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Nucuan Aactey
Nuclecy Riactoy a dve Jyn uhih Nycua

-Matual to coutol

T0 qennate
Moduasor Hiat tuchanu
elumd fåck
O Mtand controd kn to aloo calld
atomic ple.
fivslonabe matl(Fu): U235, AJ-239, Pu-240,fu2
Modvto: Woed to slow doUn taot uwon
(haattuiateo of Modator:
atomit uutoh must be low
"Jts mutyon'
1t whl d ot' absoro
eliastic collid lon

(Ontol ymatunal he matonal ch w whd tot

n. to
(ontro) tthe Chain
mal'ntan tat of tioh. Thi mattral
no 0f mutoA availabe for thu
Ontol th
toY ex: Cad vium bd u méntd into tlu co
bcz thy Can absob nuton
"The nutn avallable or fusion au covtro lud
oy moung thy d Yod in oY out of the core

'oount: UyAd to Hmove the hat (H0,co, Ng)

Prottctie Aeld: Concrete tu'ok ual Sunouna
thu core, Df
f YXn t0
to sate fron
Hazmdoud xn

Vhotopes or raidical suente.

n manuactring of Pu 23
Md to hroduce nutron bam erf high
iygtwity wlhich y wnd in te treatinent of
auC Nuclea uach
n- No' of füslon n Mucon drn
E inuq4 nmitttd pen fsston.
Noclea fision
Iluo oY moYe than two ughtY hclei fue
t fom a vhqle hauy nutle for tuicn,
atn hqh temp l0pkelvon
uqired 0 the thu sM an callud tttt
Thwmo Nichan n
17 the proton-proten chan m tko place
m thu ntroy of um and othn stam.
lach 0f sun mas eOntalnd abeut
pYDtond etue
45X(023 protono. T} au tue llad uould be
aout i, 30,000 klW houn .I} un t t to
Cowtind radiates at its prNIt yatt, Jts
Weuld taks 75 XIo yeas to exhauot
of prtoy

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