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P.O. Box 35091 – Dar es Salaam – Tanzania

Telephone: +255-22-2410500 Ext 2019
Direct line: +255-22-2410544

Telefax: +255-22-2410078


CoSS College of Social Sciences

CoHU College of Humanities
SJMC School of Journalism and Mass Communication
UDBS University of Dar es Salaam Business School
SoED School of Education
CoET College of Engineering and Technology
UDSoL University of Dar es Salaam School of Law
CoNAS College of Natural and Applied Sciences
CoICT College of Information and Communication Technologies
IMS Institute of Marine Sciences
MCHAS Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences
IKS Institute of Kiswahili Studies
CoAF College of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology
IDS Institute of Development Studies
DUCE Dar es Salaam University College of Education
MUCE Mkwawa University College of Education
SoAF School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology
UDSE University of Dar es Salaam School of Economics
SoMG School of Mines and Geosciences
UDSM- University of Dar es Salaam Mineral Resources Institute


1. BACKGROUND......................................................................................1
1.1 Campuses of the University of Dar es Salaam.............................................. 2
1.2 Student Enrollment ...................................................................................... 3

2. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES................................................5
2.1 Undergraduate Programmes.......................................................................... 5
2.2 Admission of Short-term/Occasional Students............................................. 9

3. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS...........................................................9
3.1 Undergraduate Degree Programmes General Minimum Entry
Requirements...................................................................................................... 9
Additional Entry Requirements......................................................................... 10

1. COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (CoSS).............................................. 11

Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies......................... 11
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration................. 11
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology...................................................................... 12
Bachelor of Arts in Statistics........................................................................ 12
Bachelor of Arts in Library Information Studies.......................................... 13
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.................................................................... 13
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology................................................................ 14
Bachelor of Social Work............................................................................... 14

2. COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES (CoHU)...................................................... 15

Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology.................................................................. 15
Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and History.............................................. 15
Bachelor of Arts in Heritage Management................................................... 16
Bachelor of Arts in History........................................................................... 16
Bachelor of Arts in Language Studies.......................................................... 16
Bachelor of Arts in Literature....................................................................... 16
Bachelor of Arts with Education.................................................................. 17

Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science....................................... 17
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Ethics.................................................. 18
Bachelor of Arts in Music............................................................................. 18
Bachelor of Arts in Film and Television Arts............................................... 18
Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design............................................................ 18
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts.................................................................. 18
Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and Geography......................................... 19
Bachelor of Arts in Diplomatic and Military History................................... 19
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies................................................ 19
Bachelor of Arts in History Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism.. 19
Bachelor of Arts with Education (Chinese and English).............................. 20


Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Processing Engineering.................... 20
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering............................................. 20
Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering................................................. 21
Bachelor of Science in Textile Design and Technology.............................. 21
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering........................................ 21
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering........................................... 22
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.................................................... 22
Bachelor of Architecture............................................................................... 22
Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying................................................. 22
Bachelor of Science in Geomatics................................................................ 23


Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Sciences................................................... 23
Bachelor of Science in Applied Zoology...................................................... 23
Bachelor of Science in Botanical Sciences.................................................. 24
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry............................................................... 24
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology........................................................... 24
Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology................... 24

Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Science and Conservation......................... 25
Bachelor of Science with Education............................................................ 25
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Chemistry.............................................. 25
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology............................................................ 25
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics..................................... 26
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Physics............................................ 26
Bachelor of Science in Applied Microbiology and Chemistry..................... 26


TECHNOLOGIES (CoICT).............................................................................. 27
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science................................................... 27
Bachelor of Science in Electronic Science and Communication ................ 27
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Information
Technology................................................................................................... 27
Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering........................... 28
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering.......................................... 28
Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology........................... 28


Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology................................ 29
Bachelor of Science in Beekeeping Science and Technology...................... 29
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization......... 29
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Natural Resources Economics
and Business................................................................................................. 30
Bachelor of Science in Crop Science and Technology................................. 30


(UDSM- MCHAS)........................................................................................ 30
Doctor of Medicine...................................................................................... 30
Doctor of Dental Surgery............................................................................ 30


Bachelor of Arts in Journalism..................................................................... 31
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication................................................... 31
Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising.................................. 31

9. INSTITUTE OF KISWAHILI STUDIES (IKS).................................................. 32

Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili....................................................................... 32

10. INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (IDS)............................... 33

Bachelor of Arts in DevelopmentStudies..................................................... 33

11.INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES (IMS)........................................... 33

Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences...................................................... 33

12.UDSM BUSINESS SCHOOL (UDBS)...................................................... 34

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting......................................................... 34
Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Financial Services......................... 34
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance.............................................................. 34
Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Management......................... 35
Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing........................................................... 35
Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Management......................................... 35
Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening).......................................... 36
Bachelor of Commerce in Procurement and Supply Chain Management.... 36

13.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (SoED).......................................................... 37

Bachelor of Education in Adult and Community Education........................ 37
Bachelor of Education in Commerce............................................................ 37
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education................................ 37
Bachelor of Education in Physical Education and Sport Sciences......... 38
Bachelor of Education in Psychology.......................................................... 38

14.UDSM SCHOOL OF LAW (UDSoL)......................................................... 39

Bachelor of Arts in Law Enforcement.......................................................... 39
Bachelor of Laws......................................................................................... 39

ECONOMICS (UDSE)................................................................................. 40
Bachelor of Arts in Economics.................................................................... 40
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Statistics............................................... 40

16.SCHOOL OF MINES AND GEOSCIENCES (SoMG).............................. 41

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Geology............................................... 41
Bachelor of Science in Geology................................................................... 41
Bachelor of Science with Geology............................................................... 41
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geology.................................................. 41
Bachelor of Science in Geology and Geothermal Resources....................... 42
Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering................................................. 42
Bachelor of Science in Geophysics.............................................................. 42
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering............................................ 42
Bachelor of Science in Metallurgy and Mineral Processing Engineering.... 42


Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries............................... 43


EDUCATION (DUCE)................................................................................. 44
Bachelor of Arts with Education.................................................................. 44
Bachelor of Science with Education............................................................. 44
Bachelor of Education in Arts...................................................................... 44
Bachelor of Education in Science................................................................. 44
Bachelor of Arts in Disaster Risk Management........................................... 45
Bachelor of Arts with Education.................................................................. 45
Bachelor of Science with Education..................................................... 45
Bachelor of Education in Arts............................................................... 45
Bachelor of Education in Science................................................................. 46
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry................................................................ 46

3.2 Undergraduate Non-Degree Programmes.............................................. 47

COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES......................................................................... 47
Certificate in Sign Language Interpretation.................................................. 47
Diploma in Chinese Language..................................................................... 47


TECHNOLOGIES............................................................................................ 47
Certificate in Computer Science................................................................... 47
Diploma in Computer Science...................................................................... 48

UDSM SCHOOL OF LAW.............................................................................. 50

Certificate in Law......................................................................................... 50


Certificate in Journalism............................................................................... 50
Diploma in Journalism................................................................................. 50


INSTITUTE (DODOMA)................................................................................. 50
Basic Technician Certificate in Geology and Mineral Exploration............. 50
Basic Technician Certificate in Petroleum Geosciences and Exploration.... 50
Basic Technician Certificate in Mining Engineering.................................... 50
Basic Technician Certificate in Metallurgy and Mineral
Processing Engineering................................................................................ 51
Basic Technician Certificate in Environmental Engineering
and Management........................................................................................... 51
Basic Technician Certificate in Land and Mine Surveying.......................... 51
Technician Certificate in Geology and Mineral Exploration........................ 51
Technician Certificate in Petroleum Geosciences and Exploration.............. 51
Technician Certificate in Mining Engineering.............................................. 51
Technician Certificate in Environmental Engineering and Management..... 51
Technician Certificate in Land and Mine Surveying.................................... 51
Diploma in Geology and Mineral Exploration............................................. 51

Diploma in Petroleum Geosciences.............................................................. 52
Diploma in Mining Engineering................................................................... 52
Diploma in Mineral Processing Engineering................................................ 52
Diploma in Environmental Engineering and Management in Mines.......... 52
Diploma in Land and Mine Surveying......................................................... 52


Basic Technician Certificate in Educational Laboratory Science and
Technology................................................................................................... 52
Technician Certificate in Educational Laboratory Science and
Technology................................................................................................... 53
Diploma in Educational Laboratory Science and Technology..................... 53

4. MODE OF APPLICATION..................................................................54
4.1 Admission account...................................................................................... 54
4.2 Application fee payment: Tanzanians.......................................................... 55
4.3 International Applicants.............................................................................. 58
4.4 Undergraduate Non-Degree Programmes................................................... 58

5. ADMISSION REGULATIONS............................................................58
5.1 Application Regulations.............................................................................. 58
5.2 Regulations Governing Selected Candidates.............................................. 58

6. FEES AND BURSARIES......................................................................60

6.1 Regular Undergraduate Degree Programmes.............................................. 60
6.2 Evening Undergraduate Degree Programmes............................................. 69
6.3 Undergraduate Short-Term/Occasional Programmes.................................. 69
6.4 Undergraduate Non-Degree Programmes................................................... 70

7. UDSM MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS.......................................................75

8. OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS..........................................................75


Table 1: Campuses of the University of Dar es Salaam...................................... 2

Table 2: Colleges, Schools and Institutes............................................................ 2
Table 3: Enrolment in the 2022/2023 academic year.......................................... 4
Table 4: Certificate and Diploma Programmes................................................... 5
Table 5: Degree entry requirements.................................................................. 11
Table 6: Non-degree programmes entry requirements...................................... 47
Table 7: Tuition Fees for Degree Programmes.................................................. 60
Table 8: Direct University Costs (Payable to the University)........................... 68
Table 9: Direct Students’ Costs (Payable Directly to Students)........................ 68
Table 10: Occasional Students (One Semester)................................................ 69
Table 12: Certificate in Sign Language Interpretation Direct
University costs (Payable to the University)..................................... 70
Table 13: Direct Student Costs per Year (Payable directly to students)............ 71
Table 14: Diploma in Chinese........................................................................... 71
Table 15: Certificate in Computer Science........................................................ 72
Table 16: Diploma in Computer Science – Full time and Part time................. 72
Table 17: Certificate in Law.............................................................................. 72
Table 18: Certificate in Journalism................................................................... 73
Table 19: Diploma in Journalism...................................................................... 73
Table 20: UDSM MRI FEE STRUCTURE...................................................... 73
Table 21(a): Diploma in Educational Laboratory Science and Technology NTA
Level 4 (Basic Technician Certificate) NTA Level 5 (Technician
Certificate) and NTA Level 6 (Diploma) Direct University costs
(Payable to the University)............................................................ 74
Table 21(b): Direct Students’ Cost (Payable directly to students).................... 74


The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) is the oldest and most popular public
university in Tanzania. It is situated on the western side of the city of Dar es
Salaam, occupying 1,625 acres at the Observation Hill, and 13 kilometers from
the City Centre. It was established on 1st July, 1970, through the Act No. 12 of
the Parliament of 1970. Recently, the Universities Act No. 7, of 2005 repealed
Act No. 12 of 1970 and all the enabling legal instruments of the constituent
colleges. Prior to 1970, the University College, Dar es Salaam had started in
1961 as an affiliate College of the University of London. It had only one faculty
– the Faculty of Law, with 14 students. In 1963 it became a Constituent College
of the University of East Africa together with Makerere University College in
Uganda and Nairobi University College in Kenya. Since 1961, the University
of Dar es Salaam has grown in terms of student intake, academic units and

The University of Dar es Salaam is an “Equal-Opportunity” institution

of higher learning, committed to a policy of student admission regardless
of one’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender or physical disability.

1.1 Campuses of the University of Dar es Salaam
The University of Dar es Salaam has four campuses, seven colleges, seven
institutes and seven schools as per tables below:

Table 1: Campuses of the University of Dar es Salaam

1 Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere Mlimani Dar es Salaam
2 Dar es Salaam University College of Education Dar es Salaam
3 Mkwawa University College of Education Iringa
4 University of Dar es Salaam Mineral Resource Dodoma and
Institute Nzega

The Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere Mlimani Campus hosts the following

Colleges, Schools and Institutes.

Table 2: Colleges, Schools and Institutes

1 College of Agriculture and Food Technology Mlimani
2 College of Engineering and Technology Mlimani
3 College of Humanities Mlimani
4 College of Information and Communication Technology Mlimani
5 College of Natural and Applied Sciences Mlimani
6 College of Social Sciences Mlimani
7 Institute of Development Studies Mlimani
8 Institute of Kiswahili Studies Mlimani
9 Confucius Institute Mlimani
10 School of Education Mlimani
11 School of Mines and Geosciences Mlimani
12 School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology Mlimani
13 University of Dar es Salaam Business School Mlimani
14 University of Dar es Salaam School of Law Mlimani
15 University of Dar es Salaam School of Economics Mlimani
16 Institute of Marine Sciences Zanzibar

17 University of Dar es Salaam Mineral Resource Institute Dodoma/
18 Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences Mbeya
19 School of Journalism and Mass Communication Mlimani

The University of Dar es Salaam had eight campuses until June 2007 – UDSM
Main Campus, the then Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences
(MUCHS) (since 1st July 1991) located within the Muhimbili National Hospital
in Dar es Salaam, the then University College of Lands and Architectural
Studies (UCLAS) (since 1st July 1996) located adjacent to the Main Campus,
the then Faculty of Aquatic Sciences and Technology (FAST) (since August
2002) located at Kunduchi in Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS)
(since 17th October 1978) located in Zanzibar, the then Institute of Journalism
and Mass Communication (IJMC) (since 1st July 2003) located at Mikocheni
in Dar es Salaam, the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)
(since 22nd July 2005) located at Chang‟ombe in Dar es Salaam, the Mkwawa
University College of Education (MUCE) (since 22nd July 2005) located in
Iringa, and the Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS) (Since
December 2016) located in Mbeya. Currently, UDSM has four campuses with
two of its constituent colleges – the Muhimbili University College of Health
Sciences (MUCHS) and the University College of Land and Architectural
Studies (UCLAS) now being independent universities since 1st July 2007.

1.2 Student Enrollment

The number of students enrolled in undergraduate degree programmes at the
University of Dar es Salaam has been increasing steadily, from 14 in 1961 to
39,165 (19,267 females and 19,898 males) in the 2022/2023 academic year.
Female students constitute 49.2% of all undergraduate students.

Table 3: Enrolment in the 2022/2023 academic year

Academic Unit Female Male Total %F

College of Agriculture and Food 399 639 1038 38.4
Technology (CoAF)
College of Engineering and Technology 574 1590 2164 26.5
College of Humanities (CoHU) 4125 3167 7292 56.6
College of Information and 464 1173 1637 28.3
Communication Technologies (CoICT)
College of Natural and Applied Sciences 811 1203 2014 40.3
College of Social Sciences (CoSS) 2112 1182 3294 64.1
Institute of Development Studies (IDS) 302 215 517 58.4
Institute of Kiswahili Studies (IKS) 349 145 494 70.6
Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) 26 49 75 34.7
Mbeya College of Health and Allied 253 412 665 38.0
Sciences (MCHAS)
University of Dar es Salaam Mineral 128 534 662 19.3
Resources Institute (UDSM-MRI)
School of Journalism and Mass 391 288 679 57.6
Communication (SJMC)
School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries 49 88 137 35.8
School of Education (SoED) 681 550 1231 55.3
School of Mines and Geosciences (SoMG) 172 481 653 26.3
University of Dar es Salaam Business 1485 1031 2516 59.0
School (UDBS)
University of Dar es Salaam School of 627 548 1175 53.4
Economics (UDSE)
University of Dar es Salaam School of 549 356 905 60.7
Law (UDSoL)
Dar es Salaam University College of 3085 2985 6070 50.8
Education (DUCE)
Mkwawa University College of Education 2685 3262 5947 45.1
Total 19267 19898 39165 49.2
2.1 Undergraduate Programmes
Undergraduate programmes offered by the University of
Dar es Salaam in its various academic units include Degree, Diploma, and
Certificate Programmes. A list of Undergraduate Degree Programmes and the
admission requirements for each Degree Programme are given in the following

Detailed information for Certificate and Diploma Programmes can be obtained

from specific units that offer the programmes as per the table below.

Table 4: Certificate and Diploma Programmes

1 University of Dar es Salaam a. Certificate in Law
School of Law

2 College of Information and a. Certificate in Computer Science

Communication Technology
b. Diploma in Computer Science
3 College of Humanities a. Certificate in Sign Language
b. Diploma in Chinese
4 School of Journalism and a. Certificate in Journalism
Mass Communication
b. Diploma in Journalism

5. Dar es Salaam University Basic certificates programmes
College of Education Basic Technician Certificate in
Educational Laboratory Science
and Technology

Certificates programmes
Technician Certificate in
Educational Laboratory Science
and Technology
Diploma programmes
Diploma in Educational Laboratory
Science and Technology

6 University of Dar es Salaam Basic certificates programmes
- Mineral Resources Institute a. Basic Certificate in
(Dodoma Campus) Environmental Engineering and
b. Basic Certificate in Geology and
Mineral Exploration
c. Basic Certificate in Land and
Mine Surveying
d. Basic Certificate in Metallurgy
and Mineral Processing
e. Basic Certificate in Mining
f. Basic Certificate in Petroleum
Geosciences and Exploration
Technician Certificates programmes
a. Technician Certificate in
Environmental Engineering and
b. Technician Certificate in Geology
and Mineral Exploration
c. Technician Certificate in Land and
Mine Surveying
d. Technician Certificate in
Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
e. Technician Certificate in Mining
f. Technician Certificate in Petroleum
Geosciences and Exploration

University of Dar es Salaam Diploma programmes
- Mineral Resources Institute a. Diploma in Environmental
(Dodoma Campus) Engineering and Management
b. Diploma in Geology and
Mineral Exploration
c. Diploma in Land and Mine
d. Diploma in Metallurgy and
Mineral Processing Engineering
e. Diploma in Mining Engineering
f. Diploma in Petroleum
Geosciences and Exploration

University of Dar es Salaam a. Basic Technician Certificate in

- Mineral Resources Institute Land and Mine Surveying
(Nzega Campus)
b. Technician Certificate in Land
and Mine Surveying
c. Diploma in Land and Mine

2.2 Admission of Short-term/Occasional Students
Short-term students are admitted into undergraduate degree programmes for
duration of one academic year while occasional students are admitted for one
semester. Students may simply attend courses or in addition sit for examinations
and the grades submitted to their home universities. The entry qualifications
are the same as those for admission into regular undergraduate degree courses
or equivalent. Applications are submitted through the applicant’s University/
College which then writes a recommendation letter. Detailed information on
the admission of Short-Term/Occasional Students can be obtained from the
published University Prospectus available online at


Candidates wishing to be admitted to the University of Dar es Salaam to pursue

bachelor degree or non-degree programmes have to fulfill the general minimum
entry requirements as well as the additional entry requirements specific to each
academic programme.

1. Applicants from countries which follow an 8-4-4 education system need
to complete at least one year of study at a university in their own coun-
tries before they can be considered for admission into the University of
Dar es Salaam.

2. All Direct applicants must also meet the TCU minimum entry require-
ment of Two Principal passes with at least a total of 4.0 points from Two
A’ level subjects.

3.1 Bachelor Degree Programmes General Minimum Entry Require-

A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration for admission to a
bachelor-degree programme of the University of Dar es Salaam if the candidate
has the following qualifications:

(a) Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) or equivalent,
with passes in FIVE approved subjects THREE of which must be at Cred-
it level obtained prior to sitting for the Advanced Certificate of Secondary
Education Examination (ACSEE) or equivalent;
(Direct Applicants)
(b) Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE)
with Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points in Two Subjects de-
fining the admission into the respective programme.

a) For all Applicants except Graduates of 2014 and 2015:
• A = 5; B = 4; C = 3; D = 2; E = 1; S = 0.5 and F = 0 point
• The minimum Principal in this case is an ‘E’ grade.

b) For graduates of 2014 and 2015:

• A = 5; B+ = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; E = 0.5 and F = 0 point.
• The minimum Principal in this case is a ‘D’ grade.

c) For Arts programmes:

• Principal Level Passes in appropriate subjects in the ACSEE. or
equivalent with total points from three subjects not below 5
Principal level passes in Divinity/Islamic Knowledge are not counted

(Equivalent Applicants)
(c) An appropriate equivalent Diploma of a GPA not less than 3.5 for Or-
dinary Diplomas or B average for Teacher Education and Health Relat-
ed diplomas or Distinction for unclassified awards or B grade for Full
Technician Certificates or Upper Second Class for non-NTA diplomas
obtained from a college which is fully registered by NACTVET and ap-
proved by the UDSM Senate.

Additional Entry Requirements

In addition to the general minimum entry requirements, there are additional
qualifications, specific to the various degree programmes, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Degree entry requirements
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent EntryQualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD004 Bachelor of 3 EGM, HGE, Two Principal passes, UDSM Senate recognised Diploma
Arts in Ge- PGM, CBG, one of which must be in with a GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
ography and HGK, HGL Geography grade or distinction in the following:
Environmen- Social Work,
tal Studies Sociology,
Population Studies,

Land Survey or Environmental
UD009 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principal passes Diploma in Arts, Social Sciences,
Arts in Polit- ECA, HKL, in History, Geography, International Relations, recognised by
ical Science KLF, HGE, Kiswahili, EnglishLanguage, UDSM Senate of GPA not less than 3.5
and Public EGM, KFC French,Arabic, Fine Arts, or B+ grade ordistinction
Administra- Economics, Commerce,
tion Accountancy or Advanced
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent EntryQualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)

UD010 Bachelor 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principal passes Diploma in Arts, Social Sciences,
of Arts in ECA, HKL, in History, Geography, Health Sciences, recognised by UDSM
Sociology KLF, HGE, Kiswahili, English Language, Senate of GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
KFC French, Arabic, Fine Arts, grade ordistinction
Chinese, Economics,
Commerce or Accountancy

UD011 Bachelor 3 PCM, EGM, A principal pass in Diploma in Statisticsand Diploma in

of Arts in PGM, PMC Mathematics with minimum Education (Mathematics) recognised by

Statistics of “D” grade and one of UDSM Senate, of GPA not less than 3.5
the following subjects: or B+ grade ordistinction
Economics, Geography,
Kiswahili, English Language,
French, Arabic, Fine Art,
Commerce, Accountancy,
Physics, Chemistry Biology,
History, Agriculture,
Computer Science or
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent EntryQualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)

UD064 Bachelor 3 PMC, PCM, Two Principal passes in Arts Diploma in Library studies,
of Arts in PCB, PGM, or Science subjects Records Management and Archives
Library EGM, CBG, Administration, Education, ICT, IT or
Information CBA, CBN, related fields with GPA not less than
Studies HGL, HGK, 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction

UD067 Bachelor 3 PMC, PCM, Two Principal passes in Arts Diploma in Psychology or related
of Arts in PCB, PGM, or Science subjects fields of GPAnot less than 3.5 or B+
Psychology EGM, CBG, grade or distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent EntryQualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)

UD068 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, Two Principal passes in Arts Diploma in Anthropology or related
Arts in An- PCB, PGM, or Science subjects fields of GPAnot less than 3.5 or B+
thropology EGM, CBG, grade or distinction
UD066 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principal passes in Arts Diploma in Social Work or related
Social Work ECA, HKL, subjects fields of GPA not less than 3.5 or B+

KLF, HGE, grade or distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Equivalent EntryQualifications
Name (Years) Combina- Qualifications (Form VI)


UD001 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts Diploma in Social Work, Sociology,
Arts in Ar- PGM, EGM, or Science subjects Cultural Heritage Management,
chaeology CBG, CBA, Architecture, Geology or Education
CBN, HGL, Sciences, Architecture, Geology,
HGK, ECA, Education, recognised by UDSM
HKL, KLF, Senate of GPA not less than 3.5 or B+

HGE grade or distinction

UD003 Bachelor 3 HGE, HGK, Two Principal passes, one of Diploma in Social Work, Sociology,
of Arts in HGL, HKL which must be in History Cultural Heritage Management,
Archaeology Architecture, Geology or Education
and History Sciences, Architecture, Geology,
Education, recognised by UDSM
Senate of GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
grade or distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combina- (Form VI)
UD005 Bachelor of 3 HGE, HGK, Two Principal passes, one of Diploma in Arts, Heritage,
Arts in Heri- HGL, HKL which must be in History Architecture, Teaching, Library,
tage Manage- Social Studies, Records Management,
ment Tourism, Law, Wildlife, recognised by
UDSM Senate, of GPA not less than
3.5 or B+ grade or distinction
UD006 Bachelor 3 HGE, HGK, Two Principal passes, one of Diploma in Architecture, Archival
of Arts in HGL, HKL which must be in History, Studies, Records Management,
History with a D grade or above, Library or Social Work recognised by

and a principal pass in UDSM Senate of GPA not less than
other subjects like English, 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction
Geography, Fine Arts, French,
or Arabic
UD007 Bachelor 3 KLF, HGL, Two principal passes at C Diploma in Education, recognised by
of Arts in HKL, KFC grade or above in Kiswahili, UDSM Senate of GPA not less than
Language English or French 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction
UD008 Bachelor of 3 KLF, HGL, Two Principal passes in the Diploma in Education, recognised by
Arts in Liter- HKL following subjects,English UDSM Senate of GPA not less than
ature and Kiswahili. 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combina- (Form VI)
UD012 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principal passes in Arts Diploma in Education with two Arts
Arts with ECA, HKL, subjects. subjects with GPA not less than 3.5
Education KLF, HGE, or B+ grade or distinction

UD023 Bachelor 3 HGE, HGK, Two Principal passes, one Diploma in ArchivalStudies, Records
of Arts in HGL, HKL of which must be in History Management, International Relations,
History and at C grade or above and a Diplomatic Studies or Legal Studies
Political principal pass in other subjects recognised by UDSM Senate of

Science like English, Kiswahili, GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
Economics, Geography, Fine distinction
Arts, French or Arabic
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD069 Bachelor 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in Philosophy or related
of Arts in PGM, EGM, CBG, Science subjects fields of GPA not less than 3.5 or
Philosophy CBA, CBN,HGL, B+ grade or distinction
and Ethics HGK,ECA, HKL,KLF,

UD073 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in any subject of GPA
Arts in Music PGM, EGM, CBG, Science subjects not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
CBA, CBN, HGL, distinction
UD072 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in any subject of GPA

Arts in Film PGM, EGM, CBG, Science subjects not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
and Televi- CBA, CBN, HGL, distinction
sionArts HGK, ECA, HKL,
UD071 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in any subject of GPA
Arts in Art PGM, EGM, CBG, Science subjects not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
and Design CBA, CBN, HGL, distinction
UD081 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in any subject of GPA
Arts in The- PGM, EGM, CBG, Science subjects not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
atreArts CBA, CBN, HGL, distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD084 Bachelor 3 HGL, HGK,HGE Two principal passes in History Diploma in Arts, Geography,
of Arts in and Geography Environmental Studies, History,
Archaeology Sociology, SocialWork of GPA
and Geogra- not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
UD088 Bachelor 3 HGL, HGK,HKL, Two principal passes one of Diploma in Diplomatic Studies,
of Arts in HGE which must be in History with C and in Legal Studieswith an
Diplomatic grade and principal pass in other average of B+ or a minimum of3.5
andMilitary subjects like English, Kiswahili,
Economics, Geography, Fine
Arts, French or Arabic

UD093 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in Communication
Arts in Com- PGM, EGM, CBG, Science subjects. In addition, a Studies or any other relevant
munication CBA, CBN,HGL, credit in English at O’ Level is field (such as Public relations,
Studies HGK,ECA, HKL,KLF, mandatory. Education, Management,
HGE, KFC Tourism, Journalism and Mass
communication) of not less
than 3.5 GPA obtained from a
recognised institution
UD094 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK,HKL, Two Principal passes, one of Diploma in Tourism,Social Work,
Arts in His- HGE which must be in History with and Records Management of GPA
tory Cultural a minimum of “D”grade and not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
principal pass in other subjects distinction
Heritage like English, Kiswahili,
Management Economics, Geography, Fine
and Tourism Arts, French, orArabic.
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD085 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, PMC, Two principal passes in arts or Any diploma from a recognized
Arts with PGM, EGM, CBG, science subjects one of which institution with an average of
Education CBA, CBN,HGL,E- must be in Chinese. If one of “B+” or a minimum GPA of 3.5.
CA HGK, HKL,KLF, principal passes is not Chinese, The candidate must have attained
(Chinese and HGE, KFC an applicant must have an ‘A’ HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test, an
English) grade at O’Level international standardized Chinese
test) Level III and above


UD013 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal passes in Mathematics Diploma or Full Technician
Science in and Physics. Those without Certificate (FTC) in Sciences or
Chemical at least a subsidiary pass in Laboratory Technology recognised

Chemistry must have a Credit at by UDSM Senate with an average
andProcess- O-Level of “B+’’ or a minimum GPA of
ing Engi- 3.5. In addition, an applicant must
neering have a minimum of “C” grade in
Mathematics at O-Level.
UD015 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal passes inMathematics Diploma in Sciences/FTC
Science in and Physics. Those without in Electrical Engineering or
Electrical at least a Subsidiary pass in Electronics, with a Credit Pass in
Chemistry must have a Credit at Mathematics and anoverall average
Engineering O-Level of B+with GPA not less than 3.5 or
B grade or distinction or B average
for FTC
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD017 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal passes inMathematics Diploma/FTC in Sciences,
Science in and Physics. Those without Laboratory Technology, with a
Textile Engi- at least a Subsidiary pass in Credit Pass in Mathematics and an
neering Chemistry must have a Credit at overall average of B+ with GPA
O-Level not less than 3.5 or B grade or
distinction or B average for FTC

UD018 Bachelor 4 PCM, PCB, PMC, Any two Principal passes in Diploma/FTC in Sciences,
of Science PGM, EGM, CBG, Science or Arts subjects including Laboratory Technology or
in Textile CBA, CBN, HGL, Fine Arts. Candidates must have Architecture, with a Credit Pass
Design and ECA HGK, HKL, Passes in Chemistry at O-Level in Mathematics and an overall
KLF, HGE, KFC and Mathematics at O-Level or average of B+ (Upper Second
Basic Applied Mathematics at Class) with GPA of not less than

A-Level 3.5 or Bgrade or distinction or B
grade for FTC
UD055 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal Passes inMathematics Diploma or FTC in Mechanical
Science in and Physics. Those without a Engineering, Agro- mechanics,
Mechanical Principal in Chemistry must have Automotive, Industrial
Engineering a Credit at O-Level Automations or Marine
Engineering,with a Credit Pass
in Mathematics and with GPA
not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
distinction or B grade for FTC
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD056 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal Passes inMathematics Diploma or FTC in Mechanical
Science in and Physics. Those without Engineering, Agro- Mechanics,
Industrial Principal in Chemistry must have Automotive, Industrial
Engineering a Credit at O-Level Automations, MarineEngineering,
with a Credit Pass in Mathematics
and with GPA not less than 3.5 or
B+ grade or distinction or B grade
for FTC
UD058 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal passes inMathematics Diploma or FTC in Civil,
Science in and Physics. Those without at Transportation, Highway or Water
Civil Engi- least a Subsidiary in Chemistry Resources Engineering, with a
neering must have a Credit pass in Credit Pass in Mathematics and
Chemistry at O-Level with GPA not less than 3.5 or B+

grade or distinction or B grade for

UD063 Bachelor of 5 PCM, PGM,PCB, CBN, Two Principal passes in any Diploma in Architecture
Architecture CBA, PMC of the following subjects: recognised by UDSM Senate with
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade
Mathematics, Geography or Fine or distinction or B gradefor FTC

UD077 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal passes in Diploma in relevant fields of
Science in Mathematics and Physics technical education (NTA
Quantity 6) such as Diploma in any
Surveying Engineering programme with
GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
grade or distinction or B grade
for FTC
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD079 Bachelor of 4 PMC, PCM, PGM, Principal passes inMathematics Diplomas in relevantfields including
Science in EGM and either Physics, Geography, Water resources, Geomatics and Civil
Geomatics Chemistry or Computer Science. Engineering with GPA not less than
If the second Principal pass is 3.5 or B+ grade or distinction or B
not Physics, the candidate must gradefor FTC and at least C grade in
have at least a Subsidiary pass in Mathematics


UD021 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM,EGM, Two Principal Passes, one of Diploma in Mathematical Sciences,
Science in PMC which must be inMathematics Statistics, recognised by UDSM
Actuarial Senate with GPA not less than 3.5 or
Sciences B+ grade or distinction. Must have
at least a Credit in Mathematics or

UD022 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG,CBA Two principal passes, one in Diploma in Biological Sciences with
of Science CBN Biology and another in any of at least second class with GPA not less
in Applied the following subjects: Physics, than 3.5 or B+ grade or distinction or
Zoology Chemistry, Geography, or B average for FTC
Advanced Mathematics
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)

UD024 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG,CBA, Two principal passes, one in Diploma in Biological Sciences,
of Science CBN Biology and another in any of Forestry, Agriculture,Wildlife with
in Botanical the following subjects: Physics, GPA not less than 3.5 or B+grade or
Sciences Chemistry, Geography, or distinction or B average for FTC
Advanced Mathematics

UD025 Bachelor of 3 PCB, CBG,CBA, Two Principal passes one in Diploma in Chemistry, Chemical
Science in CBN,PCM Chemistry and another in any of Laboratory Technology, with GPA not
Chemistry the following subjects: Biology, less than 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction
Physics, Mathematics, Nutrition or B average for FTC


UD029 Bachelor of 3 PCB, CBG,CBA, Two principal passes, one in Diploma in Biological sciences,
Science in CBN Biology and another in any of Health and Allied Sciences with
Microbiol- the following subjects: Physics, GPA not less than 3.5 or B+grade or
ogy Chemistry, Geography, or distinction or B average for FTC
Advanced Mathematics

UD030 Bachelor of 3 PCB, CBG,CBA, Two principal passes, one in Diploma in Biological sciences,
Science in CBN Biology and another in any of Nursing, Public Health, Clinical
Molecular the following subjects: Physics, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Studies
Biology and Chemistry, Geography, or or Medical Laboratory Scienceswith
Advanced Mathematics GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
distinction or B average for FTC
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)

UD031 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG,CBA, Two principal passes, one in Diploma in Biological Sciences,
of Science CBN Biology and another in any of Beekeeping, Wildlifewith GPA
in Wildlife the following subjects: Physics, not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
Science and Chemistry, Geography, or distinction or B average for FTC
Advanced Mathematics
UD032 Bachelor of 3 PCB, PCM, PGM, Two Principal passes in any of Diploma in Science subjects, Science
Science with PMC, EGM, CBG, the following subjects:Physics, Education, FTC, with GPA not less
Education CBA, CBN Chemistry, Mathematics, Biolo- than 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction or
gy, Economics andGeography B average for FTC

UD061 Bachelor of 3 CBG, CBN,CBA, Principal passes in Chemistry Diploma in Chemistry and related
Science in PCM,PCB and either Mathematics, Physics, fields with GPA not less than 3.5 or
Petroleum Biology or Geography B+ grade or distinction or B gradefor
Chemistry FTC and at least aCredit in Chemis-
try at O-Level

UD062 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, PMC Principal passes inMathematics Diploma in Meteorology recognised
Science in and Physics by UDSM Senate withGPA not less
Meteorology than 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD089 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, Two principal passes one in Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics,
Science in EGM, PMC Mathematics and another in Economics or other relevant discipline
Mathematics any ofthe following: Economics, of not less than second-class with GPA
and Statistics Geography, Commerce, not below 3.5 and a grade in Statistics
Accountancy, Physics, Chemistry, or Mathematics or Quantitative Methods
Biology or Computer Science of C or better, to be approved by the
UD095 Bachelor of 3 PCM Principal passes in Chemistry and Diploma in Chemistry Physics and
Science in Physics in addition an applicant related fields of at least an upper second
Chemistry MUST have passes in Chemistry class award with GPA of at least 3.5
andPhysics Physics and from a recognised colleges as approved
Mathematics at O’Level by the UDSM Senate

UD096 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG, Two principal passes in Chemistry Diploma in Biological Sciences,
of Science CBN, CBA and Biology Nursing, Public Health, Clinical
in Applied Medicine, Pharmaceutical Studies or
Microbiology Medical Laboratory Sciences with an
average of B+ or minimum GPAof 3.5
and Chem-
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD034 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, Two principal passes in Diploma or Full Technician Certificate
Science in PMC Mathematics and Physics. (FTC) in Computer Science, I T, ICT or
Computer Electronic Science and Communication
Science recognised by UDSM Senate with
an average of “B+’’ or a minimum
GPA of 3.5. In addition, an applicant
must have a minimum of “C” grade in
Mathematics at O-Level
UD035 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, Principal passes inMathematics Diploma in Sciences,Computer Science,
Science in PMC and Physics IT, ICT, with GPA not less than 3.5 or

Electronic B+ grade or distinction or B average for
Science and FTC
UD014 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, Two principal passes in Diploma or Full Technician Certificate
Science in PMC Mathematics and Physics. (FTC) in Sciences, ICT, Computer
Computer En- An applicant without at least a Science, Electronics or Laboratory
gineering and subsidiary pass in Chemistry must Technology recognised by UDSM
have a minimum of “C” grade at Senate with an average of “B+’’ or a
O-Level. minimum GPA of 3.5. In addition, an
Technology applicant must have a minimum of “C”
grade in Mathematics at O-Level
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD019 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, Two principal passes in Advanced Diploma or Full Technician Certificate
Science in PMC Mathematics and Physics. (FTC) in Computer Engineering,
Telecom- An applicant without at least a Electronics Engineering or
munications subsidiary pass in Chemistry must Telecommunications Engineering with
have a minimum of “C” grade at an average of “B+’’ or a minimum
O-Level -Level. GPA of 3.5. In addition, an applicant
must have a minimum of “C” grade in
Mathematics at O-Level.
UD086 Bachelor of 4 PCM, Principal passes inMathematics Diploma in Information Technology,
Science in PGM,PMC and Physics. Those without Computer Engineering, Computer
Electronics at least a Subsidiary Pass in Science, Electronics, Laboratory
Engineering Chemistry must have a Credit at Technology, Mechanical, Electrical,
O-Level Automobile, Transport, Air Craft

Maintenance, Biomedical Engineering,
with GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade
ordistinction or B average for FTC
UD090 Bachelor 3 PCM, PGM, Two principal passes in the Diploma/Full Technician Certificate
of Science EGM, PMC following subjects:Mathematics, (FTC) inMathematics, Statistics,
in Business Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Computer Science,
Information and Economics. In addition, for Information Technology, Computer
applicants without Advanced Engineering, Electronics or
Mathematics in their principal TelecommunicationEngineering with
subjects must havea minimum G.P.A not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
of “C” grade in Mathematics at distinction
Code Pro- Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
gramme (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD074 Bachelor 4 PCB, CBG, Two Principal passes from Biology Diploma in Food Science and
of Science CBA, CBN and any of the following subjects: Technology, Agriculture, Nutrition,
in Food Chemistry, Physics and Nutrition. Engineering and Technology, and
Science and An applicant without at least a related fields withGPA not less than 3.5
subsidiary pass in Mathematics or B+ grade or distinction or B grade
must have a minimum of “D” at for FTC
O- Level
UD075 Bachelor of 3 PCB, CBG, Two Principal passes from Biology Diploma in an appropriate field
Science in CBA, CBN and any ofthe following fields: of Biological Sciences such as

Beekeeping Chemistry, Nutrition, Agriculture, Beekeeping, Agriculture, Fisheries,
Science and Physics and Geography Wildlife Management and Forestry
with GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade
or distinction or B grade for FTC
UD076 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, Principal passes in Mathematics Diploma or Full Technician Certificate
Science in PMC and Physics. An applicant without (FTC) in Agricultural Engineering,
Agricultural at least a subsidiarypass in Civil Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering Chemistry must have a minimum Engineering, Agro- mechanization,
of “C” at O’ Level. In addition an Electrical Engineering, Water
and Mecha-
applicant must have a minimum of Resources Engineering, Mining
nization D grade in Biology at O‟ Level Engineering and General Agricultural
with an average of “B+‟‟ or a
minimumGPA of 3.5. In addition, an
applicantmust have a minimum of “D”
grade in either Mathematics, Biology,
or Chemistry at O- Level.
Code Pro- Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
gramme (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD078 Bachelor of 3 ECA, EGM, Two Principal passes in Diploma in Beekeeping, Agribusiness,
Science in HGE Economics and either Commerce, Economics, Agriculture, Fisheries,
Agricultural Agriculture, Wildlife Management or Forestry
and Natural Geography andMathematics recognised by UDSM Senate with an
average of “B+’’ or a minimum GPA
of 3.5.
and Busi-
UD083 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG, Two principal passes in Diploma in Agriculture, Crop
of Science CBA, CBN Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Production, Horticulture, Home
in Crop Geography, Physics, or Nutrition Economics and Nutrition with a GPA

Science and of not less than 3.5 approved by the
UDSM Senate.


UD080 Doctor of 5 PCB Three principal passes in Physics, Diploma in ClinicalMedicine rec-
Medicine Chemistry, and Biology with a ognised by UDSM Senate with an
minimum of D grade average of “B+’’ or a minimum GPA
of 3.5.
UD098 Doctor 5 PCB Three principal passes in Physics, Diploma in Dental Health Sciences
of Dental Chemistry and Biology with a recognised by UDSM Senate with an
Surgery minimum of D grade average of “B+’’ or a minimum GPA
of 3.5.
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD037 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Any two Principal passes. Diploma in Journalism, Media
Arts in Jour- PGM, EGM, CBG, Those without a Principal or Production, Media Studies, Mass
nalism CBA, CBN,HGL, Subsidiary pass in English Communication with GPA not less
HGK,ECA, HKL, must have a Credit at O- than 3.5 or B+ grade or Distinction

UD038 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Any two Principal passes. Diploma in Journalism, Media
Arts in Mass PGM, EGM, CBG, Those without a Principal Production, Media Studies, Mass
Communica- CBA, CBN,HGL, pass in English must have a Communication withGPA not less than
tion HGK,ECA, HKL, Subsidiary pass or a Credit at 3.5 or B+ grade or Distinction

UD039 Bachelor of 3 PMC, PCM, PCB, Any two Principal passes. Diploma in Journalism, Media
Arts in Public PGM, EGM, CBG, Those without a Principal Production, Media Studies, Mass
Relations and CBA, CBN,HGL, level or Subsidiarypass in Communication, Public Relations and
Advertising HGK,ECA, HKL, English must have a Creditat Advertising with GPA not less than 3.5
KLF, HGE, KFC O-Level or B+ grade
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD040 Bachelor 3 HGK, HKL, Two Principal Passes in the Diploma in Kiswahili, Educationwith
of Arts in KLF, KFC following subjects:Kiswahili, Kiswahili with GPA not less than 3.5
Kiswahili English, French, Arabic, Chinese, or B+ grade or distinction. The grade
Geography, History. A candidate in Kiswahili must be “C” or better
must have at least “D” Grade in
Kiswahili.For a foreign student
who has not studied in Tanzanian
education system, in addition to
passes in any language subjects, he/
she must possess a certificate of
Kiswahili for foreigners at advanced

level issued by the University of
Dar es Salaam or from any other
institution recognised by the
University of
Dares Salaam.
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD070 Bachelor 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in Development Studies,
of Arts in PMC, PGM, Science subjects Community Development, Local
Development EGM, CBG, Government, Rural Development,
Studies CBA, CBN, Philosophy and closerelated fields
HGL, ECA with GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
HGK, HKL, grade orDistinction


UD087 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG, Two principal passes, one in Biology Diploma in Fisheries,Aquaculture,
of Science CBN, CBA, and another in any ofthe following Agriculture, Education (with science
in Marine subjects: subjects), Maritime, and Forestry with
Sciences Chemistry, Agriculture, Physics, a GPA of not less than 3.5 approved
Geography and Mathematics by the UDSM Senate.
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD041 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, PGM, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any diploma withGPA not less than
Commerce in EGM, CBG,CBA, Science subjects. 3.5 or B+ grade or distinction. The
Accounting CBN,HGL, HGK, Those without a Principal or grade in Statistics or Mathematics or
ECA, HKL,KLF, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics Quantitative methodsin the diploma
HE,PMC,KFC must have a Credit at O-Level must be “C” or better or atleast a
Credit at O-Level

UD042 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, PGM, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any diploma withGPA not less than
Commerce EGM, CBG,CBA, Science subjects. 3.5 or B grade or distinction. The

inBanking CBN,HGL, HGK, Those without a Principal or grade in Statistics or Mathematics or
and Financial ECA, HKL,KLF, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics Quantitative methodsin the diploma
HE,PMC,KFC must have a Credit at O-Level must be “C” or better or atleast a
Credit at O-Level
UD043 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, PGM, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any diploma with GPA not less than
Commerce in EGM, CBG,CBA, Science subjects. 3.5 or B+ grade or distinction. The
Finance CBN,HGL, HGK, Those without a Principal or grade in Statistics or Mathematics or
ECA, HKL,KLF, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics Quantitative methodsin the diploma
HE,PMC,KFC must have a Credit at O-Level must be “C” or better or atleast a
Credit at O-Level
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD044 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any diploma withGPA not less than 3.5
Commerce PGM, EGM, Science subjects. or B+ grade or distinction. The grade in
in Human CBG,CBA, Those without a Principal or Statistics or Mathematics or Quantitative
Resources CBN,HGL, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics methodsin the diploma must be “C” or
HGK,ECA, must have a Credit at O-Level better or atleast a Credit at O-
HKL,KLF, Level

UD045 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any diploma withGPA not less than 3.5
Commerce in PGM, EGM, Science subjects. or B+ grade or distinction. The grade in
Marketing CBG,CBA, Those without a Principal or Statistics or Mathematics or Quantitative
CBN,HGL, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics methodsin the diploma must be “C” or

HGK,ECA, must have a Credit at O-Level better or atleast a Credit at O-
HKL,KLF, Level

UD046 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any diploma withGPA not less than 3.5
Commerce in PGM, EGM, Science subjects. or B+ grade or distinction. The grade in
Tourism Man- CBG,CBA, Those without a Principal or Statistics or Mathematics or Quantitative
agement CBN,HGL, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics methodsin the diploma must be “C” or
HGK,ECA, must have a Credit at O-Level better or atleast a Credit at O-
HKL,KLF, Level
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD082 Bachelor 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any Diploma withGPA not less than 3.5
of Business PGM, EGM, Science subjects. or B+ grade or distinction. The grade in
Administration CBG,CBA, Those without a Principal or Statistics or Mathematics or Quantitative
(Evening) CBN,HGL, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics Methods in the Diploma must be “C” or
HGK,ECA, must have a Credit at O-Level better or at least a Credit at O-Level

UD097 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Any Diploma withGPA not less than 3.5
Commerce in PGM, EGM, Science subjects. or B+ grade or distinction. The grade in
Procurement CBG,CBA, Those without a Principal or Statistics or Mathematics or Quantitative
and Supply CBN,HGL, Subsidiary pass in Mathematics Methodsin the Diploma must be “C” or

HGK,ECA, must have a Credit at O-Level better or at least a Credit at O-Level
Chain Manage-
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD047 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PCB, Two Principal passes in Arts or Diploma in Educational Studies with
Education PGM, EGM, Science subjects GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
in Adult and CBG,CBA, Distinction
Community CBN,HGL,
UD048 Bachelor of 3 EGM, ECA, Two Principal passes in Diploma in Accounting, Commerce,
Education in Mathematics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Finance, with GPA not

Commerce Economics or Commerce. less than 3.5 or B+ grade or Distinction
Those without a Principal
or Subsidiary pass in
Mathematics must have a
Credit at O-Level
UD049 Bachelor of Ed- 3 PCM, PCB, Any two Principal passes in Diploma in Educational Studies with
ucation in Early PGM, EGM, Teaching Subjects GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
Childhood CBG,CBA, Distinction
Education CBN,HGL,
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD050 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PMC Two principal passes in the any A Diploma in recognized by
Education PCB, PGM, subjects: History, Geography, UDSM Senate in Physical
in Physical EGM, CBG, Kiswahili, English Language, Education, Sports Management
Education CBA, CBN, French, Arabic, Fine Art, Economics, and Administration , and in Sport
and Sport HGL, HGK, Commerce, Accountancy, Physics, Coaching Education with GPA
Sciences ECA, HKL, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
KFC,KLF, HGE, Mathematics, Agriculture, Computer distinction. In addition, an applicant
Science or Nutrition. Those without a must have a pass in Biology at
Principal or Subsidiary pass in Biology O-Level.
must have a Credit at O-Level
Pass a Physical Fitness Test to
Pass a Physical Fitness Test to be conducted by theresponsible
be conducted by theresponsible Department at UDSM

Department at UDSM.
UD051 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PMC, Two Principal passes in any teaching Diploma in Educational Studies
Education in PCB, PGM, subjects with GPA not less than 3.5 or B+
Psychology EGM, CBG, grade or Distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD052 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PMC,P- Two principal passes in any Arts or Diploma in Law or any Diploma
Arts in Law CB, PGM, Science subjects in a discipline relevant toLaw
Enforcement EGM, CBG, Enforcement with an average
CBA, CBN, An applicant without principal passes of “B+” or a minimum GPA of
HGL, HGK, in History and English must have at 3.5; or A Certificate in Law ofthe
ECA, HKL, least subsidiary passes or a minimum University of Dar es Salaam passed
KLF, HGE,K- of “C” grade in History and English at with distinction, provided that the
FC O-Level. applicant has passed five subjects
at the Certificate of Secondary
Education Examination (CSEE)

level three of which must be credit
passes(i.e. ‘C’ grade or above).
UD053 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PMC,P- Two principal passes in any Arts or Diploma in Law or any Diploma
Laws CB, PGM, Science subjects in a discipline relevant to Law
EGM, CBG, An applicant without principal passes Enforcement with an average
CBA, CBN, in History and English must have at of “B+” or a minimum GPA of
HGL, HGK, least subsidiary passes or a minimum 3.5; or A Certificate in Law of the
ECA, HKL, of “C” grade in History and English at University of Dar es Salaam passed
KLF, HGE,K- O-Level. with distinction, provided that the
FC applicant has passed five subjects
at the Certificate of Secondary
EducationExamination (CSEE)level
three of which must be credit passes
(i.e. ‘C’ grade or above).
N.B: On completion of the 4 year Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Dar es Salaam, students are required to proceed to intern-
ship or any other practical training programmes the government may have put in place for law graduates.
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD002 Bachelor of 3 EGM, HGE, Two Principal passes, one of which Diploma in Economics and related
Arts in Eco- ECA must be in Economics. In addition, fields, recognised by UDSM Senate
nomics one must have at least a subsidiary pass of GPA not less than
at A- Level or a credit at O-level in 3.5 or B+ grade ordistinction
UD054 Bachelor of 3 EGM Principal passes in Mathematics and Diploma in Economics, Statistics,
Arts in Eco- Economics recognised by UDSM Senate, of
nomics and GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade
Statistics or distinction

Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD026 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, Principal passes inMathematics Diploma in Geological Sciences,with
Science in PMC and Physics. Those without at least GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
Engineering a Subsidiary Pass in Chemistry distinction.
Geology must have a Credit at O-Level. Specific Requirements: Physical
Specific Requirements: Physical fitness

UD028 Bachelor of 3 PCM Principal passes in Mathematics, Diploma in Geological Scienceswith

Science in Physics and chemistry. Specific GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
Geology Requirements: Physical fitness distinction. Specific Requirements:
Physical fitness

UD033 Bachelor of 4 PCB, PCM, Two Principal passes from the fol- Diploma in Geological Scienceswith
Science with PGM, EGM, lowing subjects:Physics, Chemistry, GPA not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
Geology CBG,CBA, Biology, Geography and Mathe- distinction.
CBN,PMC matics. Candidates withoutat least Specific Requirements: Physical
a Subsidiary pass in Chemistry fitness
must have a Credit pass at O-Level.
Specific Requirements:
Physical fitness

UD059 Bachelor of 4 PCM Principal passes in Mathematics, Diploma in Geological sciences with
Science in Physics and Chemistry. Specific GPA not less than 3.5 or B grade or
Petroleum Requirements: Physical fitness distinction
Specific Requirements: Physical
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)
UD092 Bachelor of 4 PCM Principal passes in Mathematics, Diploma in Geological sciences of
Science in Physics and Chemistry at least an upper second class award
Geology and (GPA of at least 3.5 out of 5) from a
Geothermal recognised colleges as approved by
the UDSM Senate
UD016 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, Two Principal passes in Diploma/FTC in Sciences or Mining
Science in PMC Mathematics and Physics. Those Engineering, with aCredit Pass in
Mining Engi- without at least a Subsidiary pass Mathematics and an overall GPA
neering in Chemistry must have a Credit at not less than 3.5 or B+ grade or
O-Level distinction or B average for FTC

UD091 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM, Two Principal passes in Diploma in PhysicalSciences, Mineral
Science in PMC Mathematics and Physics and Water Resources, and related

Geophysics fields with a GPA NOT less than 3.5
from recognised Colleges as approved
by the UDSM senate
UD060 Bachelor of 4 PCM Two Principal passes in Diploma/FTC in Petroleum
Science in Mathematics and Physics and Engineering and Credit pass in
Petroleum at least a Subsidiary pass in Mathematics with aCredit pass in
Engineering Chemistry Mathematics and with GPA not less
than 3.5 or B gradeor distinction or B
grade for FTC
UD057 Bachelor of 4 PCM, PGM,P- Two Principal passes in Diploma or FTC in Mineral
Science in MC Mathematics and Physics. Those Processing, with a Credit Pass in
Metallurgy without at least a subsidiary in Mathematics and with GPA not less
andMineral Chemistry must have a credit pass than 3.5 or B grade or distinction or B
in Chemistry at O-Level grade for FTC
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combination (Form VI)


UD065 Bachelor 3 PCB, CBG, Two principal passes, one in Diploma in Biological Sciences
of Science CBA, CBN Biology and one from the following recognised by UDSM Senate with
in Aquatic subjects: Chemistry, Geography, GPA of 3.5 or an average of B+
Sciences and Agriculture, Physics or Advanced

Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications (Form Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combina- VI)


UDD04 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principal passes in Arts subjects. Diploma in Education with two Arts
Arts with HKL, KLF, subjects with GPA not less than 3.5 or
Education HGE, KFC B grade or distinction

UDD03 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PMC Two Principal passes in any of the Diploma in Science subjects, Science
Science with PGM,PCB, following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Education, FTC, withGPA not less
Education CBG, CBA, Mathematics, Biology, Economics and than 3.5 or B grade ordistinction or B
CBN,EGM Geography average for FTC

UDD01 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principal passes in Arts subjects Diploma in Education with Arts
Education in ECA, HKL, subjects recognised by UDM Senate
Arts KLF, KFC withGPA not less than 3.5 or B grade

UDD02 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, Two Principal passes in Science Sub- Diploma in Education with Science
Education in PCB, CBG, jects (Physics,Chemistry, Biology and subjects recognised by UDM Senate
Science CBA, CBN Mathematics) with GPA not less than 3.5 or B grade
or Distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications (Form Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combina- VI)
UDD05 Bachelor 3 EGM, PCM, Two principal passes in any of the An appropriate equivalent
of Arts in PCB,CBG, following subjects: Geography, qualifications diploma in agricultural
Disaster Risk CBN,CBA, Economics, Biology, Chemistry, sciences, Land Use Planning,
Management PGM Physics, and Mathematics. Cartography, Geographical
Information Systems (GIS), Education
(Geography and Science Subjects,
Natural Resources), statistics,
demography, medical certificates and
other related diploma certificates as
approved by UDSM senate with an
average grade of “B+‟ or higher.


UDM04 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principalpasses in Artssubjects. Diploma in Education with two Arts
Arts with ECA, HKL, subjects with GPA not less than 3.5 or
Education KLF, HGE, B grade or distinction
UDM03 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, Two Principal passes in any of the Diploma in Science subjects, Science
Science with PCB, CBG, following subjects:Physics, Chemistry, Education, FTC, withGPA not less
Education CBA, CBN, Mathematics, Biology, Economics and than 3.5 or B grade ordistinction or B
EGM Geography average for FTC
UDM02 Bachelor of 3 HGL, HGK, Two Principalpasses in Artssubjects Diploma in Education with Arts
Education in ECA, HKL, subjects recognised by UDM Senate
Arts KLF, HGE, with GPA not less than 3.5 or B grade
KFC or Distinction
Code Programme Duration A-Level Direct Entry Qualifications (Form Equivalent Entry Qualifications
Name (Years) Combina- VI)
UDM01 Bachelor of 3 PCM, PGM, Two Principal passes in Science Diploma in Education with Science
Education in PCB, CBG, Subjects (Physics,Chemistry, Biology subjects recognised by UDM Senate
Science CBA, CBN and Mathematics) with GPA not less than 3.5 or B grade
or Distinction

UDM05 Bachelor of 3 PCB, CBG, Two principal level passes one in Diploma in Chemistry, Chemical
Science in CBA, CBN, Chemistry and another in any Biology, Laboratory Technology, with GPA not
Chemistry PCM Physics, Mathematics, Nutrition, or less than 3.5 or B grade or distinction
Geography. In addition, an applicant or B average for FTC
MUST have passed Chemistry, Physics,
and Mathematics at O’ Level.

3.2 Undergraduate Non-Degree Programmes
Candidates wishing to be enrolled for a non-degree programme of the Univer-
sity of Dar es Salaam have to fulfill the minimum entry requirements specific
to each programme as indicated in Table 6:

Table 6: Non-degree programmes entry requirements

Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements


Certificate in 1 Year Certificate of Secondary Education Examination
SignLanguage with at least three passes;

Certificate of Secondary Education Examination

with at least five years of working experience in

the heritage sector
Diploma 2 years Two Principal level passes in Arts or Science
in Chinese
Certificate in 1 Year a) Direct Entry Qualifications Certificate of
Computer Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E) or
Science East African Certificate of Education (E.A.C.A)
– O-level with at least a pass in four approved
subjects including Mathematics

b) Equivalent Entry Qualifications Certificate of

Secondary Education Examination (C.S.E.E) or
East African Certificate of Education (E.A.C.A)
– O-level with at least a pass in four approved

AND Certificate or Diploma from a recognized

institution or ICT Industrial experience of not
less than 2 years that demonstrate the candidate’s
ability to undertake the programs

Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements

Diploma in 2 Years a) Direct Entry Qualifications
Certificate of Secondary Education Examination
(C.S.E.E.) or equivalent with passes in at least
four approved subjects including Mathematics,


one of the following combinations of passes in

the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
Examination or equivalent:

(i) Three Subsidiary passes in Comput-

er Science, Advanced Mathematics,
Basic Applied Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Economics, Commerce,
Geography, Biology, Computer Science
or Accountancy.


(ii) One principal pass at least grade ‘C’ in

any of the subjects listed in (i) above.


(iii) One principal pass and a subsidiary

pass in any of the subjects listed in (i)


(iv) A Certificate in Computer Science with

an average GPA of at least 3.0 out of
5.0 from recognized institution.

Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements

b) Equivalent Entry Qualifications Certif-
icate of Secondary Education Examination
(C.S.E.E.) or equivalent with passes in at least
four approved subjects and one of the following

(i) A Certificate in Computer Science (or related

field) with an average GPA of at least 3.0 out of
5.0 or a Diploma at a good standing from recog-
nized institution. OR

(ii) A qualification of an equivalent standard

awarded by recognized professional bodies such
as the National Board of Accountants and Audi-
tors and the Business Education Council. OR (iii)
A Form VI certificate with at least two subsidiar-
ies in the subjects listed in (a) (i) above plus at
least two years Industrial experience in ICT OR

(iv) Any Bachelor Degree from a recognized


Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements
Certificate in Law 1 Year Certificate of Secondary Education Examination
(Full (CSEE) or equivalent with at least four passes Or
Time) & 2 Advanced Certificate of Secondary EducationExam-
Years (Part ination (ACSEE) or equivalent.
Time) Candidates who do not have the required qualifica-
tions may be admitted in exceptionalcircumstances on
the recommendations of the
Board of the University School of Law


Certificate in 1 Year Advanced Certificate of Secondary EducationExam-
Journalism ination (ACSEE) with at least two Principal passes.

Certificate of Secondary Education Examination

(CSEE) with at least three Credit passes obtained at
the same sitting.

Diploma in 2 Years (i) Direct Entry

Journalism Certificate of Secondary Education Examination
(CSEE) or equivalent with passes in at least four
approved subjects
At least one Principal pass in AdvancedSecondary
Education Examination (ACSEE)
Or equivalent:
(NTA Level 4 (Basic Certificate in Journalism)


Basic Technician NTA Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSEE)
Certificate LEVEL 4 with four (4) passes in science subjects (Mathematics,
in Geology Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography, a pass in
andMineral English subject is an added advantage)
Basic Technician NTA Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSEE)
Certificate in LEVEL 4 with four (4) passes in science subjects (Mathematics,
Petroleum Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography, a pass in
Geosciences and English subject is an added advantage)
Basic Technician NTA Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSEE)
Certificate LEVEL 4 with four (4) passes in science subjects (Mathematics,
in Mining Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography, a pass in
English subject is an added advantage)
Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements
Basic Technician NTA Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSEE)
Certificate in LEVEL 4 with four (4) passes in science subjects (Mathematics,
Metallurgy and Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography, a pass in
Mineral Processing English subject is an added advantage)
Basic Technician NTA Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSEE)
Certificate in LEVEL 4 with four (4) passes in science subjects (Mathematics,
Environmental Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography, a pass in
Engineering and English subject is an added advantage)
Basic Technician NTA Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSEE)
Certificate in LEVEL 4 with four (4) passes in science subjects (Mathematics,
Land and Mine Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography, a pass in
Surveying English subject is an added advantage)

Technician NTA Basic Technician Certificate (NTA level 4) in Geology

Certificate LEVEL 5 and Mineral Exploration from any Institution.
in Geology
and Mineral
Technician NTA Basic Technician Certificate (NTA level 4) in
Certificate in LEVEL 5 Petroleum Geosciences and Exploration from any
Petroleum recognised Institution.
Geosciences and
Technician NTA Basic Technician Certificate (NTA level 4) inMining
Certificate LEVEL 5 Engineering from any recognised Institution
in Mining
Technician NTA Basic Technician Certificate (NTA level 4) in
Certificate in LEVEL 5 Environmental Engineering and Management inMines
Environmental from any recognised Institution
Engineering and
Technician NTA Basic Technician Certificate (NTA level 4) in Land
Certificate inLand LEVEL 5 and Mine Surveying from any recognised Institution
and Mine
Diploma in NTA Technician Certificate (NTA level 5) in Geologyand
Geology and LEVEL 6 Mineral Exploration from any recognised Institution

Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements
Diploma in NTA Technician Certificate (NTA level 5) in Petroleum
Petroleum LEVEL 6 Geosciences from any recognised Institution
Diploma inMining NTA Technician Certificate (NTA level 5) in Mining
Engineering LEVEL 6 Engineering from any recognised Institution
Diploma inMineral NTA Technician Certificate (NTA level 5) in Mineral
Processing LEVEL 6 Processing Engineering from any recognised
Engineering Institution
Diploma in NTA Technician Certificate (NTA level 5) in
Environmental LEVEL 6 Environmental Engineering and Management inMines
Engineering and from any recognised Institution
Management in
Diploma in NTA Technician Certificate (NTA level 5) in Land andMine
Land and Mine LEVEL 6 Surveying from any recognised Institution

Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements

Basic Technician NTA • Possession of National Vocation
Certificate in LEVEL 4 Training Award (NVA III) with at
Educational Laboratory least two passes of grade D in either
Chemistry, Biology, Physics or
Science and Technology Mathematics at O’ Level , OR
• Holder of Form IV Certificate with at
least four passes of grade D in Science
subjects including passes in Chemistry,
Biology, Physics or Mathematics or its

Programme Duration Minimum Entry Requirements
Technician Certificate NTA • Possession of NTA Level 4 in
in Educational LEVEL 5 Laboratory Science and Technology,
Laboratory Science and OR
Technology • Possession of NTA Level 4 in
Laboratory Technician , OR
• Possession of NTA Level 4 in
Laboratory Science, OR
• Possession of NTA Level 4 in
Laboratory Technology , OR
• Possession of NTA Level 4 in
Medical Laboratory Technology, OR
• Possession of Advanced Certificate
of Secondary Education Examination
(ACSEE) with at least one Principal
Pass and a Subsidiary in Science
subjects (Chemistry, Biology, Physics,
Agriculture, Mathematics and

Diploma in Educational NTA • Possession of NTA Level 5 in

Laboratory Science and LEVEL 6 Laboratory Science and Technology,
Technology OR
• Possession of NTA Level 5 in
Laboratory Technician , OR
• Possession of NTA Level 5 in
Laboratory Science, OR
• Possession of NTA Level 5 in
Laboratory Technology , OR
• Possession of NTA Level 5 in
Medical Laboratory Technology, and
any other related fields
• In addition , the candidate will attend
a bridge course on some basics of
educational pedagogy.

All applications are processed through the Online Admission System
(UDSM-OLAS) at https:/ Procedures for submission
of applications are available from the online system which is also accessible
through the website at
All degree (direct and equivalent qualifications) and non-degree applicants
will have to apply through the UDSM-OLAS.

4.1 Admission account

After loading the admission page at https:/admission.udsm. please follow
the steps below:

The admission page has the following features:


Click the UNDERGRADUATE tab where you will find tabs for

Please read the instructions carefully on how to apply for various

Undergraduate Programmes at UDSM.

Then go to the REGISTRATION tab to open your admission account. To

register for an account in the UDSM-OLAS you will need to provide the
following details:
• First name
• Surname
(Note: Names as they appear in your form four certificate)
• Email Address
• Mobile Telephone Number
• To finalize registration, you will need to put in a password of your
choice that you will use whenever you wish to log into the UDSM-

• Fill in the characters Captcha as displayed on the page (i.e. blue
• Then click the REGISTER AS UNDERGRADUATE button to create an
If you have successfully registered an account, the system will send an email
to the specified email address. Please log into your email account to activate
your admission account. Then use the link sent into your email to log into the

Note: Your username is your email address and Your Password is the
password you had set.

4.2 Application fee payment: Tanzanians

1. When you are logged into your account you will find notification
that your account is successfully activated (please open the
2. Click at My Application button to start application
3. You will be presented with four [4] steps to finish the application

Step 1: My profile

1. Chose application category:

2. Write names as they appear in your Secondary Certificates
3. Sex, Country of Citizenship and Disability Type if any

Step 2: Payment of application fee

Tanzanian applicants must generate a payment reference number
(control number) through the UDSM-OLAS as described below. Non-
refundable application fee is TZS 10,000/= for Tanzanians. Foreign
applicants may pay through banks (please refer section 4.3) or generate a
control numbers if you are based in Tanzania and pay the application fee
as described below:

Use the reference number shown to pay application fee by using mobile
money services i.e. Mpesa, Tigo Pesa, Airtel Money etc.

Application Fee Payment Details:

For those with Vodacom Numbers:

Open your M-pesa by dialing *150*00# Then choose 4 LIPA kwa
Then choose 5 Malipo ya Serikali
The Reference number/namba ya malipo: take from your Admission
system account at the make payment button,
The reference number will be shown in red colour:
e.g. Reference no 99143XXXXXXX

For those with Tigo Numbers:

Open your Tigo-Pesa Number dialing *150*01# Then choose 4 LIPA
Bili, PAY bill
Then choose 5 Malipo ya Serikali
The Reference number/namba ya malipo: take from your Admission
system account at the make payment button,
The reference number will be shown in red colour:
e.g. Reference no 99143XXXXXX

For those with Airtel Number:

Airtel Money Number dialing *150*60# Then choose 5 Lipia Bili, PAY
Then choose 5 Malipo ya Serikali
The Reference number/namba ya malipo: take from your Admission
system account at the make payment button,
The reference number is shown in red colour:
e.g. Reference no: 99143XXXXXXX

After payment, the system will automatically update and allow you to
proceed to step 3.


1. For Direct Entry applicants with both form IV and VI results from
• Choose level, add index number and year of completion
• E.g.: Index no: S0110/0092/2014 level: O-LEVEL
• Then click add sitting
• E.g. Index no: S0110/0088/2017 level: A-LEVEL
• Then click add sitting
If you have multiple sittings, then you can add all the sittings that
you wish to be considered in the selection process.

2. For Equivalent applicants with form IV results from NECTA

• Choose level, add index number and year of completion
• Then upload your Diploma certificates in the system in PDF
3. For applicants with foreign certificates, should acquire
equivalence number from NECTA
• Choose level, add equivalence number and year of completion


You are allowed to choose a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of
fifteen (15) programmes.

Once the admission process is complete, you will be informed through

your specified email address about the status of your application. It is
your responsibility to confirm your acceptance to join the University of
Dar es Salaam. The confirmation process is also specified in the UDSM-
OLAS for those who will decide to accept the offer of admission to the

University of Dar es Salaam. Failure to confirm will imply that you
have not accepted the offer and the slot will be made available to other
4.3 International Applicants
Candidates applying from abroad will be billed for admission fees upon arrival.

4.4 Undergraduate Non-Degree Programmes

Like the undergraduate degree programmes, all University of Dar es Salaam
undergraduate non-degree programmes are advertised in the local media
(newspapers) and on the University website.

All applications should be submitted through the UDSM-OLAS for all non-
degree programmes and the procedures for paying application fee is as
described in section 4.2.

5.1 Application Regulations
Applicants are urged to read the advertisement, instructions to applicants‟
document very carefully to ensure that they understand important procedures.

5.2 Regulations Governing Selected Candidates

Candidates selected for admission must observe the following regulations:
(i) All admitted students are expected to conform entirely to University
(ii) All foreign students are required to apply for a Residence Permit from
their nearest Tanzanian Embassy before they depart for Tanzania.
(iii) Students who have been selected but cannot join the University for any
reason cannot defer the admission to the next year.
(iv) New students are normally registered in October/November every year.
The deadline for registration of first year students is two weeks from the
first day of orientation week and on Friday of the second week after the
beginning of the first semester session for continuing students.

(v) New students are required to submit for registration: original Certificate
of Secondary Education Examination, Advanced Certificate of
Secondary Education Examination or Diploma/Degree Certificates, two
up-to-date passport size photographs bearing the student’s name and
course of study at the back and original birth certificate certified under
the Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance.
(vi) Except in exceptional circumstances, no students will be allowed
to change courses later than the Friday of the fourth week after the
beginning of the first semester session.
(vii) No change of names by students will be entertained during the course
of study at the University. Students will only be allowed to use names
appearing on their certificates.
(viii) No student will be allowed to postpone studies after effective
commencement of an academic year except under special circumstances.
Permission to postpone studies will be considered after producing
satisfactory evidence of the reasons for postponement and written
approval from the sponsor. Special circumstances shall include:
a) Sickness (approved by Deputy Director of Medical Services
of UDSM Health Centre for Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere Mlimani
Campus or Medical Officers in Charge for DUCE and MUCE
b) Serious social problems (each case to be considered on its own
c) Severe sponsorship problems.


6.1 Regular Undergraduate Degree Programmes

Candidates selected to pursue the various degree programmes offered by the
University of Dar es Salaam are required to pay tuition and other University
fees by the beginning of the first semester before they can be permitted to use
the University facilities. Fees once paid are not refundable. Also, the University
reserves the right to revise fees as may be appropriate. The tuition fees for the
various programmes for Tanzanian and Non-Tanzanian students are indicated
in the table below:

Table 7: Tuition Fees for Degree Programmes

S/N Programme Tuition fees for Tuition fees for
Tanzanian Na- full time year for
tionals (TZS) Non- Tanzanian

College of Information and Communication Technologies

1 Bachelor of Science In 1,300,000 2,700

Electronic Science and

3 Bachelor of Science in 1,500,000 3,500


4 Bachelor of Science in 1,500,000 3,500

Computer Engineering and
Information Technology

5 Bachelor of Science 1,500,000 3,500

in Telecommunication

6 Bachelor of Science in 1,500,000 3,500

Electronics Engineering

7 Bachelor of Science in Business 1,500,000 3,500

Information Technology

S/N Programme Tuition fees for Tuition fees for
Tanzanian Na- full time year for
tionals (TZS) Non- Tanzanian

College of Humanities

1 Bachelor of Arts in Education 1,000,000 2,100

(Shared with CoSS)
2 Bachelor of Arts in Heritage 1,000,000 2,100
3 Bachelor of Arts in Language 1,000,000 2,100
4 Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology 1,300,000 2,700

5 Bachelor of Arts Literature 1,000,000 2,100

6 Bachelor of Arts History 1,000,000 2,100

7 Bachelor of Arts Philosophy 1,000,000 2,100

and Ethics
8 Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology 1,300,000 2,700
and History
9 Bachelor of Arts in Music 1,000,000 2,100

10 Bachelor of Arts in Film and 1,000,000 2,100

11 Bachelor of Arts in Art and 1,000,000 2,100
12 Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts 1,000,000 2,100

13 Bachelor of Arts in History and 1,300,000 2,700

Political Science
14 Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology 1,300,000 2,700
and Geography
16 Bachelor of Arts in Diplomatic 1,300,000 2,700
and Military History
17 Bachelor of Arts in 1,300,000 2,700
Communication Studies

S/N Programme Tuition fees Tuition fees for
for Tanzanian full time year for
Nationals (TZS) Non- Tanzanian
College of Social Sciences

1 Bachelor of Arts in 1,300,000 2,700

2 B. A. in Geography and 1,300,000 2,700
Environmental Studies
3 B.A in Political Science 1,300,000 2,700
and Public Administration
4 Bachelor of Arts in 1,300,000 2,700
5 Bachelor of Arts in 1,000,000 2,100
6 Bachelor of Arts in Social 1,300,000 2,700
7 Bachelor of Arts 1,000,000 2,100
8 B.A in Library 1,300,000 2,700
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
1 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Botanical Sciences
2 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
3 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Molecular Biology and
4 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
WildlifeScience and
5 Bachelor of Science with 1,300,000 2,700
6 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Actuarial Sciences
7 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Applied Zoology

S/N Programme Tuition fees Tuition fees
for Tanzanian for full time
Nationals year for Non-
(TZS) Tanzanian
8 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
9 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
10 Bachelor of Science in Petroleum 1,300,000 2,700
11 Bachelor of Science and 1,300,000 2,700
Mathematics and Statistics
12 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Chemistry and Physics
13 Bachelor of Science in Applied 1,300,000 2,700
Microbiology and Chemistry

College of Engineering and Technology

1 Bachelor of Architecture 1,300,000 2,700

2 Bachelor of Science in Civil 1,300,000 2,700

3 Bachelor of Science in Electrical 1,300,000 2,700
4 Bachelor of Science in Chemical 1,300,000 2,700
and Process Engineering
5 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Mechanical Engineering
6 Bachelor of Science in Industrial 1,300,000 2,700
7 Bachelor of Science in Petroleum 1,300,000 2,700
8 Bachelor of Science in Textile 1,300,000 2,700
Design and Technology
9 Bachelor of Science in Textile 1,300,000 2,700

S/N Programme Tuition fees Tuition fees
for Tanzanian for full time
Nationals year for Non-
(TZS) Tanzanian
10 Bachelor of Science In Geomatics 1,100,000 2,700

11 Bachelor of Science In Quantity 1,100,000 2,700

College of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology
1 Bachelor of Science in Food 1,300,000 2,700
Science and Technology
2 Bachelor of Science in Beekeeping 1,300,000 2,700
Science and Technology
3 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Agricultural Natural Resources
Economics and Business
4 Bachelor of Science in Crop 1,300,000 2,700
Science and Technology
5 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural 1,300,000 2,700
Engineering andechanization

Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences

1 Doctor of Medicine 1,800,000 5,672

2 Doctor of Dental Surgery 1,800,000 5,672

School of Education
1 Bachelor of Education in Early 1,000,000 2,100
Childhood Education
2 Bachelor of Education in Adult 1,000,000 2,100
and Community Education
3 Bachelor of Education in 1,000,000 2,100
4 Bachelor of Education in Physical 1,000,000 2,100
Education and Sport Sciences
5 Bachelor of Education in 1,000,000 2,100

S/N Programme Tuition fees Tuition fees for
for Tanzanian full time year for
Nationals (TZS) Non- Tanzanian

UDSM Business School

1 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,300,000 2,700

Tourism Management
2 Bachelor of Business 1,300,000 2,700
Administration (Evening)
3 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,300,000 2,700
Human Resources Management
4 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,300,000 2,700
5 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,300,000 2,700
6 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,300,000 2,700
Banking and Financial Services
7 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,500,000 3,500
8 Bachelor of Commerce in 1,300,000 2,700
Procurement and Supply Chain

UDSM School of Law

1 Bachelor of Arts in Law 1,300,000 2,700

2 Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 1,500,000 3,500

School of Journalism and Mass Communication

1 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism 1,300,000 2,700

2 Bachelor of Arts in Mass 1,300,000 2,700

3 Bachelor of Arts in Public 1,300,000 2,700
Relations and Advertising

S/N Programme Tuition fees Tuition fees for
for Tanzanian full time year for
Nationals (TZS) Non- Tanzanian

School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology

1 Bachelor of Science in Aquatic 1,300,000 2,700

Sciences and Fisheries

UDSM School of Economics

1 Bachelor of Arts in Economics 1,300,000 2,700

2 Bachelor of Arts in Economics 1,300,000 2,700

and Statistics

School of Mines and Geosciences

1 Bachelor of Science in Geology 1,300,000 2,700

and Geothermal Resources
2 Bachelor of Science in Geology 1,300,000 2,700

3 Bachelor of Science in Petroleum 1,300,000 2,700

4 Bachelor of Science in Mining 1,300,000 2,700
5 Bachelor of Science in Metallurgy 1,300,000 2,700
and Mineral Processing
6 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700
Engineering Geology
7 Bachelor of Science with Geology 1,300,000 2,700

Institute of Kiswahili Studies

1 Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili 1,000,000 2,100

S/N Programme Tuition fees for Tanza- Tuition fees for
nian Nationals (TZS) full time year for
Non- Tanzanian

Institute of Development Studies

1 Bachelor of Arts in 1,000,000 2,100

Development Studies

Institute of Marine Sciences

1 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700

Marine Sciences

Dar es Salaam University College of Education

1 Bachelor of Education in 1,000,000 2,100

2 Bachelor of Arts with 1,000,000 2,100
3 Bachelor of Education in 1,300,000 2,700
4 Bachelor of Science with 1,300,000 2,700
5 Bachelor of Arts in 1,300,000 2,700
Disaster Risk Management

Mkwawa University College of Education

1 Bachelor of Education in 1,000,000 2,100

2 Bachelor of Arts with 1,000,000 2,100
3 Bachelor of Education in 1,300,000 2,700
4 Bachelor of Science with 1,300,000 2,700
5 Bachelor of Science in 1,300,000 2,700

In addition to the tuition fee each student (regardless of sponsorship or the
Means Testing Grade) MUST pay the following approved Direct University

Table 8: Direct University Costs (Payable to the University)

Cost Item Tanzanians (TZS) Non-Tanzanians (USD)

ID Fee 5,000 5
Registration (once) 5,000 100
Examination Fee 12,000 120
Medical Capitation Fee 50,400 25
Student Union Fee 5,000 15
TCU Quality Assurance 20,000 10
Total 97,400 USD 275

Table 9: Direct Students’ Costs (Payable Directly to Students)

Cost Item Cost (TZS)

Books & Stationery Allowance* 200,000

Meal and Accommodation 1,190,000
Allowance *
Total 1,435,000

*Advisory only, more may be required; paid annually

In addition, students are required to have sufficient funds to cater for Special
College/School requirements. Such requirements may be in the form of boots,
overalls, compass set, drawing board, track suits, gloves, masks, etc. as well
as funds for industrial/practical training or teaching practice depending on the
programme. Applicants are urged to consult the latest University Prospectus
for specific requirements by their colleges/schools or consult the units that they
intend to apply for more details, including indicative cost implication.

6.2 Evening Undergraduate Degree Programmes
The University of Dar es Salaam runs one evening undergraduate degree pro-
gramme – the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) hosted by the Uni-
versity of Dar es Salaam Business School. The School is also running the BBA
programme online.

6.3 Undergraduate Short-Term/Occasional Programmes

The fee structure for Short-Term and Occasional Students is as indicated in the
table below:

Table 10: Occasional Students (One Semester)

Cost Item Amount (USD)

Application Feess 45
Tuition Fee 2,100
Examination Fee 120
Registration Fee 100
Caution Money 40
Student Union Fee 20
Student ID Card 5
Medical Caption Fee 25
Total 2,455

Table 11: Short-Term Students (One year/Two Semesters)
Cost Item Amount (USD)

Application Fee 45
Tuition Fee 4,200
Examination Fee 120
Registration Fee 100
Caution Money 40
Student Union Fee 20
Student ID Card 5
Medical Caption fee 25
Total 4,555

6.4 Undergraduate Non-Degree Programmes

Candidates selected to pursue undergraduate non-degree programmes are
required to pay tuition fees and other related expenses as laid down by the
respective academic units. Fees for non-degree programmes vary from one
programme to another and these are available from the respective academic
units offering the programmes. The fees payable per annum for the various non-
degree programmes offered by the University of Dar es Salaam is as shown

Table 12: Certificate in Sign Language Interpretation Direct University

costs (Payable to the University)
Item Tanzanians(TZS) Non-Tanzanians
Tuition Fee (annually) 815,000 815
Application Fee (once) 5,000 5
Registration Fee (once) 5,000 5
Examination Fee 10,000 10

Graduation Fee (once) 5,000 5
Identity Card 5,000 5
Medical Capitation Fee 50,400 25
Caution Money 2,000 2
Dissertation Supervision 100,000 100
Total 997,400 972

Table 13: Direct Student Costs per Year (Payable directly to students)
Item Tanzanians (TZS) Non-Tanzanians (USD)

Books 60,000 60
Stationery 40,000 40
Student Union 1,000 1
Accommodation 160,000 160
Meals 480,000 480
Dissertation Production 50,000 50
Total 1,093,000 1,093
Grand Total: 2,090,400 2,065
University Fees +
Direct Costs

Table 14: Diploma in Chinese

Item Tanzanians (TZS)

Tuition Fee (annually) 900,000

Application Fee (once) 10,000
University Direct Cost 97,400
Medical Caption Fee 50,40
Total 1,007,490

Table 15: Certificate in Computer Science
Item Tanzanians (TZS) Non-Tanzanians(USD)

Tuition Fee (annually) 700,000 1,500

Application Fee (once) 20,000 55
Medical Caption Fee 50,400 25
Total 770,400 1,580

Table 16: Diploma in Computer Science – Full time and Part time
Item Tanzanians ( TZS) Non-Tanzanians (USD)

Tuition Fee (annually) 900,000 2,200

Application Fee (once) 20,000 45
Medical Caption Fee 50,400 25
Total 970,400 970,400

Table 17: Certificate in Law

Item Tanzanians (TZS)

Tuition Fee (annually) 500,000

Registration Fee (once) 20,000
Examination Fee 100,000
Administrative Costs (once) 20,000
Identity Card (once) 5,000
Medical Caption Fee 50,400
Application Fee (once) 20,000
Learning Materials 75,000
Total 790,400

Table 18: Certificate in Journalism
Item Tanzanians (TZS)
Tuition Fee (annually) 600,000
Application Fee (once) 20,000
Medical Caption Fee 50,400
Total 670,400

Table 19: Diploma in Journalism

Item Tanzanians (TZS)
Tuition Fee (annually) 950,000
Application Fee (once) 10,000
University Direct Cost 35,000
Medical Caption Fee 50,400
Total 1,045,400


S/No. Fee Item Amount (TZS)
First Semester Second Semester
1 Tuition Fee 450,000 450,000
2 Accommodation Fee 100,000 100,000
3 Medical Fee (NHIF) 50,400 0
4 DARUSO Fee 5,000 0
5 Registration Fee 5,000 0
6 Student Identification 5,000 0
7 Quality Assurance Fee 20,000 0
8 Examination Fee 50,000 50,000
9 Caution Money 10,000 0
Total 695,400 600,000
Grand Total 1,295,400

Table 21(a): Diploma in Educational Laboratory Science and Technol-
ogy NTA Level 4 (Basic Technician Certificate) NTA Level 5
(Technician Certificate) and NTA Level 6 (Diploma) Direct
University costs (Payable to the University)
Item Tanzanians (TZS)

Tuition fee 1,000,000

ID Fee 5,000
Registration (once) 5,000
Examination fee 12,000
Medical Capitation Fee 50,400
Student Union fee 5,000
NACTVET Quality Assurance Cost 20,000
Total 1,097,400

Table 21(b): Direct Students’ Cost (Payable directly to students)

Item Tanzanians (TZS)

Books and stationary Allowance 200,000

Meal and Accommodation Allowance 2,099,000
Total 2,299,000


The University of Dar es Salaam Merit Scholarships is a newly established fund

for sponsoring undergraduate and postgraduate candidates with outstanding
entry qualifications. Limited number of scholarships (50 scholarships only
for the 2022/2023 academic year) will be granted to undergraduate candidates
based on applicant’s merit and gender equality.


All students admitted at the University of Dar es Salaam are required to look
for their own sponsorship since the University has limited funds to offer
scholarships to all students.

Admitted Tanzanians may seek loans from Higher Education Students Loans
Board (HESLB) or decide to pay the fees privately.

We cordially invite you to the University of Dar es Salaam to learn and

experience from the Best.

University of Dar es Salaam


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