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Six Sigma


6 Ways to use Six Sigma

DMAIC Approach for
Business in 2020
6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

"People come and go but the process stays." -

If you are someone who’s looking out to improve your business in 2020,
then you’re reading the right article now.
Philip Crosby who was a major contributor to the quality movement,
describes Six Sigma (6σ) as a philosophical benchmark or standard of
excellence. Six Sigma (6σ) principle is a tool which comprises a set of
techniques that helps in improving the capability of any process.

You can use Six Sigma (6σ) as part of your process improvement to
reduce the defects. Six Sigma has been an integral part of process
improvement since 1986, when an American Engineer named Bill Smith
introduced it in Motorola.
It is commonly used by Manufacturing and Business processes, but is
continually expanding into other industries as well, due to its strive for
perfection, as it aims for 99.999666 percent accuracy. It allows for only
3.4 defects per million opportunities. Here the defect can be anything
from a faulty item to an incorrect customer bill.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

DMAIC (De ne, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) is one of the
prominent data-driven methodologies which de nes the Six Sigma
Process. You can use DMAIC for enhancing,optimizing and stimulating
your Business.
DMAIC follows a ve-phase approach to achieve the six sigma state.
Therefore, let me explain each of them in detail.

Phase 1# De ne
By De ne, the DMAIC approach aims at determining the benchmarks or
setting the baselines. The customer requirements and commitments are
also de ned in this phase. At the end of this phase, it is very important to
map the benchmark to the existing process ow.

Phase 2# Measure
The main objective of this phase is to develop defect measurement. It
also comprises a data development process which involves, collection of
data, creation of form, compilation and display of data.

Phase 3# Analyse
This very important phase involves verification of data and drawing
conclusions from the verified data. It is really necessary to test the
conclusions to determine any improvement opportunities in the
process. Determination of root causes is also a part of this phase after
which the root causes are mapped to the effects that deter the

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

Phase 4# Improve
The primary objective of this phase is to create improvement ideas. This
phase involves creation of models and experiments with the data
collected from the previous phase. Goal setting with problem and
solution statements will improve the process. All these steps will be
followed by the implementation of improvement methods.

Phase 5# Control
By Control, the DMAIC approach means monitoring the improvement
progress and measuring it statistically. This phase involves assessing
the effectiveness and making the needed adjustments to sustain the
improvements in the process.
Watch the video below to get a detailed explanation on the Six Sigma
DMAIC approach.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

Now let us see the 6 ways in which the Six Sigma DMAIC approach is put
to use for maximum bene t.

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1. Identify Customer and their needs

2. De ne the process
3. Eliminate waste effort
4. Ensure continuous improvement
5. Reduce costs
6. Improve Customer Satisfaction

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

1. Identify Customer and their needs

The rst step towards a successful business is to identify the customer
and to know what the customer needs. Any business needs to satisfy
and hold back its customers. This is de nitely a huge factor in deciding
the accomplishment of a rm. In any case, consumer loyalty is very
signi cant. Six sigma dmaic approach can be used for gathering data
about the customers, analysing and identifying the customer needs in a
better way.
One of the dmaic methodology examples is implementation of the
approach in Bank of America. Bank of America is one of the world’s
largest banks. Their goal is to be number one in customer satisfaction.
The bank achieved its goal by:
Using six sigma across its business.
Hiring external six sigma master black belts to build workforce.
Eliminating errors in core processes using Six sigma dmaic approach.
Expanding six sigma into the sales environment for improving revenue
Within two years of implementing the above approaches, Bank of
America achieved:
Growth in customer delight.
Increase in customer households.
Reduction in customer complaints.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

2. Define the process

Quality is the result of good planning. Considering the needs of both

internal and external customers is very important to develop processes.
Six sigma DMAIC approach is used for identifying the critical
components and also the root cause of defects.

This in turn helps you to create a process that is to suit your business
structure, culture and need. It is important to jot what you know of the
existing process, verify the facts and set objectives before de ning the
process. This is achieved by using the Six Sigma DMAIC approach.
One of the dmaic methodology examples is implementation of the
approach in the manufacturing companies. The reason why the
manufacturing companies use the DMAIC approach is because this ve
phase approach helps in de ning the thumb rule to:
Increased productivity.
Improvement in pro tability ratio.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

3. Eliminate waste effort

Six Sigma dmaic approach is used for distinguishing the pointless
development of data, individuals and items. The data collection step
advocated by the DMAIC approach during the beginning and towards
the end of the process, can help as metrics to identify the performance
of the project. This can lead to identifying the weak and improvement
DMAIC helps you in following the standards and control exercises to
make sure those mistakes do not occur often and that if mistakes do
occur then they are corrected at the source.
One of the dmaic methodology examples is implementation of the
approach in one of the world’s largest and most successful companies,
The Ford Motor Company.
The company achieved its goal of eliminating waste by implementing the
DMAIC approach which resulted in:
Cost saving.
Increased Customer satisfaction.
Improved productivity.
Proper use of resources.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

4. Ensure continuous improvement

Quality improvement measures are essential in a business to keep the
quality culture alive.
Focusing on all important factors to improve the performance for
redesigning a process, we use Six Sigma dmaic approach. To test the
identi ed solution, PDCA cycle ( Plan-Do-Check-Act) and Six Thinking
Hats can be used. Five whys analysis or Fishbone diagram can also be
used for brainstorming and identifying what is slow or rigid in the
existing process.
In short, as experience is gained things can always be done better. It is
for the management to take the initiative to encourage the employees to
look out for opportunities for improvement.
One of the dmaic methodology examples is implementation of the
approach in Motorola. By analysing how much a problem impacts the
process speed and exibility, Motorola has:
Improved Quality and Services.
Constant growth in revenue.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

5. Reduce Costs
What is missed often, is the cost that is lost due to poor quality. It is
important to prevent poor quality from arising in products or services.
The need to control products and services, to ensure high quality at all
levels is important. Because de ciencies caused by both de ciencies in
the products and inef ciencies in processes will lead to costs, which in
turn can lead to customer dissatisfaction.
One of the examples of dmaic methodology is implementation of the
approach in General Electric. This is one of the most successful
implementation of the Six Sigma. The company introduced the Six Sigma
approach and considered the goal of increased revenue. Due to DMAIC
approach the company has streamlined:
Manufacturing costs.
Productivity cost.
Operational costs.
Material costs and
Waste costs.

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -

6. Improve Customer Satisfaction

There are so many reasons why products do not function at the
expected levels. It may be improper use or even manufacturing defects.
There is a need to rectify these and make products or services perform
up to the expected standard. Six Sigma DMAIC approach can be used for
creating a system by which these possibilities are anticipated and
attended to give customer satisfaction.
One of the dmaic methodology examples is implementation of the
approach in the IT and Services industry. The DMAIC approach helps in
making the customer requirements as the top priority. The challenge of
identifying the key risks is eased with the DMAIC approach. Using the
metrics collected will prevent any dissatisfaction arising for the
To Sum Up
Whatever your existing process happens to be,the Six Sigma DMAIC
approach can be used to help make your organization the best at what it
does. Add Six Sigma Certi cation to your resume to increase your
chances of getting a job or to enhance your business skills.
Is the Six Sigma principle applied in your workplace? Or what process
methodology exists at your workplace. Please let us know .

6 Ways to use Six Sigma DMAIC Approach for Business in 2020 -


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