20.10143.240 Intelligent addressable fire alarm control and repeater panels

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Pııcc]l]lcKlİ ı{ııPGKııİ PEr[cTP cy[ııxıı[cTBA Ş#; | ı2

RusslAil ı,lARlTı},lE REGıSTER 0F sHıPPıilG 6.8.3


]\'lııtuliıL]t urcr MAVILI ELEKTRONII( TIC yE seN A. s.
ITN 6130033281

,Atltiı-css Scrifuli M. Kutup Sk. No.27/I 27 2-4 Uınraniye, IstanbııL Turkey

Teıe$oıı/fiarc / Phone/faı: +W (216) 466 45 l0 / +Xl (216) 466 45 05

E-nı ail: axp ort @ nı a ı, il i. co nı,t r


AöPecxo,aıa]ıoloaue noJıcapflue npuönııo-raxmpolbHde u öy6nupynı4ue naııeflu cepuu "Maxlogic" munoa

Intelligent addrusablefire alarm control and repeater panels seies "Maxlogic" types of
ML-122l/M, ML-1222/M, ML-1230.N/M...ML-l2j8.N/M, ML-l231/M...ı238/M, ML-1240.NP/M...ML-1248.NP/M,
ML- 1 24 1.P / M... l 248.P/ M, ML- 1 280/ M ( co acmpoeuubı,ıı npuwmepou / pinter included).
KoE OKII/OKIIil2 - 64 49ü / 26.30.5.
All Russian Prııducts Classification code/code 2 - 64 49OO / 26.30.5.

,-""""",t,-, _11100000
Ko_] "_.
L t)de ()l ı1()tılcllclitturL,

Hıı t'ıctıtıgıH|t}ı ocB|tAcı c-ıbc,tBoBaHrtf ri tıpoBeAeHHblx ılcııııı ııuııi'ı ),rtocl,oBe pıc,Icrl. tı I o Bbııuc-
vlIoM9HY,roc(sıc) ı{ııe.rııe(ı) yıon"ıcTsopıer(rcT ) ,rpe6oBaHurM PoccuÜcxcıı,tı Ntopci(oro perucTpa cyAoxoJc,rBa.
Tlıis is to ccrli|_v thıt on tlrt-, basis oI tlıc survey ıınd tcsts carried out tlıe ıbtır,e lrrcııtioncd iıeııı(s) conıplics(ly) \\,ith llıe
ı,cq ui reıııe ı,ı ls «ıl' R iıssiııı M ıriti ııre Rcgisıer ol' Slıippi ng.

Vacmı, XI, IIPaaııı xıaccuğuraquu u ruıcnıpoüxıı ııopcrııx cyöoe (uıEaıue 2020 2,), pasöeı 10,,14ç^o IV, Ilpaaıın nıexHulecro2o
uadnıoEeıug ıa ııocıııpoıixoü cyEoa u u3?orrroaııeı.uer, ilarfiep...ınoa u usEenuü öng cyioe (usöaıue 2020 z,), Texııuıecxıııi pezrıarüeHm
ıı 6esonacuocnıu oOıernıoe ır.opcrr,oeo rnpailcrropma (TP-620).
Part Xl of The Rulesfor tlıe Classification and Constructioı of Sea-Going Ships (edition 2020), ch. l0, part lV of the Rules for Technical
SuPerı'isiou dııring Construction of Ships and Maııufacture oJ' Materials and Products for Ships (edition 2020), the Technical Reguhtion
Concerniııg the SaJbty of Sca Transport ltems (TR-620).

Hacroıuee Cs!4Jeır,.irıc,ı,Bo o 1ıttloBoıı o;1o6pr.uııu ıeüc,ı,Btt,IeJrbHo jlo

This Type Apprtır,ıl Ccrtillcıtc is ıalid unıil 05,05,2025

Hacroıruee Cstı..ıg eiıc,ı,Bo o rırtloBoı.{ oJo6penırı{ TepgeT cıı--ıv B c_.ıyqaıx. yc,raHoBregnbx B flpaBı4flax
l,cxHıtqcc(oro ııa6ııoıeııH, 3a nocTpoıixoıi cyıoa u u3roToBieHrtcM j!ıaıTcpıtaJoB It l{3Ae.ırığ JJırl cy.]oB.
This Type Approı'ıl Certilicate becomes invalid in cases stipulirted iıı Rules lbr the Teclınical Sı.ıpervisirııı tluring
Ctınstructioıı of Ships aııd Manufacture of§bi aterıals aııd products.

Aara suı!ır.lıl Nc 20.101

Daıe ol,issuc 05.05.2020

Ptıccııiicxuii rıolrıtoü perııcTp

Russian \lıriıinıe Register of Eıuııoa A.B, / O. Blinov
( 0r*,,,11#Huxıtnb!)
iğoıroıHıııe.ııuxyıo ııırfopuauuo
Addiıitınal iııliırnıation see
CrP, , ,,
PaEe. ' ' '
TcxtIIt.lccxt-lc :f ıttıııbıc
T.r:hnic lditlit

luan4,Joı p a6oıeü
me&flePofun bı -5 - +50"c
ocıoeıoe numaıue npuaopa 23O B nepexeıııoıo mora (+l0% /-15%), 50 fıa
Bılııııpeıxee numaııue cltcrne d 24 B ıocmoııııozo motı
Peıeperoe numouue cucmeıu ( acmpoeııue 6amapeu) 2*12 B noemorrır.o.o moro, 7 A,ı
9ucııo wıeiğoe ı_8
Cmeneıo ıau1ımu IP22
Bpeııı cpa6amwaaaur .ucrr7eııu npu noxope l,s cer

oper atii'g teııperature range -5 - +50 'c

Maia supply input 230 vAc (+1096/-l5%), 50 Hz
Roted systern suppİy output 24 vDc
Resetve sıpply (built- ln batteies) 2*I2 vDc,7Ah
Number of loops ,-8
Degfec oI protectıo| IP22
Timefre detection 1,5 sec

Texıııucrraı Ao{yMeHTau}r, u ıaTa ee oıo6peırırı Poccrricxuıı MopcKuM per[cTpoM cy1oxo.ııcTBit

Tcchnical documentııion ınd the date of its approval b} Russian Maritİne Register of Shipping
Terıuıecxaı Ütlueıfiaqu, u ılwpaxrıa ücns,maıuüı odo6paıu nuctxoıı nucııoı No,2,a-381-5-80507 om 0l.u.2020.
Tcchıicol docımcntation and T.,i progmfi werı aPprov.d by RS ıctt t No. 240-381-5-8ü07 dd 01.M.2o20.

O6paıcu ıııeıııı ucnLıTaH tıo/:l TcxHttyet]{ı.tM ua6ıroıeuıeıı Poccrrücxorı.ı MoncKoro perılcipa cyjıoxojıc,I Ba.
Producı's specimen lıiı§ betn tesıed undef (he tğ.hnical supervi§ion of Russian Maritinıe Registeı of Shipping.

Axr Ng 20.1ol42.240 oı 05.05.2O2O

Reporı No. ri'
O6-ıacrı npııııcueuu, ıl orpaHıı.ıeHıı,
Appliou(i(»ı ııııl linıiıııioııs
llsüııuı ıpeöıır,ııaıeıoı dııı odıolryxcıu, noxıq,o a ı.oxeuleflurıı.a ıopcruı cydaıq nııaoyıııı coopyxeuuıx,
nıooy\ux 6woaı.ı ycma ıooKıaı u ,r.o[rrux cmo6uorıopr.b.x ,ırum$opıaı;

The pıoducts are intendea İot fre dercction in spaces of sea-going ship, floating coııstructioııs, mobile offshofe d'illing
units oııd fiıeıl offshorc plotfotms.

Bııı .qoxyı.ıcırra. ll3.]e--ı l{e

'rtpc of docunrent issued lbf producı
llıEcıue öoırıo ııocmaaııımıcı co Caulemeııcmeol Po.cığcxoro,loFıoro Pruc,npa craoİücılea no ŞoPrae 6.s.3o, uru 6.s.3l
,ıpu üü.ırcyiourİı c&ud.ıneabcınsc cK]o , u,ıı derİrapaıqJcü uj2o,,o,ıme,J, (Mc) nıu aeüe,,'sylfqex C'uaenıefuern&ı cKK2.
The ıroducı shalİ b. d.livcr..l İ"iıh Rurrian M0iıimc ReFbıet of sh/q4y'ııg ce iİlcote in ac.aıdanc. ,l1,1ıh loülrl 6.5.30, or 6.5.3I on
condiaioı oI avoilObility oI Qıoııı, conıroı Syslem Cütül.ate, Ti.ü l (CKRI ), or manıİaaı.ü ırd,la','tlorı ( Mc) on coılııltion oİ
ı]Milability nlQuaıity Coılttoı systc,n Ceüi|fca.., Tiel 2 (CKIa).

()6 2()l5

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