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At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 discuss the definition of demonstration;

 describe the characteristics of demonstration as a teaching strategy;
 enumerate the steps in using demonstration strategy; and
 name the advantages and disadvantages of using demonstration strategy.


Learning is one of the primary purposes of education. Teachers must provide learning
experiences that help pupils understand and acquire knowledge and skills needed to learn. To
educate the pupils, teachers use different strategies to help them make the teaching and learning
process successful (Wegner, Minnaert, and Strehlke, 2013).

The physical education and health curriculum includes competencies classified into
cognitive and psychomotor (Hoque, 2016). The cognitive phase focuses on learning concepts
like the history of a particular sport, while the psychomotor phase deals with physical activities
or performances. These are activities that pupils need to perform and master. Hence, teachers
must show them how to perform certain physical activities and health routines for them to do it.
This lesson aims to help future teachers discuss the definition of demonstration as a strategy in
teaching physical education and health. It also includes a discussion on the characteristics of
demonstration, the steps in using it, and the advantages and disadvantages of using this strategy.

THINK: Defining demonstration

Teaching physical education and health can be more effective if teachers use
demonstration as a strategy (Chen, Zhu, Mason, Hammond-Bennett, and Colombo Dougovito,
2016). In this strategy, teachers demonstrate a routine to enhance learning and retention
systematically. The demonstration is often used when the pupils find difficulty in connecting
theories to actual practice or when they cannot understand the application of theories.

The word demonstration comes from the word demos, which means to perform an
activity or a concept. Ramadhani and Surya (2017) reiterated that teaching using demonstration
strategy explains a particular event based on the teaching materials. The teacher will show to the
pupils how to do certain activities or routines. With this strategy, pupils can easily understand
concepts and accomplish tasks presented in the learning process.

To become successful in using demonstration strategies for teaching physical education

and health, teachers should consider the following points: Teachers should use instructional
materials that are big enough for all the pupils to see. If the pupils cannot see what the teacher is
presenting, it may cause misbehavior that may lead to an unorganized demonstration.

The teacher needs to consider the language that he/she will use. The language to be used
should be appropriate to the pupils so that they could easily understand the concept
demonstrated. Lastly, pupils should be allowed to ask questions to the teacher regarding the ideas
presented. In this scenario, pupils can make clarifications about their misconceptions to make the
learning more meaningful.

Characteristics of Demonstration Strategy

The following are some of the distinct demonstration strategy characteristics

(Ryan, Maina, and Mokgwathi, 2016):

 It has clear goals and objectives.

In conducting a demonstration, stating a clear objective is essential. A teacher who has a
clear direction on what to demonstrate could help pupils understand and master the presented
concept. Furthermore, it will lead to a successful teaching and learning process.

 It is a well-planned strategy.

The demonstration requires preparation and planning before implementation. With this, the
teacher needs to study and master the concept presented to the class. Practice and trial are
necessary for the teacher to identify possible problems that may arise while working on the
demonstration in front of the class.

 Do the demonstration in a simple manner.

Teachers need to remember that they conduct activities to help the pupils understand the
concept. Hence, they have to make sure that the demonstration is done in a simple manner.
Avoid presenting demonstration activities that result in confusion among pupils that may lead to
misconceptions of the concept.

 Attention must be given to all pupils.

In the classroom, giving attention to all pupils is one of the duties of a teacher. While doing
demonstrations, the teacher must see that pupils are paying attention to follow the given
instruction. This strategy allows teachers to pay attention to all the pupils in the classroom. They
can quickly identify the pupils who are experiencing difficulties and provide them with guidance
or call the attention of those who are misbehaving or not listening to the demonstration.

Steps in Using Demonstration

There are steps that teachers can follow when using demonstration as their strategy in
teaching physical education and health. Following these steps may lead the teachers to become
successful in providing meaningful learning experiences to the pupils.

Step 1: Planning and preparation

Proper planning and preparation are required for a good demonstration. To ensure the
success of the demonstration activity, the teachers should allot time in planning and preparing. In
doing so, the teachers need to:

 have a thorough mastery of the subject matter;

 create a well-planned instructional plan;
 collect necessary and relevant instructional materials; and
 practice demonstration.

Step 2: Introduction of the Lesson

The teachers should engage the pupils in the lesson. Hence, the proper introduction of the
lesson must be done. Pupils should be prepared physically and mentally before the intended
demonstration activity. Children have different and unique characteristics. When introducing the
activity, the teachers should bear in mind the pupils' differences, the environment, and
experiences. The teachers can introduce the activity by asking real life-related questions or
situations related to the pupils' lives.

Step 3: Presentation of the Subject Matter

This step is an integral part of the demonstration. The teachers must have mastery of the
topics for them to become successful in conducting the demonstration. They should keep in mind
the importance of reflection to identify the strengths and possible hindrances to success.
Furthermore, having a mastery of the subject matter can help the teachers guide pupils in
connecting their prior knowledge to the new topic.

Step 4: Demonstration Proper

In this step, the teachers must make sure that everything is ready. The place where the
demonstration will take place is prepared well, including the materials to be used. It should be
ideal for the pupils and should be appropriately organized and clean.

Step 5: Instructional Support

Instructional support is needed by the teachers when having a demonstration activity. In

teaching physical education and health using demonstration, the teacher must prepare
instructional support like sports equipment, the place where the demonstration will occur, and
other materials essential for the activity.

Step 6: Evaluation
This step is the end and an essential part of the demonstration activity. The evaluation will
tell the teachers if they are successful in doing the exercise. The assessment will show the
strengths and points that need improvement in the part of the execution. Furthermore, it provides
both the teachers and pupils an opportunity to reflect on how the demonstration activity will

Advantages of Using Demonstration

The following are the advantages of using demonstration strategy in teaching physical
education and health to the primary grade pupils:

 It allows the pupils to have more in-depth learning of the concept.

 It engages and motivates the pupils to maintain activeness in the teaching and learning
 It leads to the mastery of concepts or skills.
 It creates interests among pupils.
 It promotes reflective thinking.
 It arouses discovery and creativity among pupils.

Disadvantages of Using Demonstration

There are several disadvantages of using demonstration strategy in teaching physical

education and health. These are the following:

 It can be costly and expensive due to the needed instructional support.

 It requires time to plan and prepare, particularly during the activity's rehearsal before the
actual presentation.
 Many inexperienced teachers are teaching the subject, and sometimes, there is a
mismatch between the teacher's specialization and the nature of the subject handled.

EXPERIENCE: Identify the following. Write the answer in the space before the number.

___________ 1. These are needed to support teachers in conducting demonstration activity.

___________ 2. This is the first and one of the important parts in conducting demonstration

___________ 3. It is a strategy used by the teachers in showing how to perform a particular

routine or task.

___________ 4. It provides opportunities for the teachers and pupils to reflect on what happened
during the teaching and learning process.

___________ 5. It is the part where the teacher will present the background of the topics taught
before the demonstration.

ASSESS: Create a short demonstration of the activities below.

1. Folk dance

2. Hip-hop

3. Physical fitness

4. First aid
CHALLENGE: Using the curriculum guide in physical education and health, choose one
standard. Write a semi-detailed lesson plan using the desired standard. Put your lesson
plan in the space below.

HARNESS: Search a demonstration related to any standards in physical education and

health on the internet. Describe the strengths and weaknesses you observed on the
demonstration and write a short reflection about them.

Title of Demonstration: _________________________________________________________

Standard: __________________________________________________________
Strengths Weaknesses





At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 discuss the definition of problem-solving as a strategy in teaching:
 identify the manners on how to use problem-solving in teaching physical education and
 enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using problem-solving; and
 write an instructional plan in physical education and health using problem solving.

None of us are exempted from experiencing everyday problems (Wright, 2004). There
are two types of issues that we are all experiencing in our lives: natural phenomena and human-
made problems. In facing specific issues, we employ different strategies such as identifying the
problems, gathering information, brainstorming possible solutions, and finally, coming up with
the best solution.

Keen (2011) stated that even young children are experiencing the same problems when
doing activities alone and with friends. They are wondering how a toy works or how other
people do certain physical activities. With this, pupils must be taught to solve problems even at a
young age and in any situation.

The school has a vital role in developing problem-solving skills among children. Pupils
must be exposed to activities that help them understand various problems that they had
experienced in their lives (Zhai, Jocz, and Tan, 2015). They must be given activities that focus
on real-life experiences in which they are given opportunities to think, know, and do in an
authentic context (Glickman, 2002). Problem-solving as the strategy in presenting the lesson
must be used when teaching in school, even in subjects like physical education and health. The
Department of Education (DepEd) (2013) pointed out the importance of problem-solving skills
in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide as one of the skills pupils must acquire to live
in the 21st century society.

This lesson will discuss the definition of problem-solving as a strategy in teaching, how
to use problem-solving in teaching physical education and health, and list the advantages and
disadvantages of using the technique. Furthermore, this lesson will give you the experience of
creating a lesson plan using a problem solving approach.

THINK: Defining problem-solving

Problem-solving as a strategy was introduced in the late 1900s and was first practiced by
the McMaster University medical students to employ knowledge in real-life situations rather than
merely acquiring the course concept (Edwards and Hammer, 2007). This strategy evolved and
became popular among teachers when providing learning experiences in different subject areas
in school.

The foundation of the problem-solving strategy lies in the principles of constructivism. It

advocates the child-center philosophy wherein each child is encouraged to learn how to think and
understand. He/She can use his/her cognitive skills in solving problems, which results in
meaningful learning. Pupils are engaged in authentic learning activities and real-world contexts.

Critical thinking and creative thinking skills are part of problem-solving. These skills are
developed in physical education and health through learning environments that encourage
experiences that direct the pupils to answer questions posed by the teacher and, beyond that,
encourage pupils to pose questions, develop solutions, challenge ideas, reflect and suggest
reasoned and defensible decisions, and develop personal and social skills (Pill and Suesee, 2017).
Thus, critical, creative, and problem-solving skills are developed in an environment that enables
vital thought. Hence, PE and health must engage pupils' thought processes and not merely be a
site of physical activity provision (Lai, 2011).

Experiential learning focuses on problem-solving strategy, organized around that

investigation and resolution of a messy, ill-structured, and real-world problem. At present, many
pupils experience a direct relationship to physical education. These problems are personal
hygiene, emotional control, eating habits, social awareness, accidents, etc. The teachers should
help pupils identify the problem they are facing, discuss alternative solutions, and select the best
solution based on the best available information and in line with personal values.
Steps in Problem-solving

The following are the typical steps that teachers can use in teaching pupils to solve a

1. Identification of the Problem - This step exposes pupils to a particular situation. The
teachers can guide children in the identification of problems by asking questions. For
example, "What are the reasons why an individual is becoming overweight?" or "What
are the effects of eating nutritious and not nutritious foods?"

2. Formulation of Hypothesis - With the stated problems, the teacher will ask the pupils
to think of possible reasons for the particular problem.

3. Finding Facts - Pupils will gather information regarding the hypothesis using different
resources like books, video clips, and other materials that can help lead them to
understand the problem.

4. Brainstorm - The collected information will be classified and analyzed to identify the
possible solutions to the presented hypothesis. For example, an overweight individual
must practice meal management, conduct exercise, or visit a dietician.

5. Test the Idea - The given hypothesis will be tested to determine the best solution to
address the problem.

Advantages of Using Problem-solving

The following are the identified advantages when using problem-solving in teaching
physical education and health:

1. Pupils become independent thinkers.

2. They learn to identify and structure problems.
3. They learn to gather valid and reliable sources important to the problem.
4. They learn to formulate hypotheses.
5. They learn to test the hypothesis and gather data to prove or disprove the identified hypothesis.
6. They learn to solve real-life problems.
7. They learn to gain familiarity with various objects or situations around them, their
applications, and their relationships instead of having simple knowledge.
8. They institute a healthy and favorable relationship with teachers and classmates.
9. They develop scientific manners of solving problems.
10. They develop creative, critical, cooperative, and problem-solving skills.

Disadvantages of Using Problem-solving

On the other hand, these are the notable disadvantages of using problem-solving
strategies in teaching:

1. It is time consuming.
2. The ability of the teacher to conduct and handle problem-solving activities in the classroom
3. It requires many people's involvement and more time for preparation, discussion, and
comparison of pupils' answers.
4. It requires the integration of multiple disciplines so that pupils can have different views of the
5. Assessment is always a challenge for the teachers.
6. The teacher needs to create relevant problems that sustain the interest of pupils.
7. Independent learning may result in misconceptions among pupils.
EXPERIENCE: Conduct an interview with physical education and health teachers in the
elementary school near you. Ask them how they use problem. solving as strategy in
teaching the subject. Also ask them what are the challenges they have encountered in using
such a strategy. ____________________________________

Result of the interview

Teacher 1 Teacher 2
Profile: Profile:

Use of Problem Solving in Teaching PE and Use of Problem Solving in Teaching PE and
Health Health

Challenges Challenges

Insights gathered from the teachers:


ASSESS: Identify three problems that an individual usually experiences with regards to
their health. Write the possible causes and solutions to the identified problems.

Problem Cause Solution

CHALLENGE: Write a semi-detailed lesson plan in physical education and health using
the problem-solving strategy.
HARNESS: In not less than 250 words, write a reflection on what you have learned using a
problem-solving strategy.


Drill and Practice


At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 define drill and practice as teaching strategy:

 name the different types of drill and practice;
 identify the methods of drill and practice; and
 enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using drills and practice.


There is a famous saying that practice makes perfect. This saying tells us the importance
of practice for us to master essential skills. Performances such as dancing, singing, or doing
physical activities like exercises need drill and practice. In addition, drills and practice strategies
could be effective if an individual wants to master skills in performing first aid procedures or
master the proper ways of brushing teeth.

These activities are part of the physical education and health curriculum. Pupils are
taught different activities that require drill and practice. Before they learn a game or an exercise
routine, they need to practice it. Repetition is vital in teaching this subject, particularly to young

In this lesson, a discussion on the definition of drill and practice as a teaching strategy in
physical education and health will be done. It will present the different types of drill and practice,
identify their methods, and enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using this strategy in
teaching the subject.

THINK: Drill and practice

Physical education teachers play an essential role in developing the motor skills needed
to become physically literate (Silverman and Mercier, 2015). A study showed that teachers must
provide a well-tailored instructional plan that enhances motor skills. To become experts at
performing the skills, they need to undergo drills and practice. Hence, drill and practice
strategies should be used by the teachers to achieve this purpose.

Marwan (2018) defines a drill as a method in which the pupil is invited to skills training
to see how to make something, how to use it, what is it made of, its benefits, and others. This
method is anchored in the principle of repetition of motion until the pupils have mastered the
skill. On the other hand, practice is defined as using an idea to gain familiarity and expertise
(Mohammed, 2020). The teachers should use drill and practice to help the pupils become experts
in performing games or other physical and health-related activities.
The teachers' role in selecting and deciding on the activities that need to be included in
the instructional plan is essential, as well as the strategy that they will use in presenting the
activities. The instructional plan should target and help the pupils achieve the target skill. In
using drill and practice, they need to familiarize themselves with the types of drill and practice.

There are two types of drill and practice. The first type is the massed practice. This type
of exercise occurs when one skill is continuously practiced in a session with only a brief rest
period or not at all. It involves a variety of drills to improve a skill performed after another. Each
pupil has different learning styles and other responses to particular activities. This type of
practice is suitable for highly motivated pupils or practicing simple discrete skills, but it is very
difficult and may cause fatigue and loss of motivation.

The second type is the distributed practice. This type of practice is broken up into several
short sessions over a long period. Pupils distribute their effort in doing an activity over many
relatively short study sessions. It is the opposite of massed practice wherein pupils are given few
exercises with a long study session. Studies have shown that using distributed techniques
promotes meaningful learning. It has a long benefit for pupils or athletes who use this type of
practice because they become excellent in performing the tasks.

There are several reasons why distributed practice is more effective. In a sports activity,
pupils or athletes become responsive in the situation. They unconsciously decide on the skill they
need to use when in a competitive situation. They recall the skill that they practiced and send
messages to the appropriate muscles.

Learning, when using this kind of practice, becomes better, and the knowledge and skills
learned by the pupils will retain longer. Athletes are performing different skills in sequence and
can compare techniques. With this, they can acquire a better understanding of the skills, which
leads to better performance.

Another reason for using distributed practice is that it can get the attention of the pupils
or athletes. An activity that is done repeatedly and for an extended period of time can cause
boredom. It takes better focus to adjust the task continuously and makes practice more
challenging. Lastly, the pupils or athletes become flexible in applying the skills learned in the
distributed practice. They can adapt to changes in speed, direction, distance, sequence, or
opposition if needed.

Methods of Drill and Practice

Different types of drills and particular skills can be taught depending on the type of pupil
and the skills taught. The following are the methods of drill and practice:

 Whole Method - This method is done by demonstrating the skills and practicing the
whole from beginning to end. This method allows the pupil to acquire the skills, have
timing, and see the end product. This method is best used for a fast skill that cannot be
easily separated into subpart.

 Part Method - It focuses on practicing parts of the skills in isolation, which is useful in
complicated skills and is suitable for maintaining motivation and concentrate on specific
skill elements. It is possible that the transfer of skills from part to the whole may not be
effective, and it may also reduce kinesthetic awareness for the full skill.

 Whole-part-whole Method - The whole skill is being presented and broken into
constituent parts to practice and improve it before it is shown again as a whole. This
method is effective in skills that have easily recognized parts, particularly if the whole
skill is complex and hard to learn as a whole.
 Progressive Part Method - It is also called a chaining method. It focuses on practicing
part of the skills individually and in order before being linked together and expanded.
This method is a slow process, but it allows pupils to identify the skills to be targeted and
understand the relationship of the sub-routines.

Advantages of Using Drill and Practice

The following are some of the advantages of using drill and practice:

1. The pupils can apply knowledge through interaction.

2. The pupils can learn certain concepts efficiently and effectively.
3. Teaching the pupils various repetitive activities can help them use them in different
environments and many different ways.
4. It can accommodate the diverse characteristics of pupils.
5. The pupils can acquire and master high-level skills quickly and effectively.
6. Materials needed can easily be prepared.
7. The teachers can easily monitor the pupils if they can perform the routines well or need

Disadvantages of Using Drill and Practice

The following are some of the disadvantages of using this strategy:

1. The pupils who only learn from drills may get easily bored and distracted.
2. The pupils may merely rely on rote memorization and remembering without fully
3. The pupils, as well as the teacher, tend to over-emphasize technical skills and direct

EXPERIENCE: Reflect on how drill and practice helped you master a game, exercise, or
dance routine when you were young. Write your reflection in the space below.
ASSESS: Study the K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Teachers in Physical Education and
Health. Conduct a curriculum analysis. Identify the standards/ competencies that require
drill and practice strategy. Write the result of your analysis below.

Physical Education Health

Insights gained from the analysis:

CHALLENGE: Create an original exercise or dance routine. Record a video of yourself
while performing the routine. Show it to the class. Paste the screenshot of your recorded
video in the space provided.
HARNESS: Write a lesson plan for physical education or health using drill and practice as
a teaching strategy.




At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 define games as teaching strategy;

 discuss the steps in implementing games in teaching physical education and health; and
 enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using the game as a strategy in teaching
physical education and health.


Sports have been an essential part of the physical education curriculum (Barba-Martin,
Bores-Garcia, Hortiguela-Alcala, and Gonzales-Calvo, 2020). The concepts in these subjects are
taught using different strategies, including games. There are concepts included in the health
curriculum that can also be learned using this strategy. Using games as a strategy engages the
pupils to participate in the activities and develop essential skills such as cooperation and critical
and creative thinking. However, the teachers must prepare well-planned games that can stimulate
the pupils' interest and activities that have clear objectives and steps. Moreover, it must help
educators identify and assess the pupils' skills and needed improvements while doing the game

THINK: Games in teaching physical education and health

Traditionally, teachers used technical methods in teaching physical activities in the

physical education subject. Through these methods, the teacher plans a sequence of prescribed
exercises based on simulations of a part of the game and leads them with a direct command
(Barba-Martin, Bores-Garcia, Hortiguela-Alcala, and Gonzales-Calvo, 2020). Game-based
learning was created to balance a lesson, and the game activity was created to balance the pupils'
ability to retain and apply real-world skills.

In using games, pupils are exposed to different sports aspects in a context designed by the
teachers for the learning process. The pupils (1) acquire the skills of understanding the purpose
of the activity and (2) incorporate the required skills, and (3) the appropriate strategies that they
can use to perform the exercises well. Furthermore, they can also reflect on how to improve
themselves with regards to doing the game. With this, the teachers and the pupils should work
together to attain the goals.

On the other hand, games are associated with "gamification"-a different learning
experience. It is a strategy that incorporates elements of gameplay into real-world activities and
behaviors (Singhal, Hough, and Cripps, 2019). Medical education uses this kind of game in
teaching medical pupils. They provide activities that stimulate the real-world situation. Hence,
pupils' learning becomes meaningful to them.

Teaching health at the primary levels aims to expose the pupils to different concepts that
involve a healthy lifestyle-for example, how to maintain a healthy body by eating healthy food,
the importance of exercise, and things they have to do during simple accidents. In these cases,
the teachers can use games to teach the concepts to the pupils and make them more exciting and
engaging. Furthermore, the pupils' attention will be maintained when a game strategy is used to
understand the idea.

Steps in Using Games

It is a challenge for the teachers to use games in the lesson due to different issues. There are
various points that they have to consider in using this strategy in presenting the study. The
following are the steps that can help teachers become successful in using games to teach physical
education and health:

1. Determine the purpose of the activity.

There are times when the pupils have difficulty demonstrating the procedure's
understanding because they do not know the purpose of the activity. The teacher should explain
to the pupils the purpose of the game to execute it well and learn and master the intended skills
that they need to acquire.

2. The game should be aligned with the purpose.

Playing the game can help the teacher assess if it is aligned with the intended learning
purpose. The result of the assessment may help teachers consider how they use the game. There
are five ways how teachers can use games. First is the teacher-controlled games wherein the
teacher has control over the content and he/ she could adjust each pupil's setting. For example,
the teacher will provide physical activity or ask questions to a specific pupil.

The second is intuitiveness in which the teacher will provide activities that pupils can
easily do. The pupils should challenge themselves by processing and demonstrating knowledge
of the activity and not just stressing how the activity works.

The third is engagement. Based on the activity presented, the teachers can determine if
the pupils enjoy the activity. Learning should be a fun activity, particularly for young pupils. If
the activity is engaging, it will catch their attention and make them inherently want to do it,
resulting in learning.

The fourth way is content. The activity should offer different types of content. It may be
presented in different ways using other motivating materials.

The pupils possess different attributes. One pupil is different from the other. Hence, the
teachers need to present content that uses differentiated instruction. This way is called content
level. For example, simple content is presented to less capable pupils, while more complex
content may be given to more competent pupils.
3. Ensure to meet the expectations from parents.

Parents' involvement should be acknowledged in the implementation of any school

activities. The parents' participation is essential to achieve the success of the activity and the
learning of their children. It cannot be denied that the family contributes to the achievement of
any pupil. When the school considers the parents' engagement, there is a possibility of significant
effects on the pupils' accomplishment because they perform better and enjoy the school in

4. Assess progress through play.

The collected data from the pupils' performances can help the teachers uncover the
trouble spots and aptitude of the pupils and help them cope with the in class instruction.
Furthermore, these results can help teachers decide on the types of education he/she will provide
that leads to meaningful learning.

Advantages of Using Games

The following are the advantages of using games in teaching primary school pupils (Lou, Lin,
Hsu, Liao, and Kao, 2020):

1. It helps the pupils improve their motivation for learning.

2. It promotes the development of cooperative learning skills among the pupils.
3. It establishes mutual competition and growth, enabling the pupils to demonstrate their
concentration and active participation.
4. It provides the pupils with an opportunity to interact with their peers while learning.
5. The pupils received more support in the learning process.

Disadvantages of Using Games

The use of games in teaching has some disadvantages for both the teacher and the pupils.
The following are some of the drawbacks:

1. Its preparation and implementation are time consuming.

2. It requires correct instructional planning.
3. It can cause a distraction for the pupils, which can cause a waste of time.
4. Excessive use of games could lead to addiction in pupils, which may cause physical or
psychological problems.

EXPERIENCE: Using the DepEd Curriculum Guide in PE and Health, search for three
standards and state how the game can teach the curriculum standard.


Use of the Game:


Use of the game:
Use of the game:

ASSESS: Answer the question below.

What do you think is the importance of using games in teaching physical education and health?
What are the reasons for your answers?

CHALLENGE: Create an original activity for physical education and health that uses the
game as a strategy.

A. Physical Education

B. Health

HARNESS: Read the following phrases. Write ADVANTAGE if the words are the
advantage of using a game as a teaching strategy and DISADVANTAGE if not.

____________ 1. Time consuming

____________ 2. Needs proper planning and preparation
____________ 3. Can cause addiction
____________ 4. Requires correct instructional plan
____________ 5. Improves motivation
____________ 6. Engaging to the pupil
____________ 7. Receives more support
____________ 8. Can cause destruction
____________ 9. Enhances cooperative learning skills
____________ 10. Improves interaction




At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 discuss the definition of role-play strategy:
 identify the steps in using role-play; and
 enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using role-play in teaching,


Helping the pupils know the value of empathy and compassion is present in many subject
areas. Learning to understand the feelings and thoughts of others takes practice. These values are
part of social skills that each individual should know. Subject areas like physical education and
health involve interaction among individuals. Activities like playing sports with peers, doing
physical routines with others, and even keeping oneself healthy and presentable are essential
concepts taught to children in school. With this, the teacher should use a strategy that allows the
pupil to incorporate the concepts they have learned and deal with others.

This lesson will discuss the definition of role-play as the strategy in teaching physical
education and health and identify the use of role-play and steps of doing it. Also, it will present
the advantages and disadvantages of using the role-play strategy.

THINK: Defining role-play as a teaching strategy

Various studies have supported the effectiveness of role-play strategy in teaching young
pupils (Samalot-Rivera, 2014). Role-play is a created situation in which pupils portray a
particular role. It is a learning structure that allows the pupils to immediately apply concepts
learned in part. This strategy is an excellent tool for engaging the pupils and allowing them to
interact with their peers as they try to accomplish the tasks being assigned to them and their
specific roles.

This strategy provides limitless opportunities for intervention and personal and social
qualities during the physical education and health classes. Pupils play various roles in activities
and express what may happen in a specific scenario using language or action. The teacher will
prepare the objectives, the setting of the scene, and other things needed for the activity. Using
this kind of activity exposes pupils to intrapersonal relationships through the way of playing
problem scenarios. Furthermore, role-play activities make the pupils more engaged with the
lesson and try their best to interact with the materials from the character's perspective.

There are different activities in physical education and health subjects that can be taught
using role-play strategy. For example, a teacher may create a sports festival scenario in school.
The pupils are assigned different roles to portray while presenting the concepts they have learned
or are learning. Some pupils may play as basketball players, while others may play as the
referees, score committee, and audience. The basketball players will show how to play
basketball, integrating the previous knowledge and the new knowledge that the teacher will
present. At the same time, the referee's role is to make sure that the players are following the
rules in playing the game through the teacher's guidance. The scoring committee will take note of
the score. In comparison, the pupils who will play as the audience will perform cheering routines
and behave appropriately while watching the game.

On the other hand, a health activity may include going to the doctor when an individual is
sick. In this activity, the teacher will assign a doctor, a patient, a parent, a nurse, and other roles.
Each pupil will play the assigned role, while the teacher will guide them. A group discussion
may be done every after the activity to enrich the presented topic and elicit misconceptions.

Functions of Role-playing

The manifestation of role-playing in physical education for the pupils is to take the whole
sports learning process as a platform for sports performance (Tong, 2017). The pupils will play a
role according to their characteristics, interests, and needs. The part-play activities change the
teacher's part from the primary source of information to a learning facilitator. The abilities of the
pupils are highlighted in this type of teaching strategy.

The primary function of the role-playing strategy in physical education is divided into
two. These are the evaluation function and the training function.

The evaluation function focuses on assessing the abilities and intelligence while
performing the task. On the other hand, the communication between the pupils and the teacher
may help the teacher understand the interests, personality type, personal temperament, and other
psychological elements of the pupils. It may also help the teacher assist the pupils in developing
their management and organization abilities, social interaction, and adaptability.

The purpose of role-playing in training function is to identify the pupils' different roles in
the sport process to understand and perceive sports activities with other participant's
personalities. The process is not just simple training but a continuous process for the pupils to
fully perform the roles. The use of exercise in physical education may lead to the fulfillment of
teaching tasks and understanding the teaching goals that will help pupils develop various sports

Steps in Using Role-play

For the teacher to become successful in teaching using role-play strategy, the following
steps should be followed:

1. Create a relevant scenario - The scenario should include the exact roles of what the
pupils must play, the important information for understanding the position based on the
discussion, and the task to complete based on the information. It is a must that the
information is clear to the pupils for them to perform well.

2. Give the pupils ample time to complete the task - The teacher might have the pupils do
the assignment by pairs or groups. The pupils will think and discuss with each other their
strategy in completing the task. In this case, the pupils can enhance their cognitive skills,
as well as their communication and collaborative skills.

3. Find ways to process the pupils' deliberation - The pupils are given opportunities to
process what they have discussed. They may express their ideas and opinions and even
oppose ideas that may make the task performance unsuccessful.

Advantages of Using Role-play

The following are the advantages of using role-play in teaching primary school pupils:

1. The pupils can immediately apply the content in a relevant and real world context.
2. The pupils develop communication skills because of the interaction that happens between
the teacher and the pupils, and among the pupils.
3. It allows the pupils to explore, investigate, and experiment on the effective strategy in
performing sports and other activities.
4. Teachers are helping pupils learn how to collaborate with others.
5. Teachers are helping pupils understand the importance of sportsmanship and proper
behavior while playing a game.
6. The pupils can develop self-awareness.
7. Role-play activities spark creativity and imagination among pupils.

Disadvantages of Using Role-play Strategies

The following are some of the disadvantages in using role-play strategy in teaching:

1. Some pupils may not be comfortable in doing a role.

2. It requires guidance and leadership.
3. It requires more time in planning and preparation.
4. If not correctly done, it may cause damage to self-confidence among pupils.

EXPERIENCE: Create a role-play activity for physical education or health at the primary
level. Fill out the needed information.

Title: ____________________________________________________________


1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
Brief description of the scenario:

Characters and their roles:

Character Role

Reflection after doing the activity:


ASSESS: Choose one strategy in teaching physical education and health and compare it
against the role-playing strategy using a Venn diagram. Write a short description of the
result of the comparison.
Description of the result:

CHALLENGE: Write a lesson plan using the role-playing strategy for physical education
or health.

HARNESS: Interview two physical education and health teachers in a primary school. Ask
them how they use role-play strategy in teaching the subject.

Teacher 1 Teacher 2

Insights from the results of the interview:

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