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Cooperative Energy Efficient Optimal Link stability routing protocol for QoS Lifetime

improvement in Wireless Sensor Network


Increasing network device-driven technologies need more energy to make network

stability to enrich the route. More energy consumption doesn't make efficient communication
and causes link failure, traffic intervention, packet loss etc. To resolve this problem, in this paper
propose a Cooperative Self-Scheduling Routing Approach (CS 2RA) based Energy Efficient
Optimal Link Stability Routing Allocation (EOLSRA) for a lifetime to improve Quality of
Service (QoS) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Initially, the Node Response Behavior Rate
(NRBR) estimation was carried out to find the optimal link based on route optimality by
considering the energy, delay, transmission, drop ratio, and latency depending on the total mean
rate. Then relative nodes are formalized using Petal Spider Ant Colony Cluster (PSAC 2). The
Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle (LECDC) consider the routing energy limit to construct
routing. Then Cooperative Self-Scheduling Routing Approach (CS 2RA) is applied to make
efficient routing using Energy Efficient Optimal Link Stability Routing Allocation (EOLSRA).
The energy level is optimized under the routing level, stabilization in networking under
scheduled performance. The proposed system achieves high performance compared to the other
method to stabilize the route at enrich lifetime maximization.

Keywords: Network routing, WSN, LECDC, Energy efficient routing, Link stability, QoS,
lifetime maximization. Scheduling.

1. Introduction

Wireless communication is a developing technology in recent day empowerment for

sensing, monitoring, and transferring data in remote areas based on a heterogeneous model.
Handling the data transfer is difficult for managing the energy level to route the data. Because
energy consumption leads to packet loss, delay tolerance cause latency failures to break the
network lifetime [1].

Moreover, the network has limited memory and battery, frequent disconnection, and
reduced bandwidth. Among these features, battery constraint is the major issue to be considered
because MANET communication is primarily used in disaster and rescue management
operations, where the infrastructure-based network is entirely collapsed, and the communication
entities are highly mobile [2]. In such cases, position-based routing protocols are very effective
for implementation. But, the focus on the factors like battery power and the remaining energy of
the nodes has to be more when compared to others.

Achieving reliable QoS over the network is challenging because of the need for central
administration and dynamic topology in MANET. Generally, the QoS routing technique relies on
the following:

 Selecting the network route with adequate resources to persuade the QoS needs of all
links declared.
 Attaining global effectiveness in resource consumption

Typically, the QoS-based routing on wired networks is wholly based on the accessibility
of accurate information about the state [3]. However, the personality of wireless networks
provides information about the condition that lacks exactness. Also, MANET is a dynamic
topology network where the nodes acting as devices move freely, meaning that nodes can be a
part of or go away from the network at any time. QoS routing means establishing a route with all
the required resources even more to influence the nature of the requirement. Therefore, the
conditions must be transformed to suit the MANET parameters to obtain a Quality of Service
routing. Such parameters are finding an optimal route with sufficient resources, reserving a route
for data transfer and maintaining the route.

Various QoS parameters are available, which decide the efficiency of the algorithm used
for packet transmission. Some decisive parameters include Delay or jitter, Error rate, Bandwidth,
Path or route length. In addition, a few other MANET requirements, such as energy
management, route reliability and constancy of the route, need to be considered. The first process
is estimating resources, followed by the computation of available routes. All the computed routes
are analyzed, and an optimal path is established. Once this is done, the reservation of resources
for that route is made.

The optimal route path is further used for packet transmission. It is to be renovated when
the network link is broken because of node mobility or energy exhaustion. When the route needs
to be renovated, route maintenance is considered. In route maintenance, route reconstruction
occurs between the sources and the destination. When the route reconstruction process increases,
the transmission introduces the delay. To reduce the number of reconstructions, the network
lifetime needs to be improved, which leads to frequent monitoring of the route, and all the
operations need to be done in a power-aware manner. Therefore, to create an algorithm, need to
balance the battery constraints of nodes in the network. This leads to the objective of this work,
which is to increase the overall performance and minimize packet loss to increase network

For data transfer, the source node identifies the route and coordinates the transfer with
support from other nodes. A source node that contains data to send to a destination node
determines a path that can be used to reach the destination. According to the routes available, a
single route is selected to perform data transmission according to the routing strategy. In this
paper introduced a Cooperative Self-Scheduling Routing Approach (CS 2RA) based Energy
Efficient Optimal Link Stability Routing Allocation (EOLSRA) for a lifetime to improve the
Quality of Service in Wireless sensor networks.

This proposed system performs energy-efficient based data transfer to improve the delay
tolerance in latency level by performing higher throughput to make better lifetime
communication. This introduces higher energy depletion in the nodes and claims their lifetime.
Also, some methods consider the traffic of nodes and routes in cooperative routing to select a
minor traffic route to perform data transmission and communication. This, in turn, improves the
throughput performance and claims the routing energy from one or more nodes. Compared to
prevailing transmission models, this proposed system improves the network's lifetime and QoS
performances to produce higher result performance.

The proposed system evaluates the routing, traffic, energy level, and cooperative multipath
sharing, followed by packet density estimation to assess the data transmission size for each
window period. The proposed method of performance evaluation using various QoS metrics and
its comparison to the existing process provides better performance.

2. Related work

A WSN is an ad-hoc network consisting of many sensor nodes. The efficient power
consumption of a node is a crucial design issue because the energy resources of sensor nodes are
limited. So the survey focused on clustering-based algorithms to minimize energy consumption
Pal et al. [4]. In addition, Sheikhpour et al. [5], the author employed Energy-Efficient Clustering
(EEC) based techniques for maximizing the network lifetime (NL) and decreasing Energy
Consumption (EC). Yet, EC is the main problem that causes issues for these networks.

Based on the LEACH protocol, the study employed three protocols: Energy Dissipation
Forecast and Clustering Management (EDFCM), Multihop Communication Routing (MCR), and
Energy-Efficient Prediction Clustering Algorithm (EEPCA), developed by Han et al. [6]. This
novel focuses on when the first node closes and how many packets are sent to the receiver. These
are the primary factors that measure ethical traceability.

The article focused on data transmission latency and energy. Therefore the study utilized
CH election for less latency for data transmission and increased the Energy Efficiency (EE) with
the help of the Firefly Algorithm (FA) designed by Sarkar et al. [7]. Likewise, Verma et al. [8]
the author developed Genetic Algorithm to elect the optimal CH to decrease the residual energy
and latency. They also employed the MS-GAOC method for analyzing the data transmission
distance in the network.

The novel uses a multifactor-based EE routing protocol for WSNs Rajpoot et al. [9]. The
clustering procedure splits the entire network into clusters and selects a CH within every group
to act as the head of the transmission process. Likewise, another study by Arora et al. [10]
developed ACO efficient route for data transmission in WSN. MBACO allows sensing nodes to
transfer data to the BS via an optimized path with EC to extend the network lifetime.

Similarly, Tabibi et al. [11] the author used PSO-based selection for path selection to
extend the NL. In the suggested method, the weight value of a separate sensor node is calculated
based on the number of received packets from other sensor nodes. Nevertheless, a single
Malicious Node (MS) leaves the cluster vulnerable. MNs infiltrate fake messages into CHs,
raising communication overhead and EC Pavani et al. [12].

The novel explored Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA) with the LEACH protocol to solve
previous issues Gambhir et al. [13]. WCA was stimulated by how rivers and streams drift into
the ocean. WCA eventually minimizes the cost of finding the best node as CH. This new energy-
saving cluster mechanism maintains the network life cycle. Although some work has been done
in this area, energy efficiency data collection is still underdeveloped Sridhar et al. [14].

The study presented Inspired Energy-eFficient Clustering-based Routing Protocol

(IEFCRP) for sufficient CH election Janakiraman et al. [15]. This IEFCRP is suggested to handle
the energy savings associated with data traffic by incorporating a clustering strategy that
combines the advantages of a modified Bkd-tree algorithm with a distributed data structure. The
author offered improved GWO to extend the network lifetime and CH selection procedure
Zivkovic et al. [16].

Similarly, the novel presented Adaptive Buffering with Fuzzy based Multilevel
Clustering (ABFMC) for EE WSN Shankar et al. [17]. The suggested algorithm allows each
node to transmit via several buffer nodes with the base station. Here, the determination based on
the distance factor is done through the CH selection for transmission.

The author conducted an Adaptive Immune-inspired Energy-Efficient Cross-layer

Routing protocol (AIEECR) for WSN Yarde et al. [18]. Energy consumption decreases as CH is
selected for each threshold in each round. Besides this, ASFO is used to increase coverage areas
and reduce coverage whole problems. The author explored the LEACH protocol for mobile
WSNs Nayebi et al. [19]. This protocol evaluates the data loss after cluster structure owing to
node movement. It can determine the appropriate update intermission to balance the energy and
data loss rate. The goal of the multi-aware EEHC protocol [21] is to improve network stability
and longevity in the presence of multiple nodes.

3. Proposed system

To propose a Cooperative Self-Scheduling Routing Approach (CS 2RA) is optimized

based on self-balanced cooperative communication in WSN. Initially, the neighbor discovery
node level depletion is estimated, and the Node Response Behavior Rate (NRBR) finds the
active transmission level, which considers the energy, delay, transmission, drop ratio, and
latency to estimate the absolute mean weight for considering the active nodes.
Source data Packet

Proposed PSACC- CS2RA

Route Table/on-
Network RT-
route node
response rate Petal Spider Ant Colony Cluster (PSACC)

Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle

Cooperative Self-Scheduling (LECDC)
Routing Approach (CS2RA)

Energy Efficient Optimal Link Stability Routing Allocation


Optimized Route to lifetime


Figure 1: Proposed Architecture Diagram CS2RA- EOLSRA

Based on the estimation adaptive Petal Spider Ant Colony Cluster (PSAC 2) was
constructed for link stability for route optimization, it was shown in figure 1. Then Cooperative
stabilized proactive Energy-aware cluster routing protocol intended to make self-balanced
congestion routing with the support of Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle (LECDC) to
improve the network's lifetime.

3.1 WSN Node response behavior rate (WSN-NRBR)

This section using Node response behavior rate technique to identify the each node total
mean rate based on the location, energy etc. In this case, the received Node Signal Strength
Indicator (RNSSI) and neighbours estimate the location of all other nodes. Because this is based
entirely on local broadcasts and unneeded location information calculated by timing cycle,
packet handled rate, and energy consumption by every node has a low level of maintenance to
maintain a probability distribution using NRBR technique.

The distribution calculation is repeated using an NRBR,

N p ( d t| p t ) . N p (d 1 ,… dt −1)
N p ( pt|d 1 , … . d n )= (1)
N p (d t , … ..d t −1)

The above equation process the node behaviour in the recursive form:

N p ( d t| p t ) .∫ N p ( pt| pt−1 ) . N p ( pt −1 ∨d 1 , … d t −1)(d 1 , … d t−1 )

N p ( pt|d 1 , … . d n )=
N p (d t ∨d t ,… .. d t −1 )

Where N p (d t∨dt , ….. d t −1) normalization constant in energy, packet and time mean rate
handled. In the propagation of NRBR measurements in the mobile terminal, the Markov
hypothesis will help predict the next state. Therefore, estimating random operating parameters of
desired nodes is part of desired state description. The initial pre-probability distribution N p ( pt )
represents the system model at behavioral form (movement model) starting from
N p (d t∨dt , ….. d t −1) and the measurement model N p (d∨ p ) of it, and then the probability
distribution over time will reach a new estimate while integrating a new measurement.

Use the econometric model to update the estimated level.

N p ( d t| p t )
N p ( pt ∨d 1 , … d t )= N p ( p t∨d1 , … d t −1 ) (3)
N p ( d t|d 1 , … . d t−1 )

The RSSI of the position's speed and acceleration is estimated to be a measuring cellular network
that receives multiple base stations. The measured power level feeds the wrong reading to derive
the distance. Since the base stations are all considered in a locally known cellular network,
mobile nodes can use them as markers for position estimation.

3.2 Petal Spider Ant Colony Cluster (PSAC2)

The natural behavior of bees foraging inspired ABC technique, a swarm intelligence
optimization technology. Compared to other intelligent algorithms, the Petal Spider and ABC
algorithms have the advantages of powerful optimization capabilities, fewer configuration
parameters, string strength and reduced complexity. This includes feature selection models based
on spider food foraging model to reduce the non-relational feature dimension.

Furthermore, the amount of nectar sources is related to the number of workers and
monitor bees. The potential solutions of the optimization problem are represented as honey
source locations, and the fitness function's value as the possible solutions' quality is defined as
the amount of honey from the food source. Initially, entire bees are scout bees, generated
randomly in search of food source (SN) locations according to equation (4):

Lij =e j +r n ( 0 , 1 ) ( f j , e j ) (4)

Assuming that the food sourcei’s position is presented as Li, ( f j , e j ) denotes search space
limit, d n is a dimension, and r n refers to random number among [0,1], j=1 ,2 , 3 … d n.

According to equation (5), each worker bee searches for new food source locations close
to existing nectar sources.

N ( Lij ) =Lij + r n ( Lij −Lkj ) (5)

Where N ( Lij ) denotes the spider new food source position, Lij is the old one, and Lkj
presents randomly selected food source position k ∈ { 1, 2 , 3 … sn } , k ≠ 1. There are probability
groups j and k, where a r n is random limit in [0, 1] whose value determines the level of
interference. Consumer bees use a dangerous strategy to replace old food sources with new
nectar sources. Otherwise, throw away the new ragweed sauce and keep the old one. Once all
user bees have completed their search, they return to the dance floor and exchange information
about food sources. Onlooker bees use data from the honey shared by bees to choose which bees
to work with. The calculation of the probability is defined by equation 6

p yi = sn
∑ fsn

Where f s denotes fitness values of i th solutions, Roulette is the term used to describe the
art of selecting a bee. Using this technique, find that bystander bees are likelier to imitate host
bees with higher fitness values. p y Denotes the probability of the employee bee i being selected
by the onlooker bee. This bee becomes a surrogate bee and communicates with the surrogate

During the search process, if the number of onlookers and host bees staying close to the
nectar source exceeds an upper limit, the food resource is assumed to be depleted unless there is
an optimal food source. The hired bees abandon the food source, and the bees take on the role of
scout bees. A new food source is roughly generated according to equation (5)

The overall performance of a WSN is affected by the Cluster Head (CH) selection, so it is
an essential communication for cluster formation. The CH's role includes collecting data from
multiple SNs and sending the accumulated data to the BS. Selecting a suitable node as a CH is a
complex multimodal optimization problem. Hence, this work presents an energy-efficient
clustering and optimal CH election algorithm based on the proposed ABC metaheuristic [23].
The proposed methodology is detailed below.

Initialization phase. These include control parameters such as population size (P),
relative food sources (SN), crossover ratio (C), the maximum number of cycles (MC), and
control parameter(γ ). The proposed petal spider to create the i th food source Lij is r n ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] a
uniform distribution is obtained in equation (7).
{ ( )
1 1 1 k
− I Lij 2, ,∧if r n ≤ γ
2 2 k+ L 2 2
Lij =
1 1
+ I
2 2 kLij

( 12 , k2 ) ,∧if r >γ

Fitness function derivation ( f s). A f s was constructed to estimate the suitability of

specific food sources in a population. The proposed CH election mechanism is intended to
achieve three goals. First, the node selected as CH should have very high residual energy Eres , as
shown in equation (9).

f s αMaximum( Eres ) (8)

A second purpose is to the minimum the maximum distance between selected nodes CH
and BS. As defined in equation (10), it also need a minimum communication power to transfer (
ptraini) the together data from CH to BS.

f si α
Minimum ( D sn+1
CHj ( maximum ) + ptraini )

Then, equation (11) and equation (12) are used for the data aggregation as below:

Maximum ( Eres )
f si α
Minimum ( D sn+1
CHj ( maximum ) + ptraini )


Maximum ( E res )
f si =β (11)
Minimum ( DCHj
( maximum ) + ptraini )

Where β refers to constant values if β=1

Maximum ( Eres )
f si = (12)
Minimum ( D sn+
CHj ( maximum ) + p traini )

Hence, the fitness of each solution in the population is determined by equation (12).
Employed Bee Phase. Each employed bee selects a new solution N ij using the improved
search M ijequation 13 suggested by the proposed ABC metaheuristic

M ij =
{ N ij if r n ≤C ,
N opt , j,∧otherwise

Here we calculate N ij ,

N ij =Lij + ∅ ij ( N opt , j−Li , j ) +ψ ij ( Lr −Lr

n1 j n2j
) (14)

Compare the values of N ij and Lij get. If the fitness of N ij is better than the fitness of Lij,
the bee will forget the old solution and retain N opt as the new best solution ever found. Or else,
the bees will continue to do the work.

Onlooker Bee Phase. Worker bees can share food information with visitors by roaming
around the hive. Each worker bee in equation (15) produces a food resource M ij according to the
distribution given by

0.9∗f s
O l= +α (15)
f sB

Where, f s denotes fitness value, α is a positive constant values (i.e. 0.5), and f sB denotes
best solutions. The suitability of the resulting food source f ( M ij ) and its comparison with the
previous food sources are further evaluated according to equation (16).

Lij = M ij if f ( M ij ) ≤ f ( Lij ) ,
N opt , j ,∧otherwise

Where f ( Lij ) previous food source fitness value, Onlooker bees select the most suitable
food source and conduct local search Lij. If the new solution is optimal for Lij, change it to the
optimal solution N opt , which is CH. Otherwise, the old key will be retained.

Scout Bee Phase. If fitness does not improve after several attempts, the recruited bees
become scouts and use equation (16) again to generate new food sources randomly.

3.3 Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle (LECDC)

This section apply Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle (LECDC) to improve the
network's lifetime. Consider the situation where a certain fraction of the sources ( Sn ) population
has more energy than the typical Sns in the network. B Represents the percentage of the whole
number of nodes N s , and m represents the percentage of the total number of nodes with multiple
power compared to normal nodes. These nodes are known as super nodes. The remaining
N s∗B∗( 1−B 0 ) nodes become advanced nodes, which have θ times the energy of ordinary nodes,

and the normal nodes become the remaining N s∗(1−B) nodes. The sensor field assumes that all
nodes are distributed uniformly. Note that there is no change in the structure of p since the new
manifold is unaffected by the density of the network space. There is, however, a difference in the
overall energy of the network. Assuming that the Initial energy is T 0 , every advanced node
is T 0 ( 1+θ ) , and the super node's energy is T 0 ( 1+ δ ), The cumulative primary significance of the
new heterogeneous network system is estimated in equation (17).

N s∗( 1−B )∗T 0 + N s∗B∗( 1−B0 )∗T 0∗( 1+θ ) + N s∗B∗B0∗T 0∗( 1+δ )=N s∗T 0 ( 1+ B∗( θ+ B0∗δ ) )

From equation 18, ( 1+ B∗( θ+ B0∗δ ) ) an increase in the overall energy in the network.
LEACH's early development is proportional to the rise in power in the era of sensor networks.
To improve the system's reliability, the new epoch must be equal to 1+ B∗( θ +B 0∗δ ) because the

system power is ( 1p )∗( B∗(θ +B + δ ) ) times greater.


If normal nodes, super nodes, and advanced nodes set the same limit, the difference is

that in each epoch

( 1+ B∗( θ +B 0∗δ ) ) rounds, each normal node ε N sbecomes CH once, and each
super node becomes CH( 1+δ ) once, each increasing in height. If a node switches CH ( 1+θ ) , ε N s
regularly, it cannot be guaranteed that the number of CHs in each round in each epoch is equal to
p. As a result, the limit of p CHs per round is exceeded. LECDC has been proposed because it
depends on the initial energy of the node. Using this approach, the optimal probability N p is a
weight equal to each node's initial potential divided by the typical node's initial potential.
Assuming that the likelihood of N pw denotes normal node weight, N pA denotes advanced node
weight, and N ps denotes super node weight.
There are approximately ( 1+ B∗( θ+ B0∗δ ) )∗N s nodes with potentials equal to the initial
possibilities of regular nodes. To keep the minimum energy consumption in each round epoch,
the average number of CHs in each epoch round is constant, corresponding to p.

In heterogeneous situations, the average CHs per round per epoch equals
( 1+ B∗( θ+ B0 +δ ) )∗N s∗N p. Equation (18) gives the respective weighted probabilities for the
regular, advanced, and super nodes.

N p= (18)
1+ B∗( θ+B 0∗δ )
p opt
N pA = ∗(1+θ ) (19)
1+ B∗( θ+ B0∗δ )
N ps = ∗( 1+δ ) (20)
1+B∗( θ+ B 0∗δ )
Where popt denotes the predetermined percentage of CH ( popt =0.05), let E be the current
round and B is the set of nodes not CH in the last rounds. This limit allows each node to
p opt
1 1
become a CH for some rounds. After rounds, all nodes re-qualify as CH.
p opt p opt

if ∧s ∈ E
T h= 1−p opt∗ E∗mod 1
p opt ) (21)

0 , otherwise

Substitute the weighted probability for popt in equation (21) to get the threshold for the
CH selection in every round. It is the normal node range denoted by T ( N s ). So the formula for
regular node (22) is:

if ∧s ∈ E
T ( N s )= 1−N p∗ E∗mod 1
Np ) (22)

0 , otherwise
Assuming that E denotes the current node round, the set of non-CH normal nodes in the
last rounds of the epoch is presented as E's and T ( N s ) when the population of N s∗( 1−B )

normal nodes is used as a threshold. It changes each normal node CH for

( 1+ B∗( θ +B 0+ δ ) )
times per epoch, and the average amount of CH equals N s∗( 1−B )∗N p. Similarly, find the
advanced and super node thresholds.

3.4 Cooperative Self-Scheduling Routing Approach (CS2RA)

This section uses Cooperative Self-Scheduling Routing Approach (CS 2RA) approach for
self-balanced cooperative communication in WSN. This algorithm is used for quality routing
selection by wolves and the fuzzification method. The proposed strategy can offload the
communications generated by the mobile devices MDi ={1 , 2, 3 … , N } to the central cloud,
Macro Base Stations (MBSs) and Small Base Stations (SBSs) of the Mobile Edge Computing
(MEC) server using fuzzification and MD itself. This can be represented in Eqn 23,

0 if task t m ,i isexecuted ∈ MD
D(n, m) = 1 if task t m , i is executed ∈SBS (23)
2 if task t m , i is performed∈the core cloud

Where, n ∈ N ={1 , 2 ,3 , .. N ¿ which is the number of MD, m={ p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , … pn } It is the

number of connections to the nth device. The computational power of SBS is represented as
1𝑠𝑏𝑠, 𝜌2𝑠𝑏𝑠, 𝜌3𝑠𝑏𝑠... 𝜌𝑛𝑠𝑏𝑠. According to equation (23), if the download resolution is 0, the
connection is downloaded to the mobile device. A value of 1 means that the connection is
downloaded to the bottleneck-based MBS and SBS MEC servers. A value of 2 means the
connection is disabled to a central cloud. Enabling communication to the MEC server via MBS
and SBS reduces energy consumption and latency due to resource utilization. Since the MEC
server is close to the MD, the communication speed over the network is faster than the wireless

The proposed offloading mechanism process is based on conditions ρ1sbs and p1.

Condition 1: if capacity ¿ ¿ ), part of the communication is loaded to MD and the rest to the
MEC-SBS server.
Condition 2:if capacity ¿ ¿ ) Also, if no servers are close to SBS, some communications are
offloaded to SBS-MEC servers and the rest to the central cloud.

Condition 3:if capacity ¿ ¿ ), the SBS consists of adjacency servers that distribute a portion of the
communication to the SBS-MEC and offload to the MBS-MEC servers.

Assuming that N={1 ,2 , 3 , … N } is the number of mobile devices in the WSN.

m={1 ,2 , 3 , … M } Refers the amount of transmissions made by the MD and n={1 , 2 ,3 , .. n} is
the number of SBS server in the MEC. Assuming that each MD user creates a computational
transmission c ti i in each interval i∈ N at time t. For condition 1, the energy used to perform the
computational correlation in MD is given by Equation (24), and the time of operation to
complete this transmission in MD is given by Equation (25).

EMD (n ,m) =θl λ ( n , m )=θl s ( n ,m ) (24)

s (n , m)
TMD(n ,m )= (25)

Assuming that θl denotes the energy capability of local MD, λ represents CPU cycles of
executing the workflow, s ( n , m )- total size of the mth transaction at Nth device, and f l refers to
transaction processing rate. For condition 2, the SBS total reach computation at t is expressed in
equation (26). The total computational traffic for the SBS is defined by Equation (27).

t t
c ={c n }n ∈N (26)

t t
X ={ X i }i ∈n (27)

The offloading decision is made according to the fuzzy rules. This value is then transformed into
a smooth value—variables used during perturbation to load communications to SBS-MEC are
declared in equation (28).

Φ={ α , β , γ , δ ,θ } , Φ ∈ X

Let us assume α is an input transmission size with a limit of 0-50. β Is a transmission

delay limit of 0-1, γ is the computation capability of SBS and VM utilization in the limit of 20-
100, δ denotes latency in the limit 2-40 and θ denotes MBS utilization close to the SBS.
Equation 29 and 28 is estimated Gaussian membership function ψ A and their fuzzy sets X , x ,
ψ A ( X ) : X → [ 0 ,1 ] ∀ x ∈ X (29)

A={( X ,ψ A ( X ) ¿ } : x ∈ X (30)

This membership function can be of diverse categories like trigonometric, Gaussian,

piecewise linear, and singleton. This proposed work uses the trigonometric membership function
(ψ ¿ ¿ A
)¿ in equation (31).

0 ifX ≤ p
X− p
if p < X < n
ψA ( X )= n− p (31)
if n< X < q
1 ifX ≥ q

Data uplink d t and downlink d t transmission times are recorded respectively, and data
u d

rates between SBS-MEC and MBS-MEC are recorded as p andq . The uplink and downlink
transfer times of the offload site components use Equations (32) and (33), and the operation time
of this MEC server is expressed in equation (34).

EMEC st = u
∀ x ∈ X∧∀ i∈[0 , N ] (32)
(m ,i )
EMEC rt = ∀ x ∈ X ∧∀ i ∈¿ ]
(m ,i )

TMEC t (m , i)=EMEC st + EMECrt ( m, i ) (m , i )


According to Condition 3, use equation (35) to calculate the energy consumption of the
central cloud offload communication and equation (36) to calculate the execution time.

EC (n ,m )=σs (n , m) (35)

s(n , m) λ
T C (n , m)= + (36)
bn fc

Assuming that σ denotes positive coefficient values, b represents the central cloud's MD
bandwidth and f c transmission. The system's overall energy efficiency has been optimized using
a wolves called CS2RA to discover the optimal path for data transmission. The wolves' hunting
process is used to find less energy consumption of path selection. The execution time and energy
consumption are considered fitness functions for each population of workflows. The parameters
used in CS2RA is population X, the maximum number of iterations t, the control parameter and
learning factors. There are four levels of leadership hierarchy alpha (α), beta (β), delta (δ), and
omega (ω). Classifying the male and female representation of pack leaders to make the decision
is done by the alpha. Beta helps alpha to make the decision. Delta was treated as guides, elders
and hunters. Delta rules the omega wolves, and it follows other wolves. The alpha (α), beta (β)
and delta (δ) is considered to be the first, second and third best possible solutions, respectively,
in the CS2RA. The wolves are surrounded by their prey in the form throughout the hunting
process. In CS2RA, the group hunts wolves and their socialization behaviour is mathematically
modelled to perform the optimization process using,

D=¿C × X P− X (t )∨¿ (37)

X (t +1)=¿ X P (t )−E × D∨¿ (38)

Where, X P and X (t )- locations of grey wolf and prey. t- Iteration. C and D are the
coefficient vectors which are calculated as,

C=|2 × a× r 1−a| (39)

E=2× r 2 (40)

Where r 1, r 2- random vectors in the range[0,1], and C-[-a, a] and E- [0,2], a- linearly
decreased 2 to 0 through the iteration, which is measured as,

a=2−t × (41)
No . of iterations

The grey wolf can be changed in the optimal solution by changing the parameters C and E. The
alpha (α), beta (β), and delta (δ) are responsible for placing the prey placement, and the best three
solutions are framed as ( X 1 , X 2∧ X 3 ¿ .

Dα =| E1 × X α − X| (42)

D β=| E2 × X β− X| (43)
Dδ =|E3 × X δ −X| (44)


X 1 =X α −C 1 × Dα (45)

X 2 =X α −C 2 × Dα (46)

X 3 =X α −C 3 × Dα (47)

The next iteration population is calculated as

X1+ X2+ X 3
X (t +1)= (48)

The wolf's position is updated when it attacks a prey |E|<1 between its current position
and the prey's position. The α, β and δ wolves go out of the prey and unite to strike. C 1takes the
value of above 1 or below -1 randomly to deviate the wolves from the prey. In grey wolf, the
fitness function reflects the problem of minimizing the energy and execution time through
offloading. It is the weighted sum of the execution time and energy consumption of the mobile
device in the workflow. The overall execution time is calculated as,

OET (n , m)=wt ׿ (49)

Where ETL is a extract transform and load, ETE denotes end to end service, and ETC
denotes communication delay are the execution time of m th communication of nth device
executed in MD, edge cloudlet and central cloud. And ECL, ECE and ECC are the energy
consumption of mth communication of nth device performed in MD, edge cloudlet and significant

OEC (n , m)=(1−wt )×(ECL( n ,m )+ ECE( n ,m )+ ECC (n ,m )) (50)

Wt – weight vector between 0 and 1 based on the MD. The higher value of wt increases
the execution time and energy, and the lower value of wt implies MD battery needs to conserve.
Hence the wt is declared as 0.6. ECL Denotes receiving node energy, ECE refers to transmission
node energy and ECC denotes total energy efficiency of the node.

3.5 Energy Efficient Optimal Link Stability Routing Allocation (EOLSRA)

In this stage, the route is optimized with cooperative self-scheduling( OEC ). The routing
be allocated based on the execution time with a lower energy consumption level. Each routing
depends on duty cycle modes having link stability assigned on different methods. The successive
routing from energy consumption ETL, ETE, ETC is considered to allocate the route at
maximum support factor taken at each iteration. By viewing the population of nodes from spider
cluster layers, the cluster is considered as petal dependencies to one over the other cooperative
communication to optimize the route. The route be allocated at maximum support in offloading
mechanism to stabilize the path.


Input: Packet data flow of MD, Max data APckets t max, size S, control parameter a, switching
influence C and E.

Output: optimal service path allocation ω

Compute the Routing RT with the Number of nodes N

While All nodes i=0 to I= N at the communication medium

For each transmission node varying Ideal fact

C node at =0, Φ={ α , β , γ , δ ,θ } , Φ ∈ X t

If (C nodes < T max), then

Process the maximum support nodes by considering energy (32)

Compute Execution cost of MD using Eqn (33)


//offload the communication at SBS-MEC /MBS-MEC

Process least energy considering nodes (34) and (35)

Estimated execution time nodes using equation (36)

End if

//offload communication into supportive cluster head

End for

CS2RA- EOLSRA energy optimization

For I =1 to t max

for i=1 to N

Calculate Dα , D β ∧Dδ using Equation 42, 43 and 44

Calculate X1, X2 and X3 using Equation 45, 46 and 47

The position of the wolf is updated using equation 48.

End for

Calculate the fitness value by using Eqn (7-16) and update the control parameter
using equation 41.

Update C and E using equation 39 & 40

Update Xα, Xβ and Xδ

Find the optimal solution of overall energy and execution time using equation 49 and 50.

End for

Optimal return solution ω

End While

This CS2RA- EOLSRA-based energy optimization will further reduce the energy and
execution time of the network. Hence, our projected petal spider ant colony optimization-based
routing mechanism optimized with CS2RA- EOLSRA can be an efficient and effective
offloading scheme to improve the QoS in small cell networks with reduced energy and time

4. Experiment result analysis

The proposed implementation is tested on an NS2 simulator using a publicly available

cloud Dynamic ideal node communication medium. Carrying dynamic path can be effectively
constructed by Q-value parameters such as energy, latency and time complexity with the help of
a confusion matrix. This volume describes the results and discussions of the proposed methods
descriptively. And in this, 500 nodes are used, according to which the simulation parameters are
illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1: Simulation parameters for QoS improvement

Parameters values
Simulations are at a distance 1100m
Ideal node coverage 100m
Bandwidth utilization 5MHz
Transmission interval [0.2,.03] w
Energy utilization 0.2W
Number of nodes [100,200,300,400,500]
Edge power assumption 2200 MHz

The novel characteristics estimate the routing Performance, throughput, packet drop rate,
delay and security performance are considered to evaluate the energy level compared with
different methods shown in table 2

Table 2: Analysis of Energy consumption and execution time performance

Numbe Energy Consumption in joules Execution Time in seconds

18.54 12.81 4.01 2.31 22.05 20.02 6.33 4.91
24.89 15.3 6.31 4.24 29.14 21.11 12.45 10.2
29.32 16.3 8.7 6.21 33.56 25.23 21.82 15.91
32.65 21.4 12.81 9.72 37.24 27.82 25.03 18.53
36.12 27.72 14.01 10.02 41.25 30.72 28.54 21.91

Starting from the note in Table 2, MBS, SBS evaluates the number of connections
running on different offload locations like Core Cloud, Mobile Device, and MEC Server for
energy and runtime. In contrast, the dedicated connection via radio signal to the MEC server was
faster than the other two payload sites. The decentralized nature of connecting to landscapes
allows for efficient use of resources to save energy and time.

Fig 4 Result of Energy consumption performance

Fig 4 Result of Execution time performance

4.1 Comparative result analysis for QoS Lifetime improvement in WSN:

The competence and efficiency of the imminent CS2RA-EOLSRA-based energy-

optimized offloading method in the network have been demonstrated by comparative analysis
with other previous offloading techniques, like WCA and First Fit Decreased Offloading
Connection with Time. AIEECR, IEFCRP, and Edge nodes are dedicated to implementing
communications to decrease system time complexity using fuzzification technology. The output
download methods are based on downloading from a single site; the proposed method
implements connections at multiple locations and optimizes them with CS2RA-EOLSRA to
further reduce power and save deployment time. Table 3 and figure 5 describe the comparison of
energy consumption performance. The proposed achieved low energy consumption than other

Table 3: Analysis of energy cost performance

Energy Cost (J)

No of CS2RA-
249.62 229.02 259.02 19.13
311.2 243.92 304.3 25.85
347.71 301.43 313.23 31.21
399.03 361.21 351.32 43.93
414.21 387.91 399.92 51.75
In WCA, MD is the primary source of implementation. As a result, the energy
consumption and execution time when executing packet transmission increases the proposed has
a lower impact than other algorithms. In relative terms, the proposed technique minimizes the
energy required to implement communications with a significant difference from existing
methods. For several connections of 500, the proposed technique's energy consumption
performance is only 51.75 J. Implementing previous procedures, such as WCA, AIEECR, and
IEFCRP, consume 414.21 J, 387.91 J, and 399.92 J, respectively. Therefore, the proposed
CS2RA-EOLSRA with power optimization minimizes power for network optimization. A
comparison of implementation costs is presented in Table 4.

Fig 5 Comparison of Energy cost performance

Table 4: Analysis of execution cost

Numbe Execution Cost (s)

100 174.2 161.2 82.1 31.26
200 189.2 170.2 85.2 43.76
300 252.3 193.2 88.53 53.96
400 287.3 202.22 94.2 64.65
500 241.23 221.2 109.22 66.93
Figure 6 denotes the comparison of execution cost with various algorithms like WCA,
AIEECR, and IEFCRP. Due to the resource limitations of existing algorithms, it takes longer to
implement the number of allocated connections. The proposed method attains 66.93 seconds of
execution cost for 500 nodes than other methods.

Fig 6 Comparison of Execution cost performance

Figure 6 compares execution cost performance in seconds with various nodes. The
proposed method attains 66.93 seconds for execution cost. Likewise, other methods WCA,
AIEECR, and IEFCRP, obtained 241.23sec, 221.2sec, and 109.22 sec respectively.
Fig 7 Result of Throughput performance
Figure 7 illustrates the result of throughput performance with 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500
nodes. The proposed method's relative nodes are formalized using Petal Spider Ant Colony
Cluster (CS2RA- EOLSRA). The Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle (LECDC) consider the
routing energy limit to construct routing. Hence the proposed achieved 95.43% of throughput
performance than other methods.
Fig 8 Analysis of Network lifetime performance
Figure 8 depicts the comparison of network lifetime performance with different methods.
The proposed relative nodes are formalized using Petal Spider Ant Colony Cluster (CS2RA-
EOLSRA). The Lookup Energy Constraint Duty Cycle (LECDC) consider the routing energy
limit to construct routing. The proposed efficiently transmit the packets from sender to receiver.
Thus the proposed attained 95.18% of the network lifetime than previous methods.
5. Conclusion

This research article proposes a CS2RA- EOLSRA energy optimization to increase the
network's lifetime. The WSN technology must need high-speed computation data transmission in
any network. However, intelligent algorithms are used in energy-efficient service optimization to
enrich resources. In our research, the energy model is designed based on the capacity of the
resources. The proposed CS2RA method work based on fuzzification and wolves are used in
making decisions for efficient route selection in data offloading at networks. The proposed
CS2RA- EOLSRA is a swarm intelligence technique based on individual population and wolf
prey attack concepts. Our work helps optimize the energy efficient resources in the WSN
networks. The result evaluation estimates our algorithm computes in significantly fewer times of
21.91 seconds. It is estimated that energy consumed is very less efficient. In future various
swarm intelligence techniques and artificial intelligence technique can be used for efficient
outcomes in WSN.


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