3 y 4 Sem Material de Estudio Ingles v Unidad i Expressing Present Time. Practice

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Material de Estudio

Asignatura: Ingles V

Unit II: Expressing Past time.

(2 sessiones de clase semanas 3 y 4)

Autor: MSc. Guillermina Eduarda Múa Ibarra

Mayo 2023, Managua.

Universidad Nicaragüense de Ciencia y Tecnología
Dirección de Docencia


Introducción ...................................................................................................................................3
1 Contenidos de la Unidad ............................................................................................................4
1.1 Primer sesión de clase. .......................................................................................................4
a. 1. Using BE (was-were) past time: ..........................................................................................4
b. 1.1. 1 Past with be in negative (was not- were not) ...............................................................4
c. 1.1. 2 Past with be in affirmative and questions. ...................................................................4
Verb to be in present tense. Verb to be in past tense ................................................................4
1.2 1.1. 3 Practice class: Exercises and reading comprehension. .............................................6
1.3 2 The simple past verbs regular form ad and irregular form. .............................................7
1.3.1 Exercises to the past tense regular and irregular verbs. .............................................7
1.4 3 Past time words expressions: Yesterday, last, an ago. .....................................................8
1.5 Segunda sesión de clase ...................................................................................................10
1.6 4 Spelling of end verbs /ti, /di and /ad/ ............................................................................10
1.7 5 Affirmative and negative (did not) sentences and questions (did) ................................11
1.8 6 Question in past with where, when, what time and why. .............................................12
1.8.1 Questions with when, where, why ...........................................................................12
1.8.2 Questions with who, what, which ............................................................................12
1.8.3 Questions with how ..................................................................................................13
1.8.4 Questions with verbs and prepositions ....................................................................13
1.8.5 Other ways of asking questions ................................................................................13
1.9 6.1 Practice class: Exercises and reading comprehension ...............................................14
2 Practice.....................................................................................................................................14
3 Homework: ...............................................................................................................................16
4 Bibliografía: ..............................................................................................................................16

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Dirección de Docencia

Apreciados estudiantes, sean bienvenidos al curso Ingles V. En el presente material
tienen contenidos que amplían el conocimiento del idioma ingles así como ejercicios
prácticos que les permitirá desarrollar sus competencias lingüísticas y habilidades de
expresión en el idioma inglés. En esta oportunidad analizaremos la Unit II:
Expressing Past time. Teniendo los siguientes contenidos:
Primera sessión de clase:
1. Using BE (was-were) past time:
1.1. 1 Past with be in negative (was not- were not)
1.1. 2 Past with be in affirmative and questions.
1.1. 3 Practice class: Exercises and reading comprehension.
2 The simple past verbs regular form ad and irregular form.
3 Past time words expressions: Yesterday, last, an ago.
Segundo session de clase:
4 Spelling of end verbs /ti, /di and /ad/
5 Affirmative and negative (did not) sentences and questions
6 Question in past with where, when, what time and why.
6.1 Practice class: Exercises and reading comprehension
Con esta unidad podremos dotarnos de competencias básicas enfocadas en los
siguientes objetivos:
1. Describe the correct way to use the express1ons m Expressing Present time.
2. Solve the exercises and others in English by using the expressions in the present
3. Participate in the processes of the development of the foreign language in the
present time.
En el material de estudio encontraran la siguiente información:
1- Contenidos explicados de la unidad.
2- Actividades prácticas con sus respectivas orientaciones.
3- Asignación de trabajos en equipos e individuales.

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Dirección de Docencia

1 Contenidos de la Unidad
1.1 Primer sesión de clase.
a. 1. Using BE (was-were) past time:
b. 1.1. 1 Past with be in negative (was not- were not)
c. 1.1. 2 Past with be in affirmative and questions.
Verb to be in present tense. Verb to be in past tense

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1.2 1.1. 3 Practice class: Exercises and reading comprehension.

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1.3 2 The simple past verbs regular form ad and irregular form.

(eslkidsworld.com, s.f.)
1.3.1 Exercises to the past tense regular and irregular verbs.
Word search, find the simple past tenses of the 15 infinitive verbs given to you.
2. BUY Q B O U G H T K G D
5. FLY D D W A S X I O T O
7. BE W O K E V S S L O V
10. RUN R D W E W N G W R Z
11. WEAR
12. SING E X D M A G F E L T
14. TELL U T V Z R A N T Y C
15. GET
Write the past simple of the following verbs.
2 4 Horizontal
1 3 1. Think
2. Pay
3. Mean
5 Vertical
1. Throw
2. See
3. Hit
3 4. Eat
5. Make

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1.4 3 Past time words expressions: Yesterday, last, an ago.

Past time expressions
In English, we use the simple past to talk about when things
happened. There are a number of words and phrases that are
often used to show when an action or situation happened in the
past. We call them time adverbials. Here are some of the most
common ones.
Time adverbial: ago
We use time reference + ago to show how far back in the past something happened: time
reference + ago

The movie ended five minutes ago.

The plane landed two hours ago.
My son was born six months ago.
Her husband died ten years ago.
I took that photo many years ago.
I came to this city a long time ago.

Time adverbial: last

We use last + time reference to mean the most recent or nearest to the present day time:
 I saw a game on TV last night.
 My parents traveled to Japan last month.
 Michael arrived in Mexico last January.
 Last Christmas I got a lot of presents.
 My girlfriend and I met at the beach last
 Last year Jake and Jill got married.

NOTE: We say last night, last month, last year, etc. NOT the last night, the last month, the last
year, etc.

Time adverbial: yesterday

We use yesterday or yesterday + morning / afternoon / evening to talk about the day before today:

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 Charles wore a suit to work yesterday.

 We got up early yesterday morning.

 She left the hospital yesterday afternoon.

 Yesterday evening Joel called me.

NOTE: We use last night NOT yesterday night.We also use the expression the day before
yesterday to mean "two days ago". Example: I played soccer the day before yesterday.

Prepositions: in / on / at

We also use the prepositions in, on and at to say when something happened.

We use in with years, decades, and centuries.

Nelson Madela died in 2013.
Mario Vargas Llosa won the Nobel Prize of Literature in
Mike Zuckerberg started Facebook in 2004.
In 2000, Sydney hosted the Summer Olympics.
The first man walked on the moon in 1969.
The Beatles were a popular band in the 60's
and 70's.
Oscar Wilde died in 1900.
The Industrial Revolution began in Great
Britain in the 18th century.
The U.S. declared independence from Great
Britain in 1776.
Saying years in English (English Number, 1900)
We tend to read four-digit years as a pair of two-digit numbers. For example, 1969 is
nineteen sixty-nine, but there are other ways to say them:

ON: We use on with specific dates.

Martin Luther King was born on January 15.
Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929.
On my last birthday I had the best party ever.

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Dirección de Docencia

AT: We use at with times.

We had breakfast at 9:00 a.m.
We went for a walk at noon.
We talked about the problem at lunchtime.
NOTE: As you noticed, past time expressions are used with the simple past to talk about
finished actions in the past. It is important to remember that there are two groups of verbs:
regular (we add -ed to make the simple past, e.g. work > worked) and irregular (the simple
past is different from the base form, e.g. eat > ate.
(UNAM, s.f.)
1.5 Segunda sesión de clase
1.6 4 Spelling of end verbs /ti, /di and /ad/

Spelling and verb forms

(dictionary.cambridge, s.f.)

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Dirección de Docencia

1.7 5 Affirmative and negative (did not) sentences and questions

Present simple and past simple questions and negatives
For all verbs except be and have, we use do/does or did to make Yes/No questions in the
present simple and past simple:

They work hard. > Do they work hard?

He works hard. > Does he work hard?
They worked hard. > Did they work hard?
For all verbs except be and have, we use do/does + not or did + not to make negatives in the
present simple and past simple:

They work hard. > They do not (don't) work hard .

He works hard. > He does not (doesn't) work hard.
They worked hard. > They did not (didn't) work hard.
Here are the question forms and negative forms for be in the present simple and past simple:

Positives Questions Negatives

I am (I'm) Am I? I am not (I'm not)
He is (he's) Is he? He is not (He's not/He isn't)
She is (she's) Is she? She is not (She's not/She
It is (it's) Is it? It is not (It's not/It isn't)
You are (you're) Are you? You are not (You're not/You
They are (they're) Are they? They are not (They're
not/They aren't)

Positives Questions Negatives

I was Was I? I was not (I wasn't)
He was Was he? He was not (He wasn't)
She was Was she? She was not (She wasn't)
It was Was it? It was not (It wasn't)
You were Were you? You were not (You weren't)
They were Were they? They were not (They weren't)
We make questions and negatives with have in two ways. Usually we use do/does or did:
Do you have plenty of time?
Does she have enough money?
Did they have any useful advice?
I don't have much time.
She doesn't have any money.
They didn't have any advice to offer.
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But we can also make questions by putting have/has or had in front of the subject:
Have you plenty of time?
Has she enough money?
Had they any useful advice?
And make negatives by putting not or n't after have/has or had:
I haven't much time.
She hasn't any money.
He hadn't any advice to offer.

1.8 6 Question in past with where, when, what time and why.
Wh-questions are questions which start with a word like what, when, where, which, who,
whose, why and how.

1.8.1 Questions with when, where, why

We form wh-questions with these words by putting the question word in front of a Yes/No
They are working in a shop. > Where are they working?
They have been working hard for their exams. > Why have they been working
They arrived at six. > When did they arrive?

1.8.2 Questions with who, what, which

When we ask who, what and which about the object of the verb, we put the question word in
front of a Yes/No question:
He is seeing Joe tomorrow. > Who is he seeing tomorrow?
I want a computer for my birthday. > What do you want for your birthday?
I'd prefer some tea. > Which would you prefer, tea or coffee?
When we ask who, what and which about the subject of the verb, the question word
takes the place of the subject:

Barbara gave me the chocolates. > Who gave you the chocolates?
Something funny happened. > What happened?
The dog frightened the children. > Which dog frightened the children?
We sometimes use what or which with a noun:

What subjects did you study at school?

Which English newspaper started in 1986?
What subjects does everyone have to study?
Which newspaper do you prefer, The Times or the Guardian?

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1.8.3 Questions with how

We use how for many different questions:
How are you?
How do you make questions in English?
How long have you lived here?
How often do you go to the cinema?
How much is this dress?
How old are you?
How many people came to the meeting?

1.8.4 Questions with verbs and prepositions

When we have a question with a verb and a preposition, the preposition usually comes at the
end of the question:
I gave the money to my brother. > Who did you give the money to?
She comes from Madrid. > Where does she come from?
They were waiting for an hour. > How long were they waiting for?

1.8.5 Other ways of asking questions

We sometimes use phrases like these in front of a statement to ask questions:
Do you know …?
I wonder …
Can you tell me …?
For Yes/No questions, we use the phrases with if:
This is the right house. > Do you know if this is the right house?
Everyone will agree. > I wonder if everyone will agree.
Mr Brown lives here. > Can you tell me if Mr Brown lives here?
For wh-questions, we use the phrases with a question word:
Do you know who lives here?
I wonder how much this dress is.
Can you tell me where she comes from?
We often use do you think …? after question words:
How much do you think this dress is?
Where do you think she comes from?
Who do you think lives here?

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1.9 6.1 Practice class: Exercises and reading comprehension

2 Practice
Present simple, present continuous and past simple
1. My Mum __________________ me how to ride a bike now. (teach)
2. I _____________________ where my book is. (not/know)
3. We ______________________ that film a week ago. (see)
4. I __________________________ an apple at the moment. (eat)
5. They________________________ that wall two months ago. (paint)
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6. _____________ she ___________________ tea every day? (drink)

7. I_______________________ to school on Saturdays. (not/go)
8. ____________ he ________________ a tree yesterday ? (climb)
9. She _______________________ the window a minute ago. (close)
10. _____________ he ________________ my name now. (write)
11. _______________ she _______________ in the stadium righ t now? run)
12. They ____________________________ the text yesterday. (print)
13. We ____________________________ hard last Monday. (not/ tudy)
14. Mum ____________________________ the dinner at the moment. (not/cook)
15. ________________ they _______________ "Good-bye" every day? (say)
16. The dog ___________________________ the ball a moment ago. (catch)
17. I ___________________________ nice pebbles every summer. (find)
18. Susan ____________________________ her grandmother last summer . (vísit)
19. Laura ___________________ coffee. (not / drink)
20. Tom ____________________________ very fast in the last Olympic Games.
21. He ____________________ the car bu the shop everuy morning. (stop)
22. Children ___________________________ their hands at the moment. (clap)
23. ________________ you ______________ well last night? (sleep)
24. The girl __________________now. (not cry)
25. ________________ she _________________ Mum every day? (help)
26. I _______________________ an interesting book last week. (buy)
27. _________________ they ________________________ ice-cream now? (eat)
28. The students _________________________ an exercise righ now. (not/ write)
29. ______________ you _______________ to your teacher yesterday ? (speak)
30. They ____________________________ every Monday. (dance)
Complete the sentences with the time expressions: in, on, at, ago, for, last.

1. I was born in Africa ______________ 1970.

2. My parents moved back to England ___________________ I was five-
3. We lived in Bristol __________ three years.

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Dirección de Docencia

4. I left college three years __________.

5. I usually go home ___________ the weekend.
6. I found a flat on my own _______________ year.
7. I didn’t go home _________________ weekend because some friends come to
8. They arrived _______________ o’clock _________ the afternoon.
9. _____________ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.
10. We got up late ______________ Sunday morning.
11. _____________ the afternoon, we went for a walk.
12. I bought a car a few weeks ________________.
13. I had an accident _____________ night.
14. It happened ______________ seven o’clock in the evening.
15. I took my car to the garage _________________ this morning.
16. It will be ready _______________ two weeks.

3 Homework:
Questionnaire in the virtual classroom of the contents studied in the 1st and 3th. class

Make up a story using the verb tenses in the past simple or past continuous, make it from
images. I leave you a model of how to do it.

Examples of history in the simple past in English.

Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and I saw the green light, so I passed. The day was very rainy
and it was difficult for me to cross the road, I couldn't see anything so i continued to the end of the
street. I heard a big sound around me and I was so confused, I turned my head and I saw a car in
flames, there was an accident. I called the police and the hospital services to ask for help. Luckily,
the driver only had a broken leg and he survived that accident.

4 Bibliografía:
dictionary.cambridge. (s.f.). dictionary.cambridge. Obtenido de
eslkidsworld.com. (s.f.). eslkidsworld.com. Obtenido de
UNAM. (s.f.). UNAM. Obtenido de


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