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North South University

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Course Code: EEE141L.2
Course Title: EEE141L Electrical Circuits Lab
Course Instructor: Dr. Mohammad Abdul Matin
Experiment Number: 05 02
Experiment Name:
Verification of Superposition Theorem

Experiment Date: 28/11/2021

Date of Submission: 04/12/2021
Section: 02
Group Number: None
Submitted To: Tabia Hossain
Submitted By Score

Student Name and ID:

Name: Md. Misbah Khan
ID: 2132089643
• To verify Superposition Theorem.

List of Components:
• Breadboard .
• Digital Multimeter (DMM) .
• 1 x 3.3kΩ resistor
• 1 x 4.7kΩ resistor
• 1 x 1KΩ resistor
• NI Multisim 14.0 software

The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an
element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents
through) that element due to each independent source acting alone. Superposition is a
circuit analysis method. If a circuit has two or more independent sources, to measure
the value of voltage or current we determine the contribution of each independent
source to the variable and then add them up. This is known as the superposition.

To apply the superposition principle, we must keep two things in mind:

1. We’ll consider only one independent source at a time while all other independent
sources are turned off. This implies that we replace every voltage source by 0 V (or a
short circuit), and every current source by 0 A (or an open circuit).
2. Dependent sources are left intact because they are controlled by circuit variables.

Steps to apply superposition principle:

1. Turn off all independent sources except one source. Measure the output (voltage or
current) due to that active source using nodal or mesh analysis.
2. Repeat step 1 for each of the other independent sources.
3. Find the total contribution by adding algebraically all the contributions due to the
independent sources.
Circuit Diagram:

R1 R3
R1 R3 2
2 3 4
3.3kΩ 4.7kΩ
3.3kΩ 3 4.7kΩ
V1 R2
R2 V2
V1 10V 1.0kΩ
1.0kΩ 5V

Circuit 1 Circuit 2

R1 R3
3 4
3.3kΩ 4.7kΩ

R2 V2
1.0kΩ 5V

Circuit 3

Table 1:
I2 I2’ I2’’ I2’ + I2’’

2.701mA 1.999 mA 0.701 mA 2.701 mA

Measuring I2 in circuit 1
Table 2:
VR1 VR1’ VR1’’ VR1’+ VR1’’
7.299 V 8.001 V -0.701 V 7.299 V

Measuring VR1’ in circuit 2

Table 3:
VR2 VR2’ VR2’’ VR2’+ VR2’’

2.701 V 1.999 V 0.701 V 2.701 V

Measuring VR3’ in circuit 2

Table 4:
VR3 VR3’ VR3’’ VR3’+ VR3’’

-2.299 V 1.999 V -4.298 V -2.299 V

Measuring VR3’’ in circuit 3

Questions & Answers:

Answer of question 1: The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or
current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across
(or currents through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.
Superposition is a circuit analysis method. If a circuit has two or more independent
sources, to measure the value of voltage or current we determine the contribution of
each independent source to the variable and then add them up. This is known as the

Answer of question 2: Theoretical calculation of table 1:

In circuit 1, let i1 and i2 are the mesh current, so I2 will be (i1 - i2)
In loop 1: -V1 + R1i1 + R2(i1 - i2) = 0
 -10 + (3.3k × i1) + i1 – i2 = 0
 4.3k⋅i1 – i2 = 10 … … … …(1)
In loop 2: -R2(i1 - i2) + (R3 × i2) + V = 0
 -i1 + i2 + (4.7k × i2) + 5 = 0
 -i1 + 5.7k⋅i2 = -5 … … … …(2)
Now solving equation (1) & (2) , we get
i1 = 2.211 mA
i2 = -0.489 mA
I2 =(i1 - i2) =2.211 - (-0.489) = 2.700 mA

Now for circuit 2,

In circuit 2, let i1’ and i2’ are the mesh current, so I2’ will be (i1’ - i2’)
In loop 1: -V + R1i1’ + R2(i1’ - i2’) = 0
 -10 + (3.3k × i1’) + i1’ – i2’ = 0
 4.3k⋅i1’ – i2’ = 10 … … … …(3)
In loop 2: - R2(i1’ - i2’) + R3i2’ = 0
 i2’(R2 + R3) - R2i1’ = 0
 - i1’ + 5.7k⋅i2’ = 0 … … … …(4)

Now solving equation (3) & (4) , we get

i1’ = 2.424 mA
i2’= 0.425 mA
I2’ =(i1’ - i2’)=2.424 - 0.425 = 1.999 mA
Now for circuit 3

In circuit 3, let i1’’ and i2’’ are the mesh current, so I2’’ will be (i1’’ - i2’’)
In loop 1: R1i1’’+ R2(i1’’ - i2’’)=0
 (3.3k × i1’’) + i1’’ – i2’’=0
 4.3k⋅i1’’ – i2’’=0… … … …(5)
In loop 2: -R2(i1’’ - i2’’) + (R3 × i2’’) + V = 0
 - i1’’ + i2’’+ (4.7k × i2’’) + 5 = 0
 - i1’’ + 5.7k⋅ i2’’ = -5 … … … …(6)
Now solving equation (5) & (6) , we get
i1’’ = -0.212 mA
i2’’ = -0.914 mA
I2’’ =(i1’’ - i2’’)= -0.212 - (-0.914) = 0.701 mA

Now, I2 = I2’ + I2”= (1.999+ 0.701) mA = 2.700 mA

Theoretical calculation of table 2:

VR1 = i1R1 = 2.211 mA × 3.3 kΩ = 7.299 V

VR1‘= i1’R1 = 2.424 mA × 3.3 kΩ = 8.001 V

VR1’’ = i1’’R1 = -0.212 mA × 3.3 kΩ = -0.701 V

VR1 = VR1’ + VR1’’ = 8.001 V + (-0.701 V) = 7.299 V

Theoretical calculation of table 3:

VR2 = I2R2 = 2.700 mA × 1 kΩ = 2.700 V

VR2’ = I2’R2 = 1.999 mA × 1 kΩ = 1.999 V

VR2’’ = I2’’R2 = 0.701 mA × 1 kΩ = 0.701 V
VR2 = VR2’+ VR2’’ = 1.999 V + 0.701 V =2.700 V

Theoretical calculation of table 4:

VR3 = i2R3 = -0.489 mA × 4.7 kΩ = -2.299 V
VR3’ = i2’R3 = 0.425 mA × 4.7 kΩ = 1.999 V
VR3’’ = i2’’R3 = -0.914 mA × 4.7 kΩ = -4.296 V

Answer of question 3: In our experiment of superposition theorem, first of all we

measured the value of current & voltage across/through every resistor (values are
mentioned in 1st column of every table). Then in 2nd step we removed one of the
independent sources (5V power source) and measured the value of current & voltage
across/through every resistor (values are mentioned in 2nd column of every table). In 3rd
step we removed the other independent source (10V power source) and like the
previous step, we measured the value of current & voltage across/through every resistor
(values are mentioned in 3rd column of every table). In 4th and final step we sum up the
value of 2nd and 3rd column of every table and wrote them in a new column(4th column in
every table). Now that we can see in every table, initial values (with both independent
source) matched the summed up value in column 3 in every table. So it is clear that our
experiment followed superposition theorem.
As all the values of circuit 1 matched with all summed up value we got from circuit
2 & 3, we can say that that our experiment followed superposition theorem.

Answer of question 4: Calculating error for all data measured and theoretically
Error for I2 = % = 0.0003%
Error for I2’ = % = 0%
Error for I2’’ = % = 0%
Error for VR1 = % = 0%
|8.001 −8.001|
Error for VR1’ = % = 0%
Error for VR1’’ = % = 0%
Error for VR2 = % = 0.0003%
|1.999 −1.999|
Error for VR2’ = % = 0%
Error for VR2’’ = % = 0%
|−2.299 −(−2.299)|
Error for VR3 = % = 0%
|1.999 −1.999|
Error for VR3’ = % = 0%
Error for VR3’’ = % = 0.0004%

In this experiment we’ve learned about superposition theorem. It’s a method of
circuit analysis. While analyzing a circuit if we can came up with more than one
independent sources. For this kind of circuit, firstly we measure current and voltage by
removing one of the sources, after that we do the same thing for second source and
reconnect the first source. Then we sum up all the value and get our final result.
In our experiment we did the same thing. There are some error in calculation and
measured value , as they’re very little, they’re ignorable. Experiment done under virtual
environment of NI Multisim 14.0.

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