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Title: Empowering Futures: A Comprehensive Guidance and Career Program for Elementary Students

II. Introduction

A. Rationale:

The early years of education are crucial for developing a strong foundation for future success. This
program aims to provide elementary students with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to
make informed decisions about their future academic and career paths. By fostering self-awareness,
exploring career options, and developing essential life skills, we empower students to navigate their
educational journey with confidence and purpose.

B. Legal Basis:

This program aligns with the following legal frameworks:

- The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA): This Act emphasizes the importance of providing
students with a well-rounded education that includes career exploration and preparation.

- The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): This Act further emphasizes the need for career readiness
programs that support student success in college and the workforce.

- State and Local Education Standards: State and local education standards often include guidance and
career development as essential components of the curriculum.

III. Vision and Mission of the School/Agency:

Vision: To cultivate a learning environment where every student thrives, empowered to reach their full
potential and make meaningful contributions to society.
Mission: To provide a nurturing and challenging educational experience that fosters academic
excellence, personal growth, and career readiness, preparing students for a successful future.

IV. General Objectives of the Program:

1. Enhance Self-Awareness: To help students understand their strengths, interests, values, and learning
styles, fostering self-confidence and self-directed learning.

2. Explore Career Options: To introduce students to a wide range of career fields, providing them with
information about different occupations, educational pathways, and skills required.

3. Develop Essential Life Skills: To equip students with essential life skills such as communication,
problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, and decision-making, preparing them for success in various
aspects of life.

4. Promote Career Exploration: To create opportunities for students to engage in hands-on career
exploration activities, such as shadowing professionals, attending career fairs, and participating in

5. Build Relationships with Parents/Guardians: To establish strong partnerships with parents/guardians,

providing them with resources and support to guide their children's career development.

V. Matrix of the Program:

Guidance Services:

Service Objectives Activity Materials Needed Target Clients Time Frame Persons Responsible Budget
Allocation Source of Fund Expected Outcome

Self-Awareness * Develop self-awareness of strengths, interests, and values. * Understand learning

styles and preferences. * Personality assessments (e.g., Holland Code, StrengthsFinder) * Career
interest surveys * Self-reflection activities (e.g., journaling, goal setting) * Assessment tools, workbooks,
journals, art supplies All Elementary Students Throughout the school year Guidance Counselor,
Classroom Teachers $500 School Budget Students will demonstrate increased self-awareness and
understanding of their strengths, interests, and learning styles.
Career Exploration * Explore a wide range of career fields. * Learn about different occupations,
educational pathways, and skills required. * Career presentations by professionals * Virtual field trips to
workplaces * Career fairs * Guest speakers * Career exploration websites and resources * Guest
speaker fees, transportation costs, technology access, career exploration materials All Elementary
Students Throughout the school year Guidance Counselor, Classroom Teachers, Community Partners
$1000 School Budget, Community Partnerships Students will gain exposure to various career fields and
develop an understanding of different occupations, educational pathways, and skills required.

Life Skills Development * Develop essential communication skills. * Enhance problem-solving and
critical thinking abilities. * Foster teamwork and collaboration skills. * Role-playing activities * Group
discussions * Project-based learning * Team-building exercises * Conflict resolution workshops * Role-
playing scenarios, group discussion prompts, project materials, team-building games All Elementary
Students Throughout the school year Guidance Counselor, Classroom Teachers $500 School Budget
Students will demonstrate improved communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, and
decision-making skills.

Parent/Guardian Involvement * Engage parents/guardians in their children's career development. *

Provide resources and support to parents/guardians. * Parent workshops on career exploration *
Individual meetings with parents/guardians * Online resources and materials for parents/guardians *
Workshop materials, technology access, online resources Parents/Guardians Throughout the school year
Guidance Counselor, School Administrators $250 School Budget Parents/guardians will be actively
involved in their children's career development and will have access to resources and support.

Note: This is a sample program matrix. The specific activities, materials, and resources will vary
depending on the school's resources, student needs, and community partnerships.

Service Objectives Activity Materials Needed Target Clients Time Frame Persons Responsible Budget
Allocation Source of Fund Expected Outcome

Self-Awareness * Develop self-awareness of strengths, interests, and values. * Understand learning

styles and preferences. * Personality assessments (e.g., Holland Code, StrengthsFinder) * Career
interest surveys * Self-reflection activities (e.g., journaling, goal setting) * Assessment tools, workbooks,
journals, art supplies All Elementary Students Throughout the school year Guidance Counselor,
Classroom Teachers $500 School Budget Students will demonstrate increased self-awareness and
understanding of their strengths, interests, and learning styles.

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