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Big Data in Project Management

Author - Group E

Sirichan Sah Teli – C0941400

Isha Devi – C0938669

Harleen Kaur – C0942379

Harsh Kharya – C0941124

Bhawna – C0949662

Saurabhkumar Yadav – C0939689

COM 3013 28 Professional Communication

Lambton College

04 Jun 2024

Obaid, T., & Abu-Naser, S. S. (2023, July 7). The philosophy E-Print Archive. PhilArchive.

The journal explain the impact of big date on the project management and their success rate. It

depicts that, how big data can improve performance of project, management of risk and

project adaptability. The paper determine the points of benefits, like enhancing decision-

making techniques, allocation of resources, stakeholder collaboration, and project

performance index. But, problems like quality of data, privacy issues, and project manager

has to train themselves is the significant barriers. The integration of new technologies like

artificial intelligence, internet of things, and blockchain technology is drastically changing

the worlds and seems as they are the future trend in project management. In summary, the

journal conclude that, how decision-making in project management is based on data and it

has capacity to change this field.

This journal is the good source for analysis because it illustrates the wide and balanced

examination of the benefits and challenges of big data in project management. It has been

supported by various proofs from number of proved studies. In addition, it also include both

current and future application and trends.


Kockum, F., & Dacre, N. (2021, March 29). Project Management Volume, Velocity, Variety: A
Big Data Dynamics Approach.
The integration of project management with Big Data and AI provides the necessary
improvements for utilizing and literacy in this field. Even with technological advancement and
despite Big Data, just 44 percent of the organizations fulfill the original project objectives. Some
tentative findings from the research are that while there is overwhelming interest among the early
adopters, there is widespread Big Data illiteracy among the practitioners of projects. The study
has also used a mixed-method approach with two main tools being qualitative interviewing and
quantitative surveying. These tools can be combined for planning on how Project Managers can
leverage Big Data better in decision-making. Key challenges identified were related to ways of
unstructured data handling, data collection not in real-time but staged, and the difficulty of
handling variety. This work applies both Complexity Theory and System Dynamics to model
project environments, suggesting that a better level of Big Data literacy and structured data
would significantly improve projects. In this research, that is still in its early stages of
development, preliminary findings suggest a more effective way of using Big Data to
complement decision making processes and bring significant business value.
Why this source is good?
This source is great because it puts in question the contemporary integration of project
management with Big Data and AI, related to the modern trends and challenges in the field. It
connects academic findings with industry practice related to scholars and practitioners in the
field. It also rubricates large gaps, such as Big Data illiteracy, and puts forward solutions on how
to improve decision-making and project results. It will ensure comprehensive and reliable
finding through the strong approach in mixed methods. Complexity Theory and Systems
Dynamics will provide a sophisticated framework for understanding the complex project
environment. Overall, research offers valuable recommendations for improving project
management practices through data-driven approaches.
The Best MBA. (2016, December 27). Big data analytics- big data project management career. [video].

Big data analytics is a term we hear frequently. But what does it mean, and how does it relate to
business and project management? Big data refers to the huge amounts and types of information
that companies gather and process using advanced technology. This data can come from within
the company, like customer purchase records, or from outside sources, such as internet search
results. The data can be structured, like sales data from retail stores, or unstructured, like social
media posts. Regardless of its form, all data must be organized to be analysed effectively.
Analytics involves using math and statistics to make sense of the data, helping businesses make
better decisions. There are three types of analytics: Descriptive Analytics: This type includes
tools like dashboards, scorecards, and alerts that show what has happened in the past, but not
why it happened or what might change. Predictive Analytics: This type uses past data to predict
future outcomes, such as how customers might respond to a marketing campaign or how sales
could change under different market conditions. Prescriptive Analytics: This type uses methods
like optimization or A/B testing to provide specific recommendations on how to improve
performance, like suggesting the best discount to offer or the most effective ad design.
Combining big data with effective analytics can give companies a competitive edge. According
to Tom Davenport from Babson College, success in this area relies on the "DELTA" model: Data:
It should be clean, accessible, and unique to the company. Enterprise-wide focus: Key data
systems and analytics should be available to the entire firm, not just isolated teams. Leadership:
Leaders at all levels should promote a data-driven culture. Targets: Identifying key areas that can
benefit from data-driven insights. Analysts: Having talented analysts to execute the strategy. In
today's complex and fast-paced business environment, big data and smart analytics are crucial for
making informed decisions and staying ahead of competitors.

Why I choose this

YouTube is a widely accessible platform having an immense audience. Hence sharing information is easy.
We can learn better by using audio and visual representation as it makes complex tasks easy to understand
and memorise. Many videos are posted by professionals and professors who provide authoritative and
insightful explanations. This video is from Harvard Business School Publishing which is one of the
famous sources. HBR offer advice and best practices for global leaders in business. All of its articles are
provided by experts. Also, it provides real-life ideas and insights for professionals in project management.
Videos are more engaging than reading text thus they sustain an interest in the topic. Apart from that it
provides updated data, some videos have links to resources attached to them which provide more
information regarding the topic. The comment section helps us solve our queries and give feedback which
plays a crucial role in learning.
Big Data Analytics: What it is and how it works? (n.d.).
As explained in one post on Tableau's website, big data analytics is the act of analyzing large and
diversified data sets sacked out to patterns, trends, and insights that help in making informed
decisions. It, therefore, includes data collection, processing, cleaning, and analysis using just a few
particular tools like Hadoop and Spark. Big data analytics interiorizes useful information through
such methods as data mining, predictive analytics, and deep learning. This has in return brought
apparently improved decision-making, operational efficiency, and ability to innovate for continued
competitiveness. Big Data analytics applies to all industry verticals, from retail to health and
financial brands, aimed at optimizing operations and improving the customers' experience.
Reason to select
The Tableau article is very resourceful in understanding big data analytics since it explains
everything from the process to the benefits of the process and the tools that are needed. It is reliable
information, up-to-date, since Tableau is one of the global leaders in data visualization and business
intelligence. The paper contributes to basic concepts revolving around data collection, processing,
cleaning, and analysis and tries to explain how each of these processes helps organizations make
informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, and innovate. Moreover, examples given of
practical applications across various industrial dimensions make it useful for both the novice and
experienced data professional.
Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C., & Byers, A. H. (2012). Big
data: The management revolution. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

According to a Harvard Business Review newspaper article, "Big Data: The

Management Revolution," the arrival of big data is changing the management
practices of industries. Traditionally, models of decision-making based on gut
feel and experience are giving way to data-driven approaches that come up
with more accurate insight and forecast. The article cites examples of
corporations like Google and Harrah's Entertainment that have exploited big
data in the achievements of optimizing operations and continuing to enhance
customer experience. It thus urges a requirement in building capabilities for
effective and efficient collection, analysis, and interpretation of huge data
volumes. This paper, therefore, concludes that presently and in the future, no
business organization will achieve a competitive advantage without gaining
mastery of big data analytics.

Why we choose this

For source analysis, the Harvard Business Review article "Big Data: The Management Revolution"
is one of the most credible sources due to the reputation of its authors and the prestige of the
journal itself as an academic descriptor. Harvard Business Review generally publishes rigorous,
well-researched articles that are peer-reviewed and supported by substantial empirical evidence.
The topic of this paper is very critical to how big data impacts management, well aided by case
studies and examples from leading companies. That way, the paper has a commanding view that
helps in learning the changing yet powerful aspects of big data in the modern ways of doing
As per the information mentioned in the blog, big data has impacted current project management trend
because it helps in decision-making, increase efficiency and offer helpful data. It include various volumes
of valid and variety of structured and unstructured data which eventually help in project success. All
thanks to new technologies like Hadoop, MySQL database, and machine learning, project management
has changed from depending completely on judgement to using data driven models which increase the
accuracy of project. It also addresses decision-making, real time tracking and risk assessment by these
tools. However big data comes with some limitations like it requires some technical skills, data privacy
etc. The main benefits of big data are, Accuracy in prediction of project outcomes and utilizing resource
allocations makes it important for successful project management in future.

The blog provides a depth and organized analysis of big data’s impact in project management, which
cover both theoretical and practical elements, this is source is a good place to start for analysis. The blog
provides a historical framework that which improves understanding because it follows the development
of project management from traditional methods to data driven approaches. A case study and real world
example shows the advantages an practical implementation of big data in project management. Moreover,
the blog talk about big data technologies and how they work with project management where software
provides a technical information that are essential for deep examination in project.

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