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Learning journal week 3

How do you think clothing choices affect the relationships we form at work or in other
business situations?
The types of clothes we choose communicates non-verbal cues about our personality,
professionalism, and approachability. They depict who we really are and our culture as well. A
person who is well dressed is always perceived as more competent and confident, fostering
positive impressions among colleagues and superiors. This can also show a sense of respect
among the colleagues and the superior as well.
On the contrary, when a person is not well dressed, many people will tend to have misconception
on this person to the extent of judging the culture they are from. They always question their
sense of ethics in dressing and these people may earn little or no respect at their business
organization. According to (Byars, S. M., & Stanberry, K.,2018), lack of proper guidelines in
clothing can lead to confusion and compromise the company’s professional image.
It is believed that the way we clothes will determine how we will deliver at the work place.
People who dress officially tend to thing straight and they perform their work with diligence.
What is your opinion about workplace dress codes, and how far should employers go in
setting dress and other behavior standards? Why are these standards important (or not)
from an ethical perspective?
How employees dress in an organization will either build the reputation of the company or
destroy it. It earns the respect to the company when the employees are well dressed in a descent
way. The company will tend to attract more customers on that end. It is therefore crucial for
companies to set their standards in terms of dressing where they will create a conducive
environment for doing business and even partnering with other companies through the respect
they have earned. Also, dressing will reveal who we are and in an organization like a school,
teachers acts as role models of the young generation they teach. If they set a high standard in
dressing, even their mode of delivery in class will be good to the learners and the learning
environment will be conducive.

How do you think clothing might affect an international company’s approach to business
Global businesses have to negotiate a variety of cultural conventions and dress codes. In certain
cultures, a dress option that is considered appropriate could not be in another. Promoting
diversity, avoiding inadvertent offense, and comprehending and honoring cultural quirks
surrounding attire are all necessary components of ethical corporate practices. It is therefore
crucial for international businesses to note these differences and not set dressing standards that
may be a set back for certain individuals to work in that organization. Some people stick to their
cultures so much no matter the place they are or the country they work in. on that level, before
companies set their dressing standards, they must consider these cultural differences.
The importance of attire selections in the workplace extends beyond individual preferences. It is
essential for forming bonds with others and affecting dynamics at work. It is recommended that
employers adopt a well-rounded approach when establishing dress requirements in order to
promote a professional yet welcoming work environment. Furthermore, cultural sensitivity in
apparel selection becomes critical for developing strong bonds and upholding moral standards in
a variety of marketplaces when it comes to international business ethics. Companies may build
workplaces that align with their beliefs and accommodate the different backgrounds of their staff
by recognizing the complex nature of wardrobe choices.

Byars, S. M, & Stanberry. K, Business Ethics. (2019). OpenStax College and Rice University.

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