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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D8D7B16-EDB5-4703-8F0F-B13C69ABBFCB

Classification: Confidential

Qatargas Operating Company Limited

PO BOX 22666
Doha, Qatar
T: (974) 4452 3812

Reference: SUP/C/EPM/6329/23
Date: 24th August 2023

SUBJECT: EPC for LLP STEAM Header Interconnection between QG3 & 4 Utility Asset and
QG2 Utility Asset
Ref: Tender Enquiry # SUP/C/EPM/6329/23
Qatargas Operating Company Limited (hereinafter referred as COMPANY) have a requirement of
services for “EPC for LLP STEAM Header Interconnection between QG3 & 4 Utility Asset and
QG2 Utility Asset”. You are hereby invited to submit your WORK ORDER Proposal on CONTRACT
# LTC/C/EPM/5257/21. Your quoted WORK ORDER PRICE must include all costs and expenses to
carry out the WORK as per the attached Scope of Work. In the event your proposal is accepted,
a WORK ORDER will be awarded against existing CONTRACT # LTC/C/EPM/5257/21.
The detailed Scope of Work is enclosed with this letter as Attachment C and Schedule of Prices
as Attachment D.
Tenderer’s Technical and Commercial Proposal submissions shall be made electronically using
the E-bid tool (SMART GEP Online System) in the following manner:
Please provide your detailed technical and commercial WORK ORDER Proposal separately as
1. Technical and Commercial Proposals shall be submitted electronically under distinctly
separate sections named as Technical Questionnaire and Commercial Questionnaire under
the Questionnaires section in Qatargas e-Bid Solution no later than 5:00 PM Doha Time, 25th
September 2023. Tenders received after the closing date and time shall not be considered.
 Technical Questionnaire: In this section, your technical proposal should be uploaded. This
section should strictly contain only technical details as listed out in Attachment 1A – Index
for Compilation of Technical Proposal.
 Commercial Questionnaire: In this section, your commercial proposal should be
uploaded. Commercial Proposal shall be submitted in accordance with Attachment 1B –
Index for Compilation of Commercial Proposal, which shall also include detailed price
breakdown as follows:
a) Design and Engineering (Please provide detailed category of personnel deployed
including man-hours);
b) Procurement (Please provide a detailed breakdown);
c) Installation, commissioning and all costs until handover (Please provide
d) Any other costs required to complete entire Scope of Work.
The Schedule of Prices is enclosed as Attachment-D and shall be used for quoting the
prices. Necessary price breakdown can be provided in a separate sheet.
The system shall lock the Tender closing time automatically and it will not be possible for
Tenderers to submit the Technical & Commercial Proposal after the Tender Closing time. It
is expected that loading of documents in e-bid system will take time especially large files,

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Classification: Confidential

therefore Tenderers must start the upload process sufficiently in advance to complete the
process before 17:00 hours allowing time to resolve any technical issues during the upload
It is imperative that no information related to the WORK ORDER PRICE and Compensation
appears in the Technical Questionnaire.
2. Any other information with regards to the proposal which is deemed fit and necessary to be
provided shall be attached as an attachment under the technical questionnaire only.
3. In order to familiarise with the scope of work, COMPANY has scheduled a site visit / tender
clarification meeting for all tenderers tentatively in September 2023 in Qatargas North Office
(details will be provided later).
Tenderer shall inform COMPANY no later than five (5) working days in advance in order to
obtain a gate pass for this above proposed pre-bid Site visit. Any request beyond this period
will not processed by COMPANY. To obtain a gate pass the ‘One Day Gate Pass Request Form’
enclosed at Attachment 1C must be completed and submitted along with all other required
supporting documents. COMPANY prefers that only persons holding RLIC, RLTO and QG valid
gate passes should participate in the Site visit.
Furthermore, COMPANY prefers that Tenderer shall limit representation to two (2) persons
for the site visit / tender clarification meeting. Tenderer shall provide the name, title and
passport details of participant(s) to Mr. Robin Clubb, email on or
before 31st August 2023.
The site visit / tender clarification meeting shall be held on only one day and no alternate
dates shall be accepted in the event Tenderer misses that date, and/or fails to complete the
above-mentioned requirements. The participation in the site visit / tender clarification
meeting is mandatory. Your representative for the above meeting should bring all necessary
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the visit.
Note: H2S pass and LSR (Life Saving Rules) training must be completed by the Tenderer.
COMPANY will NOT issue any temporary H2S pass, LSR pass and any PPE during the pre-
bid Site visit or at any stage of this project.
4. Please note that the successful Tenderer shall provide a separate unconditional irrevocable
Performance Bank Guarantee of 5% of the WORK ORDER PRICE for this WORK ORDER upon
award based on the format contained in Contract LTC/C/EPM/5257/21.
5. All clarification requests to the Scope of Work must be received at least five (5) working
days before the Tender Closing Time and must be submitted in the Technical Clarification
Record Sheet the format for which is contained in Attachment 1D hereto.
6. Where any arithmetical errors have occurred in the Tender, COMPANY reserves the right to
make any adjustment to correct the errors such that the correction will be to the benefit of
COMPANY. Any adjustment, correction, clarification or amendment made by COMPANY to
a Tender shall be notified to the Tenderer prior to the award of any WORK ORDER.
7.1 ICV is created by capturing the Tenderer’s total spend in the country to benefit the
national economy through the following ICV components:
1. Goods and services,

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Classification: Confidential

2. Workforce training,
3. Supplier development; and
4. Investment in fixed assets.
7.2 The ICV score formula is based on the ICV strategic objectives as below:
𝑰𝑪𝑽 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 =
A: Cost of Goods and Services
B: Cost of workforce training
C: Cost of developing other suppliers/contractors
D: Investment in fixed assets
R: Revenue in Qatar
A1: Goods
Cost of Goods incurred in Qatar: Local cost of tangible goods and materials procured
and manufactured by a Local Supplier/Contractor.
A2: Services
Cost of manpower in Qatar: Salaries and benefits given to Qatari nationals and
residents (residents with average monthly total compensation ≥ QAR 10,000).
a. Cost of local subcontractors: Local cost of subcontractors considering their ICV
b. Cost of Goods incurred in Qatar (to perform Service): Local cost of tangible
Goods and materials procured.
Cost of training offered to Qatari nationals and residents: Cost of internal or external
training offered to Qatari nationals and residents.
Cost of other Supplier/Contractor training and certification programs: expenditure
on Local Supplier/Contractor programs to develop business processes, technologies
and access to market and financing.
D1: Value of Depreciation and Amortization
Value of fixed assets depreciation and amortization of Supplier/ Contractor assets in
D2: Depreciation equivalent value of other investments
Depreciation equivalent value of Supplier/Contractor investments in the State of
Qatar that are not related to the scope of the Contract yet provide strategic value to
the Energy sector and State of Qatar.
The value of component D2 shall be calculated as follows:

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Classification: Confidential

a. Applicable only for ICV Plans under mega projects.

b. Depreciation equivalent value of investment shall be calculated based on the
duration of original contract. Changes in Contract duration due to Contract
variations shall not be considered.
c. Viability of investments shall be evaluated jointly by Supply Department and
End User Department to ensure its strategic importance.
Investments under D2 shall meet, but not be limited, the following criteria:
a. The investment shall add value to the energy sector and/or State of Qatar.
b. The investment is not already extensively localized in country.
c. The investment shall enhance the energy sector and/or Supplier/Contractor’s
supply chain.
Revenue in Qatar for the financial year, excluding exports. Contract Value shall be
considered as revenue in the case of ICV Plan.
In the case of Loss-Making Company, the Total Cost shall be considered in
component R instead of the revenue.
7.3 The Tenderer shall complete the “Supplier ICV Scorecard Submission Template”, in
accordance with the “Supplier ICV Scorecard Submission Template Guidelines”, prior to
the bid submission stage.
7.4 Once the Tenderer has completed the “Supplier ICV Scorecard Submission Template”, the
Tenderer shall select and appoint a pre-approved Certifier from the link provided below,
to certify the ICV Scorecard template and issue an ICV Certificate.
7.5 The Tenderer shall submit its ICV Certificate to COMPANY, at the bid submission date.
7.6 The Tenderers shall bear the responsibility to ensure the validity of their ICV Certificates
at the bid submission date. An expired ICV Certificates at the bid submission date will
result in an ICV score of zero (0) for the Tenderer.
7.7 Should the Tenderer, for any reason, fail to submit an ICV Certificate at the time of bid
submission or on the bid closing date, the Tenderer will be excluded from the Tender.
Exemptions to the following:

New Local Suppliers/Contractors that have been established for less than two (2)
 Foreign Supplier/Contractors.
 Insurance companies services.
7.8 The ICV Commercial Evaluation formula is
ICV Commercial = Commercial bid * (1 – ICV%))
Boundary Condition applied is 10%.

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Classification: Confidential

Tenderer shall acknowledge receipt of this enquiry to Mr Robin Clubb via email to

Yours faithfully



for:Soud Al-Abdulghani
Contracts Division Manager

Encl: Tender Enquiry # SUP/C/EPM/6329/23

Copied to:

LTC Secretary
End User

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Classification: Confidential

Tenderer shall complete and return by email to no later than 31st August

Qatargas Operating Company Limited Date………..

Supply Dept,
P O Box 22666,
Doha, Qatar.

Attention: Jacob Thomas, Contracts Lead / Robin Clubb, Contracts Specialist

Sub: EPC for LLP STEAM Header Interconnection between QG3 & 4 Utility Asset and QG2
Utility Asset
Ref: Tender Enquiry # SUP/C/EPM/6329/23

Dear Sir,
1. We acknowledge receipt of your tender Documents relating to the above works.
□ We have received all the documents listed in the List of Contents.
□ We have received all the documents listed in the List of Contents with the exception of:
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________

2. We confirm that we:

□ Shall submit a Tender so as to reach you on or before the Tender Closing Time
□ Will not be submitting an offer for the following reasons:
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
NB: Bidder to give reasons for not participating in this Tender

3. We have noted the Site Visit / Tender Clarification Meeting tentatively scheduled for
September 2023 and our representative(s) will be:
Name Nationality Passport No.

Name Nationality Passport No.

(Name shall be exactly as mentioned in the Passport)

Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of

Name of Company: _________________________________________

Name of Authorised Signatory: _________________________________________
Telephone / Fax Nos: ___________________ /_____________________
Date: ____________

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Classification: Confidential

(The following OFFER LETTER, must be reproduced on Tenderer’s Official Letterhead with
blanks appropriately filled)

Qatargas Operating Company Limited Date:

Post Box 22666
Doha - Qatar

For the attention of: The Secretary – Limited Tender Committee

Sub: EPC for LLP STEAM Header Interconnection between QG3 & 4 Utility Asset and QG2
Utility Asset
Ref: Tender Enquiry # SUP/C/EPM/6329/23

Having carefully examined all the Tender Documents as per your Tender Invitation letter Ref
no.SUP/C/EPM/6329/23dated , and Addenda thereto, we the undersigned offer
to provide EPC Services for “EPC for LLP STEAM Header Interconnection between QG3 & 4
Utility Asset and QG2 Utility Asset” required under the Tender Document, within the sum
and rates quoted by us under duly completed Price Schedule and as per the required time
schedule indicated under Tender Documents.
1. We further confirm that we thoroughly examined the working conditions at COMPANY
Site for our Services and the conditions specified by COMPANY and impact of these on
our costs and we have prepared our Bid-offer after taking due cognisance of such
2. We confirm that our Bid-Offer is valid, shall not be rescinded and is open for COMPANY’S
acceptance for One Hundred and Eighty (180) calendar days from the bid closing date i.e.
3. We confirm that rates quoted under Price Schedule, Compensation & Payment are fixed
and are not subject to any change during the validity of Tender and during subsequent
WORK ORDER/CONTRACT execution as applicable.
4. Unless and until a formal WORK ORDER/CONTRACT is prepared and executed by
COMPANY, this Bid-Offer along with any written acceptance of the terms thereof by
COMPANY shall constitute a binding CONTRACT between COMPANY and us.
5. We understand that COMPANY is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid-offer
received by it, nor to give any reason or explanation for rejection of tender.
6. We acknowledge and accept that on its sole convenience COMPANY may either award
the entire scope of WORK to one successful Tenderer or split up the scope of WORK for
award to different successful Tenderers.
7. We acknowledge and accept that COMPANY may publish the name of the successful
CONTRACTOR with the award price information on the COMPANY website or in any

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Classification: Confidential

public media. Further such publication shall not be deemed as a breach of any
confidentiality obligations by the PARTIES.

Dated this........................................... Day of ............................2023



in the capacity of .................................................................................

duly authorised to sign tenders

For and on behalf of


Business Address: ................................................................................

Witness: Signature...............................................................................

Name & Address..................................................................................



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Check List for

Item Tenderer
Title Tick for
Appended Items

1 Offer letter 
2 Tenderer's current project commitments 
3 Project workload in relation in future workload histogram 
4 Evidence of sufficient resources to meet commitments 
(Management, Manpower and equipment resources)
5 Project Organization chart 
6 List of key personnel proposed to carry out the work including CVs. CVs 
for the Key Personnel listed in Article 2 of Attachment B – Project
Instructions shall also be submitted. CONTRACTOR shall specifically
highlight the workload with these key project members.
7 Manpower histogram 
8 Method statement / Methodology provided 
9 Track record on HSE 
11 Engineering Plan 
12 Procurement, Inspection of materials, storage and preservation Plan 
13 Subcontractor identification and management plan 
14 Construction management Plan, Commissioning Plan, and Project close 
out Plan
15 Project schedule 
16 Mobilization/demobilization plan 
17 Planning and Project Control System 
18 Progress reporting and meeting plans system 
19 Un-priced commercial bid. The format shall be same as Tenderer's 
commercial proposal without prices (“Quoted / “Not Quoted”) including
ICV Scorecard
20 Unpriced Completed BoQ 
21 Understanding of scope of WORK 
22 Exceptions / Deviations to Scope of WORK 

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ITEM Tick for Appended

Duly completed prices in Attachment D.

2 Completed BoQ

3 Exceptions / Deviations (PRICED).

4 ICV Score Card / ICV Certificate

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Comp Whether
any Having Area of
Name as Passport Company Purpose
No. Nationality code # Valid RLC visit & Date
in No. Name of visit
with pass of visit

site visit

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Tender No.


Tender Clarifications
Status (Open/Closed)
Tender Document Tenderer’s COMPANY
S. No. Reference Query response Technical Commercial Contractual


Each time Tenderer wishes to request clarification, Tenderer shall fill out the above form and
submit to COMPANY for a response. The form shall be used as a running record of all
clarifications between Tenderers and COMPANY. Note that multiple enquiries can be made
in a single request.

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1.1 The WORK shall be completed within fifteen (15) months from the WO EFFECTIVE
DATE (ED) and CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the following Timeline / Expected Key

Timeline / Expected
No Description
Key Date


1.1.2 Completion of Site Survey Within 2 weeks of ED

Within 1 month of
1.1.3 Engineering – Issued for Design
Site Survey

Within 2 months of
1.1.4 Engineering – Issued for Approval
Site Survey

Cold eye review involving Shareholders

Within 3 months of
1.1.5 representatives (after APPROVAL of main

Within 4 months of
1.1.6 Completion of Engineering (IFC)

Within 8 months of
1.1.7 Completion of Procurement ED including valves
and flowmeters

Completion of Installation / Pre-commissioning / 10 months from ED

Commissioning (PSSR) (PSSR/MAC)

Within 2 months of
1.1.9 Submission of As-Built drawings Mechanical
Completion (MAC)

Within 5 months of
1.1.10 Project Close-out (Issue of MAC)
Completion (30-April-

1.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop a baseline WORK Schedule by including activities as

indicated in Article 1.1 and any other activity required to complete the WORK and
submit such schedule to COMPANY within fourteen (14) days after the WO EFFECTIVE
DATE. Such schedule shall include a clear and detail activity level, milestones, critical

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Classification: Confidential

paths and minimum total float. Activity durations, start and finish date constraints
etc. are to be added as CONTRACTOR sees fit. This should be undertaken in
accordance with the requirements of COMPANY’s procedures.
1.3 CONTRACTOR shall take into full account any effects on the schedule of the working
location, weather conditions, time required to obtain permits to work and
COMPANY’s approval on documentation, access to location (i.e., passes, vehicle
entry, etc.), SIMOPS, and all other matters which could affect progress or
performance of the WORK. Such failure by CONTRACTOR to take account of matters
affecting the WORK shall not relieve him from his obligations under the WORK
ORDER, nor there any additional compensation in the event of CONTRACTOR’s failure
to consider them.
1.4 CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate by verifiable means their readiness to start the
CONSTRUCTION activities at Site and request COMPANY for the Isolation and release
of worksite to perform WORK.
1.5 COMPANY reserves its right to hand over / Halt / Defer / Postpone the WORK or part
thereof according to its sole discretion. It shall be the responsibility of the
CONTRACTOR to mobilize the needful resource upon commencement of the work as
may be directed with no additional cost to COMPANY.

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[ * To be completed by COMPANY at the time of award of WORK ORDER].


2.1 The following key positions shall be provided by CONTRACTOR, and COMPANY has the
right to carry out interviews of said personnel. If personnel proposed by CONTRACTOR
are found not suitable for the position, CONTRACTOR shall provide immediate
replacement without affecting PROJECT cost and schedule.

No. Description Name *

2.1.1 Project Engineer

2.1.2 Construction Manager / Construction


2.1.3 Safety Officer

[* COMPANY APPROVED names shall be inserted by COMPANY at the time of Award

2.2 CONTRACTOR project organization chart is attached (Attachment 1 *). CONTRACTOR
shall submit the CVs of key positions to COMPANY for APPROVAL.
[* COMPANY APPROVED CONTRACTOR PROJECT Organization chart shall be inserted
by COMPANY at the time of award of WORK ORDER].
2.3 CONTRACTOR provided facilities for COMPANY personnel:
 Not Applicable for this WORK ORDER
2.4 In the execution of the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the provision of
skilled manpower which are COMPANY experienced and / or have previously worked
on similar COMPANY PROJECTs.
2.5 The qualification and experience for each of the skilled manpower mentioned above
shall be submitted to COMPANY prior to the commencement of the WORK.
2.6 The activities of CONTRACTOR for the PROJECT team shall be directed by the
dedicated in-charge Project Manager, who shall be permanently assigned on SITE and
shall be well acquainted and meet the requirements of the qualifications and
experiences written in the CONTRACT, and shall have practical construction
experience to effectively plan, coordinate and manage the WORK.

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Classification: Confidential

2.7 All CONTRACTOR’s manpower shall successfully complete and pass all necessary
COMPANY safety courses and shall be approved to apply and sign COMPANY PTWs.
2.8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the provision of skilled manpower such as, but
not limited to, QC Engineers, QC Supervisors and QC Inspectors who are COMPANY
experienced, worked previously on other COMPANY projects, and are familiar with
the QC requirements, procedures and specifications of COMPANY.
2.9 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that in case Short Service Workers (SSW) are mobilized for
execution of the WORK, their numbers shall be limited to less than 25% of the total
direct workforce mobilized for the SITE WORK.


3.1 CONTRACTOR shall approach COMPANY designated Subcontractors for delivering
detailed engineering as listed below:
a) Chiyoda Al-Mana Engineering LLC, Qatar
b) Worley W.L.L, Qatar
c) Technip Middle East Projects International (TECHNIP MEPI), Qatar
3.2 Only the following Certifying Agencies shall be considered for WPS, PQR and welders'
qualification / certificates.
a) Bureau Veritas.
b) Lloyd’s Register.
c) Germanischer Lloyds.
d) American Bureau of Shipping.
e) Det Norske Veritas.
f) Velosi Certification.
g) Intertek Global International
h) TUV Suddeutschland.
3.3 The following MATERIALS shall be free-issued to CONTRACTOR by COMPANY for the
 Not applicable for this WORK ORDER.
3.4 Where possible, the CONTRACTOR shall procure all MATERIALS and equipment from
sources identified in the COMPANY preferred MATERIALS and equipment vendor list.
The following Vendors / OEMs are APPROVED by COMPANY for the WORK:
 Not applicable for this WORK ORDER.

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1.1 CONTRACTOR shall execute Engineering, Procurement, Installation, Dismantling,
Construction, Testing, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and other services of the
following PROJECT:
PROJECT: LLP STEAM Header Interconnection between QG 3&4 Utility Asset and QG-
2 Utility Asset.
Hereinafter referred to as the “WORK”.
1.2 The WORK shall be carried out in accordance with Engineering, Procurement and
Construction (EPC) Call-Off Contract No LTC/C/EPM/5257/21 as Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contract on a lump sum basis.
1.3 In carrying out the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall provide qualified and experienced
personnel, equipment, materials, consumables, tools, etc. required for the completion
of the WORK.
1.4 This WORK ORDER only provides an overview of the WORK to be performed by
CONTRACTOR. Any data provided by COMPANY has been supplied for the information
and guidance of CONTRACTOR, and it is the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to verify
and confirm the suitability of data by conducting his own study and investigation prior
to carrying out the WORK. CONTRACTOR is responsible to develop and execute actual
detailed scope of work based on site survey, investigation, drawing, specifications, etc.
1.5 Background of the Work
1.5.1 Qatargas (North) facility, consists of three (3) assets (QG1, QG2 and QG3/4) with seven
(7) LNG trains. QG2 asset is operating two (2) LNG trains; each capable to produce 7.8
MMPTA of LNG. QG3/4 asset is also operating two (2) LNG trains; each capable to
produce 7.8 MMPTA of LNG.
1.5.2 QG 3 & 4 Utility Power system is a standalone power system (no interconnections
available). In case of Utility Total SD or total power outage, the LLP steam supply will
be stopped which will lead to molten sulfur solidification due to loosing sulfur line
steam jacketing. The Claus Unit in Sulphur Recovery Units of QG3&4 assets handles
molten sulfur (solidification point: 119°C). In order to prevent solidification of the
sulfur, the molten sulfur lines are jacketed and heated by LLP Steam. This incident will
cause flange leakage and it will lead to train shutdown and production loss. HHP
steam interconnection is available. However, this HHS has to be let down in three
stages as MS, LS and LLS which requires HP attemperator water. During any power
failure, BFW pump will be unable to run and Let down stations will be unavailable to
get required LLS steam with temperature.
1.5.3 During QG3/4 shutdown-2019, the Asset had trouble to manage sulphur line
temperature due to unavailability of LLP steam. All steam system including boiler feed
water pumps were stopped for the DCS upgrade purpose.
1.5.4 Meantime, temporary connection arranged between QG2 & QG3/4 LLP steam system
for QG3/4 sulphur lines jacketing purpose.
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1.5.5 Now, as per the operations plan, next QG3/4 Total Shutdown is scheduled for 2025.
Hence, it is proposed to install jump-over line between QG2 and QG3/4 LLP steam
header and should be ready prior to the 2025 Shutdown.
1.5.6 This jump-over line between QG-2 and QG 3&4 will be used only during blackout or
planned total shutdown of QG 3&4 asset and during this time the usage of LLS is
limited to Sulphur lines heat tracing. Moreover, this connection will provide
uninterrupted process steam for SRU sulfur line steam jacketing to avoid solidification
of liquid sulfur in case of Utility total failure at either one of the Asset.
1.5.7 This requirement is only for emergency and usage will be limited to steam tracing only.
Close coordination to be carried out with QG2 before and during jumper line in
service. Moreover, the pressure in QG-2 side should be monitored and jumper line
valve opening to be limited by the operator throughout proper communication.
Procedures and manuals to be updated accordingly.
LLP Steam Balance check
- LP to LLP let down station in Utility section.
Main Users:
- Sulfur lines jacketing,
- Utility stations all over the Plant,
- Steam tracing
For QG2 Asset:
• LLP steam demand (29-PC920142) controls LP steam flow to Desuperheaters 29-
• LLP Steam Desuperheater is designed for 20 T/h with normal consumption of 10
T/h for two train operation.
• One Desuperheater (20 T/h) is full spare to assure continuous jacketing of sulfur
lines and availability of LP steam at Utility stations and tracers.
• Currently, two let-down stations are in operation. Each let-down station is running
with capacity around 90% & 50% load, respectively. As a result, there will be
sufficient steam available to handle the other asset requirement (approx. 1.5 to 2
T/hr) in case of emergency. Close coordination will be carried out with QG2 before
and during jumper line in service to avoid any disruption.
For QG3/4 Asset:
• LLP steam demand (59-PC920142) controls LP steam flow to Desuperheaters 59-
• LLP Steam Desuperheater is designed for 31.5 T/h with normal consumption of
16.5 T/h for two train operation.
• One Desuperheater (31.5 T/h) is full spare to assure continuous jacketing of sulfur

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lines and availability of LP steam at Utility stations and tracers.

• Currently, only one let-down station is running with capacity around 75% load. As
a result, there will be sufficient steam available to handle the other asset
requirement in case of emergency.

This Attachment C – Scope of Work defines the CONTRACTOR Scope of Work and the
minimum requirement for the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation
and Commissioning works to be executed in accordance with the COMPANY PROJECT
specifications requirements, technical specifications and drawings included in this
Scope of Work and WORK ORDER.

3.1 The proposed modification scope includes mainly the following:
3.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall perform Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning activities for LLP steam header jump-over line
tie-in from QG2 and QG 3&4 facilities.
3.1.2 Proposed Jump over piping to be located on existing synergy pipe rack, considering
that the new isolation valve does not require any frequent operation / access and in
case of operation, scaffolding to be erected such that no new additional platform is
required. Preliminary pipe routing and location of new isolation valve has been
marked on attachments.
3.1.3 LLP steam header jump over line between QG2 and QG 3&4 requires “Hot Tap” such
that uninterrupted process steam can be provided to the downstream piping.

3.2 EPC Scope of Work (as minimum) – All Disciplines

3.2.1 This scope only provides an overview of the WORK to be performed by CONTRACTOR.
Any data provided by COMPANY has been supplied for the information and guidance
of CONTRACTOR, and it shall be the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to verify and
confirm the suitability of data to develop the detail scope of work. If necessary,
CONTRACTOR shall conduct his own studies and investigations to confirm the
sufficiency of the data provided by COMPANY by site survey or other review of
drawings, standards, specifications, and the like.
3.2.2 CONTRACTOR's WORK is to finalize the modification scope and develop engineering
package based on a site survey, field conditions and engineering in consultation with
3.2.3 CONTRACTOR is also required to execute procurement, fabrication, dismantling,
installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and other services to install jump-
over line. Complete installation is required to be completed ahead of QG3&4 2025
3.2.4 CONTRACTOR is also required to ensure that the permits are submitted and approved
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before construction activities can commence, including use of laydown areas for
prepositioning material, Surplus Assets disposal plan, etc.

3.3 Engineering
3.3.1 CONTRACTOR shall perform all necessary engineering and design for all disciplines and
provide resulting design documents. Activities include but are not limited to the
following: Develop project master documentation but not limited to engineering, execution,
planning, control etc. Engineering document by providing calculation, drawing, data sheet, specification,
requisition, technical bid evaluation, type selection report etc. for each engineering
discipline in conjunction with COMPANY’s specifications and requirements. Preparation, development of MR, MAR, TBE, material take-offs and requisitions for
material and equipment.
3.3.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop Design Basis Memorandum (DBM) and submit to
COMPANY for APPROVAL. After APPROVAL of DBM, CONTRACTOR shall proceed with
further development of engineering documents for COMPANY review and APPROVAL.
3.3.3 CONTRACTOR shall assess the time required and prepare a detailed execution
schedule to address risks and obtain alignment with the Asset.
3.3.4 CONTRACTOR shall provide the engineering services throughout the procurement,
fabrication, installation, pre-commissioning, and commissioning activities.
3.3.5 CONTRACTOR shall follow COMPANY's drawing office practice and numbering
procedure for preparation / updating engineering deliverables and the codes,
standards, Recommended Practices listed in “List of applicable International /
Company Codes and Standards” as a minimum.
3.3.6 CONTRACTOR shall work in close association with COMPANY’s Project Engineer and
Document Controller to identify, list and update any document that would be affected
by this WORK.
3.3.7 Process Tie-ins:
Provide 4” Jump over piping (tie-in from existing header LS2092501-8” (1S1A)-1-
25MM from QG2 facility and LS5092501-4” (1S1A)-1-25MM from QG3&4) to be
located on existing pipe rack, considering that the new isolation valve does not require
any frequent operation/access and in case of operation, scaffolding to be erected such
that no new additional platform is required.
3.3.8 Mechanical / Piping Works:
a) Perform detailed site survey.
b) LLP steam header jump over line between QG2 and QG 3&4 tie-in by means of Hot
c) Detail design considering new and existing lines (Piping class of the existing lines
1S1A has to be used). Preliminary tie-in locations & pipe routings are provided.

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However, Tie in location which is more feasible and easier to connect with existing
line shall be prepared during detail engineering and type of tie in connection shall
be selected with considering operability, maintainability, and accessibility.
d) LLP steam headers are insulated and are located on Synergy Piperack.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure about no issue of CUI (Corrosion under insulation) at
the proposed hot tap/tie-in locations prior to proceeding on developing IFC
deliverables (this is to avoid any delay in project schedule).
e) CONTRACTOR shall explore the use of Chain operated valve in place of remote
hand operated valve, if possible. This is in consideration of factors like capital cost,
operability, maintainability accessibility, etc.
f) Provide datasheet / technical specification of new Valves
g) Design piping supports for new piping system.
h) Develop detailed IFC for new piping & Hot tap.
i) Updating existing 3D model for the proposed new piping.
3.3.9 Instrumentation:
a) Provide datasheet / technical specification of Bi-directional flow meters /
b) Provide details of DCS & POIS configuration.
c) Available spares in the existing Field bus junction boxes to be utilized for tie-in of
new flow transmitters for indication in DCS. The indication shall be made available
in both QG2 and QG3&4 DCS.
d) Existing DCS graphics shall be updated in both QG2 & QG3&4 utility for indication
of new flow transmitters on Bi-Directional line.
3.3.10 Civil / Structural Works:
Piping supports (as required) from existing pipe rack and Structural Supports
3.3.11 Site Constraints:
a) Layout constraints: Jump over tie-ins and line routing on pipe rack.
b) Synergy pipe rack has Hydrocarbon lines as well as other utilities lines nearby to
the proposed tie-ins. Risk assessment shall be conducted prior to performing hot
tapping at tie-in locations at QG2 & QG3/4 steam headers.
c) COMPANY’s review will include Cold Eye review involving Shareholder
representatives (Brownfield Project SMEs) prior to IFC deliverable submission.
3.3.12 Process:
CONTRACTOR is responsible of all Process engineering works to be executed in
accordance with the COMPANY Project specifications requirements, technical
specifications and drawings included in this Attachment C – Scope of Work and WORK
ORDER. The WORK shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a) Design & detailed Engineering for the proposed new piping routing as per P&ID
mark-up shown above.
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b) CONTRACTOR shall carry out site visit to check & confirm the proposed all tie-in
c) CONTRACTOR shall carry out detailed HAZOP and necessary recommendations to
be provided.
3.3.13 Location and Tie-in Details:
Provide 4” Jump over piping (tie-in from existing header LS2092501-8” (1S1A)-1-
25MM from QG2 facility and LS5092501-4” (1S1A)-1-25MM from QG3&4)

Proposed Process Tie-ins at synergy pipe-rack

3.3.14 IFC Deliverables (as minimum):
a) Process Design Basis
b) P&ID
c) Line List
d) Tie-in List
e) Piping Sizing basis and calculation

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f) Hydraulic Calculation
g) Operating Philosophy update
h) HAZOP Study and Report including Close-out report
i) Detailed operational procedure shall be developed / updated for modifications
3.3.15 Reference Documents/Drawings:
a) QGX-20-92-PR-DR-PI-506 (markup)
b) QCS-50-92-PR-DR-PI-502 (markup)
3.3.16 Mechanical & Piping: CONTRACTOR is responsible of all Mechanical and Piping engineering works
including calculation, IFC drawings, datasheets, specifications, etc. in accordance with
the COMPANY Project specifications requirements, technical specifications and Mark-
up drawings included in this Attachment C – Scope of Work and WORK ORDER. Mechanical and Piping Works shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a) CONTRACTOR shall develop a detail design and IFC drawings required for WORK
b) As part of Detailed Engineering, CONTRACTOR shall consider optimizing the
routing of newly proposed piping to reduce number of field joints through pre-
fabrication of piping for execution at site.
c) CONTRACTOR shall carry out Detailed site survey / including dimensional
verification due to complex pipe routing since all tie-in points are located on a
limited area/pipe rack, also exact measurement to be taken to ensure maximum
welding joints are performed during shop fabrication and reduce field joints. A
Site Visit Report shall be prepared and submitted by CONTRACTOR for COMPANY
d) Verification of all As-built drawings for the scope against the actual condition at
site, identify any discrepancies, consult to COMPANY and propose for actions
when necessary.
e) Piping material is as per P&ID markups and MTO (Existing Piping class
f) Proposed new routing has been identified as reference, however CONTRACTOR
shall design and optimize the routing based on the site conditions. Necessary
drawings shall be developed for suitable piping support details.
g) External painting system shall be followed for piping material and all equipment
as per COMPANY specifications.
h) CONTRACTOR shall provide IFC drawings for constructed isometric drawings, GA
drawing and Piping support drawing.
i) CONTRACTOR shall provide Piping Tie-in list
j) CONTRACTOR shall provide IFC Piping and Valve BOM / MTO.
k) CONTRACTOR shall provide IFC drawings for Piping Supports.
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l) CONTRACTOR shall perform Piping Stress analysis and provide Stress analysis
m) CONTRACTOR shall provide Material Requisitions of all Piping, fittings, Valves,
Gaskets, Bolts & Nuts and Steel Structure required for Piping supports.
n) CONTRACTOR shall carry out Constructability Review and 3D Model review and
submit the final reports for COMPANY approval.
o) CONTRACTOR shall update GA drawings and 3D model. Native files shall be
submitted to COMPANY as deliverable.
p) CONTRACTOR shall raise any Technical Queries / Engineering Deviation Request /
Interface Agreements and seek COMPANY APPROVAL.

3D Model Markup (Proposed Process Tie-ins & line routing at synergy pipe-rack (Plan

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3D Model Markup (Proposed Process Tie-ins & line routing at synergy pipe-rack
(Elevation View)
3.3.17 IFC Deliverables (as minimum):
a) Site Survey Report
b) Design Basis Memorandum
c) Datasheet, Specification, MR, TBE templates for Valves & Piping
d) Tie-in list
e) Valve List
f) Piping and support design documents
g) Piping stress analysis
h) Piping GAD, Plot plan for Equipment and Piping.
i) Construction Isometrics for new piping routing.
j) Update of relevant existing Piping drawings for layout, pipe supports as required.
k) Detailed Material Take Off (MTO) - Mechanical and Piping works
l) Updating 3D Model to include proposed changes.
m) 3D model review report

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COMPANY shall provide available native files in case existing files are not available,
CONTRACTOR has to develop the required deliverables.
3.3.18 Reference Documents / Drawings:
QCS-50-33-MP-DR-GA-108_Piping GA Drawing
3.3.19 Instrumentation & Control:
CONTRACTOR is responsible of all Instrumentation & Control engineering WORK to be
executed in accordance with the relevant requirements, drawings and technical
specifications included in the contract. Instrumentation & Control WORK shall include,
but not be limited to the following: CONTRACTOR shall carry-out all required modifications / changes in the
existing DCS, POIS, etc. to incorporate new tags as applicable. All markup drawings
and documents for these changes shall be submitted. CONTRACTOR shall develop a detail design and IFC drawings required for
WORK execution. CONTRACTOR shall carry out Detailed site survey and verify the adequacy of
existing facilities (including Foundation Fieldbus and Control System). CONTRACTOR shall verify and validate the Interface Agreement that was raised
during Feasibility Study. Any changes, if required, shall be incorporated by
CONTRACTOR and included as part of the Scope of WORK. CONTRACTOR shall identify all temporary destruction & re-construction of
obstructing instrumentation items, junction boxes, cabling, tubing, Cable trays,
supports etc. and separate destruction & construction documents like drawings, hook-
ups etc. engineering deliverables shall be submitted for COMPANY review and
APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR shall identify any modification of cable route, Layout, location
etc. and applicable & related engineering deliverables shall be prepared and
submitted for COMPANY review and APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR shall identify addition / replacement of Branch cable / multicore
/ multipair / power cables / Modification in cable routing used for various field
instrumentation / control system based on identified destruction scope of work and
all applicable engineering drawings and documents datasheet, and BoM shall be
submitted CONTRACTOR shall carry out all engineering for install new piping / tubing /
cabling for new and temporary destruction & re-construction including relocation of
instrumentation items applicable for this PROJECT. CONTRACTOR shall carryout necessary adequacy check if any required for this
PROJECT and reports shall be submitted. CONTRACTOR is responsible to prepare new engineering deliverables and / or
update existing documents / drawings impacted due to this modification. Verification of all As-built drawings for the scope against the actual condition
at SITE.
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Classification: Confidential CONTRACTOR is responsible for preparing, verification, and review in case of

non-availability of any engineering data, drawings, document, and other deliverable. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all inspection and tests, including Site
Acceptance Test (SAT), Performance Test. CONTRACTOR shall engage relevant OEM, e.g., DCS, POIS, etc. to carry-out all
necessary modifications. IFC Deliverables (as minimum):
a) Adequacy Check Report (FF segment calculation/validation, Control
b) Site Survey Report
c) Instrument Cable Block Diagrams
d) System architecture (DCS, POIS)
e) JB Interconnection/Wiring Diagram
f) Hook-up drawing (impulse line, wiring)
g) Installation drawing
h) Loop Drawing
i) Tie-in List
j) Instrument Index
k) Datasheet & sizing calculation
l) Material Requisition
m) Technical Bid Evaluation
n) Material Approval Request
o) Process Control Narrative (as required)
p) Instrument I/O List (hardware, software/interface)
q) Alarm Set Point List
r) Instrument Cable Schedule
s) Cable Routing Layouts
t) Instrument and Junction Box Location Layouts
u) Modification SOW in DCS/POIS System
v) Vendor Documents (instrument, control system)
w) Material Take-Off (MTO)
x) Interface Agreement Reference Documents / Drawings:
a) QGX-20-33-IN-DR-PL-405 Layout of Field Instrument - Neutralization Area
b) QCS-50-33-IN-DR-PL-402 Layout of Field Instrument - Waste Water
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Treatment Area
c) QGX-29-00-IN-LI-TD-101 Instrument Cabling Connection List
d) QCS-50-00-IN-LI-TD-101 Instrument Cabling Connection List ITR-77
e) QGX-20-00-IN-DB-SC-002_Instrument Fiber Optic Cable Block Diagram
f) QCS-50-00-IN-DB-SC-002_Instrument Fiber Optic Cable Block Diagram
3.3.20 Civil & Structural: CONTRACTOR is responsible for all civil / structural engineering WORK to be
executed in accordance with the relevant requirements, drawings and technical
specifications included in the CONTRACT. Civil / Structural WORK shall include, but
not be limited to the following:
a) Adequacy check of existing pipe rack /structure.
b) Piping supports as required for the new above grade piping which include
structural steel supports and foundation, if any.
c) Verification of all as built drawings for the scope against the actual condition at
site, identify any discrepancies part of site survey. IFC Deliverables (as minimum):
a) Site Survey Report
b) Structural Calculations for the Pipe supports, if necessary.
c) Adequacy check reports of existing Pipe rack / Structure.
d) Update of relevant existing Civil and Structural drawings for layout, pipe
supports (if any).
e) Material Take Off (MTO) - Civil and Structural steel works
f) Inputs to construction plan and activities.
g) Demolition drawings if required.
h) New structural drawings if required
3.3.21 Demolition Engineering Scope:
a) Demolition drawing for tie-in points required modifications.
b) CONTRACTOR shall develop necessary demolition drawings and existing
documents updating, if any.


CONTRACTOR shall comply with all the requirements of this Scope of Work, which
shall be undertaken in accordance with the COMPANY procedures and specifications
detailed herein or as previously provided to CONTRACTOR from time to time.

4.1 Site survey & Document Retrieval

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4.1.1 CONTRACTOR is responsible for identifying any additional engineering documentation

held by COMPANY required to carry out the WORK and shall submit the list of the
required documents to COMPANY for retrieval.
4.1.2 COMPANY will assist CONTRACTOR in retrieving the documents, however, the overall
responsibility for coordination lies with CONTRACTOR. Those documents that are
available in the public domain such as BS ANSI or ASI standards, API, EU norms or other
documents mandated by the scope of WORK are CONTRACTOR’s responsibility.
4.1.3 CONTRACTOR is responsible for issuing all documentation necessary in accordance
with COMPANY’s mandatory procedures to enable the relevant passes permits,
inspections and safety certificates to be issued (including Permit to Work) to be issued.
4.1.4 CONTRACTOR shall carry out all site surveys and investigations necessary to become
completely familiar with the WORK scope including but not limited to the following
activities: Site surveys shall be performed by multidisciplinary team of CONTRACTOR to get
familiarized with SITE and to obtain necessary information. Verify site condition and “As-Built” status of the existing drawings and documents.
Any missing information observed on these drawings shall be populated and updated
by CONTRACTOR. Gather enough information of the current condition of the FACILITIES and collect all
associated dimensional details for the purposes of design and engineering. Confirm the suitability of preliminary location of LLP steam jump over line & its tie-ins. Identify and verify all interfaces, tie-in points (Piping, Instrumentation, etc.) and
interconnection between existing and new FACILITIES. Develop complete understanding of existing operating procedures and philosophies Verify availability and adequacy of required utilities and services on SITE. Survey the existing adjacent facilities and structures relevant to the WORK to ensure
least interference during SITE WORK. Identify special requirements with regards to equipment, tools, devices required to
carry out the WORK.
4.1.5 CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY the number of persons required to carry out
site survey within two (2) weeks before such survey and compile a Site Survey Report
containing all information gathered during this activity and submit such report to
4.1.6 In performing the site survey, CONTRACTOR shall comply with all the mandatory
requirements with regards to passes, work permits, training, safety induction program
and PPE requirements. CONTRACTOR shall also evaluate the need for any additional
survey and site investigation during WO period for completing the WORK successfully.
4.1.7 CONTRACTOR shall retrieve all related drawings and documents required for
successful completion of the WORK and shall update all the existing drawings as
affected by the WORK. If new drawings are required for operations and maintenance
purposes, CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit the related drawing and documents
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for COMPANY’s review and APPROVAL.

4.1.8 If differences exist between specifications and other documents, CONTRACTOR shall
bring the same to the attention of COMPANY and obtain APPROVAL from COMPANY.
4.1.9 CONTRACTOR shall retrieve and verify accuracy of all relevant existing drawings and
documents related to the WORK.
4.1.10 CONTRACTOR shall carry out site surveys and investigations to COMPANY’s FACILITIES
including but not limited to the following activities:
a) Survey the existing adjacent facilities and structures relevant to the WORK to
ensure least interference during site work.
b) Identify and verify all interfaces, tie-in points and interconnection required.
c) CONTRACTOR shall compile a survey report containing all information gathered
during this activity and submit the same to COMPANY.
d) CONTRACTOR shall also evaluate the need for any additional survey and site
investigation during WORK ORDER period for completing the WORK successfully
and curry these surveys/investigations accordingly.

4.2 Engineering
4.2.1 CONTRACTOR shall verify, validate the documentations provided. CONTRACTOR shall
immediately advise COMPANY of any inconsistent information or data provided in the
package or elsewhere in the WORK ORDER.
4.2.2 CONTRACTOR shall carry out design development and detail engineering by
considering the following minimum requirements: CONTRACTOR shall note that coordination with OEM lies with CONTRACTOR and the
ultimate responsibility of the engineering lies with the engineering CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall provide detail design by incorporating all development and scope,
including drawing verification /revision, drawings, specification, etc. Verification of all as built drawings for the scope against the actual condition at SITE,
identify any discrepancies, consult to COMPANY, and propose for actions when
necessary. CONTRACTOR shall perform clash check evaluation to avoid any design and
construction clashes with existing facilities. CONTRACTOR shall provide for the scope of work, based on the COMPANY’s relevant
specifications, procedures, drawings stated in this Attachment C – Scope of Work. CONTRACTOR shall provide detail destruction and construction Drawings and shall be
APPROVED by COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall provide Material and Testing Certificates of all the material
required under this PROJECT scope of work. CONTRACTOR shall provide testing procedure for COMPANY review and APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR shall provide inspection and testing plan (ITP) and QA/QC plan
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procedures. CONTRACTOR shall incorporate any material upgrade requirement in
CONTRACTOR’s drawings and documents. CONTRACTOR shall provide WPS and PQR for all the activities under this
PROJECT scope and shall be suitable also for any SITE repair purpose. CONTRACTOR shall provide detail of Method of Statement for the existing tie-
in, the new piping installation including the structural modification and other works
as defined in this scope of WORK. CONTRACTOR shall provide Construction Work-pack including the rigging
study when necessary. CONTRACTOR shall provide the JSA and PTW for all related jobs under this
scope of WORK. Any deviations from the COMPANY specifications and code/standards other
than captured above, the Deviation Request shall be submitted by The Project Team
in written form for COMPANY APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR shall attend clarification / technical and progress meeting to
ensure smooth progress of the WORK. CONTRACTOR shall incorporate COMPANY’s comments on drawings /
documents and re-submit for review and APPROVAL within five (5) working-days.
COMPANY APPROVAL on CONTRACTOR documents or any other approvals will not
relieve CONTRACTOR from the responsibility of following sound engineering practices
or any of his other obligations under the WORK ORDER. CONTRACTOR shall provide engineering services throughout all phases of the
WORK and is also responsible for carrying out all corrective or supplementary design
work due to incorrect or incomplete design. CONTRACTOR is responsible for any
delays due to incomplete or incorrect design. Any discrepancies in design or
engineering mistakes / deficiencies that are discovered during the installation /
construction shall be resolved by CONTRACTOR to COMPANY satisfaction at no cost
to COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall work in close association with COMPANY to identify, list
and update any document that is affected by the WORK. CONTRACTOR shall appoint an APPROVED GES contractor to carry out
engineering activities. All Engineering activities and deliverables shall be performed /
developed by COMPANY’s APPROVED GES contractors. CONTRACTOR shall submit the responsibility matrix plan and detailed
organogram for engineering work to COMPANY approval during KOM showing any
split of the engineering activities scope. Any interface requirement during engineering
phase, CONTRACTOR is responsible to deploy an engineering coordinator till
completion of WORK to ensure completion of WORK as per schedule. CONTRACTOR
shall ensure the presence of engineering team key members during weekly and
monthly progress meetings. Cold Eye Review shall be conducted as a critical activity before the IFC drawings
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are issued and shall notify COMPANY for arranging the same with respective Asset

4.3 Procurement
4.3.1 CONTRACTOR shall estimate and purchase all MATERIALS and services required for
completing the WORK
4.3.2 Identification and procurement of all the required MATERIALS and services, if any,
through full cycle of procurement process such as Bid preparation, Request for
Quotation, Tender process, Technical and Commercial Bid evaluation, Award
Recommendation, Purchase Order or Subcontract, delivery, expediting, Inspection,
Factory Acceptance Test, transportation, and other activities, as required to ensure
implementation of the WORK.
4.3.3 CONTRACTOR shall obtain COMPANY's prior APPROVAL for the procurement of
material and services, selection of vendors, CONTRACTORs, and subcontractor
proposed to be used by CONTRACTOR for the execution of this WORK.
4.3.4 MATERIALS shall be sourced from COMPANY’s vendor list or established sources and
shall be APPROVED by COMPANY prior to procurement, fabrication, and installation
4.3.5 CONTRACTOR shall submit all vendor material inspection and testing reports for
COMPANY’s APPROVAL including but not limited to test certificates, dimensional
control documentation, third party inspection’s certificates and acceptance test
certificates. CONTRACTOR shall submit biweekly manufacturing reports including
material manufacturing status, progress photos, inspection progress, material
readiness status, etc.
4.3.6 CONTRACTOR shall identify and prioritize the MATERIALS to meet the procurement
timeline to target the PROJECT completion.
4.3.7 CONTRACTOR shall adequately reinforce the surrounding areas to facilitate the
movement of their cranes, installation of jacks, etc. if necessary.
4.3.8 CONTRACTOR shall ensure APPROVAL on MARs obtained from COMPANY prior to any
material being procured.
4.3.9 CONTRACTOR shall ensure the APPROVAL of COMPANY QA/QC prior to the delivery
4.3.10 All MATERIALS shall meet compliance to relevant COMPANY material specifications
and shall be procured from the APPROVED vendors.
4.3.11 In case of ambiguity in terms of Scope of work, Specification, CONTRACT or WORK
ORDER document or any part of thereof, the most stringent requirement shall be
binding and be followed.

4.4 Manufacturing / Fabrication

4.4.1 CONTRACTOR shall maximize fabrication activities in CONTRACTOR’s workshop to
minimize hot work at COMPANY SITE and enable of bolting activity only.
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4.4.2 Fabrication activity shall be carryout on 24 Hrs. x 7 days basis as may be needed to
meet the schedule timeline.
4.4.3 CONTRACTOR shall perform all fabrication and installation works of the Scope of Work
stated above.
4.4.4 CONTRACTOR shall prepare all job activities required for isolation purpose (blinding
and de-blinding) when required.
4.4.5 CONTRACTOR shall anticipate arranging the job execution in case of the execution
carry-out in a high heat index season, by meeting overall scope requirements in time,
safely and quality manner.
4.4.6 CONTRACTOR shall provide lay-down plan area for performing material removal and
new material installation / assembly / pre-assembly for COMPANY APPROVAL.
4.4.7 Vendor supervisors / representatives from field-engineering, construction and start-
up department shall be available during installation period to assist and to resolve the
project team issues in immediate basis to avoid any delay.
4.4.8 CONTRACTOR shall perform site welding followed by inspecting and testing according
to the approved WPS/PQR, Method of Statement and ITP.
4.4.9 CONTRACTOR shall perform require demolish activity according to the approved
demolished drawings and Method of Statement.
4.4.10 CONTRACTOR shall provide all equipment, vehicles, tools, labor, manpower for
supervision and temporary materials including scaffolding and piping support.
4.4.11 CONTRACTOR shall furnish the final / touch-up painting for the job, as well as its
required material.
4.4.12 CONTRACTOR shall reinstate back the instrumentation devices when it is required.
4.4.13 CONTRACTOR to perform flange joints reassemble with the existing facilities using
correct torquing value and follow with certification.
4.4.14 CONTRACTOR shall perform mechanical completion and PSSR prior to hand over to
COMPANY Operations.
4.4.15 CONTRACTOR shall assist during pre-commissioning / commissioning stage to
COMPANY Operations.
4.4.16 CONTRACTOR shall perform complete housekeeping of the area.
4.4.17 CONTRACTOR shall carry out fabrication work based on APPROVED IFC drawings or
documents only. CONTRACTOR shall notify to COMPANY any deviation in the
APPROVED drawings, documents, and reasons thereof.
4.4.18 Only the following Certifying Agencies shall be considered for WPS, PQR and welders'
qualification/ certificates.
 Bureau Veritas.
 Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.
 Det Norske Veritas - Germanischer Lloyds (DNV-GL)
 American Bureau of Shipping.
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 Velosi Certification.
 Intertek MOODY (IM); and
 TUV Deutschland (TUV)
4.4.19 COMPANY may appoint a third-party inspector to act on behalf of COMPANY to
witness the inspection / testing requirements, final dimensional checks, NDT, etc. This
is in addition to and shall not affect CONTRACTOR’S responsibilities for inspections
and testing in accordance with the scope of work.

4.5 Mobilization
4.5.1 CONTRACTOR is fully responsible for the following activities:
a) Packing and delivery of equipment, MATERIALS, consumables, and other items to
b) Delivery of construction equipment, tools, scaffolding, lifting equipment,
consumables and any other items required to carry out the WORK at SITE.
c) Mobilization of personnel to SITE.
4.5.2 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE shall arrange necessary coordination with COMPANY
for mobilization of the above resources to site and ensure continuous availability of
sufficient resources to avoid stoppage and delays during execution of the WORK.
Reasons for delays attributed due to lack of resources will not be acceptable,
CONTRACTOR must take COMPANY’s APPROVAL prior of any change of KEY
4.5.3 CONTRACTOR is responsible for obtaining pass for transportation and mobilization of
resources and CONTRACTOR’s personnel shall complete all mandatory training prior
to carrying out the WORK.
4.5.4 CONTRACTOR shall replace any equipment or MATERIALS that may be damaged
during transportation and shall replace them without any schedule or cost impact.
4.5.5 CONTRACTOR is responsible for safe storage and preservation of all material and
protect them against weather hazards, water, humidity, sand, fire, theft, vandalism
and the like.
4.5.6 All testing equipment, tools and other associated equipment required for carrying out
the installation and testing work shall be inspected and certified by COMPANY in Ras
Laffan. Non-certified tools and equipment's by COMPANY will not be allowed for use
at SITE.

4.6 Demolition / Installation / Construction

4.6.1 CONTRACTOR shall as require, conduct constructability review, risk assessment and
technical safety reviews (TSR). It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to
coordinate with Operations for any isolations, etc. If required, CONTRACTOR shall
execute on around the clock basis during the construction phase to meet the schedule

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4.6.2 CONTRACTOR shall submit Method of Statements, Job Safety Analysis and other
mandatory requirements to complete the WORK as per COMPANY policies and
procedures. No SITE WORK will be performed without closing out of Job Safety
Analysis outstanding issue.
4.6.3 CONTRACTOR must strictly comply with COMPANY work procedure including Permit
to Work (PTW) system and other operating procedures inside the facility. All
construction sequence shall also be complied with approved construction procedure
and CONTRACTOR shall carry out site activities as per COMPANY Permit to Work
system and ensure availability of PTW receiver for the site activities.
4.6.4 CONTRACTOR shall perform site preparation including all necessary removal,
isolation, demolition in accordance with the WORK ORDER.
4.6.5 CONTRACTOR shall only utilize COMPANY’s qualified and APPROVED scaffolding
CONTRACTORs for any scaffolding WORK.
4.6.6 CONTRACTOR shall have adequate numbers of safety officers and supervisors
approved by COMPANY on site throughout SITE WORK period.
4.6.7 CONTRACTOR shall participate in COMPANY’s site visits and meetings.
4.6.8 CONTRACTOR shall, at all times, ensure that SITE is clean, and all work-related
equipment and mechanical devices are safe to operate. All safety harnesses and
required safety devices must be inspected daily to ensure workers’ safety. Any
equipment found to be unsafe or damaged, must be identified, taken out of service,
and removed from working site.
4.6.9 CONTRACTOR shall submit procedures including but not limited to Method
Statements, ITPs, JSAs and the proforma data reporting formats to cover the activities
to be carried out during the commissioning phase.

4.7 QA/QC Inspection and Testing

4.7.1 CONTRACTOR shall adhere to and comply with COMPANY’s quality requirements and
follow strictly COMPANY's policies and procedures while working at COMPANY's
FACILITIES. COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE has the right to reject non-conformance
work, if the quality does not meet with the specifications and drawings.
4.7.2 CONTRACTOR shall comply with COMPANY Minimum Quality Requirements for
Contractors provided as an appendix to this Attachment C – Scope of Work and the
4.7.3 Type 3.1 material certificate shall be provided for all welding consumables utilized for
4.7.4 All NDT (like RT, UT, MPI, PT etc.) shall be carried out as per applicable service classes
and COMPNAY specification. NDT personnel qualification shall be carried out as per
code requirements.
4.7.5 CONTRACTOR is responsible for coordination with COMPANY QA/QC engineer with
adequate notification of nominated HOLD and Witness points requiring their
participation and supported by documentation generated to provide objective

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evidence of acceptable quality and compliance with COMPANY specified

4.7.6 CONTRACTOR shall provide notification and obtain COMPANY APPROVAL for
dispositions for any Non-Conforming Materials that involves ‘Use as is’, or ‘Repair’.
4.7.7 CONTRACTOR shall have dedicated, qualified and experienced QA/QC personnel to
execute the work with required qualifications. CONTRACTOR shall provide the
adequate QA/QC resources for the entire project to cover all the quality related
activities including Final Dossier submission. CONTRACTOR shall also have sufficient
resources cover the day & night shift inspections. Works shall not proceed till all the
quality requirements to carry out the specific jobs have been documented in Quality
control procedures &/ITPs and approved by COMPANY.
4.7.8 All materials being brought by CONTRACTOR shall be approved by COMPANY through
Material Approval Request (MAR) or Technical Bid Evaluation as applicable.
CONTRACTOR shall provide material test certificates for the procured materials to
COMPANY. All welding procedures and welders shall be qualified as per project
specification requirements. All inspections shall be carried out as per developed QC
procedures & approved by ITPS.
4.7.9 NDT activities for the piping shall be as per the relevant piping specifications.
4.7.10 CONTRACTOR shall follow the specification RG-S-00-1510-011 (QMS requirements for
Subcontractors & Vendors). The criticality Rating & Inspection level shall be as per this
specification. CONTRACTOR shall submit Criticality determination form for QG
Engineering review and APPROVAL for the materials which are not listed in this
4.7.11 CONTRACTOR shall perform inspection/FAT/SAT, testing and QA/QC activities in
accordance with approved FAT/SAT procedures, ITP, testing procedures, drawings etc.
for any instruments.
4.7.12 Certification of materials shall be as per specification 999-00-ME-SPC-00842
4.7.13 CONTRACTOR to follow COMPANY procedure RG-S-00-1510-004 Rev 51 for preparing
MR / MAR for procurement.
4.7.14 All the valves shall be tested for seat leakage after receipt and prior to installation.
4.7.15 CONTRACTOR shall follow specification RG-S-00-1360-011 for Hot tapping.

4.8 Safety Requirements

4.8.1 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all personnel and sub-contractors employed or
retained by him are fully aware of and comply with the current Health, Training and
Safety requirements and Permit to Work systems of COMPANY and all restrictions
applicable to both the worksite and the WORK.
4.8.2 CONTRACTOR shall observe and comply with all appropriate fire, safety, security, and
other rules and regulations prescribed by COMPANY and RLC and shall be responsible
for the observance thereof by all employees, agents, and subcontractors of the

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4.8.3 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that appropriate safety equipment is used by all
employees, agents and subcontractors which equipment must include safety helmets,
safety boots, hand, eye, and ear protection, H2S Escape Respirator (Hood), the H2S
personal Gas Alert Clip, and safety belts when working at elevated locations.
COMPANY shall have the right to exclude from the SITE any person who violates any
of COMPANY's regulations and any person who in COMPANY's opinion is detrimental
to the execution of the WORK or to the business of COMPANY.
4.8.4 At all times during the performance of the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall take all
necessary measures to comply with the laws, rules or regulations of government, RLIC
or other agencies having authority with respect to environmental pollution, in order
to prevent any discharge from any source whatsoever into the atmosphere, the
ground and any body of water including the sea or a surface reservoir of any substance
which might cause pollution or be deleterious to life or environment such as
radioactive source, smoke, dust, oil, or other atmospheric, ground or liquid pollutants.
4.8.5 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, agents and subcontractors shall not
perform any WORK while under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees and subcontractors shall not use,
possess, distribute or sell alcoholic beverages, illicit or un-prescribed controlled drugs,
drug paraphernalia, or misuse legitimate prescription drugs while at SITE on
COMPANY’s premises or while performing WORK.
4.8.6 CONTRACTOR has adopted or shall adopt its own policy to ensure a drug and alcohol-
free workplace while performing WORK.
4.8.7 CONTRACTOR shall remove any of its employees from performing WORK and from
SITE any time there is suspicion of alcohol or drug use, possession, or any time an
incident occurs where drug or alcohol use could have been a contributing factor.
COMPANY has the right to require CONTRACTOR to remove employees from SITE or
performing WORK any time cause exists to suspect alcohol or drug use. In such cases,
CONTRACTOR’s employee may only be considered for return to WORK or SITE after
the CONTRACTOR certifies as a result of an alcohol and drug for-cause test, conducted
immediately following removal that said employee was in compliance with this WORK
ORDER. CONTRACTOR shall not use an employee to perform WORK, who either
refuses to take, or tests positive in, any alcohol or drug test.
4.8.8 COMPANY may, without prior notice, request searches and/or inspections of the
person, possessions, and vehicles of CONTRACTOR’s employees, agents and
subcontractors that are on WORK SITE or on premises owned or controlled by
COMPANY. Any person who refuses to cooperate with such search shall be removed
from SITE or other premises owned or controlled by COMPANY and not allowed to
return. CONTRACTOR shall replace any of its employees or subcontractors at
COMPANY’s request.
4.8.9 COMPANY shall have the right, but not the obligation, to perform unannounced audits
of CONTRACTOR’s alcohol and drug program to verify that CONTRACTOR’s policy and
its enforcement are acceptable to COMPANY.
4.8.10 CONTRACTOR shall plan and implement measures applied to avoid harm to the
environment by minimizing carbon-based emissions, energy consumption, health and

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environmentally dangerous chemicals, waste, natural resources, packing materials

(e.g., by using used or recycled materials) as per relevant procedures in the COMPANY.
4.8.11 CONTRACTOR shall use the COMPANY site specific Permit to Work System and comply
with the COMPANY site specific Job Safety Analysis/Last Minute Risk Assessment
(JSA/LMRA) processes.
4.8.12 CONTRACTOR shall comply with COMPANY Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) that
meets standards specified COMPANY Relative procedures. CONTRACTOR shall ensure
that personnel are provided with sufficient and fit-for-purpose PPE and shall ensure
that such is maintained in good condition. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that personnel
are trained to use PPE in the correct manner.
4.8.13 CONTRACTOR undertaking hot work shall identify the hazards related to the scope of
work activities and conduct the appropriate RISK assessments for critical activities
(e.g., Hot work, Confined Space, Work at height, Power tools, Lifting and hoisting,
excavation, scaffolding) and implement appropriate controls to ensure the safety of
all personnel associated with the hot work are aligned with COMPANY Safe Work
4.8.14 CONTRACTOR shall report immediately to COMPANY all dangerous occurrences and
accidents (or near misses) at the SITE, associated with the performance of the Contract
resulting in or having the potential for injury or death, property damage or loss, and
shall furnish COMPANY with copies of all reports thereof. COMPANY shall provide
initial first aid at its worksite(s) and arrange transportation for the carriage of
casualties if so directed by COMPANY’s medical service, to the nearest hospital.
Further specialist transportation and any/all medical expenses shall be borne by
4.8.15 In an emergency, the COMPANY fire rescue service should be immediately called
through 4473-7777. All activities shall be immediately suspended. Evacuate work area
safely as per emergency evacuation procedure. Work is to resume upon receipt of
APPROVAL from COMPANY and when PTW has been revalidated.
4.8.16 CONTRACTOR shall provide Safety signs posted at the working area.
4.8.17 CONTRACTOR shall provide safe access / egress during installation.
4.8.18 Communication to be maintained among parties.
4.8.19 When welding is to be performed, a hot work permit shall be obtained. Additionally,
fire prevention measures shall be used to cover the area, i.e., fire extinguishers,
blankets, and fire watch, shall be maintained to remove the welding fumes.
4.8.20 Housekeeping shall be maintained at all the times in the work area. Ensure that
working area is free from rags, rubbish, tools, wooden planks, boxes, etc.
4.8.21 Inspection of all scaffoldings, ladders and lifting devices is required prior to starting
the works and fall protection lines.
4.8.22 Heat stress within working area shall be monitored closely. CONTRACTOR shall submit
the Heat Stress Management Plan for subject project activities before the heat stress
season. Proper arrangements shall be in place for safe execution of the activities in
the heat stress season in compliance with the COMPANY Heat Stress Prevention

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Management Procedure (PRT-HLT-PRC-002).

4.8.23 A specific JSA shall be prepared and reviewed prior to the works' commencement and
to be reviewed by JSA Committee.
4.8.24 All access / exit points shall be maintained free from obstacles, material equipment,
4.8.25 CONTRACTOR shall obtain the necessary COMPANY Gate Passes and relevant work
permits before work starts.
4.8.26 Daily pre-job briefing / toolbox meeting shall be done by CONTRACTOR Supervisor
with all workers before starting any activities.
4.8.27 Communications system and procedure shall be developed amongst the parties:
CONTRACTORs and COMPANY (TED, PED, FM, SDG, Operation, and SHE).
4.8.28 Only Intrinsically safe mobile phones are allowed inside the plan area.

4.9 Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and Handover

4.9.1 CONTRACTOR shall comply with COMPANY’s Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning &
Hand-Over Procedures.
4.9.2 CONTRACTOR shall submit the Pre-commissioning and Commissioning Procedure for
APPROVAL at least 3 weeks prior to scheduled activities.
4.9.3 CONTRACTOR shall bring the WORK to Mechanical Completion in accordance with
COMPANY’s Procedure. Mechanical Completion is a multidisciplinary overall check,
and CONTRACTOR shall ensure this task is completed.
4.9.4 CONTRACTOR shall prepare punch list items before commissioning. All “A” punch list
items should be rectified before commissioning.
4.9.5 CONTRACTOR shall perform Pre-commissioning checks.
4.9.6 CONTRACTOR is responsible for site installation and pre-commissioning up to Site
Acceptance Test (SAT).
Commissioning Assistance
4.9.7 CONTRACTOR shall provide Commissioning Assistance.
4.9.8 To handover the WORK to COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall complete the following
a) Punch list B items
b) Site clearance
c) Material reconciliation
d) Final documentation

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e) The required activities defined in COMPANY’s procedure.

4.9.9 CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the handover of the WORK to COMPANY in
progressive and coordinated manner.

4.10 Demobilization
4.10.1 After completion of the WORK by CONTRACTOR and acceptance by COMPANY,
CONTRACTOR shall clean up all excess material, debris and all other equipment and
material and remove from the SITE.
4.10.2 CONTRACTOR shall comply with COMPANY Scrap Procedure and provide assistance to
COMPANY, as may be required, at no additional cost.

4.11 Deliverables
4.11.1 CONTRACTOR shall submit deliverables including but not limited to: Engineering deliverables
i. Update the equipment drawings capturing the improvement /
ii. Complete / final Material Take-off for all material relevant to this
iii. To provide Method of Statement and Procedure relevant for the
iv. To provide WPS and PQRs relevant for executing the WORK.
v. To provide Demolition drawings relevant for the WORK scope.
vi. Construction Drawings relevant for the WORK scope.
vii. CONTRACTOR shall follow below COMPANY procedures:
 P50-X09-001 - Information Management procedure
 RG-DFO-003 - Instructions for Spare Parts Requirements and
Documentation Procurement deliverables
i. Complete bill of materials with details.
ii. Procurement plan and vendor list.
iii. Material- Technical drawings/catalogues etc. as applicable.
iv. List of temporary materials and consumables.
v. Material tracking sheet with BOM /delivery.
vi. Complete Blind list for the blinds being supplied (revalidation of
blind list issued by COMPANY).
vii. All QC related certificates for materials.
viii. Material ITPs.
ix. Material inspection and testing reports, including but not limited to
test certificates, dimensional control documentation, third party
inspection certificates and acceptance test certificates.
x. CONTRACTOR shall submit biweekly manufacturing reports
including material manufacturing status, progress photos,
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inspection progress, material readiness status, etc. Final documentation
i. Define list of deliverables.
ii. All APPROVED drawings, QC documents, and deliverables including
iii. Vendor catalogues and other documents if any applicable.
iv. CONTRACTOR to comply to the requirements as specified in the
procedures PRJ-PJL-PRC-049 for Project Information hand over and
acceptance procedure, PRJ-PJL-PRC-040 for Project information
management for Cat-3 to 6 and PRJ-PJL-PRC-006 for Project
information and hand over procedure.
4.11.2 Deliverables shall be submitted in the format and number as specified in COMPANY’s
procedures as listed above. CONTRACTOR shall comply with and adhere to
COMPANY’s latest policies and procedures in preparing / updating all drawings and
4.11.3 A minimum turnaround time of fifteen (15) working days for all document APPROVALS
by COMPANY and minimum of two (2) review cycles shall be considered by
CONTRACTOR in his schedule.

4.12 WORK Management and Coordination

4.12.1 CONTRACTOR shall assign dedicated CONTRACTOR Project Management Team
consisting at minimum Project Manager, Project Engineer, Safety Officer and Project
Control/Planner to ensure WORK objectives is achieved within the stipulated time and
cost without any sacrifice on safety and quality.
4.12.2 CONTRACTOR is responsible for the management, coordination, monitoring and
controlling of the WORK and works of his subcontractors, contractors / vendors and
any other third-party agencies appointed by him.
4.12.3 CONTRACTOR is responsible for coordination and interface with COMPANY and other
parties to ensure smooth execution of the WORK.

4.13 WORK Control and Administration

4.13.1 CONTRACTOR’s work control and administration activities shall include budgeting,
planning, scheduling, progress measurements, forecasting, weekly and monthly
reporting, invoicing, cost control and variance analysis, and they shall be carried out
in accordance with COMPANY’s procedures and policies. In general CONTRACTOR
shall provide the following: Planning and scheduling activities to Schedule levels I, II, III and IV, as
appropriate, for the WORK, including manpower histograms where necessary. Progress reporting, trending, forecasting, budget management and control
and the like. Weekly and monthly reports and meetings.
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4.13.2 CONTRACTOR shall appoint a Project Control Manager with a project control team to
satisfy control and reporting requirements.
4.13.3 CONTRACTOR shall refer to COMPANY’s Procedure on Project Controls for adherence
and compliance.


5.1 CONTRACTOR shall adhere to and comply with COMPANY’s policies and procedures in
carrying out the WORK and submitting deliverables.
5.2 COMPANY’s documents and drawings related to the WORK are as follows:


Piping – Materials & Service Classification

Piping-Fabrication, Erection, Inspection and Testing
Piping – Color coding for material identification
Piping – Pipe Supports
Positive Material Identification
Specification for Protection & Preservation of
QGX-20-00-SP-TS-NA-009 Equipment & Materials
Integration & Modification requirements for POIS
Instrumentation – Instrumentation and Fiber Optic
QGX-20-00-IN-TS-NA-029 Cable
Typical Instrument Loop Diagram
Instrument Standard Drawing
General Requirements for instrumentation
Instrumentation – Process Measurement
Instrumentation – Instrument Piping and Tubing
Instrumentation - Wiring for Instruments and
QGX-20-00-IN-TS-NA-006 Computers
Outdoor Control Panel and Local Panel Mounted
QGX-20-00-IN-TS-NA-007 Instrumentation
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Instrumentation - Tropic Proofing

Foundation Fieldbus Design Specification
DCS Scope Specification
Instrumentation – Installation of Field Mounted
QGX-20-00-IN-TS-NA-016 Instruments.
Instrumentation – Site calibration and Testing of
QGX-20-00-IN-TS-NA-019 Instruments
Structures and equipment external loading design
QGX-20-00-ST-DB-NA-001 basis
Steel Structure design, fabrication, and erection
Platforms Ladders and Pipe Supports
Specification for Painting – General Requirements
Specification for Painting – Manufacturing Facilities
Maintainability Philosophy
Process & System Engineering Design Basis
Isolation Philosophy
Maintainability Philosophy
Process & System Engineering Design Basis
Isolation Philosophy
Piping – Color coding for material identification
Piping – Pipe Supports
Positive Material Identification
Specification for Protection & Preservation of
QCS-50-00-SP-TS-NA-009 Equipment & Materials
Integration & Modification requirements for POIS
Instrumentation – Instrumentation and Fiber Optic
QCS-50-00-IN-TS-NA-029 Cable
Typical Instrument Loop Diagram
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Instrument Standard Drawing

General Requirements for instrumentation
Instrumentation – Process Measurement
Instrumentation – Instrument Piping and Tubing
Instrumentation - Wiring for Instruments and
QCS-50-00-IN-TS-NA-006 Computers
Outdoor Control Panel and Local Panel Mounted
QCS-50-00-IN-TS-NA-007 Instrumentation
Instrumentation - Tropic Proofing
Foundation Fieldbus Design Specification
DCS Scope Specification
Instrumentation – Installation of Field Mounted
QCS-50-00-IN-TS-NA-016 Instruments.
Instrumentation – Site calibration and Testing of
QCS-50-00-IN-TS-NA-019 Instruments
Structures and equipment external loading design
QCS-50-00-ST-DB-NA-001 basis
Steel Structure design, fabrication, and erection
Platforms Ladders and Pipe Supports
Specification for Painting – General Requirements
Specification for Painting – Manufacturing Facilities
Certification & Marking of Materials
424-20-00-MP-TS-NA- Specification for Hot Tapping
Piping-Materials and Service Classification
Piping- Fabrication, Erection, Inspection and Testing
Piping-Process Equipment
Piping-Pipe Support
Piping-General Design
Piping-Standard Support Drawing
Piping Flexibility and Stress Analysis Criteria
Technical Specification for Forged Steel Fittings

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Specification for Thermal Insulation – Hot Service

Protection & Preservation of Equipment & Materials
Structures & Equip. External Loading Design Basis
Positive Material Identification
Piping Color Coding for Material Identification
Technical Specification for Gaskets
Technical Specification for Bolts/Nuts
Technical Specification for Gate, Globe and Check
QGX-20-00MP-TS-NA-212 Valves (Cast)
Manufacturer’s Data Report Requirements
Bolting for Flange Joint
Specification for Human Factors
Technical Specification for Forged Valves for Non-
QGX-20-00-MP-TS-NA-221 cryogenic Service
Coating Procedure
TCH-AIG-PRC-017 Rev 6
Specification for Protection and Preservation of
QGX-20-00-SP-TS-NA-009 Equipment and Materials
Pressure Casting Inspection
Technical Specification for Carbon Steel and Impact
QGX-20-00-MP-TS-NA-121 Tested Carbon Steel Pipes
Technical Specification for Carbon Steel and Impact
QGX-20-00-MP-TS-NA-311 Tested Carbon Steel Pipes
Specification for Certification and Marking of Materials
Specification for Pressure Containing Equipment –
999-00-QM-SPC-00010 Welding and Welding Inspection
Specification for Welding Requirements at Site
Quality Control Plan for Equipment and Materials
Pressure Casting Inspection
Quality Management System Requirements for
RG-S-00-1510-011 Subcontractors and Vendors
Hot Tapping Procedure
Technical Specification for Carbon Steel and Low
QCS-50-00-MP-TS-NA-212 Temperature Carbon Steel – Gate, Globe and Check

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Valves for Low Pressure Service

Piping – Flexibility and Stress Criteria
Piping – Materials and Service Classification
Technical Specification for Forged Valves for Non-
QCS-50-00-MP-TS-NA-221 cryogenic Service
Specification for Hot tapping
QGX-20-92-PR-DR-PI-506 Mark Up

QCS-50-92-PR-DR-PI-502 Mark Up

QCS-50-33-MP-DR-GA-108 Piping GA Drawing


Procedure Number Description Rev

Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality (HSE&Q) 6

PRT-000-POL-004 Stop Work Authority Policy 0
PRT-HLT-PRC-002 Heat Stress Management Procedure 4
PRT-MOR-PRC-001 Risk Screening 0
PRT-HLT-PRC-006 Standards for Contractor Camps’ Living Conditions 3
PRT-HLT-PRC-007 Corporate Standard for Food Services procedure 3
PRT-SEC-PRC-020 Restricted Safe Photography 5
PRT-RMI-PRC-002 Incident Reporting and Management 7
PRT-MOR-PRC-002 Formal Risk Assessment 0
PRT-SEC-PRC-012 Qatargas Pass Procedure 9
PRT-HLT-PRC-019 Fatigue Risk Management 0
Managing Naturally Occurring Radioactive 0
Material (NORM)
PRT-HLT-PRC-012 Radiation Protection Nucleonic Gauges 0
TCH-AIG-PRC-019 Pressure Testing 0
TCH-AIG-PRC-013 Code of Practice for Lifting Equipment 7
PRT-PSF-PRC-021 Portable Compressed and Liquefied Gas Cylinders 3
PRT-000-PRC-012 SHE Handbook 3
Breathing Apparatus Usage, Filling and 4
PRT-HLT-PRC-005 Respiratory Protection Program 2
PRT-PSF-PRC-012 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 3
Office Ergonomics and Manual handling 0
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Procedure Number Description Rev

PRT-HLT-PRC-004 Noise Control and Hearing Conservation - Signed 2

PRT-HLT-PRC-001 Fitness to Work 1
PRT-000-PRC-011 Safety Health and Environment Training Program 5
PRT-HLT-PRC-017 Asbestos Management Plan 0
PRT-RMI-SI-002 Case Management 0
PRT-PRS-PRC-008 PSR Project Assurance Guide 0
MMS-MCI-PRC-002 Improvement Suggestion Request (ISR) 4
PRT-PSF-PRC-036 Open flame work management 0
PRJ-PJL-PRC-078 Hot Tapping Procedure 0
PRJ-PJL-PRC-008 Qatargas Equipment Numbering Philosophy 16

 Appendix 1 Minimum Quality Requirements for EPC Contractors
 Appendix 2 Planning Progress Weekly & Monthly Reporting Guideline

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1.1 CONTRACTOR is compensated for the performance of the WORK in accordance with
rates, sums and prices stated in this Attachment D – Compensation and Payment.
1.2 For the purposes of clarity, descriptions of the WORK contained in this Attachment D –
Compensation and Payment may have been abbreviated from the descriptions in
Attachment C – Scope of Work. Notwithstanding any omission from the description of
a WORK item, the cost of all activities which may be ascribed to such WORK item are
deemed to be included within that item and no claim will be accepted on the grounds
of defective description. CONTRACTOR agrees that it has included everything required
for the satisfactory completion of the WORK in accordance with the CONTRACT and
WORK ORDER, irrespective of whether it is explicitly indicated or not.
1.3 Pursuant to the conditions of CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR is deemed to have full
knowledge of the WORK, availed itself of such other information as available, and has
made himself familiar with all matters affecting the WORK ORDER PRICE.
1.4 The rates, sums and prices specified herein shall remain fixed and firm for the duration
of the WORK ORDER and are deemed to include for all and any fluctuations in currency,
salaries, wages, materials, equipment, temporary work, consumables, fees, rentals,
taxes, insurances, and all other costs to complete the WORK.
1.5 The currency of the WORK ORDER shall be in Qatari Riyal (QAR) and all compensation,
invoices shall be expressed, and all payments shall be made, in Qatari Riyal.
1.6 Notwithstanding the above, the rates and prices in the WORK ORDER are exclusive of
any Value Added Tax (VAT). In case a VAT law is issued by the State of Qatar in future,
CONTRACTOR shall have the right to add applicable VAT to the WORK ORDER PRICE at
the prevailing rate as applicable under the terms of such VAT law.
1.7 CONTRACTOR agrees and accepts that the WORK is priced on a lump sum basis and that
CONTRACTOR has included all costs required to perform the WORK within the lump sum


2.1 The estimated WORK ORDER PRICE based on the aggregate of the sums payable under
the WORK ORDER and calculated in accordance with this Attachment D – Compensation
and Payment is QAR _________ (in words Qatari Riyals _______________ only)
covering the scope as detailed herein.
2.2 The estimated WORK ORDER PRICE for completion of the whole scope of WORK (in full
accordance with this WORK ORDER) is based on the following:

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Total Lump
No. Description Unit Sum Price
Completion of Site Survey, Detailed Engineering LS
2.2.1 and APPROVAL of all documents by COMPANY in
Code A
Procurement & Supply of all Piping, Structural and LS
bulk materials including commissioning spare parts
and acceptance of all the materials by COMPANY
and Delivery to COMPANY SITE
Construction, Installation, Pre-Commissioning, LS
Commissioning, Testing, and all Costs required up
to handover of the WORK including reports for
As built Drawings and Project Close Out (Issuance LS
2.2.4 of MAC)


2.3 The WORK ORDER PRICE includes everything necessary for CONTRACTOR to carry out
its responsibilities under this WORK ORDER as can be reasonably inferred therefrom,
whether explicitly mentioned in this Attachment D – Compensation and Payment or
not, including any measures the COMPANY deems necessary regarding safety and/or
2.4 There will be no cost implication to COMPANY in the event of any change in
CONTRACTOR estimated man-hours, quantities, materials etc. An error or omission
from the breakdown of the Subtotal of the WORK ORDER PRICE shall not relieve
CONTRACTOR from their obligation to perform the WORK required by the WORK
ORDER, nor shall any error or omission entitle CONTRACTOR to any increase in the
Subtotal of the WORK ORDER PRICE.
2.5 CONTRACTOR is responsible for the planning and coordination of the WORK to minimize
cost. For the avoidance of doubt, and without limitation, COMPANY shall not be liable
to compensate CONTRACTOR for the following cases:
 Additional costs incurred for several mobilizations / demobilizations and excessive
time expended due to poor planning and coordination on the part of CONTRACTOR.
 In respect of unnecessary time expended due to lack of experience and
 Where no WORK is being done or for delay in WORK completion due to
unavailability, unsuitability, incomplete, malfunctioning and/or breakdown of
relevant EQUIPMENT or tools.
 For time spent to correct and/or rectify deficient work and re-work.
 For WORK performed without prior APPROVAL from COMPANY.

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 For weather down-time.

 Vendor and OEM management and coordination; and
 COVID-19 or any other unforeseen circumstance that may affect the performance
of the WORK ORDER.


3.1 The lump sum cost provided in Article 2.2 includes, but is not limited to, the following:
3.1.1 Salaries of personnel, allowances, bonuses, holidays with pay, sick pay, pension or
other retirement benefit schemes, contributions to compulsory and complementary
medical and sickness schemes, welfare facilities, training, insurances, taxes, and
expenses which CONTRACTOR incurs and/or effects in respect of his personnel under
applicable laws or regulations including those under statute or by agreement with
national or local Trade Unions or under COMPANY employment policies.
3.1.2 Transportation costs and expenses, accommodation, meals, travel time and expenses,
certification, licenses, training, etc. for personnel.
3.1.3 Retrieving documents, checking all relevant existing drawings and documents, drafting
of drawings, SITE survey, verification of the existing drawings and specifications,
updating and preparing “As-Built” core drawings and specifications, etc.
3.1.4 Provision of laptop, Commissioning spare, Bulk Materials and Consumables including
storage and delivery to COMPANY’s SITE.
3.1.5 Provision of equipment, tool, scaffolding, material, tools, consumable and hand tools
including any required specialty tools and storage to complete the WORK.
3.1.6 Provision of all deliverables requested in the Scope of WORK including simulation,
reproduction requirements required under the CONTRACT, printing, binding, minutes
of meeting, general correspondence, etc.
3.1.7 OEM, Engineering Sub-contractor, Suppliers, FAT, and any testing required as
determined in scope of WORK.
3.1.8 Any cost for weekly and monthly meeting, SITE visit, passes, training, WORK permits,
licenses, etc.
3.1.9 Compliance with safety requirements and regulations, supply of safety gear, protective
clothing and other protection-related items, safety and first aid training, medical care,
firefighting equipment, emergency evacuations, and all preventive measures.
3.1.10 Offices and furnishings, material and equipment for drafting, office supplies and
consumables, lighting, electricity, heating and air conditioning, telephone, telex, tele-
fax, reproduction machine, printing and photocopying, computer and computer-
associated costs, engineering and computing software, software licenses, hardware,
3.1.11 Corporate management or services whether locally or otherwise such as all managerial
positions, legal, medical, audit, employee relation and human resources together with
supervision and control.

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3.1.12 General supporting services such as secretarial, clerical, word processing, security,
mail, messenger, courier, general purchasing, general or PROJECT accounting, and
other activities of a similar nature or combination thereof.
3.1.13 All payments related to sponsorship, visa, etc.
3.1.14 CONTRACTOR’s profits and overheads including safety, security, contingencies,
depreciation, head office charges, managerial and administrative expenses, all
preliminaries and contract administration, financing costs and bank expenses including
bank guarantees, transfer charges, all taxes and duties, insurance premiums and
deductibles, compliance with procedures, regulations and all applicable laws,
contingencies, etc.
3.1.15 Any other cost as deemed necessary for satisfactory performance of the WORK.
3.1.16 Clearing up during and upon completion of the WORK.
3.1.17 Procurement, expediting, documentation, transportation, storing, preservation of all
Materials including allowances for waste, handling and manufacturing.


4.1 CONTRACTOR is entitled to invoice COMPANY based on the following milestone
schedule only after acceptance of WORK by COMPANY against each milestone:


No. Payment Milestone Description Milestone %

After completion of Engineering including
4.1.1 APPROVAL of all engineering deliverables in

Procurement & Supply of all Piping,

Structural and bulk materials including
4.1.2 commissioning spare parts and acceptance
of all the materials by COMPANY (Base WORK ORDER PRICE
Scope) and Delivery to COMPANY SITE
Completion of Installation, Pre-
commissioning and Commissioning and 40% of the TOTAL BASE SCOPE
4.1.3 acceptance of the WORK associated with
191-33-T01 by COMPANY

As built Drawings and Project Close Out 10% of the TOTAL BASE SCOPE

4.2 CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to COMPANY in accordance with Article 23 of the
General Conditions of CONTRACT.
4.3 Invoices shall be submitted based on the payment schedule, with supporting
supporting information as may be required by COMPANY to demonstrate the achieved
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milestone. This information shall enable COMPANY to confirm to its satisfaction that
the progress achieved by the CONTRACTOR is an accurate reflection of the actual
milestone claimed.
4.4 In the event that CONTRACTOR fails to satisfy COMPANY that the milestone claimed by
CONTRACTOR is a true and accurate reflection of progress achieved, COMPANY shall
have the right to delay payment to CONTRACTOR until verification has been obtained
that the milestone claimed by CONTRACTOR has been successfully achieved.
4.5 Each invoice shall include, as an attachment, adequate supporting documentation
which shall include the following, where applicable:
a) Details of the amounts invoiced in each area of WORK.
b) Signed agreement by the COMPANY Representative that the milestone for which
payment is requested in each area of WORK has been successfully achieved; and
c) Appropriate backup information in sufficient detail to enable COMPANY to confirm
to the satisfaction of the COMPANY Representative that the milestone claimed by
the CONTRACTOR is an accurate reflection of what has been achieved.

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