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The American University In Cairo

The Professional Program In Project Management

PRMG 010 Project Planning & Control Techniques
Examiner Prof. Dr. Adel El-Shabrawy

Online Exam. May 2022

Answer All Questions

Please follow the following instructions:

1- Write your family name then first name then the rest of your name, your ID number
and your section number.
2- As far as you can don’t leave long spaces between the lines of your answer and don’t
leave empty spaces.
3- When answering question 1, you have to write down the detailed forward pass and
backward pass calculations not only indicating the final results.
4- You can upload your answers either by hand writing or by word.

Question 1: (35 Marks)

The figure given below shows the first floor slab precedence diagram.
Using the detailed forward pass calculations and backward pass calculations find the
critical path. Sketch the network and indicate on it ES, EF, LS and LF for each activity.

rough - in
SS : 2 First floor SS : 2
reinforcing 10 days SS : 3
First floor FF : 1 B
FF : 2
5 days Top mesh Pour
SS : 3 First floor
A FS : 1 First floor
3 days 2 days
SS : 3
SS : 2
Electrical SS : 3

SS : 3 rough - in FF : 0
First floor
SS : 3
3 days
FF : 2
Question 2: (35 Marks)

The network shown below, gives the three time estimates in days for the activities of a
certain project:

1- Find the confidence level of project duration of 18 days.

2- Find the project duration having a confidence level of 93%.

Basic network with three time estimates a, m and b.

2-4-6 3

1-2-3 2-3-4
1 5 6

1-2-3 3-4-5

Question 3: (30 Marks)

Given below are the network data and the time-cost trade-off data for a small maintenance

Activity Immediate Normal Full Crash

predecessors Duration Cost Duration Cost
"days" "$" "days" "$"
A - 3 50 2 100
B - 6 140 4 260
C - 2 50 1 80
D A 5 100 3 180
E C 2 55 2 55
F A 7 115 5 175
G B,D 4 100 2 240
Total 610 1090

1- Sketch the Activity – On – Arrow and Activity – On – Node Networks.

2- Reduce the project duration by 2 days at minimum cost increase.

Good Luck – Dr. Adel El-Shabrawy

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