief description. (CBSE 2014)

Ans. Kabai was a traditional dress - a single piece long frock reaching down the knees. It was worn by
the baker in the past in Goa. Then it was replaced by a shirt and trouser.

Q.2. What role did the baker play in the childhood of the narrator? (CBSE 2014)
Ans. The baker had an important role in the narrator's childhood. His entry was awaited eagerly each
morning. The narrator would run to take from his baker the bread-bangles meant specially for

Q3. How would the baker make his musical entry everyday?

Ans. The baker would come with his bamboo stick making 'jhang, jhang' sound, with a basket full of
freshly made loaves of bread for adults and bread-bangles for children.

B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words

Q4. What do you know about the present day condition of baking as a profession in Goa?

Ans. Baking was once quite a lucrative business in Goa, but in the present day world it is almost
non-existent. The eaters of loaves have almost disappeared. The result is that the numbers of
bakers have got reduced drastically. However, there are the mixers, the moulders and those who
bake the loaves. The age-old, time-tested furnaces still exist. The fire in the furnaces has not
been totally extinguished. The thud and jingle of the traditional baker's bamboo, indicating his
arrival in the morning. They would strike the bamboo against the earth to announce their arrival
can still be heard. They used to visit twice a day The bakers maintained the accounts on a wall in
a pencil. They collected their bills at the end of every month. They used to run their business
smoothly.They were an important part of traditional Goan life.

Q5. What do you know about traditional bakers in Goa ?

Ans. The profession of a baker was much more popular in Goa among Portuguese. Even today
baking bread is quite popular. In traditional Goan life bakers used to carry a musical bamboo
that announced their arrival. They visited the streets twice a day.

The bakers were polite and courteous. They greeted the lady of the house. Children treated
them as their friend, philosopher and guide, Bakers also knew the tastes of all age-groups for
bread. They brought special bread for children and elders. The bakers used to wear a peculiar
dress. It was a kind of long frock. It reached their knees. They used to wear trousers longer than
half pants and shorter than full length pants.

The bakers earned enough to meet the needs of their family. They were happy and prosperous.
They had plump physique.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

Q1. What makes Coorg a land of great attractions?

Ans. Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is a beautiful place. There are evergreen forests,
spices and coffee plantations. One can see large, endless coffee estates and colonial bungalows.

Q2. The Coorg people are known for their valour and hospitality. How?

Ans. There are numerous stories in circulation about the valour and hospitality of the Coorg people.
The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army. The first chief of the Indian
Army General Cariappa was a Coorgi. The Kodavus (people of Coorg) are the only people in India
permitted to carry firearms without a license.

Q.3. Give an account of the river Kaveri in Coorg.

Ans. The river Kaveri gets its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. Mahaseer-a large freshwater
fish - abound in these waters. One can see here, kingfishers dive for a catch, squirrels and langurs
enjoy the splash and the ripple effect in the clear water by dropping partially eaten fruit here.
Elephants are bathed and scrubbed in the river water.

B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words

Q4. Write a note on the people of Coorg.


What do you know about the Coorgi people?

Ans. Coorgi people are known for their hospitality and bravery. They are descendants of a martial
race. Their women are very beautiful. They often tell tales of the valour of their fathers and sons.
There is a Coorgi Regiment in the Indian Army. It is the most decorated Regiment. It speaks of these
people's bravery. These people are allowed to carry firearms without any licence. Coorgis take part
in different water sports. They keep elephants. They enjoy different adventurous games. There are
many opportunities of rafting, canoeing and rappelling for these people. These people are really
interesting and wonderful.

Q.5. What do you know about the Greek descent of the Kodavus people?

Ans. It is believed that while returning to their country a part of Alexander's army moved towards
south along the coast. When return became very difficult, they settled there. They married among
the locals. If we observe the marital traditions and religious rites of Coorgies we feel that they are
different from those of the Hindus. They are closer to the rites of Greeks. This supports the Greek
theory about the descent of Codavu people. Moreover, they wear waist belt called Kuppia. It is very
much like the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. They proudly relate the stories of the bravery
of their fathers to their children and their guests.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

Q.1. What excited Rajvir? Why did Pranjol not share his excitement ? (CBSE 2019)

Ans. Rajvir was greatly excited to see tea bushes strecthed as far as the eye could see. It was a
magnificent scene. Pranjol did not share Rajvir's excitement because he had been born and
brought up on a tea plantation.

Q.2. In what way is Rajvir different from his friend Pranjol ?

Ans. Rajvir has keen sense of observation. He takes interest in his surroundings. He is
knowledgeable and curious by nature. Pranjol, on the other hand, is bookish by nature. He lacks
the sense of curiosity.

Q3. Why did Pranjol's father praise Rajvir?

Ans. Rajvir had done his homework well before coming to Assam. He knew that this was the
sprouting period, which lasts from May to July and yields the best tea. This knowledge made
Pranjol's father praise Rajvir.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

1. What does the poet scarcely mention in her letters?
Ans- The poet remains busy in writing long letters in her carelessness she scarcely mentions
the departure of the trees from her house.
2. What are the consequences of empty forest?
Ans- The forest is now empty. Man has cut down large number of trees. Consequently,
there is a large scale stiffening for birds, insects and other living organisms.
3. Justify the revolt of the trees and state two values which the man should possess to stop
Ans - The trees are justified in revolting because they feel suffocated inside. They do not want to
remain confined and want to grow in the open. Man should be sensitive and environment friendly to
stop such a revolt.

B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words

4. 'Departure is painful'. So is the departure of the trees painful for the poetess. What will
happen after their departure?
Ans. Departure is always painful. When the poetess sees the departure of the trees grown
inside her house she feels upset and pained. The poet's head is full of many thoughts which
come and go in whispers. But soon these thoughts will be silenced. The trees have actually
started moving out of the house into the moonlit night. In this process the window pane has
got broken. Winds seem to be welcoming the trees. Now even the moon is fully visible. It
seems to be like a broken mirror. Its pieces seem to be crowning the tallest oak tree. Thus
the departure of the forest from the poet's house is complete. After the departure of the
trees, there will be 'emptiness' in the house. But the forest will have trees. There will be
shady places. Birds and insects will settle in those trees. The forest will be full of hustle and
bustle. There will be a change for the better, even for man who has either decimated trees
or has confined them in congested places.
5. 'The Trees' brings out a conflict between man and nature. Discuss.
Ans – ‘ The Trees' focuses on the growing conflict between man and nature. In his greed
and selfishness man has been exploiting nature. The indiscriminate cutting of trees has
emptied forests. The trees planted inside the houses for decoration purpose, too, feel
constricted. The suffocated, stunted growth of the plants in the veranda of the poet's house
is a testimony to this. The poet visualizes their breaking the walls and windows and moving
out to breathe freely and fill the empty forests. This vision shows her concern with the
forests without trees where the sunlight falls directly, where birds have no place to sit and
where insects have no place to hide themselves. In this way, the poet brings out the conflict
between man and nature, which must cease for human benefit, at least.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
Q1. Describe the bus in which Valli sat.
Ans. The bus in which Valli sat was new. Its outside was painted a gleaming white with some
green stripes along the sides. Inside, the overhead bars shone like silver There was a
beautiful clock above the windshield and its seats were soft and luxurious.
Q2. Why does Valli stand up on the seat? What does she see now?
Ans. Valli stands up on the seat because she found her view blocked by the canvas that
covered the lower part of the window. In order to have a better view, she stood up on the
seat and looked over the canvas.
Valli can now see that the road was narrow. On one side of the road was a canal beyond
which there were palm trees, grasslands, distant mountains and the blue sky. On the
another side, she sees that there was a deep ditch and many acres of green fields.

Q3. During her journey, Valli absorbed the natural beauty and clapped her hands in
happiness on seeing a young cow running very fast. What does this reveal about Valli?
(CBSE Question Bank 2021)
Ans. During her journey, Valli absorbed the natural beauty and clapped her hands in
happiness on seeing a young cow running very fast. This shows that although Valli was a
mature and a responsible girl, she was still a child at heart.
Valli may have behaved like adults while boarding the bus but her childish nature and joy
gets revealed when she reacts by clapping her hands on seeing a cow running in front of the
B.Answer the following questions in 100-120 words
Q4. Once we decide to achieve something, so many difficulties come in our way. With
focused attention we can make that achievement. How did Valli succeed in fulfilling her
desire of riding a bus? (CBSE 2017)
How did Valli fulfill her desire to ride a bus to the town and back? (CBSE 2020)
Ans - It is true once we decide to achieve something, many difficulties came in our way to
stop us from doing our best to achieve our goals. However, with focused attention we can
make our achievement. The story 'Madam Rides the Bus' proves this fact to be true.
In the story, Valliammai or Valli, an eight year old girl develops a strong desire to take a ride
on the bus that travelled from her street everyday. As a confident and bold girl Valli not only
gathered all knowledge about the journey but also meticulously planned her trip.
With extreme self-control, Valli saved the money she would require for a round trip in the
bus. She controlled her desire to buy peppermints, toys, balloons and even did not take a
ride on the merry-go-round in the village fair. Then she properly plans to take the journey
quietly when her mother is taking her afternoon nap. Finally, she was able to fulfill her
Her passion, self-dependence and self-respecting nature helped her to take the journey
safely. Thus, it is true that with focussed attention, determination and planning one can
achieve everything in life.
Q5. What kind of person is Valli? Illustrate your answer from the text that you have read.
(CBSE 2012)
"Valli was a mature girl ahead of her age." Justify the statement with instances from the
text. (CBSE 2020)

Ans. Valliammai or Valli was an eight year old curious girl who developed a strong desire to
take a bus ride. In the story, Valli emerged as a clever, sensitive, self-respecting and fun
loving girl. With determination and passion she worked towards fulfilling her desire.
Not only did she just gather all the information she would require for the bus journey but
also sacrificed
many things to achieve it. She controlled her simple desires of buying toys, balloons, etc to
take a ride on the bus. During the bus journey, Valli proved to be mature, confident, bold
and practical girl beyond her age. She was full of excitement and enthusiasm with which she
enjoyed the scenes outside the bus.

Even the cow filled her with extreme joy. Valli was also a keen observant intelligent and
sensitive girl, she was friendly, polite as well as careful. She not only refuses to take a cold
drink from a strange man but also shows her good manners while talking to the conductor.
Her nature is evident when she is saddened by the dead cow lying by the roadside. All these
characteristics shows that Valli is different from children of age.
A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
Q1. Did Custard match his physical appearance?
Ans. No, Custard did not match his appearance, as he looked dangerous but actually he was
a coward. He always cried for a nice and safe cage, while everyone laughed at him
for his cowardice.

Q2. Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage? Why is the dragon called 'cowardly dragon?
Ans. Custard cried for an nice safe cage because he was a 'coward' who wanted peace and
He is called a 'cowardly dragon' because apart from him, all other pets are described as very
brave. Belinda is as brave as a big group of bears, Ink and Blink can chase lions and Mustard
is like an angry tiger. Compared to all of them, the dragon demanded nice safe cage so it is
called 'Cowardly dragon'.

Q3. Why was Custard, the dragon teased as Percival?

Ans. Custard, the dragon is teased as Percival by Ink, Blink and Mustard for his timidity.
They teased him as Percival because unlike Custard, he was a courageous and brave knight
of King Arthur. Custard on the other hand, was meek (submissive) and always cried for a nice
safe cage.
B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words.
Q4. The dragon, Custard was considered a coward. The humble dragon proved his bravery
in adversity. Analyse that certain qualities like bravery and courage are situational and
spontaneous. Express your views with reference to the poem, "The Tale of Custard, the
Ans - It is true that bravery and courage are situational and spontaneous. This fact has been
aptly conveyed in the poem "The Tale of Custard the Dragon", wherein the dragon was
considered a coward. He was laughed at for crying for a nice safe cage. He never boasted of
his bravery and courage, unlike Belinda and her other pets do.
Everyone else, including Belinda, Ink, Blink and Mustard claim to be brave. They even made
fun of Custard's cowardice. However, when the time to show their courage came, none of
them could face the danger.
They hid themselves in some corner of the house. It was only Custard who dared to face the
frightening pirate. He not only fought the pirate but also ate him up. It was a dangerous
situation to which Custard spontaneously responded. His courage and bravery came out in a
threatening situation. Hence, it is true that qualities like courage and bravery are situational
and spontaneous.

Q5. Do you think that one should be made fun of because of their preferences and
choices in life? Explain in the context of Custard, the dragon.
Ans. According to me, one should never make fun of anyone on the basis of their lifestyle
and their choices. One must always remember that choices and preference can depend on
unexplanable factors.

In the poem "The Tale of Custard the Dragon, Custard makes one such choice of wishing for
a 'nice safe cage'. He prefers comfort and safety, However, Belinda and her other pets
always laugh at him.
They think of him as a coward for choosing to stay in cage and make fun of him. Custard, the
dragon soon proved that his choice of comfort doesn't make him a coward. Infact, instead of
all the 'brave' pets of Belinda, it was Custard who fought the pirate. It was Custard who
showed courage to face the pirate and kill him.

Therefore, one must never judge anyone for choice. Appearance may be deceptive. Just like
the dragon who appeared to be a coward but was actually courageous, another person
might also be different from what show him/her to be his/her preferences.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words

Q1. According to Buddha, who are wise men?

Ans. According to Buddha, wise men are those people who never complain or lament over
their loss. They accept the truth and move on such people are calm and composed. They
lead a blessed and peaceful life.
Q2. How do you usually understand the idea of 'selfishness'? Do you agree with Kisa
Gotami that she was being 'selfish in her grief'?

Ans. I usually understand the idea of selfishness as being concerned only about one's own
interests. I also understand it to mean showing complete disregard for others' interests.

Yes, I agree with Kisa Gotami that she was being 'selfish in her grief. In her son's death, she
was unable to see that death is something that strikes all living beings.

Q3. Elucidate any one quality that Siddhartha demonstrated when he gave up his status
and family. Explain your choice. (CBSE Question Bank 2021)
Ans - Siddhartha demonstrated compassion, kindness and his determination in his decision
to leave behind his family and prince hood. He felt sympathetic towards others. He was
disturbed to see people's sufferings and wanted to find out a solution to eradicate their
sufferings and diseases.
B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words
Q4. Life is full of trials and tribulations. Kisa Gotami also passes through a period of grief in
her life. How does she behave in those circumstances?
Why did Gotami go to the Buddha? What lesson did he teach her? CBSE 2019
How did the Buddha make Kisa Gotami réalise the reality of death? CBSE 2020

Ans. After the death of Kisa Gotami's only child, she became very sad. She carried her dead
child to her neighbours in order to get medicine to bring him to life. Her neighbours thought
that she had gone insane as she was unable to accept the fact that her child is dead. It was
then that someone suggested her to meet Gautama Buddha.
When she met Gautama Buddha, he gave her an exercise to do. She was asked to collect
mustard seeds from a house where no one had ever died. She went from one house to
another but was unable to find a single house in the town where no one had died. This way
she realised that death is a part of life and anyone who is born is bound to die one day.
Thus, Buddha changed her understanding of death by this exercise. Buddha told her that
only the wise do not grieve and they accept the reality. Mourning brings only pain and
sufferings to the body. One, who is composed, obtains peace of mind and will be free from
sorrow and be blessed. This gave her strength to overcome grief.

Q5. Through the story of Kisa Gotami what did the Buddha try to preach to the common
man? (CBSE 2020)
Ans. The lesson on death and suffering that Buddha taught Gotami was that, these are part
and parcel of life. No one can avoid this truth. One has to meet one's destined end one day.
Whoever has come into this world will die one day. Thus, in the hour of grief for a loved one
who has died, one must remain calm and composed. Then one doesn't occupy himself with
grief. Otherwise, they will feel the pain more.

However, those persons who are wise never complain or lament over their loss. They never
try to bring back to life their loved ones who are dead, as Gotami wanted to do. They accept
the truth and overcome their sorrow. Persons who overcome their sorrow will be blessed.
So, wisdom is in the fact that people should not get distressed with pain, suffering or death.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words
Q1. How does Anne Gregory react to the poet's remark?
Ans. Anne says that she will dye her hair differently if people are so much attracted to
her yellow hair. She wants that her lover should love her for herself alone and not for
her hair. She knows that the beauty of her yellow hair is temporary. It is possible that a
lover who loves her for her hair will stop loving her when her hair lose their charming
Q2. What does the poet remind Anne Gregory?

Ans. The poet quotes a priest to conclude his argument. He says that he heard a priest
stating (on the authority of a religious text) that only God can love a person for
himself/herself alone and not for the person's physical grace. In other words, only God's
love is non-physical.

Q3. What is the form of the poem "For Anne Gregory" written by W.B. Yeats?
Ans. The poem "For Anne Gregory" is written in the form of a dialogue between the
poet and Anne Gregory. Two different viewpoints are brought together for analysis.
B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words

Q4. The poet in the poem, 'For Anne Gregory' conveys that we should give importance
to the inner beauty and not to the physical appearance. Elaborate with reference to
the poem.(CBSE, Delhi 2019)

Ans. For Anne Gregory' underlines the idea that physical charms are short-lived. Love for
youth and beauty called physical love is transient. Those who fall in love with someone
for physical charms do not really respect the person for what he or she is. That is why,
the lady in the poem is not delighted to hear that many of her lovers are in love because
of her beautiful, golden hair. She retorts that she will dye her hair brown, black or
carrot-colour. She hopes that the young men will then love her for her own sake and not
for the sake of her beautiful, yellow hair.
The poet reminds the lady that human beings are selfish. They are attracted to each
other only because of physical charms. It is only God who is selfless and loves human
beings for themselves alone This remark reveals that it is not possible for humans to love
selflessly. Only God can have selfless love .
Q5. Discuss the development of thought in the poem 'For Anne Gregory

Ans. The poem comprises three stanzas. In the first stanza, the poet pays a compliment
to Lady Gregory for having beautiful honey-colour hair. Many young men, he says, are in
love with her because of her golden hair which cover her ears on both sides like the
ramparts of a fort.

In the second stanza the lady gives vent to her feelings. She reacts to the poet's remark
somewhat irritably. She says that she will dye her hair brown, black or carrot-colour so
that young men love her for her own sake.
In the third stanza the poet says that he heard a priest say something important only on
the previous night. The priest, giving a reference to a holy book, said that only God loves
human beings for themselves alone.
What the poet wants to say is that it is futile to expect human beings to love a person for
his or her own sake.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words
Q1. What was Horace Danby's hobby? How did he manage to fulfil it?
Ans. Horace Danby's hobby was reading rare and expensive books. To fulfil this
hobby, Horace robbed a safe every year. With this stolen money he used to buy
good, rare books.

Q2. What made Horace Danby commit the robbery at Shotover Grange?
Ans. Horace was a great reader. He loved books. But he was a thief. In a magazine
article, he found the building plan of Shotover Grange. It contained the picture of
the safe also and the place where it was. The safe was behind a painting. This article
prompted Horace to commit the robbery.
Q3. "Although Horace Danby was not the real culprit, yet he was caught by the
police. Why?
Ans. Though Horace was not the real culprit, yet his finger prints were all over the
safe and the room. He had opened it without gloves. Since the police had a
documentary proof, Horace was arrested.
B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words
Q4. Why did Horace Danby get angry when anyone talked about 'Honour among
thieves'? What does it mean in the context of the story "A Question of Trust" ?
Ans. Horace Danby had always believed in the phrase "honour among thieves". He
thought that the thieves have a code of conduct which they follow strictly. They
don't report against each other. However, Horace had a bitter experience during his
last robbery. It shook his faith in the idea of "honour among thieves". The reason
was that another thief, a lady dressed in red, had broken the trust and got him
caught by the police. She herself went scot-free but Horace landed in the prison. It
was the lady who had asked him to break open the safe. He had thought that she
was the mistress of the house but she turned out to be a smart thief like him. She
had made up a smart story to get the jewels from the safe. Danby believed in her
story and broke open the safe without putting on his gloves. After she had escaped
with the jewels, he was arrested by the police because his finger-prints were all over
the place. She had cheated him and broken his trust. Now he no longer believed in
the concept of "honour among thieves".

Q5. Give a character-sketch of Horace Danby.

Ans. Horace Danby is the main character in the story 'A Question of Trust. Everyone
thought of him as an honourable citizen. He was about fifty years old and was still
unmarried. Though he was thought to be respectable, he was not completely
honest. He loved rare and expensive books. He robbed a safe every year for this
purpose. He made an elaborate plan before committing robbery. He studied the
house at Shotover Grange very carefully before committing robbery: He studied the
plan of its rooms, electrical wiring, paths and garden beforehand.
Horace was simple-minded and gullible. He was tricked by a young and pretty lady.
She was also a thief like him. She posed as the mistress of the house. When he was
caught red-handed in the act of robbery he requested her to let him go. He
promised not to steal again in future. She put forward a condition to let him go. She
asked Horace to take out the jewels from the safe as she wanted to wear them at a
party that night. He trusted her and did what she told him. But the police arrested
him for the robbery. Thus he was befooled and outwitted by another thief.
A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words
Q1. Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?
Ans. The two boys saw the fresh muddy imprints of a pair of feet. They could see these
imprints on the steps of a house in the middle of London. They felt fascinated and
surprised because they could see no sign of the man anywhere around, though the
muddy marks were visible. These impressions became fainter and fainter and then
disappeared completely.

Q2. Why did Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric ?

Ans. Mrs Hall found the scientist eccentric when she tried to be friendly with him. He
told her plainly that he did not wish to be disturbed in his work. He preferred to be left
Q3. How did Griffin become a homeless wanderer?
Ans. After setting fire to the landlord's house, Griffin wished to get away without being
seen. Therefore, he had to remove his clothes. So he became a homeless wanderer,
without clothes, without money and without a shelter.
B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words
Q4. "Although Griffin was a brilliant scientist yet he misused his discovery." Explain.
(CBSE 2012)

A true scientist always works for the betterment of society. He is always law-abiding and
does something useful for mankind by making new discoveries and inventions. He is a
natural philosopher who does not even think of doing any harm to anyone. Griffin was
neither a true scientist nor a natural philosopher. He cannot be called a true scientist. A
true scientist will never think of stealing money, setting a house on fire or looting a
shopkeeper. Griffin was more of a thief or a robber. He may be a brilliant scientist but he
is not a good human being.
One simply wonders why he did not put his remarkable discovery to some better use. A
scientist should have patience but Griffin easily lost control over himself and behaved
like a criminal. We can say that though Griffin made a wonderful discovery, he failed to
serve mankind with it.
Q5. What are the adventures made by Griffin in the village Iping? Give examples in
support of your answer.

Ans. The stolen money did not last long with Griffin. When Mrs Hall, the landlord's wife
demanded rent Griffin said that he was expecting money. Thereafter Griffin entered the
clergyman's house and stole money. The clergyman heard the desk open and money
gone but he could not see Griffin who was invisible. Mrs Hall too, was shocked when she
saw things lying here and there in Griffin's room. But Griffin was not to be seen
anywhere. Then the hat on the bedpost leapt up and dashed into her face. She could
understand nothing. When Griffin produced money, he was suspected to be a thief
because he had earlier said that he had no money.

The village constable, Mr Jaffers was called to look into the matter. When Mrs. Hall
asked Griffin how he had entered a locked room, he lost his temper. He threw off his
bandages. A headless man was before the people. The police constable was surprised to
see that he had to arrest a headless man. In the meantime Griffin had removed his
clothes. He was now invisible. Now a fight ensued between Jaffers and the invisible man.
Those who came to help Jaffers received blows. Finally Jaffers become unconscious.


A. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words -
Q1. What rare achievement did Richard manage at the age of twenty-two?
Ans. Richard had a rare achievement at the age of twenty-two. He wrote an article
with his friend about a theory of how cells work. The article was published in the
scientific journal 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Science." It was the first
time that this journal had ever published the work of college students.

Q2. Richard became a collector at an early age. How?

Ans. Richard was the only child of his parents. He had no company at home to play
with. So, he started collecting things in his spare time. He would collect coins, fossils,
rocks and butterflies as a hobby. In this way, Richard became a collector at an early
Q3. Who was Dr. Frederick A Urquhart? Why did Richard Ebright look to him for
fresh ideas?
Ans. Dr. Frederick A Urquhart was a scientist and teacher at the
University of Toronto, Canada. He was doing research on butterfly migrations.
Ebright sent him many tagged butterflies for his research work.
Richard looked to him for fresh ideas and suggestions because the suggestions sent
by Dr. Urquhart helped in shaping Ebright's career as a scientist.
B. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words -
Q4. 3. How did Ebright use determination and perseverance to achieve him aim of
becoming a scientist?
Ans. Richard Ebright had been a curious child since he was in
kindergarten. His curiosity prompted him to collect rocks, fossils, coins and
butterflies. His mother's encouragement and his bright mind also contributed to
making him a successful scientist.

His mother got him all that he needed to develop his scientific bent of mind. His
response to Dr Fredrick A. Urquhart to collect butterflies for his research gave him
an opportunity in his endeavours.

Then in the seventh grade, he got a hint of what real science is when he entered a
country science fair and lost. He realised that winners had tried to do real
experiments, not simply made a neat display.
Thereafter, Ebright worked sincerely on every science project he got every year in
school. Then he stood first in a county fair that gave him entry into international
science and engineering fair where he won third place. He then went on to win the
highest honours and graduated from Harvard.

His High School research into the purpose of the spots on a monarch pupa
eventually led him to his theory about cell life and DNA. He never lost his
perseverance and determination and thus always kept on moving in life keeping all
his failures aside and thus, he became a renowned scientist.
Q5. Richard Ebright had all the ingredients required for the making of a scientist."
Elaborate (CBSE 2019)
Ans. Ebright was a keen observer and a hardworking child. He was sharp-minded and
had great curiosity. He started working when he was very young, i.e. in kindergarten.
He collected all 25 species of butterflies found around his hometown by the time he
was in second grade. He raised a flock of butterflies and tagged them to help Dr.
Fredrick to study their migration.

In the seventh grade, when he lost in county science fair he learnt that actual
science was about real experiments which give results. His competitive spirit derived
him to perform real experiments. In his high school, he led to the discovery of new
theory on the life of cells.
With his perseverance, dedication and continuous hard work to achieve his aim, he
could determine that DNA is the blueprint for life. This discovery helped him to
become a renowned scientist all over the world.

Thus, Richard Ebright had all the ingredients required for the making of a scientist-
analytical mind, providing ideas through experiment, a strong will to win and work
for the benefits of others.


Q1. Rakesh Mundra of 49, Hudson Lanes, Delhi, bought a colour TV-set from M/s Gupta Electronics,
Kamla Nagar, two months ago. He finds that the set is not up to the mark; its sound is not clear and
the picture changes to black and white every now and then. The trouble started about 15 days ago.
Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the TV-set and requesting him to send his engineer to
rectify the defect, and if there any manufacturing defect, the dealer should replace it with a new TV-

49, Hudson Lanes


October 5, 20xx

The Dealer
M/s Gupta Electronics
Kamla Nagar Delhi


Subject: Complaint about the TV- set

This is with reference to the purchase of a Citizen colour TV-set from your outlet
against Case Memo no. 123 dated August 2. For about a month and a half it worked
well. But about 15 days back the TV-set started giving trouble. It is not working
properly. Its sound is not clear and the picture changes to black and white every now
and then. There appear stars and lines on the screen.

The set has one year's warranty against any technical defect. I request you to send
your engineer to attend to it and rectify the defect. If the engineer certifies that
there is some manufacturing defect, I request you to replace the set with a new one.

Yours sincerely
Rakesh Mundra

Q2. As Mr. R. Singh, Head of the Department of Chemistry, Cambridge High School, Pune, you had
placed an order with M/s Scientific Equipment, Dadar, Mumbai for test tubes and jars for the
laboratory. When the parcel was received, you observed that the markings on the test tubes were
not clear and some of the jars were damaged. Write a letter of complaint seeking immediate

Cambridge High School


September 15, 20xx

The Manager

M/s Scientific Equipment Dadar


Subject: Complaint against defective and damaged scientific equipment

This is with reference to Bill No. SE/2000/131 dated 12th September 20xx for the purchase of test
tubes and jars for our school laboratory from your shop. I regret to inform you that the markings on
the test tubes are not clear and some of the jars are also damaged.

It is matter of extreme displeasure to find such low quality products. delivered to us. We have the
practical examinations of students starting from next week and it will be difficult to conduct the
examination with such test tubes and jars.

I hope the matter would be dealt with some consideration. You are requested to replace the
laboratory equipment at the earliest.

Yours sincerely

R. Singh


Encl :

1. Copy of Bill No SE/2000/131


1. You are the Librarian of L.W.A. Senior Secondary School, Pune. You want to purchase a
dictionary, a book on computers, a book for preparing for competitive examinations and a
book for the preparation of the IIT entrance examination for the use of both students and
staff of your school. Write a letter placing an order with M/s Higginbothams, Mumbai, giving
details regarding the mode of dispatchment and the mode of payment.

Senior Secondary School

March 10, 20xx

The Manager
M/s Higginbothams


Subject: Placing an order of books for the school library

This is with reference to your catalogue dated 5 March 20xx, we would like to place an order
for the books mentioned below:



1. Advanced Oxford 5
Dictionary University

2. ‘O’ level in APC 10

Computers BOOKS

3. Preparing Cambridge 5
for IIT University

4. Competition The Times 10

Digest of India

Kindly send these items by 24th March 20xx as we require these books in our library before
the beginning of the new academic session. Please ensure timely delivery. We are also
sending a demand draft of 2000 as advance payment. The balance amount will be paid after
receiving the order.

Yours sincerely
Ramanpreet Kaur
1. Demand Draft of rs 2000/-


1. You are Manohar Singh, resident of 769, Geetanjali Park, Delhi. You purchased an electric
iron a month ago. But after using it for a month, you found that the temperature control
does not work and power consumption is too high. Write the letter of complaint to the
Customer Service Manager, M/s Evans Electrical Products, 32, Dayanand Vihar, Delhi.
2. You are Manohar Singh, resident of 769, Geetanjali Park, Delhi. You purchased an electric
iron a month ago. But after using it for a month, you found that the temperature control
does not work and power consumption is too high. Write the letter of complaint to the
Customer Service Manager, M/s Evans Electrical Products, 32, Dayanand Vihar, Delhi.

Q3. You are Mallika Das/Mohit Das of 456, Raj Enclave, K.G. Marg, New Delhi. Last month, you
purchased two electric guitars from Symphony Store. Of late, you have been experiencing
troubles with the guitars. Write the complaint letter to the Sales Manager showing your
disappointment towards their services.

Q4. You are Bhai Bajrang/Radha Joshi, Principal, Basant Public School, Nasik. Your school has
just decided to plant trees along the boundary wall of your school, for which you need
saplings. You also want to place a large number of potted plants in all the corridors to help
make the school green and reduce pollution. Write a letter to the proprietor of Masjid
Nursery, Nastik, wholesale suppliers of all kinds of saplings and indoor/outdoor plants, placing
an order for saplings of plants for school.

Q5. You are Raman/Nina. As manager of SIGMA Boutique, write a letter to the manager of S.K.
Emporium, placing your order for furnishings and upholstery items for your boutique.

Short Anwer Type Ouestions

Q1. Why does Lomov visit Chubukov? How has he dressed himself?

Ans. Lomov visits Chubukov because he wants to propose to Chubukov's daughter Natalya
for marriage. Lomov has dressed himself in the evening dress. He is wearing a jacket and

Q2 How does Chubukov react on seeing Lomov?

Ans. Chubukov expresses his joy on seeing Lomov. He thanks Lomov for his visit and asks
him to sit down. He is also surprised to see Lomov in evening dress. Thus, Chubukov reacts
with surprise and joy.

Q3. How had Natalya's family helped Lomov earlier?

Ans. Lomov needed a threshing machine. The Chubukovs lent him theirs. They themselves
had to postpone their own threshing work for this reason. In many such ways, Natalya's
family had helped Lomov.

Q.4. What happens to Lomov when he and Chubukov shout at each other?

Ans. Lomov feels that his heart will burst. He falls into an armchair. He says that he is dying
and swoons .

Q.5. Why is 10th May 1994 important for South Africa ?

Ans. The 10th May 1994 is considered the red letter day for South Africa because the
installation ceremony of South Africa's first democratic and non-racial government took place
on this lovely autumn day.

Q6. Mandela feels courage is Triumph over fear .How would you define courage in this
Ans. According to me, courage actually means overcoming fear. It does not mean the
absence of fear but triumph over it. A brave and courageous man confronts fear with
confidence and is able to conquer it.
Q.7 What ideals does Mandela set out for the future of South Africa in his speech?

Ans. Nelson Mandela sets certain ideals for the future of South Africa. According to these
ideals, all people will be free from poverty, suffering and discriminations of all kinds. They will
never be made slaves by others. All will enjoy equal rights and privileges.

Q.8.What is meant by Apartheid ? How did it prevail in South Africa ?

Ans. Apartheid is the system that separates people on the basis of their race on account of
the colour of the skin. The white skinned people of South Africa had created a system of
racial domination against the dark-skinned people of their own land. It caused much pain to
the Blacks. It resulted in a very cruel society .

Q9. What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

Ans. Writing in a diary is a strange experience for Anne Frank because she has never
written anything earlier. Also, she thinks no one would like to read what a thirteen year old
school girl thought.
Q10 Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

Ans. Anne has a big, loving family but she finds that she cannot confide her inner thoughts
and feelings to anyone of the family. She does the writing to get all kinds of things off her
Q11. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

Ans. Anne could confide more in her diary than in people because she thought paper
had more patience than people. The diary would keep her secret like a sincere friend. Q.12.
Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?
Ans. Anne provides a brief sketch of her life at the beginning so that people may understand
the events and incidents better.

Q13 What special characteristic of Mijbil did Maxwell learn after he took it to the bathroom?
Answer: When Maxwell took Mijbil to the bathroom, he learnt that he went wild with joy in
water, plunging and rolling in it and splashed water.

Q14 Why did the writer stay in Basra?

Answer: The writer and his friend were going to Basra to the Consulate General to collect
and answer their mails. They found that the mail of his friend was available but the author
had to stay in Basra for five days.

Q1. How does the tiger feel in the zoo?

Answer: The poet describes the feelings of the tiger in the zoo. He keeps on moving from
one comer to another. "He stalks in his vivid stripes moving the few steps of his cage". He is
not happy. He expresses his silent anger.
Q 2. How does the tiger walk in the cage?

Answer: In the cage, the tiger walks stately and furiously.

Q 3. What message do you get from this poem?

Answer: From this poem, we come to know that animals like to live freely in the forest. The
animals do not want to live in the zoo. Their life is pitiable in it.

Q4. How does the tiger act in the cage?

Answer: The tiger is in the cage. He is powerless and helpless. He longs for freedom. His
velvet pads do not make any noise. He is in the silent anger roaring and ignoring the visitors.
Q5 . What is the form of the poem
' Amanda ' ?
Ans. 'Amanda' is a poem in which there is only one speaker (the old lady). The presence of
the listener (Amanda) is felt throughout. Amanda gives no reaction to the speaker's constant
nagging. This is the form of dramatic monologue.
Q.6 . What impression do you form of Amanda ?
Ans. Amanda is a school-going girl who yearns for total freedom. She does not want to be
dictated. She is a girl with strong individuality, but perhaps she is too timid to put her thought
into action.

Q.7.. What is the significance of Amanda imagining herself as an orphan ?

Ans. An orphan has no one to interfere with his/her action or movements. Amanda imagines
herself to be such an orphan. This underlines her longing for freedom.
Q8. What habits of Amanda are not
likeable ?
Ans. Though we may sympathise with Amanda, we find that some of her habits are bad and
irritating. No one would appreciate her biting her nails, not tidying up her room, sitting with
shoulders hunched, etc.
Q9. How is the fog full of opposite forces ?
Ans. Fog is conceived as a cat who comes quietly and stealthily, sits and then goes quietly.
In contrast to its secretive nature, it watches things very carefully and overpowers the whole
Q.10. Why does the poet compare fog to a cat?
Ans. The poet compares fog to a cat because both come and go silently and stealthily. Both
are mysterious. No one can claim to know a cat fully. Similarly, one cannot see anything
clearly through fog.

Q11. . Stealth is an important aspect of fog. State any two instances from the poem 'Fog'
that suggest the same.

Ans. Stealth is committed silently and secretly. The fog cat-comes very slowly, without
disturbing anyone. It sits 'silently on its haunches like a thief, ready to move if someone
arrives on the scene.
Q.12 . What are the qualities of fog?

Ans. Fog is a natural phenomenon. It appears in the winter season when the weather is
quite cold. It covers everything. There is no definite time of its arrival. It comes suddenly and
disappears suddenly. Everything looks hazy on a foggy morning .


Which two obligations, according to Nelson Mandela, does every man have in life? How
could a man not fulfil these obligations in a country like South Africa?
Ans. According to Nelson Mandela, every man has two types of obligations. One has
obligations towards one's family and towards one's nation. In a country like South Africa
where one race oppresses the other these obligations cannot be easily fulfilled. In South
Africa the policy of apartheid caused much suffering to the black natives. The natives were
not given any kind of freedom. They were not allowed to fulfil their obligations. Those who
tried to work for the freedom of their country were arrested and cruelly treated by the white

Q.2. Write a note on Nelson Mandela's contribution for the emancipation of South African
Ans. Nelson Mandela is a great personality in the history of South Africa's struggle against
apartheid. Under the policy of apartheid the blacks suffered inhuman treatment in their own
country. Many people made unimaginable sacrifices for the freedom of these people. Nelson
Mandela joined African National Congress' for the emancipation of his people. He
contributed a lot for this cause. The way he struggled certainly earns him the honour of being
a crusader of South Africa. He spent thirty long years in prison. He did not accept defeat.
From a law abiding attorney he was forced to become a criminal. He was turned homeless
and driven to lead the life of a monk. All these things tell about his great contribution for the
emancipation of his people.
Q3. What do you think about Anne's talent for writing essays which she wrote convincingly
when punished by the teacher ?
Ans. Anne Frank was a lively and intelligent girl. She was talkative by ruture. Her Maths
teacher, Keesing, was annoyed with her for being a chatterbox. He punished her with extra
homework He gave her topics on which one could not write much. But the way Anne
presented her amused him a lot. She reasoned that talking is a student's trait. She said that
she would tee be able to cure herself of the habit of talking since her mother talked as much
as she did, wed no one could do much about inherited traits. In another essay given by the
teacher she showe how defiant she could be. It was about a mother duck and a father swan
with three ba ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too
much. This jo was too much for a teacher, but Mr Kesing took it the right way.
It becomes clear that Anne was bold and frank. She defined conventions and stereo-types
.She was quite witty, humorous and innovative.
Q.4.. Anne says, "Our entire class is quaking in its boots". Explain.
Ans. Anne gives an interesting picture of her class before the result. Her description of the
classe almost lifelike. It tells about Anne's understanding of human behaviour at a trying
situation .The meeting was going on. The teachers were to decide who would be promoted
to the next class. It was a moment of great worry and tension for the whole class. All were
anxious. No one was sure about his or her fate. They were so nervous that they were
trembling. The fest of failure had gripped the whole class.
Some of the students staked their whole holiday savings on bet. All were trying to encourage
one another. Anne herself was not sure about her success. She was worried because of
Maths The whole class was overcome with fear and nervousness. Anne explains the
condition of he class in these words-Our entire class is quaking in its boots."
Q5. What tells you that the author's attitude towards his pet was of great care and concern?
Ans. The author treated Mijbil, his pet, as his son. He took great care in handling it. He learnt
everything about the behaviour, likes and dislikes of otters before owning one as pet. When
he was to move to London he had to put Mij in a box reluctantly as the airways did not allow
to fly animals. When he looked into the box he was shocked. Exhausted and covered with
blood Mij was in a bad condition. He was helpless. However, half an hour later he told
everything to the air hostess. The air hostess was kind enough to allow him to keep Mij on
his knees. When Maxwell opened the box, Mij ran into the aircraft with speed. There were
shrieks and streams from scared passengers. The author jumped and caught hold of Mij, Mij
began to nuzzle his face and neck, and remained seated. The whole incident shows how the
author was concerned about his pet, its safety and well-being.

Q.6. What impression do you form of Mijbil?

Ans. Mijbil is an otter and has received his name from the author, his owner. Mij is an
intelligent, amiable and fun-loving creature. He is quite friendly. He is fond of the author.
Very often he rubs his nose lovingly against him. When shown love he remains under
He is intelligent enough not to run into dangerous things. He is able to jump on to a school
wall and gallop the entire length of it. He is fun-loving. He rolls and jumps into water. He
invents games for his fun. He keeps the ping-pong ball on the lid of the damaged suitcase
which when closed, remains at a slope from one end. Though he scares the passengers by
running into the aircraft he harms none and comes back to the author, and remains seated
Q7. How far is the title of the play 'Proposal' justified?
Ans. The title of the play Proposal is quite appropriate. The title is usually expected to
indicate the main theme or idea. In the play Lomov comes to make a proposal. He wants to
marry Natalya In the whole play, the proposal seems threatened. The readers or the
audience are eager to know if the proposal will be made or it will disappear in the fight
between the related characters Even the quarrels that take place are related to the proposal.
Lomov's way of making the proposal starts the quarrel. And it is the proposal that resolves
the quarrel for the first time In the end also, it is the marriage proposal that helps end the

Therefore, the title of the play the 'proposal' is appropriate and justified.
Q.8. "There are some people who quarrel just for the sake of it." How do you relate this
statement to the debates between Lomov and Natalya?
Ans. There are different types of people in this world. Some find it easy to start a quarrel
every now and then. They start quarrelling over trifles like throwing garbage or some other
such issue. The same thing happens in the play 'Proposal'.
At first, Lomov who actually wants to marry Natalya starts quarrelling with her about a piece
of land. Neither of them is sure about its ownership. They ignore the important matter like
marriage. They are to become one family. They do not realise the futility of the quarrel.
Similarly, they start a quarrel over their pets. They claim their respective pet to be the best. It
is sormething funny and strange. It seems that they start a quarrel without any reason. In
other words, they quarrel just for the sake of quarrelling.
Q1. How does the poet advocate freedom of the tiger in the poem ?

Ans. "A Tiger in the Zoo" is a fine poem written by Leslie Norris. The natural habitat of a tiger
is the jungle. A tiger is the king of the jungle. But when a tiger is caught and put into a cage it
presents a sad picture. The poet has put up a strong case for the preservation of the wild
animals in their
natural habitats. In the poem the tiger with his beautiful stripes moves about in his cage. He
moves with quiet rage on his soft, velvet feet. He doesn't seem happy in the zoo. The tiger
should be living in the jungle. He should be hiding in the long grass of the jungle. He
should be lurking near the pool of water where well-fed deer pass. The tiger should be living
at the edge of the jungle near a village. He should bare his white fangs
(teeth) or show his claws to frighten the villagers.
Unfortunately, the tiger is locked up in a strong cage. All his strength lies useless behind the
He ignores the visitors who come to see him in the zoo. At night, the tiger hears the sound of
the patrolling cars which move around the zoo. His bright eyes stare at the star-lit sky. He
seems to be cursing his stars which have put him in a hopeless cage.

Q.2. What should be our attitude towards wild animals and ecology in general? Discuss with
reference to the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo'.
Ans. Generally, we are afraid of wild animals. The very sight of a tiger, a lion or a panther
makes us tremble. We consider all wild animals as our enemies. We need to change our
attitude. We should realise that animals, wild or pet, are an essential part of food chain. If
any one of the animals goes extinct the food chain is broken. It is sure to prove to be
destructive to mankind. Therefore, we should make all efforts to preserve animals. We
should have the same attitude towards plants. Those who kill plants and animals are
enemies of mankind. The animals must be allowed to roam freely in the wild. They should
not be kept in cages.
The only precaution we can take for our safety is that we should not destroy the natural
habitats of wild animals. In the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' the rage' of the encaged tiger is
understandable. How can it be happy with cramped space to move, and no prey to stalk and
kill, as is available in its natural habitat? Its wistful stare at the shining stars in the sky
reflects its desire to be free.

Q.3. The poem 'Amanda' is basically Amanda's monologue. Comment.

Ans. There are two characters in the poem entitled 'Amanda' - Amanda, a school-going girl
and he mother or aunt (her identity is deliberately not revealed). The speaker is the grown-
up lady. She is representative of all those elderly persons who continue to find faults with
their children. As such, she is a nagging person, and is insignificant. It is Amanda whose
thoughts are revealed to us in parenthises. Amanda utters no word. She seems to speak to
herself. Her monologue reveals the essentials of child-psychology. In snatches, we learn
about her yearning for freedom. At first, she imagines herself to be a mermaid that drifts
about the sea-water in a carefree manner. Clearly, she desires to enjoy mermaid-like
freedom. Then she imagines herself to be an 'orphan' in the sense that there should be no
one to check her from walking anywhere, even in the dust with her bare feet. She is, then,
reminded, of Rapunzel, a fairy princess who lived in a tower. She imagines herself to be
Rapunzel and wants to lead a carefree life.
Thus, the focus of interest in the poem remains Amanda's monologue. We come to know
how children feel upset at being scolded and nagged by their elders.
Give the sum and substance of the poem "Amanda !" in your own words.

Ans. 'Amanda !' is a poem about child psychology. It is true that children live in a world of
dreams. The poem is a beautiful conversation between a little girl Amanda and a grown-up
lady. Amanda is a little, school-going girl. She is a girl with romantic temperament. She
yearns for total freedom and enjoyment. Unfortunately, she is living in an unhealthy
environment. She is constantly nagged for nail-biting, chocolate-eating, sulking, and so on.
She is so sick of this that she wanders away to a dreamy world of her own where there is
total freedom and relaxation. She wants to be a mermaid or an orphan or a fairy so that she
can enjoy her life in her own way.
Q5. How does the poet present the image of fog in his poem? What idea does he want to
Ans. Carl Sandburg's poem Fog' is a short image poem in the tradition of the Japanese
haiku. It aims at presenting an image in a quite effective manner without any explicit or
implicit idea. Fog is a natural phenomenon. It appears all of a sudden slowly and then covers
the whole harbour and the city. Nothing is visible because of its thick cover. After a while it
leaves as quietly as it has come.The poet compares fog to a cat as it has all the
characteristics of a cat. Just like a cat, it comes quietly and stealthily, sits for sometime and
watches everything and then suddenly disappears.
Q6. Critically analyse the poem 'Fog'.

Ans. Fog' is a short poem consisting of only six lines and is divided into two stanzas. Written
in free verse, it has no regular rhyme or metre. In fact, it is an extended metaphor. It
beautifully captures the essence of the appearance and disappearance of fog suddenly and
silently. The way fog engulfs the harbour waters and the city is compared to that of the
arrival of a cat. Both appear silently and mysteriously.

Fog becomes cat and cat turns into fog once again. The comparison is quite apt. Cats are
independent creatures. They come and move out of our lives abruptly and inexplicably. They
also like to sit on a place where they could have an overview. They are also mysterious. No
one can predict their nature. All these feline qualities of the cat are associated with fog in the
poem. On the whole, 'Fog' is an image poem which provides us a glimpse of a foggy
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. Why did the other children make fun of Bholi ?
Ans. Bholi could not speak well. She stammered. She was also not beautiful. She looked
ugly due to pockmarks. So children made fun of her for her looks and her stammering.
Q.2. Why was Bholi a neglected child in the family? Ans. Bholi was a neglected child in the
family due to her stammer and ugliness. She was given her sisters discarded clothes to
wear. No one cared for her. Due to this she remained backward and neglected.

Q.3. How did the teacher encourage

Bholi ?
Ans. The teacher showed great affection to Bholi. She spoke to her in a soothing voice. She
also encouraged her to speak her name clearly and loudly. She told her that everybody
would respect her if she was given education in the school.
Q.4. How does Bholi become her teacher's mouthpiece?
Ans. If Bholi's teacher is the artist, Bholi is her mouthpiece. She is no longer a simpleton.
She has become an ideal human being. She knows what is good for her and what is bad. No
wonder she refuses to bend before injustice.
Q5. Why did Matilda (Mme Loisel) leave the hall in a hurry? What does it show about her

Ans. Matilda left the hall in a hurry because she did not want to be seen by other women in
very modest wraps which her husband had tried to put round her shoulder. It shows that she
did not want her good impression on others to be spoiled.

Q6. Why was Matilda sad after the ball?

Ans. At the ball Matilda was a great success. Everybody wanted to dance with her because
she was the prettiest women in the party. But after the ball she was sad. She felt that the
moment of her glory had come to end.

Q.7. Why did Matilda change her lifestyle after the ball?

Ans. After the ball and the loss of the necklace, it became essential for Matilda to change her
lifestyle. She had to stand by her husband in paying off the loan they had taken. So they
shifted to a cheap house. Matilda started doing all work herself.

Q8. What changes came in the life of the Loisels after borrowing money?

Ans. After the loss of the necklace, the Loisels shifted to a cheap locality. Mrs Loisel sent
away the maid and worked with her own hands. She haggled over the last sou. She dressed
herself like a poor woman. Her husband also worked overtime in the evenings. This kind of
miserable life continued for ten long years.
Q9. What difficulty do the crew of the space probe face on the earth?
Ans. The crew of the space probe land at a peculiar place where there are two thousand
peculiar items (books). They don't know what these items are.

Q.10 Why did Lt lota think the square room was a storage barn?
Ans. Lt lota is part of the crew of the manned space probe that has been sent to Earth. They
reach the Centrerville Public Library and think they are in a square place surrounded by at
least two thousand jof some peculiar items. Hence lota thinks that they could be in a storage
barn .

Q.11. How did the book change Think Tank's opinion about the Earthlings?
Ans. In the beginning Think-Tank is of the view that the Earthlings are some primitives. He
calls the books sandwiches for communication. Omega and Oop tell him about the nursery
rhymes in the book. This makes him conclude that they are not primitive people. They are
highly intelligent and grow crops of metals and explosives.
Q.12 What does Noodle suggest Think-Tank about the books?
Ans. Noodle suggests to Think-Tank that the Earthlings did not eat items called sandwiches
(books). The Earthlings opened them and watched them. Think-Tank at once agrees with
him, but himself takes the credit for the idea that the Earthlings used books as some sort of
communication device .


Q1. Losing the necklace changed the course of Loisels life. In the light of this statement
describe the kind of life Matilda and her husband lived after the loss of the necklace.

Ans. After the loss of the necklace, life became very hard for Matilda and her husband.
Matilda sent away the maid. They shifted to cheaper lodgings. Matilda herself washed the
dishes. She brought up the water herself. She haggled over the prices like a poor woman.
Her husband worked day and night. It took them ten years to repay the borrowed money.
Matilda looked like a hard and crude woman. Her hair was ruffled and her skirt was awry.
Her hands were red due to hard labour. Thus, the life of Matilda and Mr Loisel was
completely ruined by the loss of the necklace. It was a cruel joke of fate, that the necklace
which ruined their life completely was made of false jewels.

Q2 . What were the causes of Matilda's suffering?

Ans. Matilda was a young pretty woman with high ambitions. Though she was born in a
poor family, she dreamt of being loved and admired by the rich. One day, her husband
brought her an invitation for a party at the Minister's residence. Matilda borrowed a diamond
necklace to wear at the party. Matilda was extremely happy. She was the centre of attraction
at the party. But the necklace was lost and the Loisels had to borrow a huge amount of
money to get a similar necklace. The happiness of their life was spoilt. After ten years of
hard life, Matilda came to know that the diamonds she had worn at the party were false. But
now it was too late. Matilda looked like an old woman without any physical charm. It all
happened due to her bad luck.
Bholi's teacher was not an ordinary teacher. She was more than that. Suppose you become
a teacher. What qualities of Bholi's teacher will you imbibe to help students to overcome
social discrimination?

Ans. If I become a teacher I will imbibe all the qualities of Bholi's teacher. I will encourage
the students to stand against injustice and overcome social discrimination. Bholi was a
simpletion. She had an ugly face with pockmarks on it. There was little chance of getting a
match for her. Her parents were very unhappy with her. On the suggestion of tehsildar, Ram
Lal decided to send her to school. Bholi's teacher was very intelligent. She encouraged
Bholi. She awakened in her self-confidence. Bholi stopped stammering. She hoped to get
respect after her education. If I become a teacher, I shall be caring, affectionate and kind to
my pupils. I shall make them bold and confident like Bholi.
Q4. "Dowry is a negation of a girl's dignity". Prove this statement in the light of the story

Ans. "Bholi" is a story with a social message. It tells us that dowry is a negation of a girl's
dignity. It is a sign of social inequality between man and woman. Only education can give
self-confidence to a girl. This is proved by the story of Bholi, a village girl. Bholi's body was
disfigured in childhood because of small pox. At the time of her marriage, her would-be
husband demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees. Bholi's father reluctantly offered the
demanded money. But Bholi protested against this injustice. She flung the wedding garland
into the fire and told her father to take back his money. She said that she had agreed to
marry an older and lame person for the sake of his honour. But her would-be husband's
crude demand for dowry proved that he was mean, greedy and hateful. She would never
marry such a contemptible person. She would rather remain single and teach in the village
school for her dignity. Thus, Bholi proved that dignity is the most valuable asset for a girl .
Q5. Noodle was the true Think-Tank. Comment.
L Ans. Think-Tank was the Commander-in-Chief of the Mars Space Probe. He had ordered
a space probe to go to earth as Mars was going to take Earth under its generous rulership.
He has been shown to be a pompous creature who likes to be praised lavishly. When he
communicates with the crew of the space probe, he is at a loss constantly. He banks heavily
on the ideas presented by Noodle and pretends they are his own. When they are struggling
to make sense of the books, he says it is a 'sandwich' and asks Oop to eat it. Then he says it
is a communication device. The idea that Earthlings look into it comes from Noodle and he
immediately grasps it. This shows that Noodle is better informed and has a greater presence
of mind. Towards the end of the story, we see that Think-Tank has been replaced by Noodle
who is now the Think-Tank, the position he rightly deserved.

Q.6. Why could the Martians not bring themselves to read one particular book? Ans. The
Martians had gone to the Earth with the intention of bringing the ridiculous planet under their
rulership. Upon their arrival, they found themselves in a library full of books. Later when they
tried to look into the sandwich, their intelligence enhancing vitamins enabled them to read.
Think-Tank decoded the nursery rhymes in Mother Goose in a most ridiculous manner. He
came to the conclusion that Earthlings were far superior and they were after him. He fled
and ordered the mission to be cancelled. Five hundred years later, Earth established friendly
relations with Mars and taught them to read. But even then, Martians did not have the
courage to read Mother Goose because of their bitter experience with it. The story of Think-
Tank and his miserable mission to Mars had probably been carried from generation to
generation and no one had the courage to venture in that direction again.

Q1. 3. You are Prabhu Kumar/Parvati of 17E, MK Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-120
words to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by loudspeakers in the city
during examination days drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem.

17E MK Road Kochi
May 5, 20....

The Editor

The Times of India Chennai


Subject: Nuisance caused by loudspeakers

Let me express my views about the nuisance caused by loudspeakers in our city during
examination days.
Loudspeakers are frequently used by religious places almost day and night. Though there is
a ban on the use of loudspeakers after 12 in the night, some people use them the whole
night on the occasions of 'Jagrans' and other religious occasions. Some people use DJs to
celebrate marriage receptions and create a lot of noise till midnight.
Students are unable to concentrate on their studies even during examination days. The
district authorities must implement the law on the use of loudspeakers strictly. It would be
better if the use of loudspeakers is completely banned during examination days. Moreover,
the religious bodies and others should voluntarily avoid using loudspeakers during this
crucial period for students.

Yours truly

Q2. You are Arun/Aarti, 112 Bank Street Agra. In 100-120 words, write a letter to the Editor
of a national daily, expressing your views on the subject-How to bloom with good health in
today's demanding life.

112 Bank Street


November 8, 20....

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi
Subject: How to bloom with good health in today's demanding life

In our competitive world, we have to work in excess of our capacity. The 24x7 work culture
has put unbearable burden on us. We have no time to look after our health. There is a lot of
stress and strain, as a result of which we are suffering from many lifestyle diseases.
We cannot ignore health. The best way is to do some essential breathing and yoga
exercises at home in the morning before going to office. We should get up early so that we
could have time for a walk and exercise. We should do some relaxing and stretching
exercises. Moreover, we should eat only nutritious food, green vegetables and fruits. We
must avoid heavy and fast food. Meditation can also de-stress our mind. If we find time for
these things we will bloom with health, peace and prosperity.

Yours faithfully
Q3.You feel concerned about the wastage of every kind on the occasions of our marriages
and other ceremonies. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about it in 100-120 words.

Q4. Write a letter to the Editor of The Tribune expressing your views about the hazards of
rash driving. You are Anish / Anamika of 40, Subhash Nagar, Ludhiana.

Q5. You feel concerned about the plight of children who are forced to work under inhuman
and unhygienic conditions. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your
feelings, keeping in view the visual given below.

1. You are Rahul/Rajni, living at 5, M.G. Road Chandigarh. You read an advertisement about
on month Course in Accounting through computers to be organised by Logic Learning
Limited, Patel Road, Chandigarh. You wish to join this course. Write a letter to the
advertisers seeking all the relevant information about the course.

Ans .5 MG Road


4 December 20......

The Director

Logic Learning Limited

Patel Road Chandigarh


Subject: Inquiry about the Computer Course

This is in response to your advertisement in The Tribune about one month Course in
Accounting through computers. I would like to join this course. Would you kindly let me know
the following at the earliest:

(a) minimum qualification for eligibility to join the course

(b) date of commencement and fee

(c) job prospects after doing this course?

I have recently passed B.Com Final, and I wish to become an accountant.

Looking forward to an early reply Yours sincerely


2.You and your family members want to go to Dubai for a week. Write a letter of enquiry to
Alok Tour & Travels, 15-B Connaught Circus, New Delhi about their special summer
holidays package abroad. You are Narinder/Radha of 15, B-Block, Civil Lines, Karnal
Ans.15, B-Block

Civil Lines


June 15, 20....

The Manager

Alok Tour & Travels

15-B Connaught Circus

New Delhi

Subject: Enquiry about 'special summer holidays package abroad'


1 read your advertisement in The Hindustan Times announcing a 'special summer holidays
package abroad'. I along with my family (5 in number) want to go to Dubai. We would like to
avail of your offer. Would you be kind enough to let me know about the


⚫ total charges payable

⚫ transportation, stay, sight-seeing, etc.

⚫ visa assistance

⚫Any other charges?

Looking forward to early response

Yours faithfully
Narinder Joshi
Q3. Air Asia has announced special reduction in inland air fares for groups of students on
educational tours on select routes. As Secretary, EMA, write a letter to the Regional
Manager of the airline enquiring about the reduction in fares and permitted routes. You are
Ravinder/ Raveena of SD High School Nabha.

Q4. You are Anshul/Anshika, a student of class X and resident of 56 D, Ring Road, ITO,
New Delhi, and wants to be a choreographer. Write a leter to the director, National Institute
of Choreography, Noida, seeking information about their course, admission procedure,
eligibility criteria and other necessary details.

Q5.Yours faithfully Anshika You are Rama/Ramesh of D-105, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. You
want information about German Language Courses at German Embassy, Chankya Puri,
New Delhi. Write a letter to the Director inquiring about the same.

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