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Description Unit Quantity RATE Material Manpower Equipment Subcontract AMOUNT

Consultant Requirements
sub total -
Auothorities Requirements
sub total 5,000.00
Contract Requirements
sub total 10,450.30
sub total 7,500.00
Access Roads
sub total -
Safety requirements
sub total 12,581.90
Site Staff
sub total 92,621.47
Preliminaries MANPOWER
sub total 90.77
Site Cleaning
sub total 9,416.49
Consultant/Client Temp. Site Offices
No, Of CARAVANS No. 1.00
Delivery, Unloading of Caravan No. 1.00 3,072.76 1,072.76 2,000.00 3,072.76
Rent of Offices (Caravans) - 4X12 Month 7.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 8,750.00
Fascia Shutter , 9 mm plywood SqM 19.20 15.45 15.45 296.69
White wood 1" x 4" CuM 0.17 1,200.00 1,200.00 198.19
Emulsion Paint SqM 128.00 5.25 5.25 672.00
Acrylic Name Plate 15x40 No. 1.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Solid block 20 cm (under Caravan+steps) No. 56.00 5.03 5.03 281.62
Mechanical - Temp. office Connections/per caravan No. 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
W Tanks for offices (5000+3000) Sum 1.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00
Booster pump for the above No. 1.00 700.00 700.00 700.00
Electrical - Temp. office Connections/per Caravan Sum 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Office Furniture & automation & appliances Sum 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Office service ( Coffee, tea, water...) Month 7.00 500.00 500.00 3,500.00
Photocopying & Drawings Month 6.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00
Stationery Month 6.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00
sub total 43,996.27
ANCD Temp. Site Offices Requirements
sub total 35,496.27
Demarkation & Temp Setting out No. 34.00 87.88
sub total 2,987.99
Temp Fence RuM 1.00 110.65
sub total 110.65
Sign Boards No. 1.00
sub total 20,649.58
Rest Area (4x12m) - Double wall No. 1.00
length 12.00
Width 4.00
height + parapet 3.00
sub total 11,386.33
Watch Room (2x2m) - Double wall No. -
length 2.00
Width 2.00
height + parapet 3.00
sub total -
Security Room @ Entrance (1.5x2m) No. 1.00
length 2.00
Width 1.50
height + parapet 3.00
sub total 4,828.20
Temp Store (Container) No. 1.00
sub total 6,603.93
Prayer Room (Caravan) No. -
sub total -
St No. -
1 aid + Sample rooms (together)
sub total -
Steel yard (4x6m) No. -
length 6.00
Width 4.00
height + parapet 3.00
Sub Total Steel Yard -
Carpenter yard (4x10m) No. -
length 10.00
Width 4.00
height + parapet 3.00
Sub Total Carpenter Yard -
Generator yard (4x6m) No. -
length 6.00
Width 4.00
height + parapet 3.00
Sub Total Carpenter Yard -
Water Tank Tower shed No. -
sub total -
Workers Toilet (1x1.2m) No. 1.00
sub total 3,966.43
Temp Car Park (3x5m) No. 1.00
length 5.00
Width 3.00
height + parapet 3.00
sub total 3,512.99
Interlock 60 mm - Area m2 - #DIV/0!
sub total -
Garden m
2 - #DIV/0!
sub total -

5/27/2024 1/--C Rayyan Villa - R1 (1)

sub total -
Generators With Fuel
sub total 25,800.00
Equipment & Tools
sub total 3,000.00
Total Machineries 28,800.00
Temp. Connections Bills
sub total 26,224.40
Temp. Site Drainage
sub total 8,800.00
sub total 9,805.54

Total of Preliminaries Cost 344,829.52

5/27/2024 2/--C Rayyan Villa - R1 (1)

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