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Sst Semester (anal) Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Spring 2023 Course Code: ENG 101; Course Title: English 1 Sections & Teachers: All Marks: 40 ‘Answer ALL Questions [The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course +t be answered sequentially.] “outcomes. All portions of each question must Listening: Listen fo the audio and apply it to answer questions | to 10 Ware | os Level-3 (Selecting and Interpreting ideas; will be taken separately) [Marks-7] rs Speaking: Cue Card Topies (Compare and contrast ideas; will be taken cuos Level-d separately) ; [Marks-5] Ses cLo2 3 | a | Complete the sentences as directed: i) If José (not speak) good French, he ane (not move) to Paris. (Second conditional) (not have) an argument, we (not be) late. (Third conditional) (study) Mandarin, she (go) to Beijing. (Third conditional) (buy) the present, I (wrap) it up. (First conditional) (arrive) early, it TS ii) Ifwe iii) Ifshe iv) If you v) Ifyou (be) less stressful. (Second conditional) Choose correct Articles where necessary. Put a Cross (x) where [Marks-5] ') | article is not needed: 1. We started early in morning. 2. Sun rises in east. 3. While there is life there is hope. 4, Brave soldier lost his arm in battle. 5. Moon shone through night. 6. Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity. 7. Priest was old Brahmin, 8. Man cannot survive without water. 9. Have you nevet seen elephant? 10. Singer was old man. Page | of 3 [Marks-7] Read the passage and answer the following questions. Soil Erosion 1. Ifnone of the options listed above suits your needs, you have another alternative that doesn’t require planting of other plants or crops on your land and allows you to create a clean look to your property. You can protect the soil by covering exposed spots around the plants with a mulching material. By putting down mulch, you are keeping bare soil from being washed and eroded away, as well as helping to retain soil joisture and eliminate weed growth around your carefully selected plants. Mulching layer stabilizes soil temperature, protecting plants and soil from the effects of fluctuating temperature in winter, 2, You can create neatly looking dry creeks that direct water away from your land or channel runoff to your designated area from where you can reuse it (e.g. for irrigation). Dry creeks look like a small version of a rocky river bed and even imitate its function. You also have an option to plant vegetated filter strips or simply install drainage pipes to gather water and carry it away from critical areas. Some people choose to protect land around their houses by implementing so called French drains. French drains are trenches along outer house walls that contain drainage pipes covered by permeable gravel. 3. Growing crops on slopes can be particularly challenging and plowing on slopes can easily lead to soil erosion. However, there are several techniques for cultivating crops on slopes that prevent erosion. These include contour farming, where farmers plow and plant across a slope along its contour lines as opposed to planting in downhill facing lines. 4. When talking about soil erosion control measures, we should not [peglect the areas that have already been damaged but have a potential for great improvement when managed properly. Restoration of degraded ecosystems and protection of marginal areas to ensure that we will place sufficient soil erosion prevention methods in place is crucial, 5. Land that is used for livestock grazing is often hilly or is located in marginal areas that are unsuitable for crop cultivation. Unsustainable livestock management on such lands leads to overgrazing and decreases the,protective groundcover. When more than 60 percent of vegetation gets removed, the rate of erosion accelerates, and topsoil is more likely to be washed off with every rainfall event, = 6. Whether on a large scale, like rice fields, or on a smaller scale in your backyard, terracing allows cultivation and erosion control of many difficult slopes.that would otherwise be unsuitable for any activity, With the structural support of retaining walls, terraces can create a nice decorative element on your property, giving it anew look. They can be Useful for the creation of raised garden beds that are for many gardeners more comfortable to maintain, cLO-4 Level-2, 3 Page 2 of 3 7. It is recommended to plant cover crops after the harvest of the main crop. Take for example corn. Once you harvest corn, the land will most likely remain barren over the winter. This means that the soil will ae the protective layer of growing vegetation in the season when it rains oF snows a lot and the land is subjected to cycles of freezing and unfreezing. This easily damages soil structure and increases the risk of soil loss. agraphs: i) Relate the following informations with the par: | me issues with —_ A) A number of techniques allow farmers to overcor slanted landscapes in farming. B) Without an abundance of plants, the land more quickly. C) When the land is emptier, it is m D) Adding a cover protects the land and keeps soil from being harmed _ by fluctuating temperatures. - : E) Another way to protect soil is to redirect water away from where —| plants are being grown. the wind and rain will wear away | fore prone to damage and lose earth. ii) Explain the Questions below providing short answers based on the passages: A) How can terraces create a nice decorative element on any property? B) What is crucial for ensuring sufficient soil erosion prevention methods? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is slowly becoming an integral part of our quotidian life. We use Als in so many instances nowadays. Constructan Essay on ‘The Uses and Abuses of Artificial Intelligence’ ‘Your description must include a thesis statement, the body of the essay, and a concluding paragraph. [Marks-8] Page 3 of 3 SS Sst Semester Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Spring 2023 Course Code: SE111 Course Title: Computer Fundamental Sections & Teachers: KBB,MH,RMS,SS,IS 200 Hrs Marks: 40 Time Answer ALL Questions [he figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All ” portions of each question must be answered sequentially.) [A stadent has been asked to prepare a Towshan that would calculate the AVERAGE marks of Three subjects for Five students and ‘output Whether the candidate has achieved’ a PARC, PASS, CREDIT, or EXCELLENT. For mmarksS0, i is FAIL, for marks<70. PASS, fo mmars<80, CREDIT and res of EXCELLENT The DATA used to fst the flowchart is sven os the right side, The first mark is for Maths, the second mark for English andthe third Prk fo Bangla. The Nowchart roparea tara for | Even onthe et sie Solna mt ¥ ‘antsm DATA “Nader” 81, 83,80 | Output Monitor: DATA “Aseal”, 80, 70, 76 DATA “Yousuf”, 60, 70, 65 DATA “Ali”, 50, 51, 45 DATA “Khalid”, 60,70,65 DATA tet | 1] taterpret te dita Tom the above data eight de wile Gown HS One BI output cLos 57 | Prepare the Trace Table nd Determine whether thé Towehan Would T10) Levels rodce the cup required. Use the monitor box given wo show Ye pt whenever there isa PRINT statement © _[Faleste utpat fom te tase abe (1), was wreng wih he Howe 5 draw th correct flowchart and develop coresponding code as | From gestion (6) ve want o Decide how many sade i S/R ed Bl excellent using code and show it pos | Based onthe direction of te data ow Tdsnily How any aS HOST their characteristics with figure aera Bl a 5) | Hentty the computer network according to her geographical we eed sh igure of LAN, MAN, WAN, S98 phil area and desedbe | 3p ios | Construct the memory hierarchy and Sol and explain epiter, cache na a 42)-msin memory and secondary memory. et Se¢he Memory (LT and O 1 | Page | of 1 Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Spring 2023, Course Code: SE 113; Course Title: Introduction to Software Engineering ; Section: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J; Instructor: SMR,-DM, MA, FE; 4st Sernesden (Gna) : Written Exam; Date: 14/06/2023; Time: 12:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM (Slot-B) Marks: 40 Time: (2:00 hrs.) sting. Marks: 3 1] A) Applying your knowledge, develop a model to show all the different types of testing, Ns Level 3] ing. Marks: 3 B) Construct a table between fictional and non-functional testing, Poe Level 3] ©) Build a chart where we can identify the difference between white box, black box, and pa gray box testing, Level 3] caennn i Marks: 2 2 A) From the below graph, identify the cyclomatic complexity of the program in two ways. i era @) Level 4] B) From the below-given values, calculate Count- Total; pick Average and Count Marks: § Count [Simple _JAverage” [Complex [cLo2 [External inputs (El) 32, 3. 4 16 Level 4) [External outputs BO) [60 l4 5 7 [External inquiries (EQ) 24 B ls s . Mnternal file (ILF) ig 7 i 15 [external interfaces (EIR) [2 Is 7 10 And weighing factors, Sum(Fi) = 53: software Productivity is 65.5 FP. per Person-month, and development costs are $9500 per month, © Make use of the above infor lation te Us F re i at information to caleul ste KB, Productivity, and Cost, 4 WSRET © Consider an Embedded project with four modules te im LOC), database management (1400 LOC) user-friendly 1300 LOC. Efforts and project iplement. User interfaces (1250 ), report generation (1950 LOC), and a class value are as follows: Marks: 6 [CLo3 Level 4] Page 1 of 2 ; Effort Software project class fat [bi_[ai A oe eae Ba old Cost Drivers Level| Factor pe be7|i.19]1.21) Complexity High] 1.17 Pmbedied ~ Storage High 1.05 Experience Low] 1.16 Programming Capabilities |Low| 1.15 ‘Analyst capability [High] 1.23 ‘Memory Constraints | Low 1.33 oot ; Examine the effort applied per person-month using the Intermediate COCOMO Model. Identify the total development time and how many people should be hired. AG 088 O69 - 1 D) Considering the project information presented in the table below of Critical Path | 144... Analysis [CLO3 Level 4] Activity | Predecessores Duration, A = 10 B A 8 c A 25 D B 10 E B 3 EF D 4 G EC 15 H G 4 : 1 HF 3 j Marks: 4 1. Develop the network diagram from above table and discover the total duration | “1¢y. 3 of the project. Also, show all the possible path and their duration and identify | eye 4y the critical path of the project and why. A~C-ANeT 255 E) Show the life cycle of risk management with the diagram and classify all software cost estimation methods can be categorized 3] A) In an Examination, a candidate has to score a minimum of 24 marks in order to clear the | Marks: 3 exam. The maximum that he can score is 40 matks. Identify Valid Equivalence values | [CLO4 if the student clears the exam. Level 4] a) 22,23,26 b)21,39,40 29,30,31 4) 0,15,22 B) Now consider a dialogue box that will ask the user to upload a photo with certain Marks: 4 conditions like — * > You can upload only ‘,jpg” fe a jpg’ format image Level 4] > file size less than 32kb > resolution 137177, Xf any ofthe conditions fails the system will throw a corresponding error message stating the issue and if all conditions are met photo will be updated successfully ° | “upload jpg fle with size not more than 32kb and sesolution 137°177 Develop the decision table for the above scenario, Page 2 of 2 2 Ray) Sa eS Daffodil International U Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Spring 2023 | ye Code: MAT101; Course Title: Mathematics-1 Cours: Sections & Teachers: All Tims ‘Answer ALL Questions University Marks: 40 [The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All portions of each question ‘must be answered sequentially.) [Marks- | CO-1 1. | Explain the following with examples. 05) Level-2 a) Symmetric Function b) Homogeneous Function d) Indefi Integral ©) Euler's Theorem ¢) Definite Integral Fi Fu, Fe 7 . 2 a) u= (x? + y?+22)i, Is it symmetric? Is it possible to Examine 22 + 3 + [Marks- | CO-2 ” 15) Level-4 au _2 . ation? “ SS = 2 by using the rules of partial differentiation? it homogeneous? Is it possible to Examine xo + ye = jtan u by using Euler’s Theorem? 3. | Solve the following integrals by using the appropriate method. Ee eo 5 evel: singe dx 6 ax ) S sinte-aea ® Name b) fcosxcos 5x dx 4 9 Lama 173 9 Sy LG? +y*)dy dx _ 9 (2,0 @x—y + 2)dedxdy 4. ; Absan starts painting at noon, He can paint (140 — kt) square feet per hour, where t is | IMarks- | CO-4 05] | Level-5 the number of hours. Since he started painting and k is a constant accounting for the fact that Ahsan slows down as he gets tied, If Ahsan paints 100 squate feet between 2 pm and 3 pm then Create the integral with the appropriate limit and find the value of k. fot Semester (Pro) Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Spring 2023 _. Course Code: AOL 101; Course Title: Art Of Living Sections & Teachers: All Time: 2 Hrs. Marks: 40 Answer ALL Questions ; [The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All portions of each question must be answered sequentially.) 0 CLO, 1 Mlustrate @ mind map on your ikigai (career plan) with 12 overcoming strategies of possible future failures & challenges, 2(@) | Ina small town called Haripur, there was a talented young girl] 10 | CLO2, named Maya. Maya had dreams of becoming a renowned fashion 13 designer, but she faced a significant setback when her exhibition Was met with disappointment and criticism from the designer community. Devastated by the failure, Maya felt her dreams crumbling before her eyes. Her self-doubt made her think that she is good for nothing, Answer the following question from the above Passage: Organize your thoughts in a letter providing examples of individuals or stories that might help Maya to boost her sel gsteem. Imagine you are Maya's close friend and you want to Sncourage “Maya, emphasizing her qualities and future opportunities. 2 (0) | Once upon a time, a farmer's donkey fel insidea well. The 3 CLO2, farmer wasn’t able to take the donkey out, so he decided to L3 the mud being shoveled upon and took a ste up. As the filled with mud, the donkey simply kept stepping up wid rear " off when the well was completely filled, Answer the following question from the above passage: Identify the importance of determination and resilience (the Capacity to recover quickly from difficulties) in our lives? Select Specific examples to Support your answer, , 3 (a) You are a renowned artist invited to a prestigious gallery opening showcasing your latest collection. The event is attended by art enthusiasts, collectors, and critics from all over the world. The gallery owner, Mr. Shafiqur Rahman, introduces you to a potential buyer, Mrs. Salma Nazneen, who is known for her high- profile art acquisitions. As you engage in a conversation with Mrs. Nazneen, you notice that she begins to make belittling comments about your artwork and artistic abilities, displaying a lack of respect and professionalism. Answer the following question from the above passage: Recommend your respond to Mrs. Nazneen's belittling comments. Explain the etiquette and personal behavior you would exhibit 10 CLO3, Ls 3 (b) Evaluate the course 'Art of Living' whether it inspires to change your outlook on life? If so, to what level? Ifnot, why? Explain your stand with examples CLO3, LS

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