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Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science and Information Technology Final Examination, Fall 2023; Course Code: SE 113; Course Title: Introduction to Software Engineering Sections & Teachers: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Il, I,J, K, L, M,N, O, P & DAKM, MSA, DM, MKS, MBM, RHH, SD ‘Time: 2 Hours Marks: 40 ‘Answer ALL Questions ‘(The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All portions of each question must be answered sequentially.) 1. | @) | Identify the necessity of Software Testing and categorize different types of software | [Marks] | CLOS Testing in details. Lene, 4) | Develop a decision table for the below image for all the actions that happen in the air | (Marks4] | CLO3_| | Blower | State ON? | acUser |Request state ON? [Ambient UTemp>user | settemp Actions OFF (OFF) GFF) ONy OFF | ©) | Build a chart where we can identify the difference between white box, black box, and | IMarks5) | CLO ray box testing, Level-3 ‘d) | From the below diagram, identify the cyclomatic complexity of the program in two | Blarks5) | CLOS ways and construct the graph ma rix. Level3 2. | a) | Construct the list of software project planning steps and define the list of risk | Marisa) | CLOa classifications. Level3 Page 2 of 1 3) | Considering the project information presented in the table below of Cri IMarksy | ta. Analysis Levee Activity] Predecessores] Duration (Days) A = 10 B A 8 Cc A 25 D B 10 E ie 3 F Cc 4 G DE 15 H FG 4 Develop the network diagram from the above table and discover the total duration of the project. Also, show all the possible paths and their durations, and identify the critical path of the project. ¢) | Consider a Semi-detached project where four modules to implement. User interfaces | (Marks-5| | CLO-4 1.50 KLOC; database management 1.20 KLOC; report generation 1.80 KLOC; and Lands user-friendly 1.00 KLOC. Efforts and project class value are as follows: ‘Software project class ai bi di, Organic 32 | 1.05 1.05 Semi-detached 3.0 [1.12 112 Embedded 28 [1.20 1.20 Cost Drivers Level | Effort Adjustment Factor Complexity High LAS Storage High 1.06 Experience Low. 1.13 Programming Capabilities Low Ltd Analyst capability High 1.25 Memory Constraints Low 131 Make use of the above information to calculate the effort applied in person-month using the Intermediate COCOMO Model. What will be the total development time, and how many people should be hired? @) | Problen: Statement: Create a Student Hostel Management System for seamless student | [Marks [CLO accommodation. The sofiware should manage check-in/check-out processes, validate room availability, and calculate fines for late check-outs. The system should offer a user-friendly interface, handle database maintenance, and gencrate periodic reports for efficient hostel management. LOC Calculation: - produetivity is 1900 LOC per person-month, development costs are $6900 per month, and the defeet rate is 1350. Major software functions identified 1. User interface - Sopt : 1900, Sm: 2100, Spess: 4100 2, Backend development - Sopt: 2600, Sm: 2700, Spess: 4600 3. Testing - Sopr: 2500, Sm: 1900, Spess: 3600 Make use of the above information to calculate Person-month, Quality, Total Cost, Cost per LOC. Page 2 of 2 Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Fall 2023 Course Code: ENG 101; Course Title: English I Sections & Teachers: SS2(A,B,C,D,E,F), MAI(G,H,1,J,K,L), NKS(M,N), JFH(O,P) ‘Time: 2:00 Hrs Marks: 40 Answer ALL Questions portions of each question must be answered sequentially.] [The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All Charles Babbage is considered as father of computers.” Can you take picture of us? Everybody knows that cats are very independent animals, Birds of feather flock together. Their car goes 150 miles hour. English professor who taught us is retiring today, He is going to be engineer after his graduation, When in Rome, do as Romans do. Experts say that coffee can be good for your health, x. There was important document on the table. T. | Listening: Listen to the audio and apply it to answer questions 1 to 10 (Selecting | [Marks- | CLO3 and analyzing ideas; has already been taken separately) 8] | Level- 34 2, | Speaking: Cue Card Topics (Relating and demonstrating ideas, has already been | [Marks-| CLO-I taken separately) 1 | Level-2 3. | @) | Modify the verbs as directed. [Marks- | CLO2 5] | Levelt, i Ifthey (go) for a walk, they (turn) the lights 3 off. [Third Conditional] ii, We (miss) the train if we (not hurry). [First Conditional] iii, Ifyou {heat) ice, it (melt). [Zero Conditional] v. We (not get) lost if you (@sk) for directions, [Third Conditional] 11 (have) a billion dollars, I (buy) Buckingham Palace. [Second Conditional] . B) | Apply Articles where they are needed, write “OK” when they are not. [Marks- 5] Page | of 4 4.@ Atom Bomb and Its Invention The atom bomb was one of the defining inventions of the 20th Century. So, how did science fiction writer HG Wells predict its invention three decades before the first detonations? ‘A. Imagine you're the greatest fantasy writer of your age. One day you ‘dream up the idea of a bomb of infinite power. You call it the “atomic bomb”. HG Wells first imagined a uranium-based hand grenade that “would continue to explode indefinitely” in his 1914 novel The World Set Free. He even thought it would be dropped from planes. What he couldn’t predict was how a strange conjunction of his friends and acquaintances — notably Winston Churchill, who'd read all Wells's novels twice, and the physicist Leo Szilard— would turn the idea from fantasy to reality, leaving them deeply tormented by the scale of destructive power that it unleashed. The story of the atom bomb starts in the Edwardian age, when scientists such as Emest Rutherford were grappling with a new way of conceiving the physical world. The idea was that solid elements might be made up of tiny particles in atoms. “When it became apparent that the Rutherford atom had a dense nucleus, there was a sense that it was like a coiled spring,” says Andrew Nahum, curator of the Science Museum's ‘Churchill’s Scientists exhibition, Wells was fascinated with the new discoveries. He had a track record of predicting technological innovations. Winston Churchill credited Wells for coming up with the idea of using aeroplanes and tanks in combat ahead of World War I. C. The two men met and discussed ideas over the decades, especially as Churchill, a highly popular writer himself, spent the interwar years out of political power, contemplating the rising instability of Europe. Churchill ‘grasped the danger of technology running ahead of human maturity, penning a 1924 article in the Pall Mall Gazette called “Shall we all commit suicide?”. In the article, Churchill wrote: “Might a bomb no bigger than an orange be found to possess a secret power to destroy a whole block of buildings ~ nay to concentrate the force of a thousand tons of cordite and blast a township at a stroke?” This idea of the orange- sized bomb is credited by Graham Farmelo, author of Churchill’s Bomb, directly to the imagery of The World Set Free. D. By 1932, British scientists had succeeded in splitting the atom for the first time by artificial means, although some believed it couldn’t produce hhuge amounts of energy. But the same year the Hungarian emigre physicist Leo Szilard read The World Set Free, Szilard belicved that the splitting of the atom could produce vast energy. He later wrote that Wells showed him “what the liberation of atomic energy on a large scale would mean”, Szilard suddenly came up with the answer in September 1933 — the chain reaction — while watching the traffic lights turn green in Russell Square in London. He wrote: “It suddenly occurred to me that if we could find an element which is split by neutrons and which would emit (wo neutrons when it absorbed one neutron, such an clement, if assembled in sufficiently Jarge mass, could sustain a nuclear chain reaction.” Page 2 of 4 E. In that cureka moment, Szilard also felt great fear — of how a bustling city like London and all its inhabitants could be destroyed in an instant as he reflected in his memoir published in 1968: “Knowing what it would mean — and I knew because I had read HG Wells —1 did not want this patent to become public.” The Nazis were on the rise and Szilard was deeply anxious about who else might be working on the chain reaction theory and an atomic Bomb. Wells's novel Things to Come, tured into a 1936 film, The Shape of Things to Come, accurately predicted aerial bombardment and an imminent devastating world war. In 1939, Szilard drafted the letter Albert Einstein sent to President Roosevelt warning ‘America that Germany was stockpiling uranium. Then Manhattan Project was bom. Svilard and several British scientists worked on it with the US military’s massive financial backing. Britons and Americans worked alongside each other in “silos” ~ each team unaware of how their work fitted together, ‘They ended up moving on from the original enriched uranium “gun” method, which had been conceived in Britain, to create a plutonium implosion weapon instead. Szilard campaigned for a demonstration bomb test in front of the Japanese ambassador to give them a chance to surrender. He was horrified that it was instead dropped on a city. In 1945, Churchill was beaten in the general election and in another shock, the US government passed the 1946 McMahon Act, shutting Britain out of access to the atomic technology it had helped create. William Penney, one of the returning Los Alamos physicists, led the team charged by Pri ister Clement Atlee with somehow putting together their individual pieces of the puzzle to create a British bomb on a fraction of the American budget. “It was a huge intellectual feat,” Andrew Nahum observes. “Essentially they reworked the calculations that they'd been doing in Los Alamos. ‘They had the services of Klaus Fuchs, who [later] tured out to bean atom spy passing information to the Soviet Union, but he also had a phenomenal memory.” Another British physicist, Patrick Blackett, who discussed the Bomb after the war with a German scientist in captivity, ‘observed that there were no real secrets. According to Nahum, he sai “It’s a bit like making an omelet. Not everyone can make a good one.’ ‘When Churchill was re-clected in 1951, he “found an almost complete weapon ready to test and was puzzled and fascinated by how Atlee had buried the costs in the budget”, says Nahum. “He was very conflicted about whether to go ahead with the test and wrote about whether we should have ‘the art and not the article’. Meaning should it be enough to have the capability... [rather] than to have a dangerous weapon in ty armoury.” Jour ~ ltt tone = have teexrad Churchill was convinced to go ahead with the test, but the much more powerful hydrogen bomb developed three years later worried him greatly. HG Wells died in 1946. He had been working on a film sequel to The Shape of Things to Come that was to include his concerns about the now- realized atomic bomb he'd first imagined. But it was never made. Towards the end of | :, says Nahum, Wells’s friendship with Churchill “cooled a little”, “Wells considered Churchill as an enlightened Page 3 of 4 but tamished member of the ruling classes.” And Churchill had little time for Wells's increasingly fanciful socialist utopian ideas. Questions (i){v) Reading Passage has eight paragraphs, A-H, personal, social, educational and occupational responsibilities. While millions of people play online games, only a small percentage develop online game addiction. Now, compose an essay discussing about ‘Addiction to Online Games’. Your description must include a thesis statement, the body of the essay, and a concluding paragraph. Select the paragraph containing the following information. [Marks- Mark the correct letter, A - H, on your answer sheet. 5] i. The dawn of the new project fi. Horvifying prediction Leaving Britain behind the project iv. Long-term discussion v. Worsening relations Questions (vi)-(ix) Select NOT MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage to complete the paragraph. mau When scientists like Emest Rutherford were trying at (vi). 3 with a new theory of the physical world in the Edwardian cra, that is when the (vi of the atom bomb began. This suggested that atoms (vil) particles could be the basis of solid elements. Andrew Nahum suggested that when it was discovered that the Rutherford atom had a (ix). nucleus, there was a fecling that it was similar to a wound spring. 5) | Addiction to online game is characterized by severely reduced control over __| [Marks ‘gaming habits, resulting in negative impacts on daily functioning, including 8] Dana Aa A & Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Fall 2023 Course Code: MAT-101; Course Title: Mathematics-I Sections-A-P Teachers: KK, MMR, YA, MAB Time: 2 Hours Marks: 40 Answer ALL Questions [The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks and corresponding course outcomes. All portions of each question must be answered sequentially. ] 4. | Explain Partial differentiation, symmetric function, homogeneous | (51 function, multi-valued function, and integration with examples. oy 2. | a)Find these the value of the following indefinite integrals 110) = bx . Levele3 — + J sin2xcos3xdx, (1t27)(10+(tan™x) } inxs boos! fasinctvens's gy pdx pte sin'x.cos'x I x44xt5 )Find the following definite integrals 0] 212 5 6 + x)d; se ILS x) iydxdz,J fe 3. 2.2) 27 110) a)lfu =" + y’ +2’) * then show that cLos xGet yet 2th au ar bylfw = tan" 22" then show that x24 + y4 = +sinau 4. _| The graph below describes the velocity of a car over a 10-hour i scenic drive. Positive velocity indicates the car is traveling east. cLoz Leveled ‘vityimph) 40 |— 20 -20 | a 4 6 10 40 + hr) analyze the situation and discover the following answers a)from t=o hr to t=ghr the car is traveling east/west. +b)Fill in the blanks :from time t=? To time t=? The car is traveling west? c)At what times does the car stop? d)After 10 hrs driving, is the car east/west of where it started? How far east/west of where it started? Note: You may add or delete rows as per your requirements. Mention CLO® in the right side of the table as per your course outline. Daffodil International University Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science & Information Technology Final Examination, Fall 2023 Course Code: SE 111; Course Title: Computer Fundamentals 5 Sections & Teachers: 41(ALL) & (ALL) Time: 2:00 Hrs Marks: 40 Answer ALL Questions [The figures in the right margin indicate the fuh marks ana corresponding course outcomes. Ah portions 01 each question must be answerea sequentially., [Marks-10] | CLO-3 1. Ja) Level-3 Solve the given flowchart instructions using the C programming language. Db) | include [Marks-(0} int main { float base, height, area; printf("Enter the base of the triangle: "); scan("%f", &ebase) print{("Enter the height of the triangle: "); scanf("%d", &cheight); area = (base * height) /2 printf("The area of the triangle is: %.2f\n", area); If (area > 30){ printf(Triangle); } else{ print("Rectangle"); oy Identify the provided code for errors and construct a flowchart diagram for the corrected version. (i) Utilize the 2's complement method to determine the result of the subtraction operation E - B. (ii) Construct the implementation of a Full Adder by utilizing Half Adders. [Marks- 10] -|m a bustling university campus, each computer in the computer science lab is seamlessly connected to its neighboring machines. The lab instructor, Ms. Rodriguez, ensures that every computer can communicate dircctly with any other. As students collaborate on coding projects and share resources, they marvel at the interconnected web of computers forming an intricate network. Analyze the appropriate network topology for the described scenario and elucidate it with a figure. [Marks- 5] Distinguish the various components of the memory hierarchy in a computer. [Marks- 5] CLO-4 Level-4 Daffodil International Universi Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Science and Information Technology Final Examination, Fall-2023 Course Title: Art of Living Course Code: AOL 101 : 2 hours Answer All the Questions [The figures in the right margin indicate the full marks] Marks: 40 Imagine you are a project manager in a rapidly growing startup that values innovation and agility, The company operates in a dynami industry where quick adaptation to technological advancements is crucial for success. As the team lead, you've noticed that maintaining a culture of transparent communication, collaboration, and feedback has become increasingly important. Q In the context of a fast-paced startup environment focused on innovation, explain why transparent communication, collaboration, and feedback are essential components for the sustained success of the team and the company. Summarize 5 suggestions that you will give to your team members to cope with this culture. Col 2 (@)As a student of the faculty of science and information technology, you can realize that your university has integrated a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AJ) tool for market analysis into the curriculum, While some students are eager to explore its potential, others express concems about adapting to this new technology. Q. Assume some potential challenges or obstacles that students might face when adapting to the new technology. Discover the practical suggestions that you would offer to your classmates who are uncertain about incorporating the AI tool into their coursework. (b)It is said that presentation skill is one of the strengths of the students of private universities. Though they often feel under pressure to face presentation in every course, it makes them confident and good communicators. Q. As a student, list your preparation for a successful presentation in both online and offline?! (Marks) 10 (Marks) 5 (@)Suppose your uncle installed Facebook recently, after installing Facebook sent you a friend request and you accepted it. Now, whatever he wants to say to you, he writes it on your wall and comments on your post about family matters, You are concerned with it as his Facebook activity creates embarrassing situations for you every now and then. Q. Among digital, media and technological literacy, recommend a literacy that you want your uncle (0 learn? Justify your choice, Explain how digital, media and technology literacy make an impact on a student’s life, (b) Amagine you're in a group project, and one team member is not contributing effectively, Decide how you would tackle this interpersonal Issue. Additionally, conclude with a simple tip you find helpful for managing everyday stress and maintaining a positive mindset in your university (Marks) 10 (Marks) 8 COs Ls

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