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1 B


1. Diagram shows non-calibrate thermometer.

Rajah menunjukkan thermometer yang belum ditentuukur.

What is the temperature shows by the thermometer?

Berapakah suhu yang ditunjukkan oleh thermometer itu?

2. The distance form ice point to steam point of a thermometer is 50 cm. What is the temperature when the
mercury level at 23 cm.
Panjang dari takat beku dan takat didih suatu thermometer adalah 50 cm. Berapakah suhu jika takat
merkuri pada 23 cm.

3. Non-calibrate thermometer has a length of 25 cm from ice point to steam point. If the normal temperature of
body is 37 oC, what is the length of mercury level for human body temperature?
Termometer yang belum ditentuukur mempunyai panjang 25 cm dari takat beku ke takat didih. Jika suhu
normal badan manusia adalah 37oC, berapakah panjang turus merkuri untuk suhu badan manusia?

4. Diagram below shows a non-calibrate thermometer.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan thermometer yang belum ditentuukur.

What is the temperature, T shows by the thermometer?

Berapakah suhu, T yang ditunjukkan oleh termometer tersebut?

5. Given the length of ice point and steam point of a thermometer is 5 cm and 15 cm respectively. Calculate
the temperature of hot coffee if the length of mercury at 12 cm.
TUTORIAL 4.2 A (Muatan haba Tentu)


1. How much heat required to increase the temperature of 0.2 kg copper from 20 oC to 35 oC.
Berapakah haba yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan suhu kuprum berjisim 0.2 kg dari suhu 20 oC kepada
35 oC?( c copper = 385 J kg-1 oC-1)

2. Water with mass 0.7 kg at 30 oC is heated by 50 kJ heat energy. What is the final temperature of water?
Air berjisim 0.7 kg pada suhu 30 oC dipanaskan dengan tenaga haba 50 kJ. Berapakah suhu akhir air
tersebut? (c water = 4 200 J kg-1 oC-1)

3. Water with mass 0.5 kg at 40 oC is being heated until its boiling point. Calculate heat energy required.
Air berjisim 0.5 kg pada suhu 40 oC dipanaskan sehingga mencapai takat didih. Hitung tenaga haba yang
diperlukan.(c water = 4 200 J kg-1 oC-1)


4. An electric heater is supplied with power 2.0 kW to heat 4 kg of water for 126 s. Calculate increasing in
Sebuah pemanas elektrik dengan kuasa 2.0 kW memanaskan 4 kg air selama 126 saat. Hitung
peningkatan suhunya.

5. An electrical kettle with power 1.5 kW used to heat up 2.0 kg of water from 25 oC until it boil. What time
needed to boil the water?
Pemanas elektrik dengan kuasa 1.5 kW digunakan untuk memanaskan 2.0 kg air dari 25 oC sehingga
mendidih. Berapakah masa yang diperlukan untuk mendidihkan air tersebut?

6. A bullet with specific heat capacity 250 J kg-1 oC-1 is fired at 200 ms-1. The bullet stopped after hits a wooden
wall. Assume that all the kinetic energy is converted into heat energy, calculate the increasing in
temperature caused by the bullet.
Sebutir peluru dengan muatan haba tentu 250 J kg-1 oC-1 ditembak pada kelajuan 200 ms-1. Peluru tersebut
dihentikan oleh dinding kayu. Anggap semua tenaga kinetic bertukar kepada tenaga haba, hitung
peningkatan suhu disebabkan oleh peluru tersebut.


7. 2 kg of hot water at 100 oC is added into 10 kg of cool water at 28 oC. What is the final temperature of the
water mixture?

8. 300 g of water at temperature 40 oC is mixed with 900 g of water at temperature 80 o. If there is no heat loss
to surroundings, what is the final temperature when thermal equilibrium achieved by the mixture of water?

9. Metal cube at 250 oC is immersed in the 2.0 kg cool water immediately. If the temperature of water
increases from 30 oC to 50 oC, calculate the mass of the metal cube.
c water = 4200 J kg-1 oC-1
c metal = 400 J kg-1 oC-1

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