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Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, 2, 51-64 51

Digital Radiographic Systems Quality Control Procedures

Aikaterini-Lampro N. Salvara, Sofia D. Kordolaimi and Maria E. Lyra*

Department of Radiology, University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Received: 14 April 2011; Revised: 27 May 2011; Accepted: 03 June 2011

Abstract: In the last decades, digital radiography (DR) is becoming more popular in relation to traditional film screen
radiography. This derives mostly from the fact that digital image is prone to post- processing analysis and it can also be
stored for future use. Various organizations, such as the King’s Centre for the Assessment of Radiological Equipment in
the United Kingdom (KCARE), the America’s Association of physicists in medicine (AAPM) and the Australian College
of Physical Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM), have published protocols in which guidelines concerning quality
assurance and acceptance tests for digital systems are referred. These guidelines are presented here and other studies
conducted from individual teams also referred, which either count on the mentioned protocols or have chosen to follow an
alternative method. In addition, several patents relative to the description of the two different kind of DR, Computed
Radiography (CR) and Digital Direct Radiography (DDR) systems, the phantoms and the image quality are also appeared.
Apart from the quality control (QC) aspects that are also met in conventional radiography (entrance surface dose-ESD,
tube performance controls and image presentation on the display units), diverse methods for quality assurance of digital
radiography are presented as well. These different methods concern the image quality, the automatic exposure control
(AEC) system and the detector’s performance. Moreover, representative phantoms utilized in clinical practice for QC of
digital systems are also displayed and conditions are tested with diverse techniques.
Keywords: Direct digital radiography (DDR), computed radiography (CR), quality control, signal to noise ratio (SNR),
contrast to noise ratio (CNR), image noise, ghosting erase, detective quantum efficiency (DQE) curve, automatic exposure
control (AEC).

INTRODUCTION tolerance levels for the various tests that are made for the X-
ray tube and generator, X-ray tube control system, display
During the last decade, the classical film-screen station, image quality and patient dose.
radiology is being replaced by the direct digital radiology
(DDR) or computed radiology (CR) because of its enormous A brief reference to both types of digital radiology (DDR
benefits. In both of these techniques the images can be taken and CR) and a comparison between them is made. It is
and displayed almost immediately, and can be deleted (if the necessary to clarify that the term ‘digital radiography’
quality is not the desirable) or corrected (if any improvement encompasses the term ‘computed radiography’ but is also
in the image quality is needed) and subsequently sent to a encompasses the ‘direct digital radiography’ (DDR) which is
network of computers (PACS) through which they can be another digitalized technique referred in this review. Based
used in any department, any time. The use of this modality on national and international protocols, the steps for an
prevents the large size of storage films in the hospital; and it effective QC, the equipment that is used for the
is more convenient for the patient to carry only a small sized measurements and the tolerance levels are mentioned. It
compact disk that will contain all of his examinations. By must be noticed that there is no reference to the quality
these systems, dark room or chemical products are not control of the printed images (hard copy) as the image
required any more, the images are printed by printers similar display on monitors is of greater importance, in digital
to those of a usual PC and this is a time and environmental radiography. A list of all the abbriviations mentioned in the
gain. text is displayed in the appendix.
The advent of cutting- edge technology brings new
challenges in terms of its control and quality assurance (QA), COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY AND DIRECT
because of its complexity and its sensitivity      DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY SYSTEMS
        . Quality Control (QC) is Computed Radiography (CR) Systems
an important part of a quality assurance (QA) program, in order
to achieve better image quality avoiding unnecessary high Computed Radiography (CR) is a process for capturing
doses. A sufficient number of national and international digital radiographic images. CR technology has been around
recommendations and protocols (KCARE, AAPM, ACPSEM, since the early 1980s and has been widely accepted as a
IAEA) that get involved with the QC of digital and computed digital image acquisition process that produces images
radiography have been published. These protocols set equivalent to conventional x-ray film-screen systems. For
exposure, a storage phosphor plate (a photo-stimulable plate,
or PSP) is placed in a standard cassette, instead of an X-ray
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Radiology, film sheet, and is exposed to x-rays in the exact way as the
University of Athens, Athens, Greece; Tel: 0030- 210- 7286243; Fax: 0030-
210-9827768; E-mail:

1877-6132/12 $100.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers

52 Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 Salvara et al.

conventional film. The image formation in CR systems is Direct Digital Radiography (DDR) Systems
shown in Fig. (1).
The DDR system includes an x-ray source and an x-ray
Storage phosphor plate (PSP) has the special property of detector capable of automatic digital imaging without the use
storing the x-ray energy in a latent image, which is of an image intensifier. As illustrated in Fig. (3), the x-ray
“developed” in a CR reader, when the PSP is scanned by a beam passes through the object of interest and impinges
light beam (e.g. laser beam) (Fig. 2). The laser beam causes upon a detector, which converts the radiation into electric
the storage phosphors to release the UV light energy that signal. This signal is then sent to the image storage enabling
have been captured, in a photo-stimulable process. The CR unit or to the processor (computer workstation) to undergo
reader extracts the information stored in the plate and this post-processing operations. At that point the image is
energy is converted into a digital image [1]. elaborated and then sent to the image storage enabling unit to
be printed on a film or saved in a compact disk.
Analytically, the function of the system is shown in the
blog diagram in Fig. (4).

Fig. (1). Image formation in CR [1].

After exposure and scanning, the phosphor plate is
“erased” by being exposed to bright light. The residue of the
previous latent image in the phosphors is removed, and the
plate is ready to be exposed again. The life of a PSP depends Fig. (3). Direct Digital Radiography.
on how carefully it is handled. There is nothing about the wo types of digital image capture devices in DDR are
chemistry of the phosphors that degrades after repeated used nowadays. One type includes Flat Panel Detectors
exposures, but physical damage to the plate will limit its (FPDs), and the other High Density Line Scan Solid State
useful life [2]. Detectors.
Flat Panel Detectors (FDs)
FPDs [3] are classified in two main categories:
Amorphous Silicon (a-Si), which is the most commonly
used, or amorphous Selenium (a-Se). The first type of FPD
includes an Amorphous Silicon Array and its structure is
shown in Fig. (5). The other type of FPD is a direct
conversion type that uses a Selenium Array (instead of the
Silicon Array) and its structure is shown in Fig. (6).
In comparison to other types of FPD, the Selenium Array
gives very high modulation transfer function (MTF) and
spatial resolution. However its application is limited to x-ray
energy less than 150 keV and is mainly used in medical
applications [4].
High Density Line Scan Solid State Detectors
This type of detector is composed of Cesium Bromide
Fig. (2). A schematic perspective view of a CR reader. The CR (CsBr) phosphor. The phosphor detector records the X-ray
reader consists of a stimulating beam source (1), mirrors (2, 3), a energy during exposure and is scanned by a linear laser
photomultiplier (4), a stimulable phosphor sheet (5), a cassette (7), diode to excite the stored energy which is released and read
a base (9) which cooperates PSP with a lifting mechanism (6) and out by a digital image capture array of Charge Coupled
slots (8) [2]. Devices (CCD’s). The image data file is transmitted to a
computer for further interpretation.
Digital Radiographic QC Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 53

existing classical film-screen equipment to CR is much more

economical than the entire replacement of the whole X-ray
imaging system with a DDR system. DDR algorithms also
are not as sophisticated and fully worked out as CR; the
reason for this may be the increased demand of CR systems
upon DDR systems. Ultimately, DR is preferable towards
conventional x-ray film-screen systems as it eliminates the
lost images and the need for re-takes, simplifies the filing of
images and increases the capability for consultation made
possible by electronic transmission of digital images. Storage
phosphors are also unique because they respond to a very
wide dynamic range of x-ray exposures, giving flexibility in
selecting the appropriate x-ray technique without worrying
about under- or over- exposure [3- 7].

Fig. (5). The structure of a possible flat-panel x-ray detector. The

detector consists of an Amorphous Silicon Array (1), a glass
substrate (2) to form an Amorphous Silicon Array of photodiodes
and a TFTs matrix, the interconnections (3), the contacts (4) on the
edges of the panel and the scintillator (5) made of Cesium Iodide,
which converts x-ray photons into visible light photons [3].


Typical Controls for Both Conventional and Digital
Fig. (4). A block diagram of the system function shows the various Radiography
procedure steps. An initial position is set, the geometry is recorded
by the positioner and the inclinometer, and then an x-ray is Tube Performance
generated. When passing through the object the image is detected Radiation Output Rate Dose
by an x-ray detector and is read by its electronics. Once the image
is read it is sent to the processor. After the initial image is recorded, The tube output is determined by the ratio of the entrance
the position change mechanism modifies the relative position surface dose (mGy) and the focal spot charge (mAs).
between the x-ray detector and the subject of interest and the According to IAEA and the ACPSEM a high radiation
subsequent position is then set. The x-ray source generates an x-ray output is desirable to ensure that the exposure times are
and the detector detects a new image. The geometry of the second sufficiently short to minimize the patient’s movements and
position is also recorded by the positioner and inclinometer. The discomfort.
image is then read by the x-ray detector electronics and the image is In the ACPSEM protocol it is reported that rather than
sent to the processor. If more than two images are desired, the measuring the output rate it is more sufficient to measure the
process can be repeated to gather more images [3]. exposure time, or observe the required mAs, under automatic
Comparing CR and DDR systems, both have their exposure control (AEC) conditions. This is made by using a
advantages and disadvantages, according to work flow, 6cm PMMA phantom, or any phantom equivalent to soft
patients’ positioning and financial expenses. In DDR tissue, under AEC operation using clinically relevant
systems the reading procedure is omitted, making them technique factors (kVp, anode/filter combination etc.).
preferable from the standpoint of work flow. Manual According to that protocol the exposure time for the best
handling of the cassette housing the IP, in a CR system, is function of the operation, should be less than 3.5sec. On the
considered a disadvantage versus DDR but, on the other other side, IAEA does not base the measurements of the
hand, this offers more flexibility in patient positioning. radiation output rate on the time exposure [5, 8].
Another beneficial point for CR is that upgrading the
54 Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 Salvara et al.

the mean value of the ten measurements. To calculate the

CV, the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean value of a
series of measurements is used, which is appeared in the
following equation [5, 10]:
S 1   (Xi  X)2 
CV = =  i=1 
X X n 1 
CV: is the coefficient of variation,
S: is the estimated standard deviation,
Xi: is the value of the ith measurement;
X : is the mean value of the measurements; and n is the
number of measurements.

$% !"#

Fig. (7). Arrangement for radiation output measurement [8].

Fig. (6). A block diagram of the operation of the flat- panel detector
[3]. The system converts the X-ray energy to light when falling into Linearity
the Cesium Iodide scintillator. The light is then channeled through
In order to check the linearity of the radiation output, the
the Amorphous Silicon photodiode array where it causes the charge
x-ray tube voltage (kV) is kept constant while the range of
of each photodiode to be depleted in proportion to the light it
the mAs is varying. The procedure is repeated for two
receives and is converted to a digital output signal, which is then
different FFD distances. The quotient of the average air
read out by Thin Film Transistors (TFT’s) or by fiber coupled
kerma measurement divided by the indicated current time
Charged Couple Devices (CCD’s). The image data file is sent to a
product, obtained at the two applicable settings, must not
computer for display and elaboration.
differ more than 0.10 times the sum of the measurements:
To make the measurements, the rate of the mAs is kept
constant (or with as small deviations as possible) and the | X1  X2 | 0.10(X1 + X2 )
voltage (kV) is changing with fixed intervals. The setup for where,
the tube performance measurements of the radiation output is
shown in Fig. (7). X1, X2 : the quotients of the average air kerma measurements
divided by the current time product at two applicable settings
Reproducibility of X-ray tube current or X-ray tube current-time product
In order to control the reproducibility of the radiation [11].
output, ten consecutive measurements should be taken at the Accuracy
same FFD (~150cm for the chest detector and 110cm for the
table detector), for any combination of operating loading The tube voltage should be checked for the whole range
factors (kVp and mAs), while kVp is kept fixed (usually at of kV that is used, with intervals of 1kV. The measured kVp
70kV). According to Walsh (2008) a plate of 21mmAl that is shall be within ±5% of the specified value over the clinically
supplied as standard to the system should be mounted at the relevant range. In order to effectuate the measurements a
tube head [9]. The coefficient of variation (CV) of each one meter is set at about 100cm from the focus of the anode, or
of the measurements should not be greater than 0.05 and the as it is prescribed by the manufacturer. The intension is set
rate of each one of them should not be greater than 15% of ~20mAs and remains as constant as possible. After the
Digital Radiographic QC Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 55

measures have been taken, the errors-differences between set backscattered factor of the material of the phantom (or the
and measured values are being calculated and should be soft tissue factor). For the measurement of the whole beam,
within ±5%. According to “The European Protocol for the estimating of the dose-area product (DAP) is demanded.
Quality Control of the Physical and Technical Aspects” as Water is equivalent to soft tissue so, numerical differences
well as the IAEA, a non-invasive tube voltage check for the between the air kerma or the water kerma based backscatter
whole kV-range that is used should be performed every six factors are insignificant for low energy photons, thus, the
months [5, 12]. DAPs could be multiplied to the Bair or the Bw factors [15].
Entrance Surface Dose (ESD) According to N.W. Marshall (2009), high tube potentials
can be used to obtain low skin doses for a given
The entrance surface dose (ESD) is the absorbed dose on examination. This is based on the fact that the beam has
the phantom surface at a given location and it includes the greater penetration in the phantom and leads to lower mAs
backscattered radiation (which contributes 27-45% to the values and, as a result of this, to lower ESD. Somehow the
measurement). The calculation of these indices can be ESD is a simple measure of risk and this assumption could
accomplished with several methods. The calculation of ESD be expanded further by examining the depth dose in the
can be done with the use of an ionization chamber, that is phantom or even the effective dose for a range of
placed on the surface of a tissue equivalent phantom (e. g. a examinations [16].
polymethyl-methacrylate- PMMA phantom), in order to
measure the in-air exposure at several x-ray tube Image Presentation on Monitors and Printers
kilovoltages covering all the clinical range. The results are
A very useful and necessary control of a radiographic
expressed as exposure per milliampere second (mR/mAs, or system is the test of the quality of image presentation on
mGy air kerma/mAs) [13].
monitors and printers. Quick tests of monitors and printers on a
According to C.J. Martin (1995), an alternative approach is regular basis are required to detect electronic instabilities, film
to measure the incident dose rate, which can be related to dose artefacts and printer artefacts. These tests are made by using test
area product, by using a copper phantom; this gives similar patterns, such as SMPTE or the TG18, on each of the monitors
incident dose rates as Perpex, under automatic gain control. The used for reporting clinical images (Fig. 8).
method allows measurements of incident dose rate that are
The system must be able to differentiate all the lines,
made by using copper to be linked to corresponding thicknesses
from thick to narrow and both horizontally and vertically.
of tissue-equivalent material and because only a few millimeters
The test patterns are exposed on each monitor to ensure that
of copper are required, contributions from backscatter can be
[5, 6, 7]:
minimized. Finally, the entrance surface dose can be derived by
using the backscattered factor and in that way the patient dose is  All borders are visible and the resolution at all
reduced [14]. corners and in the middle is uniform
Another well known method to measure the ESD, while  The lines are straight and the squares appear as
reducing the patient dose, is to measure the radiation of the squares
whole beam and then multiply the result with the

(a) (b)

Fig. (8). Two different types of test patterns that are being used to check the image presentation on monitors and printers. (a) SMPTE test
pattern, (b) TG18 test pattern. The test patterns are consisted by small squared areas (patches) that have a different range of grey colour.
Each one of the 0% and 100% squares contain smaller squares that represent signal level steps of 5% and 95%, respectively. In the centre
and at the edges of the patterns there are high contrast bar patterns of black and white pairs. These high contrast bar patterns are 6 squares
filled with varying widths of alternating black/white horizontal and vertical lines.
56 Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 Salvara et al.

 The ramp bars appear continuous without any contour sum of the base, plus and fog, while the 40% patch is the
lines or smearing and bleeding at black-white index of the printer’s speed. The contrast index of the printer
transitions is given by the subtraction of the OD of 10% and 70%
patches [20].
 The resolution bars everywhere on the pattern must
not differ more than 20% In case of a softcopy image, it is necessary to measure
and record the average pixel value by using the region of
 All corner patches are visible and the squares of
interest (ROI) analysis. On the other hand, in case of a
different shades from black to white are distinct,
hardcopy (film) image the sensitometry strip must be printed
 The 5% and 95% pixel value squares are clearly and the summation of the base and the fog OD must be
visible and differentiated from the larger squares 0% measured; the average OD ought to be measured as well.
and 100% that contains them
 The pattern is centred in the active area Controls only for Digital Radiography
 No disturbing artefacts are visible Image Quality
 Contrast response should not deviate from the Threshold Contrast Detail Detectability (TCDD)
DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function
(GSDF) contrast values by more than 10%. This parameter characterizes the detectability of a low-
contrast object, and is influenced by several factors,
The results of the measurements and the visibility are including the object size, contrast between the object and the
expected to be better if the ambient light is reduced. Ambient background, image noise and the system’s modulation
lights, of 25 to 40 lux, are generally sufficient to avoid most transfer function (MTF). The evaluation of the minimum
reflections and still provide sufficient light for the visual discernible contrast to characterize the low-contrast
system to adapt to the surrounding environment and the resolution is generally performed in a subjective fashion on a
displays [17]. Regarding the luminance of the monitors, the test phantom with a low contrast resolution pattern.
maximum luminance used for viewing digital conventional According to the AAPM a calibrated low-contrast test object
radiographs should be at least 200 cd/ m2. Smaller ranges such as the Leeds phantom designed for computed
could lead to inadequate levels of contrast in displayed radiography or the UAB low-contrast phantom are
images, while larger values could lead to poor visualization appropriate for use, too. For the Leeds phantom setup (e.g.
of details, because of the limited range of the contrast TO.12), 0.1, 1 and 10 mR, at 75 kVp beam with 1 mm added
sensitivity of the human eye. According to AAPM Task Cu filtration is used with a standard clinical acquisition
Group 18 recommendations, a high display contrast ratio protocol [21, 22]. The ACPSEM, likewise, utilizes the
with a low minimum luminance level (0.5 cd/ m2) is most CDRAD 2.0 phantom (or CDMAM 3.4 phantom for
desirable [17, 18]. mammography) with the same exposure parameters. On the
According to the European Reference Organization for other hand, KCARE utilizes TO20 (or TOR RAD or TOR
Quality Assured Breast Screening and Diagnostic Services CDR or equivalent) test object and quantifies the result of
(EUREF) [19] and the Australian College of Physical the test, having the same exposure conditions as AAPM and
Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) [5], the above type of ACPSEM. The quantification happens by estimating the
measurements is recommended to be made each week, while image quality factor (IQF) defined as:
additional test patterns should be viewed on a monthly basis 0.5
1 n H T (Ai )  Dref 
as proscribed by the monitor manufacturer’s QC program or IQF =  ref
by the AAPM. n i=1 H T (Ai )  D 
In order to check the optimal function of the printers and where,
the quality of the image presentation on them, test patterns
are used to test geometrical distortion, contrast visibility, HT (A) = threshold contrast detail index values calculated
printer artefacts, density response and uniformity. The test from the image,
patterns are print-out and the medical physicists, in HTref (A) = threshold contrast detail index values calculated
association with the relevant supplier engineer, monitor for from a reference image of a system known to be in good
changes in geometric distortion, contrast visibility, adjustment
resolution, optical density range and artefacts. The
parameters that are checked are the same as the ones for the D = the dose to the receptor
monitors’ displays. According to the ACPSEM, Dref = the dose to the image plate for the reference image
conformance with the Gray Scale Display Function (GSDF)
n = the number of details in the test object.
can be determined by printing the TG18-PQC test pattern
and measuring the optical densities (OD) of the marked The IQF could be compared to those from other similar
regions. In addition, measurements are made, with the use of systems and it is useful for future QA tests.
a densitometer, in order to calculate the mid density (MD)
Image Noise
and the density difference (DD) and to ensure that they are
within ± 0.15 OD of their baseline values. It is also needed Image noise is primarily determined by the dose setting
that the sum of Base + Fog (B+F) should be within ± 0.03 of the x-ray tube, the detector efficiency and the
OD and the maximum density (Dmax) within ±0.10 OD, of reconstruction algorithm. The noise of the CR system is
their respective baseline values [5]. The 100% patch is the tested by acquiring three images of a low-contrast phantom,
Digital Radiographic QC Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 57

using 0.1, 1 and 10 mR, at a beam of 70 kVp with 1 mm of followed for variable thickness of PMMA phantoms in the
Cu filtration. The phantoms used are the same as in TCDD. range of 2- 20 cm (or 2- 6 cm for mammography). In each
The noise is quantified by the standard deviation of the pixel case, the required additional PMMA thickness is added on
value in a fixed small region of the image (PVSD). The top of a 0.2 mm Al object. SNR is calculated in a uniform
logarithm of noise is linearly dependent on the logarithm of image as a simple ratio of MPV and SD in a region of
exposure (E): interest (ROI) approximately 1/3 the size of the image.
Log (PVSD) = a + b loge ACPSEM protocol utilizes the ACR accreditation phantom
for the evaluation of the medical image and defines the ROI
with a correlation coefficient >0.95.
approximately at 100 mm2 measured using the workstation
Until recently, the detection systems, that were used in tools. The European protocol recommends a tolerance limit
order to read and analyze a preliminarily digitalized of  15% of the baseline [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]. Even if the
radiography image of a film, were added a digitization noise image has a high SNR, it is not useful unless there is a high
to the natural presence of the noise in the image. In addition, enough contrast to noise ratio (CNR) to be able to
several anatomical structures can obstruct the visibility of the distinguish among different tissues and tissue types, and in
area of interest and lead to false results. In order to overcome particular between healthy and pathological tissue.
these drawbacks, US 7881513B2 have proposed an According to the European guidelines, the measurement of
algorithm that detects the opacities applied directly to the CNR is produced by 0.2 mm Al superimposed on variable
data of the digital detector and not to the digitized radiology
PMMA thicknesses. PMMA layers are exposed by full
films. This algorithm calculates the background intensity by
automatic techniques [31]. ACPSEM protocol also suggests
using a sliding-window filtering and it improves the
a uniform phantom with a test object of slightly varying
estimation of the contrast of the regions of elements,
increasing in this way the visibility of the results [23]. attenuation which may consist of a PMMA sheet (ACR
accreditation phantom) with either a hole test object, or
According to US 7929746B2 (2011), the residual blur of uniform button like an aluminium foil of thickness 0.2 mm.
objects outside the plane of interest is an important type of Images of this test object are made with variable thicknesses
noise. It is often caused by overlying anatomy and it of PMMA using AEC conditions just like in SNR
obscures detail in the plane of interest limiting the contrast measurements. In each image the MPV and SD, respectively
enhancement of the projection image slice. Although this are calculated for a ROI (~ 0.25 cm2) located in a uniform
blur cannot be completely eliminated, its diminution can be
part of the phantom (PVph, SDph) and in an area where the Al
accomplished by using appropriate algorithms for
foil is located (PVAl, SD Al). The CNR is defined as:
reconstruction and elaboration of the image. The point
spread function (PSF) characterises the spread of blur in the MPVph  MPVAl
imaging volume and it can be used to improve the CNR = .
presentation processing of the reconstructed image dataset. (
 SD ph
+ SDAl2 / 2 
Then, all points of the imaging volume can be classified
whether they are in focus or out of focus and a further The European provisional specification requires that the
processing algorithm based on classification mask can be CNR be at least 1.1 times and 0.9 times the CNR with 4 cm
adapted [24]. PMMA for 2 cm and 6 cm of PMMA, respectively. In some
CR systems it may be difficult to extract meaningful
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Contrast to Noise Ratio statistics relating to ROIs because of the inadequacies of
(CNR) workstation software and the difficulty of linearizing the
Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is the quotient of mean value data. Under these circumstances, the above test requirement
of the linearized signal intensity and SD of the noise on the CNR is waived and the performance must be assessed
(intensity distribution) at this signal intensity. By linearized solely on the exposure indicator (EI) variation [5].
signal intensity it is meant the numerical signal value of a Limiting (spatial) Resolution/Resolution Uniformity
picture element (pixel) of the digital image (MPV), which is
proportional to the radiation dose. The SNR is a critical The high contrast resolution test patterns (e.g. Huttner
factor in all imaging modalities and is especially important line-pairs test object, TOR CDR, TOR RAD, TOR MAM,
mesh pattern) consist of various lead thicknesses and each
in digital radiography. Image quality improves with higher
test pattern is enclosed in plastic. The exposure conditions
SNR. In addition to the quantum noise from variations in a
are: 5 mR incident exposure with an unfiltered 50- 60 kVp
low dose x-ray beam, noise from the scintillation and beam at 180 cm SID (Source to IP distance). The limiting
electronic components of the DR system can decrease the resolution is determined by inspecting the finished
SNR. SNR of a DR system depends on the dose (exposure radiograph with a 5 - 10 power magnifying glass. This is
time and conditions) at the detector, the radiographic system achieved by looking for the last bar section in which a clear
properties and it is also affected by the selection of the distinction between line and space can be observed. The
acquisition protocol. According to the European number corresponding to this line pair section represents the
Commission, a 20-cm thick PMMA (or equivalent) phantom line pair resolution for the system. According to ACPSEM,
(or 2-cm thick for mammography) is imaged with aluminium the MTF is recognised as the best indicator of equipment
object of 0.2 mm thickness and 10 x 10 mm2 area, positioned system resolution under the condition that the appropriate
on the top of PMMA layers which cover the entire detector software does exist. The MTF of an imaging system is
area. In practice, the utilization of a plexiglass phantom defined as the absolute value of its optical transfer function,
instead PMMA yields similar results. A similar procedure is normalized to unity at spatial frequency zero. One of the
58 Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 Salvara et al.

established methods to determine the MTF is based on the contained within the female breast and it cannot be directly
use of a sharp edge that is imaged to produce an edge spread estimated. For that reason, it is often estimated from the
function (ESF). The ESF is then differentiated to obtain the measurements of the breast entrance skin air kerma
line spread function (LSF), from which the MTF is (BESAK) by applying a series of appropriate conversion
calculated by a Fourier transform. An edge test device with a factors. AGD is calculated for several thicknesses of PMMA
well-defined edge is usually realized by carefully machining (or equivalent) phantom like CNR [35].
a thin piece of metal, (e.g. lead, tungsten, or platinum).
Alternatively, the DDI could be used to determine the
Material thicknesses of 0.1 to 0.25 mm are often used to
correct kV compensation curve required to calibrate the
allow easy manufacturing and handling as well as accurate
AECs for the loss in detector sensitivity with tube potential.
alignment of the edge in the x-ray beam. Depending on the
DDI is calculated by maintaining the mAs, the phantom
actual thickness of the material and on the beam quality used thickness and the dose to the surface of the phantom constant
for imaging, the metal sheet may be either (almost) fully
and altering the kVp. The variation should be less than 20%
absorbing or semitransparent. Every manufacturer usually
per kV. Another way is to maintain mAs, kVp constant and
has specific instructions for the acquisition of the MTF [32,
change the thickness of the phantom or change the receptor
dose [36, 37].
Spatial Accuracy/ Spatial Linearity/ Laser Beam Function
Detectors Performance
Spatial distance accuracy is referred to the confirmation
of the system distance callipers, and hence pixel size. It is Linearity
determined with “x-ray” ruler lead markers or from flat Linearity determines the response of the detector and
objects with known dimensions such as a resolution bar readout systems to the exposure variation. AAPM protocol
phantom. Laser Beam Function control is referred to the suggests that a calibrated radiographic x-ray tube with
assessment of laser beam scanline integrity and jitter and it is reproducible output (kV accuracy better than ± 5% and
also determined with “x-ray” ruler lead markers like spatial exposure output accuracy ± 2%) and acquisition
accuracy. The exposure conditions are the same as in geometry/detector orientation must be maintained. The
Limiting Resolution/ Resolution Uniformity and the
proposed technique is 80 kVp, 180 cm SID, and 0.5 mm Cu
procedure is repeated for all available image plate
+ 1 mm Al filtration, with the beam collimated just outside
resolutions. The measured distances should be within 2% of
actual. To minimise any magnification effects, the rulers the total detector area. Radiographic techniques are
should be placed in direct contact with either the detector or determined in order to provide incident exposures of
a CR cassette, depending on the circumstances, unless approximately 0.1, 1.0, and 10 mR. Actual incident exposure
otherwise indicated by the system manufacturer. As far as should be measured with a calibrated ionization chamber
the laser beam function is concerned, a narrow window free-in-air (no backscatter) and calculated to the surface of
width is selected, such that the image appears largely the PSP detector. For each incident exposure, three
polarised to black or white. This should allow the edge to be independent images should be acquired, and a fixed delay
easily differentiated from the background. When examining time of 10 minutes between exposure and processing should
the edge of the ruler in the image, it should be continuous be used. KCARE protocol suggests a focus-to-PSP distance
across the full length of the image. Stair step characteristics at 150 cm and the proposed technique is 70kVp with 1.0mm
should be uniform across the length of the image. Regions of Cu at the tube head to deliver doses of order 1μGy, 4μGy,
over or undershoot of the scan lines indicate a timer or laser 12μGy and 50μGy. On the other hand, ACPSEM protocol
beam modulation problem. utilises a 40-mm thick PMMA block which should cover at
least the central part of the detector. A clinically relevant
Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)
kVp and target/filter combination is arranged as well as the
A well-designed AEC should be capable of modifying range of mAs values selected should cover the clinically
required detector exposures based on exposure conditions useful range (e.g. 5 to 500 mAs). The entrance surface air
(typically selected kVP and mA) to compensate for energy kerma (ESAK) is measured by placing a dosimeter in a
dependence and exposure rate. Some of the factors that position that will not influence the subsequent image
influence the AECs in digital radiography are the technique, measurements. Images are viewed and a ROI is drawn
the type of phantom and contributions from scatter. While centrally along the long axis and approximately 40 mm from
AEC is an efficient method of obtaining homogeneous image the chest wall. The mean pixel value (MPV), with pixel
quality, it may result in increased dose under certain offset value subsequently subtracted, and standard deviation
circumstances. The variation and complexity of AEC (SD) are recorded. For digital systems plots of mean pixel
facilities, even between systems supplied by the same value and SD2 against the ESAK are drawn and linearity
manufacturer, can give rise to incorrect operation [34]. tested by noting the square of the correlation coefficient (R2).
The AEC calibration for digital radiography systems According to ACPSEM protocol, reasonable specification is
requires an alternative parameter to optical density, ideally to require that the plot of mean pixel value and SD2 versus
one related to the quality of a digital image. A good ESAK should have R2 >0.99 and R2>0.954, respectively
parameter for AEC optimization of DR systems is the square while KCARE protocol suggests that the trend-line plotted
of CNR or SNR divided by the average glandular dose should have an R2 fit value >0.95. The difference between
(AGD) [26, 31]. The calculations of CNR and SNR have DDR and CR systems is that in CR systems the response to
already been mentioned above. AGD is determined as the air kerma variations depends on the system. In all cases the
mean dose received by the radiation sensitive tissue
Digital Radiographic QC Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 59

exposure indicator is recorded for each image, which must

be acquired with the same cassette on each occasion. It is
simpler to confirm linearity by examining the dependence of
the exposure indicator on the ESAK [3, 25, 38, 39].
Dose Efficiency
Dose efficiency is the parameter that relates the
effectiveness of the detector to use the radiation that
impinges upon it. In order to estimate the value of the this
parameter it is necessary to measure the dose, the image
resolution and noise under the same circumstances of section
thickness, scan field and scan diameter. The dose efficiency
of a detector can be characterized using the Detective
Quantum Efficiency curve (DQE), which can be determined Fig. (9). Parts of the measurement equipment for the DQE [45].
experimentally (though it is quite difficult to make
In another study [41], various CR systems are compared
experimental measurements) and provides information about
with conventional screen- film radiography. In practice,
the additional noise added to the signal at all stages of its
because the measurement of the DQE is very time
processing. It includes the contributions of all stages of the consuming, it can be followed a simple procedure. An
signal conversion, making it possible to compare on a
ionization chamber is placed in the center of the beam at a
quantitative basis different systems for X-ray imaging [40,
distance of FDD=1m and then the collimator is adjusted in
41]. The DQE for the spatial frequency (u) along the
order that the field covers the whole detector. At the exit of
horizontal or vertical direction (along the lines or rows of the
the tube a filter of copper (Cu), 1mm thick, is used. The tube
pixel matrix of the detector) is determined using the
voltage remains constant at 70kVp (with as small deviation
following defining equation: as possible) while the value of the mAs changes manually.
Win (u) Each measurement is recorded and compared to a reference
DQE(u) = MTF 2 (u)  one that is given by the international standards, and should
Wout (u)
not differ more than 20% from each other [41].
where, Uniformity
DQE(u): is reported at frequency multiples of 0.5 mm-1 up to This parameter is also referred as “Homogeneity” and is
the Nyquist frequency. very important because a non-uniform response could affect
MTF(u): the modulation transfer function of the detector, clinical image quality. It is generally agreed that the
evaluation of the image receptor uniformity should be
Win (u): the noise power spectra of the input X radiation,
undertaken routinely. However, there are some differences as
Wout (u): the noise power spectra of the linearised detector to the methodology, but in all cases is used an image of a
output signal. standard PMMA test block (phantom) that must be free of
imperfections, scratches, dust and dirt and that is covering
The Win parameter is given by the multiplication of the
the entire image receptor. As another material of the
air Kerma (Ka) with the squared signal-to-noise ratio SNRin2,
phantom, Plexiglas could be used, as well.
that depends on the X-ray energy spectrum:
For CR systems, according to the KCARE Protocol [6,
Win = K a  SNRin2 38, 46], the measurements are taken by placing an ionization
The Wout output noise power spectrum parameter is chamber on the couch at 1 - 1.2m from the focus and at least
evaluated from the centred region (~125 mm x 125 mm in 30cm above the table (the actual distances must be recorded)
size) of uniformly exposed images [42]. and centred in the x-ray beam. The collimation is then set to
cover the entire detector. A filtration of 1.0mm of copper is
A DQE of 100% represents perfect dose efficiency, placed at the tube head and the chamber is exposed to at tube
although this does not occur in clinical practice, as the final voltage that depends on the CR system (the type of cassette
signal is enriched with the noise provided by the detector. that is used) as shown in Table 1. The mAs should be set
The measurement equipment for the DQE is based on the manually such that the inverse square law corrected dose to
standard of IEC 61267 [43] and the IEC 62220-1 [44] and it the table level is approximately 10 μGy. The exposure is
is consisted by three parts: 1) a tube unit, 2) a radiometric required to be repeated twice, under the same parameters,
bench and 3) a support for the test object (Fig. 9). and before the second exposure the plate is rotated 180°
about the vertical axis so that the non uniformities can be
Illers H. et al. (2005) have conducted measurements on prevented due to the anode heal affect. After the exposure
two Agfa CR systems, which were exposed to radiation the plate of the cassette is being read without a time delay
ranging from ~1 to 20μGy. The results of their study show between exposures and read out. The parameters that are set
that the distribution of DQE of the CR detectors depends on depend on the type of the system-cassette.
the exposure and is best for the low-exposure level. In fact, it
reduces significantly above ~10 mGy, which is due to the Next step is to check the image for non-uniformity and
increasing importance of fixed pattern noise [45]. artefacts; after that, five regions of interest (ROI) are defined
on the image when possible. If there is no ROI analysis
60 Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 Salvara et al.

available, the images should be print onto laser films. On the ROI analysis is used to quantify the difference in pixel value
film there are defined five ranges of interest (ROI), one between the ghosted and unghosted areas. There should be
centrally located and the other four placed near the corners <1% (remedial) difference between the System Transfer
of the image, the size of which should be of order 10000 Properties (STP) corrected pixel values in the ghosted region
pixels (Fig. 10). In every ROI is measured the optical density and the surrounding areas [38, 47].
(OD) and the mean pixel values (PV).
In order to facilitate image quality control procedures, a
variety of test objects or phantoms have launched by diverse
  organizations. These test objects simulate parts of the human
body (have approximate attenuation x- ray coefficients in the
energy spectrum used clinically) and are sensitive to changes
in imaging performance. There are many test objects which
are different as far as material, dimensions, form, shape,
contrast and size of the details are concerned. The selection
of the test object depends on the imaging task, the sensitivity
and the precision required for discriminating changes in
imaging performance. Some of the most known phantoms
! " utilized nowadays in Digital Radiography (DR) are
Test objects TO20, TO16, TO12 and TO10 (Fig. 11) are
designed for quick quantitative assessments of image quality.
Fig. (10). Positions of the ROI’s for uniformity tests. The TO20 test object is intended for use with Digital
For DDR systems, according to ACPSEM protocol [5], Subtraction Fluoroscopy and it consists of 144 details (12
uniformity can be assessed quantitatively by measuring the sizes x 12 contrasts). The size of the details ranges from
mean pixel value (with pixel offset value subtracted) and 11mm to 0.25mm and the contrast range is 0.0014 to 0.924
SNR at the centre and in each of the four corners of the at 75kV, with a 1.5mm Cu filtration. TO16 is intended for
image plate (Fig. 10). The ROI size recommended in the use with Computed Digital Radiography and it owns the
European protocol is 100 mm2. Apart from the central one, same features as TO20. TO12 is intended for use with
all ROIs should be placed about 20 mm from the image Digital Spot Imaging Systems and it consists of 108 details
margins. The maximum deviation in the mean pixel value for (12 sizes x 9 contrasts). The size of the details ranges from
11mm to 0.25mm and the contrast range is 0.0043 to 0.954
each ROI should be less than ± 15% of the MPV for the
at 70kV with 1.0mm Cu filtration. TO10 is intended for use
central ROI with a similar maximum deviation of ± 25% for
with Fluoroscopy systems and it consists of 108 details (12
the SNR. sizes x 9 contrasts). The size of the details ranges from
CR Cassettes 11mm to 0.25mm and the contrast range is 0.012 to 0.930 at
70kV with 1.0mm Cu filtration [48].
Erasure Thoroughness
A contrast- detail (CD) phantom tests the observer’s
The imaging plate (IP), if improperly or insufficiently perception. With a CD-phantom it is possible to quantify
erased, can potentially give rise to image artefacts. The test both, details and contrasts, as observed by the radiologist.
of the erasure capability is performed by exposing an erased The CDRAD 2.0 phantom can be used within the entire
IP (unused for 1 h before the test) at high exposure levels (50 range of diagnostic imaging systems, such as fluoroscopy
mR) with a centrally placed high-contrast test object (a thick and digital subtraction angiography while the CDMAM 3.4
lead block), reading the plate and re-exposing the plate to a is used particularly in mammography systems. Image quality
uniform incident exposure of about 1 mR. The re-exposed is measured simply by counting the number of details
image should be free from ghost artefacts. The ghost signal detected and the number of bar- patterns resolved in the
is quantified in our software by the percentage difference image. CDRAD 2.0 and CDMAM 3.4 enable the following
between the average pixel value in the region previously checks to be made: sensitometric measurements (10 test
occupied by the high-contrast object and in the surrounding point details, 5.6mm diameter), resolution limit (0.5 to 14.3
area. The percentage difference between the mean pixel lp/mm), low contrast large detail detectability (17 details,
value in the region previously occupied by the high-contrast 11mm diameter) and high contrast small detail detactability
object and the surrounding area should be less than 2%. (17 details, 0.5mm diameter). The CDRAD 2.0 phantom
According to KCARE protocol, erasure cycle efficiency is consists of a Plexiglas tablet with cylindrical holes of exact
measured by positioning a plate on the table at ~1.5 m, diameter and depth (tolerances: 0.02 mm). Together with
setting a 10 cm x 10 cm field and placing a piece of additional Plexiglas tablets, to simulate the dimensions of the
attenuating material (e.g. Copper or lead) at the centre of the patient, the radiographic image of the phantom gives
CR plate. Then, cassette is exposed at 80kVp, 25mAs with information about the imaging performance of the whole
no filtration. After reading and erasing the plate is re- system. Fig. (12) shows 225 squares, 15 rows and 15
exposed with a 9 cm x 9 cm field centred on the same point columns. In each square either one or two spots are present,
on the plate with no attenuating material in place, using being the images of the holes. The first three rows show only
80kVp, 0.5mAs and no filtration. If a remnant is visible, a one spot, while the other rows have two identical spots, one
Digital Radiographic QC Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 61

Fig. (11). TO20, TO16, TO12 & TO10 test objects for quality control of Digital Radiographic systems [48].

in the middle and one in a randomly chosen corner. The resolution limit. The test details of TOR CDR and TOR
optical densities of the spots are higher as compared to the MAM are shown in Fig. (13). TOR MAM phantom is
uniform background. Due to the (exponentially) increasing divided into two halves, with one half (left) containing
depth of the holes in horizontal direction, the image shows simulated breast tissue, and the other containing particular
15 columns of spots with increasing contrast. In the vertical features representative of those found in breast tissue:
direction the diameter of the holes increases stepwise and filaments, particles and disks. Each feature has levels A–F
exponentially from 0.3 to 8.0 mm. For the image this means which correspond to decreasing relative thickness, size, and
15 rows of spots with increasing spatial resolution. The contrasts for the filaments, particles and disks respectively
CDMAM 3.4 phantom consists of an aluminium base with [48].
gold discs of various thickness and diameter. The aluminium
An alternative method for the assessment of radiographic
base is attached to a Plexiglas (PMMA) cover. The phantom systems is the usage of task- based phantoms which can
is delivered with 4 PMMA plates of each 10 mm thickness.
measure more than one parameter at the same time. For
Every plate has an engraved marker with lead inlet for
example, US Patent 7642506 can take together such
identification. The gold discs are arranged in a matrix of 16
parameters that characterize the performance of x-ray
rows by 16 columns. Within a row the disc diameter is
imaging systems including spatial resolution, noise, detector
constant, with (partly) logarithmic increasing thickness and
efficiency, exposure response, dark image signal level, and
within a column the thickness of the discs is constant and the image artifacts [50]. Another recently invented patent (2010)
diameter increases logarithmic. Each square contains two
is the US 7729524 which provides a method for image
identical discs (same thickness, same diameter), one in the
quality assessment of a digital radiography system
centre and one in a randomly chosen corner. Easily
comprising 3 steps: a) isolating one or more individual
recognizable patterns have been avoided. The total matrix is
targets from a phantom image; b) obtaining operator
rotated by 45 degrees and the corners of the matrix are
responses by displaying each isolated individual target and
skipped. This is done for two reasons, getting a better focus recording a corresponding operator response related to image
on the interesting part (low contrast, small diameter) and
appearance for each isolated individual target; and c) storing
making the recognition of the patterns more difficult [49].
the accumulated operator responses to obtain the image
Another test object that is used for routine quality control quality assessment [51].
of digital radiography (or mammography) is TOR CDR (or
TOR MAM). This test object enables the following tests to CURRENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
be carried out: film density measurements (base and fog,
speed index, contrast index), low- contrast sensitivity (large Digital radiology is synonymous with image
details), high- contrast sensitivity (small details) and spatial enhancement, rapid transmission to remote locations and

(a) (b)

'  '   '
'  '' ' ' '  ' ' '

' ' ' '

' ' 




3 '









4 '


















 ' '



' '

" ' '


 ' '

'  '


) '
' '

 ' '

' '

'   '  '' '  ' ' ' ''  '' '

'' '' ''  '' '' ' ' '

(( ' ' ' ' ' '   '   ' '  '

Fig. (12). Contrast- Detail phantoms for Digital a) Radiography (CDRAD 2.0) and b) Mammography (CDMAM 3.4) [49].
62 Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 Salvara et al.

% & '

#  .
! -
test !
p a t t er n
" -
 # +
$  (')" * +
 $  ( * $
'  (")# *
% +  
! " # $

Fig. (13). Phantoms for quality control in digital a) Radiographic (TOR RAD) or b) Mammographic (TOR MAM) systems [48].

compact electronic storage. Continued development of DISCLOSURE

digital radiography (CR or DDR) systems is spurred by
radiology administrators' need for these advantages. The Part of information included in this article has been
previously published in Recent Patents on Medical Imaging,
wide dynamic range provided by a digital system generates
2010, 2, 5-21.
images with excellent diagnostic value.
Today, the emphasis in the development of digital ABBREVIATIONS
technology revolves around the size of the hardware and the
diagnostic quality of the images, in order to reduce the dose AAPM = America’s Association of Physicists in
in the patient, without degrading the diagnostic value of the Medicine
image. In the future, it is expected dramatic change in ACPSEM = Australian College of Physical Engineers in
radiology, including widespread use of digital technologies. Medicine
Although digital radiography is a promising new AEC = Automatic Exposure Control
approach for x-ray imaging system in diagnostic radiology, it
is more complicated than conventional analogue approach. AGD = Average Glandular Dose
Hence, it is necessary to test these digital systems. Currently, CCD = Charged Couple Device
various protocols exist for quality control of the physical and
technical aspects of digital radiography with regard to image CNR = Contrast to Noise Ratio
quality and radiation dose. Each protocol has specific CR = Computed Radiography
advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into
account in reporting the results. KCARE protocol is more CV = Coefficient of Variation
easily applicable in clinical routine than the other protocols, DAP = Dose-Area Product
as it contains simple steps for carrying out the quality control
DD = Density Difference
procedure. On the other hand, most of the tests are based on
visual inspection and not in quantification of the results DDR = Direct Digital Radiography
which renders the test less objective and not comparable to
DDI = Dose Detector Index
respective quality tests. AAPM protocol is a comprehensive
protocol (especially for quality control of CR systems) which DICOM = Digital Imaging and Communications in
uses diverse indices, according to the manufacturer, for the Medicine
quantification of the results. However, the most complete DQE = Detective Quantum Efficiency
protocol for the quality control of digital radiography
systems is the ACPSEM protocol as it contains detailed DR = Digital Radiography
quality control tests that should be included in quality EI = Exposure Indicator
assurance (QA) programs.
ESAK = Entrance Surface Air Kerma
Although, there are some individual efforts for creating
quality assurance protocols in digital radiography, it is ESD = Entrance Surface Dose
imperative to increase harmonisation as far as quality ESF = Edge Spread Function
assurance and constancy checking is concerned, so as to
compare the arising results among various systems. It is of EUREF = European Reference Organisation
outmost importance that the same parameters are measured FDD = Focus to Detector Distance
using the same protocols, worldwide.
FFD = Focus to (phosphor) Film Distance

The author declares no conflicts of interest. FSD = Focus to Skin Diastance

GE = General Electric
Digital Radiographic QC Recent Patents on Medical Imaging, 2012, Volume 2, No. 1 63

GSDF = Grayscale Standard Display Function

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