Young learners def

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Vol.1 No.

7 Desember 2020 1413


Pretty Elisa Ayu Ningsih
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh

This research attempted to describe how the teacher used freeze framing technique engaged the
students during the teaching and learning process. It also attempted to describe how the students
responded toward the use of this technique. The participants of this research were Kindergarten 1
Pink students. Observation checklists, field note, video recorder and interview protocol were used
as the instruments. This research was done as a classroom action research consisted of three cycles.
Each cycles conducted in three meetings. In each meeting the researcher implemented the
technique while she used video as the media. First, the researcher froze the video and then she
asked several questions to the students. The questions were related to the video. She let the students
answered freely without judging their answers. After that, she played the video again and let them
watched the video to know whether their answers were correct or not. The result of this research
showed that the students were engaged actively during the discussion. They were able to answer
the teacher’s questions as well as share their ideas. Consequently, Freeze Framing Technique
improved the teaching and learning process. The students became more active and involved during
the classroom discussion. In conclusion, Freeze Framing Technique was helpful for the teacher in
teaching English to young learners.
Keywords: Freeze Framing Technique, Young Learner & Students’ engagement

INTRODUCTION letting the students to watch the video until it

Teaching young learners is quite finished while sitting down on the carpet. It
challenging. It is not easy to teach young made the students became passive in the
learners. As a teacher of young learners, the classroom. It also made the students bored to
teachers need to be creative. According to watch the video. They only interested to watch
Harmer (2007) in teaching young learners the it for a few minutes. They tended to talk and
teachers need to use an interesting media in played instead of watching the video.
teaching, a media that could grab the students’ Furthermore, the researcher found that
attention during the teaching and learning using videos without implementing any
process and the media that could make the viewing techniques could not really help the
students interested in the topic to be discussed. students in the learning process. The students
In town for kids’ preschool Jambi were still not able to absorb the lesson they
curriculum the teachers were asked to integrate learn. It was proven in their assessment, report
ICT during their teaching and learning process. book and portfolio. In addition, it was also not
Most of the teachers in this school used video helping the teachers to make the students
as their media to teach the students. It used most engaged in the classroom discussion. The
of the time to teach LEA. The teachers believed students would be quiet if the teacher asked
that video can help them to make the student them to share their ideas or questions. In other
more focus, and also helped them to explain the word, the use of video in this school was not yet
lesson. However, based on the researcher helping the teacher to make the students
observation, the teachers in this school just participated in the discussions.
ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak) Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
1414 Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020
In order to avoid those problems mentions is a major factor for the teacher to decide what
above the teacher could use a video viewing to teach and how to teach them.
technique that might help them during the In addition, McKay (2006) explains the
teaching and learning process. Instead of letting characteristics of young learner age 5 to 6 years
the students watching the video until it finished old are the young learner attention span is short.
the teacher could use freeze framing technique. They can only have full attention for about 10
The teacher could freeze the video and asked to 15 minutes. They are easily distracted by
the students some questions to predict what others. They are gaining understanding from
would happen next or ask the students opinion direct experience, through objects and visual
about the scene. Since young learners aids. Meanwhile, Scoot and Ytreberg divide the
especially Kindergarten 1 Pink class students young learners into two groups, those are, the
had very short attention and concentration span, five to seven years old and the eight to ten years
it might help the teachers to make them paid old. They mention the characteristics of five
more attention to the teachers’ explanation. and seven years old are, they can talk about
Further, this technique might also help the what they are doing, they can tell you about
teachers to make the students talked more in the what they have done or heard, they can plan
classroom. So, the teacher could minimize the activities, they can argue for something and tell
students’ passivity in the classroom. If the you why they think and what they think, they
students were no longer passive in the can use logical reasoning, they are very logical,
classroom it might affect both of their they have a very short attention and
comprehension and understanding about the concentration span, they love to play, they learn
subject they learnt as well as their willingness more when they enjoy themselves, and they are
to use English to communicate with others. enthusiastic and positive about learning
As language learners Cameron (2001)
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE describe young learners have some
1. Young Learners and Their characteristics such as they are more
Characteristics enthusiastic and lively as learners than adult
Young learners refer to any student who has learners, they want to please the teachers and
not yet reached their majority. It includes the they love to be involved in an activity even
whole range of ages and developmental stages though they do not know what and how to do it.
of children from infants, young children and Further she states that young learners are less
older children. It also explains the enormous embarrassed to talk in foreign language. It helps
physical, emotional, psychological, social and them to acquire the language faster than adult
cognitive differences. According to McKay learners do. However, Cameron states that
(2006) young learners are children age five to young learners are usually easy to get bored and
twelve years old. Moreover, McKay (2006) lose interest. It will be hard for the teacher to
states that young language learners are children motivate them in learning and to do task that
who learn a language before or during their six they think too difficult for them.
years of formal schooling. In relation to the Teaching English to young learners
educational systems young learners refer to Teaching English to young learners has
preschool, kindergarten, primary school, and been increasingly established at the primary
middle school students. Students with different even preschool levels. Sukarno (2008) states
age will have different need, interest, that teaching and learning of English in
competence and cognitive skills (Lightbown preschool provides the students English
and Spada in Cameron (2001)). Furthermore, language competencies in the golden age.
Harmer (2007) describes that the students’ age Further he explains golden age is the age that
children can learn anything easily. Age has

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020 1415
often been considered as a major, determining teachers need to make lessons become
success in learning a second or foreign interesting, lively, and fun. Moreover Sukarno
language. Similarly, Harmer (2007) describes (2008) states the media and activities should be
young learners learn faster and more effectively designed to capture children’s interest and
than any other age group. Like Sukarno and curiosity. In similar way Cameron (2001) also
Harmer, Cameron (2001) also explains about explains that the activities, media and materials
the golden age of children, but Cameron named that the teachers provide for teaching young
it the critical period hypothesis. It is the idea learners have to meet the students’ need rather
that young children can learn second or foreign than the teachers’ interest. If the teachers
language more effectively than adults. It means consider these factors in teaching especially
that young learners can acquire the language English to young learners, it will help the
easier. They are generally considered to be students to acquire the language. As well as
capable of acquiring a new language easily and helping the teachers to get the students attention
with little effort. and motivate the learners.
Teachers have to consider their students’ Freeze Framing Technique
characteristics and need in teaching the The use of video in teaching English has
language (Cameron, 2001). The mood of young been proven to be useful. There are a lot of
children tends to change every other minute, advantages in using video for teaching and
and they find it extremely difficult to sit still. learning process. According to Harmer (2007)
Because they are easy to get bored Brumfit et al there are many good reasons in using video as
(2003) suggest the teachers to let the students teaching media in the classroom. First, the
move from one activity to another activity students can see language in use. It means,
during the lesson every 10-15 minutes. videos give the students opportunity to know
In order to be effective in teaching English, the the native speakers way in using English.
teacher has to be smart in selecting interesting Second, videos make the students relax during
materials, activities, media and must provide a learning. It can catch the students’ attention
great variety of them. According to Brumfit et easily.
al (2003) since young learner love repetition In teaching by using video there are some
and are very active, teaching them by using techniques that the teacher could use in
some expressive and purposeful media and implementing this technique. Harmer (2007)
activities can catch their attention and increase and Jenkins & Johnson (2010) mention 12
their motivation. Young learners are both techniques that can be used by the teachers in
curious and willing to learn new things, and the classroom when they use video as their
learn faster than adult learners. Since fun is the media in teaching. Freeze Framing Technique
key aspect to attract young learners’ attention, is one of the techniques that the teacher can use
in teaching English the teacher should be in teaching by using videos. Freeze framing
supported by songs, videos, realia, games, means stopping the picture on the screen by
cartoons, ICT etc. pressing the still or pause button (Cakir (2006),
Using these kinds of media in language Harmer (2007), Jenkins & Johnson (2010)).
teaching can be very helpful for very young Harmer (2007) explains that freeze framing
learners. Therefore, teachers should be patient technique is extremely useful for asking the
while teaching English to young learners. Also, students opinion about what will the characters
when new items are thought to very young say or do in the video. In other words, it gives
learners, enjoyable and practical methods, the students opportunity to speak up in the
media and activities should be used. Sukarno classroom.
(2008) describes that in teaching English to Moreover, Jenkins and Johnson (2010)
young learners the teachers have to consider describe that by using freeze framing technique
children have short attention spans. It means the the teacher can use video like a picture

ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak) Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
1416 Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020
dictionary. Further they explain that the teacher observation checklist for students. Field note
can pause and ask questions about what was used to write some notes about whatever
students see, ask students to make vocabulary happened during the teaching and learning
lists, ask questions about how people might be process which could not be covered in
feeling in the video based on what they see in observation checklist. In this research the
the frame. This technique will help the teachers interview protocol used as a guideline in
to engage their students in teaching and interviewing the students. It consisted of 10
learning process. It can also help the teachers to open ended questions. The interview was used
increase the students’ motivation and interest. to get the data about the students’ opinion and
Further, Jenkins & Johnson (2010) also states think about the implementation of freeze
that this technique will trigger the students to framing technique. Next instrument used is
talk more in the classroom. And further, it will video recorder, the researcher used Yi action
help them to be involved during the classroom camera to record the whole activity during the
discussion. teaching and learning process. It helped the
researcher to see the whole information. So, by
METHODS using this instrument the researcher could make
This research was done as classroom sure there was no data left behind.
action research. It was conducted in the Data Analysis Procedures
researcher’s classroom to solve the problems of In analyzing the data, the researcher
students’ lack in the teaching and learning followed Creswell (2009) which describe that
process. Burns (2010) states that action there were 5 steps to analyze qualitative
research is part of the way that could be useful research data which are; organize and prepare
for the teacher to improve their teaching the data for analysis, read through all the data,
process to be better. The researcher observed, description, represented the data, and
interviewed, recorded, criticized, evaluated and Interpretation. First, the researcher collected all
self reflected related to the problems and tried the data from the observation checklist, field
to solve the problems by using freeze framing notes, interview protocol and video recorder.
technique. This research was conducted in Next, the data was sorted, organized and
cyclonic which consists of four stages; plan, prepared by the researcher in order to make it
action, observation, and reflection. Moreover, easier to analyze the data. All of the data was
the researcher did this research collaboratively organized and prepared immediately for each
with her assistant teacher in Kindergarten 1 action. After that, the researcher read all the
class. data thoroughly. She read the entire data and
Instruments information from the instruments to know and
Instruments used by the researcher in this understand the data and information clearly.
research were observation checklist, field notes, Next the researcher analyzed the data. Then she
interview protocol and video recorder. described all the information from the data in
Observation checklist was used to get the data detailed. In describing the data she started from
about what really happened in the classroom a general explanation to the specific one. And
during the implementation of the technique, and then in representing the data, the data that had
to observe how this technique could engage the been analyzed were presented in narrative
students also to know how the teacher discussion. It meant the researcher explained in
implemented this technique. In using this detail the findings from the data analysis. So,
instrument the researcher was helped by a she would represent the data from all the
collaborator. There were two kinds of instruments qualitatively. Finally the researcher
observation checklist used in this research; interpreted the data into the conclusion which
observation checklist for teacher and could answer the research questions. In the

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020 1417
interpretation the researcher summarized the question. The students still answered the
findings, did personal reflection and question by using Bahasa. In post teaching, the
interpretation about the meaning of the data, teacher reviewed the lesson again by opening
made comparison to the literature review and videos song about transportation.
previous studies, and the last offered limitations At the beginning of second meeting the
and suggestion for future research. researcher started with opening a video song
about transportation. After the song finished,
FINDINGS the teacher started to do brainstorming to the
Cycle 1 students by asking questions. After doing the
Planning brainstorming in pre teaching, the teacher
In this stage, the researcher prepared all of started to open the video about energy that
the instruments to conduct this study. Next the moved vehicles. She started to freeze the video
researcher prepared the action and lesson plan in the scene where a car stops in a gas station.
as a guide in teaching and learning process. She asked several questions to the students, but
Then, the researcher prepared the video to be only one student answered her questions. She
used during the research. There are two videos also praised them to make their motivation
used in cycle 1, those were Force work and higher and also to make the students wanted to
Energy Relationship from talk more during the classroom discussion. In and How do cars post teaching, she asked the students some
move from Channel 5 broadcasting ltd. In the questions related to the topic they learnt. She let
first cycle the researcher taught the students the students share their ideas and opinions. The
about the energy that used to move vehicles. students are able to mention types of vehicles
There were 4 kinds of energy discussed in cycle that moved by each kind of energy correctly.
1: petrol, electricity, human energy and animal In the pre teaching of the third meeting,
power. she started by opening a video song entitled
Action Row Row your boat. She did some movement
This stage consisted of three meetings. together with her students while the song was
In each meetings there were pre, while and post playing. It made the students enjoyed the
teaching. In this cycle the students learnt about learning process. They smiled and laughed
energy that moves vehicles. For the pre during the songs. After the song finished she
teaching the researcher started by opening song started to do brainstorming to the students.
video related to the topic to be learnt. In doing After doing the brainstorming the teacher
the brainstorming the researcher already used started to play the video about energy. As in the
the freeze framing technique. She froze the previous meetings, the teacher froze the video
video, and then she asked her students some in the important scenes and asked the students
questions. From the students answered the some questions. After they answered the
teacher started to explain about energy. In while questions, she played the video again to let
teaching the researcher let the students to watch them knew whether their answers were correct
the video then she froze the video in the or not. If the student’s answers were correct the
important scenes. The teacher also related the teacher complimented them to make them more
explanation with the students’ experiences. The motivated to speak and answer the questions.
teachers kept freezing the video in the scenes In post teaching she asked several questions to
that she thought were important. After freezing the students, to know their understanding about
the video she asked several questions related to the topic they learnt.
the scenes, and then she explained about the Observation
energy. The students were focus to the teachers. In this research, the researcher as the
They listened to the teacher explanation, but teacher was helped by her assistant teacher of
only one student could answer the teacher Kindergarten 1 pink class as the collaborator

ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak) Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
1418 Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020
doing observation during the teaching and Next, the audio visual data showed that
learning process in the classroom. The in those three meetings the students were still
collaborator observed both the teacher and the not able to pay full attention to teacher
students based on the checklist had been explanation. The first meeting video showed
designed. Furthermore, the interview data that that in minute 11 they started to move around
had been transcribed and the audio visual data the carpet. They did not listen to their teacher
from the camera were observed and analyzed anymore. While in second and third they start
by both of the researcher and the collaborator. to play in minute 11:47 and 12:45.
First, according to the teacher’s Finally, during the interview when the
observation checklist there were some things in teacher asked questions to the students, some of
the observation checklist that the teacher did them did not answer the questions, they only
not do. While, for the video itself, one of the nodded their head. Moreover, when the teacher
video duration was too long for the students. asked their opinion about the use of freeze
Second, from 6 statements in the students’ framing technique in teaching, most of the
observations checklist, there was only one students said that they like it because it was fun
statement that the students really did. That was for them. In addition, when the teacher asked
students answer the questions correctly them about the video quality, the students said
however they answered the questions in that they could see and hear the video clearly. It
Bahasa. The students were not pay attention meant the video used in cycle 1 were good
fully to the teacher, they were not able to listen qualities videos.
attentively, they were not involved in the Reflection
classroom discussion and activity, and they also Based on the result of the first cycle, the
were not able to share their ideas, opinions and students were not yet able to acquire longer
thinks. attention and concentration span, most of them
Third, in the field note the collaborator were still quiet during the classroom discussion.
noted some problems. First, she stated that the They loved to play more than listen to the
teacher spent too much time in finding the teacher explanation. They rarely asked question
video. As suggestion she said that it would be during the discussion. It meant that the
better if the teacher prepared it first in a folder indicators of students’ engagement were not yet
inside the computer. She also noted that the achieved. When it came to the teacher, she did
students were not able to focus to the teacher. not follow some steps in the teacher’s
Next, she noted that the teacher should control observation checklist. The collaborator also
the class, and pay attention to the students. She suggested her to respond to all students’
suggests the teacher to praise the students more. answers and statements. To make them more
Praising the students could increase their motivated to talk in the classroom.
motivation and confidence level. The teacher Nevertheless, even though the video that she
should pay attention more to the quiet and super used for teaching was good, she should check
active students. The quiet students were not the duration of the video. When the video spent
involved in the classroom discussion and the too much time, the students became bored and
super active students kept disturbing her friends they started to play. Considering to those
during the teaching and learning process. And, reflections that showed the teaching and
the collaborator also suggested her to pay learning process was still insufficient, the
attention to the students’ incorrect researcher decided to continue to the next cycle
pronunciation. If the teacher did not correct by making some improvements.
them, they would pronounce the words wrongly
all the time.

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020 1419
Cycle 2 pollution. The teacher told the students what are
Planning the cause of air and water pollution, what we
Like in cycle 1, in this cycle the should and should not do to avoid those
researcher also prepared the action and lesson pollutions, and what are the effect of pollutions
plan to guide her in teaching process. The main for human being, animals and plants. She kept
topic of this cycle was the effect vehicles have froze the video, asked some questions to the
on the environment. It was divided into two sub students related to the freezing scene, then she
topics which were air and water pollution. released the pause button and next she
There were 4 videos the teacher used in cycle 2 explained the lesson. She did this in every scene
entitled pollution, air pollution for kids, what is that she thought important to be explained.
air pollution, and water pollution for kids. Different from previous meeting, in
Those videos were downloaded by using meeting 3 she focused on explaining about
internet download manager (IDM) application water pollution. Finish doing the brainstorming,
from she open Down by The Station video song. Like
Based on the reflection had been done, in meeting 2 and 1, the students sang and
the researcher did some revision for cycle 2 in danced together while the song was playing.
order to achieve the goals of this research. The After the song finished, she opened a video
researcher would praise the students more to about water pollution. Then, she froze the video
make them more motivated to talk and do their in a scene where the boy swimming in a dirty
best in learning process. In this cycle, she would water. She asked them “why do you think this
be careful with her pronunciation and grammar. water is dirty” one of the students shouted
For the video, she rechecked the duration as “because people throw the trash into the
well as the quality of the video. Hopefully, water”. She explained to them that they should
those revisions that the teacher did could help not throw trash into the water to avoid water
her in achieving the indicators of students’ pollution. Further, she told them others caused
engagement. of water pollution. She froze the video again
Action and asked more questions. She tried to trigger
In action stage, the researcher applied the students to speak more.
the action guiding by the action and lesson plan. Observation
In the first meeting the researcher started by Based on the students’ observation
opening a video song entitled The Wheels on checklist, the students showed significant
The Bus. In the middle of the song she paused improvement than previous cycle. Unlike
the video and asked her students. After the before, in cycle two the students were able to
video finished, she started a video about pay attention to the teacher explanation for
pollution from almost 15 minutes. They were also able to
First, she froze the video on a scene answer questions in English. However, not all
where a parrot holding a board written students were involved in the discussion. Next
Pollution. She told her students that they were the teachers’ observation checklist showed that
going to learn about pollution. Then she asked the teachers did better than in cycle 1. In term
her students to watch the video again. After that of video materials, it also improved. Likewise,
she froze the video and asked the students. the field note data also showed some
From the students answer the teachers improvement made by both the teacher and
explained about what were the effect if there students during the teaching and learning
was so much smoke in the air. She did it while process. In all three meetings she sang and
pretending to be coughing. It made them listen danced together with the students. Unlike in
to her seriously. They were really focused to the cycle 1, here the teacher responded to all the
teacher explanation. Finished with the air students’ statements and answers.
pollution, she explained about the water

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ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
1420 Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020
The recording data showed that the teacher responded the students answered in
teacher did some movements and sang together better way. However, the problems still
with her students. The students look happy appeared in this cycle. There were 4 students
when they sang. From the audio visual data the were not able to share their ideas yet. They just
researcher could see that some of students were kept quiet during the lesson. Although, they
actively involved in the discussion. listened to the teacher explanation, they were
Unfortunately, she just responded “yes” when not able to answer or ask questions. Next, based
they said something. It was too hard to respond on the interview data there were some students
to their questions and answers when they talked who only nodded their head to answer the
at the same time. Further, some of them were questions. Based on the explanation above, it
not confidence enough. They tended to speak showed that the indicators of students’
slowly. In meeting 2 The teacher kept changing engagement were not yet achieved. And the
her intonation in explaining the lesson. It made teaching and learning process was not
the students more focus. Next the recording of insufficient. The researcher decided to continue
meeting 3 showed that the students were focus to the next cycle by making some
in listening the teachers’ explanation. However, improvements.
some students were still not involved in the Cycle 3
discussion. In minutes 3:00 two of the students Planning
talked to her but she was too focused to the Similar with cycle 1 and 2, in cycle 3 the
video so she did not listen to them. researcher prepared instruments needed in this
The interview data proved that the research. Those instruments used to get the data
students liked the teachers’ way in explaining of cycle 3. Furthermore, the researcher also
the lesson by using freeze framing technique. prepared action and lesson plan, and video
The students also said that the quality of the materials. The action and lesson plan were used
video were good. They could watch and hear as a guide in doing the teaching and learning
the video clearly. In addition, in the interview process. The video materials used as the media
the teacher also asked whether the students in teaching where the teacher would apply
could understand her explanation or not. To freeze framing technique. In order to achieve
make sure, she asked them about the lesson they the goals of this research, the researcher did
learnt during cycle 2. Based on the interview some revision for this cycle based on the
they really understood about both of pollutions. reflection of cycle 2.
They were able to answers her questions related Action
to the lesson during the interview. But, there At the beginning of the first meeting the
was one problem appeared in the interview, teacher started to do brainstorming by asking
there were students who answered the teacher some questions to the students. After doing the
questions by nodding her head and just quiet brainstorming she opened a video about air
when she asked them. transportation. At the end of the first meeting,
Reflection the teacher opened a video song. Then she sang
There were some important findings in together with her students. They stood up and
this cycle. First in cycle 2, some students were danced. In the second meeting of cycle 3, the
focus on the teacher’s explanation. Some of the teacher started the lesson by opening Choo
students involved actively in the discussion. Choo Train song. However, they were not
They were able to ask and answer questions in interested in the video. They did not sing nor
English. In addition, the teacher also improved dance. Knowing her students did not look
in this cycle. She followed all things in the interested, the teacher opened another video
observation checklist. The video materials used entitled Down by the Station song. Unlike the
were better too. Different from cycle 1, here the first video, when it was playing the students

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020 1421
sang and danced without the teacher asked them significant improvement. They were able to
to do. After the song finished, she open another share their ideas and opinion during the
video about land transportation. But, before she classroom discussion. They could even argue
played it, she pause the video and do about their opinion. So, the researcher
brainstorming based on the scene showed in the concluded that, the indicators of students’
video. The teacher froze the video in a car scene engagement during the classroom discussion
then she asked the students “what is it?”. She were achieved. The field note data showed
did the same thing for other vehicles too. In more improvements that both the teacher and
order to make sure that they were really able to students did during the teaching and learning
recognize types of land transportations in the process. The teacher’s way in freezing the video
video, the teacher said “is it really a car?” “are was great. She froze the video in the important
you sure?” “really?”. After listening to the part. She asked more questions than the
students answers she played the video again and previous meeting. It made the students more
let them knew the correct answers by interested in sharing their ideas in the teaching
themselves. She always praised her students by and learning process.
saying “wow, that is right” “good job In the recording none of the students
everyone” “very good” “well done” when their spoke in Bahasa anymore. They were able to
answers were correct. communicate in English even though
In pre teaching of meeting 3, the teacher sometimes they still made some mistakes in
started the teaching by opening video songs. pronouncing and producing the sentences.
She sang together with her students to make Next, in minute 04:00 the students were arguing
them enjoyed the learning process more. The with the teacher about how plane could fly. It
teacher did brainstorming right after the second was interesting since it did not happen in the
video song finished. From the students answers previous cycle. The students were very happy
she told them about the boat and ship in Sungai during the lesson. Since they were really
Batanghari. In while teaching, She froze the excited in answering the question, the teacher
video when it showed vehicles that moved in gave them compliment when they answered it
the water. She asked them question related to it. correctly. Another improvement showed in the
She let her students responded to her statement recording data was the students were able to
and answered her questions freely. Then, she focus on the teacher explanation and listen
explained about it further. After that, she told attentively to her for more than 15 minutes.
them how this rowing boat could move. She Furthermore, the students engaged in the
related her explanation to the previous cycle classroom discussion. During teaching and
about energy. At the end of meeting 3, she learning process the students were involved
opened What Do You See? Video song. After actively. They shared their opinions and
the video finished she explained the lesson experiences.
again. Next, she showed pictures of water According to the interview data, the
transportations and asked them to mention it. researcher concluded that the students loved the
Unlike the previous cycle and meeting, in this teacher taught them by using video rather than
meeting one of the passive students could without video. Furthermore, the students stated
answer most of the question. that when she used video in teaching, the
bservation teaching and learning process became more
Based on the observation, it showed that interesting and fun. In order to know their
the students being more active in the classroom understanding toward the lesson, at the end of
discussion. They involved actively during the the interview she asked her students to mention
teaching and learning process. It meant they types of water transportation they knew. Based
were engaged in the discussion. Based on the on the interview, the students were able to
students’ observation checklist, they showed mention it correctly without any help from the

ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak) Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
1422 Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020
teacher. She also praised her students when they DISCUSSION
answered the questions correctly. Teacher’s way in implementing Freeze
Reflection Framing Technique to engage the students in
Like in the previous cycles, the classroom discussion
researcher did the reflection together with the As Reyes (2005) states that video can do
collaborator. In this cycle, the students showed what the teacher could not do. It was also shown
great improvements during cycle 3. First, the during the research. By using it in teaching, the
students were acquiring longer attention and teacher could explain more than the topic she
concentration span. It was proven in the should taught. As in Water Pollution video
recording data. The students were able to pay which showed two boys were fighting, the
full attention to the teacher for more than 15 teacher did not just teach the topic to her
minutes. They also listened attentively to the students but also taught them the moral value in
teacher explanation. As shown in students’ the video. Moreover, in this research, the
observation checklist, field note and audio researcher found that video gave the students
visual data, they were involved actively during opportunity to know the correct pronunciation
the teaching and learning process. They shared of the words. So, the researcher did not have to
their opinions and experiences during the teach them the pronunciation, because they
discussion. Third, they were able to answer and could hear and pronounce it directly from the
ask question in English. They were able to video. Similarly, Potosi, Loaiza and Garcia
speak spontaneously. The teacher did not need found that video was a good teaching and
to ask them question first to trigger them to talk. learning media to be implemented in English
On the other hand, the teacher also did better classes because it can provides clear
than before. Unlike the previous cycle, she pronunciation.
praised her students more in this cycle. She In this research, the researcher applied
realized by praising them, they became more Freeze Framing Technique when she used the
motivated in learning. It also triggered them to videos. She applied it in order to avoid the
speak more during classroom discussion. Next, passivity that might be happened if she only let
the teacher’s way in explaining the lesson by her students to watch the video from start till the
using freeze framing technique was great. She end. The use of Freeze Framing Technique was
froze the video in important scenes then she proven in this research to be effective in making
asked her students several questions related to the students to be more focus during the
the video. The way she delivered the question teaching and learning process. As mentioned by
was good. Not only explaining the lesson Harmer (2007) even though young learners are
orally, she also used body movement and easy to lose focus, if the activities are
changed her intonation in explaining the lesson. interesting for them, they may have longer
Considering to those reflections that attention and concentration span.
showed the teaching and learning process was Freeze Framing meant stopping the
being better, and the students’ were involved picture on the screen by pressing the still or
during the classroom discussion actively. The pause button (Cakir (2006), Harmer (2007),
researcher decided to stop the action. The main Jenkins & Johnson (2010)). As mentioned by
consideration was the indicators of students’ those experts in applying this technique, the
engagement in the classroom discussion were researcher froze the videos in certain times. She
already achieved. froze it in the scene that she thought were
important to be explained. After she did that,
she asked some questions to her students related
to those scenes. Then, she replayed the video

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020 1423
and let them watched it again to know whether helped the teacher to make her students
their answers were correct or not. involved actively in the discussion. Further, it
Further, she asked the students opinions also useful in making students interested in
about the freezing scene. She asked them to teaching and learning process. As the result,
guess what would happen next in the video. She they could comprehend the lesson easily. It was
let them answered the questions freely. In order proven to be advantageous to trigger the
to not making them afraid to talk and lose students to talk in the classroom discussion. In
confidence, she did not judge their answers by short, the use of video as media was more
saying it were correct or not. Harmer (2007) effective when the teacher implemented Freeze
explains that freeze framing technique is Framing Technique.
extremely useful for asking the students opinion Students respond toward Freeze Framing
about what will the characters say or do in the Technique
video. In similar way, Jenkins and Johnson Sukarno (2008), Harmer (2007), and
(2010) describe that by using freeze framing Cameron (2001) states that the golden age of
technique the teacher can pause and ask young learners make them easier to learn
questions about what students see, ask anything. They could learn faster than adult do.
questions about what they think happened in the It was shown in this research. Kindergarten 1
video based on what they see in the frame. pink students were still in their golden age. It
The findings also showed that by using made them easier to get new knowledge
Freeze Framing Technique, the teacher could delivered by the teacher. From the audio visual
make her students engaged in the discussion. It data we could see that they were able to absorb
was proven from the students improvements in the new knowledge easily. In other words, their
each cycle. From cycle 1 to cycle 3 they ability in learning was really good.
improved a lot. In cycle 3 the students shared Based on this research finding,
their ideas without the teacher had to ask them. Kindergarten 1 Pink students were very active.
They were able to argue about their opinion. It They kept moving around the carpet during the
meant Freeze Framing Technique helped the teaching and learning process. They loved to
teacher to make her students involved in the play and were easy to get distracted. They got
discussion. Likewise, research done by Shahani bored easily. Their attention and concentration
and Tahriri (2015) and Helza and Isyam also span was short. Those characteristics the
showed that Freeze Framing Technique helped researcher found during the research were
both the teacher and students in discussing the similar to the characteristics of young learners
lesson. Further they stated that it had significant mentioned by Sukarno (2008), Cameron
effect to the students understanding and (2001), McKay (2006), Karea (2016 ) and
comprehension as well. Brumfit et al (2003). However, the use of
In explaining the lesson during this Freeze Framing Technique in this research was
research, the researcher kept changing her able to make them interested in the teaching and
intonation. She also used body movement in learning process. Sukarno (2008) states the
teaching. Scoot and Ytreberg states that teacher media and activities should be designed to
of young learners need to play with their capture children’s interest and curiosity.
language in teaching so teaching and learning Similarly, Brumfit et al (2003) describes that
process will be interesting for students. Further young learners love repetition and are very
he explained that a teacher of young learners active, teaching them by using some expressive
should have a sense of humor. and purposeful media and activities can catch
Based on those findings, the researcher their attention and increase their motivation.
concluded that Freeze Framing Technique was Also, the result finding showed that the
effective to be used to engage the students use of freeze framing technique in teaching
during the teaching and learning process. It English could help the teacher to grab the

ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak) Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
1424 Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020
students’ attention. According to Brumfit et al use Bahasa more than English. In this school,
(2003) since young learner love repetition and English was the language of instruction and the
are very active, teaching them by using students were obligated to speak in English
expressive and purposeful media and inside the school (Wardani: 2017). However,
techniques can catch their attention and they were not able to use it as a communication
increase their motivation. This finding was tool. They tended to use Bahasa most of the
similar to Helza and Isyam who found that time. This problem was solved during this
freeze framing made students enjoy during the research. It showed from the instruments data
teaching and learning process. When the that after the technique was implemented, they
students enjoyed the teaching and learning used English all the time in communicating
process, it made them more enthusiastic in with their teacher and friends. When the teacher
learning. Consequently, it made them learn asked questions to them, they were able to
faster (Brumfit et al: 2003). answer it in English. Not just proven to be
Moreover, as Sukarno (2008) said that effective in making the students to talk during
in teaching English to young the teachers need the teaching and learning process, this
to make lessons become interesting, lively, and researcher result also showed that freeze
fun. According to the researcher interview with framing technique could influence students’
the students, most of them stated that the ability in speaking English. Even though
implementation of freeze framing technique sometimes they produce grammatically
was fun and interesting. They like when their incorrect sentences and pronounce the words
teacher taught them by using this technique wrongly, it still could be tolerated. The teacher
rather than not using it. In other word, the corrected the students’ mistakes indirectly to
students loved the teacher taught them by using not make them lose their confidence in talking.
this technique rather than just explaining the She wanted her students to feel love and secure
lesson orally (Scoot and Ytreberg) in the classroom, so they will be encouraged to
Freeze Framing Technique can also learn more and become independent as well
trigger the students to talk more in the (Scoot and Ytreberg).
classroom (Harmer:2007). It was proven in this According to those findings, it can be
research, the technique effectively made the concluded that the Kindergarten 1 Pink students
students talk more during the teaching and responded the implementation of Freeze
learning process. Since in using this technique, Framing Technique positively. During the
the teacher asked the students a lot of questions interview most of the students stated it was fun
about the freezing scene, it made them talked and interesting for them when their teacher
more during the discussion. And because the taught them by using Freeze Framing
teacher froze the video in the important scene, Technique. It was also shown on the recording
they became curious about what will happen data, the students answered the teacher question
next, so they guessed it enthusiastically. It was enthusiastically. Further, they focus more on
supported by Jenkins and Johnson (2010) who the teacher explanation during the teaching and
described that when the teachers froze the video learning process
the students will be curious to find out what will
happen next. This technique will trigger the CONCLUSION
students to talk more in the classroom. And Based on the findings it can be
further, it will help them to be involved during concluded that Freeze Framing Technique was
the classroom discussion. effective to be used to engage the students
In addition, as stated in the background during the teaching and learning process. It
one of the problems faced by teachers of Town could help the teacher in making the students
for kids’ preschool was the students tended to more focus during the teaching and learning

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)
Vol.1 No.7 Desember 2020 1425
process. Furthermore, this technique also could compare how Freeze Framing Technique could
help the teacher to make the students involved be used in improving the teaching and learning
in the discussion. Moreover, Freeze Framing process.
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Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian ISSN 2722-9475 (Cetak)
ISSN 2722-9467 (Online)

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