Compiler Contrustion notes

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Compiler Construction

Course Overview and Motivation

Instructor: Dr. Dinesh Kumar

CS16102: Compiler Construction
(Credits: 3-0-0-3)

Instructor: Dr. Dinesh Kumar

Email for Official Communication:
Course Outline (To be covered in 30 Lectures)
• Introduction to compilers : analysis-synthesis model of compilation,
various phases of a compiler, tool based approach to compiler
• Lexical Analysis: Interface with input, parser and symbol table, token,
lexeme and patterns. Difficulties in lexical analysis. Error reporting.
Implementation. Regular definition, Transition diagrams, LEX.
• Syntax Analysis: CFGs, ambiguity, associativity, precedence, top down
parsing, recursive descent parsing, transformation on the grammars,
predictive parsing, bottom up parsing, operator precedence
grammars, LR parsers (SLR, LALR, LR), YACC.
• Semantic Analysis: Inherited and Synthesized attributes, dependency
graph, evaluation order, bottom up and top down evaluation of
attributes, L- and S-attributed definitions, type system, type
conversion, overloaded functions and operators.
• Intermediate representation and symbol table: Intermediate
representations, issues, high-level, medium and low-level IR, three-
address code, symbol table, data structure for symbol table, storage
allocation information, global symbol table structure.
• Intermediate Code Generation: Intermediate code generation,
translation of declarations, assignments, control flow, Boolean
expressions and procedure calls. Implementation issues.
• Runtime System: storage organization, activation tree, activation
record, parameter passing, symbol table, dynamic storage allocation.
• Code generation: Code generation and Instruction selection, basic
blocks and flow graphs, register allocation, code generation, dag
representation of programs, code generation from DAGs, peephole
optimization, code generator generators, specifications of machine.
• Dragon Book: Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D.
Ullman, “Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools”, 2nd edition,
Pearson (Indian Edition)
• Old Dragon Book: Aho, Alfred V., and Jeffrey D. Ullman. Principles of
compiler design. Addison-Wesley. (Indian Edition)
• K.D. Cooper, and L. Torczon, “Engineering a Compiler”, 2nd edition,
• Andrew W. Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in ML”,
Cambridge University Press
Evaluation Mechanism (Tentative)
Points for Evaluation
• MS Teams Would be used for All Academic Activities (Assignments,
Quizzes, Lecture etc.)
• No Late submission of Assignments allowed.
• Quizzes have a significant Weightage in evaluation
• Attendance would be recorded for each class on MS Teams
• Teacher’s Appraisal marks would depend on your performance in
Other Information
• Will share the PDF version of all Text and Referenced Books, however
I will advise all the students to purchase the hard copy of these
books. (You will find these books very useful in the future course of
your study)
• Will Upload other Referenced material on MS Teams time-by-time.
• Students are advisable to have a read on the topic covered to be in
the next class
• Students are advisable to maintain the discipline during the online
interaction. Strict action would be taken for students indulged in
indiscipline behaviour.

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