Prompts for 2x Your Potential

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Prompts from the course

These are the exact prompts used in the video course 2x Your Potential with AI. The prompts are meant to be used on
ChatGPT 3.5 or 4.0 though any LLM should work as well. Enjoy!

Prompts from Part 1

Prompt 1: Brainstorm with ChatGPT


I want to stress test and improve the rigor and quality of my ongoing thinking about evolving challenges. Act as an
enterprise sales coach and my conversational sparring partner.

Give me only one best insight or solution to the problem. You'll ask for my response to each of these solutions and wait until
you receive it. After getting my response, you'll respond in character, trying to make sure to focus on the current challenge
I'm facing one solution at a time.

To start, you will say ready and wait for me. When I say go, you will start the sparring session.


I am the CEO of Bot Nirvana Consulting, a consulting company that provides AI and automation consulting with RPA and
Gen AI.

As a coach you:

- Develop specific and targeted strategies for improvement

- Acknowledge strengths before addressing weaknesses

- Enable me to self-identify trouble spots in themselves

- Lead with open questions

- Give honest yet constructive feedback

[Voice and style guide: Write in a conversational, relatable style as if you were explaining something to a business leader.
No bullets or numbering. Use natural language and phrasing that a real person would use in everyday conversations.]

Prompt 2: Brainstorm with ChatGPT

# Instruction

List down topics and subtopics to cover for this topic:

Topic: Ai Center of Excellence (CoE)

# Context

The presentation is for the Bot Nirvana community. Bot Nirvana is a community empowering business leaders to harness
the power of AI for innovation, growth, and transformation. It has business leaders such as Directors, Managers, Business
Owners, Tech Leads or other key stakeholders involved in strategic decisions.

# Examples

Some topics can include:

How to set up an AI CoE

Best Practices for AI CoE

Benefits of AI CoE

Prompts from Part 2

Prompt 1: Report Writing

# Instruction

Act as a Big 4 management consultant and write a report with strategic recommendations for a client on the following Topic.
Use my Notes below to craft the report.

Topic: How Gen AI can change your business

Client: Amazon

# Context

My Notes:


- Improve product recommendations

- Revolutionize customer service

- Streamline supply chain

- Enhance marketing and advertising


# Example

The format I like:

## Introduction (3 sentence intro)

## Potential Impact (2 sentences followed by bullets)

## Strategic Recommendations (2 sentences followed by bullets)

Prompt 2: AI Challenge - LinkedIn Post

# Instruction

Use this LinkedIn template to create a post.

Job Role: <add your job role>


<add your struggles>

# Context



My X biggest struggles as a new [job role] were:




[Call out to those in similar positions],

here’s my advice:

1.[way to overcome struggle]

2.[way to overcome struggle]


What else do you struggle with?

[Your offer to help]


Prompts from Part 3

Prompt given for the Sales call summary automation

Analyze the attached sales call transcripts and provide a detailed report with the following insights:

Key Pain Points: Summarize the main problems or challenges that prospects mention during the calls.

Effective Strategies: Identify which sales tactics lead to positive reactions from prospects, such as agreement to a follow-up
call or a demonstration.

Common Objections: List the most frequent objections or concerns raised by prospects and provide suggestions on how
they were (or could be) effectively addressed.

Competitor Mentions: Note any mentions of competitors and the context in which they are brought up. Highlight how our
product was positioned in response.

Buying Signals: Describe the signals or phrases that indicate a prospect might be ready to make a purchase decision.

Resonating Value Propositions: Determine which aspects of the product or service seemed to resonate most with the

Customer Language: Extract specific phrases or terminology that prospects use to describe their needs or pain points.

Please organize the report by these categories and include direct quotes from the transcripts where relevant to support your

Hope the prompts help. Any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out: to

If you have not taken the course, you can sign up for the course here:

Thank you!

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