Newton's Rings

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To determine the wavelength of sodium light by measuring the diameters of Newton’s rings.

A plano-convex lens of large radius of curvature, an optically flat glass plate, a convex lens, a
traveling microscope, monochromatic source of light (sodium lamp with encloser), circular
slit plate.

Interference of Light Waves
Interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose to form a resultant wave, whose
amplitude is sum of the amplitude of the two superposing waves. The new amplitude can be
larger or smaller than the amplitudes of the superposing waves depending on their relative
phase difference. Although interference is usually referred to the interaction of waves that are
correlated or coherent with each other, either because they come from the same source or
because they have the same or nearly the same frequency, this is not always the case. For
example, the phenomenon of beat frequencies occurs precisely because the interfering waves
have different frequencies.
The discussion in the following pages will be restricted to coherent light waves for the sake
of simplicity, even though it applies to all waves.
Based on the size of the resultant ampltide, interference can be split into two categories:
1. Constructive interference - When two waves superpose on to each other in such a way
that the crest of one wave falls on the crest of the second wave, and trough of one wave falls
on the trough of the second wave, then the resultant wave has larger amplitude and it is called
constructive interference. This happens whenever there is no phase difference between the
two superposing waves. The intensity of light is found to be maximum and bright fringes are

2. Destructive interference - When two waves superpose with each other in such a way that
the crest of one wave coincides the trough of the second wave, then the amplitude of resultant
wave becomes zero and it is called destructive interference. This happens whenever the phase
difference between the two superposing waves is 180 degrees. The intensity of light is
minimum (almost zero) and dark fringes are formed.

Conditions for Interference:

1. Both light sources should emit continuous waves of same wavelength and same time
period, and the phase difference between the emitted light must be zero (or almost zero).
If two sources satisfy these conditions then the emitted waves are said to be coherent.
2. Both light sources should be very close to each other.
Coherence in interference can be obtained by two methods

1. Division of wave front: In this method, coherent sources are obtained by dividing the
wave front originating from a common source, by employing mirrors, biprism or lenses.
This requires essentially a point source or a narrow slit source. Examples of instruments
used to obtain interference by division of wave front are the Fresnel biprism, Fresnel
mirrors, Lloyd's mirror, lasers, etc.
2. Division of amplitude: In this method, the amplitude of the incident beam is divided into
two or more parts either by partial reflection or refraction. This produces coherent beams
which can be made to travel different paths and finally brought together to produce
interference. The effects resulting from the superposition of two beams are referred to as
two beam interference and those resulting from superposition of more than two beams are
referred to as multiple beam interference. The interference in thin films, Newton's rings,
and Michelson's interferometer are examples of two beam interference and Fabry-Perot's
interferometer is an example of multiple beam interference.

Formation of Newton’s Rings

In general, newton’s rings are an interference pattern obtained by the division of amplitude
from a single light source. When a beam of light is directed downward onto the two pieces of
glass, two overlapping beams of light are formed—one from light reflected by the lower
surface of the curved glass and the other from light reflected by the upper surface of the flat
glass. The light reflected from the flat glass travels farther than the light reflected from the
curved glass. Depending on the distance between the two surfaces, light waves in the two
beams may be in phase, reinforcing each other, or they may be out of phase, cancelling each
other out. Because the distances between the two reflecting surfaces increases with distance
from the point where the lens and flat glass make contact, the areas where the waves are in
phase and out of phase occur in concentric bands around the centre of the lens.

If the beam of light directed at the two pieces of glass is monochromatic (of a single
wavelength), the rings are thin circles of a single color. If white light, which consists of light
of many different wavelengths, is used then the rings are fewer in number, but highly colored.

Formula used:
The mean wavelength of sodium light is given by the formula:
2 2
( D n + p ) − ( D n) .
4 pR

 Dn+p = diameter of the (n+p)th ring

 Dn = diameter of the nth ring
 R = Radius of curvature of the curved surface of the lens. For our setup, R = 1000
The formula works for both bright and dark rings.
1. Arrange the Newton’s Ring assembly as shown in Figure 3. Note that the glass plate G
should be inclined at 45º with respect to the vertical plain. The plano-convex lens (L) is
placed below the microscope with its plane surface upwards.
2. First connect the sodium vapour lamp Power Supply with mains. Then connect it with the
light source box with the help of mains cord. Then switch ON the Power Supply.
Caution: Never Connect The Sodium Vapour Lamp Directly To The Main Power
3. Wait for about 10 minutes (or as long as it takes) till the lamp glows bright yellow.
4. Move the microscope in the vertical direction by means of rack and pinion arrangements
till the rings are distinctly visible. Adjust further for better contrast between bright and
dark fringes as shown in Figure 3.
5. The centre of the rings is brought symmetrically below the cross-wires by adjusting the
position of the lens and the microscope. The bright rings can be mentally numbered, with
the inner most being the 1st ring.
6. The next step is to measure the diameter of every even numbered bright ring, from ring
number 2 to 18. Move the microscope in horizontal direction to either side of the rings
such that one of the cross wires becomes tangential to the 18 th bright ring. Note the
reading on the scale.
7. Similarly, take the readings when the cross-wires are tangential to 16th, 14th and so on
upto 2nd bright ring. Continue moving the microscope past the centre of the rings and take
readings for the same rings (2nd to 18th ) . If the 2nd bright ring is too thick to accurately
measure its diameter, then you should ignore it.

Figure 3: Experimental set-up for observing Newton’s Ring. This set-up is comprised of
Monochromatic source (S), Convex lens (L 1), Glass plates (G & P), Plano-convex lens (L) and a
Traveling microscope (M). Observed Newton’s Ring is shown at the right.

Least Count of circular scale = ……….……

Ring Microscope reading Diameter (Dn)2 (Dn+p)2-(Dn)2

number Dn=a-b
One end (a) Other end (b)
MS VR x Total MS VR x LC Total


Mean value of (Dn+p)2-(Dn)2 = ……………………. , for p=8

Mean wavelength of sodium light = ……………………Ao
Standard value = 5893 Ao
Percentage discrepancy = ……………

1. Before assembling the Newton’s Rings apparatus make sure that all the lenses are clean.
If they are not, then clean all the lenses with a cotton cloth.
2. Do not tighten the levelling screw of the plano-convex lens too much as it can break the
3. The cross wire should be focused tangentially on the bright rings.
4. The microscope must be moved in uni-direction when taking readings.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is the purpose of glass plate inclined at 45˚ in this experiment? Ans: For normal
incidence of light wave.
2. Why is the centre of the rings is dark? Ans: Because the plano-convex lens and the plane
lens are both in contact and at that particular place the centre dark ring will appear.
3. What will happen if we use white light in this experiment? Ans: Coloured fringes will
4. Why use an extended source of light instead of a point source? Ans: Because of an
extended source, we can view the whole air film.
5. Where do the fringes form? Ans: Fringes are formed between the lens and the plate as the
6. What will happen if a point source or an illuminated slit is used instead of the extended
source? Ans: The rings may form but due to the low intensity of light, the dark and light
rings may not be clearly visible.
7. Is the central spot in your experiment bright or dark? Why? Ans: Central spot is dark.
Although at centre, the thickness of air-film is zero, at the point of contact the two
interfering rays are opposite in phase and produce zero intensity. This forms a dark fringe
at centre.
8. On which factors does the diameter of a ring depend? Ans: Diameter of a ring depends on
the wavelength of light used, refractive index of the medium between lens and glass plate,
order of the ring and radius of curvature of plano-convex lens.
9. Is it possible to have interference with a lens of short focal length? Ans: When a lens of
short focal length is used, the rings observed will be of small diameter, hence there will
be error in measurement of their diameter.
10. What will happen if the lens is concave? Ans: Rings start collapsing to the centre.

11. What will happen if the glass plate is replaced by a mirror? Ans: In this case we will not
get interference fringes because the intensity of light reflected from plane mirror will be
so large that the interference fringes will not be visible and we will get uniform

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