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Written assignment week 7

The work environment is perfect for providing clients and consumers with high-quality services
and goods. Additionally, it offers a secure workplace that makes working there enjoyable for
staff members. A perfect work environment combines a number of elements, such as
autonomous workspace, job sharing, telecommunication, office campuses, and robotics. The
business, staff, and customers all greatly benefit from these variables (Byars & Stanberry, 2019).
In addition to their advantages, these characteristics can also have disadvantages that negatively
impact businesses.
What points support the job-sharing plan? How would it benefit the company? The
According to Byars and Stanberry (2019), job sharing creates flexible working schedules for
workers who wants to limit their working hours in a company. The flexibility helps the company
to have various employees with differentiated abilities and this helps to create new ideas in the
company and various ways of solving a business-related problem.
It also gives the employees fewer working hours in a company which helps them to balance
between work and personal or family life. This is beneficial to them as they have enough time to
rest and refresh their mind for the next working day. This improves their working efficiency as
they have enough energy to focus on a piece of work just for a certain period of time.
Job sharing benefits employers by helping them retain knowledgeable workers who are willing
to work fewer hours, enhance synergy that results in departing staff training incoming staff,
reduce or forego benefit payments, attract a more diverse workforce, and extend business hours
that benefit clients and customers (Byars & Stanberry, 2019).
What negative effects might it have on the company and the employees?
Job sharing can have several limitations. One of them is confusion and inefficiency in the work
that is being done. Splitting job among several employees may give some of the employees a
difficult time in tracking where the other employees had reached with the previous job. This may
create confusions, delays and inefficiency as some parts of the job could be skipped or even
repeated (Ngambi, 2004).
Reduced productivity is one of the drawbacks associated with work sharing. This is due to the
fact that workers would have to coordinate their tasks. The truck record of the preceding
employee's actions must be given to the next person working the shift. To ensure consistency, the
person taking over must take the time to review the earlier work in order to grasp the workflow
(Hayman, 2014). All of this will need time, and when compared to when one employee did the
entire task, performance will suffer. On the other hand, some employees may feel dissatisfied
with job sharing due to conflicts that may arise in the company. Some want a full time job due to
the benefits they may get from it. This may lead to other challenges like employees failing to
coordinate with others at the same job.
Do you have any concerns about potential employment discrimination if this plan is
implemented? If so, what would they be?
Yes, I am concerned about possible discrimination in the workplace. A conflict of interest may
exist between the hiring manager and the staff, resulting in some staff members receiving the
least desirable shifts while others receive the hours they most love. Additionally, depending on
their working relationships, the hiring manager may provide some employees several extra hours
while taking away from other employees. If the payments are based on the number of hours
worked, this could result in some employees receiving more money than they have worked.

Is creating job-sharing positions the right thing for the company/customers/employees to

do in this situation?

Job sharing can be the right thing for the company since it creates various inputs and increasing
the quality of work done. This can lead to improved profits which due to attraction of more
customers. On the contrary, it can be a wrong thing for a company if it leads to discrimination
and treating other employees better than the others in their work shifts.

In conclusion, it's critical that the business think about establishing a comfortable workplace for
its workers. In this regard, every ethical principle must be considered. Even when workers split
the number of hours they spend at work, they still need to be treated equally. In order to create a
situation where employers and employees can benefit equally, the business must ultimately
balance the advantages of a certain work environment against its disadvantages. Employees
should never be taken advantage of at work to the point that work and personal life are no longer

Ngambi, H. C. (2004). Job-sharing and employee productivity: two for the price of
one?. Southern African Business Review, 8(2), 16-30.
Hayman, J. R. (2014). On my time not yours: Job sharing in the context of work/life balance.
New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management, 14(1).
Byars, S. M., & Stanberry, K. (2019). Business ethics. OpenStax College and Rice University.

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