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Topic 1: Imagine you ordered a printer online two weeks ago. You
paid for delivery within 24 hours, but it hasn’t arrived. Write a formal
email to the supplier and request a refund (100- 120 words).

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to ask about the printer I ordered online two weeks ago. As
requested, I paid 50% for the item and the sales assistant promised to
deliver it to my address within 24 hours. However, it has been two weeks
since I paid a deposit and the product hasn’t arrived yet.
Could you please let me know if the printer is available at your shop? Is
there any problem with the delivery?
If the printer isn’t in stock and I still will have to wait for a long time,
please refund the money back to my bank account as soon as possible.
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,

- Printer (n): má y in
- (to) order: đặ t hà ng
- Sales assistant (n): ngườ i bá n hà ng
- (to) deliver: giao hà ng
- (to) pay a deposit: đặ t cọ c
- (to) promise: hứ a
- Item (n): mó n hà ng
- (to) refund: hoà n tiền
- (to) request a refund: yêu cầ u hoà n tiền
- Supplier (n): nhà cung cấ p
- Bank account (n): tà i khoả n ngâ n hà ng
- As soon as possible: cà ng sớ m cà ng tố t
- I’m looking forward to your reply: tô i mong câ u trả lờ i củ a anh/chị.
- Yours sincerely, : trâ n trọ ng = Best regards,

Topic 2: You recently bought some jeans online, but they are too
small. Write a formal email saying that you are returning the jeans,
the reason why, and what you would like the company to do (80- 100

Dear Madam,
I recently bought two pairs of jeans from your shop and I paid for the items.
However, when I received the order, the jeans were too small. In addition, I
was also disappointed by the quality of the products. The fabric was
wrinkled and the jeans looked completely different from what I saw on
your website. As a result, I would like to return the items and receive a
refund. Please give the money back to my credit card as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,

- Two pairs of jeans: 2 cá i quầ n Jean

- Fabric (n): vả i
- Wrinkled (adj.): bị nhă n
- (to) return something: trả lạ i cá i gì
- Quality of the product: chấ t lượ ng sả n phẩ m
- (to) receive a refund: nhậ n lạ i tiền
- Credit card (n): thẻ tín dụ ng


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